What is rice paper used for? Original dishes made from rice paper - casserole or lasagna. Preparing Rice Paper

Rice paper is a universal product, using which you can not only cook delicious dishes, but also create unusual decor for various items. It should also be noted that such an ingredient is easy to find in modern stores. As a rule, it is sold in those departments where there are special components for making rolls.

Rice paper for decoupage

Decoupage (from the French word decouper, that is, “cut”) is a special technique for decorating objects. As you know, it is based on attaching any design, ornament or painting to a particular surface. Subsequently, the rice paper for decoupage is varnished for its durability and safety.

Usually special napkins are used for such decoration. However, rice paper has one advantage. The fact is that when gluing using the dry method, it practically does not liquefy, that is, it is firmly attached to the object.

Of course, decoupage rice paper is not edible. It is sold specifically for decorating various items. It can be purchased with or without a pattern, single-color or multi-color.

Rice paper: recipes for preparing various dishes

If you are not planning on decorating, but want to make a delicious dinner for the whole family, then you should purchase the mentioned ingredient at the grocery store. To use this product for making rolls, we may need the following components:

  • fresh white cabbage - about 100 g;
  • juicy carrots - large pcs.;
  • bean sprouts - about 100 g;
  • rice noodles - approximately 50 g;
  • garlic cloves - 2 cloves;
  • soy sauce - 2 large spoons;
  • rice paper - 8 pcs.;
  • medium-sized table salt - a few pinches;
  • refined oil - 3 large spoons.

Preparing the Components

Making rice paper dishes is quite easy. First you need to process all the ingredients. Place the rice noodles in a large bowl, add hot boiled water and leave for 6 minutes with the lid closed. After this, it must be thrown into a colander, drained of liquid and shortened, cutting it into 3 parts with culinary scissors.

After processing the noodles, you should start preparing the vegetables. Fresh white cabbage and juicy carrots must be cut into strips, and garlic cloves must be peeled and finely chopped.

Frying ingredients on the stove

To make delicious spring rolls, you need to heat the pan with oil and then add garlic and all the chopped vegetables to it. These components should be fried for about three minutes. After the specified time, the boiled rice noodles must be placed with the vegetables, seasoned with salt and soy sauce, and then carefully mixed with a large spoon.

Preparing Rice Paper

Rice paper for rolls is very easy to process. To do this, place it in a bowl of cold water and soak for half a minute. Next, the product needs to be moved to a cutting board.

Forming products and frying them in a frying pan

After processing the rice paper, you need to put a large spoonful of vegetable filling in its middle part, and then wrap it in the form of a tight envelope. Subsequently, the products need to be fried in a frying pan, heated over high heat along with refined oil. Cook spring rolls on each side for about 2.5 minutes.

How to serve?

After the products are fried, they must be removed from the frying pan, wet with a paper napkin, and then placed on a plate. It is recommended to serve these rolls to family members hot along with hot chili peppers.

Envelopes with shrimps and vegetables in rice paper

To make such products for the dinner table, we need to stock up on the following ingredients:

Preparing the Components

Before making such envelopes for the holiday table, you should process all the above-mentioned vegetables one by one. First you need to wash the Chinese cabbage leaves, then dry them and place them on a plate. Next, you need to rinse the sweet pepper, remove the stem with seeds and cut into small pieces. After this, you need to peel the carrots and onions, and then finely chop them with a sharp knife. Fresh parsley should be chopped exactly the same way.

Frying the filling

Before stuffing rice paper with vegetables, the latter should be heat treated. To do this, carrots, sweet peppers and onions must be fried in refined oil for 3 minutes. After this, you need to add soy sauce, salt and pre-boiled shrimp. In this composition, the components must be mixed with a large spoon and cooked in the same mode for another two to three minutes.

Rice paper processing

As in the previous recipe, the rice paper should be processed in advance to make it as soft and pliable as possible. To do this, it must be soaked in completely cooled boiling water and kept in it for 1 minute. Next, the product must be carefully removed and placed on a cutting board.

Formation process and proper serving for lunch

After processing the filling and soaking the rice paper in water, you should begin to form the products. To do this, place fried vegetables and shrimp in the middle of each sheet, and then roll them into tight envelopes. After all the products are stuffed, they need to be transferred to a plate where fresh leaves of Chinese cabbage were previously placed.

How should you serve a dish for a family feast?

Having prepared a delicious dish using rice paper, it should be immediately presented to the table. In addition to such products, you must serve fresh parsley, as well as some kind of sauce or ketchup. Bon appetit!

Japanese and, in principle, Asian cuisine throughout the world is considered the most healthy and dietary. One has only to pay attention to those products that are included in the daily diet of the average Japanese: fresh seafood, vegetables, rice - dishes with such ingredients will not only not harm the figure, but will also improve the functioning of the entire body. For example, popular in Japan only recently began to appear in domestic restaurants or other catering establishments. What can you make from rice paper?

Benefits of rice paper

Making rice paper is quite simple. Rice powder is mixed with water and formed into thin cakes in the form of small sheets. They dry naturally on special wooden planks. Due to the uneven structure of the wood, white streaks also form on the surface of the rice paper sheet itself. Don’t expect to find a completely clean and smooth rice sheet - this will only indicate that the manufacturer’s technology for preparing rice paper was violated.

The beneficial properties of such a leaf are explained mainly by its main component - rice. It is a powerful natural sorbent, which allows this diet to get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, restore the microflora of the stomach and the functionality of the intestines. The simple and inconspicuous rice leaf contains a large number of vitamins and microelements, including B vitamins that are beneficial for the female body.

Do not forget about the benefits of rice paper for those who are struggling with excess weight or watching their diet, adhering to the principles of proper nutrition. The calorie content of one hundred grams of rice paper is only 330 kilocalories. However, do not be alarmed: one leaf weighs less than nine grams. It’s not for nothing that slender Japanese people use dietary rice paper as a complete replacement for our traditional thin pancakes. By the way, in Japan, pancakes with rice paper are often used instead of pancakes - such a Maslenitsa definitely won’t hurt your figure!

Recipes for health and a slim figure

Recipes with rice paper will make your daily menu much richer and healthier. Traditionally, in Japanese cuisine, such sheets are used as a replacement for nori or traditional thin pancakes. Unlike the latter, such paper is harmless to the figure and health. The following recipes with rice paper have become the most popular among our housewives:

  1. Spring rolls. Or in our opinion, vegetable rolls with rice paper. Vegetables cut into strips (bell pepper, cucumber) are wrapped in a soaked sheet of paper (it needs to be soaked for an average of ten seconds). All this is seasoned with traditional Japanese mayonnaise and served fresh. The beauty of the dish is its naturalness and accessibility.
  2. Dessert. Rice paper is great for making sweet rolls. If you're watching your figure, you can cook apples in rice paper. Pre-cut fruit or bake apples. Cut the filling into cubes, you can season it with cinnamon and add a little cream cheese and low-calorie yogurt. Another alternative rice paper dessert is rolls. Wrap mascarpone cheese with powdered sugar and banana or strawberries in a soaked sheet. This dessert will convince even your men that rice paper is not just edible, but also extremely tasty.

On the Internet you can find a large number of recipes with rice paper with photos - fashion bloggers and culinary photos are full of options for preparing this traditional product in Asian cuisine. Bon appetit!

Rice paper is a convenient material for preparing food, which is essentially a gluten-free alternative to sandwiches. Gluten-free bread, especially the kind suitable for sandwiches, is not always available and often makes it impossible to create a sandwich that retains its flavor during storage. Often, fresh sandwiches made from toasted bread lose all their flavor when taken for lunch at school, work, or on a trip. Baking quality bread at home is not always possible, and commercial gluten-free bread is not available everywhere.

Rice paper, and its ease of use for making rolls with any content, can replace bread in many cases. A special convenience is the ability to use any fillings, both from fresh vegetables and with the addition of various protein products, be it boiled meat, chicken, fish, eggs, any pates or even salads. All you need to do is soak each sheet of rice paper in warm water and wrap the prepared ingredients in it.

Using ready-to-eat products allows you to prepare a dish that can be stored for several hours without refrigeration and eaten cold. I tried using rice paper to make raw meat rolls and then bake them in the oven, but I wasn’t particularly impressed with the results.

Ultimately, the final dish, although delicious, was not worth the effort and time spent. To prepare rolls from raw products that require heat treatment, I would better advise simply frying such rolls, which will be much faster and easier.

The advantage of rice paper is that it can be used to quickly prepare delicious food with an incredibly fresh taste. I offer one of the options for rice paper rolls with boiled chicken and fresh vegetables, with mustard and hot seasoning.


  • yellow and red bell peppers
  • cucumber
  • pieces of boiled chicken
  • dill
  • mustard
  • hot spice paste (optional)
  • rice paper
  • sesame seeds (black) for garnish (optional)
  • wasabi for serving (optional)


  • prepare a plate of warm water
  • Prepare all the ingredients for the rolls
  • cut meat and vegetables into equal length pieces
  • prepare the rolls one at a time
  • soak the rice paper for 30-40 seconds in warm water
  • carefully transfer it to the work surface

  • place all filling ingredients on the bottom quarter of a sheet of rice paper

  • fold the bottom and sides of the rice paper inside

  • roll the roll while pressing the filling

  • If desired, decorate the rolls with sesame seeds, dill and hot pepper

  • When storing rolls, I recommend dividing them between each other with parchment paper, as they can stick to each other

You can serve these rolls with Japanese wasabi horseradish or soy sauce. You just need to make sure that the soy sauce you use is gluten-free. Regular soy sauce contains gluten.

Rice paper helps keep the shape of the rolls well. They are durable and don't fall apart, making them very easy to eat. In this sense, such rolls are even more convenient than sandwiches and hamburgers, since all the filling remains inside the roll itself and does not fall out, as often happens with sandwiches when bitten.

Such rolls are always juicier than any sandwich and do not get soggy even if they contain a lot of fresh vegetables, including lettuce. It's hard to imagine other succulent food envelopes that retain their freshness and juiciness along with their structure.

Rice paper is a thin sheet of dried rice dough that is round or square in shape. The most valuable is very thin rice paper, made taking into account the culinary traditions of China.

Rice paper is the basis of many recipes for spring rolls, a traditional dish in Asian cuisine. Due to the fact that paper has a neutral, slightly sweet taste, it goes well with almost any food.

Composition and taste of rice paper

Rice paper is made up of 90% rice flour. In addition, it contains water and salt.

Unlike rice, which contains simple carbohydrates, paper contains complex carbohydrates. However, rice paper is not classified as a product that poses a threat to a slim figure, since it contains no more than 1% of the daily value of carbohydrates.

Rice paper also contains a small amount of vitamin B6, and phosphorus is one of the valuable microelements.

Although rice paper does not have much nutritional value, it is very popular in Asian countries as a base for preparing gluten-free dishes, which is especially important for allergy sufferers. In addition, the advantage of paper is that it contains virtually no fat.

How to use rice paper

The rice paper should be handled very carefully so that it does not crumble or break off at the edges.

In order for a sheet of rice paper to turn into a matte translucent “pancake”, it should be dipped in hot water for a few seconds, and then kept on a towel for one minute. The filling is added to the leaf that has become soft and wrapped like Russian pancakes.

Rice paper pancakes are popular in Australia, where vegetables and herbs are traditionally used as filling. In America and many other countries, rice paper dishes are known as spring rolls.

The birthplace of the tradition of making spring rolls (Harumaki) is China, where this dish is one of the most common. In addition, Harumaki is a traditional New Year's dish, and it got its name due to the fact that the New Year in China comes at the beginning of spring. In China, there is even a belief that every spring roll eaten brings the onset of spring closer, and also wards off troubles and misfortunes.

To prepare Harumaki, place a lettuce leaf in the center of rice paper, then add rice noodles, carrots, shrimp, omelette strips, cucumber or any other toppings of your choice. After filling, the sides of the sheet of paper should be wrapped inside an envelope and rolled up.

Rice paper rolls, depending on the filling, are served immediately or fried in oil, and the paper becomes crispy while maintaining its shape.

Despite the fact that rice paper leaves a lot of room for culinary delights, there are some well-established traditions. According to the traditional Chinese recipe, the filling must include at least five spices. Also, residents of Asian countries, as a rule, add various sauces (fish, soy, oyster), wine and lemon or lime juice to the filling.

Thus, the sauce for preparing rice pancakes with salmon includes soy sauce, fish broth, sugar, dry white wine and sweet sherry. In addition to fresh salmon fillets, the filling includes sweet peppers, onions, garlic cloves, wasabi paste, orange, lime or lemon, parsley, fresh ginger and salt.

Residents of not only China, but also the Maldives, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka and other Asian countries know best how to use rice paper.

Unlike these countries, where they love very spicy dishes with plenty of spices and herbs, in Europe, rice paper is usually used with other fillings. From it you can prepare:

  • Lazy baklava - a sweet dessert with nuts and honey;
  • Panforte - a traditional Italian sweet with lots of nuts and dried fruits;
  • Rolls with Chinese cabbage, smoked sausage and sesame seeds;
  • Fruit spring rolls with soft cheese, fruit and honey-vanilla sauce;
  • Rolls with chicken, champignons and herbs.

Rice paper is valued not only for its functionality, but also for the incredibly appetizing appearance that the almost transparent sheets give to the filling.

Rice paper can also be used as a low-calorie alternative:

  • Lettuce and cabbage leaves, which have a more pronounced taste;
  • Grape leaves with a denser texture;
  • Nori (an edible type of red seaweed widely used to make sushi), similar in texture but slightly salty in taste.


Since rice paper is usually eaten in small quantities, there are no specific contraindications to the use of this product.

Do you know what classic rice paper is and how to make it yourself? Don't doubt it, you can really do it yourself. All you have to do is follow our simple instructions.

How to make rice paper at home?

Rice paper is quite thin, slightly rough white sheets. Of course, in the industrial production of paper the process is very complex, but at home we will try to do it in a simple way.

So, first let’s prepare the “materials”:

400 grams of rice flour;

25 grams of salt;

150 grams of chilled flour.

Making rice paper:

1. Pass the flour through a sieve and add the salt and water prepared in advance. Knead the dough and knead it for 15 minutes.

2. Place the dough in any bowl and cover. After half an hour, roll out the dough to a very thin crust on a board sprinkled with chilled flour.

3. Divide the dough into squares measuring 15*15cm.

4. Dry the sheets and the paper is ready.

Rice paper can be used in a variety of applications. Cooks wrap fillings in it, such as spring rolls. It is also used in decoration, for example, for decoupage and origami. You can choose the area of ​​application of the paper yourself, and our instructions will help you learn the process of its production: