Lucky numbers according to Feng Shui. The Yang numbers are considered to be the most favorable, i.e. odd numbers. The meaning of numbers according to Feng Shui

The term "Feng Shui" literally translates as "wind and water". IN Chinese culture a light wind and a slow flow of water mean a good harvest and good health.

feng shui spiral

Feng Shui is both a science and a philosophy that originated over 3,000 years ago, and is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics.

The goal of Feng Shui is to search for favorable flows of qi energy and use them for the benefit of humans. Common to all Chinese philosophy is the consideration of qi as a Great Principle, which corresponds to the first phase of the development of the Universe.

Since energy permeates everything - man, nature and things - one can determine its presence in a specific place or person.

It is believed that a Feng Shui practitioner can predict events. Therefore, by studying the laws of energy movement, you can improve your life, attract good luck, and also reduce the influence of unfavorable factors.

Feng Shui helps you win the lottery

"I lost a fair amount of money, so I thought...why not?" - says a lottery winner who has tried Feng Shui methods on himself.

It was after reading an article about Feng Shui that an ex-policeman from Sydney became a millionaire! He simply taped a gold coin to his doorstep, bought four $5 Boystown lottery tickets and won a luxury beachfront home worth $1.2 million. In addition, the lucky winner received lottery prizes worth more than $1000.

Australian expert and head of the Feng Shui Association Elizabeth Wiggins commented on the lottery millionaire's victory: “In a general sense, his true belief in luck is an element of Feng Shui. The gold coin represents a symbol of wealth. If our lucky person believes that this particular coin will attract prosperity and profit to him, so it will be. Thoughts can become the embodiment of reality, and Feng Shui symbols only contribute to this. Here it is important to note the main action of our winner - this. Without them he would never have become a millionaire."

Lottery participants often have mysterious omens the day before big wins. The winner of the 1933 edition of the Gosloto game “5 out of 36” dreamed of three numbers - 17, 15 and 25. The bet was placed immediately and brought the winner 2.8 million rubles.

The owner of a small grocery store, 58-year-old Vladimir from St. Petersburg, has been playing lotteries for a long time. And luck was on his side: the lucky guy won almost 30 million rubles. Shortly before this draw, he said to himself: “I have to, I have to win! This will definitely happen soon!” And it happened!

Here are some tips:


  • — Keep your home clean near the front door. Try not to clutter the space and do not keep thorny plants at the entrance to your home, as this can dissipate good energy.

  • — Use talismans of favorable energy. For example, I Ching wealth coins. They are tied with a red ribbon and placed in the wallet next to the money or lottery tickets. And it will work! According to the British publication Bella Magazine, a couple from Tyneside won £70,000 after they acquired wealth coins.

  • - Hold the favorable energy. An ideal Feng Shui home must have a gentle hill in the backyard. This allows you to focus the energy of well-being. If you live in an apartment, then use a symbolic dragon-turtle hill at the back of your house.

  • — Determine yours in the lottery. Many players adhere to this rule by purchasing lottery tickets or placing bets.

If you have not yet determined your lucky combination, then Stoloto will help you do this.

Feng Shui Number Meanings

In Chinese numerology, numbers are divided into yin or yang. Yin numbers are even, and yang numbers are odd. Even numbers are considered the most favorable. However, to maintain the harmony of the two principles, both even and odd numbers must be present.

Feng Shui is based on the meaning of hieroglyphs. Thus, in oriental culture people listen to the sound of numbers. For example, one sounds like “honor, gain.”

Here's what the other numbers mean:

The number 21 means " easy win", combination 328 - "easy path in business."

The number six itself is a symbol of wealth. In addition, this is also a double three (interpreted as double growth and double profit).

Numbers 8 and 9 are considered the most favorable in Feng Shui. The figure eight “on its side” (the infinity sign in mathematics and physics) in the East is a symbol of the movement of energy, the transformation of yin into yang. Thus, the number 18 means “financial prosperity”, 38 means “growth of wealth”. In addition, any combinations of the same numbers reinforce each other - 11, 22, 33, 88.

