Moseychuk Natalya Nikolaevna son Anton. Natalya Moseychuk: I feel sorry for families in which spouses need personal space. What a typical day looks like for a news anchor.

(1973-05-30 ) (45 years old) K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Natalya Nikolaevna Moseychuk(ukr. Natalya Mykolayivna Moseychuk; genus. May 30, Tejen) - Ukrainian TV presenter, journalist, presenter of TSN on channel 1+1.


Natalya Moseychuk was born on May 30, 1973 in Tejen, Turkmen SSR. Father is a military man, mother is a teacher. Graduated in 1990 high school in the city of Berdichev, Zhytomyr region. In 1995 she graduated from the faculty foreign languages Zhytomyr Pedagogical University.


Natalya Moseychuk, together with Lydia Taran, hosts the main issues of TSN.


The general producer of Channel 5, Yuri Stets, commented on Moseichuk’s transition to 1+1: “I know for sure that this is not a desire to earn more money and not a desire to leave Channel 5. She had a dream to work for 1+1 and, in my opinion, this is where the reasons should be looked.”

In turn, the presenter herself, in an interview with the Lviv Portal, said that the reason was the dismissal of several significant figures for her from the channel - in particular, the presenter, “teacher and friend” Roman Skrypin. She also expressed the opinion that by that time the “honest news channel” had changed noticeably: “It was not the same news that we did in 2004...”.


Awarded the insignia of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Named Electronic Media Journalist of the Year (Person of the Year 2009 Award)

Personal life

She is married and has two sons - Anton (b. 1998) and Matvey (b. 2012).

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Excerpt characterizing Moseychuk, Natalya Nikolaevna

- Oh, so this is Vereshchagin! - said Pierre, peering into the firm and calm face of the old merchant and looking for an expression of treason in it.
- This is not him. This is the father of the one who wrote the proclamation,” said the adjutant. “He’s young, he’s sitting in a hole, and he seems to be in trouble.”
One old man, wearing a star, and another, a German official, with a cross on his neck, approached the people talking.
“You see,” said the adjutant, “this is a complicated story. Then, two months ago, this proclamation appeared. They informed the Count. He ordered an investigation. So Gavrilo Ivanovich was looking for him, this proclamation was in exactly sixty-three hands. He will come to one thing: from whom do you get it? - That’s why. He goes to that one: who are you from? etc. we got to Vereshchagin... a half-trained merchant, you know, a little merchant, my dear,” the adjutant said, smiling. - They ask him: who do you get it from? And the main thing is that we know from whom it comes. He has no one else to rely on other than the postal director. But apparently there was a strike between them. He says: not from anyone, I composed it myself. And they threatened and begged, so he settled on it: he composed it himself. So they reported to the count. The count ordered to call him. “Who is your proclamation from?” - “I composed it myself.” Well, you know the Count! - with pride and cheerful smile said the adjutant. “He flared up terribly, and just think: such impudence, lies and stubbornness!..
- A! The Count needed him to point to Klyucharyov, I understand! - said Pierre.
“It’s not necessary at all,” the adjutant said fearfully. – Klyucharyov had sins even without this, for which he was exiled. But the fact is that the count was very indignant. “How could you compose? - says the count. I took this “Hamburg newspaper” from the table. - Here she is. You didn’t compose it, but translated it, and you translated it badly, because you don’t even know French, you fool.” What do you think? “No,” he says, “I didn’t read any newspapers, I made them up.” - “And if so, then you are a traitor, and I will bring you to trial, and you will be hanged. Tell me, from whom did you receive it? - “I haven’t seen any newspapers, but I made them up.” It remains that way. The Count also called on his father: stand his ground. And they put him on trial and, it seems, sentenced him to hard labor. Now his father came to ask for him. But he's a crappy boy! You know, such a merchant's son, a dandy, a seducer, listened to lectures somewhere and already thinks that the devil is not his brother. After all, what a young man he is! My father has his tavern here Stone Bridge, so in the tavern, you know, there is a large image of the Almighty God and a scepter is presented in one hand, and an orb in the other; so he took this image home for several days and what did he do! I found a bastard painter...

