Making a narrow waist. Hoop for a thin waist. Sports disc "Health"

Every representative of the fair sex wants to have a thin waist and a flat stomach. Waist size depends on many factors: the presence of estrogen, body type, proportions, presence of fat, muscle volume and others. To get rid of extra centimeters, you need to decide on the desired volume. There is no need to focus on model standards, because each figure is individual. There are several ways to help calculate the optimal waist size. For example, you need to subtract 100 from your age. For example, if your height is 162 cm, then the ideal waist will be 62 cm. For girls, it should not exceed 78 cm. In the article we will look at the most effective ways to achieve good results in a short time.

How to make your waist thin in a month

With the arrival of warmer days, many women are trying to remove their sides and improve their shape. The desired effect can be achieved through regular training and changes in diet. There is no need to follow strict diets.

  1. You should eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. These products not only help you lose weight, but also make your waist thinner. The fruits improve metabolism, speed up fat burning and prevent bloating, and also contain a small amount of calories. If you don't like eating fruits and vegetables raw, you can make soups or salads from them.
  2. Drinking enough water. This is a very important point. It is recommended to drink water with lemon in the morning and evening, and during the day take at least 5 glasses of clean water.
  3. Limiting meat consumption. It is difficult for lovers of meat products to exclude them from their diet. BUT they can be replaced with seafood or fish.
  4. Eating yogurt. This product acts as an additional means to give the desired waist volume. Yogurt should be without sweeteners and fruit.
  5. Foods that burn calories. There are certain ones. These include avocado, grapefruit, celery, whole grains and others. You don’t need to eat only them, they just need to be present in your daily diet.
  6. Don't limit your carbohydrate intake. Many people exclude carbohydrates from their diet, which is a serious mistake. It is important to understand that not all carbohydrates spoil your figure. For example, whole grains and brown rice provide energy and also help relieve bloating.
  7. Fish consumption. Fish must be on the menu. It helps burn fat, improves brain function, skin condition, eyes and has a beneficial effect on health. When cooking fish, it is not recommended to use vegetable fats; it is better to use olive oil.

These simple tips will help you quickly achieve positive results. In addition, you need to sleep at least 8 hours every day.

Exercises for the waist and abdomen at home

There are various sets of abdominal exercises that can be performed at home, without special equipment. Let's look at several options for effective training. Choose the one you like best.

It is important to note that it is not realistic to achieve results in a week of training, but after a month of regular training, your figure will become much more attractive.

The first complex consists of 4 exercises, which are primarily aimed at reducing the sides. You need to exercise daily. All it takes is just 10 minutes. Do all exercises for 45 seconds, with a rest of 30 seconds. You need to do 2 approaches.

Lie on your side and begin to lift both legs as shown in the image below. The difficulty of the exercise is that you need to perform the movements for 45 seconds, then change sides.

Lie on your back, keep your legs together and lift them up so that they are perpendicular to your body. Extend your arms to the sides to maintain balance. Then both legs need to be tilted to the sides.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart. Raise your upper body, while stretching your arms first in one direction, then in the other.

Take a “Plank” stance, resting your elbows and toes on the floor. The body should be on the same line. After this, turn the pelvis in both directions.

In the next complex, the exercises should be performed for 45-60 seconds. If you have physical fitness, then you need to perform 2-3 circular approaches. That is, first do all 6 exercises, and then repeat them again.

Lie face down, rest your toes and elbows on the floor. Keep your palms together. While inhaling, lift your pelvis up and exhale.

Take the starting position as in the previous exercise. Force your abdominal muscles to contract and rotate your hips to the sides as shown in the image.

Stand straight, keep your feet together, and your hands should be at chest level. Lunge backwards first with your left leg, while turning your arms to the right. Then change legs.

Lie on your back. Raise your shoulders and head slightly, as shown in the photo, while you need to rest your hands on the floor. Raise your legs until a right angle is formed, then lower them without touching the floor surface.

Lie face down on the floor, rise up so that your body is in line, and support yourself with your toes and palms. Your arms should be straight, as in the starting position for push-ups. Bend the knee of one leg and pull it towards the opposite hand, then switch limbs. It is important to perform the movement technique correctly.

Take the “Side Plank” position. Stretch your hand towards the ceiling, then place it behind your waist. Lower your hips towards the floor without touching it. The image shows how to do the movements correctly. Then change position.

The next complex consists of 9 Pilates exercises. They are more pleasant than movements with muscle contractions. It is recommended to do at least 10 repetitions for each exercise to achieve quick results. The photo shows how to perform the movements correctly.

Consider the following complex, which can also be performed at home. First you need to do at least a 5-minute warm-up. In order not to describe the classes, it’s better to watch the video:

Beginners are recommended to do vacuum exercises for the abdomen. In addition, strength exercises do not always achieve positive results. If you want to have a flat stomach, then you need to do special vacuum exercises. How to perform them is shown in detail in the video clip:

All these activities will help remove extra centimeters from the sides, but subject to regular training and a balanced diet.

Diet for a wasp waist

There are many nutritional systems that help reduce belly fat. Let's consider 2 options, with a sample menu.

