Draw a hare under a bush. Works for inspiration. Adding shape and basic detailing

Drawing cute animals is very captivating for children. After all, all children love animals, be it a puppy or a kitten. They are so cute and funny. The drawn animals look very beautiful and interesting, they are a bit cartoonish. Often they are dressed in pants and shirts, like people. That's why they seem cuter and funnier to us.

There are already lessons on our website step by step drawing various animals. And here we bring to your attention a lesson on how to depict a bunny catching a heart with its paw. He looks very cute. If you want, you can draw an Easter egg instead of a heart and write “Happy Easter!” Then you will have a good Easter card, you can give it to someone for the holiday. In general, on Easter cards very often they draw bunnies, kittens, chickens and other cute animals.

Stage 1. Draw the bunny's head. We make a figure that resembles a circle. But a little uneven. In it we begin to depict the contours of the muzzle: the forehead, the protruding nose and the lower part under the mouth.

Stage 2. On the muzzle, draw a line along the cheek and at the top of it an eye with an eyebrow. Add the lines of the torso and legs. Then, below the head, we show the paw extended upward.

Stage 3. On the other side, we’ll draw another leg, lowered down and resting on lower limb. Draw a line for the back. Then we show the bunny's feet with soles.

Stage 4. At the back of the head we draw two elongated ears. They are directed backwards and downwards. In the ears we add more internal lines. Draw a small funny tail to the bottom of the body. The result is a black and white bunny.

Stage 5. Add a heart to the drawing. And a flower on the bunny's face. Let's make a few strokes on the bunny's body to show that it is covered with fur. Now all that remains is to make the picture color.

Stage 6. Color the animal. Our bunny is gray and white with pink details: ears, soles of his paws. A flower with a yellow center and pink petals. Easter eggs can be painted with all the colors of the rainbow and applied to them beautiful patterns. Don't forget to write a caption if you are drawing an Easter theme: "Happy Easter!" or “Congratulations on the bright resurrection of Christ!”

And again, let's draw an animal, I'll tell you how to draw a hare step by step with a pencil and for a beginner it will be a simple drawing, since the master class is very simple. If you learned to draw, or, then you will get the hare the first time. The most important thing is to do it right general shape animal, and also draw the ears at the right angle.

As we learn, I increasingly offer you animals, because this is the basis, you train to correctly draw lines at a certain angle, train to think intelligently and logically make the necessary strokes. There are many methods for drawing a hare step by step, but I chose the simplest way, side view, the eye is not too difficult, the tail is very ordinary and there are only two legs, front and back. It is planned that the other two legs are hidden behind these ones. The bunny will be sitting and looking straight. Let's draw an eye and a nose, the mouth will not be done.

From the very beginning, we need to correctly depict ovals and circles, or rather compare them with each other. We draw a large oval and lie horizontally, but so that its left edge is slightly raised. Then in this large oval on the right we draw a circle, it is needed for the hind leg in the future. And on the left we make a head, an oval in a vertical position and one side intersects with the main large oval.

Make two ears on the head, they are also almost like ovals, but the lower part is not completed. After this, on the right, from the very edge, you need to make a tail, it’s just a small circle. And hind leg, an oval that intersects the main oval and the back circle, and the front leg, these are two small circles intersecting each other, one in a vertical position, the other in a horizontal position. Also make an arch on the back; in the final version, the hare’s back should be slightly arched.

We make one arc on the ears. We erase the unnecessary line on the back so that it is bent. We also erase unnecessary and, accordingly, auxiliary lines on the paws and tail.

And on last stage just draw the eye and nose. The eye is the most common, a bit like a . And the nose is at the leftmost point on the oval of the head. Be sure to look at the overall size of the hare and what kind of eye and nose to draw, so that it is not too big and not too small.

That's all, the bunny drawn in pencil is ready step by step, now you know how to draw it.

