Where did the presenter of the Sunday time program go? Irada Zeynalova's son said he was thinking about his mother's wedding - photo. Instead of the charismatic journalist, the general director of Expert, Valery Fadeev, was appointed to host the program.

Irada Avtandilovna Zeynalova(born February 20, 1972, Moscow) - Russian journalist, correspondent, TV presenter. Previously, she hosted the Sunday edition of the Vremya program on Channel One (2012-2016), and was also the head of the correspondent bureaus of Channel One in the UK (London) and Israel (Tel Aviv). Academy Member Russian television, the older sister of journalist Svetlana Zeynalova.


Irada Zeynalova was born on February 20, 1972 in Moscow into a mixed Zeynalov family: father Avtandil Isabalievich is Azerbaijani, mother Galina Alekseevna is Russian. She is the older sister of Svetlana Zeynalova. It is noted that in terms of perception and upbringing, Irada is more Azerbaijani, Svetlana is Russian.

She studied at Moscow school No. 61.

In 1995 she graduated from MATI named after. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Specialty: engineer-technologist of powder materials and protective coatings, obtained by high-speed solidification of melts. After graduating from university, she completed an internship in America.

On television since 1997. Initially she worked as an editor in the Vesti program (RTR), as well as a translator with English language, periodically appeared on the screen herself. So, while still a little-known television journalist, on November 20, 1998, on the night air of Vesti, it was Irada Zeynalova who was the first to inform the country about the murder of G.V. Starovoitova.

She took part in the construction of the newsroom for Vesti as a translator for the Dutch team.

From 2000 to 2003 - correspondent for the Vesti and Vesti Nedeli programs. She worked during the terrorist attack on Dubrovka in October 2002.

From 2003 to 2016 - on Channel One. Initially, from 2003 to 2007 - correspondent in information programs“News”, “Time” and “Other news”. She reported on the day of the explosions in the Moscow metro in February 2004 and March 2010, on the days of the terrorist attack in Beslan in September 2004, on the days of the accident in Moscow power grids on May 25, 2005, as well as from the final match of the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany.

She worked at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, the 2012 Summer Olympics in London and the 2014 Sochi Games as part of Channel One crews.

Laureate of the TEFI-2006 television award in the category “Faces” in the nomination “Best Reporter” (for the series of programs “Golden Moments of the Olympics”); awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2006).

From 2007 to 2010 - head of the bureau of Channel One OJSC in the UK, London. In 2010-2011 she again worked in Moscow.

Since December 7, 2012, he has taken part in the annual “Conversations with Dmitry Medvedev” (in 2012-2015 - as a journalist for Channel One, since 2016 - as an employee of NTV).

In August 2014, Ukraine included it in the sanctions list for its position on the war in eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

In November 2016, it became known that the TV presenter was moving from Channel One to the NTV channel. On December 4, 2016, she began hosting the Sunday information and analytical program “Results of the Week with Irada Zeynalova” on this channel. In addition to hosting the program in the studio, Irada Zeynalova also prepares reports for this program and interviews people related to the main events of the week.

Personal life

The first husband is journalist Alexey Samoletov, son Timur. The couple divorced in October 2015, their marriage lasted 20 years. The second husband is the military correspondent of Channel One Alexander Evstigneev, the wedding took place on December 16, 2016.


  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree (April 22, 2014) - “for objectivity in covering events in Crimea” (the award decree was not made publicly available).
  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2006)

“A girl, having taken off her bulletproof vest, must put on makeup on her eyelashes and change her shoes,” friends teach Irada Zeynalova, who became the presenter a year ago. For a reporter who has worked for ten years in hot spots and natural disaster zones, it is difficult to retrain, it is difficult to sit with a straight back, it is unusual to walk in heels and tight skirts, and it is a pity to waste precious time on such nonsense as a manicure. But when Irada is given a task, she must cope with it - without discussing it.

“I felt my teeth with my tongue: everything seemed to be in place - this is the most important thing, and I said: “Let’s run further!” The operator yells: “Where are you running? You don’t see anything!” - “Nothing, I’ll get there by touch.” It was in Beslan, when terrorists seized the school. We worked for several days, we were incredibly tired because we had not slept at all, and our peripheral vision had already turned off. We were standing on the side of the road, I had just come off the air, I had to immediately rush on, I rushed across the road - and did not see that a gazelle was driving from the side. From the impact I flew out of my shoes, and everyone thought the worst, because folk sign: the slippers came off - that means that’s it. To my surprise, I jumped to my feet. But the guys said: “No, you are going to the hospital.”

