Dynamic meditation Osho: features and technique. Osho dynamic meditations add your price to the database comment

Hello, dear readers! Do you want to clear your mind of unnecessary husks and finally start living consciously and freely?

In this article you can get acquainted with the most popular dynamic meditation in the world, Osho. You will read in detail about the technique of performing active meditation practice, you will find out what great benefits five simple steps Osho meditations for your body and mind, your inner world.

Osho Meditation - the path to personality transformation

Meditation is a very important component of a variety of religious practices in the East. Meditative exercises for every day allow you not to fill your mind with unnecessary thoughts, unnecessary information, but most importantly, they teach you to be present in own life consciously and freely. Connecting with the world mind through meditative practices makes a person free and enlightened.

Osho - who is he?

Osho is the guru of our time, spiritual leader, mystic teacher. He created his own system, connecting religion and philosophy, designed to incorporate the most important aspects of the teachings of other religions.

Osho preached the rejection of fixation on the material side of life; all his teachings are permeated with a focus on spiritual beginning person. The point is not to leave the everyday world into a hermitage, but to be immersed in the world without being tied to it by shackles that burden spiritual freedom. The main pillars of Osho’s teachings: absence of ego, life-affirming position, meditation. It is this triad that guarantees liberation and enlightenment. Osho's dynamic meditation helps to achieve this state.

What is dynamic meditation?

Dynamic meditation Osho, named after the name taken by its creator (translated this name means “immersed in the ocean”), is known throughout the world. The popularity that Osho meditation has gained is extremely great.

The guru himself was sure that Osho’s active meditation was only an important stage in preparation for real meditation. Osho, like many creators various directions meditative techniques, believed that with real meditation, any activity of the mind and body stops.

What is Osho's dynamic meditation technique?

Osho argued that even for busy people(whose mind constantly solves certain necessary or not so necessary problems) is possible thanks to physical activity achieve a state of "mindlessness".

Dynamic meditation practice is done blindfolded (or closed). It can be done at home. There are many videos on the Internet that will help you understand the five stages of active meditation. The four stages of meditative practice are accompanied by special music (it was created by the German legendary composer Deuter specifically for the meditative direction).

So, there are five phases of a meditation technique that is suitable for beginners and “advanced” ones:

  • Phase one: respiratory. For ten minutes you need to breathe deeply and quickly enough through your nose. At the same time, try to exhale deeply, and the body will inhale spontaneously. Try to become just the breath. At the same time, you can perform movements that the body itself will tell you, imagine how you are filled with energy, but do not yet allow the energy to flow.
  • Phase two: it also lasts ten minutes, in this phase catharsis should happen to you. The phase can be designated by the concept of an explosion, a release of energy. Do whatever you want, and do it actively: laugh, scream, jump, move voluntarily. You can even cry out loud. All this will free you from negative energy. We must try to “go crazy.” There is no need to watch yourself, active loud movement is important.
  • Phase three: in it you have to jump for ten minutes, raising your arms, shouting the mantra “Hu!” at the next landing, exhale. Land on your full foot.
  • Phase four: it can be called “freeze”!! The stage is very calm, lasts fifteen minutes. You need to make a sudden stop, absolutely not move and contemplate what is happening in you. Any movement can dissipate the kundalini energy.
  • Phase five: grateful. It also lasts fifteen minutes. It's catharsis special condition freedom and purification. One should express gratitude to the world with a festive happy dance. Try to maintain the true joy that has blossomed in you for a longer time, regardless of whether it is Osho's morning meditation or your evening meditation.

And now you can watch the video.

What dynamic meditation can give us

Active practice is quite simple, and at first glance it is difficult to believe that such a simple alternation of stages, which the instructions prescribe, can yield fruits that will enrich our inner world.

The practice was created specifically for modern life, in which a person inevitably experiences enormous psychological stress. There are many methods in the world that are designed to give us balance in body and mind, to relax before bed, not to mention the fact that many books suggest “at once” to develop certain settings for love, for cash flow and so on.

So what does dynamic meditation do?

Practitioners have proven, and researchers have confirmed that talking with the body, performed using Osho’s technique, gives a state that contains the first and last freedom of a person, his true enlightenment. This is a healing practice. The heavy burden of rhythms and living conditions is removed by catharsis. This is purification, a kind of art of internal ecstasy. After this, a person is not only relaxed, he feels the golden light of his own heart and space, expansion to universal infinity.

Dynamic meditative practice, described in the article, gives an amazing experience of unity with the world and at the same time full presence in your inner life. Such an experience is available to any human consciousness, one has only to break out of the limitations created by the ever-restless material mind and penetrate into the divine. On this journey, you will begin to talk with your body (this is a dialogue between mind and body, the unity of psychosomatics), you will feel self-love, and the world will turn towards you on a joyful side.

If you do dynamic meditation for half a month in a row, you will feel internal positive changes, and after three months you can feel that your energy has become completely different, that your inner self has gained freedom.

Other meditations of the great guru

Osho created many meditation techniques and they are all suitable to modern man. Let's list just a few of them:

  • (active movements to release great energy, four stages).
  • Nataraj (dance, three stages).
  • Chakra breathing (active meditation in which deep breathing is very effective positive influence to the chakras).
  • Mandala (refers to catharsis techniques).
  • Aum (social meditation technique, contains 12 stages, lasts two and a half hours).
  • Nadabrama (refers to the old Tibetan techniques, Osho gave her his recommendations).
  • Golden Flower (performed in the morning, between sleep and wakefulness, in bed).
  • Heart (on the heart chakra).
  • Third eye (meditation helps to open your subtle energies).
  • In addition, the dynamic meditation of Swami Dasha, a student of Osho, is now known.

What to remember

1. The more you practice Osho’s dynamic meditation, the more you will feel the expansion of consciousness, its purification, freedom from complexes and enslavement. You will realize your nature as a spiritual being, regain the harmony of your existence, and heal from many problems without getting stuck in them.

2. Meditation should never be an effort, it should be joy and liberation.

3. Dynamic meditation practice can be done every day. The concept of harm and practice is incompatible; meditation brings great benefits to both spirit and body.

4. The practice is accessible to everyone, does not require special equipment, and can be done at any time of the day, although it is believed that it is best to do it at dawn.

See you in the next article!


6:45 - 8:15

Only when you simply blossom - free, not possessed - does the highest come to you.


We invite you to the most famous dynamic training from master Osho.

Regular practice of dynamic meditation helps:

  • Solve psychological problems.
  • Fill your life with joy.
  • Overcome complexes.
  • Learn to express yourself.
  • Survive crisis situations.
  • Strengthen your health.
  • Face your fears and conquer them.
  • Realize yourself creatively.
  • Feel satisfied with life.

Dynamic meditation is a harmonious solution to the problems that we face every day. It helps you become more resilient.
Practitioners note that they become less prone to fits of anger and have a more positive approach to solving problems and crisis situations.

Regular practice helps generate new energy reserves and develops social activity, maintaining a reserve of mental strength.

The total practice time is one hour.

Dynamic meditation includes five stages.

The first part is chaotic breathing through the nose. At the same time, the body remains relaxed and follows the impulses that are born in it.
The most valuable thing at this stage is maximum naturalness. You need to listen to your physics to learn how to use your internal energy.

The second part is the most fun and reckless.

Its point is to experience a real emotional explosion, to go crazy for a while, to release the brakes and release everything that was hidden in the depths of the mind.

The third part is jumping.

Jump at will. The more active the movement, the better! Don't be afraid to express yourself through movement!

The fourth phase is the calmest.

Just be still and watch inside and around.

Fifth phase - completion of Dynamic Meditation - a real holiday accompanied by songs and dances.