In the middle of this new story, Pierre was called to the commander-in-chief.
Pierre entered Count Rastopchin's office. Rastopchin, wincing, rubbed his forehead and eyes with his hand, while Pierre entered. The short man was saying something and, as soon as Pierre entered, he fell silent and left.
- A! “Hello, great warrior,” said Rostopchin as soon as this man came out. – We’ve heard about your prouesses [glorious exploits]! But that's not the point. Mon cher, entre nous, [Between us, my dear,] are you a Freemason? - said Count Rastopchin in a stern tone, as if there was something bad in this, but that he intended to forgive. Pierre was silent. - Mon cher, je suis bien informe, [I, my dear, know everything well,] but I know that there are Freemasons and Freemasons, and I hope that you do not belong to those who, under the guise of saving the human race, want to destroy Russia.
“Yes, I’m a Freemason,” answered Pierre.
- Well, you see, my dear. You, I think, are not unaware that Messrs. Speransky and Magnitsky have been sent where they should be; the same was done with Mr. Klyucharyov, the same with others who, under the guise of building the temple of Solomon, tried to destroy the temple of their fatherland. You can understand that there are reasons for this and that I could not exile the local postal director if he were not harmful person. Now I know that you sent him yours. crew for the rise from the city and even that you accepted papers from him for safekeeping. I love you and do not wish you harm, and since you are half my age, I, as a father, advise you to stop all relations with this kind of people and leave here yourself as soon as possible.

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Natalya Nikolaevna Moseychuk
Natalya Mykolayivna Moseychuk

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Date of death:

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Awards and prizes:

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[[Lua error in Module:Wikidata/Interproject on line 17: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). |Works]] in Wikisource

Natalya Nikolaevna Moseychuk(ukr. Natalya Mykolayivna Moseychuk; genus. May 30, Tejen) - Ukrainian TV presenter, journalist, presenter of TSN on channel 1+1.


Natalya Moseychuk was born on May 30, 1973 in Tejen, Turkmen SSR. Father is a military man, mother is a teacher. In 1990 she graduated from high school in the city of Berdichev, Zhitomir region. In 1995 she graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at Zhytomyr Pedagogical University.


Natalya Moseychuk, together with Lydia Taran, hosts the main issues of TSN.


The general producer of Channel 5, Yuri Stets, commented on Moseichuk’s transition to 1+1: “I know for sure that this is not a desire to earn more money and not a desire to leave Channel 5. She had a dream to work for 1+1 and, in my opinion, this is where the reasons should be looked.”

In turn, the presenter herself, in an interview with the Lviv Portal, said that the reason was the dismissal of several significant figures for her from the channel - in particular, the presenter, “teacher and friend” Roman Skrypin. She also expressed the opinion that by that time the “honest news channel” had changed noticeably: “It was not the same news that we did in 2004...”.


Awarded the insignia of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Named Electronic Media Journalist of the Year (Person of the Year 2009 Award)

Personal life

She is married and has two sons - Anton (b. 1998) and Matvey (b. 2012).

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Excerpt characterizing Moseychuk, Natalya Nikolaevna

