Black kitten with a ball pencil drawing. We are mastering the animalistic genre: how to beautifully draw a cat with a child. Learn to draw a sitting cat

Cats rule the Internet! Without a doubt, one day they will finally seize control of the world in general and humanity in particular. By drawing cats, you can understand what they are really made of. But you need to know the enemy by sight. But seriously, in this lesson we will get acquainted with the anatomical structure of cats and learn how to correctly depict them in illustrations.

Final result

1. Cat skeletal structure

Step 1

Studying the skeletal structure is the first step to drawing a believable pose. Everything else rests on the bones, and they primarily determine the range of possible movement of the body.

Step 2

Luckily, we don't have to remember the shape of every bone. It is enough to remember their length and the places where they connect to each other. The good news is also that most four-legged animals have a similar skeletal structure. Only the length of the bones and the distances between them differ. Learn this material now and you won't need to go back to these basics again.

You need to remember the structure of the skeleton as a group of ovals (joints, skull, chest, hips) and lines (bones, spine). Once you remember this, you can draw any cat pose.

Step 3

There is one more point to remember: each joint has its own range of motion. If you break these limits, your cat will look broken. To understand this range, take a close look at the animated image below. When running, a cat uses its joints in full range. As you can see, all movements look natural.

Things to note:

  1. Start of the jump. The hind legs push off the ground.
  2. When the hind legs move backward, the front legs move forward.
  3. When the paws push off from the ground, the part of the body to which they are attached remains at the original height. The second part of the body can rush upward.
  4. Notice that the paw bones never line up in a straight line. Even when stretched to their maximum.
  5. The moment of flight. Not a single pair of paws stands on the ground. The body is stretched as much as possible.
  6. The front paws are in maximum readiness for landing.
  7. The front legs are now fully extended. Again, they don't stretch out to a straight line.
  8. Again, notice the difference in height.
  9. Landing completed. The hind legs now tend to land at the same point.
  10. Please note this point; it cannot move separately from the chest.
  11. The movement of the tail is determined by the position of the hip joint.
  12. When all feet are on the ground, the front and back of the body are level.

Step 4

You may say, "I don't need this. I feel correct posture." Perhaps, but there are a few mistakes that most people make due to simple inattention.

This is a popular way to depict a skeleton. The error occurs because we confuse the structure of the front and hind legs. It's different! Just compare your arms and legs.

The following pose is not natural, but is used quite often in animation, when characters move their paws like propellers. IN real world the hind legs are not capable of performing a range of motion of more than 120 degrees (even in cheetahs). Also, a real cat will strive to keep its head at the same level, and not lower it down (unless, of course, it is a zombie cat - there are such things in cartoons).

Which interesting structure skeleton! In this case, the bones simply stick out from the hip. The problem is that there are not only bones, but also to a large extent muscles. And this point cannot be ignored. Also in the first pose we see the front legs tucked in and the hind legs sitting. Small cats eat in this position, but their chest is not on the ground.

Another common mistake lies in habits. When cats walk normally, they first move two paws on one side, and then two paws on the other side. This error will go unnoticed by most people, but nevertheless it will not cease to be an error! True, during acceleration, cats switch to “diagonal” movement of their paws.

Step 5

You've learned all about poses. It's time to sketch your own drawing.

The structure of the cat's muscular skeleton

Step 1

Muscles give the body its shape. You can draw a body without understanding the structure of the muscular skeleton, but guessing is not our way. The learning process may seem complicated at first glance, but later you will see that in reality everything is much simpler.

To begin, add simplified muscle forms to your sketch. Quite simple! If your cat is very fluffy, you won't need more. The muscles won't be visible anyway.

Step 2

This is what our cat looks like after she has developed a basic set of muscles.

Step 3

If you want to draw a smooth-haired cat, you will have to do more. Below you can see the outline of the largest muscles that may be visible. To avoid stress, just use this picture as a reference and draw from it. After several exercises, the structure will be remembered by itself.

Step 4

Now our cat has muscle relief!

Step 5

Finally, one more thing. Cats have places where the skin hangs loosely, not tight around the muscles. If you have a cat, feel the area between the thigh and shin - you will only feel skin and fur! Because of this feature of the skin, the thigh and lower leg are difficult to distinguish while the cat is sitting.

Step 6

Draw these additional skin areas in your sketch.

