Paintings by contemporary artists of the world. Modern scientific picture of the world Biological fluids in art

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Scientific picture of the world

A.V. Maslikhin

Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola

The scientific picture of the world has its own stages of development: classical, non-classical and post-non-classical pictures of the world. The classical picture of the world dates back to the New Age (XVII century) - it was a system of thinking based on the ideas of R. Descartes and I. Newton. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a revolution took place in natural science (physics), which marked the beginning of a non-classical picture of the world. In the second half of the twentieth century, synergetics, the “anthropic principle,” the “concept of sustainable development,” and nanotechnology emerged. They were the basis for creating the image of a post-non-classical picture of the world.

Scientific mapping of the world has its stages in development: classical, nonclassical and post-nonclassical. The classical one referring to the New time (XVII century) is the system of thinking based on the ideas of R. Descartes and I. Newton. A revolution in natural sciences (physics) lead to the appearance of a nonclassical picture of the world (XIX-XX centuries). Synergetic “anthropic principle”, “the concept of steady development”, nanotechnologies appeared in the second half of the XX century. They were precisely the base to create the image of the postnonclassical mapping of the world.

The scientific picture of the world occupies an exceptional place in a person’s views on the world. This is due to the increasing role of science in the 21st century as one of the most important forms of social consciousness and the driving force behind the development of society. The authority of science is largely determined by the fact that it claims to be an objective reflection of the world as it really is. Science strives to express the world in strict theoretical laws and concepts, in precise mathematical calculations. Therefore, the scientific picture of the world is the opposite of, for example, the religious version of the universe.

The scientific picture of the world has its own stages of development (both revolutionary and evolutionary): classical, non-classical and post-non-classical pictures of the world.

The classical picture of the world dates back to the New Age (XVII century) - it was a system of thinking based on the ideas of R. Descartes and I. Newton. Its essence boils down to the following. Descartes (1596-1650) believed that reality is dual; matter and mind are different substances that exist eternally and develop

running in parallel. It followed that the material world can be described objectively, without including the human observer with his subjectivity. We can say that the idea of ​​“strictly objective science” is based on Cartesian ontological constructions. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) played a significant role in the development of natural science in the 17th century. In the work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,” the most important principle of scientific research was formulated: observing specific types of movement, it is important to look for forces in them, the causes of these movements, and only on this basis to formulate the laws of the natural world. The Principia formulates the three basic laws of classical mechanics. The law of universal gravitation, discovered by Newton, played an epochal role, proving the absolute importance of gravity in the study of the interaction of terrestrial and celestial bodies. In the field of mathematics, Newton studied differential and integral calculus.

The scientific picture of the world of the 17th century, which arose from the teachings of Descartes and Newton, objectively rejected

figure of God. This picture is rational-mechanistic, it shows us the world as one and only, as a world of solid matter, subject to the laws of mechanics. Such a world is silent, devoid of spirit and freedom; Blind, elemental forces operate within him. Man in this world is a pure accident, he is a by-product of stellar evolution. Devoid of God and consciousness, the world does not live, but exists without meaning and purpose.

According to Newton's teachings, the mechanical Universe consists of atoms - indivisible particles that have a constant shape and mass. Space is absolutely, constantly and always at rest; it is not connected with matter and is a large container of bodies. Another property of the world - time - is pure duration; it, like space, is absolute and exists independently of the material world. It flows in a uniform and unchanging stream (linearly) from the past through the present to the future. Moreover, the present is determined by the past, and the future by the present and the past. Figuratively speaking, the Universe is a huge clockwork mechanism in which a continuous chain of interconnected causes and effects operates; the Universe develops without the participation of consciousness. Life originates, according to I. Newton, by chance. From the point of view of physics, the emergence of life and consciousness are strange, absurd phenomena, since they contradict the second law of thermodynamics, which states that every complex system steadily strives to become simple. Believing man to be an accident, mechanistic science is not interested in his fate, his goals and values.

In the 18th century, science established itself in the field of experimental study of nature. Mechanism, which boiled down to the study of forces of attraction and repulsion, mechanical models of nature gives way to calculations and equations based on precise measurements. At this time, scientific knowledge gives birth to dialectical ideas, breaks down metaphysical obstacles in understanding the complexity of existence, and the first scientific revolution occurs.

Philosophers of the Enlightenment era played an outstanding role in the formation of a rational image of science. French materialists began to publish the Encyclopedia of Sciences, Arts and Crafts, which was published from 1751 to 1776. A total of 33 volumes were published, which covered various problems that worried people. The inspirers of this publication were D. Diderot and D'Alembert. Thus, Denis Diderot (1713-1784) in his philosophical works defended the principle of the materiality of the world. The cause of matter lies in itself. All nature is in development. Man, like other living beings, has his own origin -

ria, is a biological species. Science must be based on observations, and the scientist, reflecting, must constantly obtain facts through experiments. As a humanist philosopher, Diderot highly valued man, rightly believing that in the process of forming his qualities, the decisive role belongs to the external environment. D'Alembert (1717-1783) wrote an introductory article to the "Encyclopedia..." - "Essay on the origin and development of the sciences." In it, he considered the development of scientific knowledge as a manifestation of the progress of ideas determined by the progress of human needs. He linked the emergence of medical and agricultural knowledge with a person's care for loved ones, as a manifestation of a sense of self-preservation. Emphasizing the important role of artisans and inventors in society, D'Alembert argued that folk science is concentrated in them. 150 scientists, philosophers, and specialists took part in the creation of the encyclopedia.

So, the Newtonian-Cartesian paradigm, the scientific ideas of the Enlightenment, dominated from the 17th century until the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, reflecting natural scientific knowledge about reality.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a revolution took place in natural science (physics), which marked the beginning of a non-classical picture of the world. In the second quarter of the 19th century, the Dutch physicist G.A. Lorentz develops the electronic theory of matter. He creates not only a theoretical model of the electron, but also gives it a mathematical form. Following theoretical searches, targeted experiments are beginning to be conducted in this direction. In 1895, German physicist W.K. X-rays discovered X-rays - X-rays; he also described the basic properties of a new type of radiation, the nature of which was then unknown. In 1896, French physicist A.A. Becquerel, while studying the effect of luminescent substances on a photographic plate, discovered that uranium salt acts on the photographic plate in the dark, even without prior irradiation. Subsequent experiments by Becquerel showed that this effect was caused by a new type of radiation. Further research was continued by Pierre Curie and Maria Skladovskaya-Curie. They established that radiation was a hitherto unknown property of a substance they called radioactivity. As a result of Curie's experiments in 1898, two new elements were discovered: polonium and radium. E. Rutherford and F. Soddy suggested that radioactivity is the spontaneous transformation of some chemical elements into others. At the same time, new types of radiation were discovered: alpha, beta and gamma rays. In 1903, F. Soddy, in collaboration with W. Ramsay, discovered helium among

products of radioactive decay of radon. The fact of the formation of helium during the decay of radioactive elements served as important arguments in favor of the theory of radioactive transformations.