- “Are you coming”?

“This happened immediately after the school was liberated, on the same day. The city is blocked off, there is shooting all around, there is no way to get to the hospital. We trudged there, the nurse said: “We have nothing, we have blackcurrant jam and a plaster.” They gave me tea and jam, and covered my back with a plaster - I scraped it on the asphalt. I rested for the evening, and the next morning I was sent to Moscow. My friend Olya Kokorekina came to pick me up at the airport because Lesha (Irada’s husband is journalist Alexey Samoletov - TN note) had a terrible problem at work. His rush lasted more than one day, so my friends looked after me. Masha Butyrskaya brought mashed potatoes and fed me with a spoon, and I moved around the apartment on all fours. After a couple of weeks, my vision was restored, but the fear lived on for a long time. I couldn’t cross Akademika Korolev Street alone to go have lunch. All the time it seemed that this was the blow.

— Nine years earlier than the terrorist attack in Beslan, in 1995, there was a terrorist attack in Budennovsk, and Samoletov was among the journalists who swapped places with the hostages. Were you married then?

- Not yet. Samoletov got off the plane, I picked him up at the airport, and then we walked with him. And he has monstrous stress: at that time no one was psychologically prepared for war, but now everyone has already fought. He looks around with a scorched gaze and repeats: “My God, life goes on.” They really accomplished a feat then - Lesha was awarded an order and a medal for him, they gave him an apartment, but all that happened later... And then I walked with him, trying to get my loved one out of that terrible state, and I myself thought all sorts of things: what a hero he is, and how courageous and wonderful man, and what do we do with it courageous man We’ve been dating for almost a year, and he hasn’t proposed to me yet... I ask: “Lesh, why aren’t you asking me to get married?” He replies: “Okay, marry me.” - “I won’t marry you.” - “Let's go to the registry office.” - “We won’t go! You called me wrong." And to myself: oh, now he’ll change his mind.

— Irada, how did you cope these days? Did Alexey manage to call from Budennovsk at least once?

Irada: What kind of connection are you talking about? There was even only one TV camera working - on Channel One and on the Russia channel! AND mobile phones in 1995 there was no smell yet.

Alexey: But one day, when we had not yet reached Khasavyurt, I dropped into the first house I came across and demanded a phone - for any money!!! The owners, seeing my face, said: “Call wherever you want and as much as you want. You don’t need any money.” And I immediately went on Euronews and live on the radio!

Irada: Lesh, they asked you if you called me.

Alexey: Oh, no, I didn’t call.

- It is believed that oriental women intuition is especially well developed. Did you have a premonition that it would be better for Alexey not to go on this business trip?

Irada: I beg you, what intuition! And besides, apparently we both have some kind of wrong chip, because the thought “there’s no need to go to dangerous place" never comes to mind.

Alexey: You have to travel, but in such a way as to return.

Irada: I met Alexey very young - as it seems to me now, at twenty-one, and in many ways he raised me. And his way of living is completely different from most people. Therefore, as soon as I, as a correspondent, found out that something was happening somewhere, I ran to the studio with a suitcase in my teeth, shouting: “I-I-I, please! I need to go there urgently, I beg you.” In addition, from childhood to this day, I have had a strange attitude: I always have to justify someone’s trust. So even when I was incredibly scared, I told myself that my husband was a hero and I had to live up to him.

- Why were you so afraid?

Irada: Water. I have a phobia - I'm afraid to put my head in the water. After the wedding, we went on a trip to Australia. In 1995 it was something incredible - like flying to Mars now. We flew to Sydney, from there we went to see friends in Canberra, and from Canberra to Port Douglas. And we went on a boat to the Great Barrier Reef to snorkel. I was hoping to swim and sunbathe on the deck, but Lesha began to persuade me: “Put on a mask and swim to look at the fish! This is great! And I sat, cried into my mask and persuaded myself to put my face in the water and breathe: “Lord, why can’t I tell my husband that I’m afraid?!”

Alexey: It was funnier when we saw red and gray kangaroos in real life for the first time. The gray ones eat bread from their hands, and the red ones fight. There was such puppyish, childish delight!

