Dynamic meditation Osho

One of the most powerful meditation techniques today is Osho's dynamic meditations. They belong to the Indian teacher Osho Rajneesh, the creator of the new sannyas system.

Purpose of dynamic meditation

Osho's dynamic meditations are aimed at cleansing the unconscious person of those limiters and suppressed emotions that are hidden in it. This garbage has been accumulating since childhood, and if it is not cleaned out periodically, it comes out in the form of one pathology or another, greatly interfering with life. Therefore, Osho meditation is a very good way to overcome all internal barriers and start living life to the fullest.

The duration of dynamic meditation is one hour and consists of five consecutive parts. In principle, these Osho meditations can be done at home on your own, but group practice gives a slightly stronger result.

But even if you meditate with someone, it is still only your own experience, so close your eyes and keep them closed throughout the practice so as not to be distracted by anyone. You can use a bandage specifically for this.

As for other conditions, it is advisable to meditate on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to wear loose clothing that does not restrict movement for ease of practice.

Part One: Breathing

The first part of Osho's meditation lasts ten minutes. At this time, you need to breathe through your nose in a chaotic rhythm, concentrating on exhalation. The body will take care of inhalation itself. The air should penetrate as deeply into the lungs as possible. In this case, the breathing rate should be maximum. You need to breathe as quickly as you can, but without neglecting the depth of your breath. Use all your resources to help release energy. You can move if it helps you speed up or deepen your breathing. Finally, you should feel the energy rising within you. At this moment, it is very important to recognize it and bring it under control, not allowing it to come out ahead of time.

Part two: catharsis

The second part of Osho's meditation also lasts ten minutes. At this moment you must “explode” - throw out everything that is so eager to come out. Don't be afraid to seem crazy, don't limit yourself. Do absolutely whatever you want: sing, scream, stomp, dance, squeal, cry, burst into laughter, etc. This is Osho's meditation technique - talking to the body in the language of emotions. It is very important here to be streamlined, not to put internal barriers on yourself and not to constrain yourself. You just need to surrender to the flow of your energy, its flow and do everything that will naturally manifest itself. The most important thing is not to analyze! Critical activity mind at this moment is absolutely inappropriate.

Part three: hu

The third stage, like the first two, lasts ten minutes. During it, you need to continuously jump, continuously shouting the syllable-mantra “Hu”. The hands should be raised up, and the sounds should be as deep as possible.

When jumping, you need to completely lower yourself onto your entire foot each time, while feeling how the sound penetrates the sexual center of the body. Here again, you need to use all the resources of body and soul, all your energy, and give your best. Only then does kundalini awaken. Osho's meditations work according to the principle of direct proportionality. That is, you get an effect equivalent to the effort and energy expended.

Part Four: Stop

The fourth stage takes fifteen minutes. As soon as it starts, you need to stop. Freeze in the place and position in which she caught you. The position of the body should not change, because otherwise the flow of energy will be disrupted. You can't even cough, etc. It’s like the children’s game with the rough sea, in which you had to freeze like a statue after the words “Sea figure, freeze.” All these fifteen minutes you are required to do only one thing - observe yourself. You cannot be distracted by extraneous thoughts. Just become aware of yourself and observe.

Part five: dance

The final stage of meditation involves dancing. But it shouldn't be just a dance. At this moment you should feel boundless joy and happiness and dance, showing this joy in gratitude to the entire universe.

This is how Osho recommended this practice. The meditation techniques described by him are different. There are about a hundred of them in total, but it was dynamic meditation that became the most popular among his followers. Now, having described the technique, below we will explain in a little more detail the inner essence of this powerful transformation system.

What is dynamic meditation?

Firstly, as Osho himself said when conducting evening meditations, dynamic practice is a method of creating a situation in which deep meditation can take place due to the tension shown by a person. The principle of operation is that if you strain your body and psyche as much as possible, then you will have nothing left to do except in normal mode, this is difficult to do, which is why meditation is very often so difficult. But if a person’s whole being is on edge, then he automatically falls into the desired meditative state.

