What does the number 38 mean in numerology. Schools of numerology - Neoplatonic. How to determine the number of karma by date of birth

Finding out your purpose in life is luck. It’s not easy for everyone to go through life’s path, but if you calculate the karmic number by date of birth, a lot will fall into place. Using numerology, to find out our debts from past reincarnations and correct them, to find happiness, peace and love - this is our goal in this life.

What is called karma

All the difficult trials on our way are not punishment, but a lesson. This is not retribution for past mistakes, these are their consequences sent to us for correction. Karma is unstable and flexible. It changes along with human consciousness. Having solved karmic problems, the soul will reach a new level of wisdom, and the question will be removed and dissolved in the air. This is why karmic numbers are hidden in your birth date so you can figure out the areas of your life that need the most attention.

Facts from past incarnations that affect the present life, and possibly the future:

  • strong emotional shock, experienced disappointment, betrayal;
  • severe injuries and illnesses that affected lifestyle;
  • death from an accident, violent or at a young age - the soul did not have time to fulfill everything planned for this life.

Knowing your karmic code of life and what is written for you in your birth, you will learn the lessons that you missed in the past, and draw wisdom and experience from them. They will help you better understand your current incarnation.

What is the karmic code of life

Numbers are a kind of message from the Universe to man. Numerology lifts the veil of the past, present and future. She tells how to calculate and interpret the numbers that influence destinies. By calculating by date of birth, you will understand your purpose in this world, take the right path, and correct the mistakes of the past.

Everyone has a secret karmic code - it is a code for past reincarnations. It is a kind of DNA of your soul. It talks about who you are, what you've been through, how you responded to what happened, and what you should strive for.

It is a mistake to believe that code can negatively affect real life. All experienced emotions are stored “in memory” and only suggest the right path. The human soul is immortal, and through the events experienced, special character traits are formed, making you - you.

Numerology says that the karmic code of your life stores the following information:

  • diseases, injuries;
  • experienced strong emotions, shocks;
  • significant conclusions that shape character and basic life principles;
  • memories of important events of the past incarnation for the soul;
  • readiness and openness to new knowledge, personal development and growth;
  • awareness of the world, wisdom bestowed by the universe.

What are the stages of soul development

The numbers in the karmic code are divided into subgroups - stages of development of your soul, each of them has its own meaning:

  1. The first stage is codes 10-19. Your main goal is to observe the world without changing it. In this life, you need to work on your body and soul, develop them, improve your perseverance, train your willpower;
  2. The second stage is 20-29. Your main goal is to work off karma, avoid mistakes made in the past, and not repeat them in the present;
  3. The third stage is 30-39. You have been given the ability to influence people, teach them, and lead them. Your goal is to convey wisdom, experience, teach people to see the true picture of the world, and bring good to the world;
  4. The fourth and last stage is 40-48. Numbers of people with high intelligence, sharp minds and a love of science. Your goal is to know the meaning of life, to understand the structure of the world.

How to calculate your code

To find out your code and the stage of soul development, you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth one by one.

For example, you were born on April 1, 1980: 1+4+1+9+8=23. Your karma number is 23. The karmic number of life is two-digit; there is no need to convert it to simple.

How to interpret personal karma code

By understanding the meaning of the numbers in your life code, you will quickly figure out which direction to move in, what is written in your family, what mistakes need to be corrected, and which of the past events are controlling the present.

10 is one of the most favorable karmic codes. The road of life is bright, cloudless, without obstacles and terrible incidents. You are fair, honest and confident in the correctness of your words and actions. In another life, you were a farmer and led a decent lifestyle. You have no karmic debts.

11 - complex, dual code. You are an open, good-natured person, you deny evil - a real find for scammers. But you are too demanding of your partners, changing them like gloves, creating the impression of a libertine. You have many children or could have many (abortions). In your previous incarnation you were a traitor, a bully, a revolutionary.

12 is the code of suffering. A person is easily vulnerable, naive, always worried, weak. You are easy to deceive, get involved in intrigues, you are a pawn in the wrong hands. For happiness, look for a strong and powerful partner. In another incarnation you were an intriguer, a conspirator, a liar.

13 - code of perpetual motion, changeable nature. You do not stand still, eternal holiday, no boredom. But there is no stability either, the whole journey of life is like a “roller coaster”. In another incarnation you were in slavery, freedom was your dream.

14 - warning code. In business and love, everything is going well, but there is a threat from the elements. Avoid hobbies related to conquering natural forces, flying, swimming, fires. In another incarnation, you were a strong and brave warrior; you died in a shipwreck.

15 is the code of attractiveness. You are charming and talented. Even if you don’t develop your talents, you can become an artist or writer. A talent for painting is also possible. You have a happy life code, but sometimes you forget yourself, you are too proud, you deceive, you are a hypocrite. You were a prostitute in the past.

16 is a heavy code, carries a danger that hangs over the entire path of life. You can achieve success only by acting slowly, thinking about every step you take. In the past, you were a reigning person, a domineering and cruel ruler with a meager mind.

17 is the number of happiness in love. Your success lies in the formation of alliances and family businesses. Family and close friends are real support and support. In the past, you were a single man who died in poverty from a heart attack.

18 - code warns of violent death. You are a rowdy, a tyrant, you don’t understand how you can live honestly and calmly. There is danger around you, and you bring it yourself. In another life, you were fond of black magic, you were hanged for witchcraft.

19 - honor code. Everything is going well in business and in personal life. You are surrounded by many people who dream of walking alongside you. At the end of the journey, you will be surrounded by your family and friends, you will leave peacefully, leaving behind a legacy. In your previous life you were a farmer, a shepherd.

20 - the number encourages you to act, not to be afraid of grandiose plans. You are a purposeful person who cannot imagine existing without achievements. There will be many obstacles on your way, but by developing your spiritual potential, you will realize everything you planned. In the past you were a large banker and moneylender.

21 is the winner code. All your life you fight for something, you always achieve your goal. Beware of boredom, despondency and laziness. Your karmic code by date of birth guarantees success in business. In another incarnation, you forged iron, were honest with people and devoted to your craft.

22 is the code of illusions. You are a dreamy person, living in a fantasy world, denying everything bad around you. In your past life, you made a bunch of mistakes that you need to work out: return to the real world more often, don’t run away from adversity. In the past you were a thief, a card sharper, an illusionist.

23 is the magic code. Higher powers favor you, no matter what type of activity you choose, you will achieve success everywhere. In marriage you will be happy and very loved. In a past life, you were a seamstress or a nanny.

24 - kiss of God. A very easy, bright, happy life, filled with joy and love. The main thing is not to take the wrong path, remain pious, bring goodness and joy to others. In a past life, you served in the church and painted icons.

25 is the number of knowledge. The entire path of life will be littered with mistakes. Only by taking the righteous path can you count on the favor of the Universe and success. In a past life, you were a royal person, loved travel, wine, and were vain.

26 - danger warning. The karmic code by date of birth warns you - you must always be on guard. You have a highly developed intuition, listen to your inner voice. In your previous life, you were a doctor, and because of your self-confidence, you killed a patient.

27 is the number of hard work. You are kind, hardworking and selfless, your solace is in your work. Your work will be appreciated by both people and heaven. In a past life, you were a scientist, you had a large and happy family.

28 is a code of rebellion and contradictions. You have a complex nature, you are talented and capable, but you do not want to comply with social norms and orders, thereby complicating your life. You committed suicide in the past and your family grieved and mourned you for many years.