Pay attention to the numbers and dates that you may encounter in life (birthdays, wedding day, important meeting). We advise you to write them down, and perhaps you will find a match. For example, most often your key events occurred on the 7th and 30th? This means these numbers are 100% yours. Plan ahead with confidence important events on these dates, and also make lottery combinations using your numbers.

For example, the winner of the 1054th draw of the Gosloto “6 out of 45” game made a winning bet from the birth dates of seven sons and two daughters and won 747,794 rubles in the lottery!

All the facts indicate that much is hidden in the details, and great luck can await every Stoloto player. Once a week someone becomes a millionaire - and that's a fact. Chinese wisdom can recommend successful number combinations, but the appropriate mindset to win is important. And Stoloto’s wisdom says: “The chances of winning the lottery will increase if you buy at least one lottery ticket.”

The meaning of Feng Shui numbers is very important to know, because each of them directly affects human life. Any number that appears in the space around you plays an important role.

Meaning of numbers from 0 to 9


  • A symbol of death and destruction, it is considered an unfavorable number. If you strive to live “according to Feng Shui”, this figure should be avoided even in combination with others
  • In number combinations it changes auspicious meaning other numbers to negative

Five is also a negative symbol. “Multiplies by zero” everything useful that other numbers can provide in your life. Therefore, it is better to avoid five

Seven is a symbol of good luck, success, luck. It is believed that it gives a person enormous self-confidence, he begins to notice many opportunities around him, and realizes them faster. creative potential and achieves its goals.


  • The most lucky number in Eastern philosophy. Attracts people into life financial well-being and prosperity
  • Helps you constantly develop and move forward, stop at nothing to achieve your goals
  • Symbolizes the unification of heaven and earth
  • Endowed with very powerful energy, attracts health and longevity into a person’s life, protects against problems, troubles, protects against diseases

Zero is emptiness, nothing. Doesn't have certain meaning. In some sources it is interpreted as a favorable symbol that maintains harmony in a person’s surrounding space.

Lucky and unfavorable combinations of numbers

You can choose lucky digital combinations for yourself. You can use this knowledge when choosing a phone number or car number, as well as in any other cases when you come across numbers.

The following combinations are considered the most favorable in Feng Shui:

  • 6-8 - attracts financial well-being, activates flows money energy, gives prosperity and success at work, ensures rapid career growth
  • 2-8 - a monetary combination for the quick fulfillment of desires related to the acquisition of material wealth. Can be used if you want to quickly buy an apartment, car or something else
  • 1-6-8 - attracts luck and success in all areas of life. Symbol of harmony, happiness and prosperity
  • 7-8 is a symbol of guaranteed wealth, which you will come to sooner or later. Fate itself will send appropriate opportunities - it is important to notice them and not miss them
  • 4-8 also means wealth, but you will have to work very hard for it. Four in this combination is a sign of incredible effort and hard work. But in the end, your hard work will pay off.
  • 7-8-9 - harmonizes a person’s energy state, a favorable symbol without a specific meaning

Watch a video about the meaning of numbers in Chinese numerology:

There are also unfavorable combinations that it is advisable to exclude from your life:

  • 2-4 is a symbol of death, but not in its literal sense. It can lead to the loss of something important, to the destruction of significant things in a person’s life. Losses, unexpected expenses, separation, illness
  • 5-8 - to financial losses. If this combination of numbers is constantly present in your life, there will never be money, no matter how hard you try
  • 9-5 - a threat to the surrounding area, you risk losing acquired property or loved ones, becoming a victim of a catastrophe, natural disaster
  • 6-4 - collapse in financial affairs, a person can go bankrupt in one day, become poor, starve
  • 5-6 - puts a block to the fulfillment of desires. Everything comes at the cost of incredible effort, nothing comes into life easily. Success is possible only through overcoming oneself, daily and incessantly.

It is worth noting that odd numbers are considered the most favorable in Eastern numerology, because they are influenced by Yang energy, creative and beneficial. Even Yin numbers can lead to losses and losses.