Irada: We have different memories, mind you... And in Port Douglas there were huge notices everywhere: “Mating season of saltwater crocodiles. Don’t go into the water!” And here we are driving along the famous 40-mile long beach, and Samoletov says: “Let’s stop, you’ll take a swim.”

There are huge banners all around warning about crocodiles, but I understand that I cannot say: “I won’t go into the water, I’m scared, crocodiles are wildly aggressive comrades.” I go into the ocean, and, as luck would have it, it’s shallow. I wander up to my knees and think that my husband is a hero, but I’m afraid to swim. I walked and cried out of fear, and in each wave I imagined either blood or someone’s leg. When the water reached mid-thigh, I dived and ran back. And Lesha asks: “Why did you swim so quickly?” Although if I had confessed to Lesha, he would have considered it a stupid woman’s whim... Now that I have already broken this “I can’t” inside me, I don’t understand when men start whining: “I can’t, I’m afraid of it, but how will it be... »

- Why didn’t you bathe yourself, Alexey?

- Why, I was swimming. I just didn't always want to.

— During your first years on television, you were a cultural correspondent. Why did you decide to retrain?

Irada: I remember sitting there, all cultured, and writing about something infinitely beautiful. And suddenly the coordinator comes in and throws into the air: “Who wants to go to Sochi?” It's August. I answer: “I.” - “Run quickly to management.” I'm running. In the corridor, a colleague asks: “Where are you running?” - “To the management, I want to go to Sochi.” And I was such a cultural and pre-cultural correspondent that I knew nothing at all about another life and considered the opening of a film festival to be the coolest event. A colleague chuckled and advised: “If you really want to go to Sochi, come with the words: “I position myself as a universal correspondent.” Without thinking about the meaning of the phrase, I cheerfully rattled it off from the management. Having learned that I wanted to go to Sochi, the boss also chuckled for some reason and said: “Well, it’s your choice...” I think: why does everyone react like that? I come to the coordinator, she reports: “In half an hour there will be a flight from Ramenskoye.” Being Samoletov’s wife, I knew these terms: “board from Ramenskoye” - this means the Ministry of Emergency Situations. I say: “Wait a second. What are we doing in Sochi?” She replies: “There was a tornado there, many died. The plane takes off in half an hour, so it’s faster.” I managed to call Margarita Simonyan, who was already there and with whom we were only casually acquainted at that time. I ask: “Margot, what should I bring you from Moscow?” - “Please, a couple of underwear and toothbrush" I bought two toothbrushes and two pairs of underwear and flew for the first time in my life on board the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

We landed in Sochi, I heard the phrase: “If the Raevskoye reservoir stands now, we’ll go further to Novorossiysk. If not, we pick up the 200 load here.” I think: what interesting people, they don’t know where they are going. Raevskoe, thank God, survived, we come to Novorossiysk, comrades from the Ministry of Emergency Situations are interested: “Are you with us in

Are you spending the night at school? - "In what sense?" - “There is a destroyed school building, it’s probably dry there, you can hide there.” I say: “Guys, thanks, of course, but we’d probably better go to a hotel.” I still didn’t understand anything, and the group remained silent. I asked people where the hotel was, and they led us to a dark building. The door is closed, I’m knocking, the girl answers. Well, I understand that they don’t have enough rooms, so I have with me a huge pot of money for the whole film crew. I think we'll rent one luxury room for everyone. I ask: “Do you have a suite?” - "No". - “One double room?” - "No". - “Single?” - "No". “What do you have?” - I am interested in the terribly secular tone of the cultural correspondent. The girl who talks to me through the crack opens the door, and I see people lying in stacks on the floor because their homes were destroyed.

We slept in an embrace with Margot Simonyan on mattresses in a dilapidated school building. We filled the water pump to wash our hair: on air you must have clean hair, no matter how hard and terrible it may be for you. The water was mixed with cement, since the cement plant there had also been smashed, so my hair stood up like a spike and so did all my clothes. It was necessary to go on air every three hours and look decent while doing it. I wore the only shirt I arrived in only on air, and the rest of the time I wore a T-shirt. So the wave of the Novorossiysk flood carried me away from cultural correspondents into a completely different kind of journalism.

— Alexey, how did you react to this?

