Affiliate programs of bookmakers. Bookmakers, affiliate programs Bookmakers with a referral system

19.07.2018 19:19

Bookmaker affiliate programs are another way to earn income when working with bookmakers. Here are the best affiliate programs in our opinion, which offer their partners the most profitable terms cooperation. The list contains not only a list of bookmaker affiliate programs, but also gambling services, which often allow you to monetize your participation in the affiliate program even more than the bookmakers themselves.

In general, in our opinion, participation in affiliate programs ah for players - this is one of the most logical and correct ways to make money. Now in social activity More or less everything is located: Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, VKontakte and so on.

Typically, the program generates income as a percentage to the partner, received from the amount of winnings/losses of players attracted by the partner or his deposits. This means that if the player you attract wins a lot, your balance will decrease.

In some cases, the program may be changed and payments are made based on the number of attracted players. Moreover, in most cases these amounts are by no means conditional. In terms of dollars, this is usually $20-$50 per player. And, again, there are no limits on these payments: everyone is interested in clients, which means they are ready to pay for them.

Next, the only thing left to do is to place affiliate links on your resources, and these can be websites, pages on social networks, blogs, etc. Program settings are easy and quick. In addition, many bookmaker offices and services have managers on staff to work with partners, which is very convenient.

Who creates affiliate programs?

Usually, everyone who is interested in honest clients. It's about about honesty in terms of their appearance, that is, not “twisted”, not brought in by any fraudulent means.

Firstly, these are, of course, bookmakers. They provide an opportunity for Webmasters to earn money by bringing players to their sites. One way or another, according to statistics, 95% of players suffer losses when placing bets. It is clear that this is beneficial for the bookmaker.

Our site was created for the remaining 5%; which of the groups to fall into is everyone’s personal choice.

Secondly, these are sports forecasting services. Some of them are looking for clients and are willing to pay for them. After all, the product they sell (if not scammers, of course) brings profit to both the players and the services themselves. An almost perfect symbiosis results.

Thirdly, services for scanning forks and arbitrage situations. Those who offer a good and really in-demand product and are ready to share their income.

How to work with affiliate programs? If anyone doesn't know

The table below lists the most interesting affiliate programs with brief information on them.

Affiliate program name
Basic conditions
Registration link
ASB Prediction forecast service
Affiliate program with some of the best working conditions. Lifelong retention of clients, commission percentage on each purchase from 40% to 50%, and no lower limit is set. Fast payments using convenient payment methods: WebMoney,, Qiwi, Skrill. The partner support service is Russian-speaking and almost the best among similar ones. The service itself has positive recommendations, is characterized by transparency of work and a high percentage of conversion of subscriptions from short-term to long-term. Among the disadvantages, we can note the high percentage of clients using free products
service (at the time of writing such clients - 94%). However, this indicates the quality of the services offered by the service, which guarantees the absence of any reputational risks when advertising the service’s services. And these, remember, are sports forecasts.

from 30 to 60% for life

Other gambling affiliate programs

Titanbet Affiliate Program Commissions up to: 30% The best affiliate program we know of after ASB. High level partner support, constant promotions, good conditions for all Titan products (not only sports betting). Separately, we note the opportunity to earn money as a percentage of the player’s turnover, and for each new player attracted. This makes it much easier to earn money

initial stage

cooperation and more flexibly takes into account the specifics of the site where you will recommend Titanbet.

Affiliate program of the bookmaker BWin

Program from the leader of the world bookmaker market, bookmaker BWin. Good program conditions, flexible settings, systematic bonus programs and a good percentage paid to program partners.
Another affiliate program from the leader of the bookmaker market.

BC Winner Affiliate Program

Program from the leader of the world bookmaker market, bookmaker BWin. Good program conditions, flexible settings, systematic bonus programs and a good percentage paid to program partners.
Program with good conditions and hassle-free (like everyone else on this list) payments. There are a sufficient number of bonus programs and marketing materials that allow you to flexibly post information and attract new players.