3. How to draw cat paws

Step 1

A cat's back and front paws are different from each other, just like our arms are different from our legs. You can use them to visualize the structure. Cats walk on tiptoes, using only part of their “palm” for support. They also have " thumb"(in the form of a drop) and a small appendage (pea-shaped), but only on the front legs. The hind legs are generally very similar to our legs.

Step 2

Cat paws are designed in an absolutely amazing way. Their claws are “retractable,” but they don’t work quite the way we usually imagine. The claw is attached to the last bone of the finger. However, not to the extreme part of it, but closer to the base. Only when the claw is fully released does the joint move closer to the edge.

What does this mean for us? The claw, along with the small bone to which it is attached, is located on outside each finger. The claw is not located symmetrically on the finger! Look at photos of Sphynx cats - they have no hair and the structure of their claws is more visible.

Step 3

Below you can see a picture of the left and right front paws with their nails folded. Try repeating this position with your hands to understand where the forearm ends and the paw begins.

Step 4

Let's learn how to draw paws.

  • For the frontal angle: Draw four lines ending in a rock-shaped figure.
  • For a side view: draw four lines starting in an oval and ending in steps. The step in the middle should be sloping to the side.

Step 5

  • For the frontal view: draw four “eggs” at the end of each line in place of the stone figure.
  • For the side view: draw four “eggs” that will cover the last fold of the “steps”. Then connect the eggs with the lines.

Step 6

We will also need to add a bean-shaped shape (on the outside) for the hind legs, or an elongated shape (on the inside) for the front paws.

Step 7

Now let's cover the entire paw with fur. The fur grows over the claws in a special way: we cover it with fur only on top and on the sides.

Step 8

Fine. We dealt with the paw with folded claws. What about an angry cat who has released her claws? It's simple if you understand the anatomical part.

Step 9

Now our cat has paws.

4. Proportions of a cat's head

Depending on the breed, cat faces differ from each other. But there are rules by which you can draw a "typical" cat face.

Step 1

Draw two circles: one large, the second smaller. These are simplified forms of the head and muzzle.

Step 2

Divide the small circle into six approximately equal parts.

Step 3

Divide midline into approximately six equal parts. This will help us find the right position for the nose and mouth.

Step 4

Draw a regular triangle between the lines as shown below. You can also start drawing the mouth.

Step 5

Draw the rest of the face features using the lines as guides.

Step 6

Now let's determine the location of the eyes. Add four auxiliary lines using already existing ones.

Step 7

Now all you have to do is add the eyes.

Step 8

If you're drawing a kitten, you'll need to change the proportions a bit and draw rounder, larger eyes.

Step 9

Add lines for the shapes of the ears and cheeks.

Step 10

Drawing a head in profile is no more difficult if you know how to place the auxiliary lines.

Step 11

Now we know how to draw the shape for the head. But this is still just a sketch. In the next steps we will look at each element individually.

5. How to draw cat eyes

Step 1

If you followed the previous steps, you should have an oval like this as the base for the eye.

Step 2

We have three elements around the eye itself: the edge of the lower eyelid, the upper lash line, and the dark area at the inner corner of the eye. Part of the third century can also be shown.

Step 3

Drawing the pupil:

  • Small members of the cat family have elongated pupils. It only becomes round in the dark.
  • In large representatives of this family, the pupil always remains round, only changing in size.

The size of the pupil can play a role in the realism of the illustration. If you draw a cat sitting on sunny beach or in front of the fire big circle a small pupil, it will look unnatural.

Step 4

Add dark veins around the pupil and lighter ones in the rest of the eye. Place them in the direction from the pupil to the outer part of the eye.

Step 5

The eye consists of more than just the pupil and the apple. When you draw human face, then draw out the eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows to make it seem more complete. For a cat's eye, we can add light areas around the eye and a dark hollow above it - this is a depression from which several vibrissae grow.

Step 6

When the eyes are closed, the cut becomes dark stripe. The light areas become closer to each other.

Step 7

Step 8

You already know what your eyes should look like. You can draw them on the face.

6. Draw the cat’s nose

Step 1

Let's start with an elongated figure in the shape of a crystal. Its lower part is usually darker.

Step 2

Draw two “wings” as nostrils.

Step 3

Draw the nostrils. They don't look like human nostrils, so be careful.

Step 4

Draw the bridge of the nose. It should be rounded at the top. Also on the sides the bridge of the nose will be darker, and the hair on it will be shorter.

Step 5

Now our cat has a nose!