29 is the code for liars. You are very unlucky, you are surrounded by traitors and deceivers. Even the closest and most reliable people will betray you sooner or later. You will find peace in solitude and solitude. In the past, you were a merchant, deceived people for profit, sold low-quality and damaged goods.

30 is the code of the mind. You are endowed with a sharp mind, intelligence and determination. But greed has subjugated you; you need to find balance, learn to give, and serve people. In a past life, you were a famous poet, unable to withstand the test of fame, and died from drunkenness.

31 is the hermit code. There is nothing that you passionately want, you do not need money, family, love, friends. To communicating with people, you prefer reading, watching movies, and playing virtual reality. Your happiness is alone, there is no place for anyone in your heart. In another life, you were a famous comedian, you had many mistresses and abandoned children.

32 is the number of a chatterbox, orator. You are an open person, sociable, and always surrounded by listeners. But you brag too much, so your plans remain in words. In the past, you were a lonely, mute traveler.

33 is the code for success in love. Your life is harmonious, you get as much as you need, you have a happy and strong marriage. Try to bring goodness to the people around you, thank the universe for the happiness that has been sent to you, and your expectation of success will be justified. In the past, you were the ruler’s mentor, inspired him to do justice, and pacified his anger.

34 is a late reward. The first half of life, up to 35-40 years old, will be rich in adversity and troubles. But after that you will find prosperity, a strong family, and a house full of children’s laughter. In a past life, you were a knight, a military man, and died on the battlefield at a young age.

35 - difficult fate. The entire path of life will be strewn with adversity, betrayal and deception from those closest to you; difficult relationships with children and spouse will lead to dependence on alcoholic beverages. In the past, you were a dancer in a cabaret and led a riotous and depraved lifestyle.

36 - hard work. It is in your nature to work all your life. You will achieve a lot, but alone, you will not be able to trust anyone or rely on anyone. Don’t despair, after 35 years you will see the result of your work and build a strong family. In a past life, you were a convicted bandit and worked in hard labor.

37 is the code of goodness and prosperity. Your life is easy and bright, without unhappiness and disappointment. In the past you were a monk.

38 - code of treason. Your life is easy, you have a successful career, but there is no happiness in your personal life, you only meet traitors. Celebrating your 40th birthday, you will meet a decent companion. In another life, you were a courtesan, but you took the path of correction and went to a monastery.

39 is the number of a bright mind. You are an intellectual and will achieve a lot with your mind. But you need to recognize and overcome your vice - envy. In your previous incarnation, you were a gambler, having lost everything, you ended up living in poverty on the sidelines.

40 is the hermit code. You are lonely and prefer books to be with people. You have no family, no children, no friends. It doesn't bother you. In a past life you were a writer and drug addict.

41 - internal magnetism. You are surrounded by people, they love you. You may not be particularly attractive on the outside, but your rich inner world attracts them like a magnet. Direct your charms to good deeds. In another life you were a public figure.

42 is the number of luck. You are always lucky - this is a reward for your sharp mind and good nature. Your life is easy, not overshadowed by sorrows. In another incarnation you were a farmer from Bavaria.

43 - test code. You have a hot temper, where you are there are quarrels and scandals. Curb your temper, otherwise you will end your life in complete loneliness. In a past life, you were royalty and were executed for betraying your spouse.

44 is the number of danger, sudden death. You need to be very careful throughout your life, dangers await you everywhere. In a past life, you were an executioner; you executed many people.

45 is a late reward. You will achieve success and great wealth, but only after 40 years. Until this moment, a streak of adversity awaits you, which you will overcome thanks to your intelligence. In another incarnation you were a doctor; during the Spanish flu epidemic you helped many people.

46 is the number of devotion. No matter what happens, your family and friends will always support you. You have a kind disposition and a heart open to love. In another incarnation, you were a young recruit and died in your first battle.

47 is the code for intriguers. You love to bask in attention, are ready to do anything to achieve what you want, and have a low level of morality. In old age, illness and lonely death await you. In the past, you were a sectarian, sacrificed animals, and were executed at the stake.

48 - leader code. You have the strongest leadership qualities and great hard work. When choosing a profession, pay attention to finance, military affairs and sports. A successful career awaits you. You were a former gunsmith and were loved and respected for your sincere dedication to your craft.

How to prevent mistakes from happening again

In any difficult situation, before taking any action, analyze and calculate your actions. Think about what meaning your action carries for others, what message the Universe will receive on your behalf.

The more positive energy you release into the world, the milder the consequences of past mistakes will be. Don’t count on the fact that you will suffer devastation for half your life, and this will go unpunished. Evil done purposefully cannot be covered up by good deeds.

Only through gratitude can you achieve well-being. Meditate, pray, say “thank you” for everything you have and for difficulties, as for a lesson taught.

How to calculate the life code by date of birth and find out your critical number?

With the help of numerology, you can find out what is written in your family and calculate a person’s karma, his destiny. Define and calculate karmic code you can use ordinary numbers that were laid down when you were born. To calculate your life code and find your destiny number, you need to add up the numbers from your date of birth.

Add up all the numbers from your date of birth: 1 + 5 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = our total is 30
This is the number of your destiny or in other words karmic code of fate

Fate codes from 10 to 19. This is the youngest spiritual level, your task, simple observation, is to float through life without changing anything in this world, you don’t need to delve into yourself, just learn willpower and develop your body.

Decipher the karmic code using the date of birth

The meaning of the karmic number 10 represents joy in your life

Good luck is with you in everything, your life will be easy and cloudless, everything will work out. An excellent career, a stable financial situation, a happy family life, wonderful children and wonderful health. Your karma is very light; in a past life you worked in arable land, were a farmer, and are not burdened with criminal deeds.
Esoteric practices are best avoided.

The meaning of the karmic number 11 in the date of birth is a difficult number of fate.

People with this life code will be tested, very driven, too trusting and very easy to get you into doing anything. All your life you will rush around in search of something ideal, because of this there will be many marriages and even more children.
In your previous reincarnation, you became a bad person, a murderer, a criminal.
Mysticism can bring problems.

The meaning of the karmic number 12 in the code speaks of misfortune and torment.

You are simplicity and naivety, always participating in alterations in the role of a victim, you are robbed, mutilated, in married life you are in the role of a servant and are guilty of everything, you are constantly worried, even without any reason, in a past life you most likely weaved conspiracies and intrigues , staged riots.
You cannot study esotericism on your own, only with a wise mentor.

Karmic number 13 speaks of changes and changes of residence.

In this life, you definitely won’t get bored, your whole life will be continuous dynamics. Changes in all areas will continue to haunt you; don’t expect anything permanent; unfortunately, changes will not always be only positive.
In a past life, you most likely were in slavery or in captivity and most of all wanted to find freedom.

The meaning of the karmic number of fate 14 in the code carries with it a personal Apocalypse.

If other people only talk about the Apocalypse and watch films, then you will participate in it all your life. It is possible that you will be born in an earthquake-prone area; in any travel you risk easily getting into some kind of accident, and in general it is better for you to choose the railway routes that follow all the others, there is less danger according to the code.
In a previous incarnation you were a sailor or a soldier and died due to an accident.
You can be a tarot reader or practice Astrology.

The number 15 signifies phenomenal attractiveness in your karma.

An amazingly charming personality, you have natural attractiveness, and have many fans. Most likely, you will realize yourself in art, it is yours, and crowds of fans, your life. But your number often pushes you towards dishonesty and lies.
In a past life, you used your body and talent to have money.
You are not advised to study esotericism; you can become a black master.

The meaning of the karmic number 16 is the number of evil fate.

