Library to help school specialist day. Intersettlement Central Library of the Verkhnedonsky District. What will we do with the received material?

Specialist Days - Religion section, Scientific and methodological department guidelines scientific library For Better Orientation in the Flow of Professional Literature It is Necessary to Manage...

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All topics in this section:

Main tasks and areas of work of the library
This section of the work plan formulates the tasks that the Central Bank (MOB) will work on in the current year, and nothing more. A figure chosen for a specific direction

Performance Benchmarks
The volume of planned tasks must correspond to staffing levels and meet the permissible load based on the “Inter-industry time standards for work performed in libraries.”

Working with readers
This section of the plan outlines activities in the main areas of work.

These include: Historical direction (historical topics, to
Objectives and main directions of organizational and methodological activities

This section briefly defines: ¨ the main issues of methodological assistance arising from the tasks of ensuring free access to information and information resources m
Helping libraries work with readers

(joint activities with the bibliographic department are planned): ¨ activities to study the interests of various groups of readers, assistance in differentiated services for them, in accordance with the regulations
Study, generalize and implement best practices in libraries

· study and generalization of best practices in organizing information and bibliographic activities of the library (specify the library);
· organization of schools of excellence on the municipal basis

Structure of the electronic professional dossier
Specialized form of advanced training Goals - to provide librarians with the opportunity to improve professional skills, demonstrate erudition, competence,

Small group discussions
Give all members an additional opportunity to speak on an issue. The main idea of ​​the discussion is separation large group

for several small ones, 2 – 5 people, for deeper
Creative work competitions

Competition topics Goals Evaluation criteria Results · Reading in the life of a librarian.
· What is recommended

Suggested topics for study (group consultations, reports)
1. How to write letters - donations (practical part, analysis of compiled texts) 2. Public library in a changing information environment 3. Corporate culture and profession

Publishing activities
VII. Formation of the fund and its reflection in the reference apparatus.

Here the issues of studying the thematic and species composition of the fund, clarifying the acquisition profile are revealed
Measures to improve library management

The section includes measures to improve labor processes in the team, streamline the structure of the management apparatus, change the functions of individual bodies, etc. Among them:
Summary of main digital performance indicators The report should reflect the fulfillment of ILO (CBS) benchmarks in terms of the number of readers, book distribution, planned for the year and achieved as a percentage of the annual plan, and visits. Receptions at cultural institutions

According to subparagraph 1 of Art. 264
Tax Code

of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), other expenses associated with production and sales include entertainment expenses for official receptions and
Attribution to entertainment expenses

Clause 2 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that entertainment expenses include the taxpayer’s expenses for official reception (or) service: · representatives of other organizations, participation
Requirements for payment terms

Current legislation establishes a number of requirements for the terms of payment by budgetary institutions, including cultural institutions, for entertainment expenses.
From 23.12.05 No. 20-12 / 97007 Question: The organization sent an employee on a business trip to conduct informal negotiations with potential

Specialist Day is effective form library and information services for workers of a certain specialty, profession or a number of professions.

Includes set of events:
  • direct display of primary and secondary documents,
  • reading reports and lectures,
  • demonstration of scientific and technical films,
  • bibliographic review of the main literature,
  • specialist consultations.
Participants Specialist Day includes specialists at all levels of enterprises, institutions, and organizations. It is carried out for workers of one profession or on intersectoral issues for specialists of different professions.

Speakers leading experts, representatives of other related and higher organizations can speak

Duration– from one to five days. Depends on the topic, number of guests and other factors.
Methodology Holding a Specialist Day is simple, but requires clear organization. Most important points- this is choosing a topic and leaving a plan for the event.

Plan of the Specialist Day is coordinated with the pre-developed thematic plan, approved by management. All departments and divisions should be familiar with the plan for holding the Specialist Day.

Highlights of the plan:

Selecting a topic. The theme of the Specialist Day is determined based on the study current problems facing the enterprise or organization and in accordance with the information needs of specialists.

