Frozen catfish dishes. Blue catfish steak: how to cook. Catfish in the oven in foil - recipe with rice

Some housewives are biased towards catfish because the fish does not hold its shape during frying. But if you cook it correctly, then the taste of the dishes will be excellent. Fish can be stewed or baked in the oven, or fried in batter. It contains a large amount of healthy fatty acids, which must be supplied to the body.

Fish lovers try to invent new cooking recipes so that the taste is rich and varied.

Catfish dishes in foil in the oven turn out tender and juicy. You can make fish cutlets, serve it with onions or vegetables, or add it to casseroles. Fillet goes well with sour cream and creamy sauces.

How long does it take to cook catfish fillet in the oven?

This question interests many housewives. You don't need to keep it in the oven for more than 30 minutes, otherwise it will become dry.

Bake in foil

Catfish in the oven and in foil cooks very quickly - dinner will be ready in 15-20 minutes.

  1. Boil 200 grams of rice until tender, place it on foil. Place the steak on top and add a little salt;
  2. Place the tomato cut into rings on the fish, pour sour cream over the ingredients. Grate the cheese and distribute it evenly throughout the dish;
  3. Now you can wrap the foil. Make sure there are no holes left, otherwise the juice will leak out and the dish will be dry, no matter how much dressing you add;
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the fish in foil there for 15-20 minutes;
  5. Before serving, garnish with herbs. The fillet will be especially juicy and tender if you eat it immediately after cooking, hot.

In the oven

There are many recipes for cooking catfish in the oven. Fillet with breadcrumbs can be served with a side dish or eaten separately.

It turns out very tender and melts in your mouth.

  1. Rinse the fish and remove the bones;
  2. Place the fillet in a pre-greased dish, season with salt and pepper;
  3. Cut the onion into half rings and place on top. Spread with mayonnaise or sour cream and then sprinkle with breadcrumbs;
  4. The catfish is prepared in 20 minutes.

If you want your meals to be complete and satisfying, you can cook fish with potatoes.

  1. Cut it into small portions and place in a greased pan;
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes or circles and place on the fish. Season with salt and pepper;
  3. If there are a lot of potatoes, then lay out half, then lay on the onion rings, salt and pepper, and then lay out the rest of the potatoes and add salt again;
  4. Spread mayonnaise (three tablespoons) on top and cook for about 30-35 minutes. You can serve with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Another quick and satisfying dish is catfish cooked in pots.

  1. Remove large bones from fish, cut potatoes into cubes;
  2. Finely chop the onion and carrots and sauté until golden brown;
  3. Pour a little vegetable oil into the bottom of the pot, place the fish, and then the potatoes;
  4. Place vegetables on top, salt and season with spices;
  5. Fill the ingredients with water or broth and place in a preheated oven. After 20 minutes you can take it out and serve it.

With peas and broccoli

Clove goes especially well with vegetables. Its taste becomes even richer and more intense. This fish can be used for preparing dietary dishes, as it is low in calories and rich in useful elements.

To make the dish not only tasty, but also beautiful, take peas and broccoli. The rich green color emphasizes the whiteness of the fish.

How to cook catfish steak with vegetables in the oven?

  1. Rinse and dry the steak, and then place it on foil, having previously spread it on a baking sheet;
  2. Salt and pepper. Place vegetables on top and lightly salt them. Wrap the steak and vegetables in foil and cook;
  3. After 15 minutes have passed, unwrap the foil and bake uncovered for another 10 minutes;
  4. When the top is browned, you can take it out.

Buckwheat cooked with this fish turns out aromatic and tender.

Catfish is a very tasty fish, which is not cooked only because they do not know how to cook it correctly. If you do not follow simple preparatory steps, this delicious dish will turn into porridge.

To prevent this, you need to remember the main thing: catfish cannot be cooked just like that. It should be fried in batter, flour, breadcrumbs, baked in mayonnaise or some kind of sauce. To fix the shape, you need to cook it half-thawed and fry it completely thawed. The fish turns out to be very nutritious and healthy, so even the most picky eaters will like the right dish.

Catfish meat - beneficial properties

The taste of catfish is very tender and slightly sweet, reminiscent of sea bass. At the same time, its beneficial properties are very extensive. It is a dietary product, since its calorie content is approximately 115 kcal per 100 grams of product. This figure increases depending on the cooking method.