Sophie Marceau's diet for a week

The actress claims that thanks to this diet, you can lose 5 kg in 7 days, subject to 10-minute workouts every day.

Sample menu:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Fresh croissants or a small piece of bran bread and a cup of tea. A small portion of boiled rice, an apple, a cup of unsweetened green tea. Boiled fish salad and tomatoes.
Tuesday Fruit juice with a piece of grain bread. Soup from a low-fat piece of chicken. Mineral water, vegetables.
Wednesday Low-fat yogurt, warm milk. Jacket potatoes, a piece of beef. A cup of tea, favorite fruit.
Thursday Cereal flakes, cheese. Light salad, tomato juice. Grated carrots, mineral water.
Friday Scrambled eggs, tea. Broccoli, mineral water. Chicken, fresh fruit.
Saturday Fruits of your choice, herbal tea. Vegetable salad. Apples, water with lemon.
Sunday Choose a menu for any day.

There is also the English diet, which helps to get rid of the sides and a few kilograms.

Menu for the week:

Days 1-2 – fasting. During this period, a glass of tomato juice, 1.2 liters, is allowed. yogurt or milk.

Days 3-4 – protein.

  • Breakfast: a piece of bread with butter and honey, coffee with milk.
  • Lunch: a piece of bread, a cup of chicken or fish broth, green peas, boiled fish or lean meat.
  • Afternoon snack: a spoonful of honey, milk or tea.
  • Dinner: rye bread, a piece of boiled fish or meat, a slice of cheese, a glass of yogurt.

Days 5-6 – vegetables.

  • Breakfast: apples or oranges (2 pcs.).
  • Lunch: light vegetable soup, stuffed peppers, carrots, potato salad.
  • Afternoon snack: favorite fruit.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad and tea.

Day 7 – fasting.

The results of this diet depend on many factors, but according to people's reviews, most of them lose 5-9 kg. Before doing this, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Dinner menu for a small waist

Women who stick to a diet find it difficult to control their hunger at night. As a result, late in the evening they eat a few spoons of salad or drink yogurt. But there are many foods that will not harm your diet. Some experts recommend the following dinner menu for the week:


On the first day of the week, it is recommended to do without meat. It is recommended to replace the salad with stewed aromatic vegetables. Place a row of 100 grams in a small bowl. stew, 2 tbsp. grated cheese, 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. oatmeal. It is allowed to eat a slice of bread. If possible, omit salt or replace it with lemon juice.


After Lenten Monday, you can treat yourself to a piece of chicken breast. Cook in foil, 100 gr. season with black pepper and a few drops of lemon juice. Add a couple of boiled potatoes to the cinnamon prepared in this way on Wednesday. You can use tomato and basil as a side dish.


It's no secret that many women can't resist sweets. On the Internet you can find many recipes for cakes that contain a small amount of calories. But you shouldn't believe this. If you can’t live without sweets, then use the recipe below.

Prepare a diet pie. White flour should be replaced with oats, which are rich in fiber. Replace white sugar with honey. Minced cream and dried fruit are an excellent substitute for fresh fruit. Also add low-fat cottage cheese.


Eat breakfast for dinner. It sounds funny, but it is the latest fad in modern diets. Therefore, in the evening you need to eat an omelette from one egg, spinach and a cup of coffee. If desired, add a little cheese and a few slices of tomatoes. Replace salt with herbs, pepper or lemon juice.


On this day there will be an exotic dinner of aromatic chicken cutlets, decorated with stewed vegetables. Mix the filling from shredded chicken, crushed whole grain bread, egg whites, pepper, turmeric and ginger. Garnish the spicy cutlets with Chinese mushrooms or grated carrots. Add soy sauce instead of salt.


At the end of the week, treat yourself to pasta. Make a cheesecake, but without cheese, but with cottage cheese. No need to use oil. Cottage cheese should be mixed with white flour in a 1:1 ratio.


This day is meant for relaxation and pleasant moments with family. There is no need to stand at the stove all day. It is enough to prepare shredded chicken meat, just like the spicy cutlets on Thursday. Lightly grease the baking dish and alternate layers with grape leaves. Then pour the mixture with yogurt.

Such a menu for the evening allows you to achieve positive results without extra effort.

Dietary soup for wasp waist

Regardless of weight, a balanced diet is required. It is recommended to replace high-calorie foods with soup, which is rich in vitamins and nutrients.

It is important to note that in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume them, that is, create a deficit. As a result, the body will receive the lack of calories from fat deposits in order to provide itself with the necessary energy.

Broccoli and cheese soup


  • 1 tsp. olive oil.
  • 1 medium sized onion, cut into small cubes.
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour.
  • 4 cups skim milk.
  • 2 glasses of water.
  • 1 whisper of nutmeg.
  • 4 heads of broccoli, divided into florets.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the onion and fry it for 3-4 minutes, then sprinkle with flour. Mix everything thoroughly and cook for another 1 minute, then add milk and water. Sprinkle with nutmeg, add broccoli, salt and pepper.

