Rinat Karimov - biography, photos, personal life, news, songs. Rinat Karimov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs Rinat Karimov - Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic

Rinat Karimov is a Russian pop singer, Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Dagestan.

The boy was born on October 6, 1984 in the capital of the Chechen Autonomous Okrug, the city of Grozny, into a family of musicians. Rinat's parents, Hasan and Khava, worked in an amateur national group as a leader and soloist. On his father’s side, Rinat’s nationality is Dargin, on his mother’s side he is Chechen. Since childhood, together with his younger brother Ruslan, Rinat spent a lot of time at rehearsals and performances of the ensemble.

The boy changed several schools, as the family often moved, which was associated with the outbreak of hostilities in Chechnya. Rinat managed to study in Chechnya, Dagestan and Stavropol. The young man completed his secondary education in Makhachkala, after which in 2002 he entered the Faculty of Economics of DSU.

Since childhood, Karimov was fond of rock, the work of singer Timur Mutsuraev, and listened to Russian chanson. Rinat began studying music in 2003, performing several songs for a group of listeners to the accompaniment of a synthesizer. After which the young man recorded several songs, which were appreciated by his parents.


While studying at university, Rinat began learning to play the guitar and often performed for friends at parties. In 2005, Karimov met a teacher at the Academy. Gnessins by Vladimir Korobko, one of the mentors of the musical reality show “Star Factory”. Under the guidance of a teacher, in six months the young singer records the songs “Shoot”, “Dream”, “I Just Love You”, “Life is Beautiful”, “White in Black” and “Bouquet of Scarlet Roses”.

The debut turned out to be successful, and Rinat begins promoting in the North Caucasus. The young musician participates in competitions, concerts, and private events. Rinat Karimov makes useful contacts with show business figures in Dagestan and Chechnya.

In 2004, having met the Dargin performer Patimat Rasulova, he invited the singer to record a series of duets “Understand my heart”, “For you Dargins” and “Give me the night”.

Rinat Karimov - Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic

In 2006 and 2007, Rinat’s two solo discs appeared: “Dream” on native language and “I Had a Dream” for Russian-speaking listeners. In 2006, Rinat Karimov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic.

To expand the horizons of popularity and gain fans in Russia, Rinat Karimov participates in a number of musical television projects. The singer tries himself in the casting competition " National artist", gets to the final of the qualifying round of the show "5 Stars". On radio "Chanson" he participates in competitive program"Day open doors" Rinat Karimov appeared at the festivals “Slavic Bazaar”, “Eh, take a walk”, and at the solo concert of Vladimir Evzerov at the State Kremlin Palace.

On television with the participation of the Dagestan singer, episodes of the programs “ Dinner party», « Comedy Club", "Let's get married", "Hello, Jurmala", "Field of Miracles". Musical compositions Rinat Karimov is broadcast on the radio stations “Chanson”, “Radio Dacha”, “Vostok FM”, “Police Wave”.

In the second half of the 2000s, Rinat Karimov released four solo discs one after another: Life is Beautiful, Bouquet of Scarlet Roses, White in Black, I Just Love You. Song "Pain" from the collection " Greatest Hits"enters the hit parade of radio "Chanson" in 2011. In the same year, Rinat Karimov performed the track of the chanson legend “What kind of poison did you give me to drink?”

In 2012, the musician released the album “Listopad”, the hits of which were the songs “Thank you, Mom”, “In the gold of your hair”, “My dear”. Karimov’s single “Six-String Guitar” appears, in the creation of which Murad Magomedov participated. For the songs “Don’t Run”, “You Dance”, “Lovely Green Eyes”, “ Your name", "Pain" the singer shoots videos. The video is posted on the Internet on the You Tube channel, as well as on the singer’s personal accounts in in social networks.

