Fire bull horoscope. Year of the rooster for the bull. Horoscope by zodiac sign for the Ox

2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, will be a kind of test of strength for the Ox. The owner of the year will try to eradicate his slowness and conservatism. Representatives of this sign will face many unforeseen situations and new life turns, when it will not be possible to leave everything “as before.”

It will be especially difficult in the first half of the year, when the Ox will have to get used to the accelerated pace of life. He will be able to cope with any difficulties with the help of perseverance and a positive attitude. This tactic will bear fruit in the second half of 2017 - the Ox will find himself in love, at work and in life.

Success will come to the Ox if he does not demand from those around him that everything goes according to a pre-prepared plan. He should learn to relax and allow life to flow in its own way. You need to enjoy every day, no matter what happens.

Love and relationships

The Ox, bound by marriage, will experience all the joys of family life. After all, the Rooster favors everything that concerns family and home. Quiet evenings with your loved one will give you peace after a hard day at work. If you want to diversify your leisure time, you can get the whole family out into nature, ride bicycles or go on a trip.

In spring, the likelihood of meeting new people increases. Therefore, a lonely Ox will have every chance of finding his soul mate. The only condition is not to get hung up on hopeless frivolous relationships, to protect your heart from unnecessary amorous experiences.

For those who decide to get married in 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will give happiness in marriage.

Career and finance

The hard work and determination of the Ox will please the owner of 2017. It is necessary to continue to work in the same spirit, and management will definitely appreciate such zeal. Projects that have been started will require minimal intervention and correction, so you can devote time to other work issues.

It is undesirable to participate in intra-office intrigues and bait colleagues. The owner of the year does not like injustice and meanness. Such behavior will bring failure in all areas of life.

2017 is the year of the Red Fire Rooster - a chance for the conservative Ox to change jobs. Moreover, a good option can be given to those around you if you tell them about such an intention. It is worth carefully studying all the proposed vacancies so as not to change your mind. If you have decided to open your own business, it is recommended that you do it alone or with a reliable partner. It is better not to bring relatives into the team.

The financial sector will please the Ox in 2017. Promotions and bonuses will significantly increase his usual income. It is worth thinking about financial investments in a profitable business. It is not recommended to invest in risky projects in the first half of the year. The second half of the year may bring you good luck in betting on sporting events or playing on the stock exchange. The main thing is not to get carried away and bet small amounts.


Due to changes in the usual way of life, 2017 will be stressful for the Ox. Therefore, he should take care of rest. Relaxing procedures after work - a cup of your favorite tea, a bath or a delicious dish will have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

Bulls with a sedentary lifestyle should buy a gym membership, a swimming pool, and start attending yoga or dance classes.

Year of the Monkey for the Ox (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

The bull is still a hard worker! The Ox is used to working hard and hard, which is greatly appreciated by the Rooster, the patron of 2017. That is why the owner of this year will help everyone born in the year of the Ox achieve success and implement their plans. During this period, all Bulls will experience incredible luck in business and luck. Just don’t rely on your luck and hope that you can relax and everything will resolve itself. Not at all! The Rooster will give the representatives of your zodiac sign numerous prospects and opportunities, so the Ox will have to work even harder than he has done so far. But the results will exceed all expectations! There is a possibility that the picky Ox will not have enough incentive to conquer new heights and achieve significant goals. He is always satisfied with everything anyway and, oddly enough, the Ox is ready to work for pennies, just so that he has enough to meet his natural needs. The Ox does not strive for luxury, but Fate will endow him with excellent abilities, open up new horizons for him, give him a chance to radically change his life, improve its quality and begin to enjoy every moment he lives. To do this, the Ox will need a person who will either constantly inspire him to take decisive action, or push him in some other way.

The Rooster will help representatives of the year of the Ox quickly get to the very top of the career ladder, regardless of what level they are at the moment. But many of them will not be prepared for sudden turns of events, so they may be slightly confused. However, the ability to bear full responsibility and the desire to meet the expectations placed on them will be stronger than the fear of the unknown. The bull will quickly get into the role and play it like a professional, experienced actor, without falsehood, beautifully, easily, enchantingly. The greatest achievements await representatives of your sign in professions such as medicine, engineering, architecture, and programming. For people of this sign of the Chinese horoscope, it is important to create something, to be the author of something new, and these are precisely those areas that do not limit the opportunity to reveal their creative potential and bring it to life.

