Wedding evening at home without a toastmaster. Competition "Famous Couples". Wedding games with guests

To make the wedding memorable for the guests for a long time, games should be included in the banquet program. At the beginning of the feast, the newlyweds should be activated, and also musical game with the participants of the feast. Would be appropriate before dancing outdoor games, after dancing - verbal. The banquet script should include entertainment options for every taste.

A wedding is not only an official ceremony of registering a relationship, but also a fun feast. And so that the wedding evening does not become dull for the guests, it is necessary to carefully think through the scenario, where in addition to competitions, dances, toasts, games occupy a special place. They should be uncomplicated and entertaining.

Usually, the wedding feast scenario is prepared by the toastmaster, but the newlyweds can also choose games to suit their taste. After all, only the bride and groom know what the invited guests might like.

If earlier wedding games were associated with vulgarity and alcohol, and humiliated the dignity of the guests of the celebration, now the trends have moved in the opposite direction. Games for so many important event must be intelligent, but at the same time cheerful.

It is not advisable for the bride and groom, as the main heroes of the holiday, to remain outside observers. They should be given an active role in the wedding scenario; a variety of fun activities will help with this.

Games involving newlyweds

  • Gorko (attention game)

At many weddings, it is customary to shout “bitterly” to the bride and groom, and if your celebration is no exception, then this game may seem very interesting.

The host reads a story about the groom and when he says the word “bitter,” the newlyweds must kiss.

One day, storks brought a beautiful ruddy boy named Sasha (the groom's name) to his mother. He was good child and everyone who spotted him felt sad because that day storks flew past their house.

He grew quickly because he ate well. I just didn't love buckwheat porridge– she seemed bitter to him.

Sasha's first steps, like all babies, were uncertain and he often fell and got bumps. And my mother felt bitter about this.

But by the time he got to school, Sasha ran faster than all the boys in the yard and was not averse to competing in this matter. Wasn’t it bitter for the other boys to lose to Sasha? Of course it's bitter.

Sasha always studied diligently. Knew better than others school items. But one day the dog ate it homework and Sasha got a deuce. The parents were very upset when the boy showed the diary; they felt sad.

Then Sasha grew up, met a beautiful girl, and proposed to her. And today is his wedding. And looking at this wonderful couple, I really want to shout to them with all my heart: “Bitter!”

  • Family responsibilities (joke game).

The host announces that the newlyweds will now distribute family responsibilities among themselves in an honest way.

Then the bride and groom sit on chairs that are separated by a screen. They are given two signs with the inscriptions “Yes” and “No”. The presenter points to large sheet or screen questions that are visible only to guests. And the bride and groom, answering, pull out signs at random, one by one.

Approximate questions from the presenter:

  1. Will you prepare breakfast?
  2. Will you give birth to a boy?
  3. Will you bathe your baby?
  4. Will you earn the most?
  5. If a child is born, will you be on maternity leave?
  6. Will you be cleaning your apartment?
  7. Will you take out the trash?

There can be many possible questions.

Wedding games with guests

Guests of the feast should not be left without attention. Outdoor games with guests are perfect to activate and lift your spirits.

  • Doves

The guests come out in pairs or the host forms pairs from the participants of the feast, who will act as pigeons. First, simple tasks are given: “Doves fly peacefully,” “We fly clockwise,” “We flap our wings more strongly.” Then the presenter complicates things: “The pigeons put the doves in the nest,” “The pigeons swapped pairs.” Then it’s even more fun: “The pigeons fly around the nest and check to see if the female has laid an egg,” “The pigeons bring food to the doves, fly around the nest again and see if there are eggs.” This is how the leader makes the pigeons fly around, delivering food from the common table, until one of the partners thinks of giving her any item instead of an egg.

Usually the game is accompanied by cheerful laughter from the other guests.

To stimulate communication between and lift the mood, you can conduct word games with guests. One of the variants of the famous game is very funny.

  • Fanta

The host attaches envelopes under the chairs of 5-10 guests in advance. And then he announces that everyone has gathered here to congratulate the newlyweds. And this will be done by guests, under whose chair there are messages. Everyone checks the chairs, and the chosen ones read their assignments out loud.

  1. Congratulate like a football commentator.
  2. Tell congratulations like a little girl in kindergarten at a matinee.
  3. Congratulate without pronouncing the letter “r”.
  4. Share wishes for the newlyweds and cry loudly at the end.
  5. Say congratulations as a famous rapper.
  • Magic pot.

The presenter announces that he has a pot that reads other people's thoughts and he is ready to show it off to everyone. Then the toastmaster begins to approach the guests one by one, holding this pot above their head, and at this time a pre-prepared excerpt from the song sounds.

For passive guests who are not easily lifted from their seats, games at the table are suitable.

