Dmitry Shepelev appeared with his new girlfriend. Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna: latest news Dmitry Shepelev and Ksenia Stepanova

Ksenia Stepanova is the first girl, joint photos with which they got into the press after the death of Zhanna Friske. Dmitry Shepelev does not comment on his relationship with Ksenia. Although many argue that it is Ksenia who lives with Dmitry and helps him raise his son.

A little about the artist

For the last 10 years, we have been constantly hearing about Dmitry Shepelev: about his achievements, moves and personal life. Who is this young man with a very romantic appearance and unearthly charm?

Dmitry Shepelev was born in Minsk in 1983. His parents graduated from technical universities, hoping that their son would also become interested in the then developing field of programming. And even in 8th grade, he was invited to work for a database development company.

It is interesting that the opportunity provided did not interest the future TV presenter, just as he was not interested in amateur creative activities at school. He ended up on television quite spontaneously. In search of another income while studying at school, his friend invited him to participate as an extra in the youth program “5x5”. The supposed extras turned out to be the start of a TV presenter career for Dmitry. He says that the once unsociable and shy boy at school turned into a charming and interesting guy, who didn't need to think about his homework at all.

Of course, after graduating from school, Dmitry knew what he wanted to do, and so he entered the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University state university. He continued to work on the TV channel, combining custom events with radio broadcasts on the popular radio station Alfa Radio.

Replacing one radio station with another, he received more and more interesting projects. So, in the course of his work, he came across Bryan Adams and Chris Rea, and prepared a live broadcast of a Robbie Williams concert.

One day, the head of the M1 channel, Alexander Asaulyuk, noticed the charismatic young man and offered to host the Guten Morgen program. While working in Ukraine, Dmitry did not stop working in Belarus, combining radio and television. In 2007, he completely moved to Ukraine, where he subsequently enjoyed such projects as: “Give me a ride”, “Star Factory 2”, “Zirka karaoke”, “Gray or not”, “Make a comedian laugh”, “Red or black” ", "Summer kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev", "Sing like a star" and others.

No less interesting projects awaited Dmitry Shepelev in, where he moved in 2009. This and “Can you? Sing”, where his work in Moscow began, and “Five Stars”, and “Ice and Fire” and many others.

In 2016, Dmitry’s book “Zhanna” was released.

Probably the most discussed project by Shepelev in 2017 is the work talk show host“Actually,” which evokes conflicting emotions not only among television viewers, but also among critics.

Dmitry Shepelev and Ksenia Stepanova

Work in television projects, of course, brought Dmitry great popularity. But he attracted the main attention of the press and television viewers star marriage(civilian) with the lead singer of the group “Brilliant”, the incomparable Zhanna Friske. Unfortunately, this happy union was overshadowed by a difficult incurable disease spouses. It was impossible to believe, but life beautiful woman broke off, despite the fact that the whole world helped her. Not a single person remained indifferent to the grief of this family. In 2015 it disappeared.

She managed to give Dmitry a beautiful son - Plato. Litigation They are still discussing where the boy should grow up with Zhanna’s parents. On this moment Plato lives with his father.

Most recently, the media covered Dmitry Shepelev with a spectacular brunette. Dmitry did not hide his new relationship and introduced his new companion Ksenia Stepanova to the press. This young woman has been part of the family for a long time; she worked as Zhanna’s personal makeup artist. Ksenia Stepanova has known Dmitry Shepelev for many years. She knows about this family firsthand. Dmitry openly stated that Ksenia was the only one who supported him after Zhanna’s death.

The biography of Ksenia Stepanova is not advertised. Not a single page of her was found in in social networks. It is even impossible to determine the exact age of Dmitry Shepelev’s new companion.

The only thing that is known for certain is that Ksenia Stepanova and Zhanna Friske were friends. Ksenia even became Plato’s godmother (according to other sources, Olga Orlova was the godmother). That is why Ksenia was the first to come to Dmitry’s aid and began to help him raise his son.

Dmitry Shepelev - personal life today

Dmitry Shepelev himself tries not to comment on his relationship. He does not refute or support the information about living together with Ksenia Stepanova. But Zhanna Friske’s father claims that Ksenia has been living in Dmitry’s house for more than a year. And the pictures of this smiling couple leave no doubt about the closeness of their relationship.

In the photo Dmitry Shepelev and Oksana Stepanova

About the fact that Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl after Zhanna, Ksenia Stepanova does not hide their relationship, rumors have been circulating for a long time. In another interview with open sources of information, Friske’s father accused the presenter and his new girlfriend of deliberate actions against the relatives of the singer who died of cancer.