Rejoice, admire what surrounds you! And just be happy here and now, for no reason, just like that. Be happy just because you exist. You breathe, you are able to rejoice and sing songs.

One of the most important conditions successful practice - find an experienced guide.

Roman Naumov, one of the most experienced and famous practitioners of dynamic meditation in Moscow, will be exactly such a guide for you.

A pleasant bonus after dynamic meditation will be the practice of standing on nails.

If you want to discover a qualitatively new state for yourself, deepen your spiritual experience, tame your mind and learn a little more about the capabilities of your consciousness, then be sure to ask Roman to put you on nails after practice. After this, your life will no longer be the same. We promise!

Cost of a one-time visit - 400 rubles. Subscription to 30 days - 6000 rubles.

6:45 - 8:15


The hall closes at 7:00.If you are late, then unfortunately you will not get to practice. Therefore, plan your time in advance so that you arrive 10-15 minutes earlier.

Presenter Roman Naumov

st. Arbat 12 building 1

Osho Meditation is different from classical techniques, which involve quietly entering a trance to calm music. It is rather an energetic spiritual practice that works through negative blocks in a person’s consciousness.

The Great Teacher, who became famous throughout the world for his special views, practiced many types of meditation, each of which had a specific purpose.

Let's look at several popular techniques that you can do at home without much preparation, and also talk about those that are best done in a group.

Kundalini meditation

This meditation consists of four stages, each of which takes fifteen minutes. Sound accompaniment is required: choose suitable music. It should be calm and peaceful so that you can relax.

How to meditate:

  1. First stage (15 minutes). To the sound of music, you should literally “vibrate your body” or simply shake. The movements begin from the tips of the fingers and toes, and then you need to move them to the center of the body. It is better to keep your eyes closed, a suitable position is lying down. At first you will have to concentrate carefully, but by the end of the first stage the movements can become quite voluntary, and the tension in the body will subside
  2. Second stage (15 minutes). At this time, your awakening occurs internal energy kundalini and you should feel it. Expressed in dance. Feel how the energy forces your body to make rhythmic movements to the music, surrender to the power of internal sensations
  3. The third stage is complete immobility. Try to completely lose yourself in the music, just lie there and resonate with the sounds of the melody, don’t move at all. Relax and calm down
  4. The fourth stage is complete silence. The music stops at this stage, and you follow your breathing and seem to freeze with your body and soul. Not a single thought should enter your mind

What is important: in the first two stages of meditation it is not necessary to close your eyes, but in the last two you should.

This practice helps to achieve balance between body and mind, awaken the body's internal reserves and enter a state of complete harmony.

Osho Dynamic Meditation

Dynamic meditation is one of the most popular of all that Osho's followers practice. As a rule, such spiritual practice takes place in a group with several people at once.

It is believed that the energies of each person unite and then powerfully fill all participants in the action.

How does dynamic meditation work:

  1. Part one. Breath. For ten minutes you should breathe strictly through your nose, focusing all your attention on the exhalations. Exhale forcefully, powerfully and rhythmically at the fastest possible pace. At this stage, all negative energy is released. You can accompany your breathing with movements if your soul asks
  2. Part two. Catharsis. At this stage, you should experience a kind of explosion - all the negativity accumulated over the years will begin to burst out. Don't disturb him - free yourself from everything that interferes. You can shout loudly, sing, dance, stomp your feet, laugh, cry. Each person has his own way. The main thing is not to interfere with this and allow emotions to spill out into the world around you.
  3. Part three. Hu. Lasts ten minutes. At this time, you should jump up as high as you can, shouting a short mantra “Hoo!” Do this as strongly and clearly as possible. Keep your arms raised up. Mentally imagine how you are filled with positive energy, it penetrates into the very center of your body
  4. Part four. Stop. Lasts fifteen minutes. At the moment the fourth stage begins, you need to stop and freeze in the position in which you find yourself. Do not change your body position so as not to interfere with the flow of energy. Try not to yawn, sneeze or cough; you should not make a single sound. Abstract from thoughts, just look inside yourself and observe the sensations
  5. Part five. Dance. Dance like you're doing it last time in life. During the movements, imagine how your body is filled with powerful streams of joy, happiness, harmony, gratitude and positive energy