This is what the first three parts of meditation serve. They prepare a person by straining him at the level of the physical, etheric and deep breathing leads to a restructuring of the physical body due to a sharp change in the oxygen supply regime. This, in turn, inevitably leads to a change in the etheric body. This is what the first ten minutes of deep, rapid breathing are for.

About the first part

It must be both fast and deep, because at this pace it plays the role of a hammer that knocks on the etheric body, awakening it and the energies sleeping in it. Therefore, on the first step you need to concentrate totally, surrender to it completely. Nothing but breathing should exist for you. You yourself must become the breath.

About the second part

The second step begins when the energy within you begins to bubble. Usually ten minutes of the first stage is enough for this. Now a powerful energy vortex is spinning inside you, and your task is to release it into freedom along with your body. It should be able to do whatever it wants. Under no circumstances should there be any obstacles to this on your part. No shame or embarrassment is strictly allowed. However, this is not just mindless antics. In fact, at this time you have to do important work - communicate with your body. You need to feel it and allow it to express in the symbols of body movements what it wants to convey to you. When surrendering to the will of bodily impulses, it is necessary to be aware of it, to listen to it in its language. This is called dialogue with the body or cooperation with the body.

And don’t forget that everything should happen at the highest possible level of impact. Nothing in dynamic meditation happens half-heartedly. If you do not surrender completely to your body, you will negate the entire effect of the practice. In short, in the second stage you must become the body just as you were the breath in the first stage.

About the third part

The result of the second stage should be an involuntary state of the observer. This is catharsis. It does not need to be achieved; on the contrary, you need to completely identify with your body. But if you give it your all, a moment will inevitably come when you feel that the body is something separate and independent. At this moment, the third stage of practice begins, when you need to start jumping and shouting the syllable “Hu”. Osho borrowed it from Sufism. The essence of the third stage is that the energy now begins to move in a different direction. If before it was directed outward and downward, then at the third stage it begins to flow inward and upward. The shouted mantra provides this redirection, and therefore it must be shouted constantly and with full force, striking oneself inward with the sound. As before, you need to merge with your action, that is, become sound, as before you were body and breath. It is necessary to reach a state of exhaustion, to extreme point tension so that the next, fourth stage can happen, in which you only need to freeze and observe.

About the fourth part

At this time, only your consciousness exists and nothing else. This state occurs involuntarily; you do not need to try to achieve it. The main thing in the third part is not to lose it by a random movement or a thought that suddenly comes to mind. The fourth stage is what dynamic meditation is done in general. The previous three stages serve as preparatory steps for it. When it happens, everything must go away.

Very high opinion was about Osho's dynamic meditation. Testimonials from his students and those who continue this practice today also testify to its extreme effectiveness. In large cities, it is carried out regularly in specialized centers with the gathering of many people. But if there is no group of practitioners nearby, it’s not scary: you can practice this technique on your own. As Osho advised, morning meditation is most effective. This fully applies to dynamic meditation. Therefore, for maximum effect, it is better to get up early.

In general the concept « dynamic meditation» , in principle, very harmonious, although at first it doesn’t seem so. Usually, with the concept of “meditation” a person associates that it is sitting in the lotus position, with eyes closed, motionless. However, meditation is just a way to relax, let go of yourself, thoughts, attachments, a way to clear your mind and merge with emptiness. And in fact, it is very difficult for a modern person (of course, everything is individual, depending on temperament and character) to immerse himself in himself, to just sit down, close his eyes and switch off. People, especially in big cities, and in general, in our conditions modern life, civilizations, are accustomed to being in motion all the time, making some movements, hearing words, pronouncing words. Very often we hear that a person cannot relax if there is not a so-called “background sound”, or often, a person, just sitting, makes some involuntary movements with his arms and legs (fiddles with something, crumples something, pulls feet, etc.). These are all indicators of a restless, tossing mind, and indeed, not everyone is given the opportunity to sit down and switch off, to plunge into emptiness. Most likely, it is precisely for modern people that such a practice as dynamic meditation was invented and exists.

