Which sea is better: Black or Mediterranean? The best sea for health

We solve many problems for ourselves, where it is warm, comfortable and relatively inexpensive, entertainment, food, travel, visa. But sometimes we forget about the most important thing, which of the seas is the most useful for us.

It has long been proven that sea water is beneficial for the body because it is very similar in composition to human blood plasma. Beneficial substances dissolved in water easily enter the body through the pores of the skin, and then through the walls of blood vessels into the blood. Sea water enriches our body with the active minerals it contains, which activate cell restoration, which means it has a rejuvenating effect. At the same time, magnesium contained in sea water improves immunity, calcium strengthens bones, iodine normalizes metabolism, potassium normalizes blood pressure, and bromine calms the nerves.

This is why most people, on an instinctive level, strive in winter to countries where there is a warm sea and it is always warm. Doctors and scientists believe that the most beneficial sea is a unique medicine in itself, which not only allows our body to rest, but also brings our entire body to its original form at the molecular level.

But which of the seas is the most useful and where is it worth going to, at the same time, relax and heal?

Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea is the healthiest sea for children.

Of course, the healthiest of the seas on our planet - the Dead Sea. According to our Russian standards, you can’t swim in it (from dawn to dusk), but small baths, especially in the morning, are undoubtedly useful. The Dead Sea has long been famous for the large amount of salts and salts dissolved in its waters. There are 21 minerals dissolved in the water of the Dead Sea, and 12 of them are not found in any sea in the world.

By the way, the Dead Sea is called dead because not only fish, but also microorganisms do not live in it. There are no industrial enterprises on the Dead Sea coast, so The Dead Sea is one of the cleanest in the world.

In summer, on the coast the dead temperature reaches 40 degrees, but due to the constant evaporation of bromine, you will not notice it. Bromine evaporation protects your skin from the unhealthy effects of ultraviolet radiation, so on the beaches of the Dead Sea you will not see a single person who is sunburned - the tan will always be even and beautiful. That is why the Dead Sea will be most useful for those who want to get an even, beautiful tan, and not burn in the sun on the first day of their stay at sea.

Take note of Snow White!

The Dead Sea is valued not only for even and beautiful tan , it remarkably cures various skin diseases, such as skin eczema, psoriasis, chronic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. It is also useful to visit the Dead Sea for those suffering from diseases of the respiratory system - pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis and joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis).

But the main benefit of the Dead Sea is that it treats the main disease of all business people - chronic fatigue, and in this it has no equal. Of course, there are also contraindications: cancer and allergies to iodine.

Sunset over the red sea

The Red Sea ranks second in terms of its healing effectiveness after the Dead Sea, therefore it is considered second most useful for healing the body. The sea is very warm, and unlike the Dead Sea, where you cannot stay in the water for a long time, much less swim, the Red Sea is simply a paradise for those who like to swim and dive. This largely determines its effectiveness and usefulness.

The Red Sea is also the second largest in terms of the content of useful salts; the sea is replete with coral reefs; they are an additional source of useful mineral salts. To those who suffer cardiovascular and respiratory diseases The Red Sea is useful in spring, as well as during the velvet season. However, it is possible to treat respiratory tract disease in the summer and even more effectively due to natural evaporation in the air, just do not forget that in the heat (midday) you cannot be on the Red Sea, like any other. Some species are successfully treated in the Red Sea female and male infertility , especially caused by the consequences of infectious diseases suffered in childhood or adolescence.

Black, Mediterranean, Aegean and Adriatic Sea.

These seas have an almost equal composition of salts and naturally the same healing effect , at the same time, the absence of pressure drops and moderate humidity are very suitable for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

Conifers forests in Mediterranean resorts form a unique composition of air, serve as an excellent prevention of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis, as well as tuberculosis and pneumonia.

The Mediterranean climate is suitable for patients with disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems. The Mediterranean air simply charges the body of vacationers with ions and phytoncides, and the water with mineral salts.

According to domestic doctors, the most useful of the seas is that the water composition in it corresponds to the microelement composition of human blood.

Baltic Sea.

