Scheme of how to win at a bookmaker's office. Win-win sports bets. Winning strategies for pre-match betting at a bookmaker

Every player in a bookmaker's office, when placing bets, strives to make a profit, but winning against a bookmaker is not an easy task, requiring special skills and knowledge.

How to win against a bookmaker

A bet at a bookmaker's office is a competition between a player and a bookmaker. To win against a bookmaker, you need to understand some match better than him - this is the most reliable legal way to win at a bookmaker's office. We do not take into account fixed matches, games ahead of the result and other tricks - these are variants of dishonest play.

Finding the bookmaker’s mistake in determining the probability of an outcome is the bettor’s first task. This is not about technical errors when the operator set the odds incorrectly, but about the fact that bookmakers may incorrectly evaluate pre-match odds. This is unlikely to happen in matches, top European football championships and other popular events, but in the minor league, the so-called “small market”, mistakes happen often.

Strengths and weaknesses of bookmakers

The advantage of a bookmaker is that he has a bookmaker's margin on his side - a percentage built into the quotes that puts the player in a deliberately unfavorable position when playing over a long distance. There is nothing you can do about it, you should choose bookmakers that give fair odds with a margin of no more than 5%.

Another trump card of the bookmaker is that they have a staff of analysts specializing in specific sports and championships. They not only have exceptional experience in betting (often these are successful players in the past), but also special programs and algorithms based on statistics that help to accurately predict the outcome of sporting events. One person cannot do such a layer of work, which is why it turns out that the bettor is always in the position of Don Quixote, fighting with windmills.

However, bookmakers also have weaknesses - not all bookmakers, but only the largest ones, can afford a team of analysts. The rest (and these are the majority) use the developments of market leaders and buy a line from them, decorating it in their own colors. There are weak points in any line - championships that have been studied superficially by analysts, or even with quotes taken from European colleagues. If the line manufacturer knows about its weaknesses and tries to place bets on them carefully, then the bookmaker buying the line may not be guided by it - this can be used when betting on little-known championships.

Player vs bookmaker

The main problem in the strategy of finding weaknesses in the bookmaker’s line is that, having seen the bettor’s positive balance, weak bookmakers with a purchase line will not figure out how the “plus” was obtained, but with a high probability they will simply drive such a player out of the office: by cutting odds, endless checks documents, recalculation of already won bets at reduced odds, or simply blocking the account.

Therefore, you need to be careful when playing in various amateur leagues in Australia, women’s football and youth leagues (this is the most fertile field these days for finding inflated quotes in bookmakers). The bookmaker may not notice stable winnings of 10-30 dollars, but will immediately pay attention if there is a plus of 500-1000 USD. and will take measures to get rid of such a “smart guy.” If you play in such matches with a reputable bookmaker, the income will be relatively small, since they do not offer odds of 7.3 per total over 5 for a match in the Chennai regional league in India and wisely avoid such tournaments.

27.03.18 93 015 13

But you can't beat the bookmaker

When my friends find out that I make money on sports betting, they immediately ask me who will win the next match. I say I don’t know, but they are surprised.

Alexey Kashnikov


When it comes to making money on bets, everything looks very simple: you bet on the favorite, wait for the win, receive money, and at the same time root for your favorite team. Betting on sports doesn't seem like a game of chance - more like an argument with the bookmaker about who is the better player. What does he understand about football?

From the editor: murky affairs

When we were preparing this article, we tore apart two lawyers, trying to figure out whether the actions of the author, Alexei Kashnikov, violated the law. On the one hand, Alexey plays on sites blocked in Russia and may violate the rules of bookmaker systems, if viewed from their side. On the other hand, he also plays for bookmakers whose interests are not represented in Russia, without violating Russian laws. When asked about taxes, Alexey replied that bookmakers pay the tax required by law on all of his taxable income in Russia. Respect and respect.

We, of course, wrote this article so that you never play with bookmakers, but just in case, we must warn you: you yourself are responsible for the consequences of your decisions, relations with the state and bookmakers. Take care of yourself in every possible way.

Unfortunately, in betting everything is like in a casino: sometimes you guess the winner and win a lot of money, but in the long run the office will take it all back and leave you in the red. This is inherent in the very idea of ​​bookmaking: no one will accept a truly unfavorable bet from you.

Also: mathematicians, sorry

There are no mathematical subtleties in this article - only the roughest calculations. We understand that when making calculations you need to take into account all the reservations; this is an incredibly interesting activity. But for a beginner, it’s more important to understand where the numbers come from, what they mean, and how bookmakers use them against players. The mathematical throne, heated by the warmth of your bodies, remains impregnable.

What kind of bookmakers are they, bro?

Bro, it's very simple. Somewhere in the world, someone is always playing something: for example, two teams of football. Or two teenagers go to a rap battle. It is not clear in advance which of them will win, and some people are interested in arguing about it.

There are organizations that are ready to help them in this dispute - these are bookmakers. One man says: “Real will win”, the second says: “No, Barcelona will win.” Both give the bookmaker money. The bookmaker remembers who bet on what and waits for Real Madrid to play Barcelona.

Let's say Real won. The first man won, the second lost. The first one gets his bet back and some other money on top - this is his winnings. The second one loses his bet.

The bookmaker's office (BC) sets the rules of the game, receives and issues money, monitors the outcomes of matches, and informs players about everything that happens. The work of the bookmaker is regulated by 244-FZ, the new edition comes into force on May 28, 2018. Bookmakers can open offices outside of official gambling zones, they are required to join self-regulatory organizations, and the activities of bookmakers are licensed. According to Russian laws, the equipment of bookmakers must be located in Russia.

In Brief: How to Bet on Sports

  1. Open an account with a bookmaker.
  2. Go through identity verification. The procedure varies from bookmaker to bookmaker, but they provide detailed instructions on their websites and over the phone.
  3. To put money into the account. This is called "making a deposit".
  4. Select the event and outcome on which you will bet.
  5. Check limits: Bookmakers set a minimum and maximum bet for each selection.
  6. Bet as much as you want, within the limits.
  7. Wait for the result.
  8. If you win, you can withdraw money or continue betting. Often bookmakers withdraw only to the account from which you deposited money. For example, if you deposited from a bank card, you will receive a payment on it.
  9. At the end of the year, if you withdrew from RUB 4,000 to RUB 15,000 at least once, pay taxes.

Player's vocabulary: basic concepts in betting

Bookmakers and players use special terms in their work: bet, event, outcome, line and others. I'll tell you what they mean.

A bet is your forecast, backed by money. In our example, the first player assumes that Real Madrid will win and bets 100 R on this - this is his bet. The law also uses the concept of “interactive bet” for playing via the Internet and calculating tax on winnings.

An online bet is an amount that a player deposits into the bookmaker's account for online betting. For example, if you put in 1000 R, the tax authorities consider this to be a rate. In reality, a player can use this thousand to make an infinite number of bets for any amount: lose, win, bet again. Let's say the player was very lucky and after a thousand bets the amount in his account grew to a million - for the legislator he still bet 1000 RUR. The account itself on which the online game is played is called a deposit.

Bets are placed on the outcome of an event - usually a sports match. Bets are also accepted on non-game sports or social life - an event could be a Formula 1 race, a biathlon race, elections or the birth of an heir to the English throne.

The outcome is the way the event will end. For example, a football match may end in a win for the first team, a draw, or a win for the second team. These are already three outcomes. There may be no goals scored in the match, one, two, three or more. A team can win by one, two or more goals. These are all outcomes. The outcomes are combined into a line. Sometimes the word “event” is also used to mean “outcome.”

The line is the number and types of outcomes.

The bookmaker lays out the main outcomes in quick access - they are called the main line. The main line necessarily includes a victory for the first team, a draw and a victory for the second. If you click on the match card, a “list” will open - additional outcomes. You can come up with an infinite number of them: will both teams score, what will the score be, will there be a penalty, how many corners will be taken, how many fouls will the first team receive and even how many goals will be scored with their heads. If there are many outcomes in the painting, it is a “wide painting”, or a “wide line”; if there are few, it is a “narrow”.

If they say “line for a match”, they mean the outcomes of the match, if “line of a bookmaker’s office” - a set of lines for all matches that this office gives. Sometimes the line refers to betting before a match, as opposed to “live” - betting during the match. But you can also say “live line” - this means that these are outcomes for events that are already underway.

Coefficient. The bookmaker assigns a coefficient to each outcome. Remember the two men, one of whom bet on Real Madrid and the other on Barcelona? The one who won took home extra money. But how much exactly? This determines the coefficient.

The bookmakers themselves determine how much money we will win if we guess the result. The ratio of possible winnings and bets is called the bookmaker's odds. The bookmaker's income and the reason why players remain in the red in the long run are embedded in the odds. In Russia, decimal odds are accepted.

Width="2000" height="160" class="outline-bordered" style="max-width: 1000.0px; height: auto" data-bordered="true"> In the line for this match, the odds for Pakhtakor to win - 3.16 for a Persepolis victory - 4.7, and for a draw - 1.87. If we bet 100 rubles on the victory of Pakhtakor, and he wins, we will receive 100 × 3.16 = 316 R. Of these, 100 rubles is our rate, so the real plus is 216 RUR. If we didn't guess the result, the bet goes to the bookmaker

What are the rates?

Bookmakers have come up with their own names and symbols for popular outcomes. You can bet on one outcome, you can combine several events in one bet - these cases also have their own terms.

Main line. I have already said that the main line is betting on the victory of the first team, a draw or victory of the second. The victory of the first team is indicated by “W1” or simply “1”, a draw by “X”, and the victory of the second by “W2” or simply “2”. You can bet on a win or a draw at the same time - indicated by “1X”. Likewise, winning second or drawing is “X2”, and winning first or second is “12”. For example, the last bet will only lose if there is a draw. Such bets are called “double chance”.

Totals are bets in which the event is the number of goals scored, points scored, corners taken or fouls received. They are placed according to the “more/less” principle. For example, you bet “total over 2.5 goals”. This means that if the teams score 2 or fewer goals in total, you lose, if 3 or more, you win. For example, a score of 1:1 is “total less than 2.5”, a score of 2:2 is “total is more than 2.5”. There are individual totals - then only the goals of one team are counted.

Width="1400" height="610" class="outline-bordered" style="max-width: 700.0px; height: auto" data-bordered="true"> There are whole totals, for example, “total more than 1” . In this case, if the number of goals coincides with the total value, the bet is returned. With a bet of 100 R on “total over 3”, the bet loses if 0-2 goals are scored, and wins if 4 or more goals are scored. If exactly 3 goals are scored, the bookmaker will simply return the bet 100 RUR

Handicaps or odds. It happens that one team is obviously stronger than the other. For example, France plays football against Cyprus. France will most likely win, and the odds for its victory are low - it is not interesting to bet. I don’t want to bet on Cyprus either.

But you can bet with a higher odds on the margin with which France will win. This will be a “negative handicap”. For example, a “handicap of −2.5” on France means that we take away 2.5 goals from France. If they win by 3 or more goals, such as 4:1 or 3:0, the bet is won. If the gap is two or fewer goals, for example 1:0 or 3:2, the bet is lost.

“Positive handicap” shows by what margin you allow your team to lose. For example, bet on Cyprus “handicap +2.5”. This means that we add 2.5 goals to their result. If Cyprus loses, but only by two goals or less, your bet wins. If he loses by three or more goals, the bet is lost.

A special case of a whole handicap is the “zero handicap”. Otherwise, such a bet is called “no draw”. We, as it were, add 0 to the result of our team. Therefore, if you win, the bet will win, if you lose, it will lose, and if there is a draw, it will be returned. If you simply bet on P1, then if there is a draw, we will lose the bet, but with a “zero handicap” there will be a draw - well, okay, we stay with our own.

Otherwise, the handicap is called the “Asian handicap”. There is also a “European handicap”, but most Russian bookmakers do not offer it.

Singles and express. All of the examples above are bets on one outcome, or “singles”. You can combine two or more outcomes in your bet, then this is an “express”. In this case, the odds for each outcome are multiplied, but everything must match.

For example, there are two Champions League matches coming up: Tottenham against Ajax and Barcelona against Liverpool. The player believes that Tottenham will win the first match, and Barcelona will win the second. He can bet two singles of 100 R: on the victory of Tottenham with odds of 2.285 and on the victory of Barcelona with odds of 1.93. Then, if both bets win, he will receive 421.5 R: (100 × 2.285) + (100 × 1.93) = 228.5 + 193. 200 R were the player, so the profit is 221.5 R.

You can also deliver express. Then it will be one bet with odds of 2.285 × 1.93 = 4.41. But if at least one outcome does not match, it is a loss. The player bets 200 R - receives 882 R: 200 × 4.41. 200 RUR was his, so the profit was 682 RUR. It would seem that express trains are more profitable. But if only Tottenham wins and Barcelona draws, the player will lose 200 RUR. With singles of 100 R in the same situation, he would be in the black.

Express bets combine all types of bets: main line, totals, handicaps and everything else. But you cannot combine related outcomes. For example, “total over 1.5” and “handicap minus 1.5” for the same match: “handicap minus 1.5” already assumes that two or more goals will be scored, which means our total automatically wins , and an express train of these two outcomes.

In general, express bets are more profitable for bookmakers than single bets. It’s the gamblers who make the profits for the bookmakers by putting 10-20 outcomes into express bets. The result is a high coefficient and the opportunity to get rich from a bet of 100 RUR. But the probability of losing is much higher.

Systems. You can combine the express bets themselves in one bet. Such bets are called “system” and their logic is difficult to keep in mind, but let’s look at the simplest option - “system ⅔”. The first number is the number of events in the express trains, the second is the number of outcomes from which these express trains will be composed. The system does not have a single coefficient, like a single or express bet.

First we select the outcomes. Our system requires three. Let's add to the previous example one more outcome with odds of 1.64. Now we have this set:

Outcome 1 - 2,285

Outcome 2 - 1.93

Outcome 3 - 1.64

We have a “⅔ system”, so the bookmaker determines how many double express options there are with these three outcomes. This results in three express trains:

Express 1: selection 1 + selection 2 = 2.285 × 1.93 = 4.42

Express 2: selection 1 + selection 3 = 2.285 × 1.64 = 3.75

Express 3: selection 2 + selection 3 = 1.93 × 1.64 = 3.17

Let's put 90 R on the system. The bookmaker will divide the bet by the number of possible express bets: 90 / 3 = 30 R - this is the price of one option. Now we wait to see which express options match and multiply their odds by the option price.

If all three outcomes match, then all three express bets match:

Express 1: 4.42 × 30 = 133 RUR

Express 2: 3.75 × 30 = 113 RUR

Express 3: 3.17 × 30 = 95 R

Now we add up the winnings - this will be the total winnings for the system: 133 + 113 + 95 = 341 RUR. They bet 90 R, so the profit is 251 R.

If only two out of three outcomes match, for example the first and third, then only one express will be played: outcome 1 + outcome 3. The winnings on it are 113 RUR. They bet 90 R, so the profit is 23 R.

If one outcome matches or none matches, the system loses.

Larger systems also follow the same logic. For example, in the “3/6 system” there should be six outcomes, from which we create possible options for triple express trains - there will already be twenty of them.

Fixed games

First, about the simplest way to take money from the population - insider information. You don't even need mathematicians to understand that this is a scam.

Imagine: you are chatting with other fans, arguing about the teams’ chances, choosing what to bet on. And then a stranger appears who claims to know about the upcoming match-fixing. If you want to place a bet and win, pay and he will tell you everything. To make you believe, it offers the first result for free. Check: Liverpool will win today's match between Liverpool and Chelsea.

