The decision on how it will be. How to make the right decision when in doubt

Choosing the right solution is not easy and risky. All our plans are divided into those whose consequences can be accurately predicted and those whose final result can only be guessed at.

The most difficult thing is when the choice can only be made at random, without being able to know the chances of a successful outcome.

There are decisions that you can think about for a long time, or take advice from those whose authority you trust. And it also happens that a serious problem needs to be solved under extreme time pressure. In such cases, there is no chance to think about it and try it on. So how do you make the right decision?

Motivated to tears

The most important thing in choosing the right step is motivation and awareness. As they say, you need to know exactly which harbor you are heading towards. Otherwise, no wind will be favorable. Motive is the main criterion for making a decision.

It is more important than the question of why and for what purpose this is necessary. A clear awareness of motives will give, if not one hundred percent success in the intended enterprise, then at least protect against possible mistakes in the future.

Knowing what you are guided by when thinking about a problem, there is every chance in case of failure not to step on the usual rake. Understanding motives reduces the risk of making a life-threatening decision. Everything that is done consciously has fewer irreversible and irreparable consequences.

What influences decision making

A lack of information on the issue on the agenda will make it difficult to make the right decision. Blurry and unawareness of ideas about the subject will lead away from the intended path.

You can take an absolutely correct conclusion and lead it to complete failure through the wrong means and careless execution.

It is also possible that a wrong decision can lead to an excellent result, making corrections and adjustments along the way. This development of events is quite in the spirit of the legendary Napoleon - get involved in a fight, and then we’ll see.

Take a break, trust your intuition

If you are in doubt about finding the right verdict, you need to take a short break and ask yourself: do I have enough information on this issue?

If the answer is negative, by the way, you will have to take a second pause, during which you should ask yourself: should we wait a little longer with the final decision? Or maybe even think about it and don’t sign any sentences to fate yet.

But endless hesitation in search of the right answer exhausts the nervous system and drives us into a frenzy. If it is impossible to predict or predict the consequences of a decision made, make it quickly.

In this case, intuition comes into play. And, if logical thinking is of no use, you will have to rely on your subconscious. The intuitive tip comes first, and it is usually the most correct.

The subconscious gives the correct conclusion immediately, and you should trust it. Don’t miss the moment: after a short time, intuition will turn off, and security systems will turn on: experience, fears, doubts. Therefore, if you can’t get to the solution using logic, rely on intuition and the first thought that comes to mind.

Situation squared

When we make a choice, we usually think about what might happen if we make it. The decision-making technique, called, provides a universal opportunity to learn to look at the consequences of your actions from four sides at once.

Draw a square. In the upper segment, divided into 2 parts, write:

  • What will I get by making this decision?
  • What do I get by not accepting it?

In the lower segment:

  • What will I lose by not making this decision?
  • What do I have to lose by accepting it?

After that, carefully fill out all four squares. This will give you the most complete understanding of your gains and losses in the event of making or not making even the most difficult decision in your life.

Postpone until wise morning

There is the most reliable and widely popular method of answering complex questions. In the foreign version it sounds like: “I’ll think about it tomorrow.” In Rus' this was a law called “The morning is wiser than the evening.”

Ask yourself three times if you doubt your conclusions. According to the advice of Orthodox elders, before making a difficult decision, you need to ask God (Higher Powers, intuition, subconscious) for advice three times in prayer.

The first answer will be based on emotions. The second one is based on logic. And the third is what is closest to the truth. The necessary revelation is always what comes to mind on the third count.

Head-to-head analysis

In difficult situations, you can take the right route in a playful way. Imagine that you take turns putting on seven hats of different colors. Each hat in turn dramatically changes the type of thinking.

Wearing a red hat makes you overly emotional and excited. In blue you become more intuitive. In lilac it is more rational. In pink - unjustifiably arrogant and uncritical. The black hat will plunge you into the abyss of negativity and defeatist moods. The orange hat will cover you with fantastic and impossible projects.

But the last White Hat is newfound wisdom. Having thought through and combined all your “head-by-side analysis”, you will make the most sensible and realistic decision.

From experience, everyone knows that it is easier to give advice than to receive it from others. But something else is also true: face to face, you can’t see the face, the big one is seen from a distance.

When it comes to our person and our future future, omnipresent emotions prevent us from making the right decision. The right decision will hide in the margins of consciousness and fade away behind the emotional background. Imagine that the choice is not before you, but before your friend. What advice would you give him? Here emotions will recede, and common sense and adequate advice will come to the fore. Because we are no longer talking about your fate, and you can, moving away from yourself, reason from the standpoint of logic and sanity.

Decide on your priorities

It happens that an opinion that you consider exclusively yours is imposed on you by the surrounding reality. People tend to mistake other people's aspirations and desires for their own out of pure imitation.

Being like everyone else, striving for what the majority strives for is a common mistake in the decision-making process. Let's say a neighbor visited an exotic country and was pleased.

Don't rush to apply for a passport. Vacationing in hot countries is a neighbor’s decision. Taking a pause, you can come to the surprising conclusion that the best vacation for you would be a tent on the shore of a local pond.

A friend started his own business and drives a Bentley. Why do you need a Bentley if you have already given all your love to a mountain bike? And rather than the hassle of running your own business, you prefer quiet and contemplative activities.

And in general, your principle: “Money can’t buy the best?” So it turns out: never confuse other people’s life constructs with your own.

Don't get emotional

How to make a difficult decision if you constantly doubt your feelings? Today there is one attitude and, therefore, a certain decision. Tomorrow a different confidence has settled in us, according to which we are turning 180 degrees.

And the day after tomorrow they rejected everything they had decided and came to some new milestone. All these jumps are a consequence of emotions, and not of logical reasoning and reliable information.

And, as you know, there is nothing worse than a verdict made rashly, in a fit of emotional storm. The worst and most disastrous decisions are those that arise from our passions. They have no place in making fateful decisions.

Never try to shift the burden of making a difficult decision onto someone else's shoulders. Make your own choice. By doing this you prove your maturity, determination and ability to keep your own life under control.

Otherwise, your life will be controlled by other people and random circumstances. Don't blame anyone if in difficult situations you fail to fulfill your obligations. We must learn to take full responsibility for decisions made and be responsible for their consequences.

Long box

Having chosen your path, immediately begin to take your first steps along it. By putting things off, you lock your determination into it and learn to receive endless delays from life.

This turns a person capable of decisive action into an inert defeatist. Don’t create bad habits: don’t put off what you need until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or “in a week.”

By doing this, you risk never doing something important. Having made your final decision, outline the means to achieve it and immediately plunge headlong into action.

In difficult situations, always keep in mind the end result of your intentions. Visually draw a picture of what will happen if your plan is implemented, and strive with all your might to get there.

Then you won’t be afraid of delays and bumps along the way. If you clearly see the goal, you will always get where you need to go. This will not allow you to deviate from the chosen route and abandon everything halfway.

Following our decision and following the road to the end is the only way to know whether we made the right choice. If you don't pass, you won't know.

No regrets

Do not regret what and how you decided, even if as a result you did not get what you wanted. Even if fate handed you something that you in no way aspired to.

Tell yourself: this was one of those intentions whose consequences were not easy to predict. And there is no possibility of knowing for sure whether it was correct or not.

If you had taken a different path, wouldn’t the consequences have been even more unpredictable and sadder? Perhaps this was your best choice of all possible.

And, if you calmly take full responsibility for the consequences of your decisions, you move through life more confidently, and most importantly, at the speed you personally need.

Finally, for lovers of mathematics and statistics, we recommend watching Dan Gilbert’s video “ What prevents people from making the right decisions?»

Throughout our lives, we repeatedly have to make various decisions. And it often happens that we hesitate: should we do this or that way?

Or we don’t even understand what to do... What to do in such cases? How to behave so as not to regret what you did later? In fact, there are many ways that will help you.

Method one. Reasoning.

It is suitable for people who think rationally and are used to reasoning with.

Try to calculate the consequences of this or that action. It's best to write down all the pros and cons on a piece of paper to make it clearer. Let's say you've been offered a new job, but you're unsure whether to accept or not. Take a sheet of paper, divide it into two halves and on one half write down all the advantages of the proposed position, for example, “high salary”, “growth prospects”, “social package”, on the second - negative factors - “work far from home”, “irregular schedule” , “little information about this company”, etc.

