The meaning of the novel is bummer. Essay on the meaning of life by Oblomov. A hero opposite to Oblomov

The work of Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov “Oblomov” was written many years ago, but the problems raised in it remain relevant today. The main character of the novel has always aroused great interest in the reader. What is the meaning of Oblomov’s life, who is he and was he really lazy?

The absurdity of the life of the main character of the work

From the very beginning of the work, Ilya Ilyich appears before the reader in a completely absurd situation. He spends every day in his room. Devoid of any impressions. Nothing new happens in his life, there is nothing that would fill it with any meaning. One day is like another. Absolutely not carried away by anything and not interested in anything, this person, one might say, resembles a plant.

Ilya Ilyich's only occupation is lying comfortably and serenely on the sofa. Since childhood, he has been accustomed to being constantly taken care of. He never thought about how to ensure his own existence. I always lived with everything ready. There was no such incident that would disturb his serene state. Life is simply convenient for him.

Inaction does not make a person happy

And this constant lying on the couch is not caused by some incurable disease or psychological disorder. No! The terrible thing is that this is the natural state of the main character of the novel. The meaning of Oblomov’s life lies in the soft upholstery of the sofa and a comfortable Persian robe. Every person from time to time tends to think about the purpose of his own existence. The time comes, and many, looking back, begin to reason: “What useful have I done, why am I even living?”

Of course, not everyone can move mountains or perform some heroic deed, but anyone can make their own life interesting and full of impressions. Inaction has never made anyone happy. Perhaps only up to a certain point. But this has nothing to do with Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov, whose life story is described in the novel of the same name by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov, is not burdened by his inaction. Everything suits him.

Main character's home

The character of Ilya Ilyich can be judged from some of the lines in which the author describes the room where Oblomov lived. Of course, the decoration of the room did not look poor. It was luxuriously furnished. And yet there was neither coziness nor comfort in it. The paintings that hung on the walls of the room were framed with drawings of cobwebs. Mirrors, designed to allow one to see one's reflection in them, could be used instead of writing paper.

The whole room was covered in dust and dirt. Somewhere there was a randomly thrown thing that would remain there until it was needed again. On the table there are uncleaned dishes, crumbs and leftovers from yesterday's meal. All this does not evoke a feeling of comfort. But Ilya Ilyich does not notice this. Cobwebs, dust, dirt and uncleaned dishes are natural companions of his daily reclining on the sofa.

Dreaminess in the character of Ilya, or Like in the village

Often Ilya Ilyich reproaches his own servant, whose name is Zakhar, for sloppiness. But he seemed to adapt to the owner’s character, and perhaps he himself was not far from him from the very beginning; he reacts quite calmly to the untidiness of the home. According to his reasoning, there is no point in cleaning the room from dust, since it still accumulates there again. So what is the meaning of Oblomov’s life? A man who can’t even get his own servant to clean up the mess. He cannot even control his own life, and the existence of those around him is completely beyond his control.

Of course, sometimes he dreams of doing something for his village. He is trying to come up with some plans, again - lying on the sofa, in order to reorganize village life. But this person is already so divorced from reality that all the dreams he has built remain just that. The plans are such that their implementation is almost impossible. They all have some kind of monstrous scope that has nothing to do with reality. But the meaning of life in the work "Oblomov" is not revealed only in the description of one character.

A hero opposite to Oblomov

There is another hero in the work, who is trying to awaken Ilya Ilyich from his lazy state. Andrey Stolts is a man filled with boiling energy and liveliness of mind. Whatever Andrey undertakes, he succeeds in everything, and he enjoys everything. He doesn’t even think about why he does this or that thing. According to the character himself, he works for the sake of work.

What is the difference between the meaning of life of Oblomov and Stolz? Andrey never lies idle, like Ilya Ilyich. He is always busy with something, he has a huge circle of friends with interesting people. Stolz never sits in one place. He is constantly on the move, meeting new places and people. But nevertheless, he does not forget about Ilya Ilyich.

Andrey's influence on the main character

Oblomov's monologue about the meaning of life, his judgments about it, are completely opposite to the opinion of Stolz, who becomes the only one who was able to lift Ilya from the soft sofa. Moreover, Andrei even tried to return his comrade to an active life. To do this, he resorts to some trick. Introduces him to Olga Ilyinskaya. Realizing that pleasant communication with a beautiful woman will perhaps quickly awaken in Ilya Ilyich a taste for a more varied life than existence in his room.

How does Oblomov change under the influence of Stolz? His life story is now connected with the beautiful Olga. Tender feelings for this woman even awaken in him. He is trying to change, to adapt to the world in which Ilyinskaya and Stolz live. But lying on the sofa for a long time does not pass without a trace. The meaning of Oblomov’s life, associated with his uncomfortable room, is very deeply rooted in him. Some time passes, and he begins to feel burdened by his relationship with Olga. And, of course, their breakup became inevitable.

The meaning of Oblomov's life and death

Ilya Ilyich’s only dream is the desire to find peace. He does not need the vibrant energy of everyday life. The world in which he is closed, with its small space, seems much more pleasant and comfortable to him. And the life that his friend Stolz leads does not attract him. It requires fuss and movement, and this is unusual for Oblomov’s character. Finally, all of Andrei’s seething energy, which constantly collides with Ilya’s indifference, has dried up.

Ilya Ilyich finds his solace in the house of a widow, whose last name is Pshenitsyna. Having married her, Oblomov completely stopped worrying about life and gradually fell into moral hibernation. Now he is again dressed in his favorite robe. He's lying on the sofa again. Oblomov leads him to a slow decline. For the last time, Andrei visits his friend under the watchful eye of Pshenitsyna. He sees how his friend has sunk and makes a last attempt to pull him out of the pool. But there is no point in this.

Positive traits in the character of the main character

Revealing the meaning of Oblomov’s life and death, it is necessary to mention that Ilya Ilyich is still not a negative hero in this work. There are also quite bright positive features in his image. He is an infinitely hospitable and cordial host. Despite constantly lying on the couch, Ilya Ilyich is a very educated person, he appreciates art.

In his relationship with Olga, he does not show rudeness or intolerance, he is gallant and courteous. He is very rich, but destroyed by excessive care since childhood. At first you might think that Ilya Ilyich is infinitely happy, but this is just an illusion. A dream that replaced the real state.

Oblomov, who turned into a tragedy, seems to be happy with his situation. And yet he understands the futility of his existence. Moments of awareness of his own inaction come to him. After all, Ilya Stoltz forbade Olga to come to him, he did not want her to see the process of his decomposition. An educated person cannot fail to understand how empty and monotonous his life is. Only laziness prevents you from changing it and making it bright and varied.

Reflections on the meaning of life. A. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” remains relevant for us, modern readers, despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since its creation. The main character of the novel, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, cannot but arouse interest.

You involuntarily begin to think about the meaning of life and try to answer the question, who is Oblomov? Was he first and foremost a lazy person? Or is the problem of the novel's protagonist much deeper? Did Oblomov see any meaning in life? Or was it not in his nature to think about it? As soon as we meet Oblomov at the beginning of the work, we understand the absurdity of the situation. Because of the day after day, Ilya Ilyich is deprived of new impressions, the next one is similar to the previous one. The days go by without any decoration at all. Oblomov leads an almost vegetative existence, he is not interested in anything, is not keen on anything. The main thing in life becomes a cozy sofa, on which Oblomov lies all day long. The world around seems to Ilya Ilyich hostile and dangerous. There were no shocks in Oblomov’s life that could have affected his worldview. No, everything was very successful. Since childhood, Ilya Ilyich was surrounded by the care and attention of his family. And he never had to worry about his daily bread. Oblomov lives comfortably without thinking about anything. without caring about anything. He has absolutely no aspirations or desires. Day and night Oblomov lies on the sofa in the same robe made of Persian fabric. “... Lying down for Ilya Ilyich was neither a necessity, like that of a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like that of someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like that of a lazy person: it was his normal state...”.

It is always human nature to think about the meaning of life. But even if we consider the question of the meaning of life to be an abstract philosophical category, we cannot help but admit that inaction has never made anyone happy. A feeling of fullness of life is possible only in the case of constant movement, an active search for new experiences. Let a person not be able to change the world or accomplish anything significant. But he can make his own life brighter and more interesting. And not the least role in this is played by everyday life with its affairs and worries. Everyday life is not always dull and uninteresting. If desired, everyday activities can be bright and impressive. But all this has nothing to do with Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He lies in an untidy, dusty room. It's dirty and uncomfortable here. But the hero of the novel has no desire to change at least this room, to make his life a little more comfortable. This is how the writer speaks about Oblomov’s room: “The room where Ilya Ilyich was lying seemed at first glance to be beautifully decorated... But the experienced eye of a person with pure taste, with one quick glance at everything that was there, would have read the desire only to somehow observe the dekorum of the inevitable decency, just to get rid of them... On the walls, near the paintings, cobwebs, saturated with dust, were molded in the form of festoons; mirrors, instead of reflecting objects, could serve more as tablets for writing on them, in the dust, some notes for memory... The carpets were stained. There was a forgotten towel on the sofa; On rare mornings there was not a plate with a salt shaker and a gnawed bone on the table that had not been cleared away from yesterday’s dinner, and there were no bread crumbs lying around*

The situation that surrounds the main character is quite unpleasant. Oblomov tries to reproach his servant Zakhar for his sloppiness. But the servant turns out to be a match for his master. He talks about dust and dirt: “... why clean it up if it accumulates again.” Zakhar also believes that “He didn’t invent bedbugs and cockroaches, everyone has them.”

Oblomov does not have the strength or desire to force his servant to clean up the room. He is not able to do anything in his native village. But Ilya Ilyich is happy to make plans, continuing to lie on the sofa. Oblomov dreams of reconstruction in the village. Of course, his dreams have nothing to do with reality. It is basically impossible to implement them. And, of course, Oblomov himself will never be able to implement them. Oblomov’s daydreaming takes on some monstrous scope. He lives these dreams, thereby abandoning real life. The writer gives us the opportunity to watch Ilya Ilyich when he dreams: “A thought walked like a free bird across his face, fluttered in his eyes, sat on his half-open lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glowed throughout his whole face...” .

Oblomov does not think about his own life. On the one hand, he may seem happy. He is not worried about tomorrow, he does not think about (any problems or troubles. But on the other hand, his life is devoid of very important components - movement, new impressions, active actions. Oblomov practically does not communicate with people, a complete life is enough for him privacy from people and worries.

It must be said that Oblomov’s inner world is very rich. After all, Ilya Ilyich is able to feel and understand art. In addition, he finds pleasure in communicating with certain people, for example, with his friend Stolz, Olga Ilyinskaya. However, this is clearly not enough to feel the fullness of life. And deep down in his soul Oblomov understands this. He tries to create an imaginary harmony between his inner world and the outer world. But this is not so easy to do. After all, real life comes into conflict with the world of dreams and dreams. Let Oblomov be completely satisfied with his existence. But at the same time he is unhappy because he has replaced real life with half-asleep. It is no coincidence that nothing pleases Ilya Ilyich; vivid experiences, feelings and emotions are unfamiliar to him. Oblomov's inertia and indifference to life become his tragedy.

Oblomov believes that everything suits him. In fact, he does not know any other life; activity, aspirations and activity are alien to him. Everything passes by the main character. And he still lives by his illusions. And the only thing he sees in front of him is an untidy room. The world has narrowed for Oblomov to the size of his own sofa. Ilya Ilyich gives up love, career, family happiness in order to lie quietly on the sofa. In fact, Oblomov’s narrow-mindedness becomes the cause of his tragedy. Ilya Ilyich could not see all the advantages of real life. Oblomov's degradation has become completely justified. He doesn't even pay attention to his own appearance. For what? He's feeling good as it is. It doesn't matter what happened or what will happen. The main and only reality is the very sofa on which he slept for so long and on which the main character prefers to stay.

Oblomov's life has no meaning. After all, inaction, emptiness, laziness, apathy cannot be called meaning. Life becomes painful, because it is not human nature to lead a vegetative existence. The novel “Oblomov” makes readers think that a person is capable of becoming his own enemy if he decides to replace real life with vegetation.

The social meaning of the novel The meaning of the title of the work The meaning of Oblomovka in the novel The meaning of Oblomov’s life in the novel Conclusion

Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” is a landmark work of literature of the 19th century, touching on both acute social and many philosophical problems, remaining relevant and interesting to the modern reader. The ideological meaning of the novel “Oblomov” is based on the opposition of an active, new social and personal principle with an outdated, passive and degrading one. In the work the author reveals

these principles are on several existential levels, therefore, to fully understand the meaning of the work, a detailed examination of each of them is required.

Social meaning of the novel

In the novel “Oblomov,” Goncharov first introduced the concept of “Oblomovism” as a generalized name for outdated patriarchal-landlord foundations, personal degradation, and the vital stagnation of an entire social layer of Russian philistinism, unwilling to accept new social trends and norms.
The author examined this phenomenon using the example of the main character of the novel, Oblomov, whose childhood was spent in distant Oblomovka, where everyone lived quietly, lazily, with little interest in anything and caring almost nothing. The hero's native village becomes the embodiment of the ideals of Russian old-time society - a kind of hedonistic idyll, a “preserved paradise” where there is no need to study, work or develop.

Portraying Oblomov as a “superfluous man,” Goncharov, unlike Griboyedov and Pushkin, whose characters of this type were ahead of society, introduces into the narrative a hero who lags behind society, living in the distant past. The active, active, educated environment oppresses Oblomov - the ideals of Stolz with his work for the sake of work are alien to him, even his beloved Olga is ahead of Ilya Ilyich, approaching everything from a practical side. Stolts, Olga, Tarantyev, Mukhoyarov, and other acquaintances of Oblomov are representatives of a new, “urban” personality type. They are more practitioners than theorists, they do not dream, but do, create new things - some by working honestly, others by deception.

Goncharov condemns “Oblomovism” with its gravitation towards the past, laziness, apathy and complete spiritual withering away of the individual, when a person essentially becomes a “plant” lying on the sofa around the clock.
However, Goncharov also portrays the images of modern, new people as ambiguous - they do not have the peace of mind and inner poetry that Oblomov had (remember that Stolz only found this peace while relaxing with a friend, and the already married Olga is sad about something distant and is afraid to dream , making excuses to her husband).

At the end of the work, Goncharov does not make a definite conclusion about who is right - the practitioner Stolz or the dreamer Oblomov. However, the reader understands that it was precisely because of “Oblomovism,” as a sharply negative phenomenon that has long since become obsolete, that Ilya Ilyich “disappeared.” That is why the social meaning of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” is the need for constant development and movement - both in the continuous construction and creation of the surrounding world, and in working on the development of one’s own personality.

The meaning of the title of the work

The meaning of the title of the novel “Oblomov” is closely related to the main theme of the work - it was named after the surname of the main character Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, and is also associated with the social phenomenon “Oblomovism” described in the novel. The etymology of the name is interpreted differently by researchers. Thus, the most common version is that the word “Oblomov” comes from the words “Oblomok”, “break off”, “break”, denoting the state of mental and social breakdown of the landowner nobility, when it found itself in a borderline state between the desire to preserve old traditions and foundations and the need to change according to the requirements of the era, from a creative person to a practical person.

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We all think about the meaning of life sooner or later. Despite the depth of this philosophical question, almost every person gives himself a simple answer to it, guided by his values. The meaning of a person's life reflects what is truly important to him.

The main character of Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” at first has difficulty arousing the reader’s sympathy. He is inactive, devoid of aspirations... He has not encountered any special shocks or problems in his lifetime, which is due to his overly caring parents and noble origin. Ilya Ilyich’s life flows calmly, and he is too used to it to change anything. Despite all his inactivity, Oblomov is not empty: he has a living soul and a rich imagination, which is what seriously interested Olga Ilyinskaya.

What is the meaning of such a person's life? Oblomov dreams of finding peace; he does not need the seething energy of everyday life. His ideal is a calm and measured family life, surrounded by his beloved wife and children. Love is his highest value. That is why love for Olga lifted the hero from the sofa. He saw in her what he dreamed of, what he saw as the meaning of his life.

But he found peace not with Olga, but with Agafya Pshenitsyna. It was Agafya who was able to surround Ilya with maternal love and care, as in childhood. Oblomov was able to return to his natural inactive state and devote himself entirely to his wife and children.

Not everyone understands and accepts the ideals of Ilya Ilyich. For some, he will seem lazy and a fading person. Yes, Oblomov lived a short life and unnoticed by the world, but he was happy, living his last days with his family and friends. He died, sincerely mourned by his beloved wife...