— He asked, why bother repeating the mistakes that I have already made. On the other hand, Irada and I had already come to the conclusion that there is nothing cooler than reporting work. And you must turn on in a peak situation so that the people who are looking at you become accomplices of the event. She knows how to do it.

— Mom has business trips to disaster zones, dad goes to hot spots. How did Timur grow up?

— I started going on constant business trips when Timur was six. Alyosha went to Afghanistan for a long time because there was an American invasion there, and Timur lived with my mom and dad for three years. And then I was sent as a special correspondent to England, and he and I went to London.

— Were you very worried?

“Fortunately, our grandmother is cheerful and kind, so he didn’t ask from her.” Now Timur is 17 years old, and he still tells me: “I’ll probably go to my grandmother.” - "For what?" - “Because she will make me cheesecakes, cook compotes and skid around me.” Although, honestly, I also fry cheesecakes and cook compotes. Only the skid he remembers from childhood is missing. This year, for the first time, I was not sent on a business trip for my son’s birthday, because there are practically no business trips. And before - as luck would have it! Timur understands that this is a necessity, he knows the word “necessary”. If mom needs to go away, there is dad who will always bake a cake, squeeze whipped cream from a can onto it and put strawberries on it. If dad leaves too, there will be grandparents. They are not disappearing anywhere, thank God.

When the child turned five, I was urgently sent to Tunisia - this was my first trip to Africa. Moreover, the business trip was also on the occasion of the birthday: 95 years of Anastasia Shirinskaya-Manstein, the last representative of the White Guard families who survived in Bizerte. And Bizerte is the port where Wrangel’s ships came and remained there after civil war. Having learned about the business trip, I rushed to the management: “Listen, it’s my son’s birthday, I can’t go.” - “Then you will really let us down.” And I flew. There was absolutely nothing to bring as a gift to the child, so I carried a huge clay drum covered with buffalo skin. It’s clear that the gift is stupid, but I couldn’t, having missed my birthday, come empty-handed.

You know, when parents are constantly busy at work, they pay off.

Did you miss any important points in a child’s life, you pay off with toys. I have a million of these missed moments. This made me feel like an evil mother and therefore in London I bought all the games and gadgets I could get my hands on. We took 70 kg of Legos from England. If you now climb into the attic at your dacha and sell all the Lego that is there, you can buy a new dacha. I didn’t want to drag all this wealth to Moscow - Tim is already big, why does he need it? But the greedy child packed everything into boxes and said that it would be useful to his children.

- How practical!

— Because I worked since childhood. From the age of three he starred in Leshin documentaries— sometimes a boy on duty is needed on the site. Since Tim has good English, he translated street conversations for another film. In England, he personally worked for me: every morning before school he went to a nearby shop, bought me newspapers and received a pound for it. He was probably the most expensive newspaper courier in London, but he had motivation. He saved these pounds for something and could feed the young lady ice cream with his own money and buy some kind of game. That is, he mastered budget planning since childhood. He stated that he would never smoke. Do you know why? Not only because it is harmful, but also because it is expensive.

- And your mother? Was she worried that you were always away from home? Whatever the business trip, it’s a terrorist attack, revolution or natural disaster.

“Mom looks at work completely differently. Seeing another reporter in the thick of things, she always asked: “Why weren’t you sent?”

-...on this interesting foreign business trip.

- Yes! I say: “You’re my mother, why do you always want me to be knee-deep in some kind of horror, so that I always work harder than anyone else?” - “No, what are you talking about, I just asked.” And my son, when we returned to Moscow last year from Israel, where I was a war correspondent, said: “In general, I don’t like you like that. I used to have a cool mom who smelled like tear gas and fought militants and separatists all the time. And now you walk in heels, paint your eyes, and sometimes tears well up in your eyes. You're acting like a girl." “I explained to you that, in principle, it’s not normal when girls go to war, when I have a bulletproof vest in my car. This is not normal for any person, and even more so for a girl.”

Tim liked it, he loved going with me to Palestine. Seeing how proud Israelis are to serve in the army, I also wanted to serve - however, I managed to find a compromise, and now Timur is going to enter the faculty foreign languages Military University. But in Israel he had claims that were different from those in Moscow. I came from filming, and he started to load me up: “Fry the cutlets quickly!” - “You demand that I quickly fry the cutlets, but I urgently need to wash off the tear gas, because otherwise I will itch.” - “Other boys’ mothers give sausage sandwiches to school.” - “Do other boys’ mothers go to the Gaza Strip?” - “No, but they have sausage sandwiches.” - “You see, your mother lives an abnormal life. Can you take pity on me and make yourself a sausage sandwich at 16?” - “And for other boys, mothers put a cucumber on their sausage.”