Look at both halves of the sheet and count how many pros and cons you have. Now highlight what is your priority. After all, let’s assume that salary and career can completely compensate for some inconveniences. And it also happens that money and career are not the main thing for you, but you want to return home early and spend the weekend with your family. This method will simply help you visually put everything into categories, and this will make it easier to finally make a decision.

Method two. Intuition.

Suitable for people with an intuitive type of thinking. Listen to what. If you have been offered a job or, say, marriage, and the offer seems good, but for some reason you are not inclined to accept it, then maybe it’s not worth it? And, on the contrary, if your mind doubts, but your heart tells you to do just that, shouldn’t you follow its lead? If your intuitive premonitions have already been justified before, then that means you can completely trust them.

Method three. Try your luck.

This is for magically minded citizens. We're talking about different ones. Not even necessarily traditional ones, like cards or the I Ching. You can simply wish: “If the next candy I take out of this bag is green, then I will go to this place, and if it is red, then I will refuse the trip.” The main thing is to get the candies without looking.

You can also “tell fortunes” using a watch. Experts say that if on the dial, when you glance at it. there will be a “jackpot” - say, 11 hours 11 minutes, then you can rest assured: the upcoming meeting or undertaking will be successful for you. If the first two digits are greater than the second two, say 21 hours zero three minutes, you should not rush to make a decision. If, on the contrary, for example, the clock shows 15:39, it means that time is pressing on you: hurry up so as not to miss your chance.

Now special balls for decision-making have appeared on sale. You formulate a question, shake the ball and look at the answer in the window. Just remember that the ball does not predict the future, but only tells you what to expect and how best to act in a given situation.

Method four. Reading the signs of fate.

Suitable for those who are interested, if not in mysticism, then in psychology and. When thinking about a solution, pay attention to what is happening around you. Suppose you are planning to go somewhere, but you are not sure whether to go or not. And then suddenly the phones start ringing and you are bombarded with requests from friends, you lose the keys to your apartment and discover that the sole of your shoe has fallen off... Most likely, Providence is telling you: it’s not worth going to this meeting.

Or someone offers you cooperation, and his last name turns out to be the same as that of a person whom you knew many years ago and with whom you had some kind of unpleasant situation... Is it a coincidence?

Or you are planning a tourist trip, and suddenly, by a strange coincidence, you come across a post on the Internet from a former client of that same travel company, who recalls with horror how he used its services...

They ask you to borrow a large sum, and then the title of the note catches your eye: “Company N has gone bankrupt”...

You have had a stabbing pain in your lower back for three months now, but you can’t decide whether to go to the doctor. And then you catch a snippet of someone else’s conversation on the subway: “I did an ultrasound yesterday, they said there was a kidney stone...”

You are wondering whether to go on a date with the gentleman who invited you, and on the radio they sing: “Don’t go to meet him, don’t go. He has a granite pebble in his chest.” Why not a hint?

A “picture” can also carry a hint. For example, you are not sure whether you should connect your destiny with this particular person. And suddenly you see a couple of tender swans on the pond. Or, on the contrary, you meet a couple of cats desperately fighting on the street... Draw the appropriate conclusions.

Of course, you shouldn’t take literally every little thing for granted. But if a word or event caught your attention, stuck in your memory, or it clearly seemed to you that “it’s all about you,” that it’s connected specifically to your situation, then it makes sense to take it into account. Good luck with your decisions!

A person’s entire life consists of a series of decisions made – big and small. The whole future life depends on some of them. Many people have difficulty when faced with making a choice. Let's figure out how to make the decision-making process more effective, and what methods can be used to do this.

Every day life presents us with a choice, presenting us with various tasks. What to cook for breakfast? What suit to wear to work? Which phone should I buy? Where to go on vacation during your vacation? Should I agree to the marriage proposal or wait? Should I quit my job or stay? There are decisions that don’t really affect anything, but there are those that radically change your life.

All people behave differently when making decisions. There is a category of people who are called “don’t care”. They are never tormented by choice, because they give preference to the first or simplest option. They put on the clothes that are the first to be taken out of the closet, go on a date with the first person to invite them, take the job that is easiest to get, etc. These people believe that life itself will put everything in its place, so they don’t It's worth the effort.