In 2013, collections of Dargin and Chechen songs appeared, which included the tracks “Life is Beautiful”, “Black-Eyed”, “Dream”, “At the Spring”. 2014 was marked by creative biography Rinat Karimova with the release of the album “Shoot at the Heart with Tenderness.”

Personal life

In 2009, reports appeared in the press about the wedding of two pop stars North Caucasus Rinata Karimova and Patimat Kagirova. By that time, the performers had already collaborated for 5 years, successfully creating national hits. At the wedding of the Honored Artist of Chechnya and People's Artist More than 1000 guests gathered from Dagestan and Chechnya, among whom were relatives, friends and fans of the musicians. Soon the couple had a daughter, Riana.

But in 2013, the couple filed for divorce, after which they remained in friendly relations. The singers continue to collaborate on stage. As part of the joint program of Karimov and Kagirova in 2014, the super hit “Be Happy” was performed in the Dargin language.

Rinat Karimov now

Another achievement musical career Rinat Karimov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Dagestan in 2016. In the same year, videos for the hits “Black-Eyed,” Tell Me appeared.” In a duet with the famous Russian singer, a graduate of the “Star Factory”, Rinat performed the hit “Salam to all!”

The song has already gained great popularity among Internet users. The YouTube channel has already recorded 86 thousand views of the track. The video was included in the rotation of the music TV channel “Ninth Wave”, and the performers were awarded at the V Anniversary Award Ceremony music award channel.

Now the singer continues to perform with new program“Black-Eyed” for the Caucasus republics and Russian cities. On May 14, 2017 took place solo concert singer in St. Petersburg, and on May 23, Rinat performed in Nalchik.


  • "I Had a Dream" - 2006
  • "Dream" - 2007
  • “Life is Beautiful” - 2008
  • “Bouquet of Scarlet Roses” - 2008
  • White on black" - 2009
  • “I Just Love You” - 2010
  • “Shoot the heart with tenderness” - 2014

I went to the first school, and graduated from the 11th grade at the MOU Education Center in Makhachkala in 2002.

Born in Grozny on October 6, 1984. Rinat was named after the famous goalkeeper Rinat Dasaev. My childhood was like that of all Soviet children - a nursery, a kindergarten, but I changed schools. there are more than classes at school. Before the first military events in the Chechen Republic, he studied at the 28th, 5th and 34th schools in Grozny and at the 4th Argun school. During the first military events, he studied at the Izberbash school (Republic of Dagestan) and at the Arzgir school high school(Stavropol region). In 1996 he returned to Grozny and went to the best city lyceum. In 1999, due to the second hostilities in the Chechen Republic, he was forced to move to Makhachkala, since his father was from Dagestan (Dargin, mat

ь Chechen). I went to the first school, and graduated from the 11th grade at the MOU Education Center in Makhachkala in 2002. It should be noted that, despite the frequent change of schools and teaching staff, we managed to maintain a good level of knowledge and study well and excellently. In the summer of 2002 I entered the Faculty of Economics of DSU, where I am now a fifth-year student.

Was born in musical family, my father led an amateur pop group, and my mother was a soloist of this ensemble. From the age of 4–5 I had to attend rehearsals of this group. When the musicians were resting, my little brother and I made such a noise... There were a lot of people at home musical instruments, but play them niko

where there was no pull. Since childhood I loved to listen good music, fortunately there was one of the best collections of gramophone records in the city, the best set of Russian chanson at that time and good equipment on which you could listen to it all. Still, he preferred rock. I sang for the first time at one of the parties in January 2003 to a Yamaha. By March 8, I dedicated several children's songs from Soviet cartoons and recorded it myself on the computer. Mom really liked the songs. At the same time, I became very interested in the work of Timur Mutsuraev, I myself wanted to sing with a guitar. I started practicing guitar and singing for young people in the yard. Deep down I was glad that the guys liked it. how I sing