Cover and simmer over low heat until the cabbage is cooked through, about 20 to 30 minutes. Then add the cheese and let it melt. Mix everything thoroughly and serve with chopped fresh parsley.

Homemade vegetable soup for a flat stomach


  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  • 1 large carrot, cut into strips.
  • 1 head of chopped celery.
  • 100 gr. crushed rapeseed.
  • 400 gr. cauliflower, divided into inflorescences.
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped.
  • ½ tsp. turmeric.
  • 1 l. vegetable broth.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Green onions.

Cooking method:

Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add all the vegetables, cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Then add turmeric and cook for another 1 minute. Pour broth over the stewed vegetables and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Serve with green onions. If desired, you can add coriander, chili, pepper or garlic. One serving of the soup contains 170 calories, so it's ideal for people who want to gain a few inches.

These soups will not harm your figure, as they are dietary and contain all the necessary nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Products for a small waist

To achieve positive results, you need not only to lead an active lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition, but also to include in your diet foods that can improve the shape of your abdominal area in a short time.


This fruit is suitable for snacks and breakfast when you are short on time. It contains pectin, a fiber that increases the feeling of fullness. It can be prepared in the microwave with cinnamon and a little butter.

Goat cheese

According to some studies, calcium, which is also found in goat cheese, helps with weight loss. In addition, it contains a large amount of protein. Cheese helps build tough muscles.


This vegetable is rich in dietary fiber and keeps you full for a long time. Pumpkin contains potassium and vitamin A. You can make bread, soup, pies, and purees from it. Don't forget about the wonderful baked pumpkin.


Contains a minimum of calories and a large amount of antioxidants. The berry is perfect for making salads and breakfast. Cranberries have a beneficial effect on waist size.


Due to its high fiber content, the vegetable relieves hunger and reduces the need for sugar.


A great alternative to candy. They contain iron and dietary fiber.


It contains a minimum of calories, so it is ideal for any diet. Plus, the vegetable contains a large amount of fiber, which fills the stomach.


Nature has allowed us to enjoy this unique fruit. It contains only 45 calories, a lot of fiber and water, which saturates the body for a long time.

Pumpkin seeds

After cooking the pumpkin, there is no need to throw away the seeds. They contain healthy fats that satisfy hunger and do not contribute to weight gain. The seeds are an excellent alternative to peanuts.


It can be added to various dishes without making them more caloric.

Brussels sprouts

One serving contains less than 30 calories. The vegetable is rich in nutrients, so it is recommended for the daily diet.

Mask for waist and abdomen

To quickly reduce the volume of the abdominal area, it is recommended to make masks at home. To prepare it, you need to mix mustard powder and honey in equal parts. Depending on the amount and size of the fat layer, the mixture should be in the range of 300-500 g. It needs to be applied around the waist, then wrapped in plastic wrap for 15 minutes. After this time, wash off the mask with warm water.

Experts note that the effect is noticeable after three procedures. Thus, you can remove several centimeters from the sides in a short time. In addition, blood flow to the problem area increases, toxins are eliminated, and the nutrition of the epidermis is stimulated, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the abdominal area. It is not recommended to keep the mask on for more than 15 minutes, otherwise the skin will turn red and hurt. Within a month you can reduce your waist size by 1.5 cm.

Waist hoop

If, together with diet and physical activity, you perform exercises with a hoop, or as it is also called a hula hoop, then results can be achieved much faster. In addition, this simple exercise gives tone to almost all muscles and also improves posture.

The hoop acts on internal and external fat reserves. You can burn a lot of calories in just 25 minutes. There are several exercises with hula hoops, but now let's look at how it helps reduce your waist size.

  • While rotating the hoop, your arms should be spread to the sides. If possible, try to lower it to your hips and then lift it back up to your waist.
  • Completion time: minimum 5 minutes.
  • Change the position of your legs.
  • Rotate the hula hoop in different directions.

These simple exercises allow you to quickly reduce fat deposits in the abdominal area, according to numerous reviews.

Photos before and after hula hoop classes

The article describes only effective methods that allow you to remove excess fat from the sides, as well as achieve a flat stomach. If you don’t make any exceptions and don’t give in to temptations, the result will not be long in coming.

Thin waist in a week, is it possible? We can say with confidence: “Yes!” But keep in mind that you will have to work hard and “torture” yourself.

But the period when you could afford to eat whatever you wanted, not counting calories, not adhering to a diet and absolutely not working on your figure, probably lasted more than one week, didn’t it?

Therefore, it will be quite difficult to “erase” the imprints of excesses, but it’s worth it, isn’t it? So let's get started.

Mono-diets for a slim waist

As you may have guessed, we will talk about diets. If you want quick results, you will need a strict diet that guarantees the loss of a certain number of kilograms in the shortest possible time.

These types of food include many, for example, rice, kefir, apple, buckwheat. The principle of such diets is to consume one product during the day (see the name of the diet).

This product is usually low in calories and contains no or very little fat. You need to consume food quite often, every three hours, with the last meal ending at 18-00. You can and really should drink enough liquid, giving preference to green tea and mineral water.