This concludes the meditation. It is not suitable for every day, unlike the previous one, according to the Kundalini method. Use it when you feel that you have too much negativity, tension, after a series of stresses. Realization: “It’s time!” sooner or later it will come to you on its own, you will feel the need for liberation and want to be filled with energy.

Watch a video with another Osho meditation that can be practiced daily:

States in dynamic meditation

It is especially worth talking about what state you need to concentrate yourself on in the process of dynamic Osho practices. Depending on the stages it will differ:

  • At first, you need to imagine that an invisible hammer is breaking the thick shell of negativity that has surrounded you. thin body. This hammer does not destroy, but awakens consciousness, using all its hidden reserves
  • On the second, imagine yourself in the center of a huge energy vortex, a powerful clot of negative energy that comes out of your body. Release this whirlwind and let it fly away in an unknown direction.
  • On the third, you seem to leave your physical body and become an observer
  • On the fourth, you do not feel the physical body at all. You feel like a naked soul, your subconscious, which is not constrained by anything or anyone else

Of course, it is ideal if you do dynamic meditation in a group. But if this is not possible, you can practice it yourself. The main thing is to find remote place, where no one will see you, and where you don’t bother anyone with strange dances and loud screams. Ideal option- outdoors: in the forest or on the river bank.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Dynamic meditation Osho: description, benefits, music

Hello blog readers!

Our unconscious always receives some kind of instructions and retains various emotional garbage. Often this burden spoils the energy and prevents you from freeing yourself and living differently. You can throw away emotional garbage with dynamic meditation.

This technique was created by the great Osho. Today it is used all over the world. I wonder what dynamic meditation- This is a method that is designed to create the necessary tension. It turns out to be a paradox: how can you relax if you are tense? And everything is very simple - when the body is completely tense, all that remains is to give up and relax.

As a result of this process, the unconscious is freed from unnecessary attitudes that remained from childhood or adolescence. This helps to remove restrictions and live to the fullest.

Lasts dynamic meditation not long - just one hour. You can meditate alone or in a small group. But it is worth remembering that this is a purely individual experience. So if you choose a group, don't look at others.

The eyes should be closed until the end of the meditation. For best effect, use a bandage. Clothing should be comfortable, and you should not eat before meditation. You must go through five stages:

1. Breathing.

At this stage, you should breathe through your nose, and at the same time - chaotically. You need to fully concentrate on the exit. The body itself must think about inhalation. Breathe very quickly, give your best, but do not forget about the depth of your breathing.

Constantly try to speed up and go deeper, do everything more intensely. Help the energy rise through body movements. When you feel that the energy has risen, try to hold it until the end of the first stage. Allow 10 minutes for this process.

2. Catharsis.

Once you get to stage two, you can let it all out. It must be an explosion! Allow yourself to be crazy. At the same time, you can cry, laugh, sing, dance, scream, yell, growl, jump, do whatever your body wants.

Don't hold back the slightest emotion, make your whole body move. Help him. And do everything to prevent the mind from connecting.

Allow 10 minutes for this stage of dynamic meditation.

3. Stage "Hu".

At this stage you should jump with your arms up. At the same time, do not forget to shout the mantra “Hu!”, repeat it constantly. When jumping, land fully on your foot, try to direct the sound to the sexual center. At the end you will feel completely exhausted.

For the third stage, 10 minutes will also be enough.

4. Stop.

As soon as this stage comes, freeze. It doesn’t matter what position you were in, you need to freeze in place for 15 minutes. Any movement can disrupt the flow of energy and ruin the entire meditation.