An additional impetus to the development of physics at the beginning of the twentieth century was given by the creation of the theory of relativity by A. Einstein. It combines the theory of light (electromagnetism) and the theory of the structure of the world (mechanics). As a result, the equivalence of the concepts of mass and energy was recognized. Taking into account the coefficient associated with the speed of light, the relationship between mass and energy began to be expressed in the famous equality: E = wc2. A. Einstein's discoveries made it possible to scientifically substantiate the philosophical thesis about the unity of matter, motion, space and time.

The totality of these and subsequent discoveries in physics was called the “revolution in natural science” at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

New discoveries in science: the theory of relativity of A. Einstein, the work of E. Rutherford, N. Bohr, W. Heisenberg and other creators of quantum mechanics, radically changed the vision of the world. Moreover, the second scientific revolution extended the data of natural science to the micro and macro worlds. According to the picture of the world created by the theory of relativity, space is not three-dimensional, and time is not linear. Both are not separate independent entities - they are connected with each other and with matter, without which their existence is impossible.

Space and time are in an organic connection with the mass of bodies: near giant cosmic bodies, space can bend and time can slow down. A. Einstein himself, answering a question about the essence of his theory, said: “The essence is this: they used to think that if by some miracle all material things suddenly disappeared, then space and time would remain. According to the theory of relativity, both space and time would disappear along with things.”

Quantum mechanics creates fundamentally new ideas about the microworld. She claims that the elementary particles that make up atoms are immaterial. This or that phenomenon of the microworld can act both as a particle and as a wave. Particles seem to be continually created from pure energy and returned to an energetic state. Elementary particles do not have a fixed place in space and rest mass - they are, as it were, clots of a field. In the field of quantum interactions, there is no causality, which is a fundamental concept in classical physics. Thus, the theory of relativity, quantum physics and other scientific discoveries have shown that the world is much more complex and diverse than this

seemed to classical physics of the 17th-18th centuries.

The founder of the science of synergetics, Ilya Prigogine (a Belgian scientist of Russian origin), in the second half of the twentieth century, put forward a number of new ideas in understanding evolution. Synergetics is a theory of self-organization of open nonequilibrium systems - natural, social, cognitive. In a narrow sense, this is the doctrine of unstable, unstable states of being, transitions from chaos to order and back. Synergetics claims to be a universal methodology of scientific practice, as natural scientists see it, turning to understanding the complexities of the surrounding world.

The fundamental ideas of the third scientific revolution were the basis for creating the image of a post-non-classical picture of the world.

Synergetics, as a theory of self-organization of systems, amazes with extraordinary ideas and concepts. If the second law of thermodynamics (which is mentioned here) suggests that every complex system tends to become simple, then synergetics argues that it is not omnipotent, because all existing systems have an innate ability to develop in the direction of greater complexity. The Universe turns out to be unified in all its layers, living, developing, ascending to new stages of its existence. For complex systems, as a rule, there are several alternative development paths, which means it is possible to choose the most optimal of them. Previously, as we know, development was understood as progressive and linear, without alternatives. The relationship between past-present-future is understood as more complex. The present state of the system is determined not only by its past, its history, but is also built and formed according to the principles embedded in it, including the corresponding target order. In other words, the future organizes the present; it is present in certain parts of the structures today.

I. Prigogine attaches great importance to such phenomena as randomness and chaos. Of course, we knew about the accident before. But she was expelled from scientific theories. Randomness was considered a secondary, incidental, factor of no fundamental importance. There was a belief that it leaves no trace in the general flow of events in nature and society. Therefore, the main attention was paid to necessity, which was believed to completely determine the development of the system.

Synergetics believes that, along with necessity, chance plays a large role in the evolution of real systems, as a result of which the world becomes

mysterious, unpredictable, uncontrollable and that accidents can lead you astray, throw you off your chosen path, and lead to complex wanderings.

The new theory shows us why chaos can act as a creative principle, a constructive mechanism of evolution, and how a new organization can develop from chaos on its own. In the process of self-organization of open nonlinear systems, the dual nature of chaos is revealed. Chaos is destructive (this side has long been known to man), and at the same time it is constructive, creative through its destructiveness.

Of great importance for the development of self-organizing systems is the position of synergetics on the conditions (environments) of their development. One system can function and develop subject to the presence of another system, the latter is attached to the first at each point and serves as a feeding, supporting basis for it. For example, such a system is the cerebral cortex, penetrated by blood vessels that supply it with oxygen. Society can also function and develop provided there is another system - nature. The latter provides society with matter, energy, water, air, etc.

Synergetics creates knowledge about how to properly operate complex systems and how to effectively manage them. The main thing here is not forces, but the correct architecture of influence on a complex system (environment). Small but properly organized influences on a complex system are extremely effective. This property was guessed in the distant past and expressed in the following form: the weak defeats the strong, the soft defeats the hard, the quiet defeats the loud, etc. These are, in the most general form, the ideas of synergetics, which significantly complemented the classical and non-classical pictures of the world, and, consequently, the scientific picture of the world as a whole.

According to a number of prominent foreign scientists, a new scientific revolution is coming. Biology today contains enormous potential for discoveries. We are talking about genetic engineering and cloning (from the ancient Greek klon - shoot, cutting). Many objects of human economic activity have become objects of genetic engineering: crop production, livestock farming, and fisheries. Scientists propose to create new valuable breeds of animals, fish, plants; preserve endangered species of flora and fauna; even reconstruct fossil species from DNA remains. Cloning is at the stage of creating complex experimental technologies. The Russian scientific community pays attention to ethical, medical

Qing, philosophical consequences of such activities.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the problems of nanotechnology and virtualistics (from the Latin uyiaIB - possible) acquired current significance. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field of science in which the patterns of physicochemical and biological processes in spatial areas of nanometer dimensions (10-9 m) are studied when creating new molecules, materials, and nanodevices. Global investment in nanotechnology development almost doubles every year and has reached approximately $12 billion. According to analysts, Russia is now ahead in terms of the level, significance of developments and coverage of topics in the nanoindustry of most countries in Europe and America, second only to the USA and Japan.

Various aspects of virtual reality are studied by philosophers, psychologists, representatives of natural and technical sciences. The attributes of virtual reality are not only actual reality (space, time, movement, development, reflection), but also ideal other reality. Here there are subjective qualities and actions of a person (illusoryness, the world of dreams and daydreams, claims to acquire a special status in the present, psychosomatic needs of the body, etc.). “Virtual reality, recording many irreducible, ontologically independent realities, is their modeling imitation. The main functions of virtuality are: generation, relevance, autonomy, interactivity." The sustainable development of humanity is associated with the need to study new realities of one’s psycho-cosmo-socio-informational existence, to include theoretical and practical results in the modern scientific picture of the world.