  • Mirror

The host gives a mirror and asks the guest, looking into it without a smile, to compliment himself. The task of the other participants in the feast is to make the person with the mirror laugh in any way.

There are a variety of wedding games. The main thing is that they are interesting and uplifting. After all, the goal of any feast is not only to feed you to your fill, but also to amuse. And the wedding should be remembered by guests not only for the amount of food, but also for the originality of the program and fun.

Any wedding celebration includes not only the immediate celebration of the future newlyweds, but also a noisy feast, where the invited guests have fun, dance and sing, and participate in various games and competitions.

The entertainment event is led by a professional presenter or toastmaster, whose task is not to let the guests become discouraged, but to give the holiday a cheerful and joyful atmosphere.

At the beginning of the feast, when the guests do not all know each other, it is necessary to conduct a series of incendiary table games that will create a festive atmosphere.

Holding games allows you to distract guests from lively dances and long gatherings at the table, have a good laugh and take part in fun and funny game stories. The host selects the games in advance, discussing them with the newlyweds, or arranges them independently at his own discretion. The essence of table games is to complete certain instructions and tasks of the toastmaster alone or in a team for a while. The theme of the games can be completely different, from dressing up to songs and dances.
Let's consider this question with specific examples:

1. There is an artist in everyone
This is enough exciting game, in which the host involves most of the guests. To conduct the competition you will need blank sheets A 4 size paper, multi-colored felt-tip pens or markers, which the toastmaster distributes to each participant in the game. All on command

players must draw any object. It can be a car, a tree, a river, a ball, a heart and other objects. Here each participant shows his imagination, as well as his drawing abilities.
As soon as the time is up, the presenter collects all the pieces of paper with images and from that moment the most interesting thing begins - everything happens comic prediction future life newlyweds.
The toastmaster loudly voices pre-prepared questions and pulls out any drawing that will serve as an answer to the question. asked question. For example, to the question: “What will the mother-in-law give to her daughter-in-law for the birth of her first child?” the picture of a flower will appear. Another option: “What will the husband bring his wife every day after work?” the answer will be champagne.
In this game, of course, great importance has how funny the toastmaster can comment on each question and answer - drawing.
2. Life with rose-colored glasses.
There is an opinion and phrase that if you take off your rose-colored glasses, the world seems different and special. To play the game, you need to prepare bright pink glasses. The host explains the rules of the competition to the players. Puts on a pink attribute and looks at someone nearby standing man, saying the phrase: “Why didn’t I notice your Hollywood smile before?” After this, the turn goes to the player who received the compliment. Similar actions continue as people wish to participate in the game.
This entertainment allows its participants to fantasize, make them laugh, and come up with something original that may seem funny and wonderful. By participating in the game, guests become closer to each other, relax and receive a lot of positive emotions.

This game is very funny and amusing. To relieve tension in the first hours of the feast, this game plot is played. The presenter announces the rules that are mandatory for any participant. The idea of ​​the game is that everyone sitting at the table turns to his neighbor on the right side, looks at him carefully and says 2 phrases. The meaning of the first is to say what you like about your neighbor, and the other - what you don’t like. It goes like this: I like your hair and don't like your nose. When all participants have voiced their thoughts, the fun begins. The toastmaster reveals the secret of the competition, which is that the place you like should be kissed, and not the place you like, pinched or bitten. As a rule, when a game is played, there is loud laughter and buzz in the hall.

4. Happy month
The game begins with the leader singing a song. The words are: whoever was born in February - get up quickly, quickly pour a glass of white, pour a glass of red!
Among the guests present there will certainly be those who were born in the indicated month. Amid thunderous applause and whistling, a person must stand up, loudly pronounce the year and date of birth, and then empty the alcohol to the bottom.
In the variant, when the birthday party is a man and a woman, they have to make a toast and drink the contents for brotherhood.
The game continues until all 12 months of the year have been announced.

5. Who is better to give a compliment?
The toastmaster announces the game and first invites only all men present to take part. Each of them, in turn, without repeating the words of the previous speaker, should give a bright compliment to the bride. For example, the kindest or most unpredictable. There can be a huge number of options. Once the final contestant's words have been spoken, the bride must determine the winner.
In the second stage, the same actions are carried out, only girls and women say compliments to the groom.
The winners are awarded incentive prizes, such as chocolate or a magnet with the image of the bride and groom.

6. Happy caterpillar
To conduct the game, props such as inflatable balls are prepared in advance. All interested guests can participate in the event. Each of them is given a ball. At the command of the leader, all players must line up and press against each other using an inflatable ball. As soon as it starts musical accompaniment, all participants begin to move. The fun is that during entertainment, your hands should be placed on the shoulders of your neighbor.

It turns out to be such a cheerful multi-colored caterpillar. When the game is played, fun photos are taken.