5. Dance.

At this stage the meditation ends. Allow 15 minutes for her. Celebrate the release of energy, emotions and unnecessary waste through dance. Try to be happy, cheerful and sincere for the next day.

Video, brief description techniques:

The effectiveness of Osho meditation

Incredible effect dynamic meditation affects both health and all life activities. Participants in this method immediately notice changes in themselves, their behavior and reactions to life events. Those who have tried to meditate in this way,

  • become more relaxed, sociable, active;
  • get rid of insomnia;
  • protect themselves from everything alien, get rid of obsessive thoughts;
  • get out of depression and become less aggressive;
  • moving along career ladder, become more confident;
  • become positive;
  • tolerate psychological stress well, become more resistant to overload;
  • They begin to soberly assess circumstances and cope with problems more quickly.

Description of Osho's meditation practice

Dynamic Meditation is to create a tense state in the body in which relaxation occurs automatically. It is usually difficult for a person to force himself to completely relax. And excessive stress literally leaves no chance for the body.

The three stages (breathing, catharsis, hu) are arranged in such a sequence as to make all your bodies tense: physical, etheric and astral.

For the physical body, breath is food. The amount of oxygen changes - the body changes. All 10 minutes of the first stage of meditation are designed to change the chemistry of the physical body.

To stop the flow of thoughts and forget yourself, you need to completely surrender to your breathing and concentrate on it. When the whole body, every part of it is interested in the intensity of some process, thoughts go away on their own. Energy tends to splash out from the so-called reservoir, so it no longer feeds thought processes.

When biological energy boils so much that your body is uncontrollable, the second stage will begin.

You should feel the need to take the second step. This process can be compared to driving a car. You can switch to the second speed when the first reaches its maximum. Same with dynamic meditation .

At this stage you need to let go of your body. Unlike the previous step, you don’t need to control anything, but rather let it take its course.

At this stage, a person is only required to listen to his body. If you want to cry - please, laugh - why not, dance - any whim.

Usually, when the body wants to throw out its energy, for example, in the form of a scream, a person may not feel it. Therefore, in the second stage of dynamic meditation, the participant must listen to himself. Whatever your body wants, do it as intensely as possible.

Voltage is achieved only at the peak point of energy release. That is, if you do not scream intensely enough, there will be no tension. Try not to plan your actions, everything should be instinctive.

When the intensity of your actions reaches its maximum point, you will have a new feeling - as if you are a witness to the processes that are now taking place. And at this moment, don’t think about what’s happening, don’t analyze, just observe.

For beginners in meditation, the second step is quite difficult. After all, a person tries to leave all the intensity in childhood. Remember, when a child cries, he does it with maximum intensity; when he laughs, it’s the same. And it’s a pleasure to watch these natural processes. Another thing is an adult: he laughs and cries, and is not even angry at full capacity, which looks much worse than children's emotions.

The second stage of dynamic meditation is designed to revive in a person all that childish intensity and sincerity, during which liberation from negative energy and emotional garbage is possible. This cleanses our unconscious and allows us to remove restrictions.

At the second stage, all participants will behave in an unusual way. It all depends on internal state: some will want to jump, some will want to scream, and some will even strip naked. And as soon as you feel liberated, you can move on to the third step.

In the first two stages, you force the energy to move down and out, and the mantra “Hu!” redirects it upward and inward. Strike the sound inward until you feel completely exhausted. Once the body becomes powerless, you can take the fourth step.

At this stage dynamic meditation It is characterized as – relaxation and silence. If you did the three previous steps with maximum intensity, relaxation will occur automatically. Now your body is powerless and exhausted, all emotional garbage has been thrown away. Silence came spontaneously; you don’t have to do anything for it. This is where the real meditation began.