At the beginning of the 21st century, scientific and philosophical understanding of the world contributed to the approval of a number of new provisions that received the status of general theoretical significance. These include: methodological pluralism, the “integrity paradigm”, the “anthropic principle”, the principle of co-evolution (nature and society). Nowadays the concepts of “nonlinearity”, “bifurcation”, “alternativeness” have been put forward to the forefront. The principles of the dialectical method (principles of universal connection and the principle of historicism, development, etc.) still play an important role. It is not possible to cover every principle here. Let us highlight only the “anthropic principle”. It requires viewing the Universe as a complex self-organizing system, the most important element of which is

Human. His consciousness is initially included in our very perception of reality. This principle means: the world is what it is because we look at it, and every change in us, in our view, changes the picture of the world. A purely objective description of it without a person is impossible. This principle includes the human factor in science - it bridges the gap between object and subject, brings the natural world and the human world closer, destroys the deepest division between the natural and social sciences.

An important feature of the activities of scientists in modern Russia is the implementation of large-scale, comprehensive research. The objective basis for the deployment of such work is the state of the natural environment, the gigantic scale of human activity on the planet. Studying the current situation involves concentrating the efforts of specialists in the natural, humanities, and technical sciences. According to prominent domestic and foreign researchers, the qualitative nature of the interaction between nature and society is changing in connection with scientific and technological progress and the emergence of global problems of mankind. “... a stage in the history of mankind is coming when its collective mind and collective will will be able to ensure the joint development (co-evolution) of nature and society. Humanity is part of the biosphere, and the implementation of the principle of coevolution is a necessary condition for ensuring its future.” Research in

areas of global ecology - “greenhouse effect”, “global warming”, “ozone holes”, etc. are of vital importance not only for Russians, but also for all humanity. The real basis for the implementation of the principle of coevolution is a comprehensive consideration of the load on the biosphere from man-made activities of people.

Thus, the stages of the scientific picture of the world capture the idea according to which the newest picture of the world is not equal to the previous one. There is only one world, but with the development of science it seems to be approaching man and humanity with its facets and overflows of content. It is the scientific picture of the world that offers us an extremely objective and deep understanding of the laws and patterns of existence.


1. Ratner, M. Nanotechnology / M. Ratner, D. Ratner. - M.: Williams, 2004. - 240 p.

2. Kokhanovsky, V.P. Philosophy for graduate students / V.P. Kokhanovsky, E.V. Zolotukhina, T.G. Leshkevich, T.B. Fathi. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2003. - P. 235-236.

3. Moiseev N.N. Once again about the problem of coevolution / N.N. Moiseev // Questions of Philosophy. - 1998. - No. 8. - P. 26.

4. Sections devoted to the history of science until the 17th century and the social and humanitarian picture of the world contain books: Maslikhin A.V. Philosophical introduction to science / A.V. Maslikhin. - Yoshkar-Ola: MPIK, 1994. - 216 p.; Maslikhin A.V. History and philosophy of science / Mar. state University; A.V. Maslikhin.. - Yoshkar-Ola, 2007. - 184 p.

The first decade of the 21st century can be considered a decade of unrealized hopes. The grandiose plans and aspirations of the great powers and regional entities have failed. The US plans to build a unipolar world have not come true, the EU has lost hopes that “soft” America in the person of Barack Obama will give Europe the opportunity to free itself from American tutelage and take a leading role in world politics. China no longer has the desire, or even the ability, to comply with Deng Xiaoping’s call to “hide our potential” and “wait for an opportunity.” It looks like this “case” has arrived.

If at the end of the 20th century Washington had some illusions about sole global control, today the United States, as the state of the highest rank, is losing control over world processes, and its elite speaks with alarm about the ways of survival of American society. In such a situation, it is interesting to follow the evolution of the views of the geopolitical planner Z. Brzezinski. It was he who described in “The Great Chessboard” and other works and speeches “the delights and inevitability of the world order under the auspices of the United States. In fact, Brzezinski carried out geopolitical planning of the world in the interests of America, or rather the American elite. Let us remember his passages regarding Russia like: the future world order will be built on the ruins of Russia, at the expense of Russia and against Russia. Mr. Brzezinski paid special attention to Eurasia, since he is an apologist for the thesis of H. McKider that world domination is possible only in case of domination in Eurasia, and the latter is impossible without domination over Russia. “America is interested in preserving and strengthening the existing pluralism on the map of Eurasia”; ... to ensure "prevention of the emergence of a hostile coalition, much less a state capable of challenging... In the medium term, this should give way to the emergence of increasingly important and strategically compatible partners who, under American leadership, could help create a trans-Eurasian security system" ( Brzezinski Zb. The Great Chessboard. America’s Domination and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. M., International Relations, 2002. p. I think the reader is clear about which coalition hostile to the United States and which power capable of challenging it is clear to the reader: Russia and China in the first place.

But here is what the same Brzezinski says on October 14, 2011 in Normandy at the presentation of the A. Tocqueville Prize to him: “The current United States and the entire Western world are not at all what they were before... The Western world is currently in decline due to lack of will to unity." (“Military Review”, Well, one can argue about the will to unity as the main reason for the decline of the West, but the decline of the USA and the West is a fait accompli. But through the mouth of Brzezinski, the projected geopolitics of the West speaks - not a statement of decline, but an updated geopolitical project of the American and European elites, primarily financial ones. And the essence of this project is the same - the subjugation of all humanity, through the creation of a world government and the expansion of the Atlantic Alliance at the expense of Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. Brzezinski, in his latest statements, reveals a great geopolitical secret: the salvation of the West (as has happened more than once in history) is impossible without the participation of Russia. And the second secret of Zbigniew: the world is striving for bipolarity along the West-East axis (his phrase is typical: the power of the East is constantly growing against the background of the decline of the West). And the West needs Russia to confront the East. But the West is no longer a single whole; it is two different civilizational entities in a state of geopolitical confrontation.

Main subject

And in this confrontation between national elites, the global financial oligarchy comes to the fore with the goal of creating a single world space with a world government under the power of money. Nation states are slowly but steadily losing control over their space. The global financial oligarchy, based on closed clubs of super-rich people and TNCs, in whose hands the real power is, as well as the civilizations of the East and West are becoming international actors. But it seems that the transnational community is the leading subject of world processes: with the help of money and network governance, it dictates its will to sovereign states. Managing global processes, financial structures distributed around the world have several levels. The highest level is the world financial center (WFC) (today there are 16 of them, in the coming years there will be 22). Average level - transnational banks (TNB) - (more than 1000). And the last level is national banks associated with transnational centers.

The most important issue in the formation of the geopolitical structure of the future world is the behavior of the global financial oligarchy (finintern), which has been powerfully influencing the formation of world historical processes for more than two centuries. Today, under its control are: a significant part (more than 70 percent) of the world's monetary resources, precious metals, and hydrocarbons. Up to 80 percent The world's leading media are also controlled by the largest financial institutions and TNCs.

