Workshop for the production of hand-made dumplings. We think about marketing our products in advance. Sales of ready-made dumplings: where is it profitable to sell handmade dumplings

Semi-finished products are in high demand among the population of large cities, whose residents do not have free time for cooking. Among the semi-finished products, the audience received well-deserved recognition different types dumplings and dumplings. Easy preparation, lack of large investments and stable consumer demand make the business of selling dumplings quite promising. Opening your own workshop allows you to get regular profits and quickly recoup the invested capital. In this article, we propose to consider the production of dumplings as a business and study all aspects of the production process.

The market segment of frozen semi-finished products, in particular dumplings, is very promising

Analysis of the selected segment

Dumplings received the status national dish, which is in demand among various segments of the population. This dish is not only nutritious, but also healthy. The dumpling production business has high profitability due to stable demand among customers and relevance in any season.

It should also be noted that there is high competition in this segment. Today, more than a hundred different business entities are registered in Russia, producing their own semi-finished products. In order to enter this business, you need to carefully study each competitor.

You should carefully read the product promotion strategy they have chosen and learn about all the advantages and disadvantages. This step will allow you to enter the market with minimal loss of capital. Every person wants to receive high-quality products at a low cost. However, modern market offers do not meet consumer demands. Many entrepreneurs, wanting to reduce production costs, use low-quality raw materials or meat substitutes. This move could lead to the loss of half of potential buyers. At the stage of creating a business plan, you need to familiarize yourself with the products offered by competitors. Experts recommend purchasing several dozen semi-finished products in order to become familiar with their advantages and disadvantages. Particular attention should be paid not only to the taste and quality of semi-finished products, but also to packaging. In order to create a competent business plan, it is necessary to study the chosen business from all sides.

Workshop organization

A business plan for the production of dumplings should include information on the organization of the workshop. The production hall is the heart of this business, therefore to this issue should be approached with increased responsibility. Workshop rental in central region may turn out to be a waste Money. Since all efforts will be devoted specifically to production, it is recommended to choose a premises located on the outskirts of the city. Since the entrepreneur will need to organize his own delivery service for finished products to retail outlets, the location of the workshop itself is of minimal importance for the business.

Dumplings are an integral part of Russian culture, which makes them a sought-after product.

It is very important that the selected property meets all the requirements of regulatory authorities. The lack of basic utilities can result in large fines from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

According to established rules, the room where semi-finished products will be sculpted must be equipped with ventilation and heating. In addition, it is necessary to install high-quality lighting fixtures and install plumbing. It should also be noted that the walls of the workshop should be tiled. As practice shows, a room with an area of ​​no more than eighty is sufficient to organize a workshop. square meters

. Experts recommend renting property located in rural areas. Thus, the entrepreneur will have the opportunity to negotiate with local farmers on the supply of fresh raw materials at a low cost. In addition, this step will save money on wages for employees, since wages in rural areas are much lower.

Purchase of equipment Business plan dumpling shop must necessarily contain calculations financial model

  1. future production. This section should indicate the method of manufacturing semi-finished products and the level of financial resources required to implement the selected model. Today there are two main options for organizing a business: When choosing this method, you should be prepared for low production capacity. Despite this fact, handmade products are valued much higher among buyers.
  2. Machine for making dumplings. With the choice of this method of implementing a business project, the level of initial investment increases several times. It is also worth noting the increase in productivity by ten times compared to manual modeling.

Automation of this process allows you to increase the volume of products. In addition, an automated workshop requires a minimum number of personnel to operate the line. Spending a large sum for the purchase of various production equipment, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to reduce the cost item due to a decrease in the size of the tax base.

In addition, due to high production capacity, the rate of return on investment increases several times.

The key link in drawing up a business plan is a description of direct production, from which calculations will be based in the future

The minimum set of production equipment required to start a business includes a dough sifting machine, a dough sheeter, an industrial meat grinder and a minced meat mixing machine. In addition, you will need to purchase special forms. The workshop will need to install special freezers where finished products will be stored. The entrepreneur will also need to invest his own capital in the purchase and installation of a packaging line.