This is a scammer. He has no idea who will actually win. If it turns out to be Chelsea or it's a draw, well, tough luck. The scammer will leave the chat and return in a couple of days under a different name. But if Liverpool really wins, then the stranger can be trusted. And now the players are already buying the results of the next five matches from him. The job is done, the scammer disappears.

It seems that only very naive people fall for this scam. But try to resist when big money is at stake. In addition, people really believe that there are only agreements all around. If so, someone should know the results.

If someone knew the results of the agreement, he would have bet on it himself, and would not have been engaged in retail trade in secrets without registration and SMS.

Low odds

To calculate the odds, the bookmaker estimates the probability of an event and then divides one by this probability. For example, if he believes that the probability of winning is 50/50, then in an ideal world the odds will be equal to two:

If the bookmaker did not make a mistake with the probability, then in our ideal situation, on average, players will remain at zero: half of their bets will double, half will be lost. Now attention: we are talking about masses of players, about tens, hundreds and thousands of people, and not about one individual player.

If a team's chances of winning are less than 50%, then the players as a whole will win less than half the time - and on average will go into the red. If the odds are above 50%, then the players will win on average more than half the time, so the bookmaker will lose money.

According to this mathematics, in order to regularly beat the bookmakers, you need to understand the sport better than them. But bookmakers make money by understanding sports better than their clients.

But even if we fly into the future and find out the results of the match, it turns out that the bookmakers foresaw this option and lowered the odds.

If the bookmaker believes that the adequate odds are 2, then he gives a lower odds on the line, for example 1.85. If we bet 100 rubles on this outcome, we will win only 185, and the chance is still 50%.

The best way to tell this is the diagram. Look: we have two matches, we bet 100 rubles on each. In one case we lose, in the second we win. With an ideal bookmaker, after these two bets we were left with our own, but with a regular bookmaker we lost 15 R:

Chances of winning - 50%

This is not a scam, but a bookmaker's margin - like everyone else, bookmakers need to make money. The usual bookmaker margin is 7.5%: if the bookmaker considers an adequate odds of 2, then for players it will be 1.85. Usually, players do not even suspect that they are betting on low odds - only bookmakers know how and what they calculated.

This is why express bets are more unprofitable than single bets: in express bets, underestimated odds for different outcomes are multiplied and the bookmaker’s final margin becomes larger.

The mathematics of odds defeats any predictions. Even if the experts are very knowledgeable about the sport and suggest the right strategy, only the bookmakers decide how much you will win or lose. They take away their margin whether you win or not. The mathematical expectation is always in their favor.


A bonus is additional money in the bookmaker’s gaming account, which the player receives after the first deposit. Usually they make up 50-100% of its amount. They deposited 10 thousand rubles into the account and received another 10 thousand.

At first glance, it seems that with the help of bonuses, bookmakers share part of their margin with players. You can spread the amounts across different bookmakers and make a ton of money. But this is not true at all.

The problem is that bonuses have terms and conditions that make them no longer beneficial. Like all self-respecting terms and conditions, they are not in plain sight, but hidden behind links and asterisks. And sometimes there are no links - you have to look for conditions in the bowels of the bookmaker’s website, in the promotions or bonuses sections.

The main catch is that bonus money cannot be withdrawn immediately. First you need to place bets for a certain amount - “win back the bonus”. The amount needed for this is called rollover.

If the rollover is twenty times the size of the bonus, then in order to withdraw 10 thousand of the bonus, you will first have to bet 200 thousand. While we are wagering the bonus, we bet on a reduced odds. If the bookmaker underestimates the odds by 7.5%, then while we win back 10 thousand, the bookmaker will earn 15 thousand on us. That is... wait... how can that be...

You cannot place bonus money on any bets: bookmakers themselves decide how and where you will wager the bonus. It may turn out that 7.5% is still lucky. Moreover, the rollover must be played out within a certain time. If you do not meet the deadline, both the bonus and the winnings from the bonus money will be lost.

Just a few years ago you could make money on bonuses. But professional players were so carried away by this that bookmakers tightened the rules - after all, as soon as the players remain in the black, the bookmakers are in the minus. Their position on bonuses is well illustrated by a footnote on one bookmaker's website: “The bonus is offered for the purpose of entertaining the client and cannot be used by the client as a way to make a profit.” So if you find a site with an attractive bonus, re-read all the conditions - it will probably turn out that you will have to pay for the entertainment.

Martingale method

Players who have calculated the mathematics of betting and realized that bookmakers cannot be defeated are trying to call on the theory of probability to help and coming up with different gaming systems. The most famous is the Martingale method, also known as the Monte Carlo method, “catch-up”.

The martingale method is a game model in which the player always bets on one result with odds of at least two, doubling the bet each time. Sooner or later this result comes up - and then the player returns all the lost money and wins something on top. It turns out that the player “catches up” with the winnings - hence the name. After this, the bet size returns to the initial one and everything starts again.

For clarity, let’s use catch-up in football. Let's take a series of real matches from a sports chronicle, add bookmaker odds, imagine that we always bet on a draw, and do the math.

Catching up with a draw in football

Basel - Manchester United


1000 R

1000 R

Juventus - Tottenham


2000 R

3000 R

"Porto" - "Liverpool"


4000 R

7200 R

In the first match we bet 1000 RUR, but Manchester United wins - we have -1000 RUR. In the second match we bet 2000 R and lose again: Juventus won. In the third match we bet 4000 R and win.

The winnings are equal to the bet multiplied by the bookmaker's odds: 4000 × 3.55 = 14,200 RUR. From this amount we subtract 4000 RUR, because this is our bet, and another 3000 RUR, which we lost in the first two matches. In total, thanks to the martingale method, we won 14,200 − 4,000 − 3,000 = 7,200 RUR for the series.

In the next match, we again bet 1000 R on a draw - the cycle repeats.

The method looks magical: elementary school level math, no flaws in sight, double down and collect money. Because of this, it is very popular, people willingly use it and recommend it to their friends. Even casinos and bookmakers advertise it. This alone should raise doubts: the casino will never recommend a method that actually helps to beat it. But everything looks so convincing that people allow themselves to be deceived.

To make sure that the martingale method is unprofitable, let's look under the hood.

Let's continue betting on a draw in football. The main problem is that sooner or later there will be such a long series without draws that there will not be enough money for the next bet. This doesn't happen very often. For example, the Swiss football club Schaffhausen played 32 matches in a row without a draw, and Znamya Truda from the Russian second division played 26. At the time of writing, ten teams have already played more than 20 matches in a row this season without a draw.

But nine matches without a draw will be enough for us. To simplify the calculations, let's imagine that the chances of each result are the same: 33% for one team to win, 33% for the other team to win, and 33% for a draw. Here's what the mathematics of the Martingale method would look like.

How much money do you need to play using the martingale method?

MatchBidTotal lossesProbability of Losing
1 1000 R−1000 R67%
2 2000 R−3000 R44%
3 4000 R−7000 R30%
4 8000 R−15,000 R20%
5 16,000 R−31,000 R13%
6 32,000 R−63,000 R9%
7 64,000 R−127,000 R6%
8 128,000 R−255,000 R4%
9 RUB 256,000−511,000 R 3%
10 512,000 R−1,023,000 R2%
11 RUB 1,024,000−2,047,000 R1%

1000 R

Total losses

−1000 R

Chance of Losing

2000 R

Total losses

−3000 R

To succeed in any business and get a positive financial result, you need a working time-tested or completely new strategy. Betting is no exception.

Every player who wants to make money by betting must have a strategy. Remember: bets made based only on instinct and intuition rarely bring profit!

Win-win sports betting strategies at bookmakers

When placing bets on any sporting events, not for entertainment, but with the aim of increasing your capital, you need a strategy that you will strictly follow. However, when choosing your strategy, you need to determine for yourself the sports discipline on which bets will mainly be placed. Many beginners make the same mistake - they bet on everything without really understanding any sport. Such actions inevitably lead them to lose their deposit.

To become successful, you need to choose a specific sport that interests you, where you understand at least something. It could be hockey, football, basketball, tennis or any other sports discipline. A good bettor must know information about teams, players, coaches, rules, and monitor game statistics. This will help you make accurate forecasts. This means that you will have to watch a lot of past sports videos before developing your betting method.

You need to understand what your “bank” will be and how much money from it can be allocated for each bet. This can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the total deposit. For example, with a deposit of 10,000 rubles. You can place bets of 400 rubles each time. or limit the limit to 5% of the deposit. Remember, to become successful in this business, you cannot bet more than a certain percentage of the total “bank”. If you ignore this rule, bet half of all your money or go all-in, you will very soon lose everything. Beginners are recommended to bet 3% of their deposit.

Having decided on the discipline and bet amount, proceed to choosing a strategy. When talking about winning betting strategies, remember that none of them can guarantee 100% results. After all, the outcome of sporting competitions is greatly influenced by accidents that cannot be predicted and predicted. You can’t know in advance that a player will get injured or it will rain, complicating the playing conditions. A strategy is just a “compass” that sets the vector of your actions, minimizing financial losses. There is always a risk of losing bets. This needs to be understood and treated philosophically. We offer safe and profitable ways to make money in BC.


The system is based on the fact that you need to bet on the same amount, regardless of the outcome and odds. You must choose the bet amount yourself, taking into account your “bank”. Typically, players prefer to bet from 1 to 3% of the deposit. In this case, determine for yourself the control points for revising the bet amount. If, for example, the deposit has increased by 30%, then the bet amount can be changed and set at 5% of the “bank”.

The Flat system can be used not only in betting, but also in other gambling games. The advantages of the system are that a person maintains psychological stability by controlling the deposit, minimizes the risk of complete loss of the “bank”, and has the ability to adjust tactics without changing the working strategy.

The disadvantage of the system is that if the deposit level is low, it will take a lot of time to “promote” it, the strategy gives relatively slow profit growth, and the desire to increase the forecast amount makes it difficult to adhere to the system rules. Using this strategy, you will need to accurately predict outcomes.


The gaming strategy is quite risky, but brings significant profits. Initially, the gaming strategy was developed for casinos, but it began to be used in betting, where it worked well.

Classic “Dogon” implies that bets are placed on events with odds of 2.0. Moreover, after each loss, you need to increase the bet amount exactly 2 times. The advantage of the system is that it allows you to quickly increase your deposit, can be used in any discipline, and is considered the most profitable. The disadvantages are that to use it you will need a large deposit at once, a long series of failures will lead to the loss of the entire “bank”, the risk of loss increases significantly after the 6th unsuccessful forecast in a row.

Kelly criterion

The gaming strategy is recommended for betting professionals. The point is to correctly determine the probabilities of outcomes and compare the results obtained with the odds of bookmakers. The result as a percentage must be multiplied by the bookmaker’s odds and divided by 100. If the result obtained is greater than 1, it means that the bookmaker’s analysts underestimated the outcome.

For example, let's say you bet on the outcome of a football match. The bookmaker offers odds of 2.65, but your experience and knowledge allow you to make a prediction that the chance of a certain team winning is 65%. Now let's carry out the necessary calculations: (65*2.65)/100=1.72. The result is greater than 1, which means the bookmaker underestimated the outcome. The advantage of the method is that a person gains unique experience in predicting and assessing the probabilities of match outcomes. The main disadvantage is that you need to have experience working with statistics and the ability to make accurate forecasts.

First goal with foot

This strategy is only applicable for football. The point is to bet that the first goal in the match will be scored by the player with his foot, and not with another part of the body. About 80% of the first goals in football matches are scored with the foot. When making such a bet, you should avoid low-scoring championships and leagues where there is a high probability of a goalless draw. Before placing a bet, you must read the bookmaker's rules. Some, for example, count an own goal as a loss of the bet, even if the player scored it with his foot.

These are not all the methods that will help you make a profit. There are other time-tested and completely new methods of how to increase efficiency in betting and increase your deposit. It is important to understand them while strictly adhering to the current rules. At the same time, accurate forecasting is the basis of many existing strategies.

Best strategy?

You need to determine the best strategy for yourself. In this case, everything depends on the player’s psychology, his endurance, knowledge about betting, competitions, initial deposit, and ability to predict. But, despite this, one of the best strategies in the context of profitability and security is the “Forks” strategy.

The point of this method is to determine the “big match”, look at the quotes in different bookmakers and make the same bet on the opposite outcome in each office, ending up with a “plus” in any situation. For example, you found an interesting competition. Now you need to find a bookmaker offering a conditional odds of 2.03 for the victory of one team, and another bookmaker offering a conditional odds of 2.4 for the victory of the opponent. Your task is to place a bet in both bookmakers on opposite outcomes and receive your winnings in any case.

Hockey example:

Other bookmaker:

This strategy has 2 significant drawbacks:

  • Bookmakers consider this method to be part of an unfair game. If you are caught in the act of betting, your account may be blocked and your winnings may be refused.
  • It is difficult to find gaming “arbs” manually. There are services for searching for sure bets on the Internet, but, as a rule, they are all paid. Free sites for searching for sure bets provide low returns.

Paid strategies

One of the ways to get real income in betting is to use paid strategies developed by successful and experienced bettors. Beginners are usually wary of this method. There is nothing strange in this, because there are scammers operating on the Internet, whose main task is to deceive players who have no experience. However, if you manage to find a professional who has learned to make accurate forecasts and earn money by betting, then the cost of purchasing strategies will quickly pay off and allow you to make a profit. Purchasing a working method will be cheaper than developing and testing a new method yourself.

There are various sites on the Internet offering players to purchase a ready-made strategy for a specific discipline or a forecast for a specific competition. There are even programs (applications) that make forecasts for sporting events without your direct participation.

Other working strategies for sports betting in BC

When looking for a strategy that actually works, and if the most popular ones do not suit you, you can study one of the following:

  • "Bet on the favorite." To use it, you need to analyze the current match, study the motivation of the players, the composition of the teams, the form of the players, the history of past meetings. Based on the data obtained, predict which team is the clear favorite and bet on its victory an amount not exceeding 5% of the total deposit.
  • "The total is more than 0.5." The point is to find a match in which you predict a lot of goals will be scored and bet on the total over 0.5. In this case, if at least one goal is scored, you win. It is best to choose matches taking place within major championships, since the chance of “running into” a goalless draw in them is negligible.
  • "Miller Method". In this case, it is necessary to predict only those matches in which there is an equal probability of the outcome, that is, 50 to 50. Having thus made 55% of accurate predictions, you can start betting using the “Flat” system, which was described above.

The considered strategies are quite enough to begin to master and study the nuances of betting on sporting events.

Having encountered big problems when playing sports betting for the first time, having lost one or several gaming pots in a row, a young bettor begins to spend a lot of time on the Internet trying to answer a number of popular questions. We will have to spend a little time studying these questions and a final answer will be given for each of them.

This is the huge task a young user is trying to immediately set before himself, without much experience in betting. And he doesn’t understand that he shouldn’t waste his time looking for an answer to such a question; it’s better to spend it on more useful things. Why? Everything is very simple, a bookmaker can only ruin himself, even super professionals are unable to do such a task. In any case, the operator will always be in the black due to the deposited margin, with extremely rare exceptions.

But the bookmaker himself can ruin the user very easily and very quickly, especially if he does not have many years of experience and psychological stability. A young user should devote time to acquiring these above mentioned qualities, and not waste it asking “empty” questions. Realizing that it will not be possible to ruin the office, the young bettor continues to waste time, deciding to find the answer to the next question.

How to win 100% against a bookmaker

And there is only one answer to this question - no way. It is simply unrealistic to beat the office with every bet placed. Even super professionals can't beat the bookmaker all the time.

If at a short distance of 10-15 bets this is quite within the capabilities of an experienced player, then at a long distance it is unrealistic at this very 100%. We see how guys who increased their gaming bank several times lost quite a lot of times.