Meditation in motion, through the implementation of any program, has generally been known for quite a long time, but the popularity and wide publicity of this method was brought by the famous spiritual teacher, public figure Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh). It is with the name Osho that the concept of “dynamic meditation” is now generally associated. This is a very popular practice, since in general Osho’s practices and books are very popular all over the world. Indeed, most likely, the original (it must be said, far from traditional Hindu teachings and views) views on practices, on life, are very much to the liking of modern Western people.

Dynamic meditations: let's figure out what it is.

In general, dynamic meditations exist not only in Osho's practices. For example, many kundalini meditations are also dynamic.

Dynamic meditation is immersion into oneself, into a certain state, it is concentration on certain goals (for each meditation they are different), by performing certain movements, repeating certain words, affirmations, mantras, sounds. Such monotonous repetition of movements and mantras immerses a person in a meditative state. As I already said, it is easier for a person to relax by making some movements; in principle, this is not surprising. Plunging deeper and deeper, a person turns off his mind, all thoughts disappear from his head, he no longer concentrates on these movements or sounds. He's immersed.

Even repeating a mantra on a rosary can be considered a type of dynamic meditation. By fingering the rosary, a person is distracted by the rosary, and this helps him concentrate on the mantra.

Let's take a closer look at Osho's dynamic meditation. What it is?

This special practice usually lasts an hour. Conventionally, the practice is divided into five stages, each stage is aimed at achieving certain goals, immersing a person in a certain state of consciousness.

Stage 1 - 10 minutes. Breathing stage . Breathing should be deep and fast, rapid. At this stage, a person’s body chemistry changes, hyperventilation of the lungs occurs, and he receives a large amount of prana, vital energy. This stage is to prepare the body and mind for further transformation. There is no specific body posture; everything should happen naturally and harmoniously. In general, Osho recommends listening to your body, what does it want, what does it need?

Stage 2 - 10 minutes. The so-called catharsis. The body has already become heated, your breathing has warmed you up, awakened your kundalini - energy, it is rising. So let it reach its peak. It's like a bomb exploding. The person begins to scream, laugh, cry, dance, make any movements, jumping, clapping, spinning, yes, in general, anything! It’s just that what the body wants, that’s what you need to do. You need to completely surrender to your body, just relax with it. Don't separate yourself from the body. But at the moment of peak, as Osho says, you will feel that you are already watching yourself from the outside, and this is worth achieving.

This is a kind of psychotherapy, a kind of cleansing of a person, an outburst of emotions, negativity, everything that prevents you from moving or just living. This must happen, only in this case does it make sense to move on to other stages. You need to completely let yourself go.

Stage 3 - 10 minutes. Mantra "Hu" . This is considered a Sufi mantra, very strong and powerful. Osho himself said that in this phase, the awakened kundalini energy does not go outside, as in the previous stage of catharsis, when everything literally comes out of you, erupts, but it remains inside, and, thanks to the mantra, rises to the upper centers. You need to pronounce it with all your strength, jumping up, hitting your heels on the floor and loudly saying: “Hoo!” He will give his all 100% so that the body is not too thin, so that everything becomes one. And only then does the state of the next stage come.

Stage 4 - 15 minutes. Meditation. After a powerful awakening, you should stop. Do not change your body position, just stop and be silent. Listen to yourself, listen to the emptiness and silence in yourself. Feel the energy inside: where it moves, how it behaves. Rest, relaxation. Meditate.

Stage 5 - 15 minutes. Dance. A kind of celebration of awareness. The euphoria from the fact that you have realized yourself, splashed out, accumulated energy, let it be expressed through dance. Just listen to music, dance, have fun.

Osho's dynamic meditation techniques also include Nataraj meditation. It's more of a psychotherapeutic dance. Meditation also goes on for about an hour.

The first 40 minutes you dance. Try to relax as much as possible, don’t watch your movements, don’t try to embellish them, make them smooth, beautiful, be the body the way you have it, try to feel it and merge with it. Emancipation is the main thing here.