William Hill Affiliate Program

Program from the leader of the world bookmaker market, bookmaker BWin. Good program conditions, flexible settings, systematic bonus programs and a good percentage paid to program partners.
WilliamHill, as always, is among the market leaders. In affiliate programs too. Excellent partner conditions, high-quality support in Russian, and, of course, high liquidity among players. It is the WilliamHill affiliate that will potentially bring you the most money, since the vast majority of players register with WilliamHill first, and only then with other bookmakers. Another important factor is the systematic holding of promotions for clients that encourage them to play, which also affects the partner’s income. This affiliate program is in last place only because at the time of updating this rating of affiliate programs, the registration site for the WH affiliate program was blocked in the Russian Federation.

Thank you for your interest in the ASB Predictions Affiliate Program. Our product, forecasts for sport events, generated by a computer, not a person, is the result of many years (since 2012) of work to optimize and improve the analyzing algorithm. As a result, we managed to achieve high performance, primarily from the point of view of the stability of the results produced. In addition, we work on the principle of complete transparency. All free forecasts We post it strictly before the events begin. The results of all paid forecasts are posted without any abbreviations. All these factors influence the sales of our forecasts; our clients are loyal to the service and, if they decide to switch from a free block to a paid one, they stay with us for a long time.

uses all modern methods and bonuses for partners:

  • Retaining customers forever after the first purchase.
  • High starting commission percentage: 30%
  • Dynamic affiliate commission growth scale: up to 60%
  • Effective marketing tools: links and promotional codes, banners upon request.
  • Flexible and fast payment system

We have a high percentage of purchases of long-term subscriptions to forecasts.

All of these factors suggest that it could be very profitable to advance ASB's forecasts. For our part, we offer a high commission percentage for partners, namely:


The commission percentage may be increased if the following conditions are met:

  • The sum of all partner subscriptions exceeded 50,000 rubles. The affiliate receives 40% commission forever.
  • The amount exceeded 100,000 rubles: the partner’s commission becomes 45% and does not decrease, regardless of his activity.
  • In special cases, we can raise the percentage even higher, for example, with the exclusive promotion of our service.

All partner clients,

Those who have made at least one purchase remain assigned to it for life.

All partner clients,

Payouts from the ASB Predictions affiliate program

There is no limit on payments. We pay any amount earned by the partner upon request. The client does not pay a commission for the transfer, receiving the entire amount, regardless of the method of receiving payments.

Payment requests can be made no more than once a month.

If the affiliate commission reaches 50,000 rubles, the commission may be withdrawn more often.

Possible ways to withdraw affiliate commission:

  • WebMoney
  • Yandex money
  • Skrill

Application for participation in the affiliate program

How does the affiliate program work?

To join the affiliate program, you need to fill out the form above and wait for it to be approved. After this, you will have access to the affiliate section, where you can get your affiliate link or download a banner code for posting on websites/blogs/social network pages.

This link is called an "affiliate" link. Everyone who follows it will be assigned to you for a period of 30 days. If during this period the transferee subscribes to any paid subscription, that is, makes a purchase, he will be re-linked to your affiliate account forever.

With each client payment, including the first one, you will receive your affiliate percentage to your account. Initially, it is 30% of the cost of subscriptions, then, subject to the conditions described above, up to 50%. This is already your money. Which you can withdraw using one of the methods listed above once a month. Withdrawal may be more frequent if the amount of accumulated interest exceeds the limit. If the limit is exceeded, withdrawal requests can be made at least every day.

Payment processing usually takes 1-3 days, depending on the selected payment system. The fastest ones are Skrill and WebMoney (at the time of writing this text).

How can you promote ASB Predictions

  1. In the partner section personal account You can generate any number of affiliate links. All “your” links are read to you, they are unique.
  2. It is possible to generate promotional codes. The promo code entered by the client gives the client a one-time discount on the purchase, and also binds the client to you. Such promotional codes are convenient to use where you cannot use an affiliate link: offline materials, YouTube, etc.
  3. You can request banners from us; to do this, write to affiliates@site and describe the requirements for banners: sizes, themes, colors. Our designers will prepare banners for you free of charge.