The heart of the workshop is the dumpling making machine, which is used to form the dumplings. The volume of products produced depends on the quality and functionality of this unit. Cheap machines can produce about fifty kilograms of blanks within an hour. With the purchase of a modern molding machine, production speed can increase sixfold. Experts in the business in question recommend purchasing Russian or Chinese-made production equipment. Due to the low cost and high quality of these devices, the payback period for a business is reduced several times. from scratch.

Housewives who are sensitive to kitchen chores also cannot do without dumplings. This product is in demand at any time of the year. And the use of various sauces will allow you to turn a traditional dish into a culinary masterpiece.

Thus, the dumpling business is a profitable and win-win option. As verified sources show, the sale of dumplings is constantly increasing every year. Moreover, in times of crisis, people want to save money and start buying not expensive meat products, but those that are cheaper. Dumplings allow you to satisfy your gastronomic cravings without wasting time and money. Therefore, the country’s financial problems stimulate the development of this business, make it profitable, bringing good profits to the owners.

How to start making dumplings?

The basis for business development will be a friendly or family contract. Hand-made sculpting and high-quality raw materials will be appreciated by friends, who will tell the next fans about your product, and so on, along the chain, the information will spread. If profits increase, then think about opening a dumpling shop.

To make dumplings you will need five components:

  • premises;
  • staff;
  • equipment;
  • raw materials;
  • marketing.

Placement of dumpling shop

The premises of the future dumpling shop should be small in size so as not to overpay for rent, but spacious to accommodate equipment and free movement of personnel. An area of ​​50 m2 is enough for manual production and placement of equipment. Pay attention to sanitary and hygienic conditions, otherwise the first inspection of the sanitary and epidemiological station will not only cost you dearly, but will also deprive you of your business if it is closed. The presence of water, light, heat and ventilation is mandatory. The floor and walls should be easy to clean and have light color. This will increase the efficiency and mood of workers, and will also serve as a trump card during inspection by the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Organization of dumpling production in the workshop

Many people appreciate handmade dumplings, so the cost of the product will not confuse such buyers. Cost at this method production is high, but here you can save on purchasing equipment. However, a rapid increase in the volume of manual production is not expected.

Machine molding of dumplings involves large volumes and low cost. At the same time, the costs of purchasing, maintaining and repairing equipment and increasing utility bills are increasing.

If you are inclined to purchase special equipment, then prepare an amount from 300,000 to 2,000,000 rubles. Note that automated lines are offered today huge selection manufacturers, and there is no shortage of them. Even Chinese units cope perfectly with the task and pay for themselves in short term and convenient to use. Russian and European equipment is more reliable, but it costs 5 times more, so the payback period is much longer.

The minimum set of equipment required to open a dumpling shop includes:

  • industrial meat grinder;
  • apparatus for molding (sculpting) dumplings;
  • flour sower;
  • dough mixer;
  • freezer;
  • packaging and filling machine.


After purchasing and installing equipment, think about how to hire staff. There is no need to save so as not to harm production. Any underpayments will lead to the fact that the quality of your products will crack or there will be days when employees do not show up for work for unjustified reasons. Therefore, hire people with recommendations, middle-aged. Give preference to those who love to cook.

Work experience and skills in handling equipment will be an additional advantage for applicants. Remember also about the sanitary and epidemiological service, so be sure to have a sanitary book with you with up-to-date records. Also, keep an eye on the medical commission throughout the work of the workshop so that you are not fined.

For automated production, the dumpling shop staff consists of at least five employees.

Raw materials and ingredients for dumplings

The quality and cost of products depend on the raw materials and ingredients used. Since dumplings are minced meat, beautifully wrapped in dough, you will need the following components:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • flour;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • spices.

Try experimenting with the filling. Cottage cheese, mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes, berries will transform the dumpling production line into the production of dumplings or ravioli. Thanks to this, the product range will expand and the market sector will expand.

The minced meat should not be too raw and viscous, and must remain juicy when cooked. All kinds of minced meat components will expand the product range and attract additional customers. As for the use of artificial additives, this is a personal matter for everyone. Choose for yourself which category of citizens the product is intended for. An option is to expand the customer base and organize work with turkey or rabbit meat without adding chemicals.