The Baltic Sea got fourth place in the ranking “usefulness” of the seas for the health of the human body. However, this sea also has its undeniable advantages. and the absence of heat, as well as the gentle sun, make it the most useful vacation spot for children and adults from northern latitudes, as well as those with weakened bodies that have difficulty with acclimatization. passes unnoticeably, and the abundance of coniferous forests with their wonderful healing air are beneficial for people with thyroid and respiratory diseases . Even the fact that the water in the sea is quite cool, which warms up to only 20 degrees, works to improve the health of the body, speeds up metabolic processes and tones the blood vessels, and there is also an opinion that only the Baltic Sea promotes weight loss.

When you decide to spend a vacation at sea, you need to take care of your health, so choose the healthiest of the seas for relaxation and treatment, even if you do not suffer from any illnesses or diseases.

Interesting facts about the Black Sea.

But when answering the simple question asked at the beginning, many forget that in the southern direction we have another sea - the Azov Sea, with its own resorts, followers and zest. So what are the similarities between the two bodies of water and what are the differences? Let's arrange a small confrontation, or as it is fashionable to say now, a battle between the Black and Azov Seas.

If you look at the map, the picture begins to become clearer. The two bodies of water are connected by the Kerch Strait. Both belong to the Atlantic Ocean. Some call the Azov tributary, the Black basin, but this is not so. The two seas are very different: in size, water properties, characteristics. Let's take a closer look at the differences.

Numbers and quantities

The fact that Chernoe is larger than Azov is visible to the naked eye. In numbers, the values ​​look like this: an area of ​​422 thousand square kilometers versus 39 thousand square kilometers (the Azov Sea is considered the smallest sea in the world). Those. the difference is more than 10 times. There are also striking differences with depth. The maximum at Cherny is about 2200 meters, at Azovsky it is only 14-15 meters, and the average is 8 meters.

Geographical coverage

Azov washes the coast of Russia, the Crimean peninsula, and Ukraine. Black adds Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria to all of the above. In the waters of each there are large ports. For Cherny, these are Ukrainian Odessa, Georgian Poti, Turkish Trabzon, Bulgarian Varna, Russian Sochi and Sevastopol. Azovsky has Ukrainian Mariupol and Berdyansk, Russian Yeisk, Taganrog, Azov. But passenger and cargo transportation are very different. If the depth of the Cherny allows large ships with large displacement to pass, then large ships simply will not pass through the Azov and will run aground.


On the Black Sea coast they are predominantly pebble. True, there are not stones underfoot everywhere, for example, in Anapa or Evpatoria, there is sand. In Azov, almost everywhere there is sand mixed with small shells. A special feature of the Sea of ​​Azov is its very gentle entrance to the water. You can walk for an infinitely long time; the shallow depth is an excellent option for children and those who cannot swim or are poor swimmers. On the Black Sea, it’s shallow near the shore in Anapa and Evpatoria, but other resorts are famous for their pebble beaches and a rather sharp entrance to the water. Six or seven meters and you can’t reach the bottom.

Water characteristics

The Black Sea is warming up much more slowly than the Azov Sea, it’s all about the depth. In June, Azovskoe is somewhere around plus 24, and Chernoe is +20. If you go to the sea with a child in June, then warmer water is, of course, preferable. The color of the two reservoirs is also very different, this is clearly demonstrated by photos from space.

Black, not actually Black, but blue with shades from light blue to dark indigo. Azovskoye is green, and if the suspension rises from the depths it looks like coffee with milk. The first is transparent, the second is cloudy, don’t try to see your legs or swimming fish in the water, you won’t see it. The water in Cherny is much saltier than in Azov.


The two reservoirs are known for their estuaries and lakes with healing mud. Cherny’s most famous ones are Saksky and Chokrak, and Azovsky’s are Sivash. All mud is saturated with amino acids, minerals and has healing properties. Therefore, on the shores of both the Black and Azov Seas there are many sanatoriums and mud baths.

Lake Sivash is located on the Crimean side.


