Description of 1s zkgu edition 3. Accounting for military personnel and law enforcement officers

In March 2018, version of the “Salaries and personnel of a government institution” configuration for “1C:Enterprise 8” was released. However, many institutions continue to work on the previous “Salaries of personnel of budgetary institutions” edition 1.0. We analyze the advantages of the updated version and tell you why you need to work with it.

Configuration functionality

In budgetary and government institutions, wages are recorded by funding source, and all accruals must be divided by each source, and internally by funding item. These calculations are automated by 1C: Salaries and personnel of a government agency.

At the end of 2014, the standard configuration version 3.0 was released. It became a development of edition 1.0 on the new version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 technology platform using its new capabilities.

In June 2016, the “Salaries and Personnel of a Government Institution” configuration was updated to version 3.1: the developers increased the performance of frequently used operations, increased the efficiency of the program in multi-user mode, and also expanded the functionality.

The latest configuration update was released in March 2018, but many institutions continue to use the outdated 1.0 edition. But 1C announced the end of support for older versions: updating legislation and developing functionality in them is not planned.

Configuration updates “1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution”

Advantages of “1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution” 3.1

The updated edition of “Salaries and Personnel of a Government Institution” 3.1 is distinguished by expanded functionality, a convenient and modern manageable interface, simplified program settings, and the ability to work via the Internet.

The controlled interface allows the user to independently customize the appearance of the program and hide unused functions. On the “desktop” you can group frequently used documents and reference books, add reports and other objects to “Favorites”. The program has the ability to switch to the “Taxi” interface with convenient navigation, settings and readable font.

For any object - a report, magazine, directory, document - the program allows you to get a link and send it to another user or save it. By clicking on the link, the user will be able to open the object.

The updated configuration “1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution” is distinguished by flexibility and expanded capabilities for creating and configuring arbitrary accruals and deductions used in a specific institution. You can load basic employee data into it from the reporting files of the pension fund (PFR) and the tax service.

The developers have provided a number of new documents and reports: for example, “Combination of positions”, “Reinstatement in position” and the report “Analysis of personal income tax payment”, which allows you to verify accounting data with section 2 of form 6-NDFL and monitor the deadlines for personal income tax payment accurate to the dates .

In addition, in the new edition it became possible to indicate shares for the distribution of basic earnings according to financing items, the distribution of sick leave and accrued insurance premiums. Statistical reporting forms with automatic completion are also provided.

Tax and contribution reports

Support for thin and web client modes allows you to work in the program using a regular web browser. In this case, the database can be located either on the organization’s own server or on a 1C cloud server. Working in the clouds allows government agencies to create their own solutions to automate the accounting of subordinate institutions. In the cloud, the program looks and works the same as local, and does not require adaptation or retraining of an accountant.

The “1C: Salaries and Personnel of a Government Institution” configuration, version 3.1, is suitable for government agencies in all areas: science, culture, healthcare and education. The program can also be used by budget managers, state and local authorities, extra-budgetary funds and treasuries.

We will look at the program's capabilities in more detail in the following articles.


The configuration “Salaries and personnel of a state institution”, edition 3.0 is intended for automation of personnel records and payroll calculations in state institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. It provides flexible configuration capabilities to support the work of various government agencies.

“1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution 8” is a mass-produced program for automating payroll calculations and maintaining personnel records in institutions financed from budgets of all levels. It is intended for use in personnel services, whose task is to organize the effective work of the institution’s personnel, and accounting departments.

1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution 8 is a ready-to-work solution that takes into account legal requirements and the actual practice of institutions of various departmental affiliations.

If you are calculating your salary, you can:

  • specify for whom the calculation is being performed:
    • for military personnel,
    • employees of internal affairs bodies,
    • employees of other federal executive authorities;
  • allow the filling of positions on a part-time basis;
  • indicate how to calculate the bonus for conscientious performance of official duties.

If you are calculating the salary of civil servants, you can:

  • choose the method of payment for vacations and business trips: based on your retained salary or based on average earnings;
  • choose the calculation of the salary of prosecutors, investigators, judges.

If the salary of municipal employees is calculated, then you can:

  • if the law of a subject of the Russian Federation provides for class ranks, choose what is paid: a bonus to the official salary for a class rank or a salary for a class rank;
  • choose the method of payment for vacations and business trips: based on the retained salary or based on average earnings.