Make the dough elastic, of suitable thickness and ensuring reliable retention of the meat lump and juice from it, in order to reveal the taste and aroma of the product in the client’s mouth, and not in the container during cooking.

The quality of products and their compliance with sanitary standards is a guarantee of your peace of mind and positive inspections by supervisory authorities.

What dumplings to make

No one will oblige you to comply with technical specifications and state standards for the production of dumplings. The weight, shape and color of semi-finished products vary, would there be a demand for them.

The expanded range increases the customer base. In the future, after analyzing demand, you will focus on a narrower selection of recipes.

Offering products various types buyers, observe important rule- high quality products will allow you to retain existing customers and acquire new ones. This leads to an increase in profits and only then to an expansion of production.

Presenting yourself on the sales market

Start with business card product and with a sonorous, memorable name. Gather together as a team, call your relatives and friends. Write down all sentences, including stupid and inappropriate ones. Then rest and analyze the work done. Select the best option or combine several into one. Highlight your brand with a combination of specific colors or “crest” symbols to make your products recognizable.

Selling methods

To sell the product, enter into contracts with small retail outlets or arrange delivery to sellers at the market. Market traders are more sociable and interested in sales, so the chances of making a good profit are high. In large outlets Contact us only after you have created a client base.

Organize a tasting and hold a promotion for products, advertising the new manufacturer. Include an inexpensive gift with the package. Even a small packet of sauce or a wooden spatula will pay off and serve as a successful marketing ploy.

Customers who are satisfied with your products - best advertising. They will repeat and then systematize their choice, telling relatives and friends about the find. This will create an irreversible effect of promoting semi-finished products on the market.

Results of dumpling production: income, expenses

The production of dumplings fits into the following estimate:

  • expenses for the purchase of equipment – ​​300,000-2,000,000 rubles (manufacturer from China or Europe, respectively);
  • purchase of raw materials and consumables - 360,000 rubles;
  • costs for communal payments and rental of premises - 45,000 rubles;
  • payment costs wages employees - 80,000 rubles. (for a staff of five people);

Doing some simple calculations, we arrive at the following results:

  • income - 210,000 rubles;
  • net profit - 90,000 rubles;
  • payback period 4-6 months.

The obtained figures are based on the daily production of 700 kg of dumplings. But conclusions about payback do not always coincide with the facts, so another quarter is added to the period indicated in the calculation, spent on gaining a place in the sales market, creating a customer base, and so on.

In the current crisis, many people are thinking about how to open their own business and make money. But not everyone can afford to get involved in something serious with a large initial investment. There are many options for starting your own business from scratch minimum investment. And one of them is making dumplings. Classic homemade dumplings as a business are great for beginners and allow you to get a low, but stable income. Semi-finished products are very popular: their range is quite wide, and the preparation time is minimal. Therefore, when the right approach you will find regular customers who will buy all your products.

Key business advantages

The dumpling business has several serious advantages that should definitely be taken into account when drawing up a business plan. Let's list the key ones:

  1. This business is not seasonal. Dumplings and khinkali are sold equally well in both winter and summer.
  2. High payback. Typically, a business fully pays for itself in 2-3 months.
  3. Minimum investment. You don't need hundreds of thousands of rubles to get started.
  4. No need for personnel, office or workshop (at least in the initial stages).
  5. Simplicity of manufacturing technology, available ingredients.

Making dumplings is not difficult, especially if you have the right equipment.

There are also disadvantages: high competition, especially in big cities. If in a small city you can easily conquer the market, then in large cities you may encounter serious competition. But you can always defeat it - the main thing is to use only quality products, do not skimp on meat and spices.

What documents are needed?

To begin with, you don’t have to fill out any paperwork at all - you will distribute dumplings and khinkali among your colleagues and acquaintances. This will provide you with a fairly stable income, but the turnover will be scanty. Therefore, sooner or later you will be faced with a situation where you will have to look for an exit to the market, which means obtaining permits:

  1. Recipe for your products.
  2. Conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station on the safety of the product.
  3. Documents from Rospotrebnadzor.