The global network controls the USA, Great Britain, Russia, the EU, and through world banks they approach the financial system of the PRC in order to establish control over its economy; it also has a system of global bodies for managing economic and political processes (Davos Forum, G8, G20, Bilderberg Club, World Bank, IMF, etc.), shadow armed and special forces (private military corporations, terrorist groups), global drug mafia with an annual turnover of about 1 trillion. dollars. It actually has NATO, OSCE, PACE and other structures at its disposal. The financial oligarchy persistently implements the strategy of a monopolar (dispersed) world order based on the omnipotent power of money. The basic basis of financial international remains the US Financial Reserve System, the financial groups of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the Vatican.

It is difficult to say how this subject of global governance will behave in the process of a radical reorganization of the world. One thing is clear: he will not give up his positions without a fight. The contours of his strategy are readable - a world government, the movement of financial infrastructure to East Asia, the creation of a planetary arc of instability, the establishment of a financial dictatorship. That is, the affirmation of global financial fascism.

The elites and governments of states become the objects of management; through financial control over them, the state is colonized (financial colonization). In colonial states, the role of the national elite is to carry out the will of the global elite and implement the goals and objectives set for them. To be a “national elite” today means not to associate oneself with the native people, but to be part of the world establishment. Responsibility to the global elite far exceeds responsibility to one's own people. This means that all their rhetoric about democracy, fair elections, and the political sovereignty of the country is bait for simpletons.

This means the denial of democracy as such, because no one elected the world elite. It is co-opted by one or another part of the national elite of any country. And then this “elite” reports not to the people of a given country, but to its brothers in the box, to the global oligarchy. They have nothing in common with the people of the country where they live; their work has its own logic and morality. The “national elite” must renounce entrepreneurial and all other productive activities for the benefit of their own state, and must provide free access to the global usurious elite to the national wealth of the country where they live. Fulfilling the will of the world financial centers will ensure a place in global financial structures for representatives of the “national oligarchic elites.” And the global elite will be provided with guaranteed profits and total control over the sovereignty of states. To achieve world domination, world financial centers set themselves the following tasks and stages. First step. – creation of a systemic crisis and instability on the planet. The second is the organization of famine and natural disasters. The third is the formation of public opinion in favor of global crisis management and the formation of a world government.

To expand and deepen the influence of global financial centers, it is necessary to create an enemy image in the eyes of the world community. In the past, this was the USSR, today it is Islamic terrorism, Libya, Syria, Iran, and in the near future it may well become China. To do this, it will be necessary to create an aggressive anti-Chinese arc around the Celestial Empire.

Civilization centers of world power and their strategies

World ethno-cultural civilizations (regional civilizational associations) of the East and West still play a secondary role in the formation of planetary processes. At the same time, there is an active formation of geopolitical centers of power on a cultural and civilizational basis. The centers of the first magnitude are North America, Europe, and China. There is intense competition between them not only for leadership, but also for survival. At the same time, North America and, to a lesser extent, Europe serve as the “body” of the global financial oligarchy, but at the state level they are also waging a “quiet” war for independence from the financial oligarchy and TNCs (the “Occupy Wall Street” actions, the “Y” generation and etc.) India, as a world civilization, is dynamically gaining power, but it is still the second echelon, like Japan, Russia, and Brazil. The Islamic world is fragmented and lagging behind in development, looking for its own civilizational path. Latin America has just begun civilization building. Africa, with the destruction of M. Gaddafi, will not gain its identity and independence in development for a long time.

This configuration of world forces and the multidirectionality of their actions create a system of difficult to resolve contradictions for all of humanity.

First Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Doctor of Military Sciences K.V. Sivkov in his article “Assessing the Probability of World War” identifies 7 main contradictions and disproportions that gave rise to the global systemic crisis of the 21st century:

The contradiction between the growth of production and consumption and the available resources necessary for development, the capabilities of the Earth's ecosystem;

Disproportions in the distribution of industrial capacities and raw materials, which have given rise to a conflict of interests between industrialized countries and countries supplying raw materials;

The contradiction between "poor" developing countries and "rich" industrialized countries;

The contradiction between nations, national elites and transnational elites;

The contradiction between the volume of the global “financial bubble” and

The scale of the real sector of the world economy;

The contradiction between the enormous global financial power of the transnational financial elite and the lack of its political subjectivity;

The contradiction between the lack of spirituality of the “free market”, which gives rise to the power of money, and the spiritual foundations of the existence of various civilizations, which form civilizational differences and give rise to the power of ideas (to one degree or another). (Sivkov K.V. Assessing the probability of a world war // Megalopolis Management. - M., 2009. No. 2).

How is the West trying to “resolve” these contradictions (oligarchy + “national” elites?

First: transfer under the so-called. international control of critical natural resources and strategic communications. In case of resistance from sovereign states, “color” revolutions are launched on their territories, “democratic” coups, crises, etc. are organized. But, if the peaceful option does not work, then the forceful method of solving the problem is launched (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya ) .

Second: formalization of global management structures. Who, for example, created the G8, G20, and Davos Forum? Who authorized the United States to impose international sanctions and implement international “justice”? However, the decisions of these and similar “bodies” are actually binding on the world community of states.

Other options are also being implemented, such as, for example, assigning global functions to NATO.

The Strategic Concept of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, adopted by heads of state and government in Lisbon (November 2010), gives NATO the right to: “deploy credible military forces where and when necessary for our security, and to contribute to shared security in cooperation with our partners.” worldwide. While the world changes, NATO's core mission will remain the same: to ensure that the alliance remains an unparalleled community of freedom, peace, security and shared values."

But if we put aside empty words, NATO declares the right to control the entire world by military force. Based on generally accepted postulates about the protection of human rights, the fight against terrorism, nuclear proliferation, drugs, and so on, but in fact, after the adoption of such a concept in the person of NATO, a force instrument was legitimized to maintain the power of money, the power of the transnational oligarchy. . But their power will be strong as long as the dollar is strong. As long as most countries in the world are ready to keep their monetary resources in dollars and pay each other in American currency, the United States and the financial oligarchy will grow fat and dominate. Reducing the “dollar territory” will inevitably lead to its weakening and a decrease in the influence of its producers on global processes. Changing the philosophy of human life (more spirituality, morality, intelligence - less consumption), caring for nature (harmony with nature) will lead to the collapse of the power of money.

The main objects of geopolitical confrontation are: key (strategically important) regions of the world, strategic communications, global resources. The possession of these objects will largely determine the geopolitical status of civilizations and groups of states, the dynamics of their development, the degree of external and internal security, and the level of sovereignty.

The main sphere of geopolitical struggle in the 21st century is the cultural and civilizational environment and the spiritual sphere. The destruction or absorption of world civilizations, changing their essence, is one of the main tasks of the West and the financial elites. For a controlled world space, a universal world religion is needed and this is formed in the person of Judeo-Christianity.

The dynamics of civilizational processes allows us to make some predictions and conclusions. Thus, the inability of states to resist global mafia structures gives rise, as a response, to the entry of larger socio-political players onto the world stage - civilizations and civilizational unions. And in this situation, Russia has a historic chance to make its messianic contribution to the construction of a new, just world order.