The resorts of the Black Sea are on everyone's lips: and these are not only Russian Sochi, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Adler, Crimean Evpatoria, Yalta, Sevastopol, Feodosia, Ukrainian Odessa, but also Abkhazian Gagra and Pitsunda, Georgian Batumi, Bulgarian Varna and Burgas. With the resorts of the Azov Sea, everything is a little more complicated; you can’t even name the most famous ones right off the bat. And this is Yeisk, the villages of Golubitskaya, Dolzhanskaya, Blagoveshchenskaya, the village of Kuchugury. The tourist infrastructure of the Black Sea is more developed, but not everything is so bad on the Azov coast. Here you can find water parks, dolphinariums, crocodile farms, and many campsites.

Bottom line

The Black Sea is more stormy. But in Azov, high waves are rare. Black never freezes, but Azov is covered with an ice crust. The two bodies of water are very different, so each tourist will determine the winner of the sea battle himself and support him financially, leaving savings at the resorts set aside for this occasion.

Holidays on the Black and Azov Seas are popular among Russians and Ukrainians. Leisure on cozy beaches is available to almost every working person. On the shores of the Black and Azov Seas there are a large number of resorts and recreation centers.

In most cases, when organizing a vacation on the Black Sea, people choose Anapa, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Sochi and Crimea. Salty water and clean, well-groomed beaches attract many tourists from all over the world. You can relax on the Sea of ​​Azov in Yeisk, Berdyansk, Taganrog, Novoazovsk, Urzuf and Yalta.

The general availability of a beach holiday puts a person before a choice, and in order to make it, you need to decide whether the Black Sea or the Azov Sea is healthier. After all, vacations don’t happen very often and you wouldn’t want to waste them on meaningless everyday life.

Black and Azov Seas. Differences

  • The Black Sea coast is mostly pebbly and rocky, and finding a comfortable sandy beach here is quite difficult. On the Sea of ​​Azov you can relax on the “golden” sands. Basically, the coast of the Azov Sea is white-golden in color thanks to small pieces of shells. It is most comfortable for children and adults to relax on the beaches of the Azov Sea.
  • The water in the Black Sea is blue and very clear. In Azov it is greenish, and this is especially noticeable in shallow water or after small storms. The water in the Black Sea is much clearer than in the Azov Sea.
  • The biggest advantage of the Sea of ​​Azov is considered to be healing mud, which is not found in the Black Sea. It is for them that tourists from all over the world come to the sea.
  • The Sea of ​​Azov is considered the shallowest in the world. Its average depth is about 7.5 meters. However, finding such a depth will be problematic - mostly shallow water. This has its advantages - it’s comfortable to relax with children and, if necessary, you can learn to swim yourself. The Black Sea is quite deep and various water sports are common here.
  • The Azov Sea warms up much faster than the Black Sea and this is due to its shallow depth. The beach season begins much earlier than on the Black Sea. You can relax here comfortably already at the beginning of June.
  • On the Black Sea it is enough to find a secluded place - there are a lot of vacationers. They occupy almost the entire coast. They are quite noisy and host active sporting events. There is no such turmoil on the Sea of ​​Azov.
  • The Sea of ​​Azov has fresh-salt water. Black - salty. Tourists who want to improve their health with salty sea water choose the Black Sea.
  • The Black Sea never freezes, and the Azov Sea is covered with a thick layer of ice in winter.

When choosing the Black or Azov Sea, safety should be given priority first of all. For a holiday with children, it is best to choose the Azov Sea. Shallow water, attractions and a calm atmosphere will have a positive effect on the body.

If you like noisy companies, water sports, and you also need a fairly large depth, choose the Black Sea. There are quite comfortable, well-equipped beaches and a lot of entertainment for young people and adults.

Holidays on the Azov and Black Seas are popular with many people of different ages, from young children to elderly men and women. The climate here is pleasant, and the number of sunny days allows you to get a beautiful tan and a boost of energy throughout the cold season.

Many well-equipped beaches, cozy corners, recreation centers, boarding houses. It is very easy to choose a suitable holiday destination thanks to the Internet. So, you can go to the website www.azovskoe-drugba.com.ua, which offers a great time on the seashore.


But with such simplicity and accessibility, choosing which sea to go to is quite difficult. Let's figure it out:

  1. The Black Sea water is transparent, blue in color, while in the Azov Sea it is more cloudy and greenish; this circumstance is especially clearly visible after even a small storm.
  2. The coast of the Azov Sea is sandy, with small shells, so the beaches there are white-golden and cozy. But on the Black Sea it is very difficult to find a beach with sand - almost everything here has pebbles and stones.
  3. The Black Sea is very deep, and this allows for water sports, in particular diving. As for the Sea of ​​Azov, it is the shallowest in the world today, with an average depth of only seven and a half meters. Therefore, it is better to relax here with children, because the water warms up better and you can swim in shallow water.
  4. Due to the above-mentioned circumstances, the holiday season on the Azov seaside begins earlier.
  5. Another advantage of the Sea of ​​Azov is the presence of healing mud, which cannot be found on the Black Sea. Tourists from different countries often flock here precisely because of it.
  6. In the Black Sea, the water is saltier, so it is more beneficial from a health point of view for taking sea baths.
  7. Due to the increased salinity, the Black Sea does not freeze, but the Azov Sea is covered with a layer of ice during severe frosts.

What to choose

When choosing between two seas, everyone should focus on their tastes and needs. Fans of diving and the like, as well as noisy companies, are better off going to the Black Sea, as there they can do what they love and have fun in multiple establishments.

Azov is a great place to spend a family vacation. Children and their parents can bask on the golden beaches and swim to their heart's content in the pleasantly warm water.

There are always a lot of vacationers on the Black Sea coast, so those who love silence are better off going to the Azov coast - here you can find a secluded corner.

In any case, in the summer, of course, it is better to relax at sea - it is good for your health.

When it comes to an upcoming vacation, everyone usually prefers to spend it on the coast. But deciding whether to prefer the Azov or Black Sea becomes quite difficult. The fact is that both seas have their own advantages and disadvantages, which should be discussed in advance so as not to get into trouble when arriving at one or another resort. This is especially important when it comes to traveling with children.

Features of the Black Sea

The ancient Black Sea once formed on the site of a freshwater lake and is part of the Atlantic Ocean reservoir system. It is quite deep, maximum depths reach more than two thousand meters. But there is no life deeper than 200 meters, since a hydrogen sulfide layer lies there.

Several large rivers flow into the Black Sea. And with other bodies of water, for example, with the Mediterranean Sea, it is connected by the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits. Therefore, the water level is constantly regulated and floods do not threaten the shores of the Black Sea. Storms and storms are not uncommon here, but such a terrible phenomenon as a tsunami does not occur here. However, there are earthquakes. These are mainly echoes provoked by faults in the Carpathian region and in Turkey, but tremors also occur at the bottom of the sea itself.

The Black Sea is warm along the coasts, quite clean and very favorable for tourism and recreation. The entire Black Sea coast, regardless of which country it belongs to, is a continuous alternation of resorts and large or small ports.

Off the coast of Crimea and the Caucasus, the Black Sea is particularly clean, and the combination of an excellent climate, warm water and magnificent rich nature has made these places inhabited since ancient times. Nowadays, the sites of ancient settlements have become large cities, most of which combine the functions of ports and resorts. They can offer tourists a developed infrastructure, a long-established service sector, many interesting historical and natural monuments, a wonderful warm climate and constant access to the sea.

Features of the Sea of ​​Azov

In ancient times, the modern Sea of ​​Azov was part of the land, which is mainly responsible for the local flat topography and shallow waters. It reaches a maximum depth of 13.5 meters, has gently sloping banks, mainly consisting of shell rock and stones.

Due to the active influx of fresh water and the difficulty of communication with the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait, the Sea of ​​Azov has a lower salinity, and therefore often freezes in the cold winter months. Due to the shallowness of the water, the water here can become very hot in the hot summer months, and during periods of drought, massive algae blooms are possible, which makes the sea unsuitable for swimming. In addition, the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov are low and marshy, so the water is less transparent and muddy, especially in the Taganrog Bay and in Sivash. Thanks to the abundance of nutrients, the sea has many inhabitants. Many fish breed and grow here, including those that continue their adult lives in the clear waters of the Black Sea.