Another category of people is guided by intuition when making important decisions. These individuals always listen to their inner voice and do not doubt the correctness of the decisions made. However, there are not very many such people.

The majority of people are individuals who have difficulty making choices. They suffer, doubt, weigh every option, but still cannot make a final decision. And when the decision is made, they continue to doubt its correctness. If you belong to the category of such people and do not know how to make a decision when in doubt, then it will be useful for you to learn several methods that make the selection process easier.

Method 1. “Descartes Square”

The essence of the method is to consider the problem facing you from four different angles. To do this, you need to ask yourself 4 questions. Take a piece of paper and divide it into four parts in the form of a square. Write one of the questions in each part:

  1. What good will I get if I fulfill my plan?
  2. What good will I get if I refuse to fulfill my plans?
  3. What harm will I get if I fulfill my plan?
  4. What harm will I get if I refuse to fulfill my plans?

Think and write the answer to the question in each square. By listing all the pros and cons of implementing your plan and refusing to implement it, you can understand which decision is best for you to make.

If you don’t know what to do in a particular situation and stop doubting, tell the two closest people about the problem and ask them for advice. Popular wisdom says that every person has his own guardian angel who protects and guides him on the right path. The Guardian Angel gives clues through intuition. If a person has poorly developed intuition, then an angel can convey a hint through a loved one. Hence the recommendation to ask for advice from the two closest people.

Method 3. “Expanding the framework”

The problem with most people is that they force themselves into narrow boundaries and do not see alternatives. They tend to get caught up in the “Yes” and “No” options, not realizing that there are other choices. Let's say you want to take out a car loan. You see only two options: take a car loan or continue using public transport.

By expanding your choice, you will see alternative options. For example: you can find a cheaper car and buy it no longer on credit; you can refuse the loan and start saving money to buy a car; you can rent a house closer to work and avoid using public transport; you can even change your job by getting a job in another company located close to your home; You can negotiate with one of your colleagues to give you a ride to work in his car for a certain fee. As you can see, there can be many options, the main thing is to see them.

Method 4. “Disappearance of options”

Imagine that the option you like best is not available. For example, the company you want to get a job with has ceased to exist. Think about what to do in this case. Thinking in this way, you will discover other, no less interesting options for a relatively new job that you have not seen before because you were fixated on one.

Method 5. “Glass of water”

The author of this technique is the American parapsychologist Jose Silva, founder of the Silva Method, author of books on unconventional psychology. He suggests the following: in the evening before going to bed, pour clean, unboiled water into a glass. Take the glass with both hands, close your eyes, focus on the problem that worries you and clearly formulate the question that requires a decision. Then, slowly, drink half the glass, mentally repeating something like this: “This is all I need to make the right decision.”

Place a glass with the remaining water near your bed and go to bed. First thing in the morning after waking up, drink some water and thank your subconscious for the right decision. The solution may come immediately after waking up or during the day. People who have tried this technique claim that it works.

Method 6. “Delay”

If you can't make a choice and make a decision, give yourself a break. When you're excited and your brain is overloaded with information, it's very difficult to make the right choices. Remember how often you made the wrong decision in a hurry and then regretted it? To prevent this from happening, take a break, calm down, and once again carefully analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your choice. There are not many situations in life that require instant decision making, so don’t be afraid to put it off for a while.

Method 7. “Own the information”

Before making a choice, try to find out as much information as possible about the option you are going to choose. When it comes to purchasing a product, read reviews about it on the Internet. When deciding to change jobs, learn everything about the position you will be taking and the people who worked there before you. If possible, track down these people to get first-hand information. You understand that the employer may not tell you about all the difficulties that await you, and a person who has already worked in this company before is unlikely to withhold such information.

The more important the decision you make, the more responsible you should be in finding the information you need. This way you will protect yourself from deception and prepare for possible difficulties.

Method 8. “Drop your emotions”

Emotions greatly interfere with making the right decision because they distort the vision of the situation. An emotionally agitated person is unable to think sensibly. Therefore, make it a rule: never make decisions while at the peak of emotions. Anger, fear, malice, as well as intense joy and euphoria are bad advisers in decision making.