And if you use number combinations, it is important to maintain balance - for every even number, add one odd one. Then negative consequences can be avoided.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Upon taking possession of an apartment, a person also receives its serial number. True, it almost never occurs to anyone that these numbers are displayed on his door for a reason. According to Feng Shui, every number, like every thing, is a source of a certain information charge.

In order to calculate the apartment number according to Feng Shui, you need to sum up all the numbers that make up the serial number until a simple number is formed.

For example, calculating the numerological number of apartment 135 will look like this: 135 = 1 + 3 + 5 = 9. It turns out that the numerological number of apartment 135 is “nine”. Below are the characteristics according to Feng Shui.

The number “1” patronizes creative people

The “one” is under the “tutelage” of the Sun, symbolizing the creative power and joy of being. The territory covered by the influence of this number can be personal space creative personality capable of self-expression through art, writing or acting skills. The energy of the apartment with the number “1” helps its owners to enjoy every new day, sunlight, green grass... but realize that life is not only woven from joyful events and also has a negative side.

Among them, noticeable (preferably red-orange) lighting devices play a special role. The microclimate in an apartment with a “unit” is conducive to relaxation, openness and carefree communication. In addition, the “one” constantly tests its owners for spiritual strength, throwing up relevant life episodes.

If the owners are kind, the apartment shines with cleanliness; if they are evil, the home is infested with flies, but about material and spiritual development there is no talk... Openness turns into unforgivable carelessness, and carelessness turns into disregard.

The number "2" is not for the faint of heart

This number is ruled by the Moon, endowing owners whose Feng Shui apartment number is “2” with intuitive insights and a penchant for contemplation. People raising small children, working with food or cleaning water bodies, as well as musicians working in ethnic style feel good in such a home.

The first thing that catches the guests' eyes is mirrors, although no less significant role plays the state of the bathroom. It is very good if the interior design is dominated by soft cream, milky or emerald green tones.

If one of the inhabitants of this housing has an unstable psyche, it can lead to mental seizures and mental illness. It’s good if the disease has not yet become irreversible - then best place For relaxation, the bathroom will become, or more precisely, a stream of water running from an open tap.

Number “3”: bad luck for lazy people

“Troika” is patronized by Mars. A lazy person in such an apartment will not have an easy time, since there is always work to be done here: either the lock will break, or the water supply will become clogged... The dwelling corresponding to the number “3” is intended for energetic and active owners who are in love with the color red. Red should also be given preference in interior design (this especially applies to the hallway and toilet).

Number "4"... What could be more terrible?

The planet of the “four” is Mercury. Only pathologically honest and sociable people will live in an apartment with this number (deceitful people will suffer from their own slander), who also love to travel. In interior design great importance have so-called “information points”: TV, telephone, family photos... Favorable colors are gray-blue or blue-yellow.

“Four,” according to Chinese philosophy, brings failure in all matters, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a serial number or an apartment number according to Feng Shui. For the Chinese, “4” is the number of death.

Number "5" - expansion symbol

This number is “in charge” of Jupiter, the planet symbolizing expansion. The owners of this apartment may be politicians, scientists, as well as people united by some common idea or teaching. The main problems facing the residents of this apartment are: uncontrollable seizures anger and liver problems.

The color of the “five” is purple, and among the decorative elements the most acceptable “decorations” will be globes, telescopes and bronze dishes.

The number “6” is the personification of comfort

The “Six” is favored by Venus - the planet of love and comfortable relaxation. This house has a lot of soft spacious armchairs, large sofas, luxurious carpets and a lot of flowers, and the residents themselves are great lovers of cats and dogs. The owners, whose apartment number according to Feng Shui is “6”, are either kind and hospitable, or scandalous and arrogant. If someone decides to start a scandal in this house, the instigator will definitely be punished.

Feng Shui advises the inhabitants of an apartment with a “six” when decorating home interior Pay special attention to the beige-brown color scheme.

The main thing, experts warn, is not to confuse the usual ordinal number and the apartment number according to Feng Shui. 42, for example, is the serial number of the apartment. To calculate the Feng Shui number, you need to solve the simplest problem: 4 + 2 = 6.