Born in Grozny on October 6, 1984. Rinat was named after the famous goalkeeper Rinat Dasaev. My childhood was like that of all Soviet children - a nursery, a kindergarten, but I changed schools. there are more than classes at school.
Before the first military events in the Chechen Republic, he studied at the 28th, 5th and 34th schools in Grozny and at the 4th Argun school. During the first military events, he studied at the Izberbash school (Republic of Dagestan) and at the Arzgir secondary school (Stavropol Territory). In 1996, he returned to Grozny and went to the best city lyceum No. 1. In 1999, in connection with the second hostilities in the Chechen Republic, he was forced to move to Makhachkala, since his father was from Dagestan (Dargin, Chechen mother). I went to the first school, and graduated from the 11th grade at the Municipal Educational Institution Center of the city of Makhachkala in 2002. It should be noted that, despite the frequent change of schools and teaching staff, we managed to maintain a good level of knowledge and study well and excellently. In the summer of 2002, he entered the Faculty of Economics of DSU, graduating in 2007.
Born into a musical family, his father led an amateur pop group, and his mother was a soloist of this ensemble. From the age of 4–5 I had to attend rehearsals of this group. When the musicians were resting, my little brother and I would make such a noise... There were a lot of musical instruments at home, but I never had the urge to play them. Since childhood, I loved listening to good music, fortunately I had one of the best collections of gramophone records in the city, the best set of Russian chanson at that time and good equipment on which I could listen to it all. Still, he preferred rock.
The first time I sang to Yamaha was at one of the parties in January 2003. By March 8, he dedicated several children's songs from Soviet cartoons to his mother and recorded them himself on the computer. Mom really liked the songs. Until that time, I was very interested in the work of Timur Mutsuraev, I myself wanted to sing with a guitar. I started practicing guitar and singing for young people in the yard. Deep down I was glad that the guys liked the way I sang.
In the summer of 2003, a republican pop song competition was announced for young people, at which I went through all the stages with songs (Noskov’s “This is Great”, Zvezdinsky’s “Enchanted” and my favorite “Six-String Guitar”) and, feeling self-confident, I realized that I could sing well. The winners of the competition were supposed to form the group “Deneb”; they even allocated a certificate for 10 thousand dollars for this group. For some unknown reason, the group was not assembled and each of the winners made their own way.
In 2004, songs in Russian were not yet in great demand in the republic, but the national stage was in full bloom. I decided to make a song in the Dargin language from my favorite “Six-String”. At the beginning of September, my first professional song “Come with me” was released with lyrics by Patimat Rasulova. Then she and I made the songs “Give me the night”, “For you Dargins” and “Understand my heart”. This is how I entered the professional stage.
I still really wanted to sing in Russian, so I decided to record with a wonderful composer and arranger Murad Magomedov “Six-string guitar”. This song immediately became a hit. Participated in all youth competitions among students “Student Spring” and was constantly among the winners
In 2005, I met the wonderful Dargin poet and composer Abdullaev Magomed-Zapir. He wrote two songs for a duet with the young Dargin pop star Marina Mustafayeva: “The Birth of a Son” and “I Can’t Without You,” and wrote the lyrics to the song “To My Darginka.” In 2006, Magomed-Zapir wrote the super hit song “Beautiful”, as well as “Love will come” and “Comic”. We continue to successfully collaborate with him and have now recorded the song “Dream” and a duet with the queen of the Dargin stage – Patimat Kagirova “Wedding”. There are a number interesting projects.
In 2005 – 2007 recorded a number of songs in Russian: “LA ILLAHA ILLALLAH” to the music of Khadis Sabiev and words by Abdulla Alishaev, “Don’t turn on the light” and “For your beauty” to the words and music of Khasan Musaev, “Bonfire”, “In the gold of your hair”, “Infection”, “About the Sultan” with music and lyrics by Abdulla Absamatov, “About Father” with music and lyrics by David Rostovsky, “The Only Name” and “This is Love” with lyrics by Svetlana Hasanova, “Heavenly Thunder” with music by Chechen composer Ali Dimaev and poems by Larisa Rubalskaya. He recorded two duets: with Christina (to the words of Christina) - “Sorry” and with Asya Tlekova - “I am alone and you are alone” to the music of Umar Vaisov and the words of Rina Turabova, dedicated the song to “Mom” to the words of Natalya Varfolomeeva, “My Love” to the music and lyrics by Andzor Khaupa, Duet with Marianna “Don’t forget... Remember me”, “Rain motif” to the music of Rustam Akhmedkhanov and lyrics by Magomed Omarov, “Don’t be jealous”, “My dream”, “Everything is wrong”, etc.
In 2006 he started making songs on Chechen language, has already recorded seven songs: “My Love” to the music of Rani, “Melkhazni” to the words of Mussa Shamsadov, “Girl” to the music of Khozha Yasaev, words by Mussa Akhmadov, “Elsa” to the music and words of Magomed Bersanov, “Chechens” to the music of Imran Usmanov and lyrics by Khava Akhmadova (meeting her is another piece of luck in my life), Duet with Albina Salimgereeva “Captive of Love” to the music of Ramzan Daudov and lyrics by Khozhbaudi Borkhadzhiev, and “Life is Beautiful” to the music of Murad Magomedov. He began performing on the professional stage in the Chechen Republic. In April 2007, my first solo concert took place in Grozny. I take part in all concerts of the Dagestan and Chechen diasporas held in Moscow and St. Petersburg. There are many interesting projects in the Chechen Republic.
In August 2006, the first and in December the second solo concerts took place in Makhachkala. In November - December, two of my sold-out concerts took place in Nalchik, many thanks to the residents of Nalchik for the warm welcome. In 2007, he toured Dagestan twice with concerts, toured the Stavropol Territory and Kabardino-Balkaria. In the evenings I sang in restaurants and nightclubs, since 2007 I perform only at concerts and corporate events, because my repertoire allows (I currently have about fifty songs in my repertoire).
In February 2006, I took part in the casting of “People’s Artist”, unfortunately I didn’t make it, they offered me to work on my voice, but I didn’t good recommendations. I will definitely take part in future castings. In April 2006, he took part in the “Open Doors Day” competition on radio “Chanson”. The first round passed, but the concert did not make it to the gala. In the summer of 2007 he took part in All-Russian competition“5 stars”, made it to the finals, but for some reason was not invited to Sochi. In January 2008 should participate in international competition"Helo Jurmala".
Two of my albums were released: the first “I had a dream” with songs in Russian and “Dream”, which included songs in the Chechen and Dargin languages.
I dream of entering the Russian professional stage and will do everything possible and impossible to achieve my goal.
Rinat Karimov.