— That is, often relatives instead of support...

- No, no, this is support! That's just the way she is. In order for me to live and work normally in London with Timur, my mother lived with me twice for six months. And dad, a real Azerbaijani man, doesn’t know how to cook or do laundry at all. When leaving, my mother covered the entire refrigerator with instructions on how to cook eggs, pasta, and potatoes. For poor dad it was a struggle: for the first time in his life he was left alone at home, and all this everyday life fell on him. We called him: “What are you doing, how are you living, what are you eating?” - “Everything is fine, I ate all six dozen eggs that Svetka brought ( younger sister Irady, TV presenter and radio presenter Svetlana Zeynalova. — Approx. "TN"). Now I’ve boiled potatoes and am eating them, but I don’t have any oil.” He lived like this twice for six months. Svetka tried to come and leave him food, take him out somewhere to feed him, but dad was proud and stubbornly refused to admit that he was hungry because he couldn’t cook anything. When mom returned, she discovered that dad had lost twenty kilograms. A terribly happy skeleton was waiting for her! So, consider me a chocolate blonde compared to the rest of my family.

— Did Svetlana come to visit you in England?

- Not once. But when I left there, we started talking on the phone for hours! I suddenly became friends with my own sister - as in Vishnevsky’s one-liner: “Darling, you are a great conversation partner!” We are five years apart. When I was a student, she was some kind of snotty schoolgirl, when I got married, and she was approaching student age, we didn’t have general circle communication and general topics. And then suddenly we found ourselves in the same age slot: both mothers, both engaged in journalism. It turned out that my sister has an interesting inner world that she has her own life and she thinks something about this life...

— Now you both work on Channel One. Do you see each other at work?

- They now have a studio at the Park of Culture, and we don’t see each other. Before that, we met every week: she came running to me, I fed her lunch.

— Did you advise her on anything, as a person who started working in television much earlier?

“I’m ready to help her with anything, but Sveta is strong and tough man and doesn't accept help. When I lived in London, I tried to buy her some things, sending them in batches. I have never seen any of these clothes on her. I tried to understand what was the matter, she replied: “You always buy me monstrous things. They are ugly and not my style.” Then it dawned on me: I buy things that I like, but our styles are different. Last time I was at the Olympics and bought Svetka everything that I didn’t like - some bright colors, frivolous styles, I even chose a flowered dress. No, I still didn’t like it!

— Your own style has become so elegant, and it suits you so well!

“I never knew how to dress, but now my friend Marianne has taken charge of my wardrobe. She looks into my eyes: “Mumlik, you need to take care of yourself!” Mumlik is my nickname. And I mentally go through: everything is in order - head, hands, heel. It’s beautiful, I like it, but it takes so much time! At first I kicked, but how to answer the argument of a normal person: “It’s clear that your favorite clothing is a bulletproof vest, but when you’re not wearing a bulletproof vest, you need to style your hair and paint your eyelashes and nails. In the style a la naturel, forty-year-old girls look wasted. Mumlik, here's some lipstick, normal people use lipstick to paint their lips. You have to wear heels because girls wear heels!”

— When you became the host of the Vremya program, you complained that it was difficult to sit with a straight back for the entire broadcast...

“Marianna sent me to an excellent masseuse, who explained: I need my shoulders to be low, my chin high, my chest forward, my back straight, otherwise I will appear shorter, fatter and worse.” And now I walk along the corridors of Ostankino and always make sure that my shoulders are down and my chin is up. This is a completely different job and a completely different life.

- And according to old job And old life are you bored?