7. How to draw cat ears

Step 1

Cat ears are not as simple as they seem. These are not just triangles, but complex structures that need to be learned to make the drawing seem more realistic.

Step 2

To draw the ear from a frontal angle, draw a circle. Then divide it into four parts, drawing lines at a slight angle.

Step 3

Use guide lines to draw the outer outline of the ear.

Step 4

Cats have a strange fold at the bottom of their ear. It's called a "tragus". It is quite difficult to draw it from this angle, but it is necessary. Draw a tragus and people will think you're a cat expert! :)

Step 5

Now you can draw tufts of hair. Their length and volume depend on the breed, but in general it is better to “attach” the hair to the inside of the shell, leaving the outside bare.

Step 6

But cats can move their ears! What about all the other provisions? You can use the same method to create the ears in any position. The main thing to remember is that the ear is actually much larger than it seems! The lower part is usually covered with fur (and you will have to draw it too). Look at this photo and you will understand which part of the ear we see and which is hidden.

Step 7

Now our cat has ears!

8. Draw a mustache for the cat

Step 1

The whiskers, or whiskers, constitute another sensory organ for the cat. Vibrissae grow above upper lip cats, above the eyes, above the chin, and behind the paws. These “hairs” grow from dark “hollows” in the cat’s fur. We have already drawn such hollows above the eyes. Now draw smaller ones on the muzzle.

Step 2

Cats have 12 whiskers on each side, but you don't have to stick to that number exactly. 13 on the left, 15 on the right - everything is in order! The main thing is to draw them thin and light. Also, their length should be greater than the length of half the head.

9. Drawing fur

Step 1

The length of the fur determines the shape of the head. The head of a cat without hair is triangular in shape. The more hair, the smoother the shape of the head. Draw a cat with medium-length fur and the head will become round (by the way, this is why kittens seem cuter to us). If your cat is long-haired, then the shape of its head becomes trapezoidal.

Step 2

The body shape also depends on the length of the coat. Short hair will emphasize the cat’s thin body, while long hair will make it appear larger. If you are just learning to draw, you always start with short hair. Then experiment with the length as you wish.

Author of the lesson - Monika Zagrobelna
Translation – Duty room

Cats are very beautiful and graceful pets that children adore. And little artists often ask mom or dad to draw their favorite pet on paper. And even if adults themselves do not have the talent of a painter, step-by-step drawing will come to the rescue. Based on consistent patterns, even a five-year-old child can create in the picture the image of an adult cat or a small mischievous kitten. At school age, children should be offered more intricate options, for example, images of realistic cats and popular cartoon characters.

Age features of drawing a cat

It is advisable to teach a child to draw a cat from the age of five: it is at this age that the child is already able to create a more or less believable image, so there is no need to rush things.

Before starting the creative process, it is advisable to consolidate with your son or daughter knowledge of the basic geometric shapes(this will be needed during the work process) and teach them to depict correctly. These are circle and oval, triangle, square and rectangle.

To draw an animal well, a child must be able to correctly depict geometric shapes

You should definitely consider a live cat with a novice artist (a ceramic figurine or a realistic soft toy would be an option). In this case, the adult focuses on the proportionality of the body, the ratio of the sizes of the head and torso, the location of the eyes, ears on the face, etc.

If there is no home real cat, then you can consider a realistic soft toy with your child

Because children preschool age If you don't yet understand proportions very well, you can start drawing with cartoon cats. They often have a disproportionately large head, a cheerful coloring, a funny facial expression (smile, wide eyes, protruding tongue), and are dressed in bows and other accessories.

Cartoon cats are distinguished by irregular proportions, cheerful colors, smiles and other features.

WITH younger schoolchildren You can now start drawing realistic cats. Children already understand that the head of an animal cannot be too big or small, the tail must be long (practically full length). An adult and child should look at photographs of cats in various poses: lying, sleeping, sitting, jumping. At the same time, attention is drawn to how the animal arches, how it folds its legs and tail.

An adult first discusses with a schoolchild what pose to draw a cat in

The images of cartoon animals become more intricate: an adult teaches a child to give a cat a mood: surprise (wide open mouth), sadness (downward sloping corners of the mouth), thoughtfulness (pupils shifted to the side), fear (wide open eyes). There are a lot of options here, since children's imagination knows no bounds.

Selection of tools and materials

Since a cat can be drawn in various techniques, then for work little artist will be needed various materials. These are colored pencils wax crayons, felt-tip pens (many children like to trace the outline with them and emphasize details), gouache (since drawing a cat in watercolor already requires more high skill). In any case, you will need a sharpened pencil and an eraser (to correct defects and erase auxiliary lines).

