Asti (Anna Dzyuba) spoke for the first time about her personal life, her lover and her maternity leave. Spicy details of the creative tandem Artik&Asti Where are Max Collins and Asti now?

Their music has amazing melody, dance drive, and the incredible voice of the soloist. The duet Artik&Asti began with one call: an already famous author, composer, performer and producer called the then unknown singer.

— Artyom, Anna, tell us how your duet was formed: how did you meet and decide to work together?

Artik: Quite by accident, I came across a recording on the Internet in which Asti took part. And I really liked her voice. I was just looking for a vocalist to work with.

Asti: One evening my phone rang, I picked it up - Artik was calling! I recognized his voice on the phone because I was already familiar with his work. At first I couldn’t believe that he just called like that. Art suggested that I try to work together and said that he was going to the studio to write a song for me. And a couple of days later we met and recorded the song “Antistress”. From that moment on we worked together, so to speak.

The Internet writes about Artyom that his passion for music began with the group “Malchishnik”. Anna, who or what pushed you to study music and vocals?

Asti: As long as I can remember, music has always been with me, and I sang from a very early age. I spent my entire childhood in front of the mirror in some outfits, singing with a comb in my hand. My sister also had cassette tapes - Whitney Houston's "Body Guard" and Mariah Carey, one of the first albums with the song My All. I listened to these tapes to death, I didn’t know English, but I sang everything. And I still love Whitney Houston very much, I think she is the best performer of all time. At the age of 17, I wrote my first song, and my friends posted it on the Internet under the name Anna Dzyuba. This was my first serious composition, and I realized that perhaps what I thought was my dream could become real.

You managed to make a breakthrough in your career, literally shoot. Why/who do you think made this happen? Is there some luck in this or is it all just work and more work?

Artik: Everything is important here, nothing is unimportant. Of course, this is work, and chance, and luck. We didn’t just “shoot”, we worked towards it. We worked, wrote songs, toured. And before television and radio companies paid attention to us, listeners fell in love with us, for which we are eternally grateful to them.

-?What is happening in your creative life now?

Artik: We recently released a new video for the song “I am yours.” Concerts are taking place as part of the big tour #You can do everything in Russian cities. And in October we had a big solo concert in Moscow, at Izvestia Hall. We have also started recording a new album, so don’t miss the premiere!

Every year new talented artists appear in show business, but few stay. Why do you think this happens?

Artik: We just do what we and the audience like. And since our album became triple platinum at the end of 2015, it means we are on the right track.

Asti: We always do everything from the heart and soul and are always happy if our efforts, our work and our creativity are in demand and liked by the audience.

-?Does it happen that you quarrel?

Artik: We have no disputes or quarrels, and, accordingly, no reasons for them either. (smiles).

Asti: Artik is a producer! Who will argue with the producer? (laughs).

We get along well, from the first minutes we understand each other without words. Artik is the only person in my life whom I listen to. I don’t even listen to my parents; no one can advise me. And I listen to Artik, we are friends, work partners, he is like an older brother to me. And I'm fine.

-? Anna, you recently opened a “Beauty Bureau” - how did this idea come about?

Asti: I am a creative person, I always want to develop, I want something new. As a child, probably almost every girl played “hospital” or did everyone’s hair and makeup. I'm no exception. Now our games have become more real. That’s why I decided to open a “Beauty Bureau”.

I have four wonderful hair stylists, whose services I have used myself for several years. A new technology for hair coloring with oils, the latest trends in care, haircuts and styling are presented. Hair retains shine, silky, dense structure for several months. And of course, cosmetology services, manicures and pedicures will be provided. The basis of our work will be the quality of services. Now in Moscow you don’t always find the “right” and “your” master, even for such a small thing as cutting your hair, for example. You ask to shorten it by 2 cm, they cut it by 6, you ask for one color - they make another, and then you sit and cry.

I myself suffered with such problems for a very long time until I gathered all the good masters in one place, in my “Beauty Bureau”. This is a team that knows their business and easily understands what the client wants and how to help him further emphasize his beauty. All my friends have been asking about my hairdresser for the last couple of years, admiring the color of my hair and its shine. Who would know what happened to them two years ago... And now my hair is the merit of my hairdresser, who is on my team.

