Discrediting values ​​leads to. Discrediting state power in Russia and the reasons contributing to its emergence. Tasks, exercises, tests, creative tasks

Discredit, as applied to politics, refers to personal attacks on a public figure intended to undermine people's trust in him or her to stop supporting him.

In public debate, especially in societies with free speech, discrediting opponents is used to gain support for one's own position. This tactic is similar to using an ad hominem argument in a debate. In the United States, it ensures the jury's fullest confidence in the witness. Therefore, when directly questioning a witness in court, the party calling the witness tries to confirm the reliability of his testimony in the eyes of the jury, and the opposing party takes all measures to discredit this witness or his testimony.



  • Seravin A. I. 223 electoral technologies >> Discredit

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Discordia (game)
  • Discrimination of persons

See what “Discredit” is in other dictionaries:

    discredit- self-discrediting, defamation, denigration, compromising, dishonoring, besmirching, shaming, besmirching, defamation, discrediting, discrediting, besmirching, dishonoring, compromising, swearing, besmirching Dictionary of Russian synonyms.... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    discredit- and, f. discréditer. Undermining authority, belittling the importance of someone or something. Taken aback by instant discredit. Phystech: glass bead game. // Nature 1997 6 124. Discreditor a, m. unit. He became for us not only a usurper, but also... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    DISCREDIT- fr.Discrediter undermine trust Discrediting is deliberate actions aimed at undermining the authority, image and trust in an economic entity. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    DISCREDIT- (from the French discrediter to undermine trust) deliberate actions aimed at depriving an economic entity of trust in it, at undermining its authority and image. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary.… … Economic dictionary

    DISCREDIT- DISCREDITATION, discrediting, many others. no, female (book). 1. Action under Ch. discredit. 2. Derogation, loss of meaning, authority. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    discredit- DISCREDIT, ruin, destroy; anna; owls and nesov., whom that. To undermine (undermine) the trust of someone, to belittle (to undermine) someone. authority. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    discredit- (French; see discredit) deprivation of trust, undermining, belittling of authority. New dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART, 2009. discredit [fr.; see discredit] - deprivation of trust, undermining trust, belittling authority Big Dictionary... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    discredit- ▲ damage to (what), honor discrediting damage to honor. discredit (# yourself). undermine reputation [authority. trust] whose. put in a puddle [galosh]. lose honor. to drop [to drop] oneself in whose eyes. shadow (throw # on someone). throw … Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    DISCREDIT- (from the French discrediter to undermine trust) deliberate actions aimed at depriving an economic entity of trust in it, at undermining its authority... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    Discredit- and. 1. process of action according to nonsense. Ch. discredit, discredit 1. 2. The result of such an action. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


  • War of Myths. Memory of the Decembrists at the turn of the millennium, Erlikh Sergey Efroimovich. The reformatting of the memory of the Russian people in one of its most explosive areas - the uprising of December 14th - is explored. It is produced by Kremlin technologists with the active assistance of...

But everyone is ashamed to be

obligated. A generous person does not accept a benefit, so as not to be

obligated. If a person who has experienced a benefit is proud and self-interested, then there will be

ungrateful, because out of pride he is ashamed to be indebted to someone, and because

selfishness does not want to show him the same benefit: therefore he will be stubborn and

ungrateful. If this ingratitude increases to such an extent that he

will no longer even be able to bear the benefactor and will become his enemy, then this will be the degree

devilish vice, because hatred and persecution of the person who committed

good deeds are not consistent with human nature. In addition, there would be a big

harm if people began to be most afraid of good deeds and, seeing how bad it is because of this

they are treated would turn into misanthropes.

The second vice is envy, since in this case a person wants not only

to be happy, but to be happy only one. This man wishes this way

enjoy his happiness so that everyone around him is unhappy. And only then he

will truly rejoice in his happiness. A man like this is wanted all over the world

destroy happiness and therefore becomes unbearable.

The third type of devilish malice is gloating, which consists in

that a person finds immediate pleasure in the misfortunes of others, e.g.

when a person creates an atmosphere of hostility in marriage or anywhere else and rejoices,

observing the misfortune of another. One rule can be noted here: no one can

repeating something negative that has been said to you about someone else, for

except in cases where silence causes harm to another. Repeating this I sow

hostility because the other is deprived of peace, which would not have happened if

if I remained silent, and in relation to the one who told me that I act the same way

treacherous. Our concern is to behave decently, and then the whole world

can say whatever he wants. I must refute the latter not with words,

but by your way of life. As Socrates says: “We must behave in such a way that people do not

believed what was said not in our favor” (lectures on ethics (1781-1782) //

Ethical thought. Scientific and journalistic readings. - M.: Political publishing house

Literature, 1988. pp. 328-329.