Effective exercises for a thin waist

Getting a thin waist in a week is not an easy task, but it’s worth it! If after a week you continue to exercise, questions about an elegant waist will no longer arise. Let's look at the most effective and efficient exercises.


Before any workout, do not forget that you need to warm up your muscles properly. You can run on a treadmill, do bends and turns to the sides, and jump in place. Be sure to perform rotational movements in the pelvic, shoulder, knee and elbow joints.

Exercise No. 1

Clasp your hands above your head. Bend to the sides, forward, and then bend your body back at a slow pace. Do not lower your arms, bend with maximum amplitude. Keep your back straight. Perform 15 times in each direction.

Exercise No. 2

The exercise is performed lying on the floor (use a mat for comfort). Place your hands behind your head, bend your knees slightly, and lift your feet slightly off the floor. Perform body lifts so that your elbows remain turned out (15 times).

Exercise No. 3

Starting position: lying on your back, knees bent, arms at your sides along the body. Now we raise our hips a few centimeters so that the tailbone lifts off the floor, while straining the abdominal muscles. Stay in this position for as long as possible, but at least 15 seconds. We raise our hips slowly so that the main load goes to the abs.

Exercise No. 4

Try to stretch your side muscles as much as possible. They are responsible for the waist like a wasp. It is advisable to perform similar twists 15 times in each direction. Over time, it is advisable to increase the amount.

The aspen is the waist, which contrasts very strongly with the hips and chest. It is precisely this kind of waist that any modern representative of the fair sex dreams of, however, just as any beauty dreamed of in the old days. After all, a thin waist is considered an indicator of excellent physical shape, and its owner is the standard of beauty.

According to numerous studies, the first impression of a woman’s appearance is influenced not by beautiful eyes (as many believed!), but by the waist, or more precisely the ratio between the waist and hips. The ideal figure at all times is considered to be one in which the waist volume is about 70% of the hip volume.
In earlier times, in order to achieve the desired waist-to-hip ratio, women actively used corsets and harnesses. With the help of these rather hard and uncomfortable items of clothing, ladies visually reduced their waists to almost the desired size, shifting the emphasis in their appearance to lush breasts or luxurious hips. Of course, the fashion for corsets has long passed, but the desire to have a thin waist still excites the souls of the fair sex.
Today, the owners of the thinnest waists in the world are considered to be Ethel Granger and Emily-Marie Bouchant with a waist of only 33 cm and Katie Jung with a waist of 38.1 cm.

The perfect waist for you

In order to understand what waist size will be beneficial to emphasize your figure, you need to make simple calculations. Subtract 100 cm from your height to get your ideal waist size.
At the same time, girls with narrow bones (wrist circumference 12–13 cm) need to subtract another 5 cm, and those with wide bones (wrist circumference 16–17 cm), on the contrary, need to add 3–5 cm.
So, now it has become clear how many centimeters separate you from the ideal, all that remains is to choose the appropriate method and start improving.
Nutritionist and fitness trainer says Zakharova Elena Grigorievna: “Basically, the waist becomes blurred for three reasons: decreased tone in the abdominal area, excess fat, and untrained abdominal muscles. In order to achieve the fastest possible result in shaping your waist, it is advisable to pay attention to all three points. But it must be taken into account that it is almost impossible to achieve a wasp waist in a short period of time. With systematic training and following all the recommendations of specialists, results will appear in at least 6-8 weeks.”
First of all, in order to reduce your waist size, you need to get rid of fat deposits. It is the presence of abdominal muscles and the reduction of fat deposits on the sides, as well as training the back muscles, that significantly affect waist circumference. Perhaps few people know that waist size directly depends on the amount of female hormones - estrogens - in the body. The more there are, the thinner the waist.
According to the fitness trainer, when choosing physical activity, it is better to opt for cardio exercise machines, shaping, aerobics and callanetics. If the deviations in waist size are small, then you can simply pay attention to the abdominal muscles and keep them in good shape. The result will not be long in coming if the training program is developed together with a trainer, taking into account individual characteristics.
Elena Grigorievna recommends: “If you have a swollen waist and even a small tummy, in addition to exercising on exercise machines, exercises with a hoop are very helpful. With their help, you can remove unnecessary deposits, get your abdominal muscles in shape, and at the same time improve blood circulation. In this case, it is enough to spin the hoop only two or three times a week for at least 10 minutes. Hoop training is allowed and recommended a month after giving birth, as it perfectly restores the figure and removes the postpartum belly.”