Number “7”: working on mistakes

Seven is ruled by Saturn. Residents of such an apartment prefer dark blue tones and often experience a lack of funds (and not only material ones), and their life consists mainly of trials. However, this does not prevent them from indulging in hoarding and making a career.

The only thing that the Universe expects from them is to admit their mistakes in time, before the latter return to them in the form of regular diseases and problems.

By the way, residents whose Feng Shui apartment number is “7” can easily master hatha yoga or engage in therapeutic fasting.

Similar problems may affect residents of a house whose door is numbered 16, 25, 34... For whom “seven” is their Feng Shui apartment number. "16" is "1 + 6"; “25” - “2+5” and so on.

Number "8": purity plus caution

"Eight" is subordinate to Uranus. If the residents of such an apartment are astrologers, clairvoyants, or, at worst, glassblowers, they will undoubtedly prosper (which cannot be said about materialists and rationalists). Homeowners must keep windows clean and be careful when handling electrical appliances. For interior decoration, a sky blue shade is preferred, but if desired, you can use all the colors of the rainbow.

Number "9". Zone of Unfulfilled Hopes

The planet of the “nine” is Neptune. Here is the zone bad habits and unfulfilled dreams. Only sailors, psychics, musicians and priests would feel good in such an apartment.

For representatives of other professions, staying in this apartment is fraught with troubles from water, alcohol and nicotine addiction, as well as an eternal search for constantly disappearing household items.

Apartment number according to Feng Shui can be adjusted

The purpose of Feng Shui is to bring happiness and satisfaction in life. This very intelligent ancient practice has been around for over 3,000 years and is the embodiment of the Chinese philosophy that everything on the planet is influenced by the energy of the five elements: wood, metal, earth, fire and water. Feng Shui allows each person to experiment and choose what is closer and clearer to him.

Is it possible to adjust the apartment number according to Feng Shui? How to fix the situation? For inventive Chinese, nothing is impossible. If they are not happy with a number, they correct it with one innocent trick.

This little trick will “work” no matter how it is perceived - jokingly or seriously. It is enough to take a piece of paper, a felt-tip pen and add the desired number to the unwanted number.

Anyone who has already completed this simple manipulation will definitely be happy, no matter what their Feng Shui apartment number is. Apartment 135, for example, adds up to the number 9. To turn it into a “one”, just take a piece of paper with the inscription “+1” and pin it on front door next to the serial number.

In the same way, you can eliminate the energy of decay that the “four” carries. The ancient Chinese were afraid of this number, and their modern descendants are trying in every possible way to eliminate this figure from everyday life: in many houses the fourth and thirteenth floors are “missing,” as well as a similar apartment number.

According to Feng Shui, “13” is the same as “four”. To turn the heavy energy of this number into positive, just attach a piece of cardboard with the inscription “+6” next to the number nailed to the front door.

As can be seen from the examples above, fundamental changes are not necessary to comply with the rules of Feng Shui. This is probably why the ancient Chinese teaching is popular today not only in China.

The main rule of Feng Shui can be formulated as follows: each thing should occupy its own space. If reality “does not fit” into the framework of the above statement, it means that things are either outdated or broken. And spoiled things - carriers of destructive energy, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, have no place in the house...

For those who are interested in Feng Shui, it is important to know how this teaching deciphers numbers. Each number in Feng Shui is deciphered according to wise metaphysical laws. And each of the numbers has feminine or masculine energy.

The teachings of Feng Shui decipher numbers

Odd numbers are under the influence of Yang energy, and even numbers are under the influence of Yin energy. Knowing the philosophy of numbers, you can significantly correct your own life.

Feng Shui numbers

Unlike numerology, where the specific meaning of numbers is deciphered, in Feng Shui numbers can be deciphered depending on their sound. It is in this approach that we propose to decipher the numbers today.


In Feng Shui, one is considered a number that signifies the beginning of everything that exists. The meaning of one is a symbol of something new, innocent, untainted pure energy. The sound of this number symbolizes honor and success.