Born in Grozny on October 6, 1984. Rinat was named after the famous goalkeeper Rinat Dasaev. My childhood was like that of all Soviet children - a nursery, a kindergarten, but I changed schools. there are more than classes at school.
Before the first military events in the Chechen Republic, he studied at the 28th, 5th and 34th schools in Grozny and at the 4th Argun school. During the first military events, he studied at the Izberbash school (Republic of Dagestan) and at the Arzgir secondary school (Stavropol Territory). In 1996, he returned to Grozny and went to the best city lyceum No. 1. In 1999, in connection with the second hostilities in the Chechen Republic, he was forced to move to Makhachkala, since his father was from Dagestan (Dargin, Chechen mother). I went to the first school, and graduated from the 11th grade at the Municipal Educational Institution Center of the city of Makhachkala in 2002. It should be noted that, despite the frequent change of schools and teaching staff, we managed to maintain a good level of knowledge and study well and excellently. In the summer of 2002, he entered the Faculty of Economics of DSU, graduating in 2007.
Born into a musical family, his father led an amateur pop group, and his mother was a soloist of this ensemble. From the age of 4–5 I had to attend rehearsals of this group. When the musicians were resting, my little brother and I would make such a noise... There were a lot of musical instruments at home, but I never had the urge to play them. Since childhood, I loved listening to good music, fortunately I had one of the best collections of gramophone records in the city, the best set of Russian chanson at that time and good equipment on which I could listen to it all. Still, he preferred rock.
The first time I sang to Yamaha was at one of the parties in January 2003. By March 8, he dedicated several children's songs from Soviet cartoons to his mother and recorded them himself on the computer. Mom really liked the songs. Until that time, I was very interested in the work of Timur Mutsuraev, I myself wanted to sing with a guitar. I started practicing guitar and singing for young people in the yard. Deep down I was glad that the guys liked the way I sang.
In the summer of 2003, a republican pop song competition was announced for youth, at which I went through all the stages with songs (Noskov’s “This is Great,” Zvezdinsky’s “Enchanted” and my favorite “Six-String Guitar”) and, feeling self-confident, I realized that I could sing well. The winners of the competition were supposed to form the Deneb group, and they even allocated a certificate for 10 thousand dollars for this group. For some unknown reason, the group was not assembled and each of the winners made their own way.
In 2004, songs in Russian were not yet in great demand in the republic, but the national stage was in full bloom. I decided to make a song in the Dargin language from my favorite “Six-String”. At the beginning of September, my first professional song “Come with me” was released with lyrics by Patimat Rasulova. Then we made the songs “Give me the night”, “For you Dargins” and “Understand my heart”. This is how I entered the professional stage.
I still really wanted to sing in Russian, so I decided to record “Six-String Guitar” with the wonderful composer and arranger Murad Magomedov. This song immediately became a hit. Participated in all youth competitions among students "Student Spring" and was constantly among the winners