Next comes the rest stage - about 20 minutes. A person rests, just lies down and immerses himself in himself. After the dance and the outburst, it is most easy to plunge into a state close to a meditative one, since the body will no longer interfere, it is exhausted, it is tired, and at the level of awareness there is also an outburst of energy, so you can simply immerse yourself in yourself.

And the third stage is dance again. Well, this is a feature of Osho’s techniques - dance - a celebration of victory over oneself, or the opportunity to become oneself, for example. Just dance and that's it!

This is the kind of practice, probably not quite correctly called meditation, that takes place. But it really helps people! Now everyone is so uptight, people don’t know themselves, don’t feel their bodies, they live like robots. Many people find it difficult to accept and let go of themselves, to enter into catharsis, for example. We are used to keeping a mask, a role, but here we need to let ourselves go, become a child, become an emotion, throw out what has been accumulated for many, many years. Not everyone can do this the first time, but this therapy helps people so much that even after the first practice, if, of course, it is done 100%, with full dedication, they come out as different people.

Dynamic meditation lasts one hour and occurs in five stages. It can be done alone, but the energy will be stronger if done in a group. This is an individual experience, so you should not pay attention to your surroundings and keep your eyes closed, preferably with a blindfold. It is best to do this on an empty stomach and wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Stage 1 of Dynamic Meditation - 10 minutes

Breathe chaotically through your nose, concentrating on exhaling. The body will take care of the inhalation. Do it as quickly and completely as possible - and then even harder until you literally become the breath itself. Use your body's natural movements to help raise your energy. Feel how it rises, but do not give it free rein during the entire first stage.

Stage 2 of Dynamic Meditation - 10 minutes

Explode! Let everything that needs to spill out. Go completely crazy, scream, scream, jump, shake, dance, sing, laugh, “throw yourself out.” Don't hold anything in reserve, move your whole body. Taking some small action often helps get started. Never let your mind interfere with what is happening. Be total.

Stage 3 of Dynamic Meditation - 10 minutes

Jump with your arms raised, shout the mantra "Hu! Hu! Hu!" as deep as possible. Each time you land on your full foot, let the sound strike deeply into the sexual center. Give everything you have, exhaust yourself completely.

Stage 4 of Dynamic Meditation - 15 minutes

Stop! Freeze where you are and in the position you find yourself in at that moment. Do not dispose of your body in any way. Coughing, moving, anything will dissipate the flow of energy and the effort will be lost. Be a witness to everything that happens to you.

Stage 5 of Dynamic Meditation - 15 minutes

Celebrate and rejoice, with music and dance, expressing your gratitude for everything. Carry your happiness throughout the day.
If your meditation space does not allow you to make noise, you can do it quietly: instead of making sounds, direct the catharsis in the second stage exclusively to bodily movements. In the third stage, the sound "Hu" can be struck while pronouncing it in the mind, and the fifth stage can become an expressive dance.

Osho on Dynamic Meditation

My system of Dynamic Meditation begins with breathing, because breathing is deeply rooted in us. You may not have observed this, but by changing your breathing you can change a lot. Observe your breathing carefully and you will find that when you are angry, you have one breathing rhythm, and when you are in love, it is completely different. When you relax, you breathe in one way, when you tense up, in another. You cannot be angry and at the same time breathe the way you breathe in a relaxed state. This is impossible.

When you are sexually aroused, your breathing changes. If you prevent him from changing, your sexual arousal will automatically disappear. This means that breathing is deeply connected to the mental state. By changing your breathing, you can change your state of mind. And if you change your state of mind, your breathing will change.

Therefore, I start with breathing and in the first stage of this technique I suggest ten minutes of random breathing. By chaotic breathing I mean deep, rapid, vigorous breathing without any rhythm - drawing air in and pushing out, but drawing air in and out as vigorously, deeply and forcefully as possible. Draw the air in, then push it out.