- Girolamo is no more, dear Francesco... Just as his father is no more...
Was the reason that Francesco was a friend from our happy “past”, or was I just wildly tired of endless loneliness, but, telling him about the horror that the Pope had done to us, I suddenly felt inhumanly pain... And then I finally burst through!.. Tears poured out like a waterfall of bitterness, sweeping away embarrassment and pride, and leaving only the thirst for protection and the pain of loss... Hiding on his warm chest, I sobbed like a lost child looking for friendly support...
– Calm down, my dear friend... Well, what are you talking about! Please calm down...
Francesco stroked my tired head, as my father had done long ago, wanting to calm me down. The pain burned, again mercilessly throwing me into the past, which could not be returned, and which no longer existed, since there were no longer people on Earth who created this wonderful past...
– My home has always been your home, Isidora. You need to hide somewhere! Let's come to us! We'll do everything we can. Please come to us!.. You will be safe with us!
They were wonderful people - his family... And I knew that if only I agreed, they would do everything to shelter me. Even if they themselves are in danger for it. And for a short moment I suddenly wanted to stay so wildly!.. But I knew perfectly well that this would not happen, that I would leave right now... And in order not to give myself vain hopes, I immediately said sadly:
– Anna remained in the clutches of the “holy” Pope... I think you understand what this means. And now I have her alone... Sorry, Francesco.
And remembering something else, she asked:
– Can you tell me, my friend, what is happening in the city? What happened to the holiday? Or has our Venice, like everything else, also become different?..
– The Inquisition, Isidora... Damn it! It's all the Inquisition...
– ?!..
- Yes, dear friend, she even got here... And the worst thing is, many people fell for it. Apparently, for the evil and insignificant, the same “evil and insignificant” is needed so that everything that they have hidden for many years will be revealed. The Inquisition has become a terrible instrument of human revenge, envy, lies, greed and malice!.. You can’t even imagine, my friend, how low seemingly the most normal people can fall!.. Brothers slander unwanted brothers... children slander their aged fathers, wanting to get rid of them as quickly as possible... envious neighbors against neighbors... This is terrible! No one is protected today from the coming of the “holy fathers”... It’s so scary, Isidora! All you have to do is say to someone that he is a heretic, and you will never see that person again. True madness... which reveals the lowest and worst in people... How to live with this, Isidora?
Francesco stood hunched over, as if the heaviest burden was pressing on him like a mountain, not allowing him to straighten up. I knew him for a very long time, and I knew how difficult it was to break this honest, brave man. But the life of that time crushed him, turning him into a confused man who did not understand such human meanness and baseness, into a disappointed, aging Francesco... And now, looking at my good old friend, I realized that I was right in deciding to forget my personal life, giving it for the death of the “holy” monster, who trampled on the lives of other, good and pure people. It was only unspeakably bitter that there were low and vile “people” who rejoiced (!!!) at the arrival of the Inquisition. And the pain of others did not touch their callous hearts, rather, on the contrary - they themselves, without a twinge of conscience, used the clutches of the Inquisition to destroy the innocent, good people! How far our Earth was from that happy day, when a Man will be pure and proud!.. When his heart will not succumb to meanness and evil... When Light, Sincerity and Love will live on Earth. Yes, the North was right - the Earth was still too evil, stupid and imperfect. But I believed with all my soul that someday she would become wise and very kind... only many more years would pass for this. In the meantime, those who loved her had to fight for her. Forgetting yourself, your family... And not sparing your only one and very dear to everyone earthly Life. Having forgotten myself, I didn’t even notice that Francesco was watching me very carefully, as if he wanted to see if he could persuade me to stay. But the deep sadness in his sad gray eyes told me - he understood... And hugging him tightly last time, I started to say goodbye...

In an interview with Caravan of Stories, she told what difficulties she had to go through on the way to successful career on TV, about gender discrimination, how she met her husband and how she is raising children, as well as how she copes with stress at work, and how she manages to look younger than her age

I had a fantastic childhood! Moderately controlled by parents, moderately independent. With all the ideological absurdity and tinsel, with school adventures, amazing three-month summer holidays with my grandmother in a village in the Sumy region. It was there that my ambitions were forged and leadership qualities. My grandmother provided me with freedom.

I remember how my friends, Valik and Igor, and I decided to see the world behind the sign with the name settlement Litvinovichi. I was ten years old then. We got on our bikes and waved in the direction of a neighboring village seven kilometers away. Half the way we carried the bicycles on ourselves, because between the villages there was only a sandy road, and we crawled, falling into the sand up to our ankles. We reached the village terribly tired, exhausted and hungry. At the store they collected pennies from their pockets, bought a loaf of bread and, tearing it into three parts, devoured it to the last crumb.

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They returned home, anticipating a “thunderstorm”. From afar we saw the silhouettes of our three grandmothers with lozins in their hands. Having approached closer, we were finally convinced that reprisals could not be avoided, we dived into the nearest turn, onto the rural ring road that led to the field camp, and found ourselves at home faster than our grandmothers. There I was already prepared for a showdown, but that’s what grandmothers are for, not to scold, but to scold. It all came down to my stories of adventures, accompanied by grandmotherly sighs and pitiful interjections.

In general, everything was like most Soviet children. My brother Sasha and I, following our parents, thoroughly traveled around the cities and towns, almost like gypsy children, since my father is a military man, who, by the way, also served in Afghanistan. Apartments were changed frequently, every five years, or even more often. They lived in Tejen (Turkmenistan), Parchim (Germany), Veszprém and Esztergom (Hungary). Then the Union, Ukraine, Berdichev, where I studied at school for nine years. And Zhitomir, where my parents finally settled.

Life abroad expanded our horizons; in socialist Hungary we became acquainted with a way of life that is still inaccessible to us to this day - thirty years later! We saw order, cleanliness, communication with a smile, good-naturedness, and emancipation. And yes, I admit, we felt a certain disappointment when we returned to the Union. There was envy, anger, dirt, drunkenness, laxity. Thanks to our parents, they were able to protect us. Soften the blow of Soviet reality.