The Ox is from birth endowed with such qualities as diligence, determination, pragmatism, assertiveness, hard work, confidence in one’s own abilities and strengths, which are important for achieving success in the professional field. The Ox never fusses, does not waste time in vain, he values ​​every minute, trying to spend it usefully and effectively. By the way, it is the visual result of work and effort that is an excellent motivator for the Ox, inspiring him to further actions, pushing him to take more decisive actions. In other words, for representatives of this profession, a good result is the engine of progress. But the Ox should be patient, because his goals are long-term, and, accordingly, the result cannot be instantaneous. Representatives of your Chinese sign will be able to collect the first fruits at the beginning of the second half of the year.

It is during this period that the financial situation will begin to rapidly improve, which will allow hardworking Oxen to go on vacation to a resort and take people dear to their hearts with them. Throughout the entire period, representatives of your eastern horoscope sign will be faced with various kinds of tasks and minor pressing problems that should not be put on the back burner, but rather solved as they arise. Firstly, prompt problem solving leads to expanded opportunities, and secondly, why complicate your life if you can quickly and efficiently deal with all the nuances without much effort?

In the year of the Rooster, the Ox will have the opportunity to realize its long-standing plans, plans, projects, ideas. To do this, you need to prepare well: analyze, calculate, take into account all the details, evaluate profitability and financial benefits. Only when everything is harmonious, like a perfect clockwork, will the implementation of your own projects begin to move forward at an incredible pace on its own, without much intervention from the author of the idea. Such luck can become the envy of ill-wishers. Therefore, representatives of your sign should be a little more careful with new partners, colleagues or potential investors. You shouldn’t reveal all your cards to them at once to avoid leaking important information.

The career will gradually begin to improve, the financial situation will noticeably improve, and the Ox will have a lot of free time for his family and personal life. The Rooster is a friendly and sociable animal, and it will impart the same qualities to those born in the year of the Ox. Bulls, in turn, will begin to actively use them, and very effectively and profitably. Family relationships will become even, smooth, warm and trusting. All conflicts and misunderstandings will be successfully resolved, and the spouses will only have to enjoy each other’s company. Those who were looking for a mate will not be deprived of attention from representatives of the opposite sex. The Rooster is preparing a lot of interesting acquaintances for them, one of which will become fateful.

Despite absolute harmony and tranquility in the family and relationships, the Ox will not want to sit at home. Every day he will be visited by brilliant ideas on how to spend his leisure time fun and usefully. The bull with his family or loved one will often appear in public places, attend cultural events, play sports, and initiate active recreation in a narrow circle of friends and relatives. Such a bright and eventful life will give you many wonderful emotions and impressions, and will have a positive impact on the way of thinking and worldview of representatives of your sign. Those Oxen who belong to the category of homebodies will not get bored either. Many will undertake a major overhaul of their family nest, while others will diligently look for new furniture for a new interior, regularly hosting their closest and dearest people, enjoying relaxed communication on various topics.

Along with the horoscope for the year of the Rooster 2017 for the Ox, the site provides information about the Chinese horoscope sign Ox with a detailed description and characteristics of this sign in Eastern astrology:

Also see horoscopes for 2018 compiled for the signs of the Zodiac (zodiac constellations), better known to us, the European school of astrology:

Arzu 2017-01-02 23:17:15

Cool, I really hope...

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2017 portends many good and interesting events for the representatives of the eastern calendar - the bulls, which is filled with both pleasant moments and difficult and unpleasant ones.

Ox Woman: Horoscope for 2017

These women are considered perhaps the best housewives due to their cleanliness and management. These qualities will fully manifest themselves in the new year. Perhaps the Taurus woman is overcome by an irresistible desire to make a radical rearrangement in the house. You shouldn't fight it - the result will be good.

But there is no need to assume that any person who is not able to put things in the same place every time or does not wipe their feet when entering a room is necessarily bad. In reality, these are small things, and Ox women better learn to recognize this. After all, many of them will find a family nest in the year of the Rooster, and their spouse should be accepted along with his shortcomings.

It would be advisable to think about buying a new iron and microwave - old electrical appliances can cause injury. They may still work, but safety is still more expensive.

Oxen women should not try to take upon themselves the solution to all the problems of those around them - they will not have enough strength. Although her capabilities are great, it is still better to use the help of loved ones.

Ox Man: Horoscope for 2017

It will be important for him to maintain consistency. All projects started in the year of the Rooster must be fully implemented - this will attract success in the future. Therefore, there is no need to make unrealistic plans - both your nerves will be upset and your fate will be spoiled.

The hard work, diligence and diligence of the Bulls will not go unnoticed - their superiors will appreciate them. The increase will occur in the middle of the year or in the second half.

You should give up your usual somewhat secluded lifestyle. Among your new acquaintances there will be people who will be very useful for career advancement or doing business. And single Oxen may meet their future spouse.