7. Wedding lottery
The toastmaster pre-prepares the number of lottery tickets, how many people are invited to the celebration. You can distribute them just before the start of the feast, when guests are just entering the hall. Every lottery ticket has its own number. You should make sure that every second or third ticket is a winner.
The bride and groom hold a bag with numbers, alternately pulling out the leaves, and then the toastmaster announces what prize goes to one or another participant.
During the game, each participant is interested in the prize and looks forward to his number. You can use candy, small household items, calendars or pens as prizes.

8. Future responsibilities of the spouses
To play the game, you need to prepare a bag and leaves with various actions, as well as 2 trays. The presenter mixes the contents of the bag well and loudly announces: “the groom’s responsibility.” Then he approaches any guest sitting at the table and offers to pull out any piece of paper. Reads out the duty that the groom will perform. The same applies to the bride.
The game turns out to be fun, because sometimes the man's work goes to the bride, which causes a storm of laughter and applause.
When all the responsibilities have been distributed, they are written into a specially prepared template as a keepsake, and then given to the newlyweds.

9. Find the candy
A guy or man is invited to participate in the competition. The presenter blindfolds him and explains that there is a girl lying on the chairs nearby. His task is to find and take away the candy she eats without using his hands.
The meaning of the competition is that instead of a girl, the toastmaster puts a man on a chair. There is no point in describing the actions further, since you have to see it for yourself. During the competition, laughter and thunderous applause do not stop in the hall. At the end of the competition you should put musical composition"Blue Moon". Guests will be absolutely delighted with this event and have a lot of fun!

10. New wardrobe
To play the game you will need 2 baskets or basins, where various cool and funny things will be pre-stacked. For example, mittens with elastic, galoshes, a bib and tights. Each player has his own set of clothes.
The toastmaster announces the start and an interesting update begins, when the guest’s image changes before our eyes. This is a very funny game that makes guests laugh and have fun.

11. Fun clothespins
Game props: colorful clothespins and scarves for blindfolding.
The presenter invites 2 girls and 2 guys to participate in the competition. The male half is properly blindfolded, and the girls attach clothespins to themselves, placing them in different places. Before the start of the competition, the toastmaster announces the number of clothespins that must be found on the lady.
The competition begins to the tune of catchy music, and the men quickly begin their search.

12. Magic hat
The presenter takes out an original hat and invites everyone to guess their thoughts. The guests are completely bewildered and ask for confirmation of the words.
To do this, the presenter approaches any guest and puts a miracle hat on his head. It is at this moment that music comes on with a funny chorus or words. For example, “oh, what a woman” or “earth in the porthole.”
Handpicked song repertoire should create a fun atmosphere.
The result is an unusual entertainment for the guests present.

13. Heartbreaker
The presenter invites several guys to take part in the competition. They are given the task of collecting as many women’s kisses as possible within a specified time.
At the end of the time, the toastmaster, together with the guests, begins to count the traces of different lipsticks.
The winner is given the song "Casanova".

14. Who is stronger
All interested men can take part in the game, between whom a 5 liter keg of beer is raffled off. Imagine what a stir there will be among the participants.
The game consists of holding the beer in one hand for a long time. The player who can hold on to 5 liters of beer the longest wins.
During the game, fans try very emotionally to help each participant. As a result, the competition charges good mood and adds excitement.
Of course, the won drink is divided among everyone.

15. One day in the life of newlyweds
To play the game, you need to write a short text in the number of characters telling about one day of the newlyweds after the wedding. The presenter types the story, but at the same time specifically leaves space for adjectives.
All guests sitting at the table are asked to name 10 - 20 absolutely any adjectives. Consistently, the toastmaster or newlyweds write words into the story. The presenter reads the finished chronicle very loudly. The result is a fairly funny text that makes guests laugh.

16. Fun Zoo
Toastmaster invites several married couples to participate in the competition. Each of them is given a sheet of paper and a pen. The male side must write which animals they associate themselves with, and the girls must indicate the characteristics. For example, a guy writes that he is a tiger, and half of him has the word funny. The result is the phrase funny tiger. You can include ready-made phrases in the game. It would look like this: “He is as powerful as... or strong as....” It is the gaps that one of the parties must fill in. It turns out to be a fun and humorous competition, so guests don’t have to get bored.

17. Mystery bag
To play the game you will need the following details: various informal and funny clothes. For example, panties big size, bright socks or multi-colored Panama hat.
The toastmaster invites everyone to take part in the competition. The rules are to pass the mysterious bag to each other in turn, accompanied by musical accompaniment. At that moment, when the melody stops, the bag remains in the hands of the player, who must pull out any item and put it on himself. The competition continues until all the clothes are gone.
When the players are unusually dressed, a final energetic melody sounds, to which the toastmaster invites all guests to dance.