Natalya with her brother, parents and grandmother, 1980

My parents never gave my brother and I any reason to treat ourselves with familiarity and familiarity. We weren't friends in the sense that people mean modern psychologists and teachers. We had a completely patriarchal way of life, where the father was the authority and head of the family, the mother, a teacher by profession, was the authority and his deputy.

Although we must not forget about national characteristics. After all, for many Ukrainians, apparently male management is in fact carefully supervised, and sometimes even directed by a female mind. In this sense, our mother is one hundred percent “neck” and the most faithful shoulder to her husband. This is probably why my brother and I are in love with this couple and copy their relationship in our families. Although, I must say honestly, it is not always successful. Our parents are family style icons for us. For this we are very grateful to them.

Natalya Nikolaevna Moseychuk(Ukrainian Natalya Mykolayivna Moseychuk; born May 30, 1973, Tejen) - Ukrainian TV presenter, journalist, TSN presenter on channel 1+1.


Natalya Moseychuk was born on May 30, 1973 in Tejen, Turkmen SSR. Father is a military man, mother is a teacher. In 1990 she graduated from high school in the city of Berdichev, Zhitomir region. In 1995 she graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Zhytomyr pedagogical university.


In 1993, Natalya Moseychuk began working as a journalist and presenter on Zhytomyr regional television.

Since 1997 - presenter of the information and entertainment program “Morning Revue” on the Inter TV channel.

Since 1998 - news presenter on the "UTAR" channel.

Since 1999 - news presenter at the Express-Inform television company.

Since 2003 - presenter of the information service of Channel 5. Author and host of the “VIP Woman” program.

Since August 2006, she became the presenter of the Television News Service (TSN) on the 1+1 channel. She was also the author and presenter of the project “ Hidden Life» about public and non-public aspects of the lives of famous politicians.

Natalya Moseychuk, together with Lydia Taran, hosts the main issues of TSN.


The general producer of Channel 5, Yuri Stets, commented on Moseichuk’s transition to 1+1: “I know for sure that this is not a desire to earn more money and not a desire to leave Channel 5. She had a dream to work for 1+1 and, in my opinion, this is where the reasons should be looked.”

In turn, the presenter herself, in an interview with the Lviv Portal, said that the reason was the dismissal of several significant figures for her from the channel - in particular, the presenter, “teacher and friend” Roman Skrypin. She also expressed the opinion that by that time the “honest news channel” had changed noticeably: “It was not the same news that we did in 2004...”.


Awarded the insignia of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Named Electronic Media Journalist of the Year (2009 Person of the Year Award)

Natalya Moseychuk was born on May 30, 1973 in Tejen, Turkmen SSR. Father is a military man, mother is a teacher. In 1990 she graduated from high school in the city of Berdichev, Zhitomir region. In 1995 she graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at Zhytomyr Pedagogical University.


In 1993, Natalya Moseychuk began working as a journalist and presenter on Zhytomyr regional television.

Since 1997 - presenter of the information and entertainment program “Morning Revue” on the Inter TV channel.

Since 1998 - news presenter on the "UTAR" channel.

Since 1999 - news presenter at the Express-Inform television company.

Since 2003 - presenter of the information service of Channel 5. Author and host of the “VIP Woman” program.

Since August 2006, she became the presenter of the Television News Service (TSN) on the 1+1 channel. She was also the author and host of the “Hidden Life” project about the public and non-public aspects of the lives of famous politicians.

Natalya Moseychuk, together with Lydia Taran, hosts the main issues of TSN.


The general producer of Channel 5, Yuri Stets, commented on Moseichuk’s transition to 1+1: “I know for sure that this is not a desire to earn more money and not a desire to leave Channel 5. She had a dream to work for 1+1 and, in my opinion, this is where the reasons should be looked.”

In turn, the presenter herself, in an interview with the Lviv Portal, said that the reason was the dismissal of several significant figures for her from the channel - in particular, the presenter, “teacher and friend” Roman Skrypin. She also expressed the opinion that by that time the “honest news channel” had changed noticeably: “It was not the same news that we did in 2004...”.


Awarded the insignia of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Named Electronic Media Journalist of the Year (2009 Person of the Year Award)

Personal life

She is married and has two sons - Anton (b. 1998) and Matvey (b. 2012).