In 2005, I met the wonderful Dargin poet and composer Abdullaev Magomed-Zapir. He wrote two songs for a duet with the young Dargin pop star Marina Mustafaeva: “The Birth of a Son” and “I Can’t Live Without You,” and wrote the lyrics to the song “To My Darginka.” In 2006, Magomed-Zapir wrote the super hit song “Beautiful”, as well as “Love will come” and “Comic”. We continue to cooperate with him successfully and have now recorded the song “Dream” and a duet with the queen of the Dargin stage – Patimat Kagirova “Wedding”. There are a number of interesting projects.
In 2005 – 2007 recorded a number of songs in Russian: “LA ILLAHA ILLALLAH” to the music of Khadis Sabiev and words by Abdulla Alishaev, “Don’t turn on the light” and “For your beauty” to the words and music of Khasan Musaev, “Bonfire”, “In the gold of your hair”, “Infection”, “About the Sultan” with music and lyrics by Abdulla Absamatov, “About Father” with music and lyrics by David Rostovsky, “The Only Name” and “This is Love” with lyrics by Svetlana Gasanova, “Heavenly Thunder” with music by Chechen composer Ali Dimaev and poems by Larisa Rubalskaya. He recorded two duets: with Christina (to the words of Christina) - “Sorry” and with Asya Tlekova - “I am alone and you are alone” to the music of Umar Vaisov and the words of Rina Turabova, dedicated the song to “Mom” to the words of Natalya Varfolomeeva, “My Love” to the music and lyrics by Andzor Khaupa, Duet with Marianna “Don’t forget... Remember me”, “Rain motif” to the music of Rustam Akhmedkhanov and lyrics by Magomed Omarov, “Don’t be jealous”, “My dream”, “Everything is wrong”, etc.
In 2006, he began making songs in the Chechen language, and has already recorded seven songs: “My Love” with music by Rani, “Melkhazni” with lyrics by Mussa Shamsadov, “Girl” with music by Khozha Yasaev, lyrics by Mussa Akhmadov, “Elsa” with music and lyrics by Magomed Bersanova, “Chechens” to the music of Imran Usmanov and lyrics by Khava Akhmadova (meeting her is another piece of luck in my life), Duet with Albina Salimgereeva “Captive of Love” to the music of Ramzan Daudov and lyrics by Khozhbaudi Borkhadzhiev, and “Life is Beautiful” to the music of Murad Magomedov. He began performing on the professional stage in the Chechen Republic. In April 2007, my first solo concert took place in Grozny. I take part in all concerts of the Dagestan and Chechen diasporas taking place in Moscow and St. Petersburg. There are many interesting projects in the Chechen Republic.
In August 2006, the first and in December the second solo concerts took place in Makhachkala. In November - December, two of my sold-out concerts took place in Nalchik, many thanks to the residents of Nalchik for the warm welcome. In 2007, he toured Dagestan twice with concerts, toured the Stavropol Territory and Kabardino-Balkaria. In the evenings I sang in restaurants and nightclubs, since 2007 I perform only at concerts and corporate events, because my repertoire allows (I currently have about fifty songs in my repertoire).
In February 2006, I took part in the casting of “People’s Artist”, unfortunately I didn’t make it, they offered me to work on my voice and there were no good recommendations. I will definitely take part in future castings. In April 2006, he took part in the "Open Doors Day" competition on radio "Chanson". The first round passed, but the concert did not make it to the gala. In the summer of 2007, I took part in the All-Russian competition "5 Stars", made it to the finals, but for some reason was not invited to Sochi. In January 2008 he must participate in the international competition "Helo Jurmala".
Two of my albums were released: the first “I had a dream” with songs in Russian and “Dream”, which included songs in the Chechen and Dargin languages.
I dream of entering the Russian professional stage and will do everything possible and impossible to achieve my goal.
Rinat Karimov.