Bookmakers - affiliate programs

How to make money on affiliate programs from bookmakers

Bookmaker Affiliate Program This is one of the most profitable ways to make money on the Internet.

And the income of the affiliate program is almost unlimited, neither by the amount of profit nor by the time of constant income.

All you have to do is work once (of course, for a certain period of time) and you are guaranteed a permanent, passive and finally highly profitable income!

So what is it bookmaker affiliate program?

How does the affiliate program work? Who pays for all this?

This is what we will talk about. The essence of the bookmaker's affiliate program is to sell other people's (not your own) goods; sports betting is also a kind of product.

That is, as if concluding a deal with a certain store, some organization or entrepreneur, in this case with a bookmaker. And subsequently you become a partner.

Your task is to sell a partner’s product or service. Provide future customers with information about the usefulness of the product - advertise the product using any non-prohibited methods. This could be a mailing e-mail, on forums, advertising on your own website or blog (by the way, which is more effective).

During registration in an affiliate program of a bookmaker's office you are given advertising materials, or you come up with your own slogans and distribute them in any way convenient for you, again not prohibited. And your partner, in this case, the bookmaker, pays you a commission on each sale of a product. Commission is a certain percentage, on average it is from 10% to 50% of the bookmaker’s profit, which the partner is ready to give you for the work you have done.

You ask: what benefit does he get from this? After all, he himself will be able to advertise and sell his product, without paying anyone! And the answer is simple. One bookmaker covers a certain circle of its potential clients. And by attracting partners, this circle becomes much wider. Which helps to attract more clients.

And we get that more clients means more profit for the bookmaker. And the commissions he pays you are so small from his turnover that he can allow you to earn money too.

The best affiliate programs of bookmakers.

The affiliate program from this bookmaker brings the highest income to date. Lots of bonus offers and promotional materials.

888 Bet

Affiliate program from the global industry leader gambling . In addition to the bookmaker's office, you can work with a casino and a poker affiliate. Excellent conversion, a lot of advertising materials in Russian.


A good affiliate program from Leon, a lot of advertising materials in Russian. It is possible to work according to several payment schemes. Pretty good conversion.

Explanations for the table:

Overall rating - we evaluate affiliate programs by ten point system, based on its overall “attractiveness” to the user. That is, the following are taken into account first of all: ease of use, commissions and various nuances related to the withdrawal and receipt of earned funds.

Note. Owners of sites with low traffic should pay special attention to two points: “writing off minuses” and “minimum payment”. Too high a minimum for withdrawal, combined with the transfer of a negative balance, can leave you without earnings for a long time.

Affiliate commission(Revenue Share - " income sharing", CPA - see below, or Hybrid - see below) - your income, calculated either as a percentage of the establishment’s total income, or a fixed amount for each new client when working under the program CPA. There is also a combined income option - Hybrid.
Revenue Share usually calculated according to the following scheme: the total income of the establishment, minus winnings, minus bonuses and, the assigned percentage of the resulting amount will constitute your income. Attracted players when working on R.S. “assigned” to you and generate income for as long as agreed upon by the terms of cooperation with a specific company.

Note. Fixed percentage R.S. This is not always used; many affiliate programs use the “dynamic” option with magnification interest rate, depending on the number of registered players in the current month, or, depending on the monthly turnover (this option is best avoided).
When working with programs,
applying dynamic scheme, it is worth trying to agree with managers on a fixed percentage (read how to do this in our article).

Withdrawal commission- more often In total, commissions are paid in full, and the company pays all withdrawal costs beret on themselves, but some affiliate programs still deduct a commission when transferring funds. That is, we must understand that the actualinterest rate in such a programsomewhat lower. Also, part of the amount may be “lost” when converting currencies from one to another.

Minimum payout - Each affiliate program sets a minimum amount for withdrawal of funds in the range of 100 rubles. up to 250$/ € (for a bank transfer it is usually higher). Beginning webmasters should avoid large minimum wages, since you will not be able to get a small enough amount, perhaps for a long time.

Payment period - All affiliate programs have a so-called reporting period. The most common option is a full calendar month. Also meet options with two periods (half a month), three (ten days), and even a week. There are affiliate programs with the ability to choose the term accruals funds.
At the end of each period, funds will be credited to your account, and then they will either be paid “automatically” or
hoarding until you request a withdrawal.

Writing off cons - in other words, resetting the negative balance. Some affiliate programs write off the negative balance, thereby allowing you to start a new reporting period (month) with " clean slate"It is clear that such affiliate programs are the most profitable, and, first of all, for beginners.

Payment systems - These are ways to withdraw earnings from a particular program. More often, funds are withdrawn “automatically” to the system of your choice, but there are varieties with withdrawal first to the player’s account or a special account.

Note. When withdrawing to a player's account, you may have a large number of options for further receiving money. The inconvenience here is that you also have to register on the advertised gaming site.

*Abbreviations, special terms:

(Russian) - we marked with this abbreviation Russified brands with English names. Respectively, playgrounds without such a designation they do not support the Russian language, but, nevertheless, can accept domestic players.

CPA (Cost Per Acquisition - “price per acquisition”) -option of cooperation with an affiliate program, according to which you receive a certain fixed amount for each new depositor. The transaction amount is negotiated separately in each case and can reach up to 250$ . Please note that these players will only bring you income once and not will remain "behind you" as when working on Revenue Share.

Hybrid- combination of Revenue Share and CPA . Some may find this option moreattractive, just keep in mind that the interest and amount CPA in such a scheme it is always lower than when working according to one of the programs.

JV - so we abbreviated it as additional cooperation program Sub-affiliates (Sub - partners). Under this program, you can earn income by attracting new partners to the company. That is, you can advertise the affiliate program itself, then receiving 2-20% of all income of the participant invited through your link.

We will make money by extracting traffic and dumping it into the PP.

I tried to describe everything in great detail, but if you have any questions, please contact me, I will help.


We will work with gambling, but not with casinos, but with offers from bookmakers.

We'll get some traffic in a dishonest way for an affiliate program, so we’ll stir it and everything will be fine.

  1. To begin with, select PP. I don’t specifically recommend any PP because
pile everything up in one place and there will be suspicions.

Go to the website, go to the “offers” section, click “offer search”.

We set everything up as here. Click send.

I’ll say right away that not all options are shown on this site, if you have the time and desire,

It’s better to manually go through affiliate programs and look at betting offers.

So you will find for yourself Better conditions, on payment, on holding and so on.

The main bookmakers, as a rule, are Parimatch, Liga Stavok, Leon, Betcity.

Decide on an affiliate program and register there.

  1. Choose an offer. I work with Betcity, but they always have a problem with mirrors in Russia, they are constantly blocked, you can waste your time, I recommend choosing another bookmaker.
Choose a company that gives a 100% bonus on your first deposit.

You have chosen an offer, send a request to connect it.

You can write that there are several large groups with sports forecasts where you are going to advertise. For a change, you can say that you will receive traffic from sports forecast profiles on Instagram. You can think of something else related to social networks. Use your imagination.

  1. We submitted an application and it was confirmed. We have a connected offer. Since everyone has different affiliate programs, I won’t go into detail on this, if you write anything, I will help at this stage.
We receive our affiliate link.
  1. We received the link. Now we need to think about traffic.
We will have only targeted traffic, a very high percentage of registrations, and a high percentage of deposits. This will of course surprise the affiliate, so the traffic will need to be mixed.