Your life is complete destruction, you are attacked, failures and misfortunes, no matter what you undertake, it fails, make your life predictable, be attentive and vigilant.
In another life, you were a sadist, had power, punished and tortured people.
Esotericism can cause mental illness.

The meaning of the karmic number 17 is the number of love and happiness in marriage.

You are just lucky in terms of relationships with the opposite sex. All your relationships will go well, joint business, family life, any partnership will bring you joy and good luck.
In your previous incarnation, you were a human male, you had poor health, your heart was failing, you were lonely, you experienced a lot of suffering and died of hunger.
You yourself won’t do any magic, it won’t do you any good.

The meaning of the karmic number 18 marks collapse.

Your destiny is one of struggle, violence is your essence, a person with this number becomes a domestic sadist, participates in gangs, and looks for every opportunity to fight or destroy something. Death in another brawl and early.
In your previous incarnation, you were fond of black magic.
Esotericism for you has no meaning, there is no connection with subtle energies.

Decoding the karmic number 19 is the number of honors.

You will succeed in everything in this incarnation, a life full of harmony, and you will find the greatest self-realization in your family and offspring. And give birth to a dynasty, successful and internally rich generations.
In your previous reincarnation, you were a priest, and you passed away into another world, surrounded by a loving family, a very old man.
It’s worth doing runic and Celtic magic.

Karmic purpose by date of birth (numbers from 20 to 29)
Correcting blemishes from past incarnations

The meaning of the karmic number 20 promises the fulfillment of plans

Strategy and activity, the motto of this incarnation, you cannot exist without a goal, your life is a struggle and overcoming. Develop your spirituality, share love with people. In a past life you were involved in banking.
Magical abilities will help you.

The meaning of the karmic number 21 in your destiny brings victory in everything

Luck itself will go with you through life, in any battle, you win, luck is everywhere. The main thing is to act, you can’t get bored.
In previous incarnations, you were a master of blacksmithing and were highly respected. You can engage in esotericism only with the help of an assistant.

The meaning of karmic number 22 praises your fantasies.

Dreams and living in illusions, being a good-natured and quiet person, you are too trusting, you do not live in reality until nothing threatens you.
In a previous incarnation, you were a pickpocket.
You can do esotericism, you just need to study with persistence, and it will make sense.

Karmic number 23 carries magic in the code.

Fate guides you, under the cover of light forces. Earthly affairs will be easy, you are so lucky, every request will receive an immediate response from the universe. In your previous reincarnation, you were a tailor.
It is recommended to engage in magical research, this is your destiny.

Karmic number 24 is happiness.

Happy coincidences are everywhere, you are lucky, in your personal life, career and finances, your life path is easy and happy. The only warning is that you cannot harm people, then luck will turn away from you.
You painted icons in your previous incarnation.
You should try yourself in esotericism, you can predict the future.

The meaning of the karmic number 25 brings learning.

In your youth, you will do a lot of stupid things because of bad qualities in your character. Later you will understand your mistakes, begin to correct them, your mistakes and higher powers will become more favorable to you. So you will live the rest of your life in calmness and peace in your soul.
In the previous incarnation, of royal blood, they spent their lives in the East of India and traveled a lot around the world.
Your magical abilities are impressive.

The number 26 in your karma is a premonition of many threats

The meaning of the karmic number 27 is a good omen

Reward for right living, kindness, love of work and mercy. The second part of your life's journey will be happier than the first part.
In your last incarnation, you practiced astrology and had a happy marriage.

The number 28 signifies inconsistency in your karmic code.

You are a very gifted person, your abilities are very extraordinary, but you do not bother yourself with the search for correctness, you have your own ideas about morality. You constantly rebel against the rules and the law, your fate cannot be called cloudless. In your last incarnation you committed suicide.
Only black magic is available to you.

The meaning of the karmic number 29 is a sign of lies

You are surrounded by lies, deceptions and betrayals from loved ones. Betrayal by loved ones, meanness. Salvation is in searching for a twin soul; having found your soul mate, you will be happy, but if you fail, you will avoid people altogether.
In your previous birth, you were a merchant who deceived people.
You can engage in magical teachings, but there will be no success.

Karmic code of life that is written for you in your birth (numbers 30 to 39)

This is the third stage of development; those who find themselves on this scale are able to change the lives of those around them. Those who are on this numerical range, your job in this incarnation is to teach and show people how to change their lives.

The meaning of the karmic number 30 is the number of arrogance.

You are very smart, much smarter than most people you know, but you are not trying to influence their lives, you are only chasing success and material well-being if you can change your attitudes and start seeing people around you. You will find happiness. In your previous incarnation, you wrote poetry and prose.
Mysticism is in the blood.

If your karmic code by date of birth is 31, this is the number of a loner.

You yourself will choose the path of a hermit, to society, you prefer to be alone and read a book, family life is not yours, money, careerism are indifferent to you, you feel good with yourself in your inner world. In your previous reincarnation, you acted and had extraordinary comic talent. You've had too many relationships and abandoned children.
There are abilities for magical work, if you develop them to the end.

Karmic code by date of birth The 32nd is a harmonious number.

A very sociable person, lucky in everything, surrounded by universal love, and you have a very warm attitude towards the world around you and the humanity living in it. Family home, children work, complete life arrangement, comfort. Be less frank, then your dreams will come true completely. In your last incarnation, you were a wanderer, without a family. Fortune telling is yours.

Karmic code by date of birth 33 - number of luck

This promises you support and successful endeavors in everything. You are also incredibly lucky with the opposite sex. Better times in the future will be guaranteed for you if you realize yourself as a teacher and mentor leading yourself, this is your destiny.
In the previous reincarnation, they were a great sorcerer and influenced the minds of many people.
Esoteric practices will bring colossal results.

Karmic code by date of birth 34th number of rewards

Life will start out difficult, but the middle and maturity will bring happiness, you will be rewarded with a successful family life, and good income, your family loves you, but all this only from the age of 35 and not earlier.
In your previous incarnation you were a warrior who died very early.
It is also recommended to learn magic closer to the second half of life.

Karmic code by date of birth 35. Threat of death, in midlife

You are not lucky; your life’s journey is filled with tears and sorrows. Deceptions from loved ones, drug addiction, problems with children, grief literally follows. In your last incarnation, you were an Actress with a very difficult life, who was left alone at the end of her life. It is recommended to use magic only for self-defense purposes.

Karmic code by date of birth 36 is hard work

This number contains the path of a convict; everything is given through titanic efforts. No one will support you; you will have to achieve everything yourself. Your loved ones will turn away from you, only a lot of money can help you keep love, family, only with someone who will settle with you. In their past life, they were a convict and served a life sentence.
The magic of money will help you.

Karmic code of fate 37 is the number of happiness of friendship and successful love encounters.

Everything should work out happily, in love and family. In your previous reincarnation you were known as a saint or a recluse. Magical energy, ancient Slavs, for you.

Karmic code by date of birth 38 number of fraud

It’s sad, but you will simply be haunted by the evil rock of betrayal and lies. It is better not to trust anyone in this incarnation; you especially need to be vigilant in financial matters and with business partners.
In your previous incarnation, you chose prostitution as your profession.
Mystics are best avoided

Karmic code by date of birth 39 shows symbols of wisdom

You are very intelligent and inventive, but your envy interferes and spoils your karmic program, so you are threatened by various addictions and destructive traps, alcoholism, drugs. In past incarnations, you were a gambler, a swindler, a drunkard and a slacker.
Take care of the runes.

Numbers 40 - 49 in your karmic destiny code

The highest level is the last step, your karmic goal is to learn the secrets of the world order and be a teacher.