If you are overcome by emotions, do not make any choice. Give yourself time to cool down, and then take a sober look at the situation. This way you will protect yourself from rash actions and their consequences.

How to get rid of emotions?

Even when you realize that emotions are preventing you from making the right choices, you can't always get rid of them. To make this process easier, use simple methods.


This method allows you to put aside immediate impulses and look at the situation in the long term. The essence of the method is to ask yourself three questions before making a decision:

  • How will I feel about my choice in 10 minutes?
  • How will I feel about my choice in 10 months?
  • How will I feel about my choice in 10 years?

Let's say you want to take out an expensive car on credit. You apply for a loan and get behind the wheel of a brand new car. What will you think 10 minutes after the purchase? You will probably be euphoric, rejoicing at your purchase. But after 10 months, the joy will subside, and you will feel the full weight of the credit burden and will be faced with the need to limit yourself in many things. And in 10 years, when you finally pay off your debts, you will see that your car is old and requires repairs, or maybe you are so tired of it that you want to sell it.

The 10/10/10 method can be used in any situation. It perfectly helps to pacify emotions and look at the long-term consequences of your choice, so as not to regret what you did later.

Stay in the dark

A good way to calm your emotions is to simply be in the dark. Psychologists have proven that twilight or complete darkness calms a person and helps put his thoughts in order. Please note that jewelry stores are always brightly lit. Do you think this was done so that gold and precious stones would play and shimmer better in the rays of light? Not just for this. Marketing experts know that bright lights are more likely to make people make impulse purchases.

If you need to calm your emotions in order to make the right decision, sit for a while in a dim or dark room and reconsider the consequences of your choice.

Breathe deeply

Another simple but effective method that helps in the fight against emotions is deep breathing. Take 10 slow, deep breaths in and out, and then ask yourself again: “Am I doing the right thing?”

Think about what you would advise a friend

To reduce emotions and cool down the ardor, it is useful to look at the situation from the outside. Imagine that it is not you who are faced with the need to make a decision, but your friend. What would you advise him to do in this situation?

Many people notice this peculiarity in themselves: they give practical and rational advice to their friends, but when they find themselves in similar situations, they behave extremely stupidly. This happens because, looking at the problem from the outside, we see only the most essential. And when we ourselves find ourselves in the middle of a problem, a lot of little things come up that we attach too much importance to.

The ability to abstract and look at a situation with an unbiased mind gives a significant advantage when it comes to making the right choice.

Method 9. “Following life priorities”

Each person has his own life values, rules and priorities that influence his choices. Always stick to these values ​​and you can't go wrong. For example, you are offered a choice of two positions: one of them is prestigious and highly paid, but requires a lot of dedication from you; the second is less prestigious and does not have such a high salary, but you don’t have to work overtime and you have a lot of free time. Which one to choose?

To make decisions without doubt and stress, be guided by your life priorities. If your family comes first, then choose a position that is not so prestigious and paid, but will not steal your personal time, which you can devote to loved ones. If you dream of building a career, give preference to a prestigious and highly paid position that will help you move up the career ladder.

Method 10. “Intuition”

Intuition is a wonderful tool that not everyone knows how to use. She can tell you a way out when rational methods do not bring the desired result. And it often happens like this: you make a choice based on logic and rationality, and this choice seems to you the most correct, but your inner voice persistently protests against it. Maybe we should listen to him?

Develop intuition, and it will become an excellent assistant in different situations, but do not overestimate its role and do not forget about reason and logic.

If you find yourself in a situation of choice, use any of the listed methods, or better yet, use several at once. Over time, you will understand which method suits you best and will be able to use it in a variety of life situations. By learning to make decisions, you will significantly improve the quality of your life.

Our whole life is woven from many decisions that we make every minute. It happens every second, and even unconsciously. At some moments we think about how to make a decision, at other moments making a decision is required only to perform some actions that are familiar to us. But one way or another, in order to start doing something, you must first make a decision.

Did you know that there are a huge number of things, even life-changing ones, that you can achieve by thinking about it for just one minute. Just 60 seconds of our time.

Is 1 minute a lot or a little?