As a basis, you should prepare white paper A4 format or colored cardboard (if the child draws with gouache).

How to draw a cat with a pencil step by step

Introduction to the animalistic genre of painting should begin with simple circuits drawing animals. One of these options is a cat made of circles. An adult shows a child a funny picture of an animal's body. mostly consists of round shapes (there are also triangles - ears and nose).

The cat in the picture has a round body, head and cheeks, the rest of the details complement them

Then follows the imaging process according to the diagram. For example, to depict a sleeping cat, you need to draw a large circle, inside it - a small one (in the lower part, in contact with the large one, the ratio is approximately 1:2). Next, the image is supplemented with ears, nose, eyes closed and the animal's whiskers. The image is completed by a long tail enveloping the animal’s body. All that remains is to decorate the animal to your liking.

The circles in the drawing are the main parts of the cat’s body, which are simply supplemented with the necessary details

When the child masters drawing round cartoon cats, you can move on to the next stage of mastery - a realistic image of an animal, for example, a sitting one. First, the cat's head is indicated in the form of an oval. The oval will also be the basis of the body shape. Here you need to maintain proportions: vertically, the oval is slightly longer than the length of the twice-taken oval of the head, and horizontally, the width of the body is slightly less than the double-taken oval of the head. In this case, the head and torso slightly overlap each other. The next stage is drawing the ears, front and hind legs of the animal.

At the first stage, the main parts of the animal’s body are schematically indicated in the form of ovals, paws and ears are added

Then, using auxiliary lines, the child depicts the cat’s face: nose, mouth, eyes and mustache.

Eyes, nose, mouth and mustache are depicted with oprah on auxiliary lines

Auxiliary lines are combined into the final drawing, which remains only to be colored.

On last stage the cat is being painted

Drawing a lying kitten is also not a very difficult task. Again, the head and body are indicated by ovals, and then the muzzle, ears, paws and a beautiful tail are drawn. In this case, the head can be positioned in profile and full face (this does not affect its shape). The child needs to be explained that in the first case, only one eye is drawn (the second one is not visible).

A lying kitten is also drawn based on ovals

Photo gallery: diagrams of step-by-step drawing of a cat

A kitten made from semicircles turns out to be very funny. The cat's character is conveyed by the eyes. The most important stage is drawing the face. Thanks to the observance of proportions, the cat turns out to be very realistic. This kitten resembles the cartoon character Smeshariki. The cat's body is made up of circles of different sizes. The cat's body is made up of ovals. Drawing a cat begins with a heart. The shape of a cat is the most basic. , the task is to color it beautifully. A cartoon cat is drawn very simply. The body of the animal consists of circles, ovals and rectangles

Draw a face

After the child learns to depict cats in different poses, you should dwell in more detail on the drawing of the muzzle (full face, profile and three-quarter turn).

  1. First, an auxiliary shape is drawn - a circle, auxiliary lines are outlined (vertical and two horizontal). Large slanted eyes are depicted and there must be hairs above them - this will make the cat portrait more charming. The nose can be made to look like a heart. At the bottom of the circle there will be cheeks in the shape of semicircles.

    Auxiliary lines will help make the muzzle proportional

  2. To make the cat more cute, you should shade the corners of the eyes. After this, the head is drawn to the desired shape: it expands on the sides of the circle. Ears are added.

    The muzzle increases in width and ears appear

  3. For maximum realism, all that remains is to shade the ears, sketch out the lines of the neck and draw the mustache. The cat has twelve hairs on each side (although this is not important in the picture).

    An indispensable attribute of any cat is long whiskers.

  4. A cat's face can also be drawn based on a square. Draw a figure and divide it into four equal parts.

    The square is the basis of the muzzle

  5. Focusing on the grid, we depict the ears, eyes, mouth, cheeks and nose in proportion.

    The grid allows you to maintain all proportions

  6. Erase the auxiliary lines.

    We remove the auxiliary lines, and the muzzle becomes lifelike

  7. Now let’s give freedom to imagination: paint the cat in natural shades or create an unexpected fantastic image.

    Why not paint it with a fantasy pattern?