Another factor suggesting that the Sea of ​​Azov is dirty is the large concentration of industrial giants on its shores. Taganrog, Mariupol, Berdyansk, Kerch and many other cities emit a lot of pollutants into the air, and their large ports also do not contribute to particularly clean coasts and water.

Comparison of the Azov and Black Seas

A comparison of which sea is better - the Black Sea or the Azov Sea - will not be entirely correct, since both seas are good both for recreation and as powerful transport routes. Of course, for the local population, “their” sea will always be their favorite and the best in the world. Comparing which sea is cleaner - the Azov or the Black Sea, one can definitely come to the conclusion that the Black Sea wins here. Firstly, it is larger and has more self-cleaning capabilities. It is deep and has a “dead” hydrogen sulfide layer at the bottom, which prevents “blooming”. Although in particularly hot and dry years, this phenomenon can also occur along some shallow coasts. In addition, in the Black Sea there are many more strong currents that “mix” the waters and prevent them from stagnating. The Azov Sea is shallow, there are no strong temperature differences here. Therefore, there is no active mixing of water, which leads to stagnation of water. Even despite the strong winds characteristic of this area, the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov are not distinguished by strong and powerful currents, at least along the coasts and in the center of the reservoir.

But the question of which sea is warmer - the Black Sea or the Azov Sea - can be answered unequivocally. The Azov Sea wins in this nomination, as it has shallower water and therefore warms up more strongly in the summer heat.

The main differences between the two seas

You can make a detailed comparison and try to find 10 differences between the Black and Azov Seas:
1. Depth. The Black Sea is the leader here.
2. Area. And here Pont Euxine won.
3. Water circulation. Due to the size and presence of the underwater Black Sea river, the water in the Black Sea is renewed better than in the Azov Sea.
4. Bottom topography. The Azovskoe is flat, while the Chernoe can have a depth of 2000 meters or more.
5. Climate. On the shores of the Black Sea it is more diverse, while the Azov coast suffers from strong winds.
6. Flora. It is difficult to compare, since the Black Sea coast is several times longer in length and includes several climatic zones.
7. Fauna. The same as in the previous paragraph.
8. Ecology. The ecology of the Sea of ​​Azov is catastrophic, and that of the Black Sea is bad, but this mainly concerns the coastline near large cities. Small resorts on both seas boast clean water and excellent conditions for relaxation.
9. Economic significance. Here it is difficult for these two seas to compete, both are very important. But still, the Black Sea benefits from the number of ports and transport routes that connect them.
10. Historical monuments. Again, due to the size and antiquity of the Black Sea, its shores can boast a large number of diverse monuments from different historical eras and peoples.

In general, the Black Sea may be a more preferable option for a holiday, although the Azov Sea in some cases turns out to be a good choice.

Black or Azov Sea? Where to go on vacation, including with children

When choosing what is more suitable - the Azov or Black Sea for a child, you need to take into account many different factors. For example, the distance from home to the sea - the further you go, the more difficult it is for the baby. In this case, it is worth choosing the coast of the North Caucasus, especially in the place where the waters of the Azov and Black Seas meet. Taman will give you many pleasant moments, a warm and clean sea and the opportunity to have a great rest, no worse than at large resorts.

If the purpose of the trip is to improve the health of the child, then it is worth staying on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea, because Anapa is a world-famous children's resort with many sanatoriums and entertainment, including a dolphinarium on the open sea.
For lovers of historical values ​​and monuments, as well as the beauty of nature and active recreation, both the Crimea and the Caucasus are suitable. There is a wonderful climate, clean warm sea, maximum amenities for vacationers and maximum caring staff offering a variety of recreation, travel and holidays, as well as sea and mountain walks. Everywhere there are modern restaurants and cafes, including those serving national cuisine. Excellent aquatic centers and a variety of swimming pools have been built for children.

Answering the question: "Azov Sea or Black Sea? Which is better for children?" we can say that the choice here largely depends on personal preferences, and modern developed infrastructure will make your vacation successful anywhere.