Evaluation criteria:

When assessing the answer, the following elements must be highlighted:

presentation of one’s own point of view (position, attitude) when disclosing a problem;

disclosure of the problem at the theoretical (in connections and justifications) and at everyday levels, with

correct use or without the use of social science concepts in

response context;

argumentation of one’s position based on the facts of public life or one’s own

Maximum score for a complete answer: 5 (excellent)

An essay in which:


2) the problem is revealed at the theoretical level, in connections and justifications, with correct

the use of social science terms and concepts in the context of the answer;

social experience.

An essay in which:

1) one’s own point of view (position, attitude) is presented when disclosing


2) the problem is revealed with the correct use of social science terms and

concepts in the context of the answer (theoretical connections and justifications are not present or explicitly

not traceable);

3) the argumentation of your opinion is given based on the facts of public life or personal

social experience.

An essay in which:

1) one’s own point of view (position, attitude) is presented when disclosing


2) the problem is revealed through the formal use of social science terms; 3)

the argumentation of your opinion is given based on the facts of public life or personal

social experience without theoretical justification.

An essay in which:

1) one’s own point of view (position, attitude) is presented when disclosing


2) the problem is revealed at the everyday level;

3) an attempt was made to argue your opinion.

An essay in which:

1) one’s own point of view on the problem raised at the everyday level is presented without


2) the problem is not disclosed or information is given (facts of public life or personal

experience) not in the context of the task."

Practical work No. 10 “Society”

Section 4. “Society and Man”

Topic: “Society and its structure, man in the system of social connections”

The goal is to formulate and reveal the meaning of the basic philosophical concept

individual or global, ignoring objective laws is _______.

22. Representatives of this ideological position were ________.

23. Worldview that believes that human activity does not decide

problems, since his actions, actions, life and the entire world process are predetermined

fate, fate, the highest divine power, is called ________.

24. There are two types of activities. Name them.

25. A person’s ability to implement efforts, activities aimed at

achieving a goal, as well as the ability to achieve a goal, realized in


Task No. 2. Comment on Hegel's statement:

“Activity is a movement that transforms conditions into an object and the latter into conditions as

sphere of existence."

Task No. 3. Tests

1. “Act, act, act - that’s what we exist for.” This

the statement belongs...

B) L. Feuerbach;

D) G. Leibniz.

2. The problem of activity has become relevant in philosophy...

A) Antiquity;

B) New times and Enlightenment;

B) Middle Ages;

D) Renaissance.

3. Among those proposed, choose a more complete and correct judgment:

A) Practice – sensory perception of the world;

B) Practice is only the material and objective activity of people;

C) Practice is a logically based reality.

D) Practice – diverse, goal-setting and sensually expedient

the perceived activity of people aimed at mastering and transforming the world.

4. Spiritual activities should include...

A) Political strike;

B) Training;

B) Religious rituals;

D) Philosophical concepts;

D) Production activities.

5. The definition of freedom as a philosophical category is more consistent

Which Disney is very actively promoting is the discrediting and devaluation of parenthood. Disney's actual attitude toward parents and parent-child relationships is very different from the company's superficial positioning as "family-friendly."

Let's see how the topic of parents is carried out in a randomly selected, but approximately equally well-known 27 of the company's products.

Unambiguously positive images of parents:

Cartoon "Sleeping Beauty". (1959) (+)

There is a positive image of the parent couple, although they practically do not participate in the story. Also in the position of maternal figures are three fairy godmothers: they selflessly take care of the princess until the curse is finally lifted from her. Thanks to their parental care, a happy ending is achieved.

Cartoon"101 Dalmatians" (1961) (+)

A pair of Dalmatian spouses represents a very positive image of a parental couple. The heroes give birth to 15 puppies, and over the course of the story they become parents of even more children - they save 84 Dalmatian puppies from death and adopt them. Parent heroes behave caringly and selflessly towards all child heroes.

Cartoon "Hercules". (1997) (+)

The main character Hercules in the story has two pairs of parents - an earthly couple and his own parents - the gods Zeus and Hera. All parents are alive from the beginning to the end of the story. Hercules has a marked respect for both his earthly and divine parents.