After Zhanna’s death, it was she who helped the grief-stricken man pull himself together; they had known each other for a long time - Oksana Stepanova had been friends with the artist and her husband for a long time. The girl met the lead singer of the group “Brilliant” while working with the once popular group, being their make-up artist and makeup artist. It was thanks to Ksenia’s talent that the artists looked so attractive at all performances, justifying their roles.

After Zhanna Friske switched to solo work, Ksenia Stepanova became not only the artist’s personal cosmetologist, but also her close friend. The girl accompanied the singer on tour; not a single concert took place without her. Gradually, the singer and her subordinate became so friendly that the fine line in their relationship between employer and hired staff was completely erased. Ksenia Stepanova began to enter Zhanna’s house as an old friend, whom the artist unconditionally trusted.

After Friske found out about her illness, touring activities stopped, but friendly relations with a faithful friend remained as trusting as before.

Photo: Zhanna Friske and Oksana Stepanova

Dmitry Shepelev did not pay much attention to his common-law wife’s friend; at that time all his thoughts were occupied with the fight for his wife’s life. Therefore, I practically did not know Oksana closely, perceiving her as a stranger.

Death of the singer

Dmitry Shepelev got a new girlfriend after Zhanna, since photos with Ksenia Stepanova and the TV presenter were not captured.

For several years, Dmitry Shepelev was close to dying Jeanne, without thinking about his future and who will become his new girlfriend after Friske leaves. Terrible diagnosis was staged for the singer in 2014. Then Zhana disappeared from TV screens, posters with her name disappeared in all cities of Russia. As it turned out a little later, the singer learned about the fatal diagnosis while she was pregnant. It was a terrible time for everyone - in anticipation of Friske’s decision, Shepelev, the artist’s parents, and her friends and colleagues literally held their breath. Doctors promised a high percentage of healing only if the pregnancy was terminated.

Friske had long wanted a child; she and Dmitry had been knocking on the doors of various clinics for many years in a desire to find out the reason for their lack of children. Therefore, for Friske, the choice between the life of her child and a painful illness became obvious - she refused to terminate the pregnancy.

After the birth of her son Plato, the woman went to the States for treatment. This required colossal amounts of money - chemotherapy is incredibly expensive both in Russia and abroad. To help a woman live program “Let Them Talk”, all participants in the project asked caring people to help raise money to save the life of the dying Friska. The collected amount turned out to be much larger and was withdrawn 2 weeks before the artist’s death by her parents.

Zhanna Friske with her son Plato

All this difficult time, Oksana Stepanova was next to her dying friend, caring not only about Zhanna, but also about little Plato– the sick woman could not care for the baby on her own. According to the artist’s relatives, Zhanna died practically in Oksana’s arms.

Rumors about Shepelev's new relationship

For the first time, newspaper men started talking about Dmitry Shepelev after the death of Zhanna and his new girlfriend, who quite accidentally filmed the joint visit of the presenter and cosmetologist to one of the art exhibitions. By this time, the presenter published online Farewell letter to his deceased wife, trying to express all his pain from the loss of his beloved. In it, Dmitry thanks the gentle angel who saved him from depression and supported the man in the most bitter moments of his life.

He noted that for the first time he felt real self-care, which he had lacked for a very long time.

All journalists immediately grabbed onto these lines, trying to find out at least something about Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna’s death. Group photo at the entrance to a popular gallery, became indirect evidence of the presenter’s relationship with another woman. Some publications diligently exaggerated the version of a long-term relationship between a man and his late wife’s cosmetologist, arguing that such devotion to someone else’s family cannot be based only on friendly relations.

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

On defense young man in 2016, the artist’s sister Natalya stood up. In an open interview, the woman stated that Oksana Stepanova could not possibly be Dmitry Shepelev’s new girlfriend, and her appearance on the street with the presenter was connected with a general visit to the exhibition, nothing more. According to the woman, Stepanova is an exemplary mother of two sons, a faithful wife and a young grandmother.

New scandal

Not so long ago, Zhanna’s father, in his next speech, accused Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend of inciting the singer’s son Plato against his grandparents. According to the elderly man, Dmitry and Stepanova have been in a close relationship for a long time. Allegedly, their romance began long before Zhanna’s death, and the mistress stole document forms from her sick friend, which later appeared in court after a scandal with the return of money. According to Vladimir Borisovich, for a long time Shepelev hired a nanny to help care for Plato in his absence.

Now Dmitry has returned to television after a long career break, working on a new project on the central channel, which takes up a lot of the man’s time. He wants to provide his son with everything necessary for his full development and comfortable existence.

Not so long ago, according to the former father-in-law, Shepelev fired the incoming servants, entrusting the upbringing of his son Platon to Oksana Stepanova. This hurt Friske's father. He believes that the woman, together with her ex-son-in-law, is turning her grandson against him and his wife. As Olga Orlova told reporters, close girlfriend the late Zhanna and Platon's godmother, Stepanova refuses to make contact and simply does not answer calls or respond to messages on the answering machine. They say, thus, the father of the boy, half orphaned after the death of his mother, was also left without the support of his godmother.