If you are calculating salaries in a medical institution, you can choose:

  • whether to use tariff reporting of FMBA institutions;
  • whether to upload data to the federal register of medical workers;
  • whether access to drugs should be taken into account.

If you are calculating salaries in an educational institution, you can indicate the types of incentive payments that are used to pay teachers.

Configuration “Salaries and personnel of a public institution”, ed. 3.0 is a development of the “Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution” configuration. It is developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform and uses its new capabilities:

  • support for remote online work in thin client and web client modes,
  • new options for managing the program interface and individual forms,
  • transfer of the main computing load to the server and economical use of client resources,
  • work via the Internet in a service model.

The new version of the program is distinguished by its clarity, quick access to objects, and the ability to customize the interface to suit the user’s preferences. This helps the user quickly navigate the program's capabilities.

Innovations such as “Favorites”, a history of recently edited documents, a brief description of all reports, as well as detailed program prompts for incorrect actions will make the work easy and interesting.

Control over the correctness of data at the stage of data entry (into an employee’s card, organization, etc.) has been improved, which simplifies the generation and submission of various reports in the future.

The possibilities for setting up arbitrary accruals and deductions and the order of their application have been expanded, and new categories of calculation indicators have been implemented. For example, to automatically fill out and calculate an accrual, it is no longer necessary to designate it as planned; it is enough to enter the values ​​of the calculation indicators used in it. Or the accrual can be scheduled only for certain months.

Brief description

Number of jobs in delivery 1
Possibility of increasing the number of jobs Yes
Independent program Yes
Security key type software (pin code)
Possibility to buy this program with a USB key Yes
Possibility of changing the standard configuration Yes
ITS subscription required Yes
Free ITS subscription 3 months
Update via Internet Yes

System Requirements

End user computer:

  • operating system: MS Windows XP/Vista/7/8;
  • Intel Pentium IV processor 2800 MHz or higher (or Celeron 2800 MHz);
  • RAM at least 1 GB (recommended 2 GB or higher);
  • hard drive (about 120 MB is used during installation);
  • USB port;
  • SVGA-compatible monitor;

Server computer 1C:Enterprise 8:

  • operating system: MS Windows XP/Server 2003/Server 2008/2008r2/2012/2012R2;
  • processor: Intel Pentium IV/Xeon dual-processor 3.2 GHz recommended;
  • RAM 4 GB or higher;
  • hard drive: recommended HDD 72 GB U320 SCSI Seagate “ST336807LW” Cheetah 10K.7 – 5 pieces;
  • USB port;

Database server computer:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012/2014;
  • the technical characteristics of the computer must meet the requirements of the version of the Microsoft SQL Server database server used; Working in terminal mode is only possible if you have network USB keys (additional multi-user licenses for 5, 10, etc. workstations).


1C:Enterprise. Client license Software protection Hardware protection Software protection (Electronic delivery)
1 workplace
5 jobs
10 jobs
20 jobs
50 jobs
100 jobs
300 jobs
500 jobs

To use the software product in the client-server version, users must have a license for the 1C:Enterprise 8 server of any version 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3. If the user needs to purchase a server license, we recommend choosing a license for the 1C:Enterprise server version 8.3:

Name Software protection Hardware protection
1C:Enterprise 8.3. MINI server for 5 connections
1C:Enterprise 8.3. Server license

Accounting in a budgetary institution and a commercial organization is very different: from completely different charts of accounts to rules for accounting and reporting. Therefore, to fully meet the needs of the state. institutions in terms of calculating staff accruals and personnel records in the line of 1C programs there is “1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution 8”, edition 3. The program is the second edition, a development of the program “1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution”, edition 1.0 and provides the user with a wide range of options for maintaining records in institutions of various sizes. In this article I will talk about the configuration features of this software product.

In order to customize the program to the characteristics of the institution, there are four main points:

Let's start looking at the settings from the item “Features of a government institution”:

After selecting that menu item, a list of possible settings opens:

In order to use the necessary functionality, just set the flag in the line that interests you:

Once the flag is set, additional settings become available:

We figured out how to set the settings. Now let's look at why each of the settings is needed.

1. Salary is calculated
This setting will allow you to maintain personnel records of military personnel or employees of federal executive authorities, as well as the calculation of specific monetary allowances.

2. The salary of state civil servants is calculated
This setting will allow you to maintain personnel records of civil service employees, calculate allowances and maintain specialized registration cards and reporting.