Cartoon "Mulan". (1998) (+)

There are a lot of positive parental images: both parents of the main character, grandmother, and also ancestor spirits who take care of their descendants and protect their well-being. The theme of respect for parents appears as the plot of the story: the main character takes the initiative to go to war in order to relieve her elderly father, who has already gone through one war, from this duty.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video review: Discrediting the image of the mother in modern cinema

It is no exaggeration to say that scientific knowledge is rapidly penetrating all aspects of life, society, and man himself. But this “education” should not give rise to scientistic euphoria, faith in the ability of science to solve in the future all the most complex problems facing human civilization. Science is not omnipotent not only because it has not yet solved many of the mysteries of nature. After all, not all problems that have meaning in a person’s life can generally be the subject of dispassionate intellectual analysis. The value sphere, undoubtedly, today has the status of a special universal sphere of socially significant activity of people in society.

A value judgment ultimately leads to the birth of a value, which can be either positive or negative (such values ​​are called anti-values ​​or false values). To one and the same phenomenon, say the desire for wealth or profit, a directly opposite attitude may develop on the part of different subjects of evaluative activity. What will guide them in this or that case?

Apparently, we should talk, in the most general terms, about the target nature of values. For a ship without a goal, no wind is fair. A person who does not have any clear ideas about what he lives for remains, as a rule, indifferent to the huge number of people around him, to historical memory, political institutions (parliament, elections), to works of art, etc. .

In society as a whole, the sphere of value production turns out to be initially bifurcated. On the one hand - ideology, on the other - philosophy, art. Religion stands apart, as it can take one side or the other. This bifurcation of value systems lies the spiritual driving force of social development. Bifurcation always means struggle, mutual complementation, and the impossibility of these systems existing without each other.

Ideology is a set of ideals, goals and values ​​that reflects and expresses the needs and interests of large groups of people - layers, estates, classes, professions or the whole society. In the latter case, it borrows or receives the most general provisions from the outside, from the sphere of political management of social processes. Ideology is created, as a rule, by professionals in their field, people well prepared both theoretically and practically.

Ideology, undoubtedly, is a spiritual education, since its content always goes beyond the boundaries of everyday, empirical experience. But at the same time, the ideology created and operating in society has a purely practical purpose. It unites all people who share its basic principles and determines the immediate motivation for their specific deeds and actions.

National and state ideologies play a special role in society, although they do not always coincide. In terms of content, national ideology is broader than state ideology. The latter includes an extensive hierarchical structure of values, which is intensively distributed in society by the propaganda machine, and to a certain extent is literally imposed by the state on citizens. Without uniting the country's population into a single community, without people realizing that they are citizens of a certain state with all the ensuing rights and responsibilities, the state simply cannot exist and will fall apart.

Millions of people consciously, and most often unconsciously, are guided in their lives by ideological assessments. This is the familiar world of life meanings and assessments (moral, political and economic) in which the existence of an individual person is immersed.

It was already said above that in this hierarchical structure not all values ​​can be classified as strictly spiritual. There are vital needs for food, clothing, and medicine that are directly related to everyday life. But the fact of the matter is that only if there are higher spiritual values ​​in the ideology itself, all other values ​​acquire their legitimate, proper place in the system of values ​​propagated by it. Hence the colossal role played by the spiritual aspect of ideology in society.

Lack of spirituality is a serious disease that has afflicted and continues to afflict many societies. The main culprit is always ideology. If it is beneficial for certain political forces for millions of people to see the meaning of life in consuming anything - cinema, entertainment, food or clothing, then such an ideology will be created by professional ideologists.

Of course, criticism of the totalitarian claims of any ideology is necessary. An ideology that does not leave room for independent spiritual searches is untenable and doomed to destruction, unless it causes the collapse of the entire society. The huge spiritual crisis that struck post-Soviet society was caused primarily by the collapse of the entire structure of socialist values, on which more than one generation of Soviet people grew up. But we should not forget that it was a totalitarian ideology that was all-pervasive. Ideology created from words, perhaps, the most perfect reality that secular science and culture knew. But in real life it was opposed by a unified, gray and poor social reality.

It is commonly said that you can never have too much spirituality. But the spiritual search for higher ideals, especially in ideology, is not an end in itself. Man is also an earthly and social being. Therefore, the desire for a harmonious combination of the natural, social and spiritual in a person looks much more attractive than an extremely elevated spirituality in the absence of basic material means of life in society.