Perhaps some of you will smile now and think to yourself that this does not happen. And that serious and business people should weigh the pros and cons... Yes, I agree with this, although this already comes after you have decided to act in this direction.

Let's say you've been thinking about changing jobs for a month. So, sometimes, after gossip with colleagues or a meeting with a successful classmate who, in the same time as you, has achieved much more in his life. But then, under the pressure of everyday routine, this unclear desire completely disappears from your field of vision. And once again someday it will appear timidly and disappear just as strangely.

But you just need to distract yourself from all other matters at such a moment, concentrate, ask yourself a few serious questions and decide now and here: how much I want to leave this job. For those who have particular doubts, you can draw on a piece of paper or in your imagination the well-known “pluses and minuses” (the pluses are why I like all this and am happy with it, the minuses are all the things that make me unable to continue working here), We determine what is more and quickly make a decision.

Yes, I know, I know. Now say that if you hurry, you will make people laugh. Yes, this happens too. But you must clearly understand that almost any decision can be made in a minute. Almost anything. It is clear that not all. Here, too, the mind must be turned on.

Well, would you agree that such a non-trivial desire, how to become a millionaire, can be accepted in a minute? No, I hear it in the comments... I bet you, you can read about this in the very exciting and interesting book “Millionaire in a Minute” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen. A book about business, I think many will be interested in reading it. The authors claim that you can make the decision to become a millionaire in just a minute. Everything that follows is no longer relevant to making a decision. Do you agree?

And in our fairly common example of the desire to change jobs, there was simply not that minute of time to stop for a minute and make the right decision. You know, I also had such life situations when the decision took a long time to mature, but I did not dare, because of the large number of pluses, to make the decision that I needed. Until the moment when there were more minuses. Most likely, this is normal, and it is quite possible that if I had acted faster, I would not have missed so many opportunities.

The secret of successful people

Do you know the secret of successful people and why they are so much more effective than many of us in their lives? They just manage to do more in the same amount of time. And they don’t just manage to do more, but they manage to do more IMPORTANT things. Here's a simple secret. If we come to an agreement with ourselves and do one more important thing every day than the previous day, I assure you that our personal effectiveness will increase significantly in a short time.

This means that the next day we will have to spend not one minute making a decision, but two, since we also should have not one, but two tasks. It is clear that no one forces us to go on forever; nevertheless, all our affairs must first of all be brought to a logical result. But if you approach this moment wisely, then the main things will appear regardless of our participation with enviable regularity.

The most important thing: how to make a decision

And here I will give a few more interesting thoughts on how to make a choice.

heads or tails

You are walking along the seashore and notice a strangely shaped bottle half sticking out of the sand.
You pick it up and open it.
A light mist emanates from the bottle, which turns into a fairy-tale genie.
Unlike other genies, this one does not offer to grant you three wishes.
He gives you the right to choose.
Option one:
You will receive five extra years of life if another person, chosen at random, has their life shortened by five years.
Do you want to prolong your life under such conditions?
Option two:
You can get twenty thousand dollars if you agree to get a tattoo the size of a dollar bill.
Will you take this money?
If so, where will you place the tattoo and what design will you choose?
Option three:
When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will be able to acquire a new quality or skill.
What will you choose?

Not a bad test. And how many similar alternatives appear in our lives when you cannot decide what to do in a given situation. Experts advise developing your own system for evaluating options, which is based on many factors: logic, reason, practical experience, emotions, feelings.

The level of our intellectual form depends on how actively we participate at the moment of decision making. That's why it's so important to learn how to choose wisely. It’s not for nothing that they say: “You are what you choose.” By the way, this statement comes from management consultant John Arnold. The apt statement very quickly became an aphorism.

What do you need to do to make a decision?

Let's stop for a minute and find out the most important thing that will help us learn how to make the right decision:

1. These are truisms, my friends. I'm sure you know all this. In fact, you know all this, you just don’t apply it. The problem is that you still need to DO it. And if you do unusual things, it means that you need to leave your comfort zone. But this is already uncomfortable. Is it true? That's why Let's start and get out of our comfort zone.

If you don't know where you're going, it doesn't matter which path you choose.
Brothers Karamazov, outstanding jugglers

3. Defining the parameters, which our goals must correspond to. It is not difficult. Let’s ask ourselves just three important questions.