- Very. You are no longer at the forefront of the attack, not in the fabric of the main event. I almost had withdrawal symptoms when everyone went to work in Egypt, and I, like a fifa, stomped in my heels to sign up for a manicure. After all, you get used to the people you constantly encounter on business trips, you have common jokes, habits, you have the same life. They call you and say: “Egypt.” Memory throws out: hotel, car, translator. You take that set of equipment that you can only work with in Cairo, take out the SIM card with which you went to Cairo, things that are convenient and safe to work in Cairo, and go. That is, the very file that should be turned on is turned on in your head, and you execute it. And now they tell you “Egypt”, the file is turned on, but you are not going anywhere, you just have to write what happened and pass the word on to a colleague who has gone there. And you bang your head against the wall - but you no longer belong to this pack. If you come, it’s not for two or three weeks, but for one day, and the people with whom you shared the same blanket no longer look at you as one of their own. But I'll get used to it. It’s just that now I have a task - to live ordinary life. We'll manage.

Irada Zeynalova

Family: husband - Alexey Samoletov, journalist; son - Timur (17 years old)

Education: Graduated from MATI - RGTU named after. Tsiolkovsky

Career: Since 1997 she has worked as editor of the Vesti program. In 2000, she became a correspondent for the Vesti program. From 2000 to 2003 - correspondent for the Vremya program on Channel One. In 2007, she began managing the Channel One bureau in the UK. Since 2011 - head of the bureau of Channel One in Israel. In 2012, she became the host of the Sunday edition of the Vremya program. In 2006 she received the TEFI award in the category “Best Reporter”

Famous TV presenter Federal Channel Irada Avtandilovna Zeynalova is a professional in her field and an example for many Russian journalists. She succeeded in a very short time achieve high results in television journalism and become a popular personality.

Due to the fact that Irada carried out large number time at work, she was unable to build normal relationships. However, she met her first love on her channel, we're talking about about special correspondent Alexei Samoletov.

Zeynalova lived with Samoletov for ten whole years and gave him a son, Timur. However, several years ago the couple divorced without telling the press the reason for the separation. However, it later became known that Irada was going to get married for the second time. Channel One correspondent Alexander Evsigneev was able to find an approach to the TV presenter and offered her his hand and heart. At the end of 2016 they got married.

Children of Irada Zeynalova

Irada has a child Timur from her first marriage. Despite the fact that the presenter no longer lives with Alexei Samoletov, she supports him friendly relations. In turn, the war correspondent regularly visits his son and takes care of Irada.

On at the moment Zeynalova is married to Alexander Evsigneev. They are not planning to have a child yet.

Zeynalova Irada: b geography and nationality

The creative personality Irada Avtandilovna Zeynalova swarmed in the capital of the Russian Federation on February 20, 1972. As a child, Irada participated in social movements and was a “Komsomol member”. As an adult, she became interested in larger issues in the world: the disadvantaged children of Chile, Indian rights and unfair treatment of women. To rectify the situation, the activist collected signatures for a petition.

By nationality she is Azerbaijani.

In the early 1990s, Zeynalova graduated high school and went to study at the Tsiolkovsky Moscow Aviation Technical Institute. In this educational institution the girl received the specialty “Powder Materials Technologist”. As a nanotechnology specialist, Irada left for the USA. But she stayed there for only a short time, returning to her homeland.

In the late 1990s, the young girl managed to break into television, although there were many concerns about future problems with journalism. But this worry was in vain, since she easily mastered this profession. The first place of work was the RTR channel, then Zeynalova got a job as an editor news broadcast. In 2000, Russians were able to see her on their TV screens as the host of the Vesti program.

Lack of education did not prevent Irada from becoming a leading specialist on television. Every day she covered topics such as world disasters, sporting events, terrorism and much more.

Zeynalova also had to work as a correspondent in very difficult conditions: terrorist attacks in the metro, terrorist attack in Beslan, World Cup in Germany, Olympic Games in Italy and London.

In addition to “hot spots,” Irada informed channel viewers about political and sporting events. For quality work and professionalism the presenter was awarded honorary award"TEFI". After that she took off career ladder, and since 2007 began collaborating with Channel One. In 2012, she was entrusted with conducting news and analytical programs. Several years ago, the journalist was awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, first degree, which is an indicator of a successful career.

Personal life of Irada Zeynalova

Irada devotes herself completely to her work, but this means that she has no hobbies in life. IN free time The TV presenter loves to read and collect unique clown figurines. In this matter, she is helped by friends and relatives who bring them from different countries.

The TV presenter is almost 40 years old, however, she remains grateful to her family for their support and understanding. To this day, Irada asks her father for advice when she decides to do something. Only with the approval of her relatives is she ready to commit an act.

