Presentation for the class hour "195 years since the birth of the Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky (1821). Presentation Dostoevsky presentation for a literature lesson on the topic Event with a presentation about F. M. Dostoevsky

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Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich Great Russian writer and thinker. Years of life: 10/30/1821-01/28/1881 Born in Moscow. Signature:

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Family Father Mikhail Andreevich is a doctor at a Moscow hospital for the poor, a hereditary nobleman. In 1831 he acquired the village of Darovoye, Tula province, and in 1833 the neighboring village of Chermoshnya. In raising his children, the father was an independent, educated, caring family man, but had a quick-tempered and suspicious character. After the death of his wife in 1837, he retired and settled in Darovo. According to documents, he died of apoplexy, but according to the recollections of his relatives, he was killed by his peasants.

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Family Mother Maria Fedorovna (nee Nechaeva). She was, according to the recollections of her children, a beautiful and kind woman. She died of consumption in 1815. There were six more children in the Dostoevsky family: Mikhail, Varvara, Andrei, Vera, Nikolai, Alexander.

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Life of a writer In 1833, Dostoevsky was sent with his brother Mikhail to Drashusov's half board. From the autumn of 1834 to the spring of 1837, Dostoevsky visited Chermak's private boarding house. Russian language teacher Bilevich played a certain role in Dostoevsky's spiritual development. Memories of the boarding school served as material for many of the writer’s works.

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The year 1837 became an important date for Dostoevsky. This is the year of his mother’s death, the year of the death of Pushkin, whose work he had been reading since childhood, the year of moving to St. Petersburg and entering the Main Engineering School, thanks to which he received not only a high-quality engineering education, but also the opportunity to continue cultural development. Writer's life

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In 1839, he received news of the murder of his father by serfs. At the same time, he met Shidlovsky, whose religious and romantic mood captivated Dostoevsky. Writer's life

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In 1849, he was arrested in connection with the “Petrashevsky case,” the participants of which were, to one degree or another, “freethinkers” and had revolutionary views. The court sentenced the criminals to death, but at the last moment the sentence was changed to hard labor. Dostoevsky spent four years in hard labor in Omsk. In 1854, Dostoevsky was released and sent as a private to the seventh linear Siberian battalion. Here he began an affair with Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva. She was married to a bitter drunkard, who died soon after the meeting between Dostoevsky and Isaeva. In 1857 they got married. Writer's life

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During Dostoevsky’s life, at least two political trends were in conflict in the cultural strata of society – Slavophilism and Westernism. Dostoevsky had his own idea - “soilism”. Over time, Dostoevsky's views developed, and during his third stay abroad, he finally became a convinced monarchist. Political Views

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Father, Mikhail Andreevich, from the clergy, received the title of nobility in 1828. Having acquired in 1831-1832. a small estate in the Tula province, treated the peasants cruelly; in 1839, he was rumored to have been killed by his serfs. It was with the death of his father that the first attack of epilepsy was associated, a disease that haunted Dostoevsky until the end of his life.

Mother Maria Feodorovna, maiden name Nechaeva, from a merchant family, died in 1837.

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1838 – Dostoevsky, together with his older brother Mikhail, enters the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School

1843 - after graduating from college, Dostoevsky enlists in the drafting engineering department, but a year later he retires.

1847 - Dostoevsky begins to attend the society of M.V. Petrashevsky. Political, socio-economic, literary and other issues are discussed at these meetings

1848 – becomes an active participant in the meetings of Petrashevets N.A. Speshnev

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1849 – Dostoevsky, along with other Petrashevsky members, was arrested. During the investigation, the writer denies all the charges brought against him. He does not betray any of his comrades, citing ignorance. But the military court recognizes Dostoevsky as “one of the most important criminals” and, accusing him of criminal plans against the government, sentences him to death.

The mock execution took place on December 22, 1849. She was replaced by 4 years of hard labor followed by assignment to the rank and file.

But Emperor Nicholas I personally adds:

“Announce a pardon only at the moment when everything is ready for the execution.”