After getting rid of excess fat, you need to pay attention to the abs, since it is the trained abdominal muscles that will allow you to maintain a thin waist for a long time. Exercises to maintain tone can be done even in the office, for example, during a lunch break.
Sit on a chair, straighten your back and place your legs forward, fully resting on your feet. Scatter the pencils to the right and left of you. Now, without turning your torso, neck and head, bend to the sides and collect them. At the same time, pull in your stomach and keep it in this state throughout the entire exercise (this is the so-called vacuum press). The more pencils you can lift, the more toned your stomach and sides will become.
Take the starting position and imagine that someone is standing behind you. Without lifting your legs from the floor and your buttocks from the chair, turn your torso to the right and left with maximum amplitude (arms bent at the elbows). You need to make at least 20 turns in each direction.
Another chair exercise will not only help improve muscle tone, but also increase stretching. Stand close to a chair with your right foot on it; Without bending your knee, reach for the sock, imagining that you are putting on a stocking, pulling it with your hands to your hips, while keeping your leg straight. You need to perform the exercise very slowly so as not to stretch the muscles; it is better to start with 10 times for each leg. This exercise is best performed at the end of the training complex, when the muscles are warmed up.
Perhaps the thinnest waists are those of oriental dancers. The stress that their abdominal muscles experience simply does not allow fat to accumulate. That is why it is very useful to “wiggle your hips” in front of the mirror, devoting at least 5-10 minutes a day to this.
All the described exercises can be done at any time of the day, at any convenient time, but at least twice a day, at least half an hour before meals or two hours after meals. In order for the results not to be long in coming, the exercises require systematicity and consistency - you can start three times a week, for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the load and bringing the duration of the workout to 30 minutes a day.
Experts do not recommend doing side bends with weights, which are quite popular among the fair sex, as they increase the muscle tissue on the sides, and therefore the waist. After such exercises, it is quite difficult to reduce your waist size.

Nutrition and care are the key to a thin waist

Of course, not only your waist, but also your figure as a whole is directly affected by nutrition. Refusal of flour, sweets, fatty foods, switching to small portions and frequent meals, absence of bad habits is the key not only to a beautiful figure, but also to good health.
In order for the desired waist size to be achieved as quickly as possible, you need to monitor your diet. It is best to consult a nutritionist who can correlate physical activity with calories consumed and prescribe the optimal diet for you. After all, in order to achieve the desired parameters, you do not need to exhaust yourself by fasting, it is only important to keep track of the calories consumed.
As an experienced nutritionist Elena Grigorievna advises: “First, you will have to reduce the amount of food in the diet and increase physical activity so that calorie consumption exceeds their intake. This will force the body to “feed” on fat reserves, which means it will get rid of excess folds on the sides. You need to lose weight gradually, since during fasting the body begins to accumulate calories. In order to create conditions under which the body begins to lose weight, it is enough to lose about 300 calories per day. As a result, you can lose half a kilogram in 7 days. In reality, this means, for example, giving up one chocolate bar, one cup of sweet coffee and a bun per day. An alternative to a hearty dinner in the form of a glass of kefir or tomato juice will help you get rid of a couple more centimeters on your waist. The ideal option is to lose one kilogram per week.
In order to avoid feeling hungry during the diet, you need to eat small portions 5 times a day, minimizing the consumption of salt, preservatives, fats, flavorings, sugar, and spicy foods. A couple of times a month you can have fasting days and eat, for example, only apples. Cleansing procedures can also be used. It is imperative to observe the drinking regime - drink at least 1.5–2 liters of water per day (7–8 glasses), do not have dinner after 18.00–19.00 (three hours before bedtime).”
A full course of abdominal massage using special tightening creams and wraps in combination with exercise and proper nutrition will speed up the results. You can do a massage yourself, at any time, the main thing is that it is daily. You need to massage your stomach clockwise - this will help activate metabolic processes and get rid of toxins. It is useful to massage the sides, from top to bottom, as if driving away extra centimeters. To do this, you need to fold your palms into fists and start moving from the lower rib to the hips. The main condition is to keep your abdominal muscles tense.
Various wraps using honey, dark chocolate or clay will not only even out the skin, making it smooth and elastic, but also rid the body of accumulated excess fluid.
Smooth posture and a flat, tucked-in stomach are another way to highlight your waist and attract the attention of the opposite sex.
And finally - advice from an experienced nutritionist and one of the best fitness trainers: “Play sports, eat right, always be in a great mood, and soon you will notice how the extra pounds will literally begin to “melt”, attracting more and more admiring people to you glances!

A thin waist has always been a sign feminine and beautiful figure. Many representatives of the fair sex strive for smooth curves and a graceful transition from chest to hips. How can you reduce your waist and what to do if your waist does not shrink? What waist exercises can you do and what can’t you do?

The whole truth about how to reduce your waist

The waist is one of the most problematic areas of the body for girls, where fat accumulates very easily and an increase in volume occurs. As weight increases, the waist is often one of the first to begin to “float”; the sides and so-called “ears” appear. Of course, there are girls who maintain their waist even when they gain weight. Usually these are the owners of the figure « pear" and "hourglass"(or magic photoshop):

But most often, with an increase in the percentage of body fat, the waist greatly increases in volume, and beautiful curves disappear:

Therefore, the first rule for those who want to get a narrow waist is reduce overall body fat percentage. How to do it? Very simple. Start eating a balanced diet, reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates and fast food, increase activity and physical activity. In other words, force the body to burn fat rather than store it.

But how can you make your body begin to lose weight specifically in the waist area? It is very difficult to burn fat reserves in a certain “problem” area. Whatever exercises you do, prepare for your entire body to lose weight. The fat will melt gradually on all areas of your body, somewhere slower, somewhere faster. It is almost impossible to force the body to reduce the waist area.