Name: Rinat Karimov
Date of Birth: October 6, 1984
32 years
Place of Birth: Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia
Activity: pop singer, musician, composer, poet, actor
Family status: divorced

Rinat Karimov: biography

Rinat Karimov is a Russian pop singer, Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Dagestan.

Singer Rinat Karimov

The boy was born on October 6, 1984 in the capital of the Chechen Autonomous Okrug, the city of Grozny, into a family of musicians. Rinat's parents, Hasan and Khava, worked in an amateur national group as a leader and soloist. On his father’s side, Rinat’s nationality is Dargin, on his mother’s side he is Chechen. Since childhood, together with his younger brother Ruslan, Rinat spent a lot of time at rehearsals and performances of the ensemble.
The boy changed several schools, as the family often moved, which was associated with the outbreak of hostilities in Chechnya. Rinat managed to study in Chechnya, Dagestan and Stavropol. The young man completed his secondary education in Makhachkala, after which in 2002 he entered the Faculty of Economics of DSU.

Rinat Karimov at the beginning of his career

Since childhood, Karimov was fond of rock, the work of singer Timur Mutsuraev, and listened to Russian chanson. Rinat began studying music in 2003, performing several songs for a group of listeners to the accompaniment of a synthesizer. After which the young man recorded several songs, which were appreciated by his parents.


While studying at university, Rinat began learning to play the guitar and often performed for friends at parties. In 2005, Karimov met a teacher at the Academy. Gnessins by Vladimir Korobko, one of the mentors of the musical reality show “Star Factory”. Under the guidance of a teacher, in six months the young singer records the songs “Shoot”, “Dream”, “I Just Love You”, “Life is Beautiful”, “White in Black” and “Bouquet of Scarlet Roses”.

The debut turned out to be successful, and Rinat begins promoting in the North Caucasus. The young musician participates in competitions, concerts, and private events. Rinat Karimov makes useful contacts with show business figures in Dagestan and Chechnya.

In 2004, having met the Dargin performer Patimat Rasulova, he invited the singer to record a series of duets “Understand my heart”, “For you Dargins” and “Give me the night”.

Rinat Karimov - Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic

In 2006 and 2007, two solo discs by Rinat appeared: “Dream” in his native language and “I Had a Dream” for Russian-speaking listeners. In 2006, Rinat Karimov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic.