Photo gallery: diagrams for drawing a cat's face

The muzzle is drawn based on a circle and auxiliary lines. The eyes, nose and mouth are drawn in any order, without auxiliary lines. Using the eyes and mouth, you can give the cat a certain character. The image is made up of segments, which are then smoothed into smooth lines

Drawing an anime cat

Anime is popular japanese animation. This is not just animation, but a special perception of life, a cultural layer with its own unique symbols and types.

For children of different ages I like playful and charming anime cats. These are fantasy images with huge expressive eyes. Its head is often larger than its body. Of course, the child will take on the image of this cute animal with great enthusiasm.

Anime cats are charming and playful, their indispensable attribute is their huge expressive eyes.

You can offer the young animal artist the following algorithm:

  1. First, the body of a sitting cat is depicted: big head with ears, a body (drop-shaped oval), paws in the form of ovals and circles and a neat tail.

    The head is almost the same size as the body

  2. The most important task is drawing the face. For this you will need auxiliary lines. We depict huge eyes (the size of ears, and we denote pupils and sparkles in the eyes) and a wide open mouth. At this stage we also add a mustache, ear pattern and toes.

    It is the muzzle that gives the anime cat a unique playful character

  3. At the end of the work, erase the auxiliary lines and color the kitten to your liking.

    You can color the anime kitten as you wish

Photo gallery: diagrams of step-by-step drawing of anime

A simple diagram for drawing - an almost symmetrical figure. The drawing is based on circles and ovals. The highlight of the image is a tousled forelock and cheeks.

Drawing Angela

The game for tablets and smartphones with talking cats- Tom and Angela. Cute fluffy cat with anthropomorphic features (in beautiful dress) may well become an object for drawing. Her distinctive feature is her huge slanted eyes.

Children love to draw characters from their favorite cartoons and games.

The child can portray Angela in full height in one pose or another, or draw her portrait. Let's take a closer look at the last option.

  1. First, draw a circle with guide lines. Let's transform it into a cat's face, slightly pointed downward.

    Angela's muzzle is slightly pointed downward

  2. We draw neat (also pointed ears) and outline the eyes, nose and mouth.

    We make the eyes very big

  3. Now we draw in detail the eyelids, pupils and iris of the eyes. Making the nose and mouth more expressive. Don't forget about the flirty mustache. We denote the neck and shoulders.

    Draw the eyes, nose and mouth in detail

Drawing with gouache

To draw a fluffy beauty, you can use gouache. This material is even suitable young artists: the paint does not need to be diluted with water (like watercolor), but simply dipped into it with a brush. The compositions are saturated, the color is perfectly visible even on colored paper. When working with gouache, it is easy to correct any mistake. In addition, the paint dries quickly, so you can paint one color over another without them mixing.

Using gouache you can get interesting colors of cat fur - for example, a mixture of shades of gray, pink and orange.

The adult reminds the child that it is better to use a thick brush to draw the silhouette of an animal, and a thinner one to draw details.

  1. Younger schoolchildren can be asked to depict a charming cat in the grass in gouache. In the beginning with a simple pencil a simple silhouette of the animal is outlined at the bottom of the sheet (it is located vertically). Then we draw the muzzle.

    At the bottom of the sheet we outline the silhouette of a cat, draw a face

  2. Using broad strokes we draw the background - grass and sky. We paint the cat itself gray.

    To paint large areas use a thick brush

  3. We paint the eyes and decorate the fur with a dry brush: we use different shades of gray (mix it with black and white paint). When drawing the face, we use the poking method with a wet brush.

    When drawing fur we use different shades of gray

  4. We draw a mustache with white gouache and make final adjustments to the cat. Next, we finalize the background: we depict a forest and grass in the distance foreground. The composition is complete.

The article contains instructions and drawing diagrams that will help you draw a kitten, Siamese cat and fold cat, sleeping, in anime style.

A cat is an amazing animal: elegant, graceful, intelligent and cunning. Sometimes she is tenderness itself, sometimes she is a formidable predator with the habits of a born killer.

You can watch a cat’s habits and postures during sleep for hours. And the breeds of this animal are so different! That’s why it’s quite difficult to draw a cat, to display it realistically, without losing details. But why not try?

How to draw a kitten with cute eyes step by step with a pencil for children and beginners?

Drawing a kitten is very pleasant and not very difficult. What should you do first?

IMPORTANT: It is best to start by marking the drawing. You need to decide where the kitten’s head will be, what position the body will be in, how to draw its paws and tail, whether the kitten will walk or lie down.