So, how to reduce your waist and trim your sides?

  • Eat at a calorie deficit so that the body begins to break down fat.
  • Perform cardio exercises to speed up fat burning.
  • Perform core (muscle corset) exercises to tighten your muscles and sculpt beautiful body lines.

But for most people, this approach to waist reduction may seem too commonplace. Especially when the Internet is replete with such convenient tips as: “magic waist corset – just wear it and lose weight”, “special diet for the waist for 10 days”, “twist the hula hoop for 5 minutes a day, and in a week you will reduce your waist by 10 cm” . But we will immediately stipulate that there are no magical methods or magical exercises for the waist does not exist. Most of the methods that are offered on the Internet are absolutely useless in reducing the waist and eliminating the sides.

What methods will NOT help in reducing your waist:

1. Wraps and massages. They will not help you reduce your waistline. This is a useless event that does not affect the fat burning process, so you should not waste time on it. Better take 30 minutes for a walk or walk at home if you want to speed up the fat burning process.

Contrary to popular belief, a hoop is not particularly effective if you want to trim your sides and slim your waist. Of course, twirling a hula hoop is better than doing nothing and lying on the couch. But if you have a little time for sports, then it is better to get in a quality cardio workout than to twirl a hula hoop.

3. Corsets and waist belts. Another useless thing that not only will not help you reduce your waistline, but will also be harmful to your health. Corsets and belts restrict breathing, reduce blood flow to the heart, put pressure on the intestines and impair digestion. At the same time, you will not reduce your waist with the help of a corset; you will only visually hide imperfections in clothes.

4. Special diets to reduce your waistline. There are no special diets or magic foods or drinks to reduce your waistline. If you read about some unique combination of products that will help you reduce your waistline, then remember, this is not true.

5. Wrapping with films and thermal belts during cardio training. This is another unhealthy thing and absolutely useless activity for those who want to reduce their waistline. You won't lose weight, but you may well get dehydrated and seriously strain your heart.

6. Special exercises for the waist. There are no such exercises for the waist. There are exercises that help work the oblique abdominal muscles and strengthen the muscle corset. And there are cardio exercises that help speed up fat burning. Together they can give the desired result. But it doesn’t work in such a way that you do conditional bending and twisting for a week and thereby reduce your waist.

Although we can still recommend one easy way to visually reduce your waist. This is shapewear. It won't reduce body fat or waist size, but it will still help hide imperfections when you're wearing clothes. True, this method will not work on the beach.

Why can't you reduce your waist?

But even proper nutrition and regular exercise may not help reduce your waistline. Why is this happening? Let's look at all the possible reasons why you can't reduce your waist.

1. Your body type – rectangle. With this type of figure, there is either no waist at all, or it is barely pronounced. Body type is determined by genetic factors, and this is almost impossible to change. The most pronounced waist "hourglass" And "pear". Less fortunate "apple" And "reverse triangle" .

2. You don't comply diet. Even regular workouts will not help you use up your subcutaneous fat reserves. The process of fat burning occurs only with a calorie deficit, when you eat less than the body can process into energy. Everything not spent is stored in fat, which hides your waist.

3. You have diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle, which often happens after childbirth. As a result, the waist area may “float” a little. For diastasis, it is useful to practice the vacuum exercise, which helps eliminate muscle discrepancy.

4. The reason may be feature of the chest shape, which makes the waist a little voluminous. Regular exercise and proper nutrition will improve your body composition, but it doesn't mean you'll end up with a thin waist.

5. You pay a lot of attention oblique abdominal muscles. Planks, crunches, bends, turns without weights will not have a negative impact on your waist and will not increase muscle volume (of course, if you don’t do these exercises every day for an hour) . But bending and turning with dumbbells, barbells, and weights can tone your muscles and add volume to your waist.

6. You are studying strength training with heavy weights. Even if you don't do exercises specifically for the obliques, they are involved in many strength exercises for the arms, back, legs, and buttocks. Regular strength training makes your body fit and toned, but your waistline may suffer.

Each person has their own special unique shapes . And there are no people who are 100% satisfied with their body. If you don’t have a naturally narrow waist, that’s okay. To improve contours and achieve a feminine hourglass shape, you can work on the muscles of your shoulders, hips and buttocks. This will help improve your body composition.

Waist exercises: a ready-made training plan

We offer you a ready-made set of exercises for the waist, thanks to which you can effectively work on the abdominal area and remove the sides. But be prepared to work out very intensely, and not just do crunches on the mat. The purpose of this set of exercises for the waist is not just to strengthen the muscles and tighten the waist, but also burn fat layer.

Of course, achieving local weight loss in a certain area of ​​the body is very difficult. However, when we do exercises on the “problem area”, we increase blood circulation in this area and, as a result, accelerate fat burning. But this is achieved only when performing interval cardio exercises, due to which the body increases hormones with lipolytic ability. And of course, the overall process of fat burning throughout the body is important, i.e. maintaining a calorie deficit.

We offer you this waist exercise chart : 4 rounds alternating between cardio and core exercises. It is this approach to training that will help you work on your stomach and waist most effectively. Moreover, it is important to work not only on the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles, but also on the back muscles, i.e. over the entire muscular corset as a whole.