Drawing. Hare in the grass with gouache step by step for children from 5 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class on painting with gouache from 5 years old "Hare in the grass"

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov", the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, and additional education teachers.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, drawing for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: drawing a hare in the grass using gouache technique.
-teach children to draw a hare hiding in the grass;
-practice in working with gouache, working with a brush with all the bristles and its tip;
-develop an eye, attentiveness, and interest in working with color;
- to cultivate interest in the traditions and customs of their native land.

Hello, dear friends and guests! Today main character our work is a hare! In the old days they believed that almost every animal was associated with various gods and was a conductor of his will. The Slavs believed that every god could turn into an animal. It depends on the traits of the animal itself. Animals have their own character and are the patrons of humans. Each person is endowed with the traits of different animals. We can trace the traits of animals in the folklore of the Slavs. The Slavs created a huge number of fairy tales and epics, where the heroes, along with humans, are various animals. They help a person, but they can harm him. Animals live according to their own laws. These laws are sometimes cruel, but always fair. IN Slavic mythology There are legends about people who turn into various animals: into a wolf, into a lynx and others.
Slavic spinning wheels and towels were decorated with ornaments in which one can easily trace the image of a particular animal. In more late period Images also appeared on the shutters of houses and platbands.

People call the hare differently: vytoropen, kriven, lop-eared, hare, skoromcha, uskan, oblique, billey, zets. Moreover, the hare has its own name for different times of the year: in the spring it is a wildflower, in the summer it is a summer grasshopper or herbalist, in the fall it is a deciduous planter, and with the arrival of winter it is a grasshopper. Both the brown hare and the white hare, a steppe and forest animal, respectively, were held in high esteem by the Slavs on the same level - it symbolized youthful strength, the power of nascent life, fertility and procreation.

The hare, like the wood grouse, was dedicated to Yarila, the spring god of the sun and procreation. The hare is cunning and thereby saves its life, resisting the formidable, but not very intelligent force of other animals. It was often associated with the spring madness that begins in March. Despite its cowardice, the hare always fights to the end, fighting off the enemy with its powerful hind legs.

For its speed and lightness, the hare is compared either to a ray of light running through water, or to blue sparks on the coals of a fire. The Indians considered the hare (saya) to be a lunar animal, because of its white coat, comparing it with the reflections of the moon on the surface of the water. With the advent of Christianity, the image of the hare, as an ancient totemic animal, was declared unclean. Hence the sign - a hare crossed the road, there will be trouble. “A stump and a block for you, a path and a road for us,” they say after a running hare in order to ward off trouble.

Fast hares were often compared to lightning, the faithful companions of the thunder god Perun. Lightning was also called sea bunnies, which bathe in the sea of ​​rain, quickly cutting through the water jets. Hares, like other rodents, squirrels and chipmunks, have strong teeth that chew through the strongest wood like lightning. Hares and squirrels carried with them storms and bad weather that were destructive to people. The man sailing in the storm never mentioned the hare's name, fearing the wrath of the waterman. The first spring hare hunt was dedicated to the supreme thunder god and symbolized the arrival of the new season. Just as Perun pursued cowardly lightning bolts, which hurried to hide from his wrath in dark clouds, so hunters drove hares and squirrels to the glory of the thunderer. The time of the hare is the beginning of spring.

Materials and tools:
-sheet of A3 paper
-simple pencil, eraser
-water jar
-cloth for arms and hands

Progress of the master class:

We begin work with a preliminary sketch of the silhouette of a hare. By using auxiliary lines construction we find the middle of the sheet. At the bottom of the picture, under the horizontal auxiliary line, draw a line for the chest and back of the bunny.

Next, we continue the back line upward to depict the hare’s ears, and above the chest line we draw an oval-shaped line for the hare’s head.

We finalize the ears, draw an eye and a nose.

The preliminary drawing is completed, erase the auxiliary lines and start working with gouache.

We start with yellow gouache and apply the color at the very top of the work using horizontal strokes. The next color is green, we smoothly connect these two colors with each other.

After green, we work with white, and again create smooth transitions, carefully mixing the colors with each other (apply strokes in a horizontal direction).