Marking can be done using simple forms:

  • the head is like a ball flattened at the top and bottom
  • body - like a big bean
  • paws are like sausages
  • tail - curved and tapering towards the end
  • ears - triangles

  1. The next stage is connecting the forms, so that the legs are not drawn separately from the body, but so that they are one with it.
  2. Next you need to draw the natural curves of the kitten’s body and head, and draw the paws.
  3. The next step: drawing the muzzle, again, using preliminary markings. The kitten's eyes and nose will be located at approximately the same level in the drawing. If you look at pictures of cats, they look like a triangle between the inner corners of the eyes and the lower corner of the nose. To make the kitten have cute eyes, you can make them a little larger than the usual size, draw and darken the pupils, leaving highlights at the bottom.

VIDEO: Learning to draw a kitten's face

How to easily and simply draw a kitten according to the cells in a notebook?

Drawing by cells is easy and convenient both for children, who have more than enough such notebooks, and for adults. The advantages are that you do not need to make preliminary contour sketches of the future drawing, it is easier to calculate symmetry, etc.

  1. Draw the head of a kitten - this will be the widest place on the paper.
    For example, draw a straight line of 3 cells at the site of the head - the forehead, which goes into the crown. Next, there are 3 squares where the kitten’s “cheeks” will be.
  2. Make stepwise transitions in the drawing of the head; they will add volume and a feeling of fur.
  3. Cells are allocated for large and voluminous eyes and a small nose 1 cell lower than the lower part of the eyes.
  4. The necessary part of the cat’s essence is added to the head – its whiskers.
  5. Ears are drawn using stepped transitions.
  6. They move on to the image of the neck, and with the help of cells they try to make it not straight, but stepped here and there. The body of a kitten is also depicted.
  7. When drawing a ponytail, you need to make it bend beautifully and gracefully.

How to draw a fold-eared kitten?

Scottish and British fold cats have a peculiarity - their ears are bent forward, and do not stick out like other furry cats.

  1. Make two vertical and horizontal lines to determine the symmetry of the head. Horizontal lines will help to draw the kitten’s eyes and nose, and vertical lines will help to draw the position of the head, using the lines to determine that the kitten’s head is turned to the side.
  2. Draw eyes. They are placed at a distance from each other equal to the volume of each of them.
  3. Below in the middle between the eyes a small nose is drawn.
  4. They make expressive contours of the eyes and leave white highlights on the pupils. Create a cat's eye shape by slightly lengthening the outer part of the eye.
  5. Draw auxiliary light rounded arrows symmetrically from the nose. They will help you draw fur.
  6. Shade the fur with a pencil. On the top of the head, under the ears, on the “cheeks” and at the bottom of the muzzle, the shading is made thicker, this is how the hair of Scottish Folds grows.
  7. You must not forget to draw long mustaches - whiskers.

VIDEO: How to DRAW a Scottish Fold CAT?

How to draw a Siamese kitten?

Siamese cats have the main distinguishing feature- their coloring, so they draw the cat in full height so that all the coloring is visible.

  1. Draw a vertical line, from which there will be lateral symmetry, and several horizontal ones, indicating the head, the extension on the cat’s chest and the place where the paws will be located, that is, the end of the drawing.
  2. The contours of the head are outlined in a circle, and the contours of the chest and bent paws in a sitting kitten position with ovals.
  3. Draw a teardrop-shaped oval between the chest and paws of the cat. In this part the cat’s front paws, on which he rests, will be drawn.
  4. Draw the eyes symmetrically to the first vertical line from which the drawing began.
  5. They begin to draw the body and head of the kitten. On the head in the area of ​​the chin, the lines are narrowed and the nose is drawn, which in Siamese cats is larger and more protruding than in some other breeds. Paws are depicted and the tail is completed.
  6. They begin to do shading in those places where thicker hair grows, these are lines from the nose, on the forehead, under the ears, on the stomach behind the front legs, at the tip of the tail. They also do shading for shading.
  7. Erase the auxiliary lines and start coloring the face, ears, paws and tail like Siamese cats.

How to draw a sleeping kitten step by step?

  1. First draw a circle for the head of a sleeping kitten. Markings are made inside the circle that will help draw eyes, nose and mouth.
  2. Semicircular lines outline the eyes, nose, mouth, and also add ears. Lightly outline the kitten's fur with lines. A sleeping kitten's ears are lowered parallel to its head.
  3. A larger oval is drawn behind the head, which will mean a sleeping kitten curled up. Stretch a rounded line forward of the kitten's muzzle, as if it was covering itself with its tail while sleeping.
  4. Under the fluffy's cheek, draw a paw on which the kitten rests its head.
  5. Erase the auxiliary lines and outline the main ones.
  6. Draw antennae on the muzzle.