Philosophy, art and other types of spiritual activity associated with them precisely perform a critical-reflective function in society, primarily in relation to state ideology or its substitutes, although their role in public life is not limited to this function. Philosophy is the doctrine of the general principles of existence and knowledge; it is a rational form of justification and expression of a person’s value relationship to the world. Philosophy develops the most general system of views of a social person on the world and his place in it. Familiarity with philosophical systems introduces a person to the collective experience of humanity, to its wisdom, as well as misconceptions and mistakes, and allows one to develop ideals, goals and values ​​that are in tune with his aspirations. The specificity of art lies in the sensory, visual, figurative mastery of reality, in contrast to the theoretical and conceptual mastery characteristic of scientific knowledge.

Behind the diverse social functions of philosophy and art, one cannot help but see their main critical-reflective function. Ideology, on the one hand, philosophy and art, on the other, being spiritual and practical types of activity, allow, each in its own way, to connect together all spheres of social life, including science and material practice. As the spheres of science and material production develop, the role of the value development of the world not only does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases.

From this point of view, philosophy and art perform, in managerial language, the function of that feedback that evaluates the results of society under the determining influence of the goals formulated by ideology. Therefore, the value sphere of activity often aroused suspicion among politicians and ideologists. The further a society is from democracy, the narrower are the limits of what is permitted.

Religion plays a special role in the sphere of value activity. A person’s ability to transcend takes on a special form in it. Spirituality from a religious point of view is an absolute, comprehensive, supra-individual reality. This world, which forms the true basis of the life of society (as well as nature), is revealed only to believers. Unlike philosophy, which appeals to reason, the starting point of a religious worldview is faith. The believer is completely within this reality, which reveals to him the eternal, unchanging norms of individual behavior, the principles of organizing social life, i.e., everything that is called the social and moral ideal.

For many centuries, religion in different countries has sought to realize its goals and ideals through the apparatus of state power. The transformation of religious teaching into the dominant system of values ​​in society, and even more so into a state ideology, sometimes led to the emergence of a theocratic state. Religious views that are imposed by the force of the state lead to the discrediting of religion and the departure of the broad masses of the population from it.

In a secular state, religion, like philosophy and art, should not be an instrument of state power and politics. Each of them develops its own system of values, its own view of the world.

Despite the inevitable difficulties of the so-called transition period in modern Russia, the value sphere of people’s social life is increasingly asserting itself as a special universal sphere.

“It is necessary to develop mechanisms of public control, including through the system of regional public chambers. Moreover, not everyone – this also needs to be noted – understands and appreciates the potential and opportunities of the non-profit sector,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in November 2016 at the “Community” forum of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Some members of the OP of the Sverdlovsk region took the words of the head of state literally and began to “develop mechanisms of public control,” as well as evaluate the potential of their powers through their own coordinate system. Intervention in conflicts between business structures, threats and insults is not a complete list of competencies that some insolent “social activists” have attributed to themselves.

In Russia as a whole and in the Sverdlovsk region, the development of public institutions of power continues. The desire of civil society to influence certain processes in the life of the country and its region is welcomed in the Kremlin and is supported by President Vladimir Putin. In practice, the implementation of his instructions periodically goes beyond the limits of reason, and the very essence of public control is discredited.

"Defender of the People"

In 2015, a new composition of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region was elected. Valery Cherkashin, a notorious figure in Yekaterinburg, curator of the public movement “For Fair Housing and Communal Services” in the Verkh-Isetsky district, and ex-candidate for deputy of the city duma, was once again included in it. A month before his re-election, within the walls of the Yekaterinburg City Hall, Valery Cherkashin made an aggressive outburst against deputy Vyacheslav Wegner.

“He swore at three levels, in fact, he threatened to kill. Other deputies stood next to me and were simply dumbfounded,” Wegner told the New Day publication.

Wegner’s colleague Dmitry Sergin confirmed that the incident took place: “I didn’t hear the whole conversation, but it sounded something like, ‘look, walk carefully.’” The tone was threatening."

This story and its publication in the media did not become a lesson for Valery Cherkashin. Threats and the use of offensive language against interlocutors continued. In June 2017, a member of the OP arrived in Kamyshlov, where construction of an apartment building for displaced people from dilapidated and dilapidated housing continues on Karlovy Vary Street. The house should have been commissioned according to the terms of the municipal contract back in November 2016, but has not yet been put into operation.

This is probably what infuriated Valery Cherkashin, who allowed himself frivolous communication with representatives of the contractor. “Poking” and inflated indignation, coupled with disgusting pathos, cause nothing but surprise.