We finish the work on the background with blue, and at the very beginning we combine it with white - getting blue.

Let's add a little to blue Green colour.

Now using vertical strokes we draw the grass-ant. We draw from top to bottom, starting from the tip of the brush and ending with the entire pile. When drawing grass you need to remember that it is not "persistent" tin soldiers", the grass is alive - it sways, reaches for the sun, twists under the breeze, as if each blade of grass is whispering to each other.

The grass is obtained in different tones due to the wet background and mixing the green color with the previously applied colors.

We paint the bunny with ocher using the “dipping” technique (you can make the ocher color yourself: yellow + brown).

Next, the eye and nose are gray (white + black), and the ear is pink (white + red).

Now we need Brown color, if necessary, it can also be created on the palette: green + red. We work with a semi-dry brush (the “dipping” technique), first the muzzle and ears.

Then the torso (here we teach children to be attentive; we suggest repeating the color spots as accurately as possible).

After brown we put it to work White color, shade the ears and muzzle, the body and draw antennae with eyelashes (semi-dry brush).

Add a little more black color to the ears (with a semi-dry brush).

Draw the antennae in black, highlight the nose and eye.

Add a white highlight to the eye. All we have to do is hide the bunny in the grass - draw vertical strokes of green and yellow.

This cute furry animal is often found in children's fairy tales and folklore and is distinguished by its dexterity, intelligence and resourcefulness. In nature, these animals are nocturnal and have plenty of enemies. You have to flee or hide, cleverly confusing your tracks. According to one funny legend, God was so carried away creating beautiful long ears for a hare that there was not enough material for the heart, and it turned out to be tiny and therefore cowardly. But this does not stop hares from being favorite characters and heroes of popular cartoons. Let's try to draw a hare with a pencil step by step.

  1. To draw a hare with a pencil, first we “build” it from the simplest geometric shapes. Let's draw the body with a large horizontal oval, and draw the head, powerful hind legs and long ears with the same oval. Usually the hare is depicted sitting and as if alert, ready to jump at any moment.

  2. Now let's try to give these ovals the shape of an animal. The muzzle will be slightly pointed at the bottom, and the body will be slightly arched in the neck area. Hares big eyes, framed in light short wool, movable spout, short tail, similar to a drop. Draw the strong hind legs and see how they differ from the front ones. The animal pushes off with its hind legs when running or jumping, so they are very developed and much larger and longer in size than the front ones. The animal’s ears also look like elongated drops; they taper at the base.

  3. Let us indicate the direction of the fur with short strokes. This must be done so that the drawing does not turn out flat. On the chest and belly, the fur is softer and directed downward; on the head and the rest of the body, it seems to “fit” the animal’s body, the strokes go along the back to the tail, gradually and smoothly descending to the bottom at different angles. We shade the darkest areas of the drawing - the right ear and the right front paw.

  4. Now, using those preliminary guiding strokes, we draw the hare’s fur with a soft pencil. We leave the lightest areas - inside the left ear, near the nose and around the eye. We also carefully shade the eye, leaving small circles inside - these will be highlights. Try to show in the drawing the shadows inside the hare's ear. At the base they will be the darkest and gradually towards the top the lines become lighter and thinner.

  5. The first four stages were essentially a preliminary sketch. Only now does the drawing begin. Using the softest pencil (softness 6-9B), we begin to tint the entire drawing. Try to remember all the time where the light and shadow are in order to understand which areas need to be drawn more densely and which ones can be left alone. Leave the outer part of the hare's left ear, the area near the nose, approximately the middle of the body and top part hind leg hips. Make the right front leg, hind leg, eye and base of the right ear dark. You need to make the back part of the back above the tail and on the neck a little darker.

  6. If everything worked out with the tonality and the drawing does not seem flat, then we make all these areas even more contrasting. For the final drawing, take a sharpened soft pencil and carefully go over the entire image. Draw a dark nose (on a hare it is rough and wet, which means some tiny areas will be illuminated, so don’t shade the nose too heavily). Make thin hairs inside the left ear, draw the outline of the ears darker. The fur on the belly is very soft and fluffy, show this with rare strokes at different angles, but don’t get carried away, it should remain quite light. The fur will be the coarsest and shortest on the back, especially where it meets the tail. Squint and evaluate the entire drawing. The main emphasis should be on the hare's head, its expressive and sparkling eyes. Place small dots around the nose on a white area and draw a mustache.

Drawing a hare with a pencil is quite simple; drawing its fur can be difficult. But if you practice a little, you will get better and better every time. This skill will definitely come in handy for drawings of different animals, so it’s worth learning how to draw fur correctly.

Among the most common wild animals, of course, the hare stands out. Every child knows about the existence of this forest inhabitant not only from stories and poems, but also from cartoons.

This interesting animal is of great interest to children, because appearance The hare is very similar to the rabbit, the differences between them are not significant. The hare has more developed limbs, since constant motor activity has allowed the paw muscles to be well developed, unlike ordinary rabbits.

Drawing a hare is not so difficult, but there are still some peculiarities in creating a sketch of this animal. It is best to start drawing with your children with light sketches, which will be represented by simple geometric shapes.

It is not necessary to draw lines too precisely and evenly, because they will only serve as a guide and will help determine the proportions of the hare and its location on a sheet of paper. It will be much easier for children to create a sketch step by step if the first stages of drawing take place under the supervision of an adult.

If you look at the drawing of a bunny, you can roughly divide its body into three parts: the head, the front and the back. Thanks to marking a sheet of paper and three circles of different sizes, you will be able to sketch out the initial contours of a wild animal.

It is also necessary to decide at what time we will draw the hare, because in spring and summer its coat color is gray, and in winter it is white. Everyone knows that the process of changing fur is a vital necessity for a bunny, in this way it camouflages itself from predators in the environment.

Taking into account this feature, you don’t have to paint over the finished sketch of the animal, thanks to this you will be able to draw a hare in winter time– white. Although it will be possible to clarify with children exactly what color of the animal they want to see in their own drawing.

Having figured out the details of the future sketch of the hare, you can start drawing it step by step. By strictly following the following recommendations, you will be able to reproduce a realistic image of a bunny. Of course, this task will be quite difficult for children; parental assistance at every stage of drawing is required.

The process of creating an image of a wild animal

  • To draw a bunny, you need to divide a sheet of paper into 9 equal-sized squares. The marking lines should be drawn carefully and thinly, so that later they can be easily removed with an eraser.

Now it won’t be difficult to draw 3 circles step by step, so we sketch the image of a sitting bunny.

  • Once the initial contours have been drawn, the marking lines can be deleted. Now you can draw an animal without auxiliary lines. We draw with a pencil several circles, from which the limbs will later be depicted.

  • We continue to draw the paws; this task will be quite difficult for children, so this stage is best done by adults. It is worth considering that the hare's hind legs are long; in the sketch they will almost touch the front ones.

We draw the contours, do not put excessive pressure on the sheet of paper with a pencil, since then you will have to erase some of them. In the upper circle you need to draw the area where the muzzle will be placed. Don't forget to draw two circles to represent the ears.

  • If you managed to accurately depict all the contours as in the figure, then most of the work has already been done. First, we begin to draw the contours of the animal’s ears, draw the eyes, and after that we outline the created image. This kind of work will be very interesting for children.

You should start drawing a contour line from the head to the side towards the hind legs. We draw the obligatory element of the sketch - the tail, detail the body, and draw a line in front. Now you can start removing lines that are outside the boundaries of the contours.

  • We draw the details of the face, and then we begin to draw the animal’s “fur coat” with a pencil. Now the hare's face is almost ready, this is how it should look at the penultimate stage.

  • We give the image a realistic look, depicting the details of the face. We draw the pupil, detail the ears along with the nose and mouth, and don’t forget to draw a mustache.

  • Now the drawing of the hare, created in stages, is ready; if desired, you can paint it using colored pencils. Landscape on background, green grass and blue sky will help “revive” the created image.