What do I want to receive?

What do I want to avoid?

4. We are looking for an alternative solution. We try to ensure that our requirements obtained by answering the listed questions themselves generate alternative solutions.

5. We evaluate and verify the chosen solution. Here the queen is mathematics. You will have to compare according to criteria, parameters, technical characteristics, degree of risk, size of resources, etc.

Quick decisions are not correct.
Sophocles, poet and playwright

He who thinks too much does little.
Johann Friedrich Schiller, poet and playwright

6. Introducing the Consequences the decision we made. The most interesting point, in my opinion. It already depends on the power of our imagination. Under no circumstances should you consult with relatives, friends and neighbors at this stage. For them, you must always remain as you are. They will advise you...

7. Required we feel ourselves and our own intuition. We must try to choose the right option and make the right decision, that is, what we feel is right.

8. We make a decision and we are not afraid that we made the wrong choice. We also need mistakes, although not in large quantities. Mistakes are experiences that will subsequently allow us to quickly evaluate the decision we make.

9. Once you have made a decision, you need to understand that will have to act in accordance with it.

I hear your indignant remarks: And all this can be done in a minute? Well, at first, it may not be possible to do it in a minute, but over time, the actions of our thought process will be brought to automaticity, and making decisions will become much easier than now. Well, then, no one is stopping you from developing your own decision-making methodology, I hope that you will definitely share it with us.

Make a decision in 1 minute

You can do a lot in one minute. You can just dream or regret. You can say “I quit,” you can say something important, or you can let something important happen through your silence. You can decide who you want to live with, what you want to do, whether you like doing it. In one minute you can determine your most important desire and understand why life is worth living. In one minute you can read this article and find out how to make a decision.

Find those things, those things, those tasks to start with that you can decide on in just 60 seconds. In just one minute of our time. Value your time and don’t do things that will make you regret the missed opportunities later. Let's act quickly!

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All our lives we choose something, that is, we make decisions. It’s not difficult to make simple everyday decisions - personal experience or tips come to the rescue. It is more difficult to decide on vital decisions on which a lot depends.

Every day a person makes some decisions - simple, insignificant ones related to everyday life and very serious ones, sometimes even global ones, which can significantly change the usual established course of life.

Simple solutions are given absolutely easily, quickly and with virtually no stress. But if there is a very serious issue on the agenda, then it is really very difficult to make the right choice.

Indeed, in this case, the right decision can lead to colossal success or, on the contrary, become the only reason for serious failure. This is why it is really important to know how the right decision is made.

How to do it right

1. Limit yourself to a strict time frame for making the right decision.

This is necessary because such a limitation “helps” you choose the most effective option in a particular case, and is explained by the so-called law of forced efficiency.

2. Try to collect the maximum amount of useful information

From a large number of facts, it is much easier to choose the only one that suits you, and besides, this will help you take a more objective look at the specific situation at hand.

3. Turn off your emotions

In this case, they seriously interfere with making the right decision, because while they are gushing, you are not able to reason soberly, detachedly and sufficiently objectively. It is much more useful to wait until all feelings have calmed down, and only then start thinking, otherwise it is so easy to make not the best decision in the heat of the moment.

4. Find the right algorithm

If the search for the correct algorithm of actions is directly related to work, then the implementation of this issue can simply be delegated to someone else. This way you can significantly save your own time.

And remember that if you complete a task at least once, then, most likely, you will subsequently do it constantly. Such additional employment without any benefits and dividends in the future is absolutely useless. Therefore, a rational approach in the form of delegation of authority is an excellent way to properly organize your own work schedule.

5. Learn to correctly prioritize your thoughts.

Try to structure your thoughts according to the principle of greatest importance. This skill will more than once allow you to find the most correct way out of absolutely any situation. This skill will allow you not to get confused in your own reasoning when analyzing complex problems.

6. Try to get rid of such feelings as fear of possible failure.

It really makes it difficult to choose and make the right decision. Because of this conflicting feeling, many actually suffer serious defeat. In order for obsessive fear to recede and not interfere with you, you need to analyze in detail all the possible consequences that may sometimes arise as a result of various choices, and only after that you can begin to act.