Ox: Love horoscope for 2017

Easy dating is contraindicated for Bulls - they are too serious for that. But the Year of the Rooster favors their personal happiness. Lonely Bulls will have the opportunity to meet a partner, and exactly the kind they need - reasonable, calm and hardworking. Most likely, a spring acquaintance will lead to a wedding. But it is better for him to avoid relationships that the Bull initially does not intend to formalize in the registry office. They will definitely bring with them a lot of trouble.

Family Oxen will enjoy calm happiness in the home circle. But to avoid addiction, you need to introduce some variety into your home life. Many options are suitable - to arrange repairs or go on a family trip.

Oxen can count on the understanding and support of their partners. They should share both problems and achievements with loved ones so as not to overload their nerves.

Ox: Finance and career horoscope for 2017

Bulls will have a fairly successful year, but only for those who fully rely on their own abilities, perseverance and hard work. They will experience career growth, successful business development and financial well-being.

But attempts to “hit the jackpot quickly” will end in failure. Even if the profit is received, it will be spent just as quickly, and to no avail.

You will need to brag less about your successes, as this will attract many envious people. their gossip and intrigue can ruin the whole thing.

It is also better not to create a business together with friends and relatives in the year of the Rooster or borrow money from them for such purposes. It is the family business that will not work for the Bulls in the new year (unlike any other), and financial losses can also lead to quarrels in the family. If you really need money to invest in a business, it is better to ask for a loan from a bank.

Ox: Health Horoscope for 2017

Bulls are completely indifferent to their health, and in the year of the Rooster this can come back to haunt them. Heart and digestive problems are most likely to occur. It is better to undergo a preventive examination in advance and take action than to later face the need to undergo a complex surgical operation. A healthy lifestyle, moderate physical activity and a balanced diet will help the cause.

Also, Oxen are often prone to overwork due to their desire to do absolutely everything on their own at once. It’s not good to do this, because you can be out of action for a long time. It is better to alternate work and rest wisely. Bulls must convince themselves that weekends and vacations are one of the most important components of the labor process.

Herbal soothing teas (chamomile, mint) will also help, as they will help you approach life a little easier.


Watch out for the horns! Such Aries are very dangerous and can be aggressive. It is better for them to take care of themselves and restrain impulses towards aggression.

Ox Taurus

And this is doubly Taurus - they are always calm, consistent and strong, which makes a strong impression on others. This will be the case in the Year of the Rooster.

Gemini Ox

It's better to give way to them. Such Bulls are very strong, and at the same time devoid of restrictions. In the new year it is better to beware of their pressure.


If any of the Bulls will become the boss in the year of the Rooster, it will be Cancer. People of this year and sign will be distinguished by outspoken careerism.


It's okay - there will be no horns or fangs. In the new year, Oxen-Leo will be calm and even affectionate.


Virgos are not in danger of a nervous breakdown or overwork. Unlike many other Oxen, Virgo will be able to take life relatively lightly thanks to a sense of humor.


But here it will be exactly the opposite. Libra will find problems where there are none and worry out of nowhere.

Scorpio Ox

You should ask them for protection, but under no circumstances should you be at enmity with them. These are real fighters - brave and ruthless.

Ox Sagittarius

It's quiet here. In the new year, Sagittarius-Oxen will be calm and balanced. Don't be afraid of surprises from them.

Ox Capricorn

In the new year, Oxen-Capricorns will more easily implement recommendations regarding increasing sociability than others. They will develop excellent communication skills.

Ox Aquarius

Aquarians will get their way. But it is better for those around you to be careful with them, since they will act aggressively and harshly.


It is worth taking an example from them - Pisces will behave as all Bulls should in the year of the Rooster. They will exist in harmony and life will thank them.

BULL/OX (1961.1973.1985.1997.2009)

Horoscope 2017 for the Ox

Despite the fact that the Rooster clearly sympathizes with the Bulls, these people manage to create problems for themselves. True, for the sake of fairness, we immediately note that the ability to cope with difficulties among representatives of this sign will be excellent. Moreover, in 2017 they will even be able to correct some of the mistakes made earlier. And therefore, from this period of time they can safely expect big events, bright emotions, and new impressions.


The Bulls will have only two health problems that require attention in 2017. The first is related to the nervous system, the second to diet. Bulls will start the year very well, and most of them will feel that their body’s resource is almost endless. As a result, by the middle of the year, many of them will face the problem of increased fatigue, insomnia and other “surprises” that arise in the body brought to stress. Therefore, it is advisable for Oxen today to begin to tune in to the need to distribute their time in such a way that there is an opportunity to take walks, go on vacation, and allow themselves relaxation procedures, etc. Those who decide that everything will “get better on its own” should take into account: they are little by little, but quite confidently, embarking on a slippery path that will eventually lead to heart disease.