Geopolitical project of Russia

Eastern civilizations, primarily China and India, are developing most dynamically and taking leading positions in world processes. But can they offer humanity an integral world project? It’s unlikely, since they themselves compete with each other for resources, for territories of influence. Russia can and should come up with such a project with the confidence that it will be supported by the overwhelming majority of the peoples of the world. Because this will be the project expected by humanity: messianic in essence, global in scope, aimed at the survival and development of all peoples of the world in content. A project of geopolitical intelligence and the mind of humanity. It is reason, not animal pragmatism. Full member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems I.N. Ostretsov writes: “The intellect, endowed with the properties of the mind, is capable of creating constructions, the probability of their occurrence within the framework of a purely stochastic process is practically zero... Only the mind, once arising, cannot perish due to the fact that it is capable of improving the forms of its existence... Thus, An absolutely necessary condition for development is an increase in the intellectual part of humanity." (Ostretsov I. Introduction to the philosophy of nonviolent development. M., 2009, pp. 57, 61). For Russia itself, this will be a project for restoring the civilizational essence and transformation, based not on naked pragmatism, but on reasonable principles and the geopolitical potential of the Fatherland. Otherwise, we, Russia, will become a third-rate Asian country (according to Brzezinski), or we will leave the historical process altogether.

To develop and promote the Russian project, first of all, it is necessary to concentrate the country’s scientific potential and master the method of geopolitical analysis, geopolitical forecast, and geopolitical planning of the world. This methodology was mastered many years ago by the Anglo-Saxons, Stalin, the Rothschilds and the Vatican. Today, this methodology is also used by the Academy of Geopolitical Problems (Russia) in collaboration with other social scientific organizations. It is proposed to base the project on the geopolitical doctrine of Russia, in which:

To provide an objective analysis of world processes, to prove the impracticability and catastrophic nature of both Western and mondialist (transnational) projects for humanity;

To identify the positive potential of human civilization, which, with its reasonable implementation, is capable of preserving all the peoples of the world and giving impetus to their comprehensive development;

Reflect the type of civilizational structure desired for Russia (and for all humanity), the geopolitical configuration of the world and the system of principles of behavior of the world community;

Declare Russia’s claim to the role of the Eurasian geopolitical center and Russia’s geopolitical allies, without naming specific countries and civilizations, but limiting ourselves only to the principles of determining allied forces and ideological and religious systems;

To offer the world community our own vision of the content and meaning of human existence, the role and functions of economics and finance as a means of developing culture, science, education, social communications, and not a means of profit and super-enrichment;

To offer the world a system of international security based on the principles of the intercivilizational balance of power laid down in the updated UN Charter, encouraging the development of collective security systems and the exclusion of military action as a means of resolving disputes and conflicts.

By offering humanity a geopolitical project, Russia is obliged to change its essential strategy, again based on intellect and reason. In particular:

Develop your own geopolitical theory of the 21st century (Russian experts are ready to develop it), where the main subjects of world processes will not be individual states, but civilizations;

Initiate the formation of an intercivilizational community consisting of civilizations that disagree with the world order of the “golden billion” (Russia, CIS countries, China, the Islamic world, Latin America, a number of countries in Western Europe and Africa).

To promote the development of such international organizations as the SCO, BRICS, ASEAN, and the establishment of interaction with the OIC, Arab League, and Latin America;

Proceed with the formation of a new international financial system (closed to the dollar at the first stage) based on the yuan, ruble, dinar, and acu.

Promote the creation of a comprehensive system of collective security in the format of interaction between the SCO, BRICS, CSTO, ASEAN.
- speed up registration of membership in the SCO for India, Iran, Mongolia, inviting Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Pakistan as candidates; and other countries;

Develop and implement a project for a fourth geopolitical space consisting of: Russia (CIS), India, Iran, Afghanistan, possibly Japan and other countries;

To propose the modernization of the UN and its Security Council, the transfer of their activities to the civilizational principle. (UN Security Council, permanent representatives from Russia (CIS), China, India, Islamic countries, Latin America, Africa, Japan, Europe, North America).

Intensify the pooling of efforts within the CIS (Eurasian Union), SCO, BRICS, to develop breakthrough innovative technologies, especially in the nuclear, nano-molecular and other fields, to develop new security systems.

The first decade of the 21st century can be considered a decade of unrealized hopes. The grandiose plans and aspirations of the great powers and regional entities have failed. The US plans to build a unipolar world have not come true, the EU has lost hopes that “soft” America in the person of Barack Obama will give Europe the opportunity to free itself from American tutelage and take a leading role in world politics. China no longer has the desire, or even the ability, to comply with Deng Xiaoping’s call to “hide our potential” and “wait for an opportunity.” It looks like this “case” has arrived.

If at the end of the 20th century Washington had some illusions about sole global control, today the United States, as the state of the highest rank, is losing control over world processes, and its elite speaks with alarm about the ways of survival of American society. In such a situation, it is interesting to follow the evolution of the views of the geopolitical planner Z. Brzezinski. It was he who described in “The Great Chessboard” and other works and speeches “the delights and inevitability of the world order under the auspices of the United States.

In fact, Brzezinski carried out geopolitical planning of the world in the interests of America, or rather the American elite. Let us remember his passages regarding Russia like: the future world order will be built on the ruins of Russia, at the expense of Russia and against Russia. Mr. Brzezinski paid special attention to Eurasia, since he is an apologist for the thesis of H. McKider that world domination is possible only in case of domination in Eurasia, and the latter is impossible without domination over Russia. “America is interested in preserving and strengthening the existing pluralism on the map of Eurasia”; ... to ensure "prevention of the emergence of a hostile coalition, much less a state capable of challenging... In the medium term, this should give way to the emergence of increasingly important and strategically compatible partners who, under American leadership, could help create a trans-Eurasian security system" ( Brzezinski Zb. The Great Chessboard. America’s Domination and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. M., International Relations, 2002. p. I think the reader is clear about which coalition hostile to the United States and which power capable of challenging it is clear to the reader: Russia and China in the first place.

But here is what the same Brzezinski says on October 14, 2011 in Normandy at the presentation of the A. Tocqueville Prize to him: “The current United States and the entire Western world are not at all what they were before... The Western world is currently in decline due to lack of will to unity." (“Military Review”, Well, one can argue about the will to unity as the main reason for the decline of the West, but the decline of the USA and the West is a fait accompli. But through the mouth of Brzezinski, the projected geopolitics of the West speaks - not a statement of decline, but an updated geopolitical project of the American and European elites, primarily financial ones. And the essence of this project is the same - the subjugation of all humanity, through the creation of a world government and the expansion of the Atlantic Alliance at the expense of Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. Brzezinski, in his latest statements, reveals a great geopolitical secret: the salvation of the West (as has happened more than once in history) is impossible without the participation of Russia. And the second secret of Zbigniew: the world is striving for bipolarity along the West-East axis (his phrase is typical: the power of the East is constantly growing against the background of the decline of the West). And the West needs Russia to confront the East. But the West is no longer a single whole; it is two different civilizational entities in a state of geopolitical confrontation.