Chaotic movement must create chaos within your suppressed system. In each of your manifestations, you breathe in a very specific way. A child breathes differently than an adult. If you are afraid of the prospect of sexual intercourse, your breathing changes. You will not be able to breathe deeply because the deep breath hits your sexual center. If you are afraid, you cannot breathe deeply. Fear creates shallow breathing.

Chaotic breathing is designed to break all your patterns. Chaotic breathing is designed to destroy what you have turned yourself into. Chaotic breathing creates chaos within you, because as long as there is no chaos, you will not be able to release your repressed emotions. These emotions are now rushing into your body.

You are not the body and mind; you are the body-mind, you are psychosomatic. You are both together. Therefore, all the actions of your body reach the mind, and all the actions of your mind reach the body. Body and mind are two ends of the same organism.

Ten minutes of chaotic breathing is wonderful! But breathing should be chaotic. This is not a type of pranayama, yogic breathing, but using breathing to create chaos, which you need for various reasons.

Deep, rapid breathing brings in more oxygen. The more oxygen in the body, the more alive you become, the more like an animal you become. Animals are alive, but man is half dead, half alive. You have to become an animal, only then can something higher arise in you.

The second step in my Dynamic Meditation technique is catharsis. I challenge you to conscious madness. Whatever comes into your mind, let it happen; contribute to this. No resistance, just a flow of emotions.

If you want to squeal, squeal. Promote squealing. A loud squeal, a real squeal that involves your entire being, has a special, deeply healing power. The squeal frees many things, the squeal heals many diseases. If this screech is real, it will contain your entire being.

So for the next ten minutes (the second stage also lasts ten minutes), allow yourself to express yourself through screaming, dancing, squealing, crying, jumping, laughing - "splashing out" so to speak. In a few days you will feel what it is like.

Perhaps at first you will have to force yourself, make an effort on yourself, even pretend. We have become so false that we cannot do anything genuine and true. We are unable to genuinely laugh, scream or scream. All our actions are just a façade, a mask. When you come to this technique, your actions may be forced at first. You may need some effort, a little acting. But don't let that bother you. Continue. Soon you will reach those sources where you have suppressed much of yourself. You will touch these sources, release them and feel that your burden has disappeared. will come to you new life, you will be born again.

Having taken the second step - throwing everything out of yourself - you will find yourself empty. And by emptiness I mean the following: emptiness from all repression. In this emptiness something can happen. Transformation can happen, meditation can happen.

In the third step I use the sound huu. Many sounds have been used in the past, each of which has a different effect. The Hindus, for example, used the sound aum. You probably know this. But I am not offering you Aum. Aum knocks at the center of the heart, and modern man not focused on the heart, Aum knocks on the door of a house where there is no one.

The movement of this sound is only possible if you are empty. If you are filled with repression, then nothing will happen. In this case, resorting to mantras or sounds is sometimes even dangerous. Each layer of suppression will change the path of the sound, and eventually something will happen that you never dreamed of, that you did not expect or want. Your mind should be empty; only in this case can you pronounce the mantra.

Therefore, I never offer a mantra without prior preparation. Catharsis must happen first. The Huu mantra should not be used without completing the previous two steps. Without these steps it cannot be used. Only in the third step (lasting ten minutes) can you resort to huu - say it as loudly as possible, put all your energy into it. You knock with this sound on the house of your energy. And if you are empty - and you became empty thanks to the catharsis in the second step - the hoo penetrates deep and hits your sexual center.

The sexual center can be hit in two ways. Firstly, naturally. Whenever you are attracted to a person of the opposite sex, the sexual center is attacked from the outside. This blow is also a subtle vibration. A woman attracted a man, or a man attracted a woman. Why? Why does this happen in a man and why in a woman? They are struck by positive or negative electricity, a subtle vibration. It's actually sound. For example, have you noticed that birds use sound as a sexual signal? Their singing is sexy. They hit each other repeatedly with certain sounds that hit the sexual center.

Subtle vibrations of electricity strike you from the outside. When your sexual center is hit from the outside, your energy rushes outward - to another. After which reproduction, birth, is possible. Someone will be born from you.