Perform the proposed set of exercises for the waist only in sneakers and always start the session with a warm-up and cool-down (5-10 minutes before the start and before the end of the lesson) . Be sure to check out:

First, an execution scheme will be given for different levels of training: for beginners, intermediate and advanced. Then we will list the general composition of the waist exercises in each circuit. You can increase or decrease the duration of the workout by changing the composition and duration of the waist exercises.

Plan for a set of exercises for the waist

The suggested waist exercises need to be performed for a certain time, so have a timer ready. (use a mobile phone for example). Choose a waist exercise plan based on your level of training. If you don't know your readiness level, start with the beginner option.

Workout for beginners:

  • First and third round: We perform each exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds, the round is repeated 1 time.
  • Second and fourth round: We perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, the round is repeated 1 time.
  • Rest 1 minute between rounds.
  • Total training time: about 20 minutes
  • If you find it difficult to survive all 4 rounds, you can only complete the first and second rounds.

Intermediate training:

  • First and third round: We perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds, the round is repeated 1 time.
  • Second and fourth round: We perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, the round is repeated in 1 circle.
  • Rest 1 minute between rounds
  • Total training time 25 minutes

Advanced training:

  • First and third round: We perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds, the round is repeated in 2 circles.
  • Second and fourth round: We perform each exercise for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds, the round is repeated in 1 circle.
  • Rest 1 minute between rounds
  • Total training time 35 minutes

* Remember to do exercises on the right and left sides as needed.

A set of exercises for the waist

First round: cardio exercises

Round Two: Floor Exercises for Core

Round Three: Cardio Exercises

Round Four: Floor Exercises for Core . Remember that performing waist exercises on the floor without cardio will not be effective if you want to reduce your waist and sides.

Conclusions on how to reduce your waist

Let's summarize and once again note the main points on how to reduce your waist:

  • Eat in a calorie deficit (eat less than your body can burn) and try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
  • Do cardio to increase your calorie burn and fat loss.
  • Strengthen your muscle corset, but do not get carried away with exercises for the oblique muscles (especially with dumbbells and barbells).
  • Don’t waste time on useless “tricks” (corsets, massages, wraps, films, etc.), rather direct your energy to increasing physical activity.
  • Instead of hula hoops, do some cardio, walking, or any other activity.

Some features of the assessment of the female body remain unchanged for many centuries. A thin waist has always served as a certain measure of beauty. At the beginning of the last century, a tight corset helped to achieve a good result. But today beauties have more effective methods in their arsenal.

Read in this article

What proportions are considered ideal?

The famous canon “90-60-90” was invented about fifty years ago. At that time, the development of the “gold standard” made it possible to significantly reduce the time and costs of designing clothing patterns. And to demonstrate new collections, fashion houses began to invite models with the parameters of the waist, chest and hips, on which such clothes would look best. Over time, the podium divas themselves became standards of beauty that girls “of the people” wanted to imitate.

In life, of course, each figure is individual. And even if the volumes of the chest, waist and hips completely correspond to the “model” ones, visually their proportions may differ. It is believed that a woman's hourglass-shaped body looks most beautiful. That is, when the waist is a third thinner than the bust and butt.

To determine under what parameters this part of the body will look most harmonious, you need to measure your height in centimeters and subtract 100 from the resulting figure. The difference will be “ideal”.

Surprisingly, a miniature waist is considered beautiful only in modern European culture. In some “wild” tribes, where civilization has not yet penetrated, women-mothers with protruding bellies, whose curvaceous forms allow them to bear and feed a large number of children, are considered attractive.

There are also nationalities where the canon of attractiveness for girls is the skin and fat folds in the place where the waist should be - their thickness and symmetry. That is, it is almost impossible for skinny people to gain fans there.

How to make a wasp waist quickly

If the desire to comply with European canons is great, you will have to reconsider your lifestyle. Of course, for girls who have not been blessed by nature with a significant distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone, it will be more difficult to achieve noticeable results. This is primarily due to the fact that their waist, for natural reasons, cannot be visually expressed. And even with the greatest effort, this area will become flat rather than thin.

You won’t be able to quickly reduce your waist even if you have health problems. Diseases of the thyroid gland or other organs that disrupt the production of hormones and metabolic processes will become a serious obstacle. Therefore, you will have to start working on your waist by going to the doctor and eliminating the root cause of the imperfection.

In other cases, you can make your waist thinner in several ways.

Using clothes

This is the simplest, but not very high-quality way to solve the issue of figure imperfection. Just like a hundred years ago, women can literally make their waist look bigger by wearing a corset. Such wardrobe items are still on the market, but are completely unsuitable for daily use. They are appropriate to wear for very special events that last no more than a few hours.

Prolonged compression of internal organs in the waist area will negatively affect your health. In addition, it is almost impossible to sit in such a “garb.”

A more gentle way to temporarily reduce your waist is to wear high-waisted shapewear. It is easy to “disguise” it under clothing, and the special structure of the fabric will not hinder movements. However, wearing such underwear often is also not recommended.

