Let's draw a snail. How to draw a snail - learn to draw in different techniques Snail in pencil

Snails are one of the most interesting insects. At the same time, absolutely everyone can understand how to draw a snail, because, in essence, there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. To clearly explain how to draw a snail to a child, it is worth showing him the insect itself or photographs in which it is depicted. This will help the baby remember the structural features of the snail.
Before you draw a snail with a pencil step by step, you need to prepare:
1). Black handle;
2). Pencil;
3). Eraser;
4). Multi-colored pencils;
5). A piece of paper.

After all the stationery that is listed a little above has been prepared, you can move on to figuring out how to draw a snail:
1. Schematically draw the snail’s body and the outlines of its house;
2. Draw the body of the insect. To draw a snail with a pencil, you must know the features of its structure, otherwise the drawing will turn out unrealistic. For example, it is necessary to depict a pair of antennae, as well as a couple of antennas. The edges of the snail's body should be slightly uneven;
3. Now draw the snail’s house, dividing it into separate sections;
4. Draw a surface on which an insect is crawling;
5. Trace the image with a pen. Specify some details, for example, such as the cells on her body and the stripes on the house;
6. After letting the drawing dry a little, erase the preliminary sketch with an eraser;
7. Of course, you can draw a snail step by step with the most ordinary pencil or pen. But the drawing will look more complete if you color it. For this purpose it is not at all necessary to use colored pencils, because almost any paint will work well. For example, if you use watercolors for coloring, the drawing will turn out very delicate and at the same time quite realistic. Paint over the snail's body completely with a light brown pencil. Then shade it a little with a red-brown shade. Then draw the cells on the insect’s body in black;
8. Shade the space under the snail with a dark blue shade. And then paint the surface on which this insect crawls with a light green pencil;
9. Color the snail's house. To do this, use colored pencils of various shades, ranging from brown and gray color range, and ending with green, blue and purple tones.
Now the snail drawing is completely ready! Having learned to draw this insect, you can teach your child this too!

Master class “Drawing for the little ones.”

Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna, teacher additional education MBU DO "House" children's creativity Kalininsk, Saratov region."
This master class is intended for teachers of additional education, preschool teachers. The master class will also be of interest to little artists aged 4 years and older and their parents.
Purpose: this master class is a short drawing course for little ones, which shows how to draw geometric shapes.
Target: creating conditions for acquiring drawing skills.
Tasks: teach your child how to draw familiar images using geometric shapes;
instill the skills to carefully work with paints and brushes;
develop creative imagination And fine motor skills hands.
The kids who come to my association for classes are still very young, but they really want to draw. From experience working with children, I realized that it is easier for them to draw with geometric shapes. Children draw according to my demonstration, step by step. When starting a lesson, I never tell the children what we are going to draw today. I know from experience that they find it more interesting. In the process, they guess who they are drawing, and this brings them a lot of joy. And everyone’s drawings are different.

Master class on drawing for children “Snail”

Prepare: album sheet A4, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, a jar for water and a napkin.

Before we start painting, I tell the children that the paints are sleeping and need to be woken up by gently stroking them with a brush. Let’s wake up the yellow paint first and start painting.
Draw a bun in the center of the sheet, gradually unwinding the brush, and then draw an arc with brown paint.

We turn the arc into a loop.

We draw the horns and paint them over.

Decorating the snail's house.

We draw the eyes and mouth of the snail. Next, the children themselves come up with and decorate the background of the picture: where is the snail?

Children's works:

Master class on drawing for children “Turtle”.

Draw a “bun” in the center of the sheet with yellow paint, and draw 4 loops with brown paint.

The fifth loop is drawn larger in size; we paint over all the loops.

We draw circle eyes, first with white paint, then with black.

Decorate the turtle shell. The child can come up with his own pattern.

Master class on drawing for children “Fish”

We draw a “bun” with yellow paint, draw arcs: top and bottom, it looks like an eye.

Draw a triangle tail for the fish. Then we decorate the fish with red paint. draw with a brush: mouth, fins.

We draw scales and decorate the tail.

We “print” with a brush: we draw pebbles and water, draw lines with green algae paint.

Draw the eye of the fish with black paint. Black paint loves to play pranks, so we are especially careful with her.

"Winter meadow".

Take a sheet blue color, A4 format. We paint the koloboks with white paint. We draw lines, draw snowdrifts.

Brown paint we draw the trunk and branches of trees, hands, eyes, mouth and broom for the snowman.

Decorate the drawing with snowflakes. Decorate the snowman: draw a bucket on his head and a scarf. Children complete the drawing and decorate it.

Using the same principle, you can draw autumn forest, only initially the koloboks will be yellow, orange and green, and leaf fall, we draw by applying a brush, we print. Children’s work:

Master class on drawing for children “Hedgehog”.

We draw the “bun” with brown paint.

Draw a triangle nose.

Child's work.
We draw a clearing for the hedgehog, the children fantasize.

Child's work:

Master class on drawing for children “Frog”.

Take a sheet of blue color, A4 format. Draw a “bun” in the center with green paint.

We draw another “bun”, and on top there are two “bridges”.

We draw the frog's legs, draw the children's attention to the fact that the frog's legs differ in their structure, which helps the frog to jump well and stay on even the most slippery surface.

We draw the frog's mouth and eyes. We decorate the picture after talking with the children: where does the frog live?

Master class on drawing for children “Cockerel”.

We draw a large bun - the body, a smaller bun - the head. Let's connect them smooth lines, it turns out the neck.

We draw the cockerel's legs-triangles and tail, lines-arcs.

Use red paint to paint the cockerel's comb (bridges), beak and beard, and apply a brush.

Draw the cockerel's legs.

A fairly simple lesson - how to draw a snail step by step with a pencil. The snail has an absolutely simple body structure, and I don’t think you will have much difficulty in drawing it.

How to draw a snail step by step

As I said before, drawing a snail is quite simple. The only difficulty you may encounter in the lesson is how to draw a snail– drawing a shell covering the snail’s body. I recommend that you always start drawing a snail with it. with a simple pencil. Take your time, try to draw the “correct” round-shaped shell.

Once you have completed the task of drawing a shell, then drawing a snail will be much easier and faster. Stepping back a little from the bottom of the shell, let’s draw a line for the snail’s body. The line should be wavy - this is the so-called “sole” of the snail.

Let's draw the top two lines of the snail's body, leaving spaces in front for the tentacles. Look carefully at the picture below.

Let's draw the tentacles in front.

Let's look at how to draw a snail with a pencil step by step. We all know this slow-moving gastropod inhabitant of the Earth, living in gardens, meadows, aquariums and even on a gourmet's plate. The snail crawls about 1.5 mm per second. There is no way to blame her for haste. So much the better for the artist: you can catch all the nuances of nature for the drawing.

A snail consists of two main elements: a mollusk and a shell. Using a continuous light line we will outline the silhouette of both the snail itself and its house, we will designate the horns. Let's draw the horns and eyes on the elongated antennas more carefully.
Let us show that the body of a snail is a complex muscular instrument that has many folds. The body itself is wrinkled due to the constant need to stretch and contract. Let's apply a geometric pattern to the snail shell. Well honed soft pencil Let's outline our snail. If this drawing is to be used as a basis for painting techniques, it can be left as is. But in the simple pencil technique there is always a need to work out the shape a little.

Let's shade the back and the darkest places of the sink. Let's draw the folds on the body in more detail, first creating a geometric mesh for this. Let's finish working on the snail by drawing

Good evening! Today we have prepared for you another drawing lesson with a simple pencil for beginners. We will draw a cute snail, which you can see in the preview. We specifically chose cartoon style, since it will allow even those who are taking their first steps in the world of art to work and get a high-quality drawing. Let's begin!

Step 1

We start drawing with a regular circle, which will later become the shell of our snail. As you can see, it is located significantly to the right of the conditional center of our sheet.

Step 2

Draw a figure similar to a drop of water, which is located horizontally.

Step 3

Now let's outline the lower folding edges of the shell. The border is formed by two smooth parallel lines for most of the length, which connect to our right and form a curl. Here we draw the horns. By the way, the cartoonishly drawn “horns” are actually tentacles—the special sensory organs of snails.

Step 4

We draw a spiral on the shell, as in our sample. We also draw a pair of round eyes. An important point is the pupils, they are the ones that show the direction the snail is looking, pay attention to their location.

Step 5

We erase the extra guide lines from the shell and body of the snail. On the shell we draw smooth curved transverse lines, focusing on the spiral. Paint over the eyes, leaving space for white highlights. Draw a mouth that looks like two perpendicular lines, short and long.

Step 6

In general, the snail is ready. All that remains is to apply a little shadow (just shade with sweeping shading the border of the shell, the lower part of the body and the space between these two areas. Also, do not forget to slightly shade the surface on which our snail is crawling.

The drawing lesson on how to draw a snail step by step is completed. In general, it was quite simple. Next we will make the drawing lessons a little more complicated. But if you want something simpler, you can always look into . Now we say goodbye, all the best and see you again!