You will also need to register as an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC. Each of these types of business has its own pros and cons, so be sure to figure out what will be beneficial for you. If you decide to work in a separate room, opening your own workshop, then you will also need permission from the fire inspection, technical conditions and a label for the production of your own products.

Note: A prerequisite for working with products and food is that every person in the workshop has a health certificate. Make sure that the stamps are not expired, otherwise you will be issued large fines.

Necessary equipment

In order to start a dumpling business at home, you will need a minimum set of equipment - a meat grinder, a mold for making dumplings, a rolling pin and a knife. If you plan to engage in sculpting at a serious level, you will have to purchase:

  1. Flour sifter.
  2. Electric knife for slicing meat.
  3. A powerful electric meat grinder capable of processing 5 kg of meat at a time.
  4. Dough mixer.
  5. Mixer for minced meat.
  6. Installation for rolling out raw materials.
  7. Freezers for storing products.

Dumplings - tasty and nutritious food

Usually people start a business according to the following scheme - first they make semi-finished products themselves, rolling out the technology and recipes, then they go for more high level, involving relatives in the process, then they buy equipment for automation and begin to produce dumplings industrially.

Note: people are more willing to buy hand-made dumplings, overpaying for them, because they are confident in their high quality. Don't disappoint people by skimping on ingredients.

Additionally, you can purchase a packaging machine and pack the finished product into transparent bags. Buyers are much more willing to purchase dumplings in transparent packaging, since they can clearly see them and evaluate the quality of the sculpting.

Read also: Candle production as a business

What products will you need for work?

If you are planning to produce dumplings as a business at home, then it would be nice to understand how dumplings are actually made. For sculpting classic dumplings you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Flour. You should take premium flour and sift it well before kneading.
  2. Water. It is best to buy bottled or well-purified and settled water.
  3. Salt. Classic rock salt without iodine.
  4. Eggs.
  5. Bulb onions.
  6. Meat. Pork, chicken, and beef are suitable for dumplings.
  7. Various seasonings (pepper, suneli hops, etc.).

There is no exact recipe for making dumplings. Experiment by mixing different types of meat, adding various seasonings to the minced meat, achieving the most optimal taste. To begin with, you can buy meat in regular supermarkets, and when you reach industrial volumes, then in whole carcasses. The main thing is that all the ingredients are really high quality, fresh and environmentally friendly.

Dumplings can be sculpted even on a classic form

Note: forget about trimmings, sinews, soy and herbal supplements. Buy only fresh meat on the day it is delivered to stores. Buy carcasses from trusted farmers who monitor the quality and health of animals.

Where to sell dumplings

It's time to think about where your products will actually be sold. At the initial stage, you can sell products to your friends, colleagues, and relatives. Then, having worked out the recipe and received positive reviews, start selling products on local forums and social networks. After this, agree on the supply of dumplings to small cafes and restaurants - semi-finished products are very popular there. You most likely will not be able to conclude contracts with large cafes - they work with large suppliers. But if you make high-quality products and the reviews about you are as positive as possible, then you can always lure a major client by promising him more low price, payment in installments or other interesting conditions.

Despite the seeming fullness of the dumpling market with a wide variety of varieties, names, manufacturers and quality, the production of dumplings is one of the most profitable industries.

The popularity of dumplings (manti, varaniki, etc. products) and their comparative cheapness with high nutritional value and satiety ensures year-round stable demand. It does not decrease even during fasting, since in parallel it is possible to produce vegetarian dumplings, which offsets the decrease in demand due to religious reasons.

It is optimal to create a small production of dumplings, like many others: firstly, it will not require significant space and high costs, and secondly, it is small, family and similar productions that are now most in demand in terms of price-quality ratio - after all, small enterprises strive to improve quality and reduce prices by competing with each other.

The list of equipment required to open a dumpling production is small.