Sleeping cat: stages 1-2.

Sleeping cat: stages 3-4.

Sleeping cat: stages 5-6.

Sleeping cat: stages 7-8.

VIDEO: draw a sleeping cat

How to draw an anime kitten?

Anime characters have huge eyes. cartoon characters. As for the kitten, in addition to huge eyes, it should have a head much larger than its body. That's why:

  1. Draw two circles - one larger for the head, the other smaller for the body.
  2. Where the head will be, make a mark, dividing the circle into 4 parts.
  3. Now you should, focusing on the contours, change the shape of the head, expanding the lower part where the fur is located, and finish drawing the kitten’s ears.
  4. Drawing a kitten big eyes using oval lines. Shows the kitten's eyebrows and nose.
  5. In front of the oval indicating the body, the paws are outlined.
  6. The body is rounded and a tail is added.
    They make the eyes of an anime kitten expressive by darkening individual areas and round light highlights inside the pupils.

Anime cat: steps 1-2.

Anime cat: steps 3-4.

Anime cat: steps 5-6.

Anime cat: steps 7-8.

VIDEO: Kitten step by step with pencil

How to draw a kitten's face?

  1. The most simple drawing The kitten's muzzle will become an oval, with triangles-ears above it.
  2. Inside the oval, eyes are depicted symmetrically from the conventional line of the vertical center of the oval.
  3. Below the eyes, between them there is a nose, short rounded top lines extending from it, and under them a dot indicating a mouth.
  4. Draw triangles on the ears and lightly shade them, and also make the kitten’s “bangs” with lines.
  5. Draw mustaches.

Drawing for sketching: a tabby cat in pencil.

VIDEO: How to draw a cat with a pencil?

Everyone loves animals, and especially cute fluffy cats. We often see these mustachioed fluffies as one of the popular heroes fairy tales and cartoons. Cats are popular not only among children, but also among adults, as evidenced by funny videos on YouTube and pictures with cats in social networks. Cats are also considered a symbol of grace and femininity. We can talk about cats for a long time, but we will show you several ways on how to draw a cat.
This article will have three sections with at different levels Difficulty: medium, difficult and for children.

What you will need:

  • Sheet A4 or A5
  • Pencils with hardness 2H and B or 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B
  • Eraser

Medium difficulty level

Let's try to start with drawing a cat.

Take a pencil with hardness H and draw semicircles and dashes exactly the same as in the picture.

The first, upper circle is the head. Let's draw a “structure” for the nose there, mark the place where the ears should be and draw a line for the back.

Draw the lower part (the outline of the bend of the paws) as in the picture.

We continue to finish drawing the ears and muzzle, the lower part of the legs and the approximate location of the tail.

We finish drawing the ears, tail and paws.

Now, in the place where the curved line was drawn on the muzzle, above the nose, draw narrowed eyes. This is quite easy to do, just like in the picture. Wipe away the excess details, draw a nose, under it smooth lines of a closed mouth and antennae. The drawing is ready!

Considering how to draw a cat step by step, we offer the following method. Here you will already need soft pencil(from V to 6V).

First, we draw an oval, it can have a rough, more square shape, as in the picture. And divide it with a light vertical line into equal parts.

Next, draw two oblique stripes on top of this oval - this will be the place for the ears. Below we will draw a line so that we know at what level to draw the eyes and draw the torso (preferably the same shape as in the picture).

Now we draw the cat’s ears, make two lines from the nose to the eyes, draw a mouth in the form of an inverted number 3 or simply in the form of a semicircle. We mark the paws.

Draw circled eyes and the approximate shape of the tail.

And finally, we finish drawing the paws, shade the eyes, draw the remaining details of the face, don’t forget about the mustache. And use short strokes to outline the shape of the cat to create the impression of fluffiness. Ready!

Difficult level

And now we want to show a more complex technique on how to draw a kitten. It's not just for those who do great success in drawing, this is also important for those who want to try their hand and be proud of the result! Here's our cat.

So, let's start with the fact that you need to draw the approximate outlines and pose of the kitten. To do this, use a pencil with a hardness of 2H or N. Try to follow the example of the picture.