Valery Cherkashin belongs to the team of former “centers”, known for their methods of working with opponents. 15–20 years later, little has changed

“I stand on the most important thing in the country - protecting the residents! I came from the people! And you are a fraudster, do you understand?! You sit there and turn on the fool! You’re already my twelfth such scoundrel!” - Valery Cherkashin shouted to the builders.

After the construction site, Valery Cherkashin, a graduate of the Ural State Law Academy and ex-deputy director of the Institute of Municipal Management, went to the Kamyshlov administration, where he had the opportunity to “ask” officials for failing to implement the resettlement program on time. There a curious incident happened to him, showing the real level of his education. Cherkashin began asking questions, revealing his ignorance of the school geography curriculum. Since the 6th grade, students of Russian schools know that forests/squares/parks are shown in green on maps. Valery Cherkashin, as it turned out, does not know. “Are these lakes?” - he asked the head of Kamyshlov, Alexei Polovnikov, studying the map of the city. “These are our forests,” the mayor answered embarrassedly.

His arrival ultimately turned out to be a shock of air - the houses remain uninhabited, and the residents continue to live in rotten barracks. The question is, why did you go then?

Kamyshlov officials were left in some confusion after Valery Cherkashin (left) shared his knowledge from geography lessons

Public terrorism

In the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region, Cherkashin heads the commission for the development of civil society, interaction with government bodies, local governments and the media, and the issue of housing construction rather falls under the competence of another commission - on social policy and quality of life. Nevertheless, it is Cherkashin who goes to construction sites. His interest in this topic (hundreds of millions of rubles are allocated annually for the implementation of the program “Resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock” in the Sverdlovsk region alone) is not the first time and is probably not accidental.

Thus, at the beginning of 2016, in Degtyarsk (Cherkashin, for unknown reasons, calls the city “Degtyarka”), a conflict began to develop between development companies and the mayor’s office, which awarded contracts for the construction of houses for those displaced from dilapidated housing. Initially, it was discussed that the contract would go to a construction company from Yekaterinburg, Verona LLC, which already had ready-made houses, but the tender was cancelled.

“Why can’t we now take these ready-made 2,000 (square meters. - Note), two months - and people will move to new housing. You initially agreed with Verona that you would give it back,” Cherkashin told the mayor.

On the air of the Resonance television company (whose owners have very friendly relations with Cherkashin), he regularly praised the houses built by the Verona company. It turns out that a member of the Public Chamber is lobbying the interests of a commercial organization for some kind of remuneration? Is this legal? As a result, Verona never received the contracts; the budget funds were used by another company. But Cherkashin was not at a loss even here, saying that he personally took action to prevent the conflict.

“I was clearly in control, we found a common language with the head of Degtyarka, Igor Nikolaevich Busakhin. When there were any failures, conflicts between developers, contractors and customers, he immediately called me, I came, and the situation was resolved. Thank God, the houses were built,” said Valery Cherkashin.

The houses were “built”, life was “successful” - Valery Cherkashin, whether on purpose or not, makes mistakes in his words, thereby creating an image for himself, on the one hand, of a simple village peasant, on the other - people think of him as an uneducated person. But he, for a moment, regularly takes part in official meetings, “resolving large-scale issues.”

"Reshala" with crust

Sometimes “resolving issues” ends for some with annoyance (they thought they would help, but it turned out they knocked on the wrong doors), for others it ends with a satisfied smile on their face (we’ll tell you what caused it later).

On April 6th of this year, shareholders gathered at the site of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region, who had invested their money in the construction of a residential building on Lomonosova, 90, in Yekaterinburg. The reason for the meeting was the delay in putting the house into operation (the shareholders were supposed to move in in the first half of 2016, but moved in much later) and the “defects” of the builders who moved away from the project - some design and technological solutions were changed unilaterally, without notifications to shareholders. In their opinion, the developer reduced the cost of construction, while the price per square meter remained the same. They paid for one thing and got something else.

Valery Cherkashin also took part in the meeting of shareholders and representatives of the developer (the Yekaterinburg branch of the Brusnika company). The day before the meeting, he walked around the construction site, expressing his dissatisfaction with the work of the builders, and promised that those responsible would be punished, but a few minutes before the meeting with the shareholders, he talked with businessmen, after which he abruptly changed his position.

“We got involved in the work, and it turned out that the house had been rented out. Today I personally, with my own feet, walked and looked: the house is ready to move in. Everything that concerns the Public Chamber, I think we have done our job. We talked with the management, the ministry and all the officials and the results were clear. We stand on the side of the society in which we live. I will never go to defend business, it’s not mine,” Valery Cherkashin said at the meeting.