Catfish contains beneficial acids that remove unnecessary cholesterol from the body. This contributes to the rapid restoration of blood vessels and the prevention of further diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

In general, catfish is highly recommended for people with such diseases. It also contains magnesium and vitamin PP, which are responsible for strengthening the heart muscle, dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation and oxygen supply throughout the body. And due to its high protein content, fish is recommended for consumption by athletes.

If we talk about the water-salt balance, then catfish normalizes it due to the chlorine it contains. Sulfur in fish improves metabolic processes, and potassium reduces swelling in the body and restores blood pressure. Phosphorus and potassium strengthen bone tissue.

What's the best way to cook fish?

Catfish meat is suitable for both lovers of fish dishes and for the little ones. The fish has almost no bones. Cooks have access to many recipes using this meat. Why do so many people complain so much about the fish “porridge” that turns out instead of a juicy steak? The whole problem is in the cooking method. Catfish is very loose and needs to be properly processed before cooking.

For stewing or frying, use batter or boil the fish in pre-salted water. This way it will remain intact and will not lose its beneficial properties.

Do not lose sight of the fact that any oil increases the fat content of the product. Therefore, frying catfish is suitable for those who do not watch the number of calories in the dish. To ensure that the fish turns out tasty and not saturated with dripping oil, it must be placed in a well-heated frying pan.

The most delicious catfish is considered to be cooked on the grill, steamed and in the oven, although it is often consumed smoked. For children and those on a diet, steamed cutlets and soup are recommended. Fish lovers will appreciate catfish steak, as well as catfish baked in foil. All cereals and vegetables are suitable as a side dish, but most of all – sweet peppers and potatoes.

Fried and steamed cutlets

Making catfish cutlets is easy and simple, and most importantly, delicious. For this you will need:

  • fish meat 0.5 kg;
  • one onion;
  • two tablespoons of semolina (40-50 g);
  • half a cup of milk;
  • one egg;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • dill for lovers and spices at your discretion.


  1. Place catfish fillet and dill (optional), finely grated onion and egg into a blender. Instead of semolina, you can use bread; different recipes yield different ingredients. You also need to add milk, salt and pepper;
  2. Mix and beat it all until you get one mass. To prevent excess liquid from spreading over the pan (or in a double boiler, if the cutlets will be steamed), you need to leave the mixture for 40 minutes. Semolina will absorb everything unnecessary;
  3. After this, cutlets of the desired shape are formed from the resulting minced meat. These can be hearts, smiles, and the most ordinary “round pieces”.
  4. Roll the finished molds in breadcrumbs;
  5. In a frying pan, the catfish is fried on both sides until golden brown.

Ready! Delicious catfish cutlets can be served. For a side dish, you can choose vegetable stew, fried potatoes, or serve simply with sour cream.

Catfish steak recipe

Catfish steak is a very fancy dish. If you forget one or the other nuance, you can end up with collapsed lumps of fish meat. To get started, you will need simple ingredients:

  • salt;
  • flour;
  • oil;
  • catfish steaks.


  1. Heavily frozen fish is not an option. It needs to be given time to thaw by about ¾, then salt generously and marinate. Within half an hour you can forget about the fish;
  2. The next item is flour. Once the catfish is marinated, it should be well coated in flour. A little secret: to prevent it from burning, you need to lightly chop the fish before placing it in the pan. This way the remaining flour will not curl into lumps;
  3. Heat the pan as hot as possible;
  4. Pour oil into a hot frying pan and wait until it warms up;
  5. You need to fry until a golden crust appears. Do not cover with a lid! This will only make things worse. After frying, set the pan aside for a couple of minutes. The fish will reach the desired state and lose any remaining looseness.

Steamed catfish with vegetables

Catfish is a very healthy fish and low in calories if cooked correctly. A good option is steamed, and vegetables for a side dish. What you will need as ingredients:

  • any vegetables of your choice.


  1. Thaw the fish completely, add salt and leave for half an hour;
  2. After the time has passed, the catfish should be rinsed with water and dried;
  3. The fish is placed on the top grill, and the selected vegetables are placed below;
  4. You can leave the steamer on for 20-25 minutes before cooking the catfish.

In the meantime, the fish is turning into a delicious dish, you can prepare a white sauce. Ingredients for the sauce:

  • flour;
  • low-fat cream;
  • salt;
  • pepper and spices;
  • Bay leaf.