Family of Irada Zeynalova

Irada's father is a native Azerbaijani, so she received a strict but fair upbringing. It is worth noting that Avtandil Isabalievich worked in the ministry and held high position, in connection with this, the family was provided with everything.

In addition to Irada, there is another in the family who has also devoted herself to television. She hosts several programs on Channel One and is actively involved in media issues.

Irada Zeynalova (Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova/RIA Novosti)

In 2014, a scandal erupted around one of the stories shown in the Sunday program. The journalist interviewed a refugee from Slavyansk, who talked about how Ukrainian troops, having entered the city, allegedly staged a public execution of a three-year-old boy. Ukrainian and Russian media discovered factual inconsistencies in the story, and also drew attention to the fact that a similar story had previously been published on the blog of pro-Kremlin political scientist Alexander Dugin. Zeynalova later commented on the scandal surrounding the story, saying that the journalists had no evidence of the veracity of the story, but “this real story a real woman." In 2014, the TV presenter was included in the Ukrainian sanctions list.

One of the reasons for replacing the presenter is due to fierce competition with Dmitry Kiselev’s Vesti Nedeli, says Zeinalova’s colleague. Sunday “Vremya” was one of the most popular information and analytical programs in the country, along with “News of the Week” (aired on Sunday on channel “Russia 1”), according to data from TNS Russia. Rating latest issue Sunday's Vremya was 4.7%, and Vesti Nedeli was slightly behind - 4.4%. Before this, Kiselyov’s program managed to maintain its leadership position for three weeks in a row, but with a minimal advantage - 0.1-0.3 percentage points. But in general, the Kremlin had no complaints about Zeynalova’s work, says a federal official and a colleague of the TV presenter confirms.

A better place than the State Duma

An acquaintance of Fadeev gives two reasons why the choice fell on him: according to him, on the eve of the presidential elections (planned for 2018), the Kremlin wants to see a new person on television who will inspire more confidence among the conservative electorate. Fadeev is more suitable for this role, says RBC’s interlocutor. The second reason is the Kremlin’s desire to compensate Fadeev for his loss in the United Russia primaries. Fadeev was promised a place on the Moscow lists " United Russia", but in last moment due to the reluctance of the capital’s authorities, he had to run in the primaries in Komi, which was unfamiliar to him, his acquaintance claims. He lost the primaries and ultimately did not make it onto the list of candidates.

Fadeev has been the editor-in-chief of Expert magazine since 1998, and in 2006 he also became general director media holding of the same name. Was a member Public Chamber and is still a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia. Together with deputy Vladimir Pligin, he leads the liberal platform of United Russia. He was Putin's confidant in the presidential elections and joined the central headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF).

He already has experience as a TV presenter: since 2014, he has been hosting the “Structure of the Moment” program on Channel One.

The host of an evening program on the main TV channel should be a person of an emotional and heartfelt nature, while Fadeev claims to be intellectual, says Evgeniy Minchenko, head of the Minchenko Consulting holding. “If we are talking about generating trust among the population, then it must be a different type of person. This is not Fadeev’s role,” says the political scientist.

The famous TV presenter Svetlana Zeynalova, before starting her career in the field of television and radio, managed to establish herself as a responsible employee and professional in a variety of industries. There was a time when she was a theater actress and at the same time was organizing various events, which she herself led. Svetlana worked for a short time in a variety of ways, but one day, thanks to her sister, she found her calling...

Svetlana Zeynalova: biography

Let's see what is known about early years life of a famous TV presenter. In 1977, at the very time of flowering, Svetlana Avtandilovna Zeynalova was born in Moscow. Her parents were ordinary employees, and their family was no different from other Soviet families. Ever since early childhood the girl dreamed of one day being on the other side of the television screen. She loved to perform, was the star of holiday matinees and school evenings. Her cherished dream was related to artistic activity.


After graduating from school, Svetlana Avtandilovna Zeynalova decided to enter the theater school, the so-called “Sliver”. Studying was easy for her, the teachers were pleased with the girl. She took an active part in the life of the school and played in student performances. Thesis Sveta also passed very successfully, so she was awarded an excellent reference and a diploma, although not red, but with fairly high marks.