18. Overcome obstacles
The competition requires the participation of 2 people. They see many obstacles in front of them that need to be overcome. These are various chairs, stretched ropes, scattered balls on the floor, skittles and other objects.
Participants are blindfolded and asked to remember all the obstacles standing in the way and get around them. While the toastmaster explains the rules, the assistants remove all objects and create free space.
The main action begins to the music, the players, thinking that there are objects ahead, begin to bypass obstacles that no longer exist. It looks very funny, and the guests enthusiastically cheer for each player.
To make the wedding truly fun and leave vivid memories of it, you should discuss games and competitions with the hosts in advance.

Wedding organization

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day by phone

Read interesting news

A wedding is a happy, exciting and important moment not only for the bride and groom, but also for all their loved ones. One integral part of every marriage is the competitions that add even more festivity to the event. Of course, competitions should be fun, interesting and aimed at maintaining everyone's spirits.

Fun games and competitions that are ideal for weddings and wedding celebrations.

Fortune telling competition

competitions and games at the wedding

> it is announced that they will tell her fortune now. Take a sheet of paper and write on it in a column:

Ministry of Railways

After this, the victim is asked to write one line (opposite each abbreviation) from the songs before the line and one proverb - after. After the person has written all this, it is read from the sheet with a transcript. For example, a year before the wedding: hostile whirlwinds are blowing over us..., a month before the wedding: it’s fun to walk through the open spaces together... etc., what the person wrote.

After the lines come: the motto of friendship, the motto of love, the motto of bed, the motto of life.

Competition "Bride's Gifts"

Wedding competitions

They are hidden in advance air balloons and inflate them. A gift is a note with an assignment to sing, play, read, etc. the bride gives balloons to the guests, and the groomsmen slowly puncture them. Each guest must complete the task assigned to him.

Compatibility Test Competition

On the table there are clothes (a complete set, including socks and shoes) or threads, needles, buttons, shreds. The couple holds hands, and with their free hands (one with the right, the other with the left) they must dress, undress or swaddle the doll; sew on a button, etc.

Competition "Who's next?"

Games, competitions at a wedding

The youth forms two circles - girls and men. In the first - young, in the second - young, both blindfolded. Both circles go counterclockwise and sing a round dance song (or the ritual “Bride’s Veil”). In the last verse, the bride blindly chooses one of the girls, the groom chooses one of the guys. These two make a couple. They wear a “small veil” and a “groom’s hat.” This is how one or several couples are made up (of course, their “weddings” will take place in the order they were made up, but it’s better not to choose more than one couple). This is done at midnight, and now the main attention is given to the “new” young people - waltz, “Gorko!”, congratulations - everything as it should be. And real newlyweds can take a little break.

Competition "The most agile man"

wedding competitions

The presenter invites single guys to participate. Everyone receives 10 rubber bands of a certain color. Task: while the melody of the song is playing, each participant “rings” as many women as possible, putting an elastic band on his ankle. The winner receives a diploma with a heart “The most agile gentleman” and the right to make a toast in honor of the bride.

Competition “Continuation of acquaintance”

wedding games

This game can serve as a continuation of family acquaintance, only in a fun way. game form. Anyone can participate in it, and it doesn’t matter how well people know each other.

The presenter invites the person who wishes, he stands so that everyone can see him, and begins to talk in detail about himself... with facial expressions and gestures, without having the right to utter a single sound. The expressiveness and content of the story is determined by the jury. The winner (or winners) is the one whose story is liked the most. Guests have the right to an advisory vote.

The game can be complicated by a group story, or by adding a “translator”, or someone who will then decipher what was told by gestures.

Competition "Funny Gifts"

Several pairs participate in the game. The man tells the presenter in his ear what gift he would like to give. The lady then explains - loudly - how she uses the gift. At the same time, she does not know what the partner said to the presenter. If she guessed correctly and “correctly disposed” of the offering, she is awarded a prize.

Competition "Celebrity Couples"

games for weddings

Invite guests to remember historical couples who were known for their love and fidelity - Orpheus and Eurydice, Odysseus and Penelope, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Romeo and Juliet, etc. Whoever remembers last receives some kind of thematic gift - a keychain in the shape of a “heart”, some book about love, etc.

Competition “A woman is...”

wedding games and competitions

This game can be played by any number of people. For example, you line up all the men of the evening (although they can remain in their places). After the Leader says the words “a woman is,” each participant, in the established order, must name some association with the word “woman.”

The screening of participants occurs automatically. You cannot repeat yourself and think for more than 5 seconds. For example, a woman is temptation, a woman is passion, a woman is a snake, and so on.

Such a competition can also be held under the name “A MAN IS...” Any variations with the groom, the bride, a wedding, love, and so on are also possible.