Dense material will impair blood circulation in the abdomen and hips, which in turn will have a bad effect not only on the actual waist size, but also on the functioning of the entire body.

Stylists recommend safely highlighting and emphasizing the waist using contrasting belts and straps. This technique will allow you to visually make this part of the body several centimeters smaller and more proportional. But, of course, it will not completely eliminate the need to lose weight if such a problem occurs.

To learn how to make your waist visually thinner with the help, watch this video:


  • This method of reducing waist size will bring more tangible results. A properly structured diet will ensure getting rid of excess fat deposits on the stomach and other problem areas. To make your waist smaller, you need to eat like this:
  • in small portions 4 - 5 times a day;
  • drink enough pure water without gas;
  • include only healthy foods in the menu (vegetables, fruits, herbs, lean meat, whole grain cereals, eggs, fish, dairy products without sugar and artificial additives);

In addition, you can speed up the result using an artificial calorie deficit, reducing the energy value of your diet per day by 100 units from the recommended one. This will allow you to “dry” your waist a little, making it more pronounced.

Correct posture

A round back and hunched shoulders do not add beauty to anyone; ugly posture will become an aggravating circumstance. A straight back, on the contrary, will help ensure that the abdominal muscles at waist level are always in good shape. Visually, this will reduce the size of the protruding belly and tighten the folds on the sides.


A more radical method of fighting for a thin waist may be to turn to aesthetic medicine. or removal of the ribs will allow you to achieve the desired shape of the figure in the shortest possible time (if you do not take into account the period of postoperative rehabilitation), but will require significant financial costs. In addition, after surgical procedures you will still have to monitor your lifestyle in order to preserve and maintain the result.

Exercises for a thin waist

Physical activity will also help speed up the process of saying goodbye to extra centimeters. However, targeted effects on the waist area must be combined with diet. Otherwise, the abdominal muscles will appear under a layer of subcutaneous fat, which will ultimately only increase the volume of the abdomen.

For better results, you will need to add two or three cardio workouts in the gym to your daily strength training. This will speed up the process of burning excess calories, without giving them a chance to “settle” in the waist area.

At home, you can give preference to one or more types of special exercises. It is best to perform them on an empty stomach in order to maximize the use of all the muscles in the abdominal area. Morning training done on an empty stomach will be the most effective in this regard.

To ensure real results, fitness trainers have developed a special complex.


This manipulation will allow you to train the internal abdominal muscles. But it cannot be done for any gynecological diseases, during pregnancy and “critical days”. In other cases, the technique is as follows:

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees. At the same time, place your hands along your body and relax your stomach.
  2. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale completely.
  3. Hold your breath and “pull in” your stomach as much as possible for 10 seconds. Then smoothly relax the muscles while inhaling.
  4. Repeat 10 times if possible.

If pain occurs, the exercise should be stopped.

About the Japanese method, which will allow you to quickly remove belly fat, watch this video:

Half twists

It is better to train your abs in this way every other day. The muscles at waist level should have time to rest before a new “portion” of load. You need to do the exercise according to the following scheme:

  1. Lie on your back, press your lower back tightly to the floor, bend your legs at the knees, and bring your feet together. Spread your knees in different directions.
  2. Cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head (palms should be connected only with your fingertips).
  3. Raise your upper body so that your shoulder blades lift off the floor. No need to go all the way up! Then return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat 25 times.
  5. Perform 3 - 4 approaches with a break of 30 seconds.

During crunches, you need to make sure that your chin is not pressed against your chest.


This exercise will help improve not only your waist, but also “tighten” your legs. How to do it:

  1. Lie on the floor, pressing your lower back firmly to the floor. The stomach should be tense.
  2. Keep your shoulder blades suspended. Raise both legs up.
  3. Alternately lower your straight left and right legs as low as possible, but without touching the floor.
  4. At the “end” points between the right and left legs, an angle of 90 degrees should be obtained.
  5. Perform 3 sets of 30 alternations.
  6. The break between approaches is up to 40 seconds.

Reverse plank

The load during such an exercise will be distributed not only to the waist in front, but also to the muscles of the entire back. That is, the impact on fat deposits will be exerted from several sides at once. For this type of plank you need:

  1. Sit on the floor, put your legs together and stretch them forward.
  2. Place your arms straight behind you, palms facing your back.
  3. Raise your buttocks so that your torso and legs form a straight line.
  4. Without lowering yourself to the floor, raise your right leg up as high as possible. Then lower and immediately raise your left leg.
  5. Repeat 10 times (each leg).
  6. Then relax completely for 30 seconds and repeat the full circle of the exercise one or two more times.

If desired, the complex for a thin waist can be supplemented with exercises for other muscle groups. Traditionally, before the load, the body will need to be warmed up with a warm-up, and at the end, stretching.

Of course, it is impossible to change the structure of the body without surgery. But active exercise and nutritional correction will help make a woman’s waist much thinner. You can supplement your body care with wraps or massage procedures. They will improve the condition of the skin in the waist area and make a flat tummy more seductive.

Useful video

For information on what exercises will help make your waist slim, watch this video: