Write your name in Latin. New transliteration in a foreign passport: what has changed

What would you think - everything is serious here. The US State Department has developed a whole philosophy theory for translating the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet into Latin. Here is their achievement:

A - A I - I C - S b - goes down
B - B Y - Y T - T Y - Y
B - V K - K U - U b - lowered
G - G L - L F - F E - E
D - D M - M X - KH Yu - YU
E - E, YE N - N C - TS I am YA
E - E, YE O - O CH - CH
F - ZH P - P Ш - SH
Z - Z R - R Ш – SHCH

This table is accompanied by comments that delight our ears ( Well, it’s not just us who have to understand the intricacies of reading in English, even if they suffer with our language). For example:

1. Letters E And Yo are transmitted identically ( apparently E is a ghost letter): E , YE .
Parfenov - Parfenov
Elena - Yelena

2. However, if you need to emphasize the pronunciation [yo] in the letter Yo, then it is denoted as YO :
Peter - Pyotr (Shaitan, how can the US Department understand when to emphasize [yo] and when not to?)

3. Letter E transmitted as YE only if it is at the beginning of a word, after a vowel or the letters b, b. In other cases - E.
Medvedev - Medvedev

4. Letters E And E are transmitted in the same way (except for the cases with E, described in paragraph 3) - i.e. E.
Elina - Elina

5. Mysterious letters Y And Y are designated as Y .
Raykin - Raykin

6. Endings YY And II are also designated as one letter - Y .

7.b And Kommersant are beyond the understanding of foreigners, and therefore are not designated in any way.
Lifting - Podyomny

8.YU And I are designated accordingly YU And YA .
Julia - Yuliya

9. Favorite Russian letters AND And X in English they also have something in common and are designated accordingly ZH And KH .

10.C turns into T.S., A H- V CH .
Tsareva - Tsaryova
Black - Chernyh

11. The rest of the hissing sizzles are even more exotic: Sh - SH, A SCH- long-suffering SHCH .
Shalyapin - Shalyapin

But in general, in addition to this American system, there are several other transliteration options. Our GOST, for example, with some different nuances.

S is like dollar in English

Writing your full name in English is now more or less clear ( you can practice with all your might on your friends). But what it is like for foreigners to communicate verbally can be understood from the invented international phonetic alphabet.

Imagine calling your boyfriend on the phone and saying something mysterious: D asha, U liana, R ita, A Nna, TO atya. And you hang up. Let him guess. If he decides that this is a list of girlfriends that you found out about, then it really is the same one. (For those who drive a tank in neutral, a hint: look at the bolds.)

When transmitting an important message, it is customary for us to convey each letter as a female name that begins with it. For example, A - Anna, M - Maria. For English speakers, everything is more mundane:

A - Alfa
B - Bravo
D - Delta
E - Echo
F - Foxtrot
G - Golf
H - Hotel
I - India
L - Lima
M - Mike
O - Oscar
P - Papa
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
T - Tango
U - Uniform
V - Victor
W - Whiskey
X - X-ray
Z - Zulu

This system is used in the military, telecommunications, aviation and other fields where it is necessary to verbally transmit texts with high accuracy, in which each letter can literally cost the life of another person. And try to tell representatives of similar professions that the English alphabet is not so important - it’s better to learn idioms.

Now you have the opportunity to dictate your email address without the “s like a dollar”, “i with a dot” and “h like a chair” :)

Correspondence between Russian names and English names

The only thing left is to introduce yourself to the foreigner in such a way that you won’t be painfully ashamed of your name. You risk being misunderstood (and in this series, only irregular verbs are good in English). Because Nastya, for example, in their understanding will be associated with “disgusting” (nasty - disgusting), and Svetlana - with “sweaty Lana” (sweat). And English-speaking comrades will not be able to pronounce some names at all: for example, those that end in a soft sign, because in English consonants are not softened. Therefore, Judith, Igor and other names will still end phonetically rigid. But the luckiest of all are probably Sergei and Ivan: the former, however, are already doing well here (that’s why many introduce themselves as Seryozha or Serge), but Vanya only in the USA become iPhones (almost relatives of iPhones).

How to make life easier for foreigners without losing face? Here is a small selection of adapted Russian names:

Alexander - Eligzande (Alexander)
Anatoly - Anatole
Andrey - Andrew (Andrew)
Vasily - Basil
Benjamin - Benjamin
Vincent - Vincent
Gabriel - Gabriel (Gabriel)
George - George
Daniel - Daniel
Eugene - Eugene
Ephraim - Geoffrey
Ivan - John, Ivan (John)
Elias - Elias
Joseph, Osip - Joseph (Joseph)
Heraclius - Heracles
Charles - Charles
Claudius - Claude
Leo - Leo
Matthew - Matthew
Michael - Michael (Michael)
Nicholas - Nicholas
Pavel - Paul
Peter - Pete (Peter)
Sergey - Serge (Serge)
Stepan - Stephen, Stephen (Steven, Stephen)
Fedor - Theodore
Jacob - Jacob

Agnes/Agnia - Agnes
Alice - Alice
Anastasia - Anastacia
Antonina - Antonia
Valentina - Valentine
Valeria - Valery
Barbara - Barbara
Dasha - Dolly Dolly (Dorothy)
Eve - Eve
Eugenia - Eugenie
Catherine - Catherine, Catherine (Catherine)
Elena - Helen
Joanne, Jean
Zoe - Zoe
Irina - Irene
Caroline - Caroline
Laura - Laura, Lauren (Laura, Lauren)
Maria - Mary (Mary)
Natalia - Natalie
Polina - Polina (Paulina)
Rita - Margaret
Sofia - Sophie
Suzanne - Susan (Susan)
Julia - Julia

Have you found yourself? It's time to choose an adapted name for yourself, memorize the nuances with Ш, Е, И and other letters for registration of a foreign passport - and go on a trip with your full name in English or to the registry office;)

especially for

Enter the text in Russian letters:

Translate Clear

How to say in Latin letters:

Why translate Russian letters into Latin?

Since Russia is not yet a very rich country and most companies cannot afford to organize the distribution of free samples to advertise their products, at the moment most offers for freebies come from abroad.

Since the most common language is English, order forms for free samples are often in English.

The address information and full name of the recipient in such forms must be filled out in Latin. Since both our postmen and those companies that distribute freebies will understand the Latin alphabet.

If you write in Russian, then there is a risk that the organizers of the action simply will not want to spend time translating and understanding what is written there.

If you write in English, then our postmen will not understand who and where to deliver.

The best option is to write the freebie delivery address and the full name of the freebie recipient in Latin.

Now the Internet is full of different translators, but most of them are either not convenient or take a long time to search for.

We suggest constantly using our free translator of Russian text into Latin.

When you order freebies through forms written in English, write the delivery address and full name in Latin.

Our free, simple and convenient service will allow you to translate Russian text into Latin. When we order samples from foreign sites, we always do this and get a freebie, not always of course :-), but it comes. So the method is correct.

For the first time, the question will definitely arise in front of you - how to fill out passenger data to purchase an air ticket?

In fact, there is nothing complicated here. Just follow the directions and tips on the site where you buy it.

In this article we will walk you through all the steps of registering a ticket on the website. On other sites, the sequence may differ, but the principle of filling out the fields will remain the same.

1) Last name and first name, and in the case of a flight within Russia, the middle name is also indicated.

This data is entered exclusively in Latin letters and it does not matter whether you are flying within Russia or abroad.

In a general passport, the owner’s details are indicated only in Russian letters, but if you have a new type passport (issued after 2011), then you can see the Latin spelling on the page with the photo.

At the very bottom there is a machine-readable entry, where after PNRUS your name, surname and patronymic are indicated in Latin letters.

Please note that if your middle name ends in “vich,” it may appear as “VI3” in machine-readable notation. For example, instead of IVANOVICH it will be written IVANOVI3

This is a misspelling and VI3 should be replaced with VICH.

If your passport is an old one, then don’t worry, there is a way out in your case too. Use the online transliteration service on the website http://translit-online.ru/pasport.html. He will make transliterations in accordance with the requirements of the migration service.

Transliteration table for first and last names for a foreign passport

a-a b-b c-v d-g d-d e-e e-e g-zh h-z i-i j-i k-k l-l m-m n-n o-o p- p r-r s-s t-t y-u f-f x-kh c-tc h-ch w-sh shch-shch y-y e-e yu-iu i-ia

Using a transliteration service or independently using the transliteration table above, data for children under 14 years of age who can fly using a birth certificate is also entered.

2) The date of birth is indicated in the format recommended by the site. As a rule, this is dd.mm.yyyy.

3) Citizenship is determined by the country that issued your passport. If you have citizenship of several countries, then indicate whose passport you will use during your trip.

4) The series and number of the international passport are indicated without spaces and the sign No. For flights within Russia, you can use both a foreign and a general passport. For children - birth certificate or international passport. For flights abroad - only an international passport.

The ticket is issued for the passport on which you are flying. The one that you will present when checking in for your flight and when going through border control if you are flying abroad.

5) The validity period is indicated only if the ticket is issued on a foreign passport. Birth certificates and general passports do not have an expiration date.

6) The mile card is indicated upon request and if available. You can leave this field blank.

Well, that’s all, all the passenger data has been entered and now you just need to pay. On the website you can do this with a bank card or cash in the Svyaznoy network of salons.

14 Mar 2016 Anna Komok

English transliteration is used to fill out most international forms, official letters, as well as to send applications for international documents online. Let's look at the basic rules for translating Russian surnames and names into English.

Regulatory Rules

The Russian Federation has only recently moved to international standards. That is why some written names and surnames in old foreign passports, as well as on bank cards, may differ from modern ones.

At the moment, the replacement of Russian letters with Latin letters is carried out according to federal law number 211 of March 26, 2014, as well as according to 52535. 1-2006 GOST. In addition, the rules are based on the ICAO international table (ICAO), which contains almost all current state alphabets with Latin transcription.

Russian letterLatin equivalent

NOTE! You should not use translators, as they do not translate according to GOST rules.

Features and writing examples

The transliteration of names has changed since 2014 after the introduction of international standards. Let's consider the main provisions:

  • Let's pay attention to the letter "Ш", which in English equivalent will have 4 characters "SHCH". For example: Shchupalov - Shchupalov.
  • The letter “Yu” was also changed, now the sound “Y”, which was previously usually replaced by “Y”, changes to “I”. Example: Yuri - Iurii, Yuvalov - Iuvalov, Yudin - Iudin, Yuryevich - Iurevich, Lyudmila - Liudmila, Anatoly - Anatolii, Mikhail - Mihail.
  • In the same way, the letter “I” was replaced with the combination “IA”. Example: Yana - Iana, Yaroslav - Iaroslav.
  • Y no longer matches "Y" and is written as "I" with the symbol "I". If the combination is “II”, it will be written with double “ii”. For example, Evgeny will be written in Latin - Evgenii, not Evgeniy. Valery - Valerii, Dmitry - Dmitrii, Alexey - Aleksei, Yuri - Iurii, Mikhailovna - Mihailovna, Vasily - Vasilii.
  • "Ts" was previously written as "C" now has a different symbolism - "TS". Example: Tsaplin - Tsaplin, Tsoi - Tsoi.
  • “F” is no longer designated by the letter “J” as before. Now it's "ZH". For example: Nadezhda - Nadezhda.
  • "Ch" has a double letter substitution "CH". For example: Nikolaevich - Nikolaevich, Anatolyevich - Anatilevich, Alexandrovich - Aleksandrovich, Vyacheslav - Viacheslav, Sergeevich - Sergeevich, Vyacheslavovich - Viacheslavovich.
  • The soft sign is not written at all and can be ignored, but this was the case before. For example: Vasilyevna - Vasilevna, Tatiana - Tatiana, Yuryevna - Iurevna, Lyubov - Liubov.
  • The hard sign is indicated by the symbols “IE”. Example: Lifts – Podie


If you are filling out an application form for an international flight or to obtain a visa, then you need to proceed not from the filling rules that are currently established, but from what is written in the international passport. In particular, filling out your full name. If you write information that is different from reality, your visa or application may not be accepted.

A little advice: when applying for a bank card, indicate to the bank employee exactly the transcription that is indicated in the foreign passport. The transliteration on the card must match the foreign passport. Since some stores and supermarkets in Europe check your passport details when purchasing. And if the first and last names are written differently, the product may not be sold to you.

Also be careful that the airline indicates the information from your passport on the ticket. Sometimes they indicate data according to a new sample, when the passport is still old and follows outdated standards. In this case, problems may arise that will lead to a fine for the tourist himself.

Before departure, be sure to check the details of your passport and air ticket. In the event of an error, you must immediately notify your airline or travel agency about the incident. They are obliged to quickly cancel the ticket and issue a new one with corrected data.

In a foreign passport, both new and old, the holder’s surname and name are always written in Latin letters. When completing all forms, special attention is paid to writing all personal data. Transliteration in a foreign passport is carried out according to certain rules that may change, so it is worth checking the current examples of Latin writing before submitting a package of documents.

In 2019, the transliteration is new, but fully complies with international standards.

The previous update was exactly 6 years ago.

The procedure for transliterating a surname and name into a foreign passport is carried out in each department of the migration service, and transcription can be carried out not only according to international rules, but also Russian ones. International standards are relevant for the current year. The process itself is carried out automatically using a computer program. All that is required from the applicant is to fill out without blots or errors. Migration service employees enter all information in Cyrillic into the program. This method works in most countries of the world.

Since 2010, transliteration has undergone many changes, and therefore many are concerned about the emergence of difficulties or problems associated with different spellings of personal information in different documents. There are often situations when a difference of even one letter can cause a lot of trouble, for example, court proceedings to prove kinship, etc.

As for foreign passports, the situation is not so serious: the spelling of the name in the old document may differ from what is indicated in the biometric one.

Most airlines will allow you to fly on a ticket that was purchased before you received your biometric passport, even if the new document contains different spellings than those on the ticket. If the initials on the bank card are written differently than in the new passport, then when the re-issue deadline is reached, the information will be rewritten.


Last year, changes affected the transliteration of some letters of the alphabet, which is why some names and surnames seem completely unrecognizable and difficult to read. The letter “ё” is now also taken into account, like “e”, and the hard sign has also been translated. In addition, the combination of some vowels has been changed, “ts” and “y” are indicated differently. More detailed information is given in the table:

AaTokXkhLetterWasIt became
VvmmhchVowelsyu, yaIu,ya
GgnnwshKommersantdid not haveie

According to the new rules, in 2019, many surnames and names are written differently, not like in previously issued passports: not Sergey, but Sergei, not Sofiya, but Sofiia, etc.

In some cases, it is important to leave the previous spelling of data as it is in order to match the spelling in the documents of other family members or in previously issued important papers. In order to leave the “translit” the same and not go through a rather complicated re-registration procedure, it is enough to simply write a corresponding application in accordance with paragraph 78 of the administrative regulations.

What to do if you want to keep your “previous” name

The application, which indicates how to write the first/last name, is filled out completely in free form with the obligatory indication of the reason why the information should look the desired way. The document is addressed to the head of the local migration department. In order for the application to have administrative force, it is necessary to refer to the 28th paragraph of the order of the Federal Migration Service number 211, dated 2014.

The following must be attached to the document (where the old spelling of personal data is):

  • Foreign passport (previous);
  • An official marriage certificate issued in any other state;
  • A copy of the country's internal passport;
  • Birth certificate (you can even have a child, since the parent’s details are indicated);
  • Any documents about the education received in Latin;
  • A visa that has not yet expired.

All documents issued outside the territory of the native country must be legalized and translated into Russian. It is impossible to change transliteration rules at will.

Online translation

You can independently translate your last name or first name in order to first familiarize yourself with the correct result in a future document that allows you to travel abroad, using the appropriate online service, with the help of which transliteration is carried out in a matter of minutes. To obtain the desired result, you need to do the following:

  1. Enter the required personal data in the line.
  2. “Click” to start the process.
  3. See the completed information received.

It is worth considering that the applicant is only required to have the data written in Russian letters correct. FMS employees correctly “convert” the received information into a ready-made version written in Latin.