To expand the horizons of popularity and gain fans in Russia, Rinat Karimov participates in a number of musical television projects. The singer tries himself in the casting of the “People’s Artist” competition, gets into the final of the qualifying round of the “5 Stars” show. On radio “Chanson” he participates in the competition program “Open Doors Day”. Rinat Karimov appeared at the festivals “Slavic Bazaar”, “Eh, take a walk”, and at the solo concert of Vladimir Evzerov at the State Kremlin Palace.

On television with the participation of the Dagestan singer, episodes of the programs “Dinner Party”, “Comedy Club”, “Let’s Get Married”, “Hello, Jurmala”, “Field of Miracles” were released. Rinat Karimov’s musical compositions are broadcast on the radio stations “Chanson”, “Radio Dacha”, “Vostok FM”, “Police Wave”.

In the second half of the 2000s, Rinat Karimov released four solo discs one after another: Life is Beautiful, Bouquet of Scarlet Roses, White in Black, I Just Love You. The song “Pain” from the “Best Hits” collection entered the Chanson radio hit parade in 2011. In the same year, Rinat Karimov performed the track of the chanson legend Efrem Amiramov, “What poison did you give me to drink.”

In 2012, the musician released the album “Listopad”, the hits of which were the songs “Thank you, Mom”, “In the gold of your hair”, “My dear”. Karimov’s single “Six-String Guitar” appears, in the creation of which Murad Magomedov participated. The singer shoots videos for the songs “Don’t Run”, “You Dance”, “Lovely Green Eyes”, “Your Name”, “Pain”. The video is posted on the Internet on the You Tube channel, as well as on the singer’s personal accounts on social networks.

In 2013, collections of Dargin and Chechen songs appeared, which included the tracks “Life is Beautiful”, “Black-Eyed”, “Dream”, “At the Spring”. The year 2014 was marked in the creative biography of Rinat Karimov with the release of the album “Shoot at the Heart with Tenderness.”

Personal life

In 2009, reports appeared in the press about the wedding of two pop stars of the North Caucasus, Rinat Karimov and Patimat Kagirova. By that time, the performers had already collaborated for 5 years, successfully creating national hits. At the wedding of the Honored Artist of Chechnya and the People's Artist of Dagestan and Chechnya, more than 1000 guests gathered, among whom were relatives, friends and fans of the musicians. Soon the couple had a daughter, Riana.

Rinat Karimov with his wife

But in 2013, the couple filed for divorce, after which they remained on friendly terms. The singers continue to collaborate on stage. As part of the joint program of Karimov and Kagirova in 2014, the super hit “Be Happy” was performed in the Dargin language.

Rinat Karimov now

The next achievement of Rinat Karimov’s musical career was his awarding the title of Honored Artist of Dagestan in 2016. In the same year, videos for the hits “Black-Eyed,” Tell Me appeared.” In a duet with the famous Russian singer Sati Kazanova, a graduate of the Star Factory, Rinat performed the hit “Salam to all!”

Rinat Karimov and Sati Casanova

The song has already gained great popularity among Internet users. The YouTube channel has already recorded 86 thousand views of the track. The clip was included in the rotation of the music channel “The Ninth Wave”, and the performers were awarded at the V Anniversary Music Awards ceremony of the channel.

Rinat Karimov in 2017

Now the singer continues to perform with a new program “Black-Eyed” in the Caucasus republics and cities of Russia. On May 14, 2017, the singer’s solo concert took place in St. Petersburg, and on May 23, Rinat performed in Nalchik.


  • "I Had a Dream" - 2006
  • "Dream" - 2007
  • “Life is Beautiful” - 2008
  • “Bouquet of Scarlet Roses” - 2008
  • White on black" - 2009
  • “I Just Love You” - 2010
  • “Shoot the heart with tenderness” - 2014

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