  1. The flour is fried in oil, and then all the ingredients are added;
  2. Stir until the liquid thickens slightly;
  3. If it doesn't thicken at all, you can add flour. If it's the other way around, add cream. Important note: this sauce becomes thick over time, so it is ideal to prepare it right before serving. On average it takes 5-7 minutes to cook.

After cooking, let the catfish sit for 2-3 minutes and carefully place it on a plate. You can pour the prepared sauce on top, add a sprig of parsley for decoration and serve.

Delicious fish pilaf

Pilaf is known for its satiety and taste. But no one limited the choice of meat. Instead of the usual lamb, you can use catfish fillet, and do everything possible to ensure that its juice is completely absorbed into the rice.

So, what you will need:

  • catfish 1 kg;
  • rice 1 cup;
  • one or two onions;
  • the same amount of carrots;
  • spices to taste and vegetable meat.


  1. There is no need to defrost the fillet completely. It should thaw slightly, but not be soft;
  2. After defrosting, wash the meat and cut into cubes 2 centimeters thick;
  3. Rinse the rice and place in a colander to drain;
  4. Cut the onion into rings;
  5. Grate the carrots;
  6. Fry onions and carrots together. Important: first the onion is sautéed for a couple of minutes, after which the carrots are added to it;
  7. Once the vegetables are ready, add the washed rice. This is done so that it is crumbly;
  8. After a couple of minutes, you can transfer the mass to the desired saucepan or continue cooking in a frying pan if its volume allows. Add 1.5 cups of water;
  9. There is no need to add more water: the catfish is saturated with juice. If you add more liquid, you will get not an appetizing pilaf, but a slurry;
  10. You only need to stir the contents of the pan once after adding water. This will keep the shape;
  11. After stirring, you can add catfish and spices;
  12. The lid can be closed and the heat reduced;
  13. Further preparation depends on the type of rice, but the mass should simmer for approximately 20 minutes;
  14. Upon completion of cooking, the pilaf is mixed and served.

If you bake in foil in the oven

For those who like to bake in the oven, catfish can also be tasty. The main thing to remember is that you need to prepare the meat so that it retains its shape and taste. To prepare you will need:

  • fillet 0.5-0.6 kg;
  • two onions;
  • mayonnaise;
  • lemon juice (a tablespoon per eye);
  • breadcrumbs.


  1. Wash and dry the fillet, salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave for half an hour.
  2. Prepare the baking dish. Place onion rings (half) on the bottom of the foil, and marinated catfish on top;
  3. Use the other half of the onion to “cover” the top side of the fish;
  4. On top everything is coated with mayonnaise (you can use sour cream) and sprinkled with breadcrumbs;
  5. Do not cover the top with foil; it serves to preserve the juice;
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, bake for up to half an hour (depending on the oven);

The most appetizing and rich soup

To prepare fish soup you will need not only catfish, but also white fish for the broth. But the rest of the dish is satisfying thanks to the catfish. By ingredients:


  1. Separate the skin and bones from the fish.
  2. Add celery, bay leaf, pepper, fish to the pan and cover it all with cold water.
  3. The first foam is drained, then cook for at least half an hour.
  4. Cut the onion in half, peel the carrots or wash them thoroughly, then fry them on both sides in a dry frying pan. It should burn slightly.
  5. When the broth is ready, add the “fried” vegetables to it.
  6. After boiling, strain, remove everything that was previously - it will no longer be needed.
  7. A nuance: to make the broth transparent, you need to pour a beaten egg into it, stir and remove with a slotted spoon.
  8. Place the broth on the fire, throw small potatoes inside.
  9. Soak the saffron in alcohol or vodka, then squeeze, remove, and add the same amount of water to the liquid. You should get no more than 50-60 ml. Pour all this into the broth.
  10. Fry another onion and leek, then add the whole mass to the broth (about 10 minutes after adding the potatoes).
  11. Chop the remaining fish fillets and add to the broth.
  12. Cut the cod liver into large pieces and add it after 10 minutes. You can sprinkle with dill.
  13. You can salt, pepper and add spices, for decoration - lemon.

Amazing catfish in creamy sauce

Banal recipes can get boring even with such tasty fish as catfish. In this case, you can resort to the original - bake the fish in a creamy sauce. It doesn’t sound original, but the taste will be delicate and very unusual. What you will need:

  • 0.5 kg catfish;
  • 800ml cream;
  • liter of fish broth;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • nori seaweed;
  • sunflower oil.