D. Shepelev with his son

Neither Dmitry Shepelev nor his new girlfriend commented on these rumors in 2018. After Zhanna's death, the presenter did not speak out very actively in open sources publications about the dirt that Friske’s relatives threw at him and his late daughter with enviable regularity.

Lawyer's opinion

The lawyer who helps the Friske family in all legal vicissitudes categorically denies Shepelev’s possible connection with Stepanova. We remind you that after Zhanna left, things flared up terrible scandal regarding money from Rusfond allocated for treatment famous singer. The organization itself allocates funds exclusively for the treatment of children with cancer. An exception was made for everyone’s favorite and huge funds collected in as soon as possible literally from all over the world.

When Zhanna died, it turned out that about 21 million rubles had disappeared in an unknown direction.

The court brought charges against the singer's parents and her little son, guardianship of which Dmitry formalized immediately after the death of his common-law wife. Then the artist’s relatives hastened to blame Shepelev for everything, telling horror stories by all means mass media about his far-reaching selfish plans in relation to his deceased daughter and her son.

Vladimir Borisovich, without mincing words, even threatened the presenter with murder.

They filed a lawsuit against Dmitry, trying to deprive him of guardianship of his grandson and take the boy away from his legal father, motivating their behavior with the desire to protect Plato and the property belonging to him from Shepelev. A whole investigation was carried out, which proved that the man is worthy father to your child, loving, caring and attentive.

Therefore, Friske’s parents were left with nothing, simultaneously earning themselves a reputation as inadequate individuals.

According to the lawyer, Shepelev simply distracted public attention from his legal problems by mentioning the care of a tender friend who became a faithful assistant to a man in difficult times. In addition, the guardianship authorities regularly monitor any changes in Plato’s life. The appearance in the house of a woman claiming to participate in his upbringing on the basis of a personal relationship with Shepelev should have been reflected in Dmitry’s reports to the inspection authorities, but such action did not follow.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna, Ksenia Stepanova, may be hiding their relationship so as not to become “food” for journalists and negative comments about them...

A video appeared online showing Dmitry Shepelev with his girlfriend.

For the first time since new girlfriend Zhanna Friske's widower Dmitry Shepelev appeared last spring. Little is known about his chosen one. She beautiful blonde, mother of a charming girl. The host's companion's name is Ekaterina Tulupova.

Ekaterina is the creator of the women's club “Creative Breakfasts”. Tulupova came to conquer the capital from Yekaterinburg. Graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute, Faculty of Design. After graduating from university, she created her own studio “Arch. Item". Ekaterina and her colleague organize business breakfasts.

Well, the blonde prefers to have dinner with Dimitry Shepelev. So, recently a couple came to Moscow gatherings at opera diva Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov. The video that Eyvazov posted on his blog shows how Shepelev communicates warmly with his girlfriend during dinner.

Let us remind you: before Shepelev Tulupova appeared in the life, the presenter was credited with a relationship with his friend Zhanna Friske Oksana Stepanova. They say that after the singer passed away, Oksana became a second mother for Zhanna and Dmitry’s son.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna Friske still remain one of the most discussed people Russian show business. Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since the singer’s death in 2015, her story last days and the mystery of the disappearance of the sums collected for the treatment of the beauty beloved by millions still worries the general public.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna back in 2015 became the reason for numerous angry comments towards the ex-husband of the famous Friske. The TV presenter immediately after the funeral found himself at the epicenter of a huge scandal, which began thanks to the parents of a star who could not stand the fight against illness. And the echoes of the events of almost three years ago do not subside in 2018.

The first rumors that famous girl Zhanna Friske began a relationship with a new man, whose name is Dmitry Shepelev, appeared in the summer of 2011. The couple came to the attention of nosy journalists who tried to tell the public about everything. But ordinary people did not appreciate the detective skills of the reporters, believing that it was just a duck to increase the ratings of the scandalous beauty.

But at the beginning of 2012, new facts appeared confirming the connection between Dmitry and Zhanna. The couple went on vacation to the distant sunny shores of Miami. And a couple of months later, Shepelev and Friske went to the spa together.

Now the general public believed the journalists. Numerous discussions of the topic of love between the singer and the presenter led to calculations of the date of the future wedding. In the end, people decided that Dmitry and Zhanna must get engaged shortly before the world-expected end of the world in 2012. At the same time, many Friske fans began to believe that the star was pregnant.