Now draw two parallel lines on the cat’s face so that you can evenly draw his eyes. Mark the approximate outline of the eyes, draw stripes that go from the eyes to the nose, draw a mouth (such as in the example), a place for the antennae (an inverted number 8 above the mouth), mark the ears more precisely.

The next step is to draw the pupils in the eyes, make the nose more detailed, draw the teeth and tongue inside the mouth, and don’t forget to draw the paws.

We draw a cat with a pencil - and this is one of the best ways convey the wool in detail. On the face, with short strokes we indicate areas of dark coat color.

Now let’s shade out the darkest elements of the cat’s face with a pencil with a hardness of B to 6B: the pupils (don’t forget to leave highlights in them, so they will seem more realistic), the outline of the eyes, the nose, the points of the whiskers, the mouth.

Now we shade all the dark areas of fur on the muzzle with the same pencil.

We continue to draw dark areas of fur throughout the body, do not forget about the shadow under the paws.

Having finished with the dark stripes on the fur, we work on the light areas with an H or 2H pencil. Shading. After you've finished shading the fur, don't forget to draw the cat's whiskers. It is advisable to do this with a well-sharpened pencil with a hardness of B to 6B. You can add small “tassels” on the ears, but don’t overdo it. The cat is ready!

How to Draw a Cat for Kids

It is worth learning to draw from childhood, because it is important not only for acquiring a certain skill, but also develops the child’s color taste and calms him down nervous system. Therefore, if your child asks you: “How to draw a cat?” You can contact us and we will show you some easy ways! Let's start with the first one.

Take any pencil and draw a circle and an oval, as in the picture.

Draw the paws.

Now we draw ears, a tail and add a tick above the paws so that the cat has a fluffy neck in the end.

We draw the eyes with dots, the nose - a triangle, the mouth - an inverted number 3. We draw a mustache, a little more fur on the neck. We remove the extra lines on the paws and draw the fingers. The cat is ready!

Let's consider another option, how we draw a cat step by step for children.

We will draw the cat from the front and back. Draw ovals on each other (try to follow the example in the picture).

We draw short legs, ears and a tail. Note: the second one, sitting with his back, cannot see his upper legs, as if he is leaning on them, but you can complete them yourself.

Now we draw the eyes as two commas, the nose as a triangle, the mouth as an inverted number 3 with a tongue. Don't forget about the whiskers and stripes, our cat is tabby. 🙂

And one more option for you:

Draw a circle and an oval. They are connected by a curved line. The second line, which is larger, is the “skeleton” of the tail. On the face we draw two parallel lines in order to draw the eyes evenly.

Draw ears and fur on the sides of the head.

In the ears we draw two inverted ticks, we draw eyebrows and eyes. On the sides of the small line connecting the torso with the head, draw two more curved lines so that our neck becomes thicker.

We finish drawing the muzzle, removing the extra lines on the sides of the head. On the chest we draw fur, and below – the paws.

We finish drawing the hind and front legs, turning the line into a tail.

We remove the extra lines on the paws, draw stripes for the cat, paint over them and the eyes. (You can paint the cat to your taste, but it is advisable to do it with a neat stroke). We draw mustaches. Ready! Let's learn to draw a cat together!

Good afternoon, We are often asked to publish a tutorial on How to draw a kitten, and we decided to present to your attention a pencil drawing of a cute fluffy kitten. It’s easy to draw our kitten and it won’t take much time or take a lot of effort.

The drawing is drawn with a simple pencil; if desired, the finished drawing can be colored with colored paints or pencils. Let's get started.

First, we need to determine and mark how we will draw the kitten; for this we need to make auxiliary lines along the entire contour of the kitten. Let's sketch the head. It will have the shape of an octagon.

Then we will sketch the body and legs. The kitten's body can be rectangular or cylindrical. Then these lines will be needed to draw the entire drawing.

Draw auxiliary lines along the entire contour of the drawing

Step 2
At the second stage of drawing a kitten, mark the ears on the top of the head. In the middle of the head we draw a line that will mark the level of the eyes.

Draw the face and eyes

Draw the front paws

Step 4
Let's draw round eyes. Our kitten lies on his side, so we can only see two paws. We'll add the rear ones later.

Draw the hind legs

Step 5
Now let's turn our attention to the two hind legs. Let's mark them with lines, and then give them a shape. Let's draw the chin and mustache. Next we draw the fur.

Erase all the extra lines and add the kitten’s fur

Let's erase the auxiliary lines made on initial stage and drawing ready. After all, it really turned out to be a cute kitten.

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