How to draw a St. George's ribbon with a carnation step by step. How to make a St. George ribbon with your own hands: from beads, on a transparent background, a brooch from a St. George ribbon. How to draw the St. George Ribbon step by step

I have prepared a tutorial that will help you create a symbolic ribbon in Adobe Illustrator, which you can use not only in connection with the fight against AIDS, but also for any other purpose where you may need a vector ribbon.

Step 1.

Create a new document in Illustrator. Further using Rectangle Tool - Rectangle Tool(M) draw a small rectangle. Now go to the menu Effects > Warp > Arch and apply the following settings:

-select Horizontal

- Bend: 79%

Section Distortion

- Horizontal: 0%

- Vertical: 12%

Step 2.

Expand your figure by going to the menu Object > Expand Appearance. Further using Selection Tool (V) narrow your figure a little. As a result, we got a loop of our ribbon.

Step 3.

Now use Pen Tool - Pen Tool(P). Starting at the top left corner of the loop, draw a ribbon shape working down to the right, maybe bending the shape a little towards the end. The form presented in the lesson consists of four nodes.

Step 4.

Copy the created form Ctrl + C > Ctrl + V to make the left side of the ribbon. Flip it vertically, to do this, select the shape, right-click and select Transform > Mirror reflection(Transform > Reflect) and in the window that opens, select Axis: Vertical

Step 5.

Use Pen Tool+ - Add Anchor Point Tool (+) to add a knot in the middle of the bottom of the right and left sides of the ribbons (see picture). Next take Direct Selection Tool (A) and move the knots you just added inward to make teeth at the ends of the ribbon.

Step 6.

Select the top small part ribbon and open the Gradient panel, add Linear Gradient as a shape fill. I made a gradient of 3 colors, placing them at 5 points along the gradient fill line. Here are the colors used in order: #5C0404, #ED1C24, #F37359, #ED1C24, #6B2326.

Step 7

On the panel Layers move the part of the ribbon that goes from right to left above the other two shapes. Next, apply the following colors as a fill to it (in order of placement on the gradient scale): : #BE2127, #ED1C24, #F2674D, #ED1C24, #921518.

Set the Angle value to 54.7°.

Step 8

Select the second part of the ribbon and apply another one Linear Gradient of the following colors (in order of placement on the gradient scale): #BE2127, #ED1C24, #F26762, #ED1C24, #811F21, #EE3524

Set the Angle value to -24.6°.

Step 9

Group all three shapes (Ctrl + G) and select from the menu Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow

Blend mode: Multiplication (Multiply);

Opacity: 30%;

Shift along the X axis (X Offset): 20 points;

Shift along the Y axis (Y Offset): - 3 points;

Blur: 6 points

Color: #44383B

Step 10

Draw a square to fit the artboard (Artboard) and put it in the background (Shift + Ctrl + [). Apply as fill Radial Gradient from color #F3F0E1 to color #353542. Edit the radius as you see fit.

Step 11 Changing ribbon color

If you need to make this ribbon a different color, it's very easy. Select the desired object, then go to the menu Editing > Edit Colors > Recolor Artwork (Edit > Edit Colors > Recolor Artwork). Check the box Recolor an object (Recolor Artwork) and then start changing each color individually. Try to choose similar brightness shades for replacement, i.e. Replace dark colors with dark ones, and light colors with light ones.

Knowing how to draw different ribbons and bows can be a very useful skill. Most often it is needed when drawing luxurious dolls and princesses. Also, without ribbons, heraldic themes are incredible - coats of arms, orders, medals, honorary diplomas and certificates. Most often, sparkling satin ribbons are depicted, tied in a bow or freely fluttering. Ribbons can be single-color or multi-color (most often, three colors are used, which carry a special symbolic meaning).

You will need

  • – drawing paper;
  • - pencil;
  • – eraser;
  • – colored pencils/paints and brush.


1. The freely fluttering ribbon is depicted in the following way. First, draw a wavy line - it can be arbitrary, however, you must initially have an idea of ​​​​how the ribbon will be located in your drawing. The drawn line should convey the movement of the ribbon.