Main subject

And in this confrontation between national elites, the global financial oligarchy comes to the fore with the goal of creating a single world space with a world government under the power of money. Nation states are slowly but steadily losing control over their space. The global financial oligarchy, based on closed clubs of super-rich people and TNCs, in whose hands the real power is, as well as the civilizations of the East and West are becoming international actors. But it seems that the transnational community is the leading subject of world processes: with the help of money and network governance, it dictates its will to sovereign states. Managing global processes, financial structures distributed around the world have several levels. The highest level is the world financial center (WFC) (today there are 16 of them, in the coming years there will be 22). Average level - transnational banks (TNB) - (more than 1000). And the last level is national banks associated with transnational centers.

The most important issue in the formation of the geopolitical structure of the future world is the behavior of the global financial oligarchy (finintern), which has been powerfully influencing the formation of world historical processes for more than two centuries. Today, under its control are: a significant part (more than 70 percent) of the world's monetary resources, precious metals, and hydrocarbons. Up to 80 percent The world's leading media are also controlled by the largest financial institutions and TNCs.

The global network controls the USA, Great Britain, Russia, the EU, and through world banks they approach the financial system of the PRC in order to establish control over its economy; it also has a system of global bodies for managing economic and political processes (Davos Forum, G8, G20, Bilderberg Club, World Bank, IMF, etc.), shadow armed and special forces (private military corporations, terrorist groups), global drug mafia with an annual turnover of about 1 trillion. dollars. It actually has NATO, OSCE, PACE and other structures at its disposal. The financial oligarchy persistently implements the strategy of a monopolar (dispersed) world order based on the omnipotent power of money. The basic basis of financial international remains the US Financial Reserve System, the financial groups of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the Vatican.

It is difficult to say how this subject of global governance will behave in the process of a radical reorganization of the world. One thing is clear: he will not give up his positions without a fight. The contours of his strategy are readable - a world government, the movement of financial infrastructure to East Asia, the creation of a planetary arc of instability, the establishment of a financial dictatorship. That is, the affirmation of global financial fascism.

The elites and governments of states become the objects of management; through financial control over them, the state is colonized (financial colonization). In colonial states, the role of the national elite is to carry out the will of the global elite and implement the goals and objectives set for them. To be a “national elite” today means not to associate oneself with the native people, but to be part of the world establishment. Responsibility to the global elite far exceeds responsibility to one's own people. This means that all their rhetoric about democracy, fair elections, and the political sovereignty of the country is bait for simpletons.

This means the denial of democracy as such, because no one elected the world elite. It is co-opted by one or another part of the national elite of any country. And then this “elite” reports not to the people of a given country, but to its brothers in the box, to the global oligarchy. They have nothing in common with the people of the country where they live; their work has its own logic and morality. The “national elite” must renounce entrepreneurial and all other productive activities for the benefit of their own state, and must provide free access to the global usurious elite to the national wealth of the country where they live. Fulfilling the will of the world financial centers will ensure a place in global financial structures for representatives of the “national oligarchic elites.” And the global elite will be provided with guaranteed profits and total control over the sovereignty of states. To achieve world domination, world financial centers set themselves the following tasks and stages. First step. – creation of a systemic crisis and instability on the planet. The second is the organization of famine and natural disasters. The third is the formation of public opinion in favor of global crisis management and the formation of a world government.

To expand and deepen the influence of global financial centers, it is necessary to create an enemy image in the eyes of the world community. In the past, this was the USSR, today it is Islamic terrorism, Libya, Syria, Iran, and in the near future it may well become China. To do this, it will be necessary to create an aggressive anti-Chinese arc around the Celestial Empire.

Civilization centers of world power and their strategies

World ethno-cultural civilizations (regional civilizational associations) of the East and West still play a secondary role in the formation of planetary processes. At the same time, there is an active formation of geopolitical centers of power on a cultural and civilizational basis. The centers of the first magnitude are North America, Europe, and China. There is intense competition between them not only for leadership, but also for survival. At the same time, North America and, to a lesser extent, Europe serve as the “body” of the global financial oligarchy, but at the state level they are also waging a “quiet” war for independence from the financial oligarchy and TNCs (the “Occupy Wall Street” actions, the “Y” generation and etc.) India, as a world civilization, is dynamically gaining power, but it is still the second echelon, like Japan, Russia, and Brazil. The Islamic world is fragmented and lagging behind in development, looking for its own civilizational path. Latin America has just begun civilization building. Africa, with the destruction of M. Gaddafi, will not gain its identity and independence in development for a long time.

This configuration of world forces and the multidirectionality of their actions create a system of difficult to resolve contradictions for all of humanity.

First Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Doctor of Military Sciences K.V. Sivkov in his article “Assessing the Probability of World War” identifies 7 main contradictions and disproportions that gave rise to the global systemic crisis of the 21st century:

The contradiction between the growth of production and consumption and the available resources necessary for development, the capabilities of the Earth's ecosystem;

Disproportions in the distribution of industrial capacities and raw materials, which have given rise to a conflict of interests between industrialized countries and countries supplying raw materials;

The contradiction between "poor" developing countries and "rich" industrialized countries;

The contradiction between nations, national elites and transnational elites;

The contradiction between the volume of the global “financial bubble” and

The scale of the real sector of the world economy;

The contradiction between the enormous global financial power of the transnational financial elite and the lack of its political subjectivity;

The contradiction between the lack of spirituality of the “free market”, which gives rise to the power of money, and the spiritual foundations of the existence of various civilizations, which form civilizational differences and give rise to the power of ideas (to one degree or another). (Sivkov K.V. Assessing the probability of a world war // Megalopolis Management. - M., 2009. No. 2).

How is the West trying to “resolve” these contradictions (oligarchy + “national” elites?

First: transfer under the so-called. international control of critical natural resources and strategic communications. In case of resistance from sovereign states, “color” revolutions are launched on their territories, “democratic” coups, crises, etc. are organized. But, if the peaceful option does not work, then the forceful method of solving the problem is launched (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya ) .

Second: formalization of global management structures. Who, for example, created the G8, G20, and Davos Forum? Who authorized the United States to impose international sanctions and implement international “justice”? However, the decisions of these and similar “bodies” are actually binding on the world community of states.

Other options are also being implemented, such as, for example, assigning global functions to NATO.

The Strategic Concept of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, adopted by heads of state and government in Lisbon (November 2010), gives NATO the right to: “deploy credible military forces where and when necessary for our security, and to contribute to shared security in cooperation with our partners.” worldwide. While the world changes, NATO's core mission will remain the same: to ensure that the alliance remains an unparalleled community of freedom, peace, security and shared values."