Anna, are there any “tricks”, your own secrets that help you look good? And what do you do to stay in good shape - diet, fitness?

Asti: I don’t go on diets, I do fitness only if I really want to. Yoga, meditation and stretching help me. I do stretching in the gym, and before going to bed I take a warm shower, turn off the sound on my phone and just immerse myself in an atmosphere of peace and quiet. The main thing here is to find balance in yourself, and for this you need to rest, relax. For me, the main thing is to get enough sleep, then I have the mood and strength.

-?Are there plans for a vacation?

Artik: In the summer we worked, performed, recorded new songs, and prepared for a tour around the country. We rest in winter. For example, last winter we visited Thailand. I like to relax in Israel, there is a special atmosphere and energy there. I also often visit Vienna, I have friends there, and I visit them periodically.

-?Well, the last question - when can we expect you to give a concert in Tula?

Artik: Tula is a very beautiful city, we’ve been to it more than once and always enjoyed it! We hope to be there soon!


Artik & Asti: Artyom Umrikhin and Anna Asti.

The group was created in 2010.

The first song is “Anti-stress”.

The second album “Here and Now” became one of the most popular in Russia in 2015.

Hits of Artik & Asti: “I won’t give it to anyone”, “Half”, “You can do everything”, etc.

Anna Dzyuba is a singer known under the pseudonym Asti. Together with Artem Umrikhin aka Artik he sings in the pop duet Artik & Asti.

Asti (Anna Dzyuba)

Childhood and adolescence

Anya was born on June 24, 1990 in the Ukrainian town of Cherkassy, ​​picturesquely located on the banks of the Dnieper. The girl loves her small homeland - it makes her soul feel comfortable here.

Singer Asti in childhood

Growing up in a creative family, the girl was imbued with the magic of music from the cradle. Together with her older sister, she constantly invented various skits, which she willingly demonstrated to her parents and neighbors, and organized impromptu performances and fashion shows. At school, Anya did not miss a single musical event, participated in concerts with pleasure, and listened to her sister’s tapes of Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, which belonged to her sister.

Anna Dzyuba and her family

She always liked the stage and the attention of the public, so already in her teens she seriously decided to become a singer. True, the girl did not know how she could achieve success in show business; it seemed to her that this would require money and connections, which she did not have then. Therefore, after graduating from school, she looked for herself in other professions, managing to work as a makeup artist and even as an assistant lawyer. At the same time, I recorded my first demo tapes and posted them on the Internet.

Singer career

It is unknown how Anna’s life would have turned out if one late evening a telephone call had not unexpectedly sounded in her apartment. She received a call from young producer Artem Umrikhin, who was looking for a soloist for his new project. By that time, he was already well known in the music community: he collaborated with Anna Sedokova, Ivan Dorn, Dzhigan and other famous performers.

Having stumbled upon Anna’s tracks on the Internet, Artem immediately realized that she was exactly what he needed. The young singer’s phone number was given to him by the creator of the Mushrooms group, Yuri Bardash. Astik immediately offered the girl cooperation and soon the guys recorded their first joint song in a Kyiv recording studio. This is how the duet Artik & Asti arose, which a year later loudly announced itself with the track “My Last Hope”. The video for this song was viewed by about one and a half million people in a month.

Soon the duo moved to Moscow, where the young performers began a completely different life, consisting of intense studio work, intense concert activity and frequent tours.

Artik&Asti – Artem Umrikhin and Anna Dzyuba

It was not easy for Anya to immediately adapt to such a rhythm, but Artem was always nearby, who became not only a stage partner, but also a faithful comrade-in-arms, best friend and adviser. In addition, the indescribable emotions from going on stage, the energy of the auditorium and the feeling of finally a dream come true more than compensated for all the difficulties.

