Natasha Koroleva’s son now lives with a Japanese family. “What a handsome man has grown up”: Natasha Koroleva published a photo with her son Son of Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan year of birth

The son of Natasha Koroleva named Arkhip is the only child of the popular Russian singer, actress, presenter and model. On at the moment the guy is 16 years old. What is known about Natasha Koroleva’s son? What is his hobby and where does he study? We will talk about this in detail in our article.

Biography of Arkhip

Arkhip was born on February 19, 2002 in famous family Natalia Koroleva and Sergei Glushko (better known under the pseudonym Tarzan). The wedding of Arkhip's parents took place on August 21, 2003 in St. Petersburg. This is Arkhip’s mother’s second marriage. Before this, Natasha Koroleva was married for 9 years to the famous Russian singer and composer Igor Nikolaev. This is also Sergei Glushko’s second marriage.

The son of Natasha Koroleva (the photo of the guy is in the article), unlike his popular parents, is not a public person. Outwardly, he looks more like his dad Tarzan and, apparently, is his pride. At the moment, the guy has returned to his homeland, although before that he lived and studied in Miami, where his grandmother, Natasha Koroleva’s mother, still lives. While abroad, Arkhip went to one of the American schools, where he studied Japanese language.

Arkhip's accommodation in Miami

As it turned out, Arkhip has been living in America for 2 years now. At first, Natasha Koroleva was very upset by the separation from her son, but she could not take him away from there, since the boy had serious problems with learning in schools in his homeland. And the education system in Miami suited him perfectly.

Son living abroad popular singer justifies it by the fact that it is there that the boy will be able to receive a decent education, and will also be overseas, where the climatic conditions are much more favorable than in Russia.

Son of Natasha Koroleva - Arkhip

This year the guy turned 16 years old. Natasha Koroleva’s son celebrated his birthday with people close to him. His mother Natasha Koroleva, father Sergei Glushko, aunt Irina Poryvay, grandmother Lyudmila Ivanovna and cousin named Sophia.

The grown-up Arkhip stood out favorably against the background of the fair sex. Now he is already two heads taller than his popular mother and, most likely, is already equal in height to his handsome father, Sergei Glushko (Tarzan).

After the magnificent celebration star parents posted a video of the birthday boy on social networks. However, in the video, Arkhip looked very tense and constrained. Many subscribers came to the conclusion that, most likely, Natasha Koroleva’s son is embarrassed by his famous parents.

Family vacation

However, judging by the photographs posted by Natasha Koroleva, the boy prefers to relax in family circle, with parents. Not long ago, Arkhip and his parents were abroad, as evidenced by the photographs posted on the singer’s Instagram.

In the photo you can see that Natasha Koroleva’s son is a little similar in facial features to his mother, but his physique and character (judging by an interview in the media mass media) definitely dad's. The boy has tall and broad shoulders, next to him Natasha looks not like a mother, but rather like his classmate.

The son of singer Natasha Koroleva and stripper Sergei Glushko, Arkhip, has been in Miami for a year with his grandmother. The young man goes to an American school, plays volleyball and enjoys life near the ocean. The artist admitted that she sent her son so far out of good intentions: Arkhip will receive good education and will calmly survive adolescence. Natasha and Sergey monitor their son’s education remotely. “He studies well, gets straight A’s,” the Queen is quoted as saying in “7 Days.”


Perhaps the artist will join her son in the fall. “This fall I will go to America, to the New York Film Academy. This is a film school that has a branch in Los Angeles. There I want to undergo training as a camera operator and editor. I am interested in the process of shooting, specifically video. I have been filming myself for a long time as I’m an amateur and one day I realized that I see the picture differently and more interestingly than others, even some professionals,” the singer said.

Earlier, Natasha Koroleva admitted that after her 40th birthday she experienced a midlife crisis. "Many questions arose that I could not find answers to, despite life experience. I began to notice that I was indifferent to everything, even creativity, that I was no longer pleased with what had always made me happy before. I have always been so positive, cheerful, all difficulties, as they say, can be overcome! And here... The most alarming call, which, I believe, every woman should pay attention to: if you go into a store and don’t want to buy anything. I realized that something had to be done. At the same time, everything is fine in the family, work is going on, but the internal state is emptiness. I tried various meditative techniques and took my health seriously. I did a lot of things. Seryozha took me to the holy stream, although I cannot call my husband a religious person. The water temperature there is always plus four. And I had to plunge headlong - three approaches, three times. Such a ritual. And it really helped me!” she said in a recent interview.

Natasha Koroleva will turn 43 in May. Now the singer is happy, full of enthusiasm and making plans for the future.

IN personal life Natasha Koroleva may soon undergo serious changes. IN lately the star is often seen in the company of not her husband Sergei Glushko, but a handsome brunette. Natasha spends a lot of time with him and has already introduced him to her close people.

Natasha’s new favorite is called German Titov, the stars told us surrounded by. - He is a composer. Natasha has known him for a very long time, but recently they began to communicate more closely. You should see how they look at each other! She has already introduced it to her team. They started making comments at him different jokes, but Natasha immediately stopped all conversations. “I know a lot about composers!” – said the star. Recently, by the way, she even decided to bring him on stage and recorded the duet song “If we are with you.” We all understood that this would last for a long time.

Now Natasha and German spend a lot of time together. And recently they even starred in a joint photo shoot. During the shooting, the star did not hesitate to show her feelings, gently clinging to his chest.

It should be noted that German is 11 years younger than Natasha. But Natasha is not at all embarrassed by the age difference. But he pays attention to other signs. Herman, like Tarzan, is from Belarus. And according to the horoscope they are the same sign. The star introduced the composer to some of her celebrity friends. Some of them know Herman. For example, Nikolai Baskov, to whom Titov several years ago wrote the hit “Well, who told you that love does not exist?”

“Natasha is now on an unprecedented rise,” our source continues. “Her eyes are shining: she’s ready to move mountains.” We haven't seen her like this for a long time.

At the same time, Korolev has not been seen so often lately with Tarzan. They even rest separately. In September, for example, Tarzan traveled to Miami in splendid isolation and unexpectedly found himself in the midst of Hurricane Irma. At this time, Koroleva decided to go on tour around the Volga region.

When Sergei returned to Moscow, he was invited to participate in famous talk show on Channel One and talk about the horror they experienced. The TV crews also offered to support Koroleva in the studio. But she, having learned the topic of the conversation, unexpectedly refused, citing lack of time. Although she did not have any performances scheduled on the day of filming.

Don’t call me again about this issue,” Koroleva answered unexpectedly rudely.

Koroleva herself has not yet commented on her connection with the composer. Correspondents of “Light Up!” They called the artist to clarify the situation. But Natasha lost her temper.

I get scammed seven times a year! Am I supposed to react to this every time? Everyone is trying to get into my personal life, but I won’t allow this anymore. Believe me, I don’t need any publicity, I want peace and quiet. I'm tired of people watching my every move. Leave me alone. “I’m now preparing for a concert in the Kremlin, so stop bothering me with all sorts of nonsense,” the singer said and hung up.

By the way

Buzova persuades Korolev to go intimate

The other day Natasha Koroleva visited “House-2”. Rusalka was not bored at the TV set. Seeing Buzova, she began to tell her that her mother Lyuda was making a career as a singer and went on stage in a teapot. Olga couldn’t stand it.

Only I appear on stage in a shell! – Buzova pouted, hinting at plagiarism.

At one time, the birth of her son by Natasha Koroleva caused a lot of noise in the media space. The press, along with ordinary people, wondered who the father of the star child was: ex-husband and colleague Igor Nikolaev or new love singer stripper Sergei Glushko, aka Tarzan.

The intrigue was resolved very quickly. Believe it or not, 15 years have passed since then. Accordingly, Arkhip, the son of Koroleva and Glushko, recently turned 15. All children have this peculiarity - somehow they grow up imperceptibly and at some elusive moment they become girls from girls and boys from boys.

This photo of the matured Arkhip pleasantly surprised the singer’s fans. She herself admits that time is so fleeting. With constant concerts, filming, tours, and travel, she didn’t even notice how her son began to acquire masculine traits.

But the birthday became a worthy occasion for the family to get together for a while. True, the meeting place was Miami, where Arkhip now lives with his grandmother.

Natalya is having a hard time with the forced separation from her heir. But his move overseas turned out to be a necessity. If our children do not study well, we read morals to them or simply sit down and do homework ourselves. It’s more difficult with classes and tests, but somehow the whole “collective farm”, in alliance with loyal teachers, is slowly bringing our “Mitrofanushki” of the Next-IT generation to a certificate.

The stars have other methods. Arkhip, who was somewhat behind his classmates at school in his homeland, was simply sent to the American school. And there he immediately became one of the strongest students in the class. Didn’t you believe that our education system is an order of magnitude better than the Western one?

However, even without any irony, one can only congratulate the star couple. The main thing is that the child is happy. And methods are a matter of principles, possibilities, and situation. The guy communicates with his family over the Internet, now it’s very simple.

And his parents want to give him a sister or brother, at least through IVF. They have already tried, but to no avail. But they don't lose hope. Moreover, both are in great physical fitness, look great, energetic, work hard and successfully.

And they raised a handsome son. Now fans are wondering who he looks more like - Natalya or Sergei?

The name of Sergei Vitalievich Glushko is known to few in our country. But if you say stage name This man is Tarzan, and even next to the name of his wife, it immediately becomes clear who we are talking about.

Sergei Glushko was born in the north, in the village of Mirny, Arkhangelsk region, in 1970. The birthday, which fell on March 8, turned out to be symbolic. But in 1970, the boy Seryozha became a gift to women's day only for mom. A couple of decades will pass, and Tarzan will become a gift for many women who have the opportunity to admire the muscular young man on the podium and stage.

But in early age If Sergei Glushko dreamed about the stage, it was in a different way. From the 1st grade, the boy went in for sports, dreaming of being just like his dad - a military man, strong and reliable, like a rock. Sergey visited sports sections, but gave preference to bodybuilding.

But Glushko Jr. liked singing even more. Sergei discovered ear for music And beautiful voice. At the age of 16, the young man, together with like-minded guys, created the group “Fortune”. The frontman of the group and the soloist - that’s who Sergei Glushko was in Fortuna. The group quickly gained popularity in their hometown and other populated areas Arkhangelsk region. One of the band’s songs even got into rotation on a regional radio station. But the popularity of “Fortune” did not rise above this level.

In his last year, Sergei Glushko decided to follow in the footsteps of his father, who served at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The young man entered the military space academy. After graduating from this university with honors, Sergei went to serve at the same Plesetsk where his father worked. But several years of work as a power engineer responsible for supporting space complexes and the rank of senior lieutenant did not inspire the young military man to continue his career. Glushko felt that the routine was dragging on, quit his job and went to Moscow, to his aunt. In fact - to nowhere.


Moscow in the 90s greeted the young man unfriendly. Here, even without Sergei, there were enough “conquerors who came in large numbers.” At first, Sergei Glushko took on any job just to survive. The young man worked as a security guard and furniture salesman. He worked as an administrator in the salon. But at the same time he continued to engage in bodybuilding. As a result, this activity helped the young northerner not to get lost in the capital.

Thanks to his pumped up body and height of 186 cm, the young man ended up in a Moscow modeling agency. While working here, he starred in television commercials. Then Sergei began to be invited to music videos. The video for the song “Because you can’t be so beautiful in the world” turned out to be memorable. popular group“White Eagle”, in which Sergei Glushko appeared as the main character.

Soon Glushko received an offer to take up striptease professionally. The young artist’s career began to rise uphill. One day, Tarzan - the stage name Sergei Glushko took for himself during these years - caught the eye of Olga Subbotina. The theater director invited Tarzan to a production called “Flooring.” The role of Macho turned out to be a stepping stone to fame for the aspiring artist.

Tarzan was willingly invited to the capital's erotic shows as a stripper. Sergei is quickly becoming popular in the capital's nightclubs. Soon Glushko begins to participate in performances of show business stars. The artist is invited to perform choreographic numbers as accompaniment.

But Sergei Glushko did not dwell on what had been achieved, young man I always wanted more. Sergey becomes a student Russian Academy theatrical arts, where he improves his vocal abilities.

In 2003, Sergei Glushko made his vocal debut. Together with Natasha Koroleva, the artist recorded the album “Believe it or not.” The songs “Without You”, “I Won’t Forget” and “Your World” were liked by the listeners. In 2006, the recording of songs for the couple’s next album, “Paradise Is Where You Are,” followed.