But if we put aside empty words, NATO declares the right to control the entire world by military force. Based on generally accepted postulates about the protection of human rights, the fight against terrorism, nuclear proliferation, drugs, and so on, but in fact, after the adoption of such a concept in the person of NATO, a force instrument was legitimized to maintain the power of money, the power of the transnational oligarchy. . But their power will be strong as long as the dollar is strong. As long as most countries in the world are ready to keep their monetary resources in dollars and pay each other in American currency, the United States and the financial oligarchy will grow fat and dominate. Reducing the “dollar territory” will inevitably lead to its weakening and a decrease in the influence of its producers on global processes. Changing the philosophy of human life (more spirituality, morality, intelligence - less consumption), caring for nature (harmony with nature) will lead to the collapse of the power of money.

The main objects of geopolitical confrontation are: key (strategically important) regions of the world, strategic communications, global resources. The possession of these objects will largely determine the geopolitical status of civilizations and groups of states, the dynamics of their development, the degree of external and internal security, and the level of sovereignty.

The main sphere of geopolitical struggle in the 21st century is the cultural and civilizational environment and the spiritual sphere. The destruction or absorption of world civilizations, changing their essence, is one of the main tasks of the West and the financial elites. For a controlled world space, a universal world religion is needed and this is formed in the person of Judeo-Christianity.

The dynamics of civilizational processes allows us to make some predictions and conclusions. Thus, the inability of states to resist global mafia structures gives rise, as a response, to the entry of larger socio-political players onto the world stage - civilizations and civilizational unions. And in this situation, Russia has a historic chance to make its messianic contribution to the construction of a new, just world order.

Geopolitical project of Russia

Eastern civilizations, primarily China and India, are developing most dynamically and taking leading positions in world processes. But can they offer humanity an integral world project? It’s unlikely, since they themselves compete with each other for resources, for territories of influence. Russia can and should come up with such a project with the confidence that it will be supported by the overwhelming majority of the peoples of the world. Because this will be the project expected by humanity: messianic in essence, global in scope, aimed at the survival and development of all peoples of the world in content. A project of geopolitical intelligence and the mind of humanity. It is reason, not animal pragmatism. Full member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems I.N. Ostretsov writes: “The intellect, endowed with the properties of the mind, is capable of creating constructions, the probability of their occurrence within the framework of a purely stochastic process is practically zero... Only the mind, once arising, cannot perish due to the fact that it is capable of improving the forms of its existence... Thus, An absolutely necessary condition for development is an increase in the intellectual part of humanity." (Ostretsov I. Introduction to the philosophy of nonviolent development. M., 2009, pp. 57, 61). For Russia itself, this will be a project for restoring the civilizational essence and transformation, based not on naked pragmatism, but on reasonable principles and the geopolitical potential of the Fatherland. Otherwise, we, Russia, will become a third-rate Asian country (according to Brzezinski), or we will leave the historical process altogether.

To develop and promote the Russian project, first of all, it is necessary to concentrate the country’s scientific potential and master the method of geopolitical analysis, geopolitical forecast, and geopolitical planning of the world. This methodology was mastered many years ago by the Anglo-Saxons, Stalin, the Rothschilds and the Vatican. Today, this methodology is also used by the Academy of Geopolitical Problems (Russia) in collaboration with other social scientific organizations. It is proposed to base the project on the geopolitical doctrine of Russia, in which:

To provide an objective analysis of world processes, to prove the impracticability and catastrophic nature of both Western and mondialist (transnational) projects for humanity;

To identify the positive potential of human civilization, which, with its reasonable implementation, is capable of preserving all the peoples of the world and giving impetus to their comprehensive development;

Reflect the type of civilizational structure desired for Russia (and for all humanity), the geopolitical configuration of the world and the system of principles of behavior of the world community;

Declare Russia’s claim to the role of the Eurasian geopolitical center and Russia’s geopolitical allies, without naming specific countries and civilizations, but limiting ourselves only to the principles of determining allied forces and ideological and religious systems;

To offer the world community our own vision of the content and meaning of human existence, the role and functions of economics and finance as a means of developing culture, science, education, social communications, and not a means of profit and super-enrichment;

To offer the world a system of international security based on the principles of the intercivilizational balance of power laid down in the updated UN Charter, encouraging the development of collective security systems and the exclusion of military action as a means of resolving disputes and conflicts.

By offering humanity a geopolitical project, Russia is obliged to change its essential strategy, again based on intellect and reason. In particular:

Develop your own geopolitical theory of the 21st century (Russian experts are ready to develop it), where the main subjects of world processes will not be individual states, but civilizations;

Initiate the formation of an intercivilizational community consisting of civilizations that disagree with the world order of the “golden billion” (Russia, CIS countries, China, the Islamic world, Latin America, a number of countries in Western Europe and Africa).

To promote the development of such international organizations as the SCO, BRICS, ASEAN, and the establishment of interaction with the OIC, Arab League, and Latin America;

Proceed with the formation of a new international financial system (closed to the dollar at the first stage) based on the yuan, ruble, dinar, and acu.

Promote the creation of a comprehensive system of collective security in the format of interaction between the SCO, BRICS, CSTO, ASEAN.
- speed up registration of membership in the SCO for India, Iran, Mongolia, inviting Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Pakistan as candidates; and other countries;

Develop and implement a project for a fourth geopolitical space consisting of: Russia (CIS), India, Iran, Afghanistan, possibly Japan and other countries;

To propose the modernization of the UN and its Security Council, the transfer of their activities to the civilizational principle. (UN Security Council, permanent representatives from Russia (CIS), China, India, Islamic countries, Latin America, Africa, Japan, Europe, North America).

Intensify the pooling of efforts within the CIS (Eurasian Union), SCO, BRICS, to develop breakthrough innovative technologies, especially in the nuclear, nano-molecular and other fields, to develop new security systems.

Modern art is usually called all kinds of artistic movements that emerged at the end of the 20th century. In the post-war period, it was a kind of outlet that again taught people to dream and invent new realities of life.

Tired of the shackles of the harsh rules of the past, young artists decided to break the old artistic norms. They sought to create new, previously unknown practices. Contrasting themselves with modernism, they turned to new ways of revealing their stories. The artist and the concept behind his creation have become much more important than the outcome of the creative activity itself. The desire to move away from the established framework led to the emergence of new genres.

Disputes began to arise among artists about the meaning of art and ways of expressing it. What is art? By what means can one achieve genuine art? Conceptualists and minimalists found the answer for themselves in the phrase: “If art can be everything, then it can be nothing.” For them, a departure from the usual visual means resulted in various events, happenings and performances. What is the peculiarity of contemporary art in the 21st century? This is what we will talk about in the article.

Three-dimensional graphics in the art of the 21st century

The art of the 21st century is famous in 3D graphics. With the development of computer technology, artists have access to new means of creating their art. The essence of three-dimensional graphics is to create images by modeling objects in three-dimensional space. If you consider most forms of contemporary art in the 21st century, 3D image making appears to be the most traditional. 3D graphics has many sides, in the truest sense of the word. It is used to create programs, games, images and videos on a computer. But it can also be seen right under your feet - on the asphalt.