I chose this site because surfers give traffic to it, unlike the well-known and

We choose surf. From experience I can say that it is probably the best

Let's register. Top up your account with 1000-3000 kr (39-69 rubles)

On the main page, click Add Site/Page

I'll describe it point by point:

Group: A new group

Group name: any

Site language: Russian

Page address (URL): Your shortened link

Additional addresses (URL): don't touch

Sources of visits

Hide sources: uncheck the box

Search engine keywords: leave the field empty

Search engines: Uncheck all the boxes

Direct transitions from url HTTP_REFERER's:

(We write it this way)

Behavioral factors:

Profiles: you can uncheck the box

Clicks: Don't check the box

Fixation: leave a tick

Additional settings:

Timing: don't check the box

Unique hosts: Be sure to check the box

Visit settings:

Time of 1st visit: leave 30 seconds

Interval between visits (TII): from 60 sec to 120 sec

Visits per hour (PVH): 30

Limit of visits per day: 720

Geotargeting: Only Russia

State: On (displayed)

Leave all 3 checkboxes below and click Apply.

  1. That's it, we have set up a traffic flow to our link. Now we need to take care of the main thing - the deposits for which we will be paid.
Here the very essence of the scheme is revealed.

I’ll say right away that there are several options for getting traffic:

  1. Free
  2. Paid (cheap)
  3. Paid (more expensive)

We will tell people that a bug has been found in the bookmaker's office.

What is its essence:

The bookmaker gives you a 100% bonus on your first deposit.

But this bonus must be entered in full, usually 10 times, after which it can be withdrawn. Accordingly, until this moment, the majority loses their money.

We will say that we found a bug in which the bookmaker credits a 100% bonus and immediately allows you to withdraw your money along with the bonus. That is, you deposited 2,000 rubles, received the bonus and withdraw 4,000 rubles without making a single bet.

Naturally, this doesn’t work, but nevertheless, our karma is pure. We didn’t issue a loan for anyone, we didn’t put anyone into debt. After 24 hours, the player will be able to withdraw his money back. We didn't cheat anyone. We just write in our text something like “use it until the bug is fixed”

The player receives a 100% bonus in any case, so there is no cheating.

And if he is indignant that it cannot be withdrawn immediately, we say that the bug has probably already been fixed. But he has the money in his account and even a +100% bonus.

Therefore, during the entire work, not a single person was indignant.

How does the player behave?

He receives a 100% bonus. I'm a little upset that I couldn't withdraw the money right away. But.

He doesn’t withdraw his money because the toad is strangling him; he also needs to withdraw the accrued bonus. And in order to bring it out, as I wrote above, you need to make a revolution.

So the player places bets for several days/maybe weeks.

This is ideal traffic for an affiliate program. Why?

Firstly, the player does not make a minimum deposit, but a larger one, in the hope of receiving more. Secondly, it exhibits long-term activity. My affiliate approved such traffic 100%. I have not yet seen a single scheme in which the PP does not reject leads. This is one of the main advantages of my scheme.

But that's not the main thing.

I think we have already panicked and asked ourselves questions: “Who should I write to, where should I write? Where can I get traffic?

I answer, I left it as a hot item.

As I wrote, there are 3 options for receiving traffic. Everyone works, differently of course, but if you work conscientiously, even free traffic brings in a decent amount.

Let's take a closer look at each:

  1. Free. Despite the fact that there is money for advertising, I still sometimes turn to this traffic myself.
We just go to any group of sports forecasts, look at the commenters/likers, and write to them in a personal message.

We chat a little, asking whether you place bets or not, where you get forecasts, how much you raise per month, and so on. We create a friendly atmosphere.

Thank you for your reply. Then we write “By the way, are you aware that we found a bug in the “Name” bookmaker? They answer you: “no, I don’t know, what kind of bug?”

Well, here you are throwing it at him)

That is, you didn’t write to the person right away about the bug (if he had immediately, the person would have realized that it was spam and wouldn’t have believed it), but you talked in a friendly atmosphere, and you shared the cool news with him in a brotherly way.

These are just my thoughts, I'm sure you can come up with something more interesting.

If not, use it, there are hundreds of thousands of suckers in such groups, you will find your own.

  1. Paid (inexpensive)
I started with this type of traffic.

He also comes from VK.

Here you won’t have to correspond for hours with mammoths. But you'll have to invest a little. How many?

Not so much, you can start with 500 rubles, then decide how much and where to pour it. What's the point?