The karmic code of your life is number 40, the number of singles.

You are very closed to yourself and give the impression of a person outside of society, and those around you do not really understand you. They are not particularly lucky in money matters. In family life, they are too focused on themselves. But this does not bother you, you have a different goal for this incarnation. Past reincarnation was associated with literary activity. You will want to do magic, there will be success, but not very much.

Meaning of karmic number 41 number of attraction

You are incredibly attractive to others, even if you are not particularly beautiful, you are extremely emotional and radiate charm. There are crowds of admirers around you, you need worship, but you are also narcissistic and inclined and unreliable.
In your previous reincarnation, you were a beautiful person who practiced poetry, breaking the hearts of many fans.
Fortune telling with cards and runes or study horoscopes for fun.

The number 42 means luck in the karmic code of your life

You have a healthy approach to life's tasks, a materialist, full of positivity, so your destiny is easy and happy. In a past life, they brewed beer, and were German by nationality. You are not inclined towards esotericism.

The meaning of karmic number 43 promises a difficult and difficult fate

Constant trials and misfortunes will haunt you throughout your life, in business and family.
In your previous reincarnation, you were the wife of a monarch, who was sentenced to death for infidelity to her husband. Practicing magic is contraindicated.

The meaning of the karmic number in your destiny 44 is a warning number

Your destiny is to be persecuted and get into troubles and troubles that threaten life and health, be careful. In your previous incarnation, you had power and you destroyed people. Do not engage in magical practices, there is a chance of going crazy.

Karmic code by date of birth 45 is the number of rewards.

It is you who should strive to lead a decent life and achieve great heights in spiritual development, and also thanks to hard work for the benefit of people, you will be generously thanked by the universe and after the turn of 40 years, you will not need anything. In your previous life, you were a healer and saved many.
Magic is useless to you.

Your life's karmic code 46 promises happiness in relationships.

Your personal life will be incredibly successful; if you marry for love, you will be very happy; marriages based on convenience should be avoided. In a past life, you may have acted as a hero in high ranks and fell in a large-scale battle. interests you, develop your knowledge and you will learn more about yourself.

Decoding the karmic code of your destiny, number 47 is a sign of deceit.

Perhaps you really love noisy celebrations and friendly companies, going and inviting people to visit. It’s a pity that your friends, unfortunately, are not honest and for this reason, you will often encounter their meanness. In the previous incarnation, they were the leader of a sect, or avoided people, tried to communicate little. You can’t do magic, otherwise you’ll get sick.

Karmic code by date of birth 48 is the number of a fighter.

From birth, you have a karmic node of leadership; your career is rapid, very suitable for sports achievements, in military affairs, and for politicians. In the previous incarnation, they were a gunsmith who was faithful to his skill. It wouldn’t occur to you to start developing magical abilities, you don’t believe in it.


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Rails. What exactly awaits you? It's not difficult to find out. First, calculate your personal number: add up all the numbers that make up your date of birth, reduce the resulting sum to a single digit meaning. For example, you were born on April 16, 1968. We write down this date in numerical terms - 04/16/1968 and add up all the components...


Which every person has. This numeric code can be expressed:- number dates of birth; - number name; - number patronymic; - number surnames. All these numbers They are also very closely connected with the reincarnations of people, with their past lives on Earth, say numerologists. Various numeric values letters are inherent in every alphabet of every language. So, numerologists warn...


Everyone. The more money, the more chances for the future. Who you are does not matter values. If I'm right, then several interesting consequences can be drawn from this. Let's think together using the examples of the rich... our usual meaning, the attitude towards it becomes utilitarian. 3. Magnification numbers sexual disorders in men that are related to the sexual sphere (a simple example: impotence) and an increase numbers infertile women who cannot get pregnant. 4. Reduction numbers racial and...


THIRTY SEVEN- magical worlds and realities; assemblage point; mental disorders; magical objects and transformations; magic crystal; hell as a special magical reality.

Comment. 37=36+1 - reaching the eighth level of manifestation of the spirit is accompanied by a strong breaking of the picture of the world, so lovingly and diligently completed and framed in thirty-six. The revelation of the thirty-seven lies in the vision of the world as a set of different worlds that are almost or completely unrelated to each other, each of which is subject to its own, sometimes very unusual and largely incomprehensible laws. Between these worlds (which are usually called magical, although the term “magical” is more correctly attributed to the eighth level as a whole as a way of perceiving the world) there are poorly understood and little studied connecting paths that are not always available, but sometimes various objects are transferred along them. Many of these worlds are highly dynamic, so their reality changes rapidly; at the same time, the clear division into dense and subtle plans and the concept of karma are completely blurred and lose any definite meaning: here and further the spirit manifests itself more spontaneously and directly; Carlos Castaneda calls these manifestations intention. In particular, the world that in previous chapters was called “dense” becomes magical, and not only are unusual areas and inexplicable qualities discovered in it, but it also turns out that it strongly depends on how a person perceives it; In what follows, I use Castaneda’s term “assemblage point” (perceptions) to denote the way of perceiving the world. In this terminology, a shift in a person’s assemblage point means a change in his way of perceiving the world; a weak shift of the assemblage point suggests a change in the magical reality of the world where a person is located, and its strong shift can lead to ending up in another magical world.

A slight movement of the assemblage point for the average person occurs every time the roles he plays in society change, and the more strongly, the more existentially significant the corresponding life situations are for him. Strong shifts in the assemblage point for many people occur upon graduation from school, the birth of their first child, the death of parents or a serious illness, and in general during any strong experiences and effects. Many severely mentally ill patients have a strongly displaced assemblage point, which immerses them in a magical space that is poorly connected with the generally socially accepted one, and do not know how to return to the latter at will, which can well be perceived as definition mental illness; then the psychiatrist becomes a person who helps return the person’s assemblage point to a socially acceptable place or returns it there on his own - this can be done in different ways, see below. A magician, therefore, differs from a schizophrenic by the ability to arbitrarily (of course, within certain limits) change the position of the assemblage point, and most importantly, return it, if necessary, to a position consistent with the position of the assemblage points of the people around him. However, at level thirty-seven there is still no talk of mastering the position of assemblage points, much less understanding the manifestations of the spirit; This stage is just the first acquaintance with the eighth level, the deep shock that occurs when confronted with magical reality face to face.

37=32+5 - a sorcerer, having entered into magical contact with a stuffed devil, discovers signs of life in it and finds himself in a black magical space (hell); there too ( 37=24+13 ) gets a member of the cosmic brotherhood ( 24 ), succumbing to earthly temptations ( 13 ).

37=18+19 - trained esotericist ( 18 ) receives initiation and mission ( 19 ) and, having fulfilled it, becomes a true magician.


THIRTY EIGHT- mission in two different worlds; harbinger of high civilization; resident; split personality.

Comment. 38=37+1 - if thirty-seven symbolizes the first strong inclusion in the magical worlds, their kaleidoscope and random wanderings of the assemblage point, then thirty-eight sharply narrows the space of its movements, limiting it to only two points or narrow areas ( 38=19 x 2). Thus, thirty-eight means existence in two different worlds, in each of which the magician performs a specific mission and has a stable channel, that is, he has initiation in each of them. Depending on the level of mastery of thirty-eight, the magician is able to arbitrarily change the position of the assemblage point and find himself in another world, or it is semi-controllable by him, or uncontrollable at all; the latter sometimes means so-called schizophrenia, which, however, may not be suspected for a long time by people who see a person of thirty-eight in only one state - with the position of the assemblage point approximately corresponding to their own.