Huu hits the same center of energy, only from the inside. And when the sexual center is hit from the inside, the energy flows inward. This internal flow of energy completely transforms you. You have been transformed: you have given birth to yourself.

In the third step, I use huu as a way to raise your energy. The first three steps bring catharsis. They are not meditation yet, only preparation for it, a “running start” for a jump, but not yet a jump.

The fourth step is a jump. In the fourth step I tell you: “Stop!” When I say “Stop!”, you must freeze. Do absolutely nothing, because any movement can distract you and then everything will go down the drain. Anything - cough, sneeze - nothing will work out, your mind is distracted. The upward movement of energy will immediately stop because your attention has shifted.

Don't do anything, it won't threaten you with death. Even if you really want to sneeze, but you don’t sneeze for ten minutes, you won’t die from it. Even if you feel like coughing and you feel irritation in your throat, be patient and do nothing, you won’t die either. Let your body freeze so that the energy can rush upward through it in a single stream.

As the energy rushes upward, you become increasingly silent. Silence is a by-product of energy rising upward; tension is a byproduct of energy flowing downward.

Your whole body will become as silent as if it has disappeared. You won't be able to feel it. You have lost your body. And when you are silent, the whole existence is silent, for existence is a mirror. It reflects you. It reflects you in thousands and thousands of mirrors. When you are silent, the whole existence becomes silent. I will tell you this: in your silence, be simply a witness - continuous attention; don't do anything, remain a witness, remain with yourself; do not generate anything - no movement, no desire, no becoming - just stay here and now, silently witness everything that happens.

This being in the center, being in oneself is possible thanks to the first three steps. Until these three steps are taken, you are unable to remain with yourself. You can talk about it, you can think, dream, but it won’t happen because you are not ready.

The first three steps prepare you to face the moment. They make you conscious. This is meditation. In meditation something happens that is beyond words. Once this happens, you will no longer remain the same, it is impossible. This is growth, not just experience. This is growth.

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Dynamic meditation Osho: description, benefits, music

Hello blog readers!

Our unconscious always receives some kind of instructions and retains various emotional garbage. Often this burden spoils the energy and prevents you from freeing yourself and living differently. You can throw away emotional garbage with dynamic meditation.

This technique was created by the great Osho. Today it is used all over the world. I wonder what dynamic meditation- This is a method that is designed to create the necessary tension. It turns out to be a paradox: how can you relax if you are tense? And everything is very simple - when the body is completely tense, all that remains is to give up and relax.

As a result of this process, the unconscious is freed from unnecessary attitudes that remained from childhood or adolescence. This helps to remove restrictions and live to the fullest.

Lasts dynamic meditation not long - just one hour. You can meditate alone or in a small group. But it is worth remembering that this is a purely individual experience. So if you choose a group, don't look at others.

The eyes should be closed until the end of the meditation. For best effect, use a bandage. Clothing should be comfortable, and you should not eat before meditation. You must go through five stages:

1. Breathing.

At this stage, you should breathe through your nose, and at the same time - chaotically. You need to fully concentrate on the exit. The body itself must think about inhalation. Breathe very quickly, give your best, but do not forget about the depth of your breathing.

Constantly try to speed up and go deeper, do everything more intensely. Help the energy rise through body movements. When you feel that the energy has risen, try to hold it until the end of the first stage. Allow 10 minutes for this process.

2. Catharsis.

Once you get to stage two, you can let it all out. It must be an explosion! Allow yourself to be crazy. At the same time, you can cry, laugh, sing, dance, scream, yell, growl, jump, do whatever your body wants.

Don't hold back the slightest emotion, make your whole body move. Help him. And do everything to prevent the mind from connecting.

Allow 10 minutes for this stage of dynamic meditation.

3. Stage "Hu".

At this stage you should jump with your arms up. At the same time, do not forget to shout the mantra “Hu!”, repeat it constantly. When jumping, land fully on your foot, try to direct the sound to the sexual center. At the end you will feel completely exhausted.