In the summer of 2012, the couple broke up, which made fans pretty nervous. But a few days later, Shepelev begged for forgiveness, and Friske canceled her contract with MTV for a romantic cruise in Italy. But even after reconciliation, the official wedding never took place.

The Appearance of Plato

In the fall of 2012, rumors about Zhanna Friske's imminent birth began to spread again. But it was only in winter that they received official confirmation. Dmitry Malikov told reporters in confidence that the singer is already 5 months pregnant. And this fact also did not come without a scandal.

Interesting! One of the participants Blue light"decided to throw it to the public new topic for discussion, saying that real father child of a criminal businessman who wishes to remain anonymous. And Dmitry Shepelev is just a screen for the star’s real relationship.

The fact that baby Plato, who was soon born in the USA, received an entry in the “Father” column about famous TV presenter didn't stop the gossipers. In their opinion, Zhanna Friske went to Miami to give birth only in order to be able to hide her biological parent. After all, according to American laws, the mother fills out the documents without providing any evidence of paternity on the part of the man.

Death of a star and missing millions

In the summer of 2015, Zhanna Friske, who had already long time I fought brain cancer and couldn’t handle the treatment. The singer died alone in a hospital room. Common-law husband and the son were not present. They were not present at the artist’s funeral, which was attended by thousands of people.

By the time of Plato’s mother’s death, Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend after Zhanna, taking the boy, went abroad. It turned out that the new companion of Friske’s ex-wife was a frequent guest in the singer’s house. This is one of hers best friends– cosmetologist Oksana Stepanova.

The fact of Shepelev’s relationship with the new girl was revealed by Zhanna Friske’s father, who was very dissatisfied with the current situation. According to the relatives of the deceased singer, Dmitry not only cheated on his common-law wife. The star's parents are sure that this man kidnapped their grandson Plato. But the grandparents were much more worried about the fact that the funds collected for Zhanna’s treatment had gone missing.

When the public learned that Friske had cancer, people began to demand that the star’s relatives organize collections where financial assistance could be sent. Through joint efforts, a sum of 69 million rubles was obtained.

Fact! Knowing that such money would not be needed, despite regular trips to foreign medical luminaries, Zhanna personally sent 32.5 million to 9 children with cancer.

At first, 11 million were spent on medical services, and then four more. But the last 20,890,831 rubles disappeared without a trace. As the investigation later found out, the kidnappers turned out to be Zhanna Friske’s parents, who tried to blame their own expenses on Dmitry Shepelev, who was unloved by the public, and force him to “return” the money.


After Zhanna’s death became inevitable, Plato’s mother, realizing that she would no longer be able to take care of her son, transferred the rights of guardian to Shepelev. Using the power of attorney, the man went to fulfill last will his common-law spouse. First of all, the man fired the nanny, who not only replaced the boy’s constantly absent parents, but also passed on information about the child’s movements to Zhanna’s relatives for money.

Then, using his rights as a guardian, Dmitry Shepelev, together with Oksana Stepanova, left Russia. When a scandal broke out and numerous accusations fell on the presenter, he built a simple line of defense. It consisted of using the rights that the child’s father has and a minimum of contact with the public.

Dmitry Shepelev immediately provided his version of the events. Wanting to protect his son from the tragic memories and sight of his dying mother, he left, taking the child. The new girl went with him to create for Plato real family. The girl loves the boy and has become an excellent stepmother, which has been repeatedly proven by numerous family photos.

At the same time, Zhanna Friske’s ex-husband completely forbade the singer’s parents from seeing their grandson. He justified this decision with his opinion that the boy was still too young to be traumatized by the fact of his mother’s death, as his grandparents wanted. The singer's offended parents filed a lawsuit against Shepelev.

But the authorities found the presenter not guilty of stealing money collected for the treatment of Zhanna Friske and, referring to the norms of the law, indicated that he, as a guardian, has every right decide who and when will see Plato.

New attempts to take away the right to dispose of Zhanna Friske’s inheritance from Shepelev resulted in 2 lawsuits. Both were aimed at depriving Father Plato of his rights as a guardian. First, Yuri Gashchin appeared on the horizon. A student from Kostroma stated that Zhanna became pregnant artificially, and he, as a sperm donor, could be the biological parent of the boy.

But after Shepelev’s comment that the grandparents would see their grandson only after Gashchin withdrew his claim, the trial immediately stopped. A new attempt to prove that Shepelev is not the boy’s father involved his predecessor, ex-lover Zhanna Friske. But she was not crowned with success either.

Despite all the scandalous events and thousands of angry comments on social networks, Dmitry Shepelev does not deviate from his principles in 2018. A man lives alone happy family with a new one common-law wife Oksana Stepanova and son Platon. And to all the haters, he wishes to quickly begin to take an interest in their lives, and stop washing the bones of those around them.