For complete production cycle a line of equipment for the production of dumplings is required, consisting of:

1) automatic dumpling forming machine

2) equipment for preparing dough (flour sifter, dough mixer, dough sheeter - separately or in one unit)

3) equipment for preparing minced meat (meat grinder, minced meat mixer - separately or in one unit)

4) equipment for freezing and storing dumplings and raw materials (at least 2 refrigeration chambers: low and medium temperature).

Material costs for starting a dumpling production business

As for the equipment for molding dumplings, you can purchase it for only 550-750 thousand rubles. The difference in price is predetermined by the capacity of the minced meat bunker, and, as a result, by productivity. In this case, the minimum productivity is considered equal to 100 kg per hour (when purchasing equipment for 550 thousand rubles) and 200 kg per hour (respectively, when purchasing equipment for 750 thousand rubles). The operating personnel of the device is 2 people in both cases.

The next production unit, the test unit, is also serviced by two people. It consists of a flour sifter (30,500 rubles), a dough mixer (326,860 rubles) and a dough sheeter (42 thousand rubles). The total cost of equipment for this unit is 399,360 rubles, and the cumulative total is 949,360 rubles.

The meat grinder (RUB 24,059) and the minced meat mixer (RUB 93,972) are serviced by one worker. Equipment costs amount to 118,031 rubles, total: 1,067,391 rubles.

Two chambers - medium and low temperature - will cost 39,985 and 45,568 rubles, respectively, for a total of 85,553 rubles. They do not specifically require maintenance, but it is advisable to hire another person who will be a loader and helper.

The total for all items is RUB 1,152,944. Staff - 6 people with wages 15,000 rub. every.

Profitability of dumpling production


% of weight finished products

price, rub.
per kg

Expense for
800 kg





Ground pepper


Egg powder


The total cost for 800 kg of finished products (or for 1 shift of work) is 55,111.82 rubles. The material cost of 1 kg of dumplings is 68.89 rubles. The price of 1 kg of dumplings ranges from 77 to 107 rubles. The arithmetic average of the amounts presented is 92 rubles.

Net profit from 1 kg is 23.11 rubles. Gross profit for the month, subject to work in 1 shift with a 24-day working month - 1,766,400 rubles, of which cleared profit - 443,712 rubles, and net profit - taking into account the wages of 6 workers - 353,712 rubles.

The last figure is the minimum monthly income of the entrepreneur. Thus, the payback period for the business is 4-5 months.

In addition, the dumplings considered as an example are not the cheapest option. To reduce costs it is possible, for example, to use chicken meat and minced meat, offal, etc.

Video about the production of dumplings

Dumplings are very affordable, fast and delicious product for lunch or dinner. Hence the constant demand, which does not depend on the time of year and social status, everyone eats dumplings. There are many important disadvantages that dumplings that are produced on factory equipment have. Often such companies add too much soy to minced meat, which alienates consumers from classic taste minced meat. In this regard, the home-based dumpling business can pose serious competition to manufacturers supplying their “soy” dumplings to the shelves of city stores. After all, the taste of homemade dumplings is something that is familiar to us since childhood and is radically different from store-bought options.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a dumpling production

In the table below, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of opening a dumpling shop that produces dumplings. It can be noted that the main the target audience— people who want a satisfying and at the same time inexpensive meal.

Dumpling production business: documents for tax registration

To register a dumpling shop with the tax authorities, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. In the table below we analyze the main advantages. In addition, we will consider the necessary list of documents for registration of each legal form of ownership. When registering, select the OKVED code:

  • 10.13.4 - production of semi-finished meat products,
  • 10.73.1 - production of semi-finished products, dumplings, etc., boiled and uncooked, with and without filling.
Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small pet business (50-80m²). Number of personnel from 1 to 3
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a large chain of pet stores, borrow money, and scale.
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system.

In law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The most optimal organizational form a workshop for the production of dumplings can be an ordinary individual enterprise (IP). The most profitable tax regime for the enterprise there will be a simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of the enterprise’s profit.

Own workshop: SES requirements

For the first time after opening a business, you can build your first premises in your personal home kitchen, which already has all the necessary equipment. But it’s worth keeping in mind that to make dumplings, even in your own kitchen, you must have: a large number of sockets or extension cord, a spacious and comfortable table, a sink with a constant supply of water, a good lighting fixture and, of course, a large freezer for storing finished products. If you are planning to rent such a premises, possible success in this field can turn it into a full-fledged dumpling production workshop.