As for the diet, we are talking about paying attention to its balance and usefulness. But with diets for weight loss in the year of the Rooster, it is advisable for the Bulls to be careful.


This side of life will give Oxen many more pleasant moments than negative ones. Many of them, in addition to the main source of income, will also have an additional one, so in the year of the Rooster the Bulls will probably have enough money for planned acquisitions, entertainment, and capital investments. Moreover, these people are advised not to save money “under the mattress”, but to invest it in business; undertakings that will be given the go-ahead in 2017 will most likely turn out to be promising and profitable.

Those who are planning to attend any courses, learn a new profession, improve their qualifications, and so on, can do this at any time, because investing money and efforts of this kind in the year of the Rooster will certainly bring dividends in the future. By the way, starting from the second half of summer, the Bulls can plan to purchase real estate.


The Bulls' career prospects are quite optimistic. They will be lucky, especially in those activities where organizational and oratorical talents are required from them.

However, this beautiful barrel of honey also has its own fly in the ointment. It lies in the fact that not all people will be ready to understand and accept the Bulls. Moreover, the lower the Ox’s status and the closer he has to contact with specific people (and not with the collective as a whole), the more painful various kinds of attempts to prick, annoy, and trick him can turn out to be. By the way, the most problematic period in this regard will be in the spring. Therefore, if the Ox is not one of the most important bosses at his job, then he should not forget about the importance of good communication connections.


The Bulls will have enough time for their personal life. True, some of them for some reason will decide that they should spend it on sorting out relationships, on searching for some incredible happiness, leaving their beloved ones without attention, and on other options for self-affirmation that no one needs. It would be better for the Bulls to leave it all. And just live, wisely diversifying your leisure time with loved ones.

Lonely Oxen will clearly not be deprived of the love of the opposite sex. Moreover, there is a possibility that in 2017 they will have that fateful meeting that brings together two true halves who are able to keep up with each other through life.

Bulls who are already married will be able to pay attention to family matters and solve everyday issues. And we must admit that they will enjoy it. Of course, their unions will not be idyllic (Oxen have too much temperament), but in general, their personal life in the Year of the Rooster can be described as fruitful, interesting and pleasant.

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For the Bulls, 2017 prepared a lot of all kinds of challenges. But do not be prematurely upset; these trials can bring both negative and positive aspects. The main thing is not to lose your head and have time to adapt to events.

Horoscope for 2017 Ox woman

Due to the whirlpool of events, women born in the year of the Ox should give up their inherent slowness for a while and learn to take risks. Then there is a chance to overcome the possible difficulties that the Fire Rooster has prepared for them. Your zeal and demonstrated enthusiasm will carry out all your plans:

  • By mid-spring, some bold idea will come to you. Perhaps it will be a desire to move to another city or even another country. Or maybe you will finally decide to enter into a legal marriage or tie the knot. In any case, do not hesitate, but boldly carry out your plans. It will not only be pleasant, but also useful for you.
  • Almost all ladies born under the sign of the Ox will be concerned about organizing their lives. Although everyone already speaks of them as excellent housewives, women will want to introduce some kind of innovation into their home. Most likely, this will be an expensive repair or even the purchase of a new home.
  • The implementation of your plan will allow you to be in a state of satisfaction, your life will sparkle with new facets.

  • Romantic relationships will be of a different nature. At the beginning of the year, new pleasant novels await you, and at the end of the year, even a marriage proposal is possible.
  • Women who have already established their personal lives and even managed to have offspring should give more attention to their children. Please them more often, and they will please you with their love and success in return.

Horoscope for 2017 Ox man

The Fire Rooster always treats hardworking signs favorably. Therefore, this year will not bring any particular difficulties or shocks to the Bulls. If you show efficiency, then in the new year a lot of new impressions and acquaintances await you. They will help you achieve financial stability. Career and family relationships will also not be left out. But to do this, it will be necessary to pacify the excessive aggression to which Oxen men are prone.

In the new year, men born under the auspices of the Ox will be full of new plans and achievements, which they will decisively begin to implement. You should rely on your inner voice to achieve your goals. He will tell you the right decision. If you feel like now is the time to go ahead, then do so. Moreover, determination and stubbornness are in the blood of Oxen men.

Spring will be a favorable period for you in implementing risky plans. Get out to social events more often. Parties and exhibitions can bring you many useful contacts. Try to distance yourself from solving only work issues. After all, the world around us is very diverse and multifaceted. The coming year is a very good time to gain new knowledge in a variety of areas. This way you can find your balance, understand your loved ones better and win people over.

Horoscope for 2017: video

Astrologers have prepared a detailed prediction for the Bulls. You can get acquainted with it by watching a short video.