If a man of thirty-seven is a brilliant actor, capable of incarnating himself in any role and transforming the inner reality of his hero into outwardly tangible magic, where the stage becomes a magical world, and the performance - a mystery, then a man of thirty-eight masters only two worlds, but lives in both very deep and serious, so that his activity in any of them is a mission in itself (see nineteen); but beyond that, he establishes a connection between these worlds, which gives him great additional opportunities in each of them. At a low level, thirty-eight can mean the fate of a professional intelligence officer, living for decades in a foreign country and playing a significant role in it; at a high level, this is a messenger from another world, significantly superior to this one in development and possessing two missions: one explicit and one hidden, but both of them are open to him, and he can move from one world to another at will, although perhaps only with certain conditions.

The influence of thirty-eight on the average person means what is called a double life, that is, two main completely different roles that he plays and in which he perceives the world very differently. This is not necessarily a gangster working as a programmer as a cover; this could be any deep professional who turns on his channel at work and turns it off at home, where he is simply relaxing with his family, or, for example, a woman for whom the world is illuminated with a bright light when she is in love (almost no matter with whom), and it becomes dim gray the rest of the time. At a high level, a person of thirty-eight is interested in both of his worlds, and in each of them the other constantly shines through; at a low level, preference is often given to one of them, although it is not easy to be there; but in any case, this person knows that he has two worlds, or two qualitatively different ways of perceiving the world, can be stable in each of them and will never confuse one with the other.

38=11+27 - a rough progressor, enlightened by cosmic harmony and love, turns into a conscious esoteric messenger.

38=25+13 - frivolous citizen ( 25 ), tempted by hard currency ( 13 ), recruited by foreign intelligence; or

38=25+13 - messenger of high civilization ( 38 ) shows ( 13 ) living life too freely ( 25 ) its true limits; aka ( 38=24+14 ) performs the functions of the highest spiritual Teacher ( 14 ), relying on the help of the space brotherhood ( 24 ).


THIRTY NINE- balancing the assemblage point; magic teacher; small fry tyrant; resilience in marginal situations; nagual.

Comment. 39=38+1 - overcoming the splitting of consciousness and going beyond the limits limited by the two worlds of thirty-eight, the magician learns the art of stable retention (thirty-nine is divided into 3 ) assembly points in the position he needs. In this case, the central role is played by the magical Teacher, who goes under thirteen, that is, he teaches dangerous, by all signs of black, magic, but does it surprisingly harmoniously and, ultimately, safely, so that the student remains safe and sound ( 39=13 x 3) even in the most unpleasant and difficult situations corresponding to decomposition 39=26+13 , which can be interpreted as the help of the magician's teacher ( 13 ), coming to the brink of physical survival in the fight against superior black forces ( 26 ) - this plot appears many times in Castaneda’s books, for example, the struggle of Don Juan with the small fry tyrant. Steady balancing in magical spaces is a subtle art, but mastering it is absolutely necessary for further advancement. At level thirty-nine, however, only the first steps in this direction take place, accompanied by the constant supervision of the magical teacher. The magician himself does not yet clearly see the position of his assemblage point and learns to hold it purely intuitively, sincerely surprised by each successive success, which he subjectively experiences as a miraculous deliverance from inevitable death: indivisibility on 4 or at least for 2 creates a feeling of complete absence of material soil underfoot, which actually appears only in seventy-eight (= 39 x 2).

At thirty-nine there is a complete loss of stable contact with any world (which is typical for thirty-eight), and the load on the magician’s psyche increases enormously; In general, it is very difficult to withstand the pressure of this number, just as any learning is difficult, and magical learning is threefold, since it requires not only complete essential immersion, but also the breaking of the most fundamental concepts, both physical and religious. Here is karma already no, but God more no, and only the magical teacher is real, growing, however, into a completely incomprehensible figure - neither his goals, nor means, nor ethics are incomprehensible.

At stage thirty-nine, the magician’s main attention is focused on the external circumstances of his life, work with the psyche is just beginning, and there is no point of assemblage as a conscious concept (not to mention its direct sensation or vision), but in fact the work is being done with it, and the main goal is to learn to control your internal state to such an extent as to keep it in the desired position, which means the stability of magical reality. Thus, at thirty-nine no independent “constructive” activity is possible; this number symbolizes learning in its purest form.

In the life of the average person, the influence of thirty-nine can mean a paradoxical, but generally unconditionally benevolent figure, possessing great power over him, absolutely incomprehensible and manipulating him in extreme conditions, sometimes literally saving him from death, but achieving completely incomprehensible goals (Misha Fox in Iris Murdoch's novel “Flight from the Sorcerer”). Nevertheless, when the action of thirty-nine ends, a person feels great internal changes and even mystical self-confidence in terms of better control of the most extreme, tough and incomprehensible situations.

39=29+10 - the black magician of thirty-nine, upon closer examination, turns out to be very human ( 10 ) good wizard ( 29 ).


FOURTY- spiritualization of dense reality; stable communication channels between magical worlds; major artists.

Comment. 40=39+1 - at forty, the first results of training thirty-nine appear and, first of all, the ability to fix the position of the assemblage point in difficult (for the previous stages of manifestation of the spirit) positions; Moreover, divisibility by four means adequate perception of dense forms of any space in which the magician finds himself, and divisibility by eight means excellent mastery of subtle instruments and the ability to recreate the reality of one world in another. The magpie magician is able, being in the same world, to reproduce such a bright model ( 8 ) of another, that it becomes a channel of communication with him, so that people considering this model have their assemblage point shifted, and they (at least meditatively) find themselves in a completely new (for themselves) space.

40=4 x 10- if at twenty (= 4 x 5) matter is revived, then at forty it becomes spiritualized and endowed with self-awareness - on Earth this is called anthropomorphism. Forty means a very high stage of manifestation of the spirit, and people who rise to forty, at least meditatively, are perceived by humanity as great - these are major artists, writers, philosophers, whose creations create stable and wide channels into other worlds that are completely inaccessible to the average person. These worlds are often not only brighter than usual, they are much better structured, and their internal laws are much brighter, and most importantly, they are always fulfilled; and this applies not only to fairy tales, where good necessarily defeats evil, but also to such quite (apparently) realistic novels as “Anna Karenina” and “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy or “A Quite Honorable Defeat” by Iris Murdoch.

40=20 x 2- if at the stage of twenty reality (even the densest objects) is perceived as living, but not spiritualized and subordinate to man, then at forty interaction with it is already on equal terms, in the form of dialogue or even confrontation: this is how it can be difficult for a writer to cope with the desires of his characters , contradicting the general plot, and the picture is out of obedience to the artist. Difficulties and the revival of the chaotic principle arise because through the forty channel punched by a person into another magical world, the latter wants to appear in its entirety, as a result of which novels swell, and practically the same plot appears in countless paintings, to the great detriment of publishers, exhibition committees, readers and viewers.

40=8 x 5- it would be extremely naive to believe that the creations of a man forty are only the fruits of his living ( 5 ) fantasy: forty is not a five, but a number of the eighth level, and eight as a factor means too effective tools; therefore, the worlds he describes not only really exist, but also have a significant impact on both his life in society ( 40=10 x 4), and on the dense reality of society itself ( 40=4 x 10), which as a result changes irreversibly; It is precisely this that is connected with the attention that even the most pragmatic and tough politicians pay to artists and poets who sing, it would seem, something infinitely distant, sublime and even mountainous.

40=33+7 - a person who considers himself a practical spiritual teacher ( 7 ) of humanity, writes a treatise on the state ( 33 ) (Plato).