There are a lot of groups on VKontakte for “earning money schemes” created by schoolchildren. It’s also stupid to copy all the schemes from channels in the cart and from forums. And they allegedly sell their own schemes there, which they actually take from the public.

That's not the point. There really are a lot of people there who are willing to pay a lot of money for unknown reasons, and what’s more, they simply fall for these non-working schemes that they offer for free.

We need people like this. That's why we buy advertising in such a group.

A schoolchild will charge 500-600 rubles for it, we lower the price and buy it cheaper.

Our post will look like a regular earning scheme. It's as if the admin just posted it.

This way we will get 100% trust. Now I’ll give you an example, it’s primitive, but it worked for me 100%.

I had several posts, one of them looked like this. I think the bookmaker estimated the size of mammoth deposits)

Let's change the creative a little.

In particular, you will most likely choose another bookmaker, so either write something else about how the bug works, for example, “Go to the site, click on the rules section, exit, and then click register, then the bug will work.”

Here you come up with this nonsense yourself.

Or we don’t write anything about it at all, we say that today the bookmaker’s office is glitchy, it immediately pays out money with bonuses and that’s it. It might even work out better this way.

Decide for yourself, try the options.

Once again, what is the fucking advantage here?

The admin, whom subscribers trust, lays out a supposedly working scheme for making money, and even for FREE. Of course, the mammoths will take their money to the bookmaker in an instant.

Everything here is completely passive, you just need to buy advertising.

I make money this way without doing anything. People believe in it and bring money.

There are still plenty of them for you.

With porn, in business publics, men's publics.

Test, the field is not plowed yet.

I deliberately did not sell many copies.


  1. 3 type of traffic is more expensive. You can connect it with telegram.
There are a lot of channels in the cart, earning schemes, and all sorts of crap with the word DARK, like mushrooms.

Since this traffic is more expensive and is not for beginners, I will not describe it in detail.

Anyone who has experience will figure out how to set everything up, I’ll just tell you the gist of it.

We need to create a simple layout site, where we will indicate some rating of bookmakers, where our office and our link to it will be.

This is necessary so that the affiliate does not see that the traffic is coming from a telegram. Otherwise, they might find your posts, and it won’t be very good.

There is an unrealistic amount of traffic on Telegram now. You will have an unrealistic amount of profit.

Don’t be upset that you didn’t describe option 3 in more detail. It is only needed for advanced users.

To reach the declared income, the first two options are enough for us.

Experiment, create new creatives, find places where you can get traffic.

There is simply a huge amount of free traffic besides VK.

This and others social network. These are also forums for sports forecasts, where you can also introduce this topic very well. There are a lot of options, use your head, I gave you a very good tip.

And now the best part:

These are the results of my work for the first 10 days of December.

102 thousand rubles. Not bad?

Here in the action column there is the number 170. This is total number registrations and deposits.

There were 50 deposits of them. That is, on average I collected 5 deposits per day.

5 deposits = 10 thousand rubles per day.

I use both free and paid traffic. They bring approximately equally, provided that you spend a lot of time communicating with mammoths with free traffic.

Now important point, remember the point about lifesurf?

Take it seriously, this is an important question. If you use free traffic, you are using this service. If you use paid traffic, you don’t need it, there will be enough views there anyway.

The numbers I wrote are just an example. You customize it for yourself whether to put more traffic or less. Don't bet too much.

At night you can turn off traffic or reduce views to a minimum.

I think I’ve told you everything, let’s summarize.

You have received incredibly valuable information, with the help of which you will raise several hundred thousand rubles if you do not suffer from bullshit.

No one worked according to the scheme except me. Never. The design is 100% my own.

You have an unplowed field of traffic. Both free (just a bunch of options) and paid.

I wish you good luck in your work. Under no circumstances should you leak the scheme to the public, hundreds of people like you will connect, and the scheme will become obsolete. While you have a couple of months, fuck it to the fullest and you will definitely make a mess of yourself.

If you have any questions, I will try to help you, as promised.

I am sure that if you are not lazy, you will be satisfied with the results!