Start of work

After graduating from college, she entered the service of the capital’s theater “At the Nikitsky Gate”. From the very first days of work they began to trust her with small, but character roles. She liked her job, although she received very little salary and almost always lived with empty pockets. The theater fees were not enough for anything, so she decided to start working part-time in one of the small restaurants where she was hired as a waitress. Here Svetlana Zeynalova, whose biography is presented in this article, worked for quite a long time, for several years. After some time, she found out that there was a vacancy for an event organizer and host and decided to take advantage of this chance. In a word, her day was scheduled minute by minute. IN daytime she worked as a presenter and organizer, played in the theater in the evening, and after performances she hurried to the restaurant to serve the visitors of the establishment. At times, the crazy work schedule completely exhausted her, and one day after have a hard day she decided that she needed to change something in her life.


Svetlana Zeynalova's sister, Iraida, was pleased famous person in journalistic circles. It was she who decided to help her sister get out of this burdensome circle. She arranged for Svetlana to meet with several well-known television producers, but warned that her help would end there, and she had to go further on her own. Being a completely independent person, and also an individualist, the future famous TV presenter agreed with her sister's condition. And soon appeared on radio and television new star- Svetlana Zeynalova. Her biography has since been closely connected with television and radio.

Beginning a radio career

The year was 2004. After several meetings with various “useful” people, the girl was already working at Radio Maximum, hosting morning broadcast. The first successes were not long in coming. She had a very pleasant warm voice that listeners immediately liked morning show“Bachinsky and Stillavin.” Svetlana Avtandilovna Zeynalova became the star of her radio station, and then worked there as a producer. After that, she went to Business FM radio to host the column “ Secular news" In the fall of 2010, she received an offer to create own show on the morning broadcast of Nashe Radio.

Coming to television

Despite the fact that she always wanted to work in evening programs, as you can see, she got the morning broadcast. The same thing happened with television. She made her debut as a TV presenter in the “Mood” program on the TVC channel. As on the radio, success awaited her here. A year and a half later, she received an offer from the management of Channel One. Thus, Svetlana Zeynalova, whose biography is the topic of our article, became the leading famous programGood morning" It was her participation in this project that brought her fame on an all-Russian scale.

“Mass organizer”

If you remember, at the beginning of your labor activity, Svetlana Zeynalova worked as an organizer and host of various events. So, years later, the skills she acquired came in handy, and today, in addition to television and radio projects, she is also involved in organizing large-scale festive events, sometimes in collaboration with Comedy Club. From time to time she can be seen in episodic roles in Russian television films.

Svetlana Zeynalova: personal life

When she worked at the Maximum radio station, she began an affair with the director of this channel, Alexei Glazatov. It is to him that she owes her successful career in the first stages of its formation. They lived in a civil marriage for about three years. And then one day, during a trip to Spain, a couple in love wandered into a Catalan church, where they saw an elderly couple standing hand in hand at the altar. That evening, in a restaurant, Alexey proposed marriage to Svetlana. The girl was happy and, of course, accepted the offer. Nine months later, their daughter Alexandra was born, and the young parents were simply happy.

Terrible news

However, their happiness was not destined to last long. When the girl was one and a half years old, doctors discovered strangeness in her behavior. After much research it was announced terrible diagnosis- autism. Sveta was the first to recover from the shock and began to look for ways to solve the problem. But Svetlana Zeynalova’s husband could not come to terms with this “sentence” and soon left the family. In 2012, information appeared in the press that the couple had broken up. In one of the talk shows, S. Zeynalova said that she understands her husband and does not blame him for anything. Although from an ethical point of view it is difficult to understand a man who abandons his child.

Mother and daughter

So Sveta and Sasha began to live together. Initially it was very difficult for them. The nannies did not agree to sit with a girl with “oddities”; she was not accepted kindergarten. Svetlana understood that from now on she needed to do everything herself and perhaps there would never be men in her life again, because if biological father abandoned his daughter, how can a stranger accept her? As soon as a nanny was found, the presenter began to take on any job, all the projects offered to her, just to earn money for her daughter’s treatment. She did not lose heart, and everything slowly began to fall into place. Soon she met a man who agreed to become part of this small but unusual family. And then a dog appeared in the family, and the girl, taking care of her, began to feel better, began to speak and make progress in her development. Today she is already 8 years old. She says a lot of phrases, can stay at home alone, read books, and her mom and dad are always next to her, although not her own, but loving.