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1850-1854 – Dostoevsky serves his sentence in the Omsk prison. Then he is enlisted as a soldier in the Siberian Line Battalion.

At this time, Dostoevsky is a famous writer and thanks to this he becomes a friend of the regional prosecutor Wrangel, who was present at the execution of the Petrashevites in the winter of 1849. This gives Fyodor Mikhailovich the opportunity to visit high society (where he also meets Ch. Valikhanov, a prominent Kazakh figure with whom he maintains contact even after exile). Thanks to this acquaintance, private Dostoevsky received the rank of officer on October 1, 1856, and a little earlier his title of nobility was returned to him.

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1859 – Dostoevsky receives permission to move first to Tver, then to St. Petersburg; Here he published the stories "Uncle's Dream" (1859), "The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants" (1859), and the novel "The Humiliated and Insulted" (1861).

1861-1862 – the largest work written shortly after hard labor and about hard labor appears - “Notes from the House of the Dead”.

1862-1863 – Dostoevsky travels around Europe with Apollinaria Suslova. Soon she is forced to leave him due to Dostoevsky’s strong addiction to roulette (he lost everything, including her jewelry).

Returning to Russia, Dostoevsky actively participates in public life. During these years, he became close to the literary critic A.A. Grigoriev and the philosopher N.N. Strakhov.

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1861 – Dostoevsky, together with his brother Mikhail, publishes the magazine “Time”. In April 1863, the magazine "Time" was closed by censorship for the article "The Fatal Question" dedicated to the Polish uprising, written by employee N.N. Strakhov.

1864-1865– Mikhail Dostoevsky manages to obtain a license to publish a new magazine, which became known as “Epoch”. One of the collaborators is again Fyodor Mikhailovich, who at the same time wrote “Notes from the Underground” (1864).

Left without a livelihood due to losses at roulette, Dostoevsky enters into an agreement with the book publisher Stellovsky, according to which the writer undertakes to write a new novel by November 1, 1866 for the collected works of his works that are being prepared for publication. If this clause of the contract is not fulfilled, the writer loses ownership of all his works for nine years. When there is a month left before the deadline, Dostoevsky, on the advice of friends, hires stenographer A.G. Snitkina and dictates the novel “The Player” to her in 28 days.

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1867 – Dostoevsky marries Snitkina (Dostoevsky’s first wife M.D. Isaeva, whom he married while still in exile, died in 1864 from tuberculosis).

1867-1871 - the writer, together with his new wife, spent these years abroad, escaping from creditors, only occasionally coming to Russia. They alternately live in Dresden, Berlin, Basel, Geneva and Florence. Here he witnesses the Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune of 1871. Only at the end of 1871, after the writer managed to partially pay off his debts, did he return to St. Petersburg

1873-1874 – Dostoevsky edits the magazine "Citizen", where he begins to publish "The Diary of a Writer", which he continued to publish in separate issues monthly in 1876-1877, one issue in 1880, one in 1881.

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Father, Mikhail Andreevich, from the clergy, received the title of nobility in 1828. Having acquired in 1831-1832. a small estate in the Tula province, treated the peasants cruelly; in 1839, he was rumored to have been killed by his serfs. It was with the death of his father that the first attack of epilepsy was associated, a disease that haunted Dostoevsky until the end of his life.

Mother Maria Feodorovna, maiden name Nechaeva, from a merchant family, died in 1837.

1838 – Dostoevsky, together with his older brother Mikhail, enters the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School

1843 - after graduating from college, Dostoevsky enlists in the drafting engineering department, but a year later he retires.

1847 - Dostoevsky begins to attend the society of M.V. Petrashevsky. Political, socio-economic, literary and other issues are discussed at these meetings

1848 – becomes an active participant in the meetings of Petrashevets N.A. Speshnev

1849 – Dostoevsky, along with other Petrashevsky members, was arrested. During the investigation, the writer denies all the charges brought against him. He does not betray any of his comrades, citing ignorance. But the military court recognizes Dostoevsky as “one of the most important criminals” and, accusing him of criminal plans against the government, sentences him to death.

But Emperor Nicholas I personally adds:

“Announce a pardon only at the moment when everything is ready for the execution.”

The mock execution took place on December 22, 1849. She was replaced by 4 years of hard labor followed by assignment to the rank and file.

1850-1854 – Dostoevsky serves his sentence in the Omsk prison. Then he is enlisted as a soldier in the Siberian Line Battalion.

At this time, Dostoevsky is a famous writer and thanks to this he becomes a friend of the regional prosecutor Wrangel, who was present at the execution of the Petrashevites in the winter of 1849. This gives Fyodor Mikhailovich the opportunity to visit high society (where he also meets Ch. Valikhanov, a prominent Kazakh figure with whom he maintains contact even after exile). Thanks to this acquaintance, private Dostoevsky received the rank of officer on October 1, 1856, and a little earlier his title of nobility was returned to him.

1859 – Dostoevsky receives permission to move first to Tver, then to St. Petersburg;

Here he publishes the story "Uncle's Dream" (1859),

"The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" (1859),

novel "The Humiliated and Insulted" (1861).

1861-1862 – the largest work written shortly after hard labor and about hard labor appears - “Notes from the House of the Dead”.

1862-1863 – Dostoevsky travels around Europe with Apollinaria Suslova. Soon she is forced to leave him due to Dostoevsky’s strong addiction to roulette (he lost everything, including her jewelry).

Returning to Russia, Dostoevsky actively participates in public life. During these years, he became close to the literary critic A.A. Grigoriev and the philosopher N.N. Strakhov.

1861 – Dostoevsky, together with his brother Mikhail, publishes the magazine “Time”.

In April 1863, the magazine "Time" was closed by censorship for the article "The Fatal Question" dedicated to the Polish uprising, written by employee N.N. Strakhov.

1864-1865– Mikhail Dostoevsky manages to obtain a license to publish a new magazine, which became known as “Epoch”. One of the collaborators is again Fyodor Mikhailovich, who at the same time wrote “Notes from the Underground” (1864).

Left without a livelihood due to losses at roulette, Dostoevsky enters into an agreement with the book publisher Stellovsky, according to which the writer undertakes to write a new novel by November 1, 1866 for the collected works of his works that are being prepared for publication. If this clause of the contract is not fulfilled, the writer loses ownership of all his works for nine years.

When there is a month left before the deadline, Dostoevsky, on the advice of friends, hires stenographer A.G. Snitkina and dictates the novel “The Player” to her in 28 days.

1867 – Dostoevsky marries Snitkina (Dostoevsky’s first wife M.D. Isaeva, whom he married while still in exile, died in 1864 from tuberculosis).

1867-1871 - the writer, together with his new wife, spent these years abroad, escaping from creditors, only occasionally coming to Russia. They alternately live in Dresden, Berlin, Basel, Geneva and Florence. Here he witnesses the Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune of 1871. Only at the end of 1871, after the writer managed to partially pay off his debts, did he return to St. Petersburg

1873-1874 – Dostoevsky edits the magazine "Citizen", where he begins to publish "The Diary of a Writer", which he continued to publish in separate issues monthly in 1876-1877, one issue in 1880, one in 1881.

"Poor People" (1846)

"Humiliated and Insulted" (1861)

"The Gambler" (1866)

"Crime and Punishment" (1866)

"The Idiot" (1868)

"Demons" (1871-72)

"Teenager" (1875)

"The Brothers Karamazov" (1879-80)

"Double" (1846)

"Mistress" (1847)

"Weak Heart" (1848)

"White Nights" (1848)

“Netochka Nezvanova” (1849, unfinished)

"Uncle's Dream" (1859)

“The village of Stenanchikovo and its inhabitants” (1859)

"Notes from Underground" (1864)


"Mr. Prokharchin" (1846)

"Crawlers" (1848)

"Honest Thief" (1848)

"The Little Hero" (1849, published 1857)

"A Bad Joke" (1862)

"The Eternal Husband" (1870)

"Bobok" (1873)

"The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree" (1876)

"The Meek" (1876)

"The Dream of a Funny Man" (1877)

book “Notes from the House of the Dead” (1860-62, completely - 1862)

“Winter Notes on Summer Impressions” (1863)

Journalism and literary criticism, incl. article “Bookishness and Literacy” (Articles 1-2, 1861)

“A Writer’s Diary” (1873-81, with 1876 separate issues, monthly in 1876-77; included, in particular, articles “Old People”, 1873; “A few words about Georges-Zande”, 1876; cycles of articles about “Anna Karenina" by L. N. Tolstoy and about N. A. Nekrasov, both 1877)

Speech about Pushkin (1880)

Longing for the world like hell
ugly, convulsively bright,
in his prophetic delirium
He outlined our disastrous century.
Hearing his cry at night,
God thought: is it really possible?
so that everything given by Me,
Would it be so scary and difficult?
Vladimir Nabokov
Life and creativity

Worldview is a system of views, views on nature and
Humanism is a worldview based on recognition
the values ​​of a person as an individual, his right to free
development and manifestation of one’s abilities, affirmation of the good
person as a criterion for assessing social relations.
Vera (original Russian word) – absence of doubts,
conviction, confidence in someone or something
Psychology (in the 3rd meaning) – mental make-up, spiritual
human organization.

The genius of Dostoevsky
undeniable, in strength
his talent for representation
equal, perhaps, only
M. Gorky

Writer's Word

Man is a mystery. She needs it
solve it, and if you
to solve it all your life, then
don't say you lost
time; I'm doing this
a secret, because I want to be

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881)

Conscience became in him
prophet and poet
And the Karamazovs and the demons
lived in it, but what is it for us now?
shines with soft light,
It was for him
painful fire.

The Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor in Moscow is my father’s place of work.

October 30, old style, November 11, new style 1821
one of the greatest Russian writers was born
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.
Fedor was second
a child in a family
Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor in
Moscow is my father’s place of work.

Living room


Dostoevsky was baptized in
Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
He went here
almost every
a week with my parents.

Granted by the nobility
retired staff doctor Mikhail
Dostoevsky inspired his
for children:
"With my death you
you will remain poor and must
be ready to break through yourself
your way."
But they don't talk about it
thought, fished,
swam, played savages,

We read at my parents' house
aloud “History of the State”
Russian” N.M. Karamzina,
works by G.R. Derzhavin,
V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin.
With special enthusiasm
Dostoevsky recalled in
mature years about dating
Scripture: “We are in a family
ours knew the Gospel almost
from the first childhood.”

In a carefree childhood, one after another
another tragedy burst in:
- death of mother,
- duel of the idol of the Pushkin family,
- father's murder...
M. Dostoevsky only managed
identify sons in
Petersburg Military Engineering School.

Main Engineering School in St. Petersburg

After graduating, Fedor got into engineering
department, and for its practical work Nicholas I
imposed a resolution: “What fool drew this?”

After graduating from college,
having served for less than a year
engineering team,
summer 1844 Dostoevsky
resigned with the rank of lieutenant,
having decided completely
surrender to literary

Fyodor Mikhailovich knew St. Petersburg well. For many years he
lived in it, changing 20 apartments in the period from 1842 to 1881

House on

Dostoevsky's first work, the novel “Poor People,” was written in epistolary form.

“Poor People” is a social work.
contrasts heroes
not according to the “poor-rich” principle, but according to the principle
“capable of empathy
and hard-hearted."

"Poor people." Makar Devushkin.
"Poor people." Varenka

Features of the writer's creative style:

focus on the hero's inner world,
ability to convey subtle nuances
states of the characters,
principle of confessional self-disclosure
characters (it is not by chance that the form was chosen
“novel in letters”),
system of doubles, “accompanying”
the main characters.

Literary dating

It was the novel “Poor People” that introduced Dostoevsky to
Belinsky. Having entered the Belinsky circle (where he met
I.S. Turgenev, V.F. Odoevsky, I.I. Panaev), Dostoevsky, according to him
later admitted, “passionately accepted the entire teaching” of the critic,
including his socialist ideas.