In combination with one, other numbers also change their energy; next to this number, others become purer in sound and meaning. According to the tree horoscope, the number one means spruce. This tree grows very slowly. But in the future it turns out to be powerful, beautiful, everyone around sees it.


Phonetically, the number two sounds like the word “lightness.” Two is a very harmonious number in which Yang energy and Yin energy are incredibly harmoniously mixed. This number is interesting because when two energies are mixed, each energy does not lose itself in this symbiosis. There is no cold struggle of opposites here.

The symbols of this number are everything that has its antipode. This is the moon and the sun, day and night, black and white. The meaning of two also lies in the fact that it promotes the most harmonious growth, because the interweaving of energies in it gives incredible strength. The symbol of two in trees is bamboo. This tree is characterized by fast growth, and it can also be used in various areas.


Phonetically, the number three sounds like rapid development, rich life. This number is also about growth, about strong and rapid growth in geometric progression. The energy of the three is so strong that it changes the energy of the numbers that are next to it. Three is also a symbol of creative development.

Three can be the product of a powerful sacred force. The name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, such a three is present in Christianity. And, of course, three means the beginning of life, thanks to three aspects: earth, sky and man. Troika is fire element. But this is not the element that destroys everything in its path, this is the element that gives life to everything. Those who strive to develop their careers and business need to introduce triples into their lives.


The Chinese are trying to avoid this figure. And all because one of the ancient interpretations deciphers the meaning of this number as death. According to Feng Shui, fours are especially feared in combination with a two, which means an easy death, or in combination with a six, which symbolizes losses in a financial sense.

But two fours, that is, the number 44, oddly enough, has favorable energy. This is because the sum of two fours means an eight, and this number has a positive value. Magicians are very fond of the meaning of four. Because three fours add up to 12, which means a transition to the other world.


At first glance, the number five according to Feng Shui does not have a very pleasant phonetic sound. It means the word “no” and “nothing”. However, on the other hand, the five symbolizes five substances: metal, earth, water, fire, wood. And these are five planets from the galaxy: Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus.

The meaning of five is also the center. In fortune telling, the number five symbolizes development, movement forward. Auspicious sign- these are two fives, which in total means 10, and this is a symbol of happiness. But it is better for entrepreneurs to avoid combining five with six, since this means a lack of profit.


Six is ​​the number that means help in Feng Shui. Six is ​​very good in combination with other numbers. It gives them monetary energy. In fortune telling, this number often means a person’s vices and shortcomings.

However, in other theories, the number six signifies the six human virtues. The number six means the sum of two threes, so it is useful to introduce it into everyday life for people who are involved in finance.


Seven is Favorite number many self-confident people. And all because, phonetically, it means the word “confidence”, something that is certain to happen. There is firmness and strength in the seven, which gives a person the necessary confidence. Seven is also good for attracting wealth into life.

Works especially well in last respect combination of numbers seven and eight. This combination of numbers means guaranteed wealth. In addition, according to Feng Shui, the number seven carries divine energy. His energy conceals knowledge that is inaccessible to wide range of people.


Translated from an ancient interpretation, this word is translated as “jewel.” And the phonetic sound of an eight in Feng Shui means winning. Eight is an extremely positive number; it literally attracts all positive energies. In the twelve-digit cycle, eight means harvest, so if you want to attract prosperity into your life, then choose eight.


In terms of phonetic sound, nine turns out to be very favorable. Nine according to Feng Shui is the meeting of heaven and earth.

Here the prevailing meaning spiritual growth, prosperity, but precisely in the divine plan, and not in the material. If you want to develop wisdom in yourself, then introduce more nines into your life.


This number has a double meaning. Some experts say that it has a negative meaning, as it means emptiness. Others see in it infinity and the secrets of eternal life.

This is the meaning of numbers according to Feng Shui.

Successful combinations according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui attaches importance not so much to the numbers themselves, but to their combinations, where there is an interweaving of energies.

Here are some successful combinations:

  • 6-8 - means wealth that is constantly growing.
  • 2-8 is a combination of easy money.
  • 2-8-8 – this combination of numbers serves to make money in an even easier way.
  • 7-8 – guaranteed wealth.
  • 4-8 is also wealth, big money, but this money came to a person through hard work.
  • 7-8-9 is a successful, successful combination of numbers that can be used in all occasions in life.