  1. The catfish is cut into pieces and soaked in cold water (2-3 tablespoons of salt per liter of water).
  2. You will need a deep frying pan. Pour cream into it.
  3. Reduce by half and add fish broth, throw in seaweed.
  4. The sauce is almost ready, all you have to do is beat it with a blender.
  5. Remove the catfish from the marinade, then fry over high heat until half-baked.
  6. Place catfish and half of the sauce in a baking dish. You can place onions on the bottom of the mold.
  7. After 10-15 minutes the dish is ready. Pour over the remaining sauce and serve.

Catfish in batter with golden crust

If you fry catfish without preparation, it will become like porridge, and also very fatty.

There are several secrets to forming neat pieces and removing excess fat. What ingredients will you need:

  • 0.5 kg catfish;
  • half a lemon;
  • red pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • oil for frying.

For the batter you need:

  • flour;
  • egg;
  • vodka (50 grams is enough);
  • half a glass of water.


  1. Clean the fish: separate the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces.
  2. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Leave to marinate for 20 minutes.
  3. Now the batter: separate the white from the yolk and beat the white.
  4. Mix the yolk, flour, vodka and water, add salt and a spoonful of sunflower oil.
  5. Carefully fold the whipped egg white mixture into the batter mixture. Stir from the edge to the center so that the air bubbles in the protein burst as little as possible.
  6. Dip the catfish into the prepared batter and place in a heated frying pan with oil.
  7. Fry each piece on both sides.
  8. Place on a napkin to drain excess fat.

Ready! Bon appetit!

We present to your attention a simple video recipe for fried catfish in breadcrumbs:

In conclusion, it must be said that there are countless variations in the preparation of catfish, but each of them is based on basic recipes. Cooking in the oven, fish soup fried in batter, steak, cutlets and pilaf. These recipes are standard, but can be supplemented with different spices or cooking methods.

Everywhere a standard marinade is used: salt, pepper (in some versions, add lemon juice) and leave for half an hour. These are mandatory procedures for preparing tasty and healthy catfish. For a side dish, it is best to use vegetables in such a way as to avoid fat content as much as possible - the fish itself is very filling and the side dish may seem unnecessary.

In contact with

Everyone has long known about the benefits of fish, and in order for the product to bring benefits, you need to approach the cooking process wisely and carefully select products. If you want to make your diet varied and very tasty, you should definitely know how to fry catfish in a frying pan. Its delicious meat will open up new opportunities for you in the field of cooking and will become the basis for preparing various dishes.

How to properly and tasty fry catfish at home

In fact, you only need to know a few basic rules on how to properly cook catfish.

  • Due to the large amount of fat, the meat of this healthy fish is very loose, and simply frying it in a frying pan will not work. The fish meat will simply spread over the utensils, and the dinner will be ruined. It is best to boil the fish in salted water over low heat before frying. How long to boil the catfish depends on the amount of product. On average, the fish needs to be cooked for 10 minutes until done.
  • If the fish is frozen, you can steam it before frying. Place frozen fish in a steamer and cook for 20 minutes. You can also cook fish in a multicooker using the “STEAM COOKING” mode. Then you need to fry the catfish.
  • After boiling, it is best to fry the fish in vegetable oil. How many minutes to fry the catfish depends on how you cook it. If you fry fish in batter, it will be ready within 15 minutes. The classic fried version in flour needs to be cooked a little less, approximately 5-6 minutes on each side. Only frying should take place over medium heat.
  • If you want to prepare a delicious fried catfish dish, then when choosing, give preference to the spotted variety of this fish. Traditional fried fish in flour will fry well in small pieces in a lot of oil. If you do not boil it first, the low-calorie fish will be several times higher than its original energy value.

Step-by-step recipe for fried catfish in aromatic breading

Most culinary sources exaggerate the difficulty of cooking catfish at home. If you make a dish from high-quality raw materials, then in any case the final treat will delight you with its taste and aroma.

It is best to fry breaded fish, and to make the food extraordinarily tasty, you can add aromatic seasonings.