And only now we come to the most important thing. Each player, having gained extensive experience in betting, begins to understand that it will not be possible to win the bookmaker all the time, so it is necessary to develop a game strategy that brings winnings over the long haul. Don't get too hung up on short-term wins and losses. But in this case, how to bet at a bookmaker’s office and win?

How to win at bookmakers

This is exactly the question that should be first on the list for a young user. There is no easy money in the world, all this applies to betting, if you want to make money on bets, then this can only be done through hard and painstaking work. And if someone posted information on their website that they will teach you how to beat bookmakers 100%, then get out of there and don’t waste your time.

Understand correctly, no one but you will help you learn how to beat the office over a long distance. Therefore, we must admit within ourselves that we must be prepared for hard and exhausting work and start working.

There is not a single universal strategy in the world that allows you to win every time you place a bet in a bookmaker. Therefore, it all starts with developing a game theory.

How to develop your own game strategy

You can do this based on your own experience or by studying existing working strategies, choosing the most acceptable one for yourself, based on your personal qualities.

There is no need to rush anywhere. Sometimes experienced bettors spend from several months to several years to develop a really working theory. This is a really labor-intensive and lengthy process. Carefully analyze the matches, place bets on paper, and then look at the results and draw appropriate conclusions.

Testing the developed strategy

You can’t immediately play for real money based on a “raw” theory; it must be tested. And it is more necessary to do this in order to be psychologically confident in her. Let us remember again that any even super winning theory consists of winning and losing streaks.

And when a protracted losing streak comes, a subtle psychological moment occurs: the bettor begins to “eat” himself with thoughts.

He literally thinks the following: “my theory doesn’t work,” “I need to change something, otherwise I’ll lose everything now,” “I need to increase the bet, because somehow I need to win it all back at once.” Do you know what will happen if the player submits to all these thoughts? He will lose the entire game bank, and very quickly.

To prevent this from happening, you need to test your theory within a few months. And when a protracted streak of failures comes, you must continue to bet until the moment when the winnings come. This is necessary to understand that theory brings success at a distance, short-term losses are temporary.

Real game in sportsbooks

When, during the testing of the “raw” theory, the understanding has come that it allows you to win at bookmaker, you can safely use it in reality.

Having answered the above question, it remains to find out one more.

How much can you win at a bookmaker?

Naturally, everyone wants to win big sums. What is desired rarely coincides with reality. But understanding how much you can win is not so difficult. To do this, you need to take into account 2 important points.

Winning percentage according to the developed working theory

When testing a strategy, you need to simultaneously calculate how much you can win over a certain reporting period. Many people take a calendar month for such a reporting period.

If every month you manage to raise the bank by 15-20%, then this is a very high indicator

For example, a bettor realized that on average he can increase the pot by 10%. Next comes simple arithmetic. He opens an account at the chosen office and if he wants to win approximately 10 thousand rubles there, he must transfer 100 thousand rubles to the account.

But for many, 10,000 rubles is not enough; they want to earn several thousand times more, because they are immediately given yachts and cool cars. In this case, let's move on to the second point.

How much the bookmaker will allow you to withdraw without any problems

Many operators write in their rules that they can allow the user to withdraw, for example, 100,000 thousand dollars per day, and up to 1 million USD per month.

But not every operator, promising such “mountains”, will allow you to withdraw the indicated amounts.

It is not enough to know how to beat a bookmaker once or several times. For constant profit, you need to win regularly. To make money on bets, you need to understand how bookmakers operate, adhere to gaming and financial betting strategies, and comprehensively analyze events. In this case, it is realistic to regularly make a profit from the bookmaker, because the probability of winning increases.

Operating principles of a bookmaker's office

Sports betting is not gambling, but the principle of operation is similar to the functioning of a casino. In betting, people also win at the expense of those who lose. And the winner is usually the bookmaker.

Unlike casinos, professional players rely on knowledge and skills, because a positive result depends on the ability to predict the outcome of a sporting event. Initially, it seems that everything is simple - the motivation of the opponents, the composition of the teams, statistics, the location of the match and other obvious points are taken into account. This is a trap for a beginner who has no doubt about his superiority over the bookmaker.

Only 2% of people who place them make money on bets on a regular basis. To understand the reason for the sad statistics for players, you need to know the principles of the bookmaker business.

The main term in betting is odds. It reflects the mathematical probability of an event. Read how bookmakers calculate quotes. Depending on the amount of bet on the outcome, say, on the home team’s victory, the probability of their victory increases, and the coefficient, accordingly, decreases. If bettors bet on the guests to win, then the odds on the hosts’ success increase noticeably. This is not profitable for the bookmaker, so he shapes the probability in such a way as to be sure to be a profit.

The catch is that the mathematical probability rarely matches the real one. The result of the fight is not affected by the opinion of the majority, albeit well-reasoned, but also by many other factors. Even an outsider at home has an advantage. However, a novice player thoughtlessly places a bet, thinking that it is the most obvious. The probability increases due to thoughtless bets, which is what the office requires.

Is it possible to beat the bookmaker?

It’s possible to beat a bookmaker, but this task is complicated by margins. This is the bookmaker's commission, which brings the office almost one hundred percent profit no matter the outcome of the event. To understand the essence of margin, consider the example of flipping a coin.

The chances of getting one of the sides are 50%. Accordingly, the odds for “heads” and “tails” should be 2.0 each. But in this case, the bookmaker would not always make money, so he sets quotes taking into account the margin. The value becomes not 2.0, but, for example, 1.95.

Imagine that you bet 100 USD. for “tails”, and your friend - the same amount for “heads”. The coefficient is 1.95. It doesn’t matter who wins, the payout will still be $195, although a total of $200 was bet. Missing 5 USD went into the bookmaker’s pocket - this is the margin.

Despite such superiority of the bookmaker's office, you can emerge victorious from the fight on a regular basis. Let's look at how to enter the 2% of players who regularly earn money on bets.

How to beat a bookmaker?

Continuously improve your knowledge about the sports discipline you bet on. You need to know the features and specifics of the sport. Limit yourself to a few tournaments, or even teams, to which you devote more time to be aware of all the changes. It is easier to thoroughly analyze one or two championships or 3-4 teams than to bet on matches of new tournaments and clubs every day. Become a highly specialized expert to gain an advantage over bookmaker analysts.

Bet at different bookmakers. This way you can win the most favorable odds.

Study expert forecasts and compare them with your opinion. Take part in discussions on thematic forums and groups on social networks. Share information with other players, learn from their mistakes and gradually develop your own betting strategy.

Identify artificially low quotes yourself. Study analytical materials, take into account the specifics of the upcoming match and compare the odds of different bookmakers.

Analysis of sporting events

A successful game in BC lies in the analysis of fights. The forecast should not rely solely on statistics, although they are taken into account in the analysis. It is important to approach the study of the match from all sides, taking into account many factors.

1. Motivation

There are many examples in sports when the underdog beat the favorite. Most often, the reason was overmotivation. When a club is threatened with relegation to the lower division if it does not score points, the athletes find additional strength and snatch victories.

Analyze the main confrontations and derbies in detail. In such matches, teams show their maximum potential. Usually, place in the standings and form don’t mean anything – motivation and integrity come to the fore.

2.Position in the table

The tournament table is of value to the bettor when at least a third of the rounds of the season have been played. It's stupid to look at the table after the offseason. Clubs are staffed or lose key performers, so after a pause they can demonstrate a completely different level.

3. Form of opponents

Study the last 5-6 matches. Pay attention to the performances at home and away, the difference between goals scored and goals conceded. It is better to look at the reviews to have a real idea of ​​the capabilities of the teams.

4. Players

The outcome is influenced by the length of the bench, the number of injured and disqualified athletes. Monitor the condition of leaders and players, whose loss changes the tactics and style of play of the entire team.

5. Significance of the tournament

For some teams, playing in a certain tournament is an additional burden, so they play with second lineups or purposefully lose. For example, English clubs will prefer the domestic championship or national cup instead of the Europa League. This way, they free up their calendar and focus on more important tasks.

6. Team atmosphere

It is difficult for an outsider to know what kind of atmosphere reigns within the team. However, by studying team news and interviews with players, coaches and club employees, interesting details can be revealed.

These are the key factors. In addition to them, the weather, referee, meeting place, championship statistics, travel duration, etc. are taken into account. It is the correct analysis of matches that gives some advantage over the bookmaker. Everyone can learn to analyze sporting events, because this is not an innate skill, but an acquired one.

Maintaining a game bank

There are many financial strategies for betting. The most common is flat: a fixed bet amount or a fixed percentage of the bank. In the first case, the bet amount remains the same, regardless of whether the transaction was successful or not. In the second case, the bet size changes depending on the current size of the bankroll.

Start with just such bank management, over time adjusting the system to suit you. Don’t even think about betting all-in (the entire amount on one outcome or match), because there are no 100% results. If you want to beat the house, never bet more than 10% of the bank – under any circumstances.

In the first stages, you can use the table, where, depending on the number of transactions per month, a certain percentage from the bank is recommended:.

When is the best time to bet?

Few people have thought about the time when it is advisable to make a bet. It is recommended to bet immediately after the line comes out. At this time, the quotes are usually the most profitable, because the players’ bets have not had time to distort the line.

You risk the same, but instead of the odds of 1.65, you manage to bet on 1.7. This is additional income. With a bet of $100, this is plus $5. with the same risks. And this is from one transaction. There can be several hundred of them per month. This is how the time of placing a bet allows you to get a guaranteed increase in winnings.

Psychology in betting. Excitement

Almost all players try to win back immediately when they lose. This is correct, because you need to return the lost money, but do not do it right away, but at least the next day. After failure, the bettor panics and makes rash actions. Emotions take over, the mind becomes clouded, the balance is reset.

The other side of the coin is euphoria. Sometimes luck smiles and out of 10 bets everyone wins. Greed awakens. When a person wins, it’s not enough for him – he wants to win even more. It is impossible to think about bets in this situation, so most often the money earned is lost.

Don't bet on your favorite or least favorite teams. To form a successful forecast, it is important to objectively assess the strength of your opponents. When there is a division into “us” and “outsiders”, it is difficult to make an adequate analysis. All athletes and teams must be equal. No emotions.


Offices are reluctant to give money to those who earn money regularly. Often successful players have their limits cut at best, and their account blocked and funds confiscated at worst. Remember that if you play for profit, you will definitely be noticed. Therefore, bet in reliable bookmakers and split one bet into several small ones from different bookmakers. Good luck!

Bookmaker 1xStavka gives 4,000 rubles for registration.