3D graphics moved onto the streets several decades ago and have remained one of the most important forms of street art ever since. Many artists paint three-dimensional images in their “paintings” that can amaze with their realism. Edgar Müller, Eduardo Rolero, Kurt Wenner and many other contemporary artists today create art that can surprise anyone.

21st century street art

Previously, occupation was the lot of wealthy people. For centuries it was covered with the walls of special institutions, where access to the uninitiated was denied. Obviously, his enormous power could not languish forever inside the stuffy buildings. It was then that it got out into the gray gloomy streets. Chose to change our history forever. Although at first everything was not so simple.

Not everyone was happy about his birth. Many considered it the result of a bad experience. Some even refused to pay attention to its existence. Meanwhile, the brainchild continued to grow and develop.

Street artists faced difficulties along the way. For all its diversity of forms, street art was sometimes difficult to distinguish from vandalism.

It all started in the 70s of the last century in New York. At this time, street art was in its infancy. And his life was supported by Julio 204 and Taki 183. They left inscriptions in different places in their area, then expanding the distribution area. Other guys decided to compete with them. This is where the fun began. Enthusiasm and the desire to show off resulted in a battle of creativity. Everyone was eager to discover for themselves and others a more original way to make their mark.

In 1981, street art managed to cross the ocean. Street artist from France BlekleRat helped him with this. He is considered one of the first graffiti artists in Paris. He is also called the father of stencil graffiti. His signature touch is the drawings of rats, which refers to the name of their creator. The author noticed that after rearranging the letters in the word rat (rat), the result is art (art). Blek once noted: "The rat is the only free animal in Paris, which is spreading everywhere, just like street art."

The most famous street artist is Banksy, who calls BlekleRat his main teacher. The topical works of this talented Briton can silence anyone. In his drawings, created using stencils, he exposes modern society with its vices. Banksy has a traditional style that allows him to leave an even greater impression on the audience. An interesting fact is that Banksy’s identity is still shrouded in mystery. No one has yet managed to solve the mystery of the artist’s identity.

Meanwhile, street art is rapidly gaining momentum. Once relegated to fringe movements, street art has ascended to the stage of auctions. Artists' works are being sold for incredible sums by those who once refused to talk about him. What is this, the life-giving force of art or mainstream trends?


Today there are several quite interesting manifestations of contemporary art. Review of the most unusual forms of contemporary art will be presented to your attention below.


The term readymade comes from English, which means “ready”. In fact, the goal of this direction is not to create anything material. The main idea here is that depending on the environment of an object, a person’s perception of the object itself changes. The founder of the movement is Marcel Duchamp. His most famous work is the “Fountain”, which is a urinal with an autograph and date.


Anamorphosis is a technique for creating images in such a way that they can only be fully seen from a certain angle. One of the brightest representatives of this trend is the Frenchman Bernard Pras. He creates installations using whatever comes to hand. Thanks to his skill, he manages to create amazing works, which, however, can only be seen from a certain angle.

Biological fluids in art

One of the most controversial movements in contemporary art of the 21st century is drawing painted with human fluids. Often followers of this modern art form use blood and urine. The color of the paintings in this case often takes on a gloomy, frightening look. Hermann Nitsch, for example, uses animal blood and urine. The author explains the use of such unexpected materials by a difficult childhood during the Second World War.

Painting of the XX-XXI centuries

A brief history of painting contains information that the end of the 20th century became the starting point for many iconic artists of our time. In the difficult post-war years, the sphere experienced its rebirth. Artists sought to discover new facets of their capabilities.


Kazimir Malevich is considered to be the creator of Suprematism. Being the main theoretician, he proclaimed Suprematism as a way to cleanse art of all unnecessary things. By abandoning the usual methods of conveying images, artists sought to free art from the extra-artistic. The most important work in this genre is the famous “Black Square” by Malevich.

Pop Art

Pop art has its origins in the USA. In the post-war years, society experienced global changes. People could now afford more. Consumption has become the most important part of life. People began to be elevated to cults, and consumer products to symbols. Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol and other followers of the movement sought to use these symbols in their paintings.


Futurism was discovered in 1910. The main idea of ​​this movement was the desire for something new, the destruction of the framework of the past. Artists depicted this desire using a special technique. Sharp strokes, flows, connections and intersections are signs of futurism. The most famous representatives of futurism are Marinetti, Severini, Carra.

Contemporary art in Russia of the 21st century

Contemporary art in Russia (21st century) smoothly flowed from the underground, “unofficial” art of the USSR. Young artists of the 90s were looking for new ways to realize their artistic ambitions in a new country. At this time, Moscow actionism was born. His followers challenged the past and its ideology. The destruction of borders (literally and figuratively) made it possible to depict the attitude of the younger generation to the situation in the country. Contemporary art of the 21st century has become expressive, frightening, shocking. The kind that society has been closing itself off from for so long. Actions of Anatoly Osmolovsky (“Mayakovsky - Osmolovsky”, “Against everyone”, “Barricade on Bolshaya Nikitskaya”), the movement “ETI” (“ETI-text”), Oleg Kulik (“Piglet gives out gifts”, “Mad Dog or the Last Taboo” , guarded by a lonely Cerberus”), Avdey Ter-Oganyan (“Pop Art”) forever changed the history of modern art.

New Generation

Slava PTRK is a contemporary artist from Yekaterinburg. Some may be reminded of his work by Banksy. However, Slava’s works contain ideas and feelings that are familiar only to a Russian citizen. One of his most notable works is the “Land of Opportunity” campaign. The artist created an inscription from crutches on the building of an abandoned hospital in Yekaterinburg. Slava bought crutches from city residents who once used them. The artist announced the action on his social network page, adding an appeal to his fellow citizens.

Museums of Contemporary Art

Perhaps, at one time, contemporary fine art of the 21st century seemed like a marginal medium, but today more and more people are striving to join the new field of art. More and more museums are opening their doors to new means of expression. New York is a record holder in the field of contemporary art. There are also two museums here, which are among the best in the world.

The first is MoMA, which is a repository of paintings by Matisse, Dali, and Warhol. The second is a museum. The unusual architecture of the building is adjacent to the works of Picasso, Marc Chagall, Kandinsky and many others.

Europe is also famous for its magnificent museums of 21st century contemporary art. The KIASMA Museum in Helsinki allows you to touch the objects on display. The center in the capital of France amazes with its unusual architecture and works of contemporary artists. The Stedelijkmuseum in Amsterdam houses the largest collection of paintings by Malevich. The capital of Great Britain has a huge number of contemporary art objects. The Vienna Museum of Modern Art has works by Andy Warhol and other talented contemporary artists.

Contemporary art of the 21st century (painting) - mysterious, incomprehensible, fascinating, has forever changed the vector of development not only of a separate sphere, but also of the entire life of mankind. It reflects and creates modernity at the same time. Constantly changing, the art of modernity allows a person who is constantly in a hurry to stop for a moment. Stop to remember the feelings that lie deep inside. Stop to pick up the pace again and rush into the whirlwind of events and affairs.