  • Frozen catfish - 700 g (steaks);
  • Lemon juice - 3-4 tbsp;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • White bread - 200 g;
  • Dried garlic - 0.5 tsp;
  • Paprika - 0.5 tsp;
  • Dried dill - 1 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

How to make breaded fried catfish at home

  1. Defrost the catfish naturally at room temperature. Divide each steak into two parts and place the fish in a small saucepan. Fill the container with the fish with clean water, add a little salt, add a bay leaf and boil it for 10 minutes after boiling.
  2. Then remove the fish pieces with a slotted spoon to a plate and cool. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice over the catfish. Leave the fish aside for 15-20 minutes to marinate.
  3. Cut white bread into small squares and dry in the oven. (The bread can be used with additives, such as herbs or seeds). Afterwards, grind the crackers in a coffee grinder or blender.
  4. In a deep bowl, combine crushed bread, dried garlic, dill and paprika. Bread the boiled catfish in the aromatic mixture before frying.
  5. Heat 30 ml of vegetable oil in a deep frying pan and fry the fish pieces over medium heat. Cook catfish on each side for 4-5 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Bread the rest of the fish and fry in vegetable oil until cooked.

Place the prepared product on a beautiful dish and decorate the treat with fresh vegetables. You can also serve fried fish with pickles and canned tomatoes or peppers.

Quick recipe for frying catfish fillet in batter


  • Catfish fillet – 500 g + -
  • — 100 ml + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • 2 tbsp. + for breading + -
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • - 2-3 slices + -
  • - 10 pieces. + -
  • Greens - for decoration + -

How to cook catfish fillet in batter in a frying pan step by step

  1. Thaw the fish naturally (especially tender catfish meat should not be defrosted in the microwave or in hot water). Cut the fillet into small pieces and add salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and combine them with mayonnaise. Whisk the mixture until smooth. Then add wheat flour and starch, using a mixer, beat the batter for several minutes.
  3. Take a large frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and put on fire. Dip the fish pieces in flour, then dip in batter and place in hot oil. Grill the catfish over medium heat for 4-5 minutes on each side.
  4. Then place the cooked fish on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Afterwards, place the fried pieces on a plate.

Garnish the meal before serving with your favorite herbs, olives and a couple of orange slices. Instead of this citrus, you can use lemon or lime. Moreover, the fruit serves not only as decoration - its juice will perfectly complement the taste of tender fish meat.

Now you know how to fry catfish in a frying pan yourself, which means that you will have another great treat in your arsenal of delicious dishes.

To prepare this dish you will need 2 catfish fillets, 3 cups of cold water, 4 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, white or pink peppercorns, freshly ground black pepper and a bunch of dill. First of all, the catfish fillet needs to be given density so that the steaks do not spread out during the cooking process. To do this, the fish is pre-soaked in salt brine for two hours. Then the fillets are removed, washed under running water, dried with paper towels, brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with black pepper. The cling film is cut into pieces, in the center of which sprigs of fresh dill, white or pink pepper and catfish fillet, covered with a few more sprigs of dill, are laid out.

Pour water into the pan, salt it to taste and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat slightly and place the packages with the prepared catfish in boiling water. The steaks are boiled for about 15 minutes, after which they are carefully removed from the pan using a slotted spoon and the film is carefully unrolled, which has retained all the juiciness of the delicious fish fillet. The finished meat is beautifully laid out on heated plates and served hot with a special sauce made from sour cream, ground black pepper, finely chopped fresh herbs and salt.

Fried catfish steak

To prepare a tender and juicy fried catfish steak, you will need 3 fillets of thawed fish, 2 eggs, 0.5 cups of milk, 0.5 cups of flour, 1 lemon, vegetable oil, parsley, freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste. The catfish is thoroughly washed, dried, placed in a bowl and poured with freshly squeezed lemon juice, left to soak for 30 minutes. Then prepare a batter from eggs, salt, black pepper and milk, which are beaten and gradually mixed with small portions of flour until smooth.

Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan, onto which fish steaks, previously dipped in batter and breadcrumbs (or flour), are placed. The catfish is fried until golden brown, turning the steaks using a wooden spatula. Then reduce the heat and fry the fish for another 5 minutes until fully cooked, without covering the pan with a lid. To make the fried catfish steaks even more juicy and appetizing, you can put them in the oven for a few minutes, preheated to 200 degrees. Similarly, this dish can be cooked in the microwave. Ready-made fried catfish steaks are placed on warm plates with a side dish of young boiled potatoes and garnished with thin slices of lemon and fresh parsley.

The catfish belongs to the perciforme family; it lives in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the White and Barents seas, and is found off the coast of Ireland and England, in the Gulf of Finland. Lives in cold waters, where the water does not warm up above a temperature of 14 degrees. It can reach 110-144cm in length and 32kg in weight.