The lifestyle of Andrei Ivanovich Stolts sharply contrasts with the lifestyle of his friend. Andrey cannot imagine his days without constant work. At the same time, throughout the entire novel, Goncharov does not write about what exactly this hero is doing. The meaning of his life is activity, self-realization. Like Oblomov, this ideal was instilled in Stoltz as a child by his parents. His father taught him to achieve everything on his own and strive for something.

Despite the huge difference in worldview, both heroes sincerely respect and appreciate each other. And they do the right thing, because all people are different and have different ideals, but this makes them interesting and unique.

What is the meaning of life? This is a question that is difficult to answer.

Sooner or later, there comes a time in every person's life when he asks himself whether there is meaning in life. Despite the global nature of this rhetorical question, almost every inhabitant of the planet gives himself a simple answer to it: the meaning of life is that you live. The meaning of life is that life matters.

The novel “Oblomov” was written by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. The main character of this work evokes little sympathy from anyone. He, a man who wastes his life, has no goal. Problems and experiences were rare in his life, which was due to the excessive care of his parents and his noble origin. Ilya's life flows smoothly. Many readers might say that he was empty, but in fact he had a rich inner world. A world of fantasies, beliefs and plans. Earthly plans.

Oblomov longs to find peace and balance. He likes his quiet, inconspicuous life. He doesn't particularly care about what happens around him. His goal is calm and measuredness. Family was important to him. Family values ​​and a life surrounded by a loving wife and healthy children. Love for him is the meaning of life. That is why his attraction to Olga makes him wake up. He saw in her the ideal woman.

But “his woman” turned out to be not Olga, but Agafya. Only with her was he able to find peace of mind and feel truly happy. Family life, a loving wife, children... In this he saw the meaning of his life. Trite, you say. Perhaps, but most people on planet earth live with just such dreams.

Not everyone is impressed by Oblomov’s ideals. Inaction is its main drawback. Almost nothing happens in his life, it stands still, but Oblomov is not oppressed by this, and moreover, he is satisfied. There was no fire or thirst for life in him. He did not have the passion that is present in people who lead an active lifestyle. Oblomov's life was short-lived. She was inconspicuous and boring, but he was happy in his little world, spending his last days with people who loved him.

When he died, his loved ones sincerely mourned his death and grieved for him. Then they remembered for many years.

But Andey Stolz’s lifestyle is the absolute opposite of Oblomov. Active. Purposeful. Life was seething inside him. Stolz was a workaholic. He was very careful about his work. The meaning of his life was movement. Moving forward. Goncharov in his work does not specify the type of activity of Stolz, but this is not so important. The very fact of his employment already characterizes this hero. This hero is engaged in self-realization and certainly evokes sympathy.

Their worldviews were different, but both heroes sincerely value and respect each other. Their union can be called true friendship. The uniqueness of their friendship lies in the fact that, despite being different, their friendship was strong and unbreakable.

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1. The main character of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”.
2. The question of the meaning of life.
3. Oblomov’s daydreaming and activity.
4. Degradation of Ilya Ilyich.

A. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” remains relevant for us. modern readers despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since its creation. The main character of the novel, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, cannot but arouse interest. You involuntarily begin to think about the meaning of life and try to answer the question, who is Oblomov? Was he first and foremost a lazy person? Or is the problem of the novel's protagonist much deeper? Did Oblomov see any meaning in life? Or was it not in his nature to think about it? As soon as we meet Oblomov at the beginning of the work, we understand the absurdity of the situation. Because of the day after day, Ilya Ilyich is deprived of new impressions, the next one is similar to the previous one. The days go by without any decoration at all. Oblomov leads an almost vegetative existence, he is not interested in anything, is not keen on anything. The main thing in life becomes a cozy sofa, on which Oblomov lies all day long. The world around seems to Ilya Ilyich hostile and dangerous. There were no shocks in Oblomov’s life that could have affected his worldview. No, everything was very successful. Since childhood, Ilya Ilyich was surrounded by the care and attention of his family. And he never had to worry about his daily bread. Oblomov lives comfortably, not thinking about anything, not caring about anything. He has absolutely no aspirations or desires. Day and night Oblomov lies on the sofa in the same robe made of Persian fabric. “... Lying down with Ilya Ilyich was neither a necessity, like a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident. like someone who is tired, nor pleasure, like a lazy person: this was his normal state...”