In the future, if you leave your home kitchen and rent premises, it must meet sanitary requirements Rospotrebnadzor(SES). In addition to the SES, you must obtain a conclusion on the premises for a workshop in Gospozharnadzor. To do this, it is necessary to install a fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers).

Below is a list for obtaining a basic permit from Rospotrebnadzor, after which you can begin production.

Equipment for a dumpling shop

To organize this workshop indoors or at home, you will need a specific list of equipment that is necessary for this type of activity. We are not talking about new equipment; used household appliances are quite suitable:

  • Refrigerator compartment with sub-zero temperature function. Such a chamber will accommodate about 100-1500 kg of finished products; its dimensions can easily fit in a kitchen or balcony. The issue price is 7000-12000 rubles;
  • Manual or automatic meat grinder for preparing the filling. The price of this device ranges from 2000 to 7000 rubles. The approximate productivity of an automatic meat grinder is 1.5 kg of meat per minute, and a convenient loading tray and increased power can increase production time quite significantly;
  • A device for making dumplings – a dumpling maker. It can be mechanical or automatic. An ordinary mechanical dumpling maker costs about 1000 rubles and has a productivity of 10-12 kg per hour. An automatic dumpling maker will cost you 7,000 rubles, but it will speed up the process of making dumplings significantly, as it has many additional and very convenient functions: molds for dumplings, rolling out dough, producing noodles and ravioli, and a measuring spoon.

In addition to the above equipment, you can additionally buy: Flour sifter (about 15,000 rubles), dough sheeter (about 30,000 rubles).

Where to start production?

To begin with, you will need a great recipe, preferably with an exclusive signature, so that your dumplings stand out from the crowd of your competitors. But it’s worth considering the preferences of your future customers, for example, should you make dumplings from beef or pork? Or maybe mixed minced meat or chicken? Or even cook dumplings with non-traditional fillings of vegetables or fruits? The answers to these questions can create good demand, which will provide you with a large turnover and an influx of profit.

Next, having decided on the desired filling, we proceed directly to the process of making dumplings. Dumpling makers have several molding options for future products. So besides delicious filling can be picked up interesting shape, which can also work favorably into your hands. Automatic dumpling makers have a mode for rolling out dough from 0.2 to 3 mm thick. This can seriously affect the taste, and it is better to strictly determine the future thickness of your dough. Next, the resulting dough is placed in the dumpling chute, the required amount of minced meat is applied, and all this is turned into a finished dumpling product.

You can reduce the cost of dumplings produced by adding potatoes to the meat. Meat and potato dumplings taste no worse than pure meat dumplings, but the cost is the same.

You can reduce the cost of dumplings without losing quality by increasing the percentage of water content in the dough and minced meat. Technologically, it is possible to increase the percentage of water content in minced meat to 20%, while the taste of dumplings only becomes better.

Video review of dumpling production

The video shows the production of dumplings in detail.

Market for your products

Most often, the first batch of finished products is distributed among close friends, acquaintances and neighbors. But these are only initial reviews, and, as a rule, you can’t start a business with your family; you need to look for the main places for selling such products - public catering and convenience stores. To introduce your products to these places, you will need a number of documents to carry out trade. In fact, these are 2 declarations of conformity, but to obtain them you will need registration of technical production conditions, which includes the following documents:

  • lease contract;
  • product recipe;
  • label.

The development and registration of technical specifications will take you 10 working days, and receiving a declaration of conformity will take about several weeks. The paperwork may seem difficult, but it's worth it. In order to make sure of the success of your company, it is best to test the first batch in some cafe or among friends. If the party receives good feedback and receives approval, then there is no point in delaying the documents. After all, an honest entrepreneur is a trusted supplier.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(3.0 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.8 out of 5)
The dumpling production business is highly profitable and competitive business. The difficulty arises in the marketing of manufactured products. Therefore, you need to think about searching for sales agents immediately after registering with the tax office.