2. After this, draw a second line parallel to the first, at a distance equal to the width of the ribbon. Traditionally, three-color ribbons are quite wide. Repeat the entire movement of the first line.

3. In places where the lines make turns, imitating the bends of the tape, combine the wavy lines with straight segments perpendicular to them. At the ends of the tape, these connecting segments may not be perpendicular, but go at an angle of 45 degrees or even be V-shape like the ends of ribbons are occasionally cut off.

4. Using an eraser, carefully erase the lines that are on the overlapping sections of the tape. Adjust the ends of the ribbon, giving them a small, regular bend.

5. Start drawing a ribbon tied in a bow with a knot - a rectangle, which needs to be given an uneven soft shape. On the sides of the knot, draw the wings of a bow, drawn on the basis of more primitive figures - triangles, the corners of which must also be firmly rounded.

6. Draw a soft curve of the ribbon, showing the depth and volume of the wings of the bow. In the center, close to the knot, the tape is very compressed; therefore, draw radial lines extending from the knot, depicting folds. A bow can have several wings - such a bow will resemble a lush flower.

7. Below the knot, draw the hanging ends of the ribbon, which can also be straight, beveled or V-shaped. Draw the same folds as on the wings.

8. When coloring the ribbon, consider that it should have a satin sheen. You can add it with cool highlights - powerfully highlighted areas. The highlights are located on the bends of the tape, which are in the foreground.

9. The parts of the tape located behind or inside the curved areas, on the contrary, must be darkened. Shade the folds of the ribbon tied in a bow as well. Apply pencil strokes or strokes of paint according to the shape of the tape, making smooth transitions from clear to dark. Leave white paper in areas of glare.

10. To color a three-color ribbon, divide it widthwise into three parts. Draw two lines along each ribbon, parallel to its top edge. When coloring, do not forget about highlights and shadows for each color, but at the same time you will preserve the integrity of each ribbon.

Making advance calculations and drawing up plans is much easier and more comfortable on paper than on the site itself. Having drawn a plan of your site, it will be easy for you to correct all possible mistakes. How should you draw a garden plot plan? There are several nuances.

You will need

  • – measuring tape (better than a tape measure),
  • – metal ruler (1.8 m),
  • – pegs,
  • - graph paper,
  • - tablet,
  • - pencils and eraser.


1. Draft drawing Take measurements of the main elements of the site (paths, trees and bushes, garage, etc.) and write them down (no need to draw on the plan those elements that you do not need on the new site). Draw objects on the plan by simply measuring the distance from them to the boundaries of the site at right angles. If the area is not rectangular, lightly stretch the rope at right angles to its sides and take the necessary measurements. Remember that the draft drawing should be as simple as possible; only include basic measurements.

2. Intermediate version of the drawing Here you can give freedom to your imagination, easily translate all your ideas into a sketch (while being careful to maintain the scale). Trace the 1st sketch of the garden onto drawing paper or graph paper (preferred). This way you will be able to determine the length of the boundaries of your site, the sizes of all objects and the number of building materials (bricks, stone blocks). Draw the boundaries of the future site, the house and everything that you want to leave from the former site.

3. If the area is small, you can draw a sketch on a standard sheet of paper; if the area is large, then sketches individual parts draw on several sheets, but make a general plan on large sheet graph paper. As for the scale, for small areas a scale of 1:50 is suitable; for areas of large sizes, choose a scale of 1:100.

4. Before you get the final version, you will most likely have to draw more than one or two sketches. Try using tracing paper, placing it on top of the main plan and drawing on it, so you can try different variants without spoiling the plan itself. Also try cutting out the main elements (keeping in mind the scale) and simply moving them according to the plan, coming up with new combinations. However, after the necessary solution is discovered, better draw all the objects on the plan; on the contrary, the overall feeling and integrity of the sketch may be lost.

Video on the topic

If a person has the ability to draw, then it manifests itself in childhood. However, many adults, who never reach for a canvas or a brush, occasionally encounter the need to create a wavy line. What's the best way to do this?

You will need

  • pencil, example of a circle, compass, pattern, Paint program.


1. Prepare an example; it will be much easier to use it to recreate waves on paper or fabric. In this capacity, utensils with a round base can be used, which will form the basis of the scallop of a wavy line. In order to maintain symmetry, it is possible to draw a straight beam, and place the round workpiece with the center towards it and circle it alternately. In this case, you will get an even wave with equal ridges on both sides.

2. You can create hand-drawn pictures using wavy lines of intricate shapes with the help of patterns. It is a curved ruler that can be purchased in any office supply department. To create a wave, place the shape on the paper and trace it.

3. Take a compass. It will also help to draw a wavy line on the same thesis as using the example. It's easy to do. Determine the center of the wave crest and place the leg of the drawing tool at this point. After this, carefully and with minimal pressure draw a circle. If it lays down according to plan, then outline the part of it that is needed to create a wave. And erase obscene strokes with an eraser.

4. To draw a wavy line in Photoshop, you really need to have basic skills in working in the program. For beginners, Paint will be much more comfortable in this regard. There the wave is drawn according to the following algorithm: On the toolbar, select the corresponding wavy line icon; Place the cursor on the screen in the place where she will take the preface from, click the left mouse button; While holding the button, move the cursor to the final point, then release; It should be straight; Visually mark 2 points on one or two sides of the line where the wave crests will be directed; Move the cursor to those places one by one and, using a single click with the left button, make a wave (there is no need to hold the button).

Video on the topic

Insert - Shapes - Lines - Curve - click where you have the bends of the line, at the end double-click.

Helpful advice
Two points will connect to each other. Keep doing this until you have a W shape like the one in the picture. To draw new line, click on the Selection tool (black arrow icon), then click on the Pen tool again. Closing a Path. To close the path, click on the starting point. Let's draw Wavy Line. Click on the line and drag to make the line curved. Changing Path Directions.

Video on the topic

Well, now let's start creating our St. George's ribbon. Let's open graphics editor Adobe Photoshop, let's create a blank canvas with the dimensions we need. If you need markings, then we set the guides. After that, with the pen tool we will begin to create the shape of our ribbon. First, let's draw one side of the ribbon.

After the shape of one side of the ribbon is created, we will create the second, but we will not draw it, we will simply copy the one that we have already created and expand it horizontally. To do this, select the layer with the shape of the first side and drag it to the icon at the bottom of the layers palette create a new layer, or let's go Go to the Layer menu > Duplicate Layer. Then make the duplicated layer active and flip it horizontally. We do horizontal reflection as follows, go to the menu Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal. We will get the same result as in the screenshot below.

Well, to conclude the creation of our form of St. George’s ribbon, let’s create a connection between the two sides. We also use the pen tool.

Let's move on to creating the main color of the ribbon, it will be a gradient orange color. Which we will apply using a layer style to all three elements of the ribbon. Double-click on the layer with the ribbon, which will be on top, thereby we will call layer style, where we will assign gradient overlay.

Using the same principle, we will apply a gradient to the rest of the ribbon elements, changing only the shade of the gradient.

The shape of the St. George Lena with the main color is ready, now let’s apply the black stripes. Using the same pen tool, create a line outline on top of our shape layer. Then right-click on the outline and select Fill the Outline, the color should be black.

Then duplicate it twice and adjust its location. And let's merge these three standing with a black stripe into one. Next, select the layer with the shape of the ribbon on which the stripes were drawn by pressing the key Ctrl + mouse click on the ribbon shape layer icon. Let's go again to the layer with black stripes and invert the selected area by pressing the keys Shift +Ctrl+I. Then click Delete As a result, we will remove excess pieces of black stripes that extend beyond the shape of the tape.

Next, using the same method, we will create a black stripe on other parts of our tape. Let's place the stripes on top of our shape layers. We will also install the forms in the required order. A screenshot of the order and what should happen is below.

Well, now the tape is ready, all that remains is to give it volume using light and shadow. We will need a brush with soft edges and an opacity of 15-20%, for the shadows we will use black for the highlights - yellow (#f0d464).