40=26+14 - prisoner of political reaction ( 26 ) writes an essay in prison ( 40 ), which is perceived by contemporaries as a spiritual Teaching ( 14 ) (N. Chernyshevsky and his novel “What to do?”).


FORTY ONE- vertical involution; materialization; decimal point; act of creation; curse, karmic task.

Commentary. 41=40+1 - the next stage of magician perfection, coming after forty, that is, the art of modeling one world in another and creating stable communication channels between them, is mastering the art of materialization, or vertical involution, that is, the embodiment of a subtle plan in a dense one, so to speak, of an abstract idea in a concrete one material; the same process is sometimes called creation, leaving behind the word “involution” a horizontal meaning as a process opposite to the evolution, or clarification, of a given plane. However, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between these concepts. The main content of the path of manifestation of the spirit consists of two, in a sense, opposite processes: this is creation, or materialization (involution) by subtle worlds (ideas, objects) of dense ones, and the subsequent development (evolution) of dense plans (objects) with the goal of gradual clarification (refinement) and return to the world (idea) that gave birth to them; however, in the course of the evolution of any world, he may need to create a denser one, that is, to act as a creator himself; then his own illumination and merging with the subtle world that gave birth to him becomes possible no earlier than the world that he himself generated evolves and merges into him; the latter, however, is also endowed with a certain freedom of creativity and can, under certain circumstances, give birth to an even denser world, that is, stir up another mess that will definitely have to be sorted out in the end.

In principle, the generation of dense worlds is one of the paths of evolution, but not the most direct and fraught with great complications; at the same time, one of the evolutionary tasks of the one who gave birth to it (the subtle one) is superimposed on the generated dense world, and in the best case, the generated dense one, evolving, is highlighted and solves this problem, which in its reality is perceived as an eternal curse that weighs on it, and which must be somehow then get rid of it. If he succeeds, he is illuminated and merges into the subtle one that gave birth to him, while solving the subtle evolutionary task for which he, in fact, was generated; if, however, the direct evolution of the dense world reaches a dead end, it can try to give birth to an even more dense one and transfer its curse to it, which rarely succeeds and leads to unpredictable consequences, as, indeed, any act of creation. The wisdom of higher numbers, for example, one hundred twenty-three (= 41 x 3) prescribes to correlate the complexity of the tasks assigned to the created world with its capabilities, but the magician of forty-one does not think about this. In forty-one, the possibility of creation appeared for the first time and fills the stage to the brim, as a result of which it more often creates evil, that is, imperfect worlds with a very difficult curse, than good, that is, relatively harmonious worlds with a reasonable evolutionary program.

41=15+26 - an initially harmonious and lively person ( 15 ), unable to withstand the most difficult trials of life ( 26 ), curses his fate (Job).


FORTY TWO- house of the magic teacher; magical teacher as spiritual; subtle magical world; heightened state of consciousness; consecration.

Comment. 42=41+1 - having mastered the art of creating worlds, the magician feels more comfortable and gets comfortable; now, finally, he can look around and comprehend something about their relationship. Divisibility by seven means a direct vision of spiritual subordination, that is, the division of each magical world into dense and subtle planes, and divisibility by six means formalized living conditions, in simpler terms - home. Thus, the decomposition 42=7 x 6 can be interpreted as the house of a magical teacher; while the latter at the stage of forty-two is perceived as spiritual. In general, the concept of spirituality is not typical for magic, and at the eighth (as well as at the ninth) level there is only one number divisible by seven, but, nevertheless, at forty-two it appears, and it is very significant.

At the first level of development of the principle of forty-two magician, the student learns to perceive his teacher precisely as a spiritual teacher, which in itself is not very simple, since it means attention to things that are invisible to the student, barely perceptible, almost imperceptible, read between the lines and gestures of the teacher, but , however, very important and powerful. When this stage has been passed and the student’s attention (read assemblage point) is firmly fixed on the position of anticipating the perception of the subtle magical world, the teacher can move it to the position of his perception (don Juan in such cases spanked Castaneda on the back) and make a journey together with the students through the subtle to the world. Thus, the decomposition 42=21 x 2 symbolizes the splitting of magical reality into subtle and dense (in the first, a heightened state of consciousness is achieved - Castaneda's term - and vision changes greatly), and they are to a certain extent opposed to each other; in particular, the memory of the subtle magical world is largely lost during the transition to the dense one. On the contrary, during the transition to a heightened state of consciousness, the perception of the dense magical world is largely veiled and becomes inadequate; in other words, a lot of additional information appears in relation to ordinary vision (colored aura of people and objects, etc.), but a significant part of the dense vision disappears, or rather, is replaced by another, which you need to learn to decipher.

Forty-two at an average high level is the number of occultists, clairvoyants, bioenergeticists and practical spiritual teachers who are able to see the spirituality and subtle meaning of any forms of life and know how to fill these forms with spiritual content - in religion this is called sanctification; however, magical rituals and rites receive their first real revelation only in numbers of the ninth level ( 46 - 55 ), and at forty-two only the first hint of this appears.

The inclusion of forty-two in the life of the average person means an instantaneous meditative shift of the assemblage point to a position where the simplest and most ordinary actions (sweeping the floor) suddenly receive a high spiritual content and seem very important for his life: when God appears on the threshold of a house, the house becomes a temple, and cooking is a sacred sacrament.

42=14 x 3- a high spiritual teacher, in a moment of special favor, invites a student to his house.

42=35+7 - a natural pantheist, following direct instructions from above, builds a house for himself.


FORTY THREE- spontaneous manifestation of the spirit; intent ; Uranus; unmotivated miracle.

Adherents of numerology claim that a person’s fate and purpose can be found out by calculating his karmic number based on his date of birth. This is quite simple to do; all you need to do is know the person’s full date of birth and have the ability to add prime numbers.

In the article:

How to determine the number of karma by date of birth

Why do you need to know your karmic number? Each person is born at a certain time, and often this happens regardless of medical forecasts. It is believed that birth occurs at a time chosen by someone from above. Its purpose is to allow a person to experience the consequences of the actions that he committed in a past life. With this, you can not only understand your mistakes and correct them, but also open the way to your next incarnations.

In other words, karma is the totality of a person's bad and good deeds which were performed by him during all his incarnations. Bad deeds must be recognized and corrected in subsequent incarnations, while good deeds bring each person closer to liberation from the endless cycle of rebirths.

In order to calculate the karmic number by date of birth, you should sequentially add up all the numbers that are present in it, and then look into the interpreter located a little lower. For example, you were born on October 10, 1995. The calculation of the karmic number in your case will look like this:


Only tens should look exactly like tens, and not like a unit to which a zero is added. But this only applies to the day and month of birth. All other numbers will be single digits. The result does not need to be reduced to a single digit number, as in many others. The resulting number has a significant impact on your life, and below you can find out what it is. In addition, it is also the number of the karmic period. In this case, this means that every 44 years there will be major changes in fate.

In general, this ancient practice of calculating the karmic number provides much more accurate data than. Below you can find interpretations of the results obtained, as well as detailed descriptions of “special” numbers that indicate karmic debts made in the past incarnation.

Karmic numbers in date of birth

Thanks to simple calculations, you can find out the cause and ways to eliminate the karmic debt that you have. With this help you can also avoid a repetition of the situation in the current incarnation. In this case, one should distinguish between one’s own debts from the present or previous incarnations and ancestral karmic debts. Those received in a past life are indicated by only four numbers. These are 13, 14, 16 and 19. The rest are associated with the karma of the family and the actions of the person himself.