7. Try to make decisions in a calm environment with a sense of inner balance

If you are such a suspicious person whose imagination simply knows no bounds, then try to calm down and relax by resting a little, listening to pleasant music, drinking tea or simply taking a sedative.

8. Be as objective and honest with yourself as possible.

There is absolutely no need to exaggerate or embellish certain facts, which may have unnecessary influence and subsequently lead to the wrong choice.

9. Learn to set priorities correctly and correctly

This is very important when developing different options for action. Decide what is truly most important to you: children, family, career, work, money or anything else. Always be aware of possible costs, because they can have a fairly large impact on the correctness and effectiveness of a particular decision.

How to make a really good decision

How often do many subsequently sincerely regret what they did, because they are sure that the choice in the current situation was absolutely wrong. If we approach the issue more globally and sensibly, we can draw the unexpected conclusion that, in essence, there are no right or wrong decisions.

If you are serious about achieving a specific goal, which is extremely important and priority for you, then all your further actions that you periodically take in its direction will be exclusively correct. But in essence, choosing a true solution is an exclusively subjective concept, so do it yourself.

Sometimes the current situation does not require an immediate decision, and the choice can be postponed for some time until the nuances are clarified. But very often new facts can make the decision-making process even more difficult.

This paradox is explained by the fact that in some cases, the more persistence and effort expended to obtain a result, the much worse everything turns out. Or in other words, the longer you solve a problem, the more incomprehensible facts unexpectedly emerge in this difficult matter.

This is why we need a certain time frame for making a decision. It is time that significantly limits the ability to analyze a lot of options.

In other cases, a hasty decision leads to a colossal collapse. In such situations, on the contrary, it is much more productive to wait some time so that it is possible to objectively assess the problem. But indecision and artificial delay in making a decision can lead to someone else getting ahead of you or the situation itself becoming more acute. Then you will regret that you did not hurry up with your choice.

"Helpers" in making the right decision

If the problem is truly serious, then it does not have to be solved solely by one person. Seek help and advice from your friends or family. Psychologists say that if you voice the problem several times, the situation will become clearer, and you will be able to find such a simple, but truly ingenious way out of it.

And an outside perspective can be really insightful. But you shouldn’t get hung up on the problem and tell everyone you meet about it. This way you will only waste a lot of time complaining and lamenting, and this will in no way bring the possibility of solving it any closer.

If before you very rarely made decisions on your own, and almost always consulted with someone, then in a situation where the issue needs to be resolved quickly, just imagine what you would be advised to do. This kind of internal dialogue can be really very productive and incredibly useful.

Try to analyze the situation from the point of view of the availability of alternative possibilities. Do not choose only one option, believing in its absolute correctness.

Come up with several of them so that you can compare something else with your first option. Play out the situation in your head as if that original idea simply did not exist, how would you act in this case? you are sure to discover several alternatives that will help you in your difficult choice.

Remember the old saying that the morning is much wiser than the evening? This is true. You need to “go to sleep” with the problem, and in the morning you may come up with a simple, but truly ingenious solution. There is a rational explanation for this: our brain and our subconscious already know the maximum number of all possible ways out of this current situation. During the night's rest, the analysis process does not stop or stop for a minute, and in the morning you get the best option.

In the complex process of making the right decision, your own intuition plays an important role, so you should not completely ignore it. Listen to your own feelings more often, and if you feel some discomfort, then look at other options. Believe me, your inner voice is sometimes much less likely to make mistakes than your mind.

Making the right decision is only half the battle

It is much more important to follow it (see “”). That's why:

  • start acting immediately and without delay, because various hitches and delays significantly reduce the chances of achieving success;
  • try not to change your decision after half the path to the goal has already been completed - this is ineffective;
  • remain true to your initial views - this will give you confidence in the exceptional correctness of the decisions made and the speedy achievement of success;
  • if, after the first steps, you suddenly realize that your path is wrong, then you need to abandon it as soon as possible; find your balance between perseverance and flexibility - this will allow you to move towards your goal quite persistently, but if you really need to quickly change your plan of action without significant losses for yourself.

In making the right decisions, your own experience will provide you with invaluable help, which is the most devoted and faithful adviser in difficult situations.