Artik and Asti burst into the music world like a hurricane

The girl recalled that at the beginning of her career she was a rather plump person. She was greatly hurt by articles in the tabloids, where she was reproached for being overweight, and comments from subscribers who called her openly fat. Yoga, meditation and stretching helped the singer lose weight.

After meeting Artik, Asti changed a lot

In 2013, the deut’s first album “RayOneNaTwoih” was released, and six months later Artik and Asti were nominated for an award from the Russian Music Box channel (category “Best Promotion”).

The second album “Here and Now” became one of the most popular of 2015 according to Yandex.Music. And the video for the song “You Can Do Anything,” based on the film “50 Shades of Grey,” in which Agnia Ditkovskite played the main role, brought the young musicians several more prestigious awards.

In 2016, the group received two nominations for the RU.TV award (“Best Start” and “Best Role in a Video”) and a nomination for the Muz-TV award (“Breakthrough of the Year”). In the summer of the same year, the musicians released the single “I am yours” (the lead composition from the upcoming album), a little later the video was released, which, as always, could boast of excellent camera work, but many listeners decided that the video looked more like an action movie and was not suitable to a romantic song.

In the spring of 2017, the third album of the duet “Number 1” was released, which, like the previous ones, aroused the keenest interest of the public.

Asti's personal life

Unlike many popular people, Anna tries not to advertise her personal life. She had a loved one, he was not from the artistic sphere and due to the nature of her activity, the singer did not see him as often as she would like. Perhaps because of this, their relationship was doomed, and in 2018 Anna experienced a painful separation.

Anna Asti and her boyfriend

But the beauty was not alone for long. Soon she had a new young man. In July 2019, when Asti began showing off her engagement ring in fresh photos, the telegram channel “Only Nobody” managed to declassify the name of her lover. The man of her heart is Stanislav Yurkin, he (at the time of the beginning of their relationship) was 40 years old, behind him is his first marriage, in which his daughter Varya was born. He also has nothing to do with the stage, he owns his own bar.

Singer Asti's alleged fiancé

Recently, the singer opened her own beauty salon, “Beauty Bureau from Anna Asti”, in the capital of Russia, and she devotes all her free time from music to her new brainchild.

Anna Asti now

In September 2017, Anna and Artem presented their creativity to the public together with the singer Glukoza. The video for the song “I Smell Only You” turned out to be very frank - the heroine of Natalya Ionova showed Asti unequivocal signs of attention.

A month later, the artist launched her own clothing line, Selfmade by Asti. Around the same time, the group sang the composition “Indivisible” in a duet together with Rada Boguslavskaya, a member of the “New Star Factory”.

Asti launched her own clothing line

Anna Dzyuba (stage name Asti) is a Ukrainian talented singer, part of the duet Artik & Asti.

Singer Asti: biography of a popular performer

Anna was born on June 24, 1990 in the city of Cherkassy, ​​Ukraine. The future celebrity spent his childhood there. The singer’s family still lives there to this day. Before plunging into the world of show business, the girl tried herself in several areas. She worked as a lawyer and was a makeup artist.

In interviews, she said more than once that in her life she never thought that stage and songs were her calling. But despite this, as a child Anna loved to sing and tried in every possible way to perform at various events. She was not afraid of the stage and felt quite confident on it. But this didn’t happen to seriously think about a singer’s career.

Path to success

The musical career of singer Asti began with meeting Artik; now he is the producer and author of their joint duet called Artik & Asti.

He searched for Anya for a long time, since he accidentally heard her voice on the Internet. One evening Artik called her and suggested that she try to record one song and see what happens. After a couple of recordings, they suddenly realized that they were “in tune”, and then it all began. Anna arrived in Moscow for the first time in 2013, at that time she was incredibly scared, because the city was large and unfamiliar and the people were so strangers. But the girl felt that changes were coming and, upon arriving in Moscow, she realized that the city had accepted her.

The singer gained popularity with the release of the composition and video for it in 2011, “My Last Hope,” which was shown on all channels and played on all radio broadcasts. The video for this song has collected about a million views on YouTube. Listeners instantly fell in love with the performer for her unusual deep and sensual voice.