Unlucky combinations of numbers according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, there are negative combinations of numbers

These number combinations should be avoided:

  • 2-4 is an easy death, in figurative meaning the combination means losses in all plans.
  • 5-8 – this combination of numbers symbolizes the lack of money.
  • 2-7 and 9-5 are flammable combinations of numbers that attract fire.
  • 5-6 is a combination of disappointment when your expectations are not fulfilled.

The meaning of numbers in Feng Shui

What does your apartment number say? Lucky number.


Feng Shui and numerology contradict each other in some aspects, so you should choose Feng Shui or numerology for yourself.

The number of wealth in Feng Shui is a combination of several numbers that can enhance each other. Indeed, even in the time of Pythagoras, whose main teaching was the doctrine of numbers, people began to realize that diversity physical phenomena obeys a certain order. This order can be expressed numerically. That is why monetary number according to Feng Shui, it will be a certain combination of numbers depending on the purpose of use.

The meaning of numbers in feng shui

To understand numerical combinations that carry the energy of money, you must first understand the meaning of individual numbers. This way you can independently create the order of numbers you need. Unlike the Pythagorean teachings, Feng Shui considers combinations of numbers, without adding them and reducing them to one number. In addition, there is a division into even numbers - they belong to Yin and odd numbers, belonging to Yang. To avoid an imbalance, the presence of both is necessary in equal quantities.

So, with the help of numbers, you can either attract positive energy or repel it. Numbers in Feng Shui have the following meanings:

  • 1 is an honorary number for Taoists. The unit symbolizes the beginning of everything and the unity of spirit. In Feng Shui, this number is considered positive, which means it brings good luck, gain and honor.
  • 2 is not very favorable, since translated from Chinese it means “easy,” but when combined with other numbers, two gives a boost.
  • 3 – symbolizes the juice of life and growth, in translation it sounds like “strength” and “growth”.
  • 4 is a negative number meaning death, unfavorable changes. When combined with good numbers, it will give obstacles to achieving the goal.
  • 5 – symbolizes the harmony of the five main elements, the balance of energies and movement. However, when translated it sounds like “nothing” and is therefore not used by the Chinese.
  • 6 – lucky number, carrying the energy of stability and wealth.
  • 7 - acts as a symbol of confidence and deep knowledge, translated as “surely” or “surely.”
  • 8 – in the East, this number is the most revered and beloved, since it means the totality of all benefits: success, great wealth, abundance, development, prosperity, etc.
  • 9 is another one of the most successful numbers from a Feng Shui point of view. This figure represents completeness, health and well-being.
  • 0 – not everyone has a positive attitude towards this number. For some it means emptiness, for others it means the Absolute.

Lucky numbers and their combinations in Feng Shui

It turns out that the most favorable numbers in Feng Shui are 8 and 9. In addition, the appearance of numbers 1,6,7 in a combination will be quite successful. The number 2 will also bring good luck if it is followed by one of the positive numbers.

If you believe in the symbolism of numbers, knowing the luckiest combinations will come in handy:

  • 7-8-9 strengthen each other and bring good luck in business;
  • 4-8 means wealth, but earned through hard work;
  • 7-8 guaranteed receipt of wealth;
  • 2-8-8 quick and easy receipt of money;
  • 2-8 money that comes easily;
  • 6-8 winning combination, meaning “ever-increasing wealth”;
  • 1-6-8 is favorable in any combination.

By and large, if the issue of money is relevant to you today, you need to build the right attitude towards money. In order not to participate in the rat race and the race for wealth, you need to remember that money is an egregor to which you give your energy. Once you shift your energy to the positive, you will have more money. This is easy to do - after each purchase you need to mentally say to yourself “Let there be more good in this person’s life and in the world,” and when you accept the money, mentally say “I take the responsibility to increase goodness in the world.”

Thus, when the Universe understands that something good can be spread through you, you will have more money. Don't spare money and take part in projects.

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