You can assume that you have unpaid karmic debts if these numbers are found precisely as a result of numerological calculations. If they are repeated only at their intermediate stages, this does not mean that you have bad karma. But signs of karmic debts can appear not only when calculating the karmic number, but also during any numerological operations that imply a two-digit result.

In the calculation example proposed above, there is no karmic debt. But this does not mean that the life of a person born on this date will be sinless and will not cause karmic debts in the next incarnation. In general, they are always interconnected.

What does the karmic number 13 mean?

If you get the karmic number 13, this means retribution for selfishness and laziness. Your previous incarnation was unsuccessful. You preferred to shift all the responsibilities that were difficult in your understanding to others. In addition, there was an obsession with oneself and one’s desires, an inability to care about others, as well as the use of other people to achieve goals.

Such karma manifests itself in the fact that a situation that goes smoothly for most people, in your case will always be associated with many problems and obstacles.

You can improve the situation if you learn the ability to complete any task without paying attention to obstacles. You should not only accept help, but also offer it to other people. And in case of a mistake, you will have to admit your guilt if you are really guilty of something, and not try to blame another person.

What does the number 14 mean?

If during your calculations you get the number 14, this indicates that in a past life you did not develop your talent, which was given to you from above. Instead of using this gift by doing good to people and earning a living, you were idle or sought to escape reality, placing considerable importance only on physical pleasure. Perhaps it is also a matter of non-fulfillment of promises and oppression of other people's freedom.

Most likely, among the problems of your current incarnation there are many bad habits and addictions that you cannot get rid of. You love to make grandiose plans, but things never come to fruition, because you cannot boast of patience. The very first obstacle makes you retreat or completely change your mind about achieving your goal, and you are not looking for the reasons for this in yourself.

Another option is possible - this is pathological workaholism. If such a person achieves a high position, not only he, but also all his subordinates will work beyond measure. Another typical statement for such a person: why does everyone have everything, but I don’t, because I’m no worse?

In order to correct your karma, you must adhere to moderation. This applies to both giving up alcohol and drug habits, as well as food and feelings. Also curb your desire to achieve everything at once, choose goals that you can really achieve. Don't indulge in laziness and don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Your number is 16

The number 16 speaks of an excessive tendency towards sensual passion and an incorrect attitude towards love. Perhaps you betrayed a loved one in a past incarnation. Most likely, through your fault, other people have suffered more than once - both physically and mentally. There is a good chance that you were interested in things that were condemned by society.

Such actions in past lives threaten loneliness and the inability to establish close relationships even with relatives. This can be provoked both by the constant occurrence of situations that do not allow maintaining relationships, and by the presence of such qualities as selfishness and narcissism.

This punishment can be mitigated by cultivating such qualities as humility and modesty. Put the interests of your loved ones above your own and get rid of selfishness. A passion for esotericism can cause you to go crazy.

What does the number 19 mean?

In past lives, you have abused your power or other opportunities that you had. You preferred to subjugate people instead of winning their trust and affection. In achieving their goals, they were guided only by their own desires and had high ambitions.

The problem with the current incarnation is the inability to expect someone's help. You have no one to rely on in a difficult situation, you are threatened with loneliness.

In order to eliminate such problems, you need to learn to take care of someone other than yourself. You must selflessly help people without demanding anything in return. Intrusive help can only do harm; help when you really need it. Learn not only to take, but also to give.

If the karma number is 10

Ten is another special number in the case of karmic numbers. It has an exclusively positive meaning and speaks of good karma.

If you received the karmic number 10, you did not commit bad deeds in a past life, did not harm people, did not commit crimes, or have already paid off all your debts in a previous incarnation. Most likely you were a farmer.

In this incarnation, you need to think about how to no longer allow karmic debts to arise. Rather, you can be called a happy person. If you do not allow your karma to deteriorate, happiness will not leave you until old age. Your life will be a series of successes in all areas. However, it is better to avoid practicing magic; this is not your purpose.

First level

You are on it if your karmic number is in between from 10 to 19. Earthly affairs await you, not lofty matters. It is worth devoting maximum time to the development of body and spirit. Avoid soul-searching and attempts to change the world; nothing will come of it anyway.

Read along with this article:

11 - many trials await you, betrayal by your significant other and danger are possible. You are characterized by excessive idealism in choosing a life partner and trust. You will probably be married more than once and leave behind numerous descendants. In a past life, you committed a serious crime or distinguished yourself by betrayal. Involvement in the occult can bring problems, be careful.

12 - this number threatens anxiety and suffering due to other people’s intrigues, disrespect of family members and the role of the victim in alterations. You should not join the ranks of those who go against the government or any other organizations, you will not have any luck in this. In a past life, you skillfully weaved intrigues, acted against rulers, and perhaps participated in terrorist operations. If you are interested in learning magic, you need to choose a teacher with great care; studying on your own can be harmful. This karmic number sometimes goes to those who have abused love magic.

15 - it’s easy for you to achieve any goal with the help of magnetism and temperament, you don’t complain about the number of fans. He has a talent for music and art in general, and is an excellent speaker. Luck favors you, but there is also a tendency to lies and dishonest ways of making money. In a past life, they were a prostitute who died in a brothel, tavern or hospital.

If you are interested in magic, you can only become a black magician, because this number will encourage you to use knowledge only for self-interest and not disdain any means to achieve your goal.

17 - happiness and freedom. You are lucky in literally everything, but most of all - in your personal life. You can be sure that you will not be left alone. marriage and any other relationship will work out great, as will your career. In a past life, you were a poor man with many bad habits, had a wife and children, but died in poverty and loneliness from illness or hunger.

In your previous incarnation you could not be called a happy person. People with a karma number of 17 are rarely interested in magic, without feeling the need for it.

18 - a number associated with cruelty. Perhaps you are a family tyrant, a lover of fights, or a supporter of an antisocial organization. You should only expect deception and betrayal from other people. There is a serious danger from fire, water and weapons, early death will be associated with an accident or will be the result of an assassination attempt. You can succeed in crime, your best skill is causing harm.

In a past life they were a childless fortune teller or a black witch. You will achieve success in the occult if you practice black magic, but this is not a fact.

Second level

This includes people whose karmic number is between 20 and 29. They must be responsible for the development of intuition and the subconscious, respect the experience of their ancestors and work to become better in all respects.

20 - you will have a goal, the achievement of which is possible only after overcoming all obstacles; a struggle with circumstances awaits you. They are given by higher powers as a means of developing your spirituality and philanthropy, and you must overcome all difficulties. In a past life, they were a dishonestly rich person, perhaps they were fond of collecting and cheated on their spouse. You will either be forced to learn magic, or you will have to turn to specialists in this field for help.

21 - good luck and success await you in all areas. Inaction can ruin you; you are bored without your favorite activity, but laziness is not inherent. In a past life, you were a man, engaged in manual labor, had only one beloved woman and children from marriage with her, and enjoyed universal respect. You have good karma, but esoteric studies are only possible in a group or with a mentor.

22 - this number speaks of delusions, excessive gullibility and kindness. Only in times of danger do you forget about your illusions. You need to be careful in all your actions. In a past life, you were a woman of worker-peasant origin, cheated on your husband and were not happy in your family life. Most likely, they traded in theft. In magic you can achieve good results with persistence, especially in finding a teacher.

23 - success in your career awaits, you will always receive help in your endeavors, good luck accompanies you. In a past life, they were a beautiful but childless woman, most likely a skilled needlewoman. Perhaps you have been involved in sewing. In this incarnation, luck will not leave you in the study of esotericism.