Determination of the category of specialists. Specialists from one or more enterprises, as well as organizations are invited various fields(if the topic of Specialist Day is an intersectoral or complex problem).

Choosing a location. A specialist’s day can be:

  • stationary - on the basis of the event organizer, library, NTI service, center;
  • away - outside the organizer's base.
Selection of events:
  • report
  • lecture
  • presentation
  • exhibition
  • literature review
  • round table
  • Master Class
  • video film
  • discussion
  • consultation on information retrieval methods
Responsible and deadlines. The main types of work for the Specialist Day and those responsible for their preparation and implementation are indicated. Those responsible for preparation select literature, coordinate the topics of lectures and reports with speakers, select films, prepare invitations and announcements in accordance with the specified deadlines.

Selection of literature. A wide variety of types and types are available information materials:

  • official
  • scientific
  • production and practical
  • reference
  • books
  • domestic and foreign
  • periodicals
  • industrial catalogs
  • avenues
  • translations in traditional paper form and on machine-readable media
Advertising and information campaign of the event

At least ten days before the Specialist Day, it is necessary to inform employees about the topic, place and date of its holding.

  • Information is provided through the press, radio television, on the organizers’ website, etc.
  • Individual invitations, announcements, posters that are hung in the library, at enterprises and organizations, and advertising booklets are used.

Sample invitation

Dear specialist!

We invite you to take part in the Specialist Day,

which is carried out by _____________ (by whom) ________________

(where) __________ _______ (date, time)

on this topic "_______________ ________________ _____________

______________.” The program includes: ________________ __

________________ ________________ ________________ ____

________________ _______________

Development of registration forms
Participants registration forms:

  • tear-off coupons of the invitation form,
  • registration cards and coupons,
  • registration sheets.
They indicate the participant’s last name, first name, patronymic, place of work, position, and contact information.

Sample registration card for Specialist Day participant

________________ ________________ ____
Full name

Place of work (for specialists,
invited from other enterprises)
________________ ________________ __
Job title
________________ ________________ ___
Address, telephone number of the enterprise
________________ ________________ ____
Sources viewed
________________ ________________ _(items)
Documents received:
________________ ________________ ____(name)
Ordered by MBA
________________ _____ items.
Comments and suggestions for conducting DS
________________ ________________ _
“_____”________ _______20____
Signature of the Specialist Day participant ________________ ___

Development of questionnaires
Questionnaires for specialists are developed by the organizers of the event in order to study the effectiveness of the Specialist Day.

Application form sample

Is the topic of Specialist Day relevant to you?

Are you satisfied with the organization and conduct
Specialist Day __________
Please rate the selection of literature on the topic
________________ ________________ _____
Do you consider holding a Specialist Day necessary?
________________ ____ if yes, please indicate why
________________ ________________ _____
Suggest a topic for next day specialist
________________ ________________ _____
Your comments and suggestions for holding the Day
specialist ________________ _____________
________________ ________________ _____

Thank you for your participation!

Room decoration
  • exhibitions from previously selected documents are placed on tables, stands, display cases;
  • the title of exhibitions and their sections are drawn up;
  • install technical means for showing presentations, watching videos, and oral presentations by participants:
    • microphones;
    • multimedia projector;
    • TV, etc.
Specialist Day
Registration of participants is carried out using tear-off coupons of the invitation form or registration cards.
The event opens introductory remarks responsible for its implementation.
You should definitely tell:
  • about the objectives of the Specialist Day;
  • the procedure for obtaining information materials;
  • introduce speakers, specialists who will give consultations, ask to fill out questionnaires.
With review current state problems or a lecture or presentation by specialists.
Performances may be accompanied by film screenings and presentations.
A library worker or enterprise specialist reviews the presented information materials.
There are bibliographers on duty at the exhibition, who conduct oral reviews of sources and give advice on the rules for using various materials.
After the main activities are completed, film screenings, excursions, etc. are organized.
At the end of the event, all participants are given questionnaires and asked to fill them out.