Their duo released three albums, these are:

  • in 2013 “#ParadiseOneForTwo”;
  • in 2015 “Here and Now”;
  • in 2017 "number 1".

The singer's personal life

Singer Asti tries not to talk about her personal life, so we know little. But judging by photos from social networks, she is dating a young man and is very happy. In addition, Anya communicates well with her boyfriend’s mother, as evidenced by their pictures together. Singer Asti values ​​in men, first of all, a sense of humor, courage and understanding of how to behave with a beloved.


Every day, Asti receives questions from fans about her style and appearance - hair styling, makeup, manicure and clothing. Therefore, the girl decided to open her own beauty salon to not only tell, but also show how to create a chic image.

On September 9, at the SATRAPEZO restaurant there was a party in honor of the opening of the singer Asti’s new salon, which was attended by celebrity guests such as Ella, Danya, Basil and Loya and others.

Asti (real name Anna Dzyuba) is a Ukrainian singer, lead singer of the famous pop group “Artik & Asti”, most recognizable from the album “#ParadiseOneForTwo” and the track “Indivisible” from the album “Number 1”. The future star began building a career in show business in 2010. The girl drives fans crazy with both her musical activities and her attractive appearance. But is the singer really lucky to have beautiful facial features and a naturally sexy figure, or is it all the merit of skilled plastic surgeons?

After looking at the girl’s early photos, the answer suggests itself: Anna Dzyuba before and after plastic surgery are completely different people. Before plastic surgery, the star’s appearance was absolutely not outstanding, but thanks to the efforts of plastic surgeons, she sparkled with new colors. It was with the new appearance that Asti managed to break into the world of show business. What did the girl need to change in herself in order to conquer the hearts of thousands of people with her beauty?


Asti before and after plastic surgery

Looking at the photo of Asti before plastic surgery, it is impossible not to notice the shape of the nose, which is absolutely different from the current one, which indicates its correction. By nature, the girl had a rather large nose with a drooping tip. Thanks to the efforts of surgeons, the singer’s nose became thinner and more graceful, and the drooping tip disappeared forever.

Removing lumps of “Bisha”

Asti without makeup

This procedure has gained great popularity among show business stars. Before the operation, the singer had chubby cheeks. Although most plastic surgeons consider this operation ineffective, Asti’s face after plastic surgery acquired clearer contours, and her cheekbones became very prominent.


Nature endowed the singer with medium-sized breasts, but they too underwent changes. The singer enlarged her breasts, making them more proportional. Now the star’s bust can be envied. However, some girls condemn the singer for the operation, claiming that it was not necessary.

Increased lip volume

Asti before and after plastic surgery

Another modification that almost all show business stars cannot resist. Although lip augmentation does not require surgical intervention, it can still be classified as plastic surgery. In the photo of Asti before and after plastic surgery, it is clearly noticeable that before the girl’s lips were much less plump than they are now. So, their seductive volume is the merit of fillers.

After the modifications made, the girl is not afraid to show herself without an ounce of makeup on her face. The singer's fans reacted positively to Asti's photo without makeup, but there were also those who criticized her. Before plastic surgery, Anna Dzyuba had a rather pretty appearance, so it is worth admitting that now, after the operations, the girl looks charming even without makeup, which is confirmed by the enthusiastic reviews of her fans.

The singer is also not shy about showing off her sexy figure to her subscribers, posting many photos in a swimsuit. Her Instagram account has more than half a million followers, who do not deprive the girl of admiring comments. On her blog, the singer often shares beauty secrets, but does not comment on her plastic surgery.

In the summer of 2016, Asti opened her own beauty salon, Anna Asti Beauty Bureau. At the moment, the star’s network of salons has more than five establishments in the center of Moscow. The singer's salons are distinguished by a cozy family atmosphere and high quality services, including: lamination and eyelash extensions, all types of manicure and pedicure, as well as hair treatments.

Asti's plastic surgeries benefited her: the girl was able to become more self-confident and build a dizzying career. And, despite the modifications, it still looks quite natural and sophisticated.