24 - the new incarnation will be happy, good luck awaits you in all areas of life. The whole path of life will be easy and successful if you do not bring harm to anyone. In the past, they were engaged either in art, or icon painting, or predictions, the family was strong and happy. You can successfully study any area of ​​esotericism.

25 - tests are sent to you because of your character. You can only understand this from your own personal experience. But thanks to the accumulated knowledge, your future will be happy, because you will never go the wrong way twice and correct all your mistakes. In a past life, they were a woman of royal blood, cheated on their husband with a loved one, and had a penchant for traveling. You can achieve great success in magic if you study the esoteric traditions of your country.

26 - there will be a lot of disappointments and deceptions in your life; caution is necessary. You know how to anticipate disasters, so you will never become a victim of an accident. Developing intuition can save you from many problems. In a past life, you were a doctor who made many mistakes in his work, but otherwise this incarnation was calm. It is better to engage in love and business magic, in these areas you can achieve success.

27 - developed intelligence and a penchant for productive work and creation. A rather favorable number that promises rewards for kindness and mercy. In your previous incarnation, you were an employee of a city or rural administration, an astrologer or a scientist. The marriage was happy, but they did not achieve much success in their career. In magic, success awaits if you engage in purification, attracting good luck and money witchcraft.

28 - you have real talent, but are in conflict with the law and morality. Your fate cannot be called calm, since you have a tendency to protest against rules that you do not like. In a past life you committed suicide, most likely due to the betrayal of a loved one, you were an engineer or a factory worker. You can achieve success in black magic.

29 - insincerity, deception, betrayal on the part of the people around you await you. You will face cheating spouses, deceitful friends, and constant challenges. If you cannot find a soul mate, you are in danger of loneliness. In a past life they were a rich but dishonest person, perhaps a merchant. No particular success in magic is expected.

Third level

People whose karmic number is within the range are related to it from 30 to 39. They were born to teach other people something, so they must pay maximum attention to their learning.

30 - your happiness or misfortune depends only on your actions. You are distinguished by high intelligence and a desire for material wealth. You can achieve serious success if you notice not only the opportunity to earn money, but also the people around you. In a past life, they were a person suffering from alcohol or drug addiction, perhaps a poet or writer. Excellent results await you in the study of esotericism.

31 - people with this karmic number most often become public figures. They are distinguished by unsettled personal life, good luck with money, self-absorption, and a tendency toward loneliness. In a past life - an actor or musician, married more than once and had several children. In magic, people with this number are usually disappointed, having no incentive to practice, but have good abilities.

32 - you have many friends and acquaintances, but if you tell them about your plans, nothing of your plans will come true. Otherwise, everything should turn out favorably - both family well-being and career. In the past, we were a traveler who had bad habits and did not want to start a family. Has the ability to predict.

33 - most likely, you are a teacher or educator. Has a talent for teaching other people. You care about history. Good luck in everything you wish. In a past life, they were a magician who knew how to find an approach to any person and had no problems with money. In the present, your gift for the study of magic can be called the greatest; most likely, you will be famous among other magicians and will cause their envy.

34 - up to the age of 35 you will be plagued by difficulties, but after reaching this age you will arrange your personal life and achieve a high financial position. In a past life, they were a warrior who died in battle without having time to have children. It is better to practice magic after 35 years, then you will succeed in it.

35 - fate will not be simple. You will face disappointment, betrayal by partners, problems with children, alcohol and drug addiction. It is not advisable to lend due to the high probability of non-repayment, especially if you have reached adulthood. In a past life, she was a very popular singer or actress among men, but she never managed to arrange her personal life; she was lonely in old age. You need magic at a minimum to protect yourself from adversity.

36 - do not expect help from others, in this incarnation you will have to achieve everything on your own. Your personal life will not be happy, betrayal and unhappy love await you, and a marriage of convenience is possible. Most likely, you will be able to build a career. In a past life they were a jailer, killed by prisoners or a convict. It is recommended to study money magic.

37 - you probably have good friends, and you are also lucky in love. In a past life, you were an excellent housewife and mother with a good reputation, or a monk. You have no karmic debts. In magic you can achieve good results.

38 - many problems await you, which include failures in business, betrayal of a loved one, betrayal and deception, deceitful friends and failures in travel. In a past life, they were born in a remote village, were engaged in farming and never traveled far from their home. You need magic in order to learn to understand people.

39 - you are given a developed intellect, but poor health. Diseases literally haunt people at any age. There is a tendency to alcohol or drugs. There are many problems due to envy. In a past life you were a successful gambler or swindler. Most likely, you do not have any special interest in magic, but you have the ability to do it.

Fourth level

If your karma number is between 40 and 49, you are at the fourth stage of your development. Your goal is to comprehend the foundations of the universe and the meaning of life, become a teacher and reach a new level of consciousness.

40 - love loneliness and most often are not understood by others. No luck with money. In family life you behave selfishly. In a past life, they were engaged in literary activities and were extremely lucky in love. As a rule, people with this karma number are interested in magic, but do not achieve outstanding results.

41 - you need to hide your plans and avoid boasting, you are susceptible to the evil eye. There are no problems in communicating with people and in your personal life, you are considered an attractive person. You have a tendency towards selfishness and deception for profit. In a past life, she was a very interesting woman and broke the heart of more than one admirer. Perhaps they had something to do with poetry. In this incarnation, serious success in magic is not expected.

42 - success awaits you in everything except relationships with the opposite sex. Managing your personal life can be difficult. In a past life, they were a big lover of booze and women, for which they were beaten by their wife. They were most likely engaged in brewing or animal husbandry. The abilities for witchcraft are rather mediocre, and, as a rule, there is no interest in this.

43 - many challenges await you, which will manifest themselves both in work and in your personal life. In a previous incarnation, you were executed for cheating on your husband or other betrayal. Esotericism can only lead to problems.

44 - you are gifted with exceptional intuition. Most likely, you are cheating on your partner. There will be many disappointments and deceptions, problems and troubles along the way. In a past life, they were prone to excesses, which was the cause of death, and they also abused power and were a murderer. Your spouse cheated on you, this explains such tendencies in this incarnation. Practicing magic can lead to mental problems.

45 - at the beginning of life you will have to go through a lot of disappointments. But further success depends on the desire to work and develop intellectual abilities. In a past life, you contributed to someone else's happiness or health, but were unhappy in love. There are no extraordinary abilities for magic.

46 - a number favorable for friendship and personal life. But if you are thinking of entering into an arranged marriage, you are unlikely to be happy. In a past life, you were universally respected, had power, and your death was heroic. You have no interest in magic, nor any special abilities for it.

47 - love communication and noisy parties. But you will have to constantly deal with insincerity and betrayal. In personal relationships there will be frequent betrayals. In a past life, you were a monk, a hermit, or the head of a sect, most likely harmful. Usually people with this number do not try to practice magic; this can negatively affect their health.

48 - you are distinguished by high intelligence and a craving for material values. Your life depends only on the actions you take. You have no tendency to cheat. Most likely, you are a leader by nature, interested in sports, politics and have a chance to build a corresponding career. Past life was associated with weapons. To study esotericism one does not have enough patience and faith.

49 - you are always alone, no matter whose company you are in. You will not achieve success in your career, but neither money nor your personal life will worry you. In a past life, they spoke in public and did a lot of unpleasant things. Practicing magic can negatively affect your health.

In general, knowing your karmic number will not only help you understand why certain events happen to you, but also find out what exactly needs to be done in this life to get rid of negativity.