It is always human nature to think about the meaning of life. But even if we consider the question of the meaning of life to be an abstract philosophical category, we cannot help but admit that inaction has never made anyone happy. A feeling of fullness of life is possible only in the case of constant movement, an active search for new experiences. Let a person not be able to change the world or accomplish anything significant. But he can make his own life brighter and more interesting. And not the least role in this is played by everyday life with its affairs and worries. Everyday life is not always dull and uninteresting. If desired, everyday activities can be bright and impressive. But all this has nothing to do with Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He lies in an untidy, dusty room. It's dirty and uncomfortable here. But the hero of the novel has no desire to change at least this room, to make his life a little more comfortable. This is how the writer speaks about Oblomov’s room: “The room where Ilya Ilyich was lying seemed at first glance to be beautifully decorated... But the experienced eye of a person with pure taste, with one quick glance at everything that was here, would have read the desire to only somehow observe dekorum of inevitable decency, just to get rid of them... Along the walls, near the paintings, cobwebs, saturated with dust, were molded in the form of festoons; mirrors, instead of reflecting objects, could serve rather as tablets for writing on them, in the dust, some notes for memory... The carpets were stained. There was a forgotten towel on the sofa; On rare mornings there was not a plate with a salt shaker and a gnawed bone on the table that had not been cleared away from yesterday’s dinner, and there were no bread crumbs lying around.”

The situation that surrounds the main character is quite unpleasant. Oblomov tries to reproach his servant Zakhar for his sloppiness. But the servant turns out to be a match for his master. He talks about dust and dirt: “... why clean it up if it accumulates again.” Zakhar also believes that “he didn’t invent bedbugs and cockroaches, everyone has them.”

Oblomov does not have the strength or desire to force his servant to clean up the room. He is not able to do anything in his native village. But Ilya Ilyich is happy to make plans, continuing to lie on the sofa. Oblomov dreams of reconstruction in the village. Of course, his dreams have nothing to do with reality. It is basically impossible to implement them. And, of course, Oblomov himself will never be able to implement them. Oblomov’s daydreaming takes on some monstrous scope. He lives these dreams, thereby abandoning real life. The writer gives us the opportunity to observe Ilya Ilyich as he dreams: “The thought walked like a free bird across his face, fluttered in his eyes, sat on his half-open lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glowed throughout his whole face... ."

Oblomov does not think about his own life. On the one hand, he may seem happy. He is not worried about tomorrow, he does not think about any problems or troubles. But on the other hand, his life is devoid of very important components - movement, new impressions, active actions. Oblomov practically does not communicate with people; complete solitude from people and worries is enough for him.

It must be said that Oblomov’s inner world is very rich. After all, Ilya Ilyich is able to feel and understand art. In addition, he finds pleasure in communicating with certain people, for example, with his friend Stolz, Olga Ilyinskaya. However, this is clearly not enough to feel the fullness of life. And deep down in his soul Oblomov understands this. He tries to create an imaginary harmony between his inner world and the outer world. But this is not so easy to do. After all, real life comes into conflict with the world of dreams and dreams. Let Oblomov be completely satisfied with his existence. But at the same time he is unhappy because he has replaced real life with half-asleep. It is no coincidence that nothing pleases Ilya Ilyich; vivid experiences, feelings and emotions are unfamiliar to him. Oblomov's inertia and indifference to life become his tragedy.

Oblomov believes that everything suits him. In fact, he does not know any other life; activity, aspirations and activity are alien to him. Everything passes by the main character. And he still lives by his illusions. And the only thing he sees in front of him is an untidy room. The world has narrowed for Oblomov to the size of his own sofa. Ilya Ilyich gives up love, career, family happiness in order to lie quietly on the sofa. In fact, Oblomov’s narrow-mindedness becomes the cause of his tragedy. Ilya Ilyich could not see all the advantages of real life. Oblomov's degradation has become completely justified. He doesn't even pay attention to his own appearance. For what? He's feeling good as it is. It doesn't matter what happened or what will happen. The main and only reality is the very sofa on which he slept for so long and on which the main character prefers to stay.

Oblomov's life has no meaning. After all, inaction, emptiness, laziness, apathy cannot be called meaning. Life becomes painful, because it is not human nature to lead a vegetative existence. The novel "Oblomov" makes readers think about the fact that a person is capable of becoming his own enemy if he decides to replace real life with