Glushko accepts incoming offers to act in films with joy. Tarzan's film debut is considered to be the 1999 comedy film Eight and a Half Dollars by Gregory of Constantinople. Tarzan received a cameo role, but was happy to appear in the same frame with the cinematic beau monde -,. Four years later, Sergei starred in historical picture“Anastasia Slutskaya” by Yuri Elkhov. In the film, Glushko got the leading role of the warrior Budimir. The film received warm reviews from critics.

In the mid-2000s, work followed in the film comedy “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”, as well as in the top-rated sitcoms “My Fair Nanny” and “Happy Together.”

More proposals followed. The cinematic biography of Sergei Glushko rapidly grew with new pages. Tarzan starred in the action film “They Don’t Kill Clowns,” the thriller “Confession of the Devil,” the drama “Moscow Gigolo,” and the historical film “Rusichi.” The artist also appeared in the TV series “Univer”, “Truckers” and “Payment for Love”.

In addition to his stage career, Tarzan continued to study the world's muscle training systems. The athlete outlined his own view on this topic in the book “The Cult of the Body,” which was published in 2010.

Personal life

Sergei Glushko's first marriage took place in Mirny. Riga resident Elena Perevedentseva, also an employee of the cosmodrome, drew attention to the blond military man, which surprised Sergei. It seemed to Sergei that such a beauty would never agree to become the wife of a simple lieutenant. But it happened. For some time the young people lived happily, but this period did not last long. The relationship finally deteriorated when Glushko left the service. The couple divorced.

The acquaintance and quick marriage with singer Natasha Koroleva turned out to be fateful. Not only the personal life of Sergei Glushko, but also his career has gained new meaning and acceleration. It is noteworthy that the couple met at a time when the singer’s husband was still Igor Nikolaev, but the relationship between the spouses at that time had already become obsolete and was a burden to both.

In 2002, the couple had their first child. A year later, Tarzan and the Queen officially legalized their relationship. Now the son of Natasha and Sergei lives in Miami.

The wedding of Sergei and his beloved was enchanting, just as Natasha dreamed. The celebration took place in St. Petersburg. The newlyweds and guests sailed on a steamboat along the Neva, in Peter and Paul Fortress a choir sang for the newlyweds, and the banquet itself took place on Stone Island.

During the time living together artists have repeatedly become figures in scandalous chronicles. Sergei Glushko was credited with having affairs with his stage partners. Every time the journalists tried to find incriminating evidence on the stripper and present the facts to the public and Natalya Koroleva, but Sergei assured each time that everything juicy details from his stage life are relevant only to his profession, but not to his personal life. Sergei values ​​the happiness and tranquility of his family, following the example of his own parents, who are already approaching their diamond wedding.

In 2015, they became publicly available intimate photos and video married couple, which were published by the attackers from the phone stolen from the artist. Initially, the offenders tried to blackmail the spouses by naming the ransom amount - $50 thousand. But the artists did not agree to the dubious deal.

Sergey Glushko uses social network « Instagram" Besides own photos the artist often posts posts dedicated to charity events in favor of sick children.

Sergey Glushko now

Sergei Glushko continues to perform with his own “Tarzan Show”. Several issues united by one concept appear weekly in concert program nightclub Zall. On stage, Sergei, in addition to dancing, uses original special effects, as well as elements of a fire show.

In addition to performing at the pole, Sergei Glushko starred in the film “ Night shift» about young family man Max (), who, after leaving the enterprise, joins the strippers. To hide the truth from his wife Anna (Ksenia Teplova), the young man resorts to deception. The comedy will also feature: The film is scheduled to premiere on January 4, 2018.

In 2017, Sergei Glushko became a participant in the program “Kings of Plywood”, where he reincarnated to perform the song “Wanderer”, and also appeared as a singer performing musical composition"Choose a miracle." The project captivated Sergei so much that the artist persuaded his wife Natasha Koroleva to participate in the program. For the parody number, the singer transformed into a performer.

In December, Sergei and Natasha were recognized as the most shocking married couple of the year at the “Family of the Year 2017” award.


  • 1999 – “Eight and a Half Dollars”
  • 2003 – “Anastasia Slutskaya”
  • 2004 – “Balzac’s age, or All men are ...”
  • 2004 – “My Fair Nanny”
  • 2006 – “Happy Together”
  • 2007 – “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”
  • 2008 – “Rusichi”
  • 2008 – “Moscow Gigolo”
  • 2012 – “One for all”
  • 2015 – “The Law of the Concrete Jungle”
  • 2018 – “Night Shift”