Accounting and analysis The Specialist Day is carried out according to the following indicators:

  • number of materials presented, including by types of information sources;
  • the number of specialists who took part in the Specialist Day, including by category;
  • the number of materials viewed at the event, including by type of information sources;
  • the number of originals and copies of information materials issued, including by type of document;
  • number of participating enterprises, including by category.
Efficiency A specialist’s day is assessed based on the following indicators:
  • number of specialists and participating enterprises present (% coverage);
  • number of documents submitted and issued (originals and copies);
  • percentage of use of the presented literature;
  • average number of documents issued to one specialist.
Analysis of the questionnaires will provide an opportunity to further improve the organization of Specialist Days and determine their subsequent topics.

In preparation conclusions from the Specialist Day it is necessary to identify the reasons for the ineffective use of submitted documents:

  • incorrect choice of audience (can be determined by the categories of specialists present from the registration cards);
  • unsatisfactory organization of the event;
  • insufficient information about the Specialist Day;
  • poor design of the exhibition of submitted documents (large sections, lack of section headings);
  • poorly prepared review of submitted documents, inactive work of consultants.

Participation in the event provides specialists with the opportunity for professional communication, information exchange, and high level organizing and holding Specialist Day improves the image of the library.

* Exhibitions of information materials at various events (conferences, seminars, meetings, etc.), as well as methodological seminars, are NOT considered Specialist Day.


  2. Competence and professionalism of a modern librarian: Specialist Day [Text]: method.-bibliogr. allowance / MUK "CBS"; Central City Hospital named after. M. Gorky; comp.: I. P. Revinova. – Bataysk, 2011. - 44 p.

On August 18, 2017, the methodological department of the OGONB named after A.S. spent Pushkin Specialist Day for public library workers in the Maryanovsky district on the topic “Directions for modernizing the activities of the public library in modern conditions» . Library staff from the Maryanovsky district visited three libraries in the regional center: two libraries budgetary institution culture of the city of Omsk "Omsk municipal libraries"- named after Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and the Family House Library Center; main regional library - Omsk State Regional Scientific Library named after A.S. Pushkin.

During the business excursion, Elena Evgenievna Afanasyeva, head of the library named after Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, spoke about the history, main directions and forms of work of the institution for library and information services to the population of the Leninsky District. Colleagues from rural libraries the activities of the “Book Garden” created on the territory of the library were clearly shown, in which a Literary gazebo with books and periodicals for readers of all ages is constantly open, a children’s play complex where young readers get acquainted with the heroes of fairy tales, there is a place for board games and fine arts, venue for mass events. The center successfully operates on the basis of the library legal information, computer literacy courses for older people. The library named after Z. Kosmodemyanskaya is a popular center for introducing reading, intellectual development and creative leisure for residents of the television plant village.

At the Family House Library Center, chief librarian Olga Vladimirovna Chernaya presented the institution’s experience in enhancing the reading activity of various categories of the population of the microdistrict, as well as fruitful cooperation between the library and public organizations, the result of which is the receipt of grant support. Purchased with grant funds necessary equipment a computer literacy center and a photo studio for training veterans, elderly people and people with disabilities has been equipped with a summer reading room. With great interest, employees of rural libraries got acquainted with the exhibition displays of the “Istoki” museum and left good parting words on the “tree of wishes”.

In the Omsk State Regional scientific library named after A.S. Pushkin got acquainted with the activities structural divisions library: subscription, youth hall, book museum, Pushkin hall, department of cultural programs . Elena Ivanovna Katkova, chief bibliographer of the information and bibliographic department, conducted training on the use of local history resources of the regional library in the work of rural library specialists.

The Specialist Day was held as part of the project “Literature Lessons: Interaction between School and Library” for teachers of schools No. 183 and No. 41.

The event began with an introduction to the library's book collection. Particular attention was paid to literary criticism and methodological literature. The exhibition-viewing “Classics: A New Look", illustrating modern trends Russian literature.

A review of modern Russian literature, prepared by librarians at the request of teachers, was the main component of the meeting.