Let's start with the shadow; to do this, create a new layer above the black stripes, which are located above the bottom stripe of the tape. Next, we need to load a selection for the bottom band so that when we create shadows, they do not go beyond the borders of the band. To do this, click Ctrl+ click mouse over the layer of the lower shape of the tape, a selection should load, let's move to the new created shadow layer and start applying strokes on it soft brush black in places where we should have a shadow.

And finally, in the same way as shadows, we apply light - a highlight to our St. George's ribbon. One difference is that we create a layer not above the bottom strip of the tape, but above the top.

With this, the St. George ribbon is created, the result can be seen below, I added a shadow under the background ribbon and an inscription.

I hope the lesson was clear and you will not have any difficulties creating it. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

DIY greeting cards and posters are some of the most common crafts made for Victory Day. Their main theme, of course, is warm wishes and beautiful congratulations to veterans and eyewitnesses of those terrible events. The decorations of such postcards and posters, as a rule, are the constant symbols of May 9 - St. George's ribbon, carnations, a red five-pointed star. There can be many variations for crafts, but most often they choose simple drawings, combining several symbols at the same time. For example, a bright red star tied with a St. George ribbon will decorate any postcard. From our article today you will learn how to draw a St. George ribbon and a five-pointed star using a regular pencil.

How to draw the St. George's ribbon with a pencil for May 9 - master class with photos

At first glance, it may seem that drawing a St. George's ribbon with a pencil by hand is quite difficult. But in fact, if you follow each step exactly, then even a person who does not have developed skills will be able to complete this drawing. artistic skills. A bright St. George ribbon can become a decoration for greeting card, and the basis for holiday drawing, dedicated to the Day Victory.

Necessary materials:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • black and orange pencils
  • eraser
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for drawing the St. George's ribbon:

  1. Using a ruler and a simple pencil, draw two parallel lines. The distance between the lines should be approximately 5-7 cm. Then cross out both lines with two similar parallel diagonal straight lines. Clean the intersections with an eraser. Photo 1
  2. Let's draw a semi-oval on top. We will also connect parallel straight lines with short lines. photo 2
  3. Using a black pencil, draw lines inside the base and fill them with black every two to create characteristic stripes. Photo 3
  4. Fill in the remaining spaces between the black stripes with an orange pencil. Our St. George ribbon is ready! photo 4

How to draw the St. George's ribbon with a pencil step by step, video

Step-by-step drawing of the St. George ribbon by hand can also be seen in the simple video tutorial below.

How to draw a five-pointed star step by step using a ruler and compass - instructions with photos

The red five-pointed star is another constant symbol of Victory Day. Most often, her image is used as decoration for congratulatory posters. To draw the correct five-pointed star, you must use a ruler and compass. Find out exactly how to do this from our master class, in which we invite you to master drawing a three-dimensional five-pointed star with a pencil.

Necessary materials:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • red and black pencils
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • compass

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a five-pointed star:

  1. To begin, using a simple pencil and a compass, draw a large circle in the middle of the sheet.
  2. Then take a ruler and draw two straight lines through the center of the circle, dividing it into four equal sectors.
  3. Now we divide each sector in half by straight lines and get eight identical sectors.

  4. At the next stage, we will divide the two central lower sectors and the two upper lateral sectors with straight lines.
  5. Now we make marks, as shown in the photo below.

  6. From the upper center line we draw two straight lines to the lower marks.
  7. We also connect the two lower marks on the side sectors with a straight line.
  8. Using a black pencil, we connect the lines together, forming the base of our star.
  9. Draw a black outline of the lines inside the star.

  10. Now the finished workpiece needs to be painted red. Let's slightly tint the side edges of the star with a simple pencil to get a three-dimensional five-pointed star.

How to draw a star with a compass for May 9, master class with video

And from this video tutorial you will learn how else you can draw a five-pointed star using a compass.

We hope that our simple instructions helped you figure out how to draw the St. George ribbon and star for May 9 with your own hands. We are sure that by applying this knowledge in practice you will be able to create wonderful crafts for Victory Day.