A sharp change in the opinion of a public figure can be interpreted in different ways. However, the honesty of the above-mentioned “protector of the people” and his incorruptibility are questionable.

This whole situation clearly did not benefit the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region, which he represents. After the meeting, shareholders wrote a collective appeal to the chairman of the OP Stanislav Naboychenko: “Unfortunately, our problems have not been resolved. The meeting did not yield anything, but brought disappointment.”

On the Kruzak to Malina

The latest story involving Valery Cherkashin happened the other day. He left the event, as usual, with nothing. Literally. What I’m probably disappointed with is that we weren’t even able to recoup the cost of gasoline (the video often shows a premium SUV Toyota Land Cruiser 200, in which a social activist arrives, although we were unable to find out where he officially works).

So, on November 23, Valery Cherkashin, together with his colleague, a member of the OP SO and a well-known “Afghan” in the region, Evgeniy Teterin (driving in an Audi with a criminal license plate 777), came to Aramil to “close” the Malina recreation park, where Residents of the city relax on weekends and holidays, veterans hold their events here, and children play. Public “auditors” began to trump the appeal of local residents, who were allegedly outraged by the drinking and partying in the recreation area located on the banks of the Iset River. By the way, management has never received any comments on this matter. Moreover, the sale of alcoholic beverages is not even allowed within the park.

The “complainers” themselves, however, did not come. It turned out that the letter was signed by some residents from the opposite bank, from Proletarskaya Street. True, the names indicated in the letter do not match the names of the real owners of the houses or their residents, which may indicate that the letter is a fake.

“Who signed the appeal?” - asked the veterans who had gathered to defend the park. “Your residents,” Cherkashin replied. “Please state the names,” the veterans asked, but did not hear an answer.

The purpose of the community activists’ visit became obvious after Valery Cherkashin’s proposal to restore the park’s territory to its original condition (before the redevelopment there was a swamp and there was garbage lying around). “Who gave permission to fill up the river bank here?” - Valery Cherkashin asked in an indignant voice. Probably, in his opinion, a cluttered area is much better than a volleyball and children's playground, a rope park, a workout area, and gazebos.

Cherkashin not only interrupted the perplexed veterans, showing disrespect for the older generation, but also surprised them with his statements.

“Do you know the situation about the Public Chamber? At the request, at the request of residents, freely enter any office of an official - kick in the door,” Cherkashin said with pride and pathos.

Having heard that Cherkashin had almost more powers than the President of Russia himself, residents asked him to deal with illegal logging near the city. However, the social activist refused to accept the appeal. Cherkashin suggested that pensioners go to the website of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region and leave a request there. Here it is - the effectiveness of the link between the authorities and society, which the OP SO should act as.

In whose interests Cherkashin and Teterin acted (members of the “Afghan” community claim that such actions are unworthy of a paratrooper) is not known for certain, but their actions could be beneficial to Natalya Larionova, a deputy of the local Duma, the founder of the Aramil “Fairy Tale Park”, essentially a competitor of the park “ Raspberry".

Is the cloud dirty?

We do not undertake to say that Valery Cherkashin will somehow materialize his powers financially. Perhaps there is a certain classical scheme according to which a “raid” is carried out using television cameras and loud statements: businessmen are promised that statements will be written to the control and supervisory authorities, and social activists will definitely monitor the implementation of the laws. Then the conflict is put out, a mediator comes and offers to resolve the situation. Of course, not for free. Such a scheme makes it possible to “milk” businessmen with almost impunity, on the verge of “harassment” and extortion. According to the editors, Cherkashin’s actions fit into this scheme, but we cannot say that he is using it. Only law enforcement agencies can confirm or deny its use, to which the editors will send appropriate requests.

“Now the Public Chamber is such an unsullied, clean cloud, and its powers are more extensive. Working with the population, I see the attitude towards her. A lot of people come to us because they have lost trust in others,” Valery Cherkashin said earlier in an interview with the media.

Considering Valery Cherkashin’s work methods, there is no need to talk about trust in the Public Chamber. Moreover, with his actions he often frames the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, declaring that he works in conjunction with him.

The editors of the publication intend to send the available information (photo, audio and video materials) to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation so that the supervisory agency will check the dubious actions of social activists and, if the information is confirmed, punish the perpetrators who may be acting according to the above-mentioned illegal scheme.

Denis Streltsov © Vechernie Vedomosti