I have often been asked what meditation is, whether it is necessary to sit in the lotus position, and what it is - the lotus position, whether it is necessary to hold the fingers in the mudra (and, in the end, what is “mudra”). For many years I answered this question with many in different ways. “Meditation is being in the moment.” “If you wash your cup, wash your cup, that’s meditation.” "Watch your thoughts." "Watch your breath." Then Osho and his Dynamic Meditation appeared in my life, after which the understanding of meditation not only expanded, but acquired many facets and dimensions.

I’ll admit right away that I categorically resisted Osho’s Dynamic Meditation. After the first time, I tried to decide which of the five stages upsets me more - the one where you have to breathe chaotically, or the one where you have to freeze with your arms extended to the sky. Then I decided that all meditation was not for me, and Osho slightly miscalculated me somewhere. I wasn’t the only one who thought so, and I shared my “discovery” with others, trying to find like-minded people. Then the inner rebel said: stop complaining, try again. I tried it. The second time, the frustration did not decrease, but more energy appeared. The third time I started crying at the stage where I had to scream and jump. And so on - strange things happened every time.

The story could end with a complete rejection of this wonderful technique, which Osho created in combination with Sufi and other techniques, while relying on knowledge of physiology, anatomy, and science. But my story with Dynamics is just beginning and I want everyone to get involved in it. Because this is the very case when technology works without exception. Well, there are simply no exceptions. You just need to not give up what you started and move forward through “I don’t want” and “Oh God, why do I need this torture.” We must, Fedya, we must.

So, why is it necessary?

1. Forget that meditation is only “sitting”. Dynamic meditation was created by Osho specifically for a Western person who cannot sit still and who needs to throw out everything that is in him and accumulates over the years.

2. Having read a huge volume dedicated to Dynamic Meditation, where sannyasins asked Osho questions on the topic, and he patiently answered, I can say with confidence that each of the 5 stages is as important as the correct execution. No amateur performances if you want the effect that Osho promises. What are the effects? At a minimum, liberation from blocks, anger, resentment, self-acceptance, love for yourself and your neighbor, and much more.

3. Dynamic meditation is a great way to lose weight☺

4. It is enough to do it 21 days in a row and never do it again. The effect achieved during this time may be sufficient. BUT: you shouldn’t think about the result, you should focus solely on the process and become an observer of everything that happens to you.

5. A day started with Osho Dynamic Meditation passes with an energy boost. You are less irritable, more flexible, in tune with yourself and environment. The meditative state lasts throughout the day, or even longer, the internal antenna is tuned to the positive.


Osho's dynamic meditation consists of 5 stages, each of which lasts 15 minutes. You should do meditation early in the morning, on an empty stomach. I advise you to blow your nose very well first. The eyes are closed throughout the hour-long meditation.

The first stage consists of rapid, chaotic breathing through the nose. It is important to pay attention to the word “chaotic” here, because our human brain manages to make a pattern even out of chaos. As soon as you feel that you are breathing according to a certain rhythm, change it immediately. The second stage is self-expression in the form of a scream, dance, song, ballet steps, anything that will help throw out everything that has accumulated and stirred up with the help of the first stage. That is, do EVERYTHING, do not limit yourself in anything (I advise you to warn your neighbors in advance ☺). The third stage is based on the Sufi technique - in it we “hit” the sexual center and from this very center, shouting “Hu”, we jump up with outstretched arms into the sky, while always landing on a full foot. In the fourth stage, we freeze in the position in which we finished the third. And we stand. Let's not moan. We don’t give up, although we really want to. We just stand and turn into an observer who will whisper many different things to us, but we do not enter into dialogue with him, we just observe, as if this is not happening to us. The fifth stage is celebration, simply dancing, expressing gratitude and bliss through body movement.

Next time I’ll tell you about Osho Evening Meetings and the meditation techniques that are used there. And now, when the tip of the iceberg, if not conquered, is at least known, let’s move on to Dynamics together?)

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