Catfish contains a lot of useful substances, a whole spectrum: minerals - fluorine, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, etc., vitamins - A, groups B, C, PP, polyunsaturated fatty acids, easily digestible protein, etc. Doctors recommend eating this fish to everyone who cares about a complete healthy diet, especially those with problems with the thyroid gland, athletes, and problems with the cardiovascular system. However, it should be borne in mind that this fish is classified as very fatty - 100 grams of it contain 5.3 g of fat, but this is a plus - after all, this fat is a storehouse of polyunsaturated acids. In addition, even with fat content, this fish is low in calories - 100g contains only about 120 kcal.

Catfish are divided into species: spotted, blue (widow), eel, Far Eastern and striped. The skin of this fish, characterized by small scales, is used to make wallets, bags and belts.

Catfish recipes

The white meat of catfish is very juicy, tender, tasty, and has a slight sweetish taste - for fish lovers this is a real find. Fish contains few bones - and this is another huge advantage, which is highly valued by chefs. You can grill it, steam it, bake it in the oven, cook soups with it, but it has its own cooking features, without knowledge of which you can get not tasty fried fish, but fish porridge in a frying pan.

The fact is that catfish meat is very loose, and it needs to be prepared for cooking: before stewing or frying, it must first be dipped in batter, otherwise it will literally “spread” over the pan. Pre-boiling in well-salted water also helps to preserve the shape of the fillet and give it density. It is also important that catfish absorbs fat very strongly, so it should be placed in a well-heated frying pan, and it is this nuance that makes it 4 times higher in calories compared to the original calorie content, which is why those who watch their figure are recommended to steam it, and not fry.

It is believed that it is best to cook catfish on the grill or steam, bake in the oven; it is also very popular smoked. It makes delicious cutlets, very rich fish soups and fish soup, steaks, fish in foil, grilled fish. Among the foods that this fish goes very well with are cereals, vegetables such as potatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini, and cauliflower.

We will tell you about the most delicious catfish dishes.

Recipe for making catfish soup

You will need: 4 potatoes, 1 small catfish carcass, 1 carrot, 1 tbsp. millet or rolled oats, bay leaf, pepper, salt.

How to cook catfish soup. Cut the fish into pieces and place in a pan of boiling salted water and simmer for 20 minutes. Peel and dice the potatoes, chop the onion finely, grate or chop the carrots into small pieces. Remove the fish from the broth, separate the fillets from the bones, strain the broth, add the fillets, add rolled oats and chopped vegetables, bay leaves, pepper, salt, boil for 10 minutes until the vegetables are ready and season with herbs before serving, letting it brew for a while.

Recipe for catfish with vegetables in foil

You will need: 300g catfish, 150g cheese, 2 large carrots, 1 onion, ½ tsp. ground pepper.

How to bake catfish with vegetables in foil. Rub the pieces of fish with pepper and salt, place them on lightly greased foil, place fried onions and carrots on top (grat the carrots on a coarse grater, grate the onions in half rings). Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the fish and vegetables, wrap in foil and bake the fish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

A very tasty and sophisticated dish - catfish baked in creamy sauce.

Recipe for catfish baked in creamy sauce

You will need: 300g catfish fillet, 20g dill and parsley, 5 tomatoes, 2 onions and eggs, 6 tbsp. sour cream, 3 tbsp. butter, 2 tbsp. breadcrumbs and flour, pepper, salt, juice of ½ lemon.

How to bake catfish in creamy sauce. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and cut the tomatoes into circles. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Layer the fish and tomatoes, sprinkling breadcrumbs over the catfish layers. Beat eggs with flour and sour cream, add chopped onion, mix and pour the mixture over the fish in the mold. Place pieces of butter on top and bake for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

If you bought catfish and want to fry it, but are afraid that it will fall apart in the pan, you should not be afraid - the main thing is to do everything correctly.

Recipe for fried catfish in batter

You will need: 600-700g catfish, 1 egg, ½ cup ground crackers, 1.5 tbsp. flour, pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

How to fry catfish. Cut the fish into steaks 1-2 cm thick, rub with pepper and salt and put in the cold for half an hour, then bread in flour, dip in a lightly beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs. Place the catfish in a frying pan with hot oil and fry on both sides over medium heat until browned.

Catfish makes very tasty and nutritious fish cakes.