Bedtime stories in Russian. Short fairy tales for children. short bedtime stories to read


Fairy tales online

In this section of the site you can read children's fairy tales online completely free of charge and without registration. Just select the author of the fairy tale you need in the right menu and you can immerse yourself in a fascinating read about magical adventures fairy-tale heroes. All fairy tales on our website with colorful illustrations And summary, therefore, we recommend that you first read a summary of the fairy tale before reading it to your children at night. Fairy tales for children on our website are presented in the form of an alphabetical list to make it easier for you to find the right fairy tale and read it online. Reading fairy tales online is not only interesting, but also very useful - this activity perfectly develops a child’s imagination.

Children's fairy tales

Remember your childhood. Each of us loved bedtime stories as a child. At first, when we did not yet know how to read, our parents and grandparents did it for us, showing colorful illustrations in the book. When we learned to read on our own, we began to read ourselves interesting tales. On our website we have selected fairy tales for children of any age: from 2 years to the age until children stop believing in fairy tales)) Each author's or folk tale carries with it certain meaning, which was put into this fairy tale by the author or the people under the influence of the corresponding time.Fairy tales contain basic principles of morality. It is from fairy tales that a child begins to understand what is good and what is bad. He learns to empathize with the heroes, tries to imitate them, so correctly selected children's fairy tales will play important role in raising children.

Fairy tales are presented on our website best authors of all times and peoples. The list of author's fairy tales is constantly expanding and supplemented with new arrivals. In the right menu you can see a list of authors whose fairy tales are published on the site. If you don’t see the author you need there, use the site search.

Folk tales

A site for children collects and publishes folk tales with colorful illustrations and a summary. In the right menu you can see a list of folk tales that are presented on our website. This list is constantly being updated with interesting folk tales.

The best fairy tales

The most best fairy tales, which are in greatest demand among our readers, are placed in a separate block on the right. Materials with the highest ratings are placed there - the maximum number of views and the highest reader ratings.

Fairy tale heroes

Each hero of a children's fairy tale can be classified into one of two types: good or bad. In almost any fairy tale there is a struggle good versus evil and, more often than not, good wins.

In addition, fairy tale heroes can be divided into the following categories:

Magical heroes (Kolobok, Thumbelina, The Little Mermaid, Kashchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Beast,Serpent-Gorynych, Dragon, Chippolino, Gulliver...)

Magical animals(Puss in Boots, Ryaba Hen, Fox, Bear, Cheshire Cat, Ugly duck, The Golden Cockerel, Gray Wolf, Crane, Traveling Frog...)

Social Heroes(princess, prince, king, queen, master, boyar, peasant, peasant...)

Representatives of professions(blacksmith, forester, swineherd, soldier, chimney sweep, priest, bishop...)

People of different ages(grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood, mother, father, brother, sister, groom, bride...)

Bogatyrs (Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Ilya Muromets...)

Each fairy tale has its own atmosphere, characteristic to a certain people and the era to which the author of the tale belonged.

Free fairy tales

All fairy tales contained on our website are collected from open sources on the Internet and published on our website for informational purposes only. Any fairy tale can be read completely free of charge.

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We wish you enjoy reading children's bedtime stories!


Fairy tales are different: children's, adults, sad and funny, folk and literary. In this article we will look at the features of the genre of fairy tales composed not oral creativity, that is, folk tales, but literary ones, written by a certain writer.

What is a literary fairy tale and how does it differ from a folk tale?

A literary fairy tale is an author's work written in prose or poetic form. It differs from the folk one in that the text does not change over time. A literary fairy tale has one or more authors, and a folk tale is the fruit of collective folk art.

Such fairy tales have their own magical atmosphere and certain content. . Unlike folk tales, their purpose is not to tell about certain historical events or folk traditions, but to arouse interest in some fabulous event.

Magic and miracles come first in such fairy tales. Fairy-tale characters, as in folk tales, are also fictitious. The main similarity between these literary genres in that they are aimed at developing useful habits in children, teaching them to love and show positive traits, fight for good and believe in miracles.

Literary tales can be:

  1. Epic.
  2. Lyrical.
  3. Dramatic.

The main features of this literary genre:

  • A literary fairy tale reflects the worldview, style and fashion trends of the time during which it was written.
  • Some authors use typical folk heroes, others create entirely new characters.
  • The writing style is poetic.
  • Reality combines perfectly with fiction.
  • The author is not indifferent to what is happening, but clearly expresses his position.

The history of literary fairy tales

During its formation and development, this genre has become universal, incorporating all the phenomena of the surrounding reality, demonstrating the latest innovations in science and technology. Time of creation literary fairy tale can be attributed to the era of romanticism.

The first to interpret folk tales, creating original genre, is a writer from France Charles Perrault. His fairy tales "Puss in Boots". Little Thumb”, “Sleeping Beauty” and many others know everything. Although they have a national flavor, they are nevertheless very original.

The magical heroes of Perrault's fairy tales are loved on all continents, in all countries of the world. The Brothers Grimm continued the tradition of collecting folk tales by depicting artistic creativity. No matter how hard the brothers tried to achieve complete folklore authenticity, they still contain the author's poetic style.

In our electronic library wide choose fiction for children. We recommend reading online for free the following fairy tales that have become famous and beloved by children all over the world:

  • Alexander Volkov ;
  • Yuri Olesha;
  • Evgeny Schwartz;
  • Korney Chukovsky;
  • Valentin Kataev and much more.

A fairy tale familiar to everyone, thanks to the release in Soviet times cartoon "Winnie the Pooh". Of course, Milne's book is different from the cartoon version. There's so much more to it characters and entertaining adventures. Except Winnie the Pooh, you will meet other main characters.

Such as Christopher Robin, Roo the kangaroo, Piglet, Owl, the rabbit and all the other inhabitants of the forest. The fairy tale contains many good incidents, songs, and rhymes that all children will enjoy. Reading an ageless fairy tale is especially useful for children at night. It evokes good, positive emotions in children.

- this is one of the ancient forms narrative, which in its simplest and game form tells children not only about the world around him, but also about manifestations of both the best and the ugliest. General statistics tell us that Russian folk tales interest children only up to school age, but it is these fairy tales that we carry in our hearts and let us pass them on to our children in a slightly modified form. After all, it is impossible to forget about Masha and the Bear, Ryaba the hen or the Gray Wolf; all these images help us learn and understand the reality around us. You can read Russian folk tales online and listen to audio tales for free on our website.

Fairy tale title Source Rating
Vasilisa the Beautiful Russian traditional 342102
Morozko Russian traditional 227754
Porridge from an ax Russian traditional 256202
Teremok Russian traditional 373965
Fox and Crane Russian traditional 202830
Sivka-Burka Russian traditional 183230
Crane and Heron Russian traditional 28362
Cat, rooster and fox Russian traditional 121741
Chicken Ryaba Russian traditional 304446
Fox and cancer Russian traditional 86531
Fox-sister and wolf Russian traditional 76730
Masha and the Bear Russian traditional 257982
The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise Russian traditional 83417
Snow Maiden Russian traditional 52531
Three piglets Russian traditional 1771495
Baba Yaga Russian traditional 125098
Magic pipe Russian traditional 126709
Magic ring Russian traditional 151097
Grief Russian traditional 21489
Swan geese Russian traditional 72329
Daughter and stepdaughter Russian traditional 22782
Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf Russian traditional 64720
Treasure Russian traditional 47132
Kolobok Russian traditional 158224
Marya Morevna Russian traditional 43725
Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle Russian traditional 41923
Two frosts Russian traditional 38733
Most expensive Russian traditional 32585
Wonderful shirt Russian traditional 38916
Frost and hare Russian traditional 38549
How the fox learned to fly Russian traditional 47382
Ivan the Fool Russian traditional 35579
Fox and jug Russian traditional 25900
bird tongue Russian traditional 22465
The soldier and the devil Russian traditional 21601
Crystal Mountain Russian traditional 25428
Tricky Science Russian traditional 28035
Smart guy Russian traditional 21745
Snow Maiden and Fox Russian traditional 61410
Word Russian traditional 21673
Fast messenger Russian traditional 21509
Seven Simeons Russian traditional 21535
About the old grandmother Russian traditional 23482
Go there - I don’t know where, bring something - I don’t know what Russian traditional 50349
By pike command Russian traditional 68358
Rooster and millstones Russian traditional 21394
Shepherd's Piper Russian traditional 36263
Petrified Kingdom Russian traditional 21654
About rejuvenating apples and living water Russian traditional 35974
Goat Dereza Russian traditional 33640
Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber Russian traditional 27200
Cockerel and bean seed Russian traditional 53120
Ivan – peasant son and miracle-yudo Russian traditional 27712
Three Bears Russian traditional 460237
Fox and black grouse Russian traditional 22998
Tar barrel Russian traditional 74573
Baba Yaga and berries Russian traditional 37096
Fight on Kalinov Bridge Russian traditional 21651
Finist - Clear Falcon Russian traditional 50634
Princess Nesmeyana Russian traditional 132218
Tops and roots Russian traditional 55955
Winter hut of animals Russian traditional 40358
flying ship Russian traditional 71505
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka Russian traditional 37011
Golden comb cockerel Russian traditional 44706
Zayushkin's hut Russian traditional 130190

Types of Russian folk tales

Folk tales are basically divided into three categories. These are tales about animals, everyday life and fairy tales.

Russian folk tales about animals- these are some of the most ancient types of fairy tales that exist, their roots go back to the times Ancient Rus'. These fairy tales contain vivid and very memorable images; we all remember Kolobok or Turnip from childhood, and thanks to such vivid images, the child learns to understand good and evil. Learns to distinguish character traits and lines of behavior: a fox is cunning, a bear is clumsy, a bunny is cowardly, and so on. Although the world of folk tales is fictional, it is so alive and vibrant that it fascinates and knows how to teach children only good deeds.

Russians everyday tales - these are fairy tales that are filled with the realism of our Everyday life. And they are so close to life that when delving into these fairy tales, be careful, because this line is so thin that your growing child will want to embody and experience some of the actions on himself or carry them out in real life.

Russian fairy tales- this is a world in which magic and the evil associated with it takes on very terrible outlines and vital shades. Fairy tales- this is the search and rescue of a girl, a city or the world entrusted to the shoulders of one hero. But it is the help of many minor characters teaches us, who read these fairy tales, about mutual assistance to each other. Read and listen to folk tales online with us.

Created 12/01/2014 16:32 Updated 02/16/2017 10:19

  • “The Fox and the Bear” (Mordovian);
  • “The War of Mushrooms and Berries” - V. Dal;
  • "Wild Swans" - H.K. Andersen;
  • “Chest-airplane” - H.K. Andersen;
  • “The Gluttonous Shoe” - A.N. Tolstoy;
  • “Cat on a Bicycle” - S. Cherny;
  • “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...” - A.S. Pushkin;
  • “The Little Humpbacked Horse” - P. Ershov;
  • “The Sleeping Princess” - V. Zhukovsky;
  • “Mr. Au” - H. Mäkelä;
  • "The Ugly Duckling" - H.K. Andersen;
  • “Everyone in his own way” - G. Skrebitsky;
  • “Frog – Traveler” - V. Garshin;
  • “Deniska’s stories” - V. Dragunsky;
  • “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” - A.S. Pushkin;
  • “Moroz Ivanovich” - V. Odoevsky;
  • “Mistress Blizzard” - Br. Grimm;
  • “The Tale of Lost Time” - E. Schwartz;
  • “Golden Key” - A.N. Tolstoy;
  • “Guarantee men” - E. Uspensky;
  • "Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants" - A. Pogorelsky;
  • "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes" - A.S. Pushkin;
  • “Baby Elephant” - R. Kipling;
  • “The Scarlet Flower” - K. Aksakov;
  • “Flower - seven flowers” ​​- V. Kataev;
  • “The cat who could sing” - L. Petrushevsky.

Senior group(5-6 years)

  • “Winged, furry and oily” (model by Karanoukhova);
  • “The Frog Princess” (Bulatov’s sample);
  • “Ear of Bread” - A. Remizov;
  • “Gray Neck” by D. Mamin-Sibiryak;
  • “Finist - clear falcon” - r.n. fairy tale;
  • “The Case of Yevseyka” - M. Gorky;
  • “Twelve Months” (translated by S. Marshak);
  • “Silver Hoof” - P. Bazhov;
  • “Doctor Aibolit” - K. Chukovsky;
  • “Bobik visiting Barbos” - N. Nosov;
  • “Boy - Thumb” - C. Perrault;
  • “The Trusting Hedgehog” - S. Kozlov;
  • “Khavroshechka” (model by A.N. Tolstoy);
  • “Princess - a piece of ice” - L. Charskaya;
  • “Thumbelina” - H. Andersen;
  • “Flower - seven-colored flower” - V. Kataev;
  • “The Secret of the Third Planet” - K. Bulychev;
  • "Wizard emerald city"(chapters) - A. Volkov;
  • “A dog’s sorrows” - B. Zakhader;
  • “The Tale of Three Pirates” - A. Mityaev.

Middle group (4-5 years old)

  • “About the girl Masha, about the dog, the cockerel and the cat Nitochka” - A. Vvedensky;
  • “Carrying Cow” - K. Ushinsky;
  • “Zhurka” - M. Prishvin;
  • “The Three Little Pigs” (translation by S. Marshak);
  • “Fox - sister and wolf” (arranged by M. Bulatov);
  • “Winter quarters” (arranged by I. Sokolov-Mikitov);
  • “The Fox and the Goat” (arranged by O. Kapitsa;
  • “About Ivanushka the Fool” - M. Gorky;
  • “Telephone” - K. Chukovsky;
  • “Winter's Tale” - S. Kozlova;
  • “Fedorino’s grief” - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Musicians of Bremen" - Brothers Grimm;
  • “The Dog That Couldn’t Bark” (translation from Danish by A. Tanzen);
  • “Kolobok - a prickly side” - V. Bianchi;
  • “Who said “Meow!”?” - V. Suteev;
  • "The Tale of an Ill-mannered Mouse."

II junior group(3-4 years)

  • “The Wolf and the Little Goats” (arranged by A.N. Tolstoy);
  • “Goby - black barrel, white hoof” (model by M. Bulatov);
  • “Fear has big eyes” (arranged by M. Serova);
  • “Visiting the Sun” (Slovak fairy tale);
  • “Two Greedy Little Bears” (Hungarian fairy tale);
  • “Chicken” - K. Chukovsky;
  • “Fox, hare, rooster” - r.n. fairy tale;
  • “Rukovichka” (Ukrainian, model N. Blagina);
  • “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” - (arranged by O. Kapitsa);
  • “Three Brothers” - (Khakassian, translated by V. Gurov);
  • “About the chicken, the sun and the little bear” - K. Chukovsky;
  • “a fairy tale about a brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail" - S. Kozlov;
  • “Teremok” (model by E. Charushin);
  • “Fox-bast-footer” (model by V. Dahl);
  • “The Sly Fox” (Koryak, trans. G. Menovshchikov);
  • “Cat, rooster and fox” (arranged by Bogolyubskaya);
  • “Geese - Swans” (arranged by M. Bulatov);
  • “Gloves” - S. Marshak;
  • “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” - A. Pushkin.
  • < Назад

Instructive, most interesting materials play a huge role in the development of a child. fairy tales for children with pictures. It is necessary to start reading fairy tales to your child from the very beginning. early age. They should always interest the child, they should attract him, both with their content and appearance. Initially, the book should be beautifully and brightly designed, and then contain any information that can intrigue the young reader. Children's short stories, read online to a child at night, will help him develop his imagination and analyze all the good and bad that can be taken out of the book.

Russian folk tales for kids are interesting adventures in which you can feel like a hero of events, fairy-tale character, make your fantasies and dreams come true. A fairy tale itself presupposes some kind of magical and very unrealistic situation, but it is in a fairy tale that a child can liberate himself and give free rein to his childhood emotions. Make sense and useful information further, parents will help.

Childhood is one of the most wonderful and magical periods in the life of every child, and of course in the life of his parents. There are a lot of components to this happiness and you can list them for hours and give each your own assessment, but we will now talk about moral education and the development of our children, about how certain tendencies and principles of life in a healthy society can be instilled in a child and his consciousness.

Reading fairy tales has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. It is Russian fairy tales that carry that positive note in teaching a child to read and listen. This is facilitated by the fact that only a genre such as a fairy tale can be reread many times, exaggerate or minimize certain events described in the book, add and invent something of your own during the retelling. This factor is very important for young listeners. Children learn to listen, fantasize, and retell what they hear.
In psychology, for example, such a field of activity as “fairy tale therapy” occupies a special place. Fairytale therapy at night can reveal the hidden talents of an individual; through stories you can solve any personal problems and help find a solution for them in real life.

New Year's fairy tales should also be present in the life of every family with children. By reading and instilling in your children a love of books, you develop in them a love of beauty, teach them to care for their neighbors, to do good deeds, be honest and decent. After all, it is in fairy tales that the main lessons of life are given, which in the future will help your children become a full-fledged personality!