It's no secret that literary process in Russia in recent decades is difficult to generalize. An unlimited number of subcultures gives rise to an equally large number of styles and artistic directions. The trouble with modern literature is the arrival of amateurs and literary anonymous people in literature. Literature on modern stage adapts to the new rhythm of life, to the reader’s new perception of reality: the book becomes more and more a commodity and less and less a source of transformation.

However, despite everything, the names of interesting, promising, thoughtful authors still appear on the literary horizon. Among them are Dmitry Bykov, Elena Shubina, Pavel Sanaev, Evgeny Grishkovets, Mikhail Shishkin, Alexander Arkhangelsky, Pavel Basinsky, Leonid Yuzefovich, Sergey Shargunov, Maya Kucherskaya.

A prominent representative of modern Russian literature is the writer Alexey Ivanov, winner of the D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak Prize (“The Heart of Parma”), P. P. Bazhov (“Down the Tesnin River”), the Yasnaya Polyana Prize (“Gold of Rebellion”) , or Down the River Narrows").

“Prose poetry” - that’s what you can call it art style Alexander Ilichevsky. Over the course of thirteen years, he published six large, thoughtful novels, including “Perse,” “Matisse,” “Mathematician,” as well as several collections of poems and stories.

Marina Stepnova’s novels “The Surgeon”, “Women of Lazarus”, “Bezbozhny Lane” are interesting.

Literary discovery of the last few years - Narine Abgaryan. Her autobiographical story“Manyunya” first appeared on a personal page on LiveJournal. With this book she became a laureate of the Russian National Literary Award “Manuscript of the Year” in the “Language” category. In August 2015, Narine Abgaryan was named one of two laureates (along with Irina Kraeva) of the Alexander Green Russian Literary Prize.

The heroes of Zakhar Prilepin's works are strong, courageous guys. Conditions of survival younger generation in a world deeply alien to them - main topic his novels “Pathologies”, “Sankya”, “Black Monkey”, “Abode”, “Eight”.

One of the leaders of the younger generation of writers is Roman Senchin. His books “Minus”, “Nubuck”, “Yoltyshevs”, “Flood Zone” enjoy the constant attention of the reading public.

In 2005, at the Paris Book Salon, Andrei Gelasimov was recognized as the most popular in France Russian writer, beating Lyudmila Ulitskaya and Boris Akunin. Gelasimov is an amazing storyteller: it’s not for nothing that his stories “Thirst” and “Fox Mulder Looks Like a Pig” were on the shortlist for the Ivan Petrovich Belkin Prize. His prose is distinguished, first of all, by a real and kind attitude towards reality, unusual for today's literature. Published in spring 2015 new novel Andrey Gelasimov’s “Cold” is included in the longlists literary prizes « Big Book», « Yasnaya Polyana", "Russian Booker".

The teachers discussed excerpts from interviews with Oleg Roy, Maya Kucherskaya, Irina Shukhaeva, and Pavel Basinsky.

The results of a study conducted by librarians on the reading preferences of high school students in the district turned out to be unexpectedly pleasant for teachers. Among the most books read The lion's share consists of works by classics of Russian and foreign literature.

The presentation aroused great interest at the Specialist Day information resources to help professional activity teachers posted on the library website. Teachers were offered an overview of the highest quality educational web portals that they can use in their work and recommend to their students, as well as electronic library products: “Career Guidance”, “Law and I”, “ Methodical piggy bank", "Kirov residents during the Great Patriotic War", "Victory-70", "Calendar of significant and memorable dates"and others.

In addition, students learned how to search in an electronic catalogue, and learned more about the virtual services “Ask a Librarian” and “Electronic Document Delivery”. Several teachers have become subscribers of SRI (selective dissemination of information) and will be able to receive the necessary pedagogical activity articles to your email address.

The specialist’s day was held in an interested, friendly atmosphere. We think that the cooperation between the library and teachers will continue, and the presented materials will be useful to teachers in their work.