For the third stage, 10 minutes will also be enough.

4. Stop.

As soon as this stage comes, freeze. It doesn’t matter what position you were in, you need to freeze in place for 15 minutes. Any movement can disrupt the flow of energy and ruin the entire meditation.

5. Dance.

At this stage the meditation ends. Allow 15 minutes for her. Celebrate the release of energy, emotions and unnecessary waste through dance. Try to be happy, cheerful and sincere the whole next day.

Video, brief description of the technique:

The effectiveness of Osho meditation

Incredible effect dynamic meditation affects both health and all life activities. Participants in this method immediately notice changes in themselves, their behavior and reactions to life events. Those who have tried to meditate in this way,

  • become more relaxed, sociable, active;
  • get rid of insomnia;
  • protect themselves from everything alien, get rid of obsessive thoughts;
  • get out of depression and become less aggressive;
  • moving along career ladder, become more confident;
  • become positive;
  • tolerate psychological stress well, become more resistant to overload;
  • They begin to soberly assess circumstances and cope with problems more quickly.

Description of Osho's meditation practice

Dynamic Meditation is to create a tense state in the body in which relaxation occurs automatically. It is usually difficult for a person to force himself to completely relax. And excessive stress literally leaves no chance for the body.

The three stages (breath, catharsis, hoo) are arranged in such a sequence as to make all your bodies tense: physical, etheric and astral.

For the physical body, breath is food. The amount of oxygen changes - the body changes. All 10 minutes of the first stage of meditation are designed to change the chemistry of the physical body.

To stop the flow of thoughts and forget yourself, you need to completely surrender to your breathing and concentrate on it. When the whole body, every part of it is interested in the intensity of some process, thoughts go away on their own. Energy tends to splash out from the so-called reservoir, so it no longer feeds thought processes.

When biological energy boils so much that your body is uncontrollable, the second stage will begin.

You should feel the need to take the second step. This process can be compared to driving a car. You can switch to the second speed when the first reaches its maximum. Same with dynamic meditation .

At this stage you need to let go of your body. Unlike the previous step, nothing needs to be controlled, but rather, let it take its course.

At this stage, a person is only required to listen to his body. If you want to cry - please, laugh - why not, dance - any whim.

Usually, when the body wants to throw out its energy, for example, in the form of a scream, a person may not feel it. Therefore, in the second stage of dynamic meditation, the participant must listen to himself. Whatever your body wants, do it as intensely as possible.

Voltage is achieved only at the peak point of energy release. That is, if you do not scream intensely enough, there will be no tension. Try not to plan your actions, everything should be instinctive.

When the intensity of your actions reaches its maximum point, you will have a new feeling - as if you are a witness to the processes that are now taking place. And at this moment, don’t think about what’s happening, don’t analyze, just observe.

For beginners in meditation, the second step is quite difficult. After all, a person tries to leave all the intensity in childhood. Remember, when a child cries, he does it with maximum intensity; when he laughs, it’s the same. And it’s a pleasure to watch these natural processes. Another thing is an adult: he laughs and cries, and is not even angry at full capacity, which looks much worse than children's emotions.

The second stage of dynamic meditation is designed to revive in a person all that childish intensity and sincerity, during which liberation from negative energy and emotional garbage is possible. This cleanses our unconscious and allows us to remove restrictions.

At the second stage, all participants will behave in an unusual way. It all depends on the internal state: some will want to jump, some will want to scream, and some will even strip naked. And as soon as you feel liberated, you can move on to the third step.

In the first two stages, you force the energy to move down and out, and the mantra “Hu!” redirects it upward and inward. Strike the sound inward until you feel completely exhausted. Once the body becomes powerless, the fourth step can be taken.

At this stage dynamic meditation It is characterized as – relaxation and silence. If you completed the three previous steps with maximum intensity, relaxation will occur automatically. Now your body is powerless and exhausted, all emotional garbage has been thrown away. Silence came spontaneously; you don’t have to do anything for it. This is where the real meditation began.