The young writer is a passionate political dreamer

Dostoevsky entered the secret
socialist circles
M. Petrashevsky and
N. Speshneva, who prepared
revolution and those gathered
set up a secret printing press for
literature and leaflets.

On April 22, 1849, together with other Petrashevites, he was arrested and imprisoned in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

On December 22, 1849, the convicts were taken to the Semenovsky parade ground, where pillars, white shirts-shrouds and a military team were ready for execution

On December 22, 1849, the convicts were taken to
Semenovsky parade ground, where the pillars were ready, white
shirts-shrouds and a military team for execution.

“Omsk is a nasty little town.
There are almost no trees. In summer the heat and
wind with sand, snowstorm in winter.
I didn't see nature. Gorodishko
dirty, military and depraved in
highest degree"

In the Omsk military prison, the writer conceived “Notes from
dead house”, which will be published only in 1861-1862
Four years Dostoevsky
spent at hard labor
work in the Omsk fortress,
and then a soldier in
In 1859 he married
M.D. Isaeva, went out to
resignation. Received
permission to live in Tver, and
then in St. Petersburg.

Throughout the years of hard labor, Dostoevsky kept notes that served as the basis for
“Notes from the House of the Dead”:
“Lonely in spirit, I reviewed my entire past life... I judged
myself, inexorably and strictly... I thought, I decided, I swore to myself that I would already
in my future life there will be neither those mistakes nor those falls that
were before.. And how many were buried in these walls in vain
youth, how many great forces died here in vain!”

He is humiliated, insulted, but cannot suppress
in the soul of passionate interest in
participation of the same people, could not suppress
the voice of doubt, disbelief, protest, rebellion.
He writes “Humiliated and Offended” -
first major work after
returning from Siberia.

Publishing magazines with the participation of brother Mikhail and critics A.A. Grigoriev and N.N. Strakhov (1861-1865)

"Poor People" (1845) –
poor people theme
"Double" (1846) –
theme of personality disintegration
“White Nights” (1848) –
dreamer theme
“Humiliated and Insulted” (1861) –
rebellion theme
"Crime and Punishment"
synthesis of all previous topics

"Crime and Punishment"

My whole heart will rest with blood
in this novel, I conceived it in
hard labor, in a difficult moment of sadness,
lying on the bunks on the bunks...
F.M. Dostoevsky

You say that Dostoevsky described himself in his heroes,
imagining that all people are like this. So what! The result is that even
in these exceptional persons not only we, people related to him, but
foreigners recognize themselves, their souls.
L. Tolstoy

1867 - marriage to stenographer Anna Grigorievna Snitkina. Living abroad for 4 years.

A.G. Dostoevskaya.
Photo 1863


A.G. Dostoevskaya. Dresden.
Photo 1867–1871.



Artistic genius beat
anxiety in “The Idiot”,
“Player”, “Teenager”,
his thoughts called out to
humanism in “Demons”, not
making peace with
not true

In the first years after release
F.M. Dostoevsky replaced his resignation
in St. Petersburg a number of addresses. At the beginning
1846, finishing the story
“Double”, he left a separate
apartment on the corner of Vladimirsky
Avenue and by the beginning of February 1846
moved to the house of U.K. Kuchina, and
lived there until spring. Many
years later writer
settled in this house again,
This is where he died.

I will definitely come here the same place,
exactly at this hour, and I will
happy remembering
yesterday. This is the place for me
cute. I already have these
two or three places in St. Petersburg.
I even cried once

Office of F.M. Dostoevsky in the literary and memorial museum of the writer in St. Petersburg

Fedor and Lyubov
Dostoevsky - children
The house in which F.M. lived and died.
Dostoevsky (St. Petersburg,
Kuznechny Lane, 5/2)

Funeral of Dostoevsky. Artist V. Porfiryev. 1881

At the grave of F.M. Dostoevsky. In the center
A.G. Dostoevskaya with children Any and
Fedey. Photo February 5, 1881

“Take care of your soul, believe in goodness, and beauty will save the world,
mercy and love."

Author of the presentation: Averina M.A.,