3. The salary of municipal employees is calculated
It also allows you to maintain personnel records of civil service employees, calculate allowances and maintain specialized registration cards and reporting at the municipal level.

4. Salary is calculated in a medical institution
This setting allows you to gain access to functionality that specifically defines the activities of a medical institution: wages according to the NSOT, providing access to narcotic substances and other opportunities.

5. Salaries are calculated in an educational institution of higher and secondary vocational education
When you select this setting, it becomes available to calculate salaries for teachers depending on the number of hours (distributed load) and the ability to select special charges (for class management, checking notebooks).
The next setting point that I would like to focus on is:

The first thing you should pay attention to when setting up a program for a specific government agency is setting the flag in the “Social Sphere Enterprise” attribute:

Setting this flag allows you to indicate which area the institution belongs to. This must be done so that the program can generate certain statistical reports:

There is also the ability to set a flag in the “Use accounting by individual financial institution” attribute if it is necessary to use this analytics:

In the “Personnel Accounting” and “Advanced Settings” items there are also a number of settings that need to be analyzed when you start accounting in the program. But these settings are the same for all types of organizations; for specific accounting in government institutions, there are no settings in these items.


The software configuration "1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution 8" takes into account real work practice and all legal requirements for effectively solving problems:

  • recruitment, processing of personal data, applications, information about experience;
  • conducting personnel records and analysis of personnel;
  • storing personal information about candidates, resumes, related work materials;
  • automatic preparation of personnel documentation and reporting;
  • payroll calculation using a new system for accruing funds to employees of budgetary institutions, payment of sick leave and vacations;
  • calculation of pay for military personnel and maintenance for civil servants;
  • calculation of various contributions and regulated state taxes from the payroll fund - income tax, insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, for insurance against occupational diseases and accidents;
  • generation of documentary reporting to reflect taxes and accrued wages in the expenses of a budgetary institution;
  • management and control over the implementation of mutual settlements with employees;
  • maintaining accounting and personnel records of several budget organizations in a single centralized information base;

Payment and delivery

We accept payments only from legal entities. persons or individual entrepreneurs by non-cash transfer to a bank account. After completing the application, the manager will contact you, clarify the details of the order and issue an invoice for payment.

We deliver by courier service free of charge to any region of the Russian Federation. If the product is in stock and subject to payment before 12:00 Moscow time, the order can be sent on the same day. When paying after 12:00, as well as when ordering electronic delivery, delivery is carried out no earlier than the next business day. Please check with the manager when placing your order for exact delivery times.

If you ordered a delivery with a software license, you can start using the program without waiting to receive the delivery kit (box). Notify the manager about this desire and he will send you scans of the registration. forms and pin codes for obtaining a license.

Along with the goods, you will be provided with a complete set of accounting documentation: agreement, invoice and act of transfer of rights (or delivery note TORG-12). We send the scans immediately by e-mail, then the originals will be delivered by courier or sent by mail. We work with regular clients via email. document flow (service 1C-EDO, operator Kaluga-Astral).

Configuration "Salaries and personnel of a state institution", edition 3 is intended for automation of personnel records and payroll calculations in state institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It provides flexible configuration capabilities to support the work of various government agencies.

  • ensures the maintenance of mutual settlements with employees, as well as accounting for labor costs as part of the institution’s expenses. The entire complex of calculations is automated - from payroll, payment of sick leave, vacations and business trips to the preparation of documents for payment of salaries and the generation of regulated and analytical reporting and supports the features of accounting and calculation in various government agencies.
    • State and municipal institutions:
      • Description of positions according to their affiliation with the state (municipal) service;
      • Maintaining class ranks;
      • Registration of contracts indicating the method of entry into service, the basis for a fixed-term contract and other data specific to the civil service.
      • Registration of contracts with municipal employees.
      • Accounting for length of service in the state (municipal) service.
      • Calculation of cash content and retained cash content.
      • Registration of additional leave for long service and irregular working hours
      • Carrying out certifications
      • Maintaining personal cards of employees in the form T-2 GS, T-2 MS
      • Maintaining a register of civil servants
    • Medical institutions
      • Remuneration in accordance with PKG/PKU
      • Tariff reporting of FMBA institutions;
      • Possibility of uploading data to the federal register of medical workers;
      • Accounting for access to narcotic drugs.
      • Automation of the process of conducting certifications confirming qualifications
    • Institutions of higher and secondary vocational education
      • The following accruals are automatically created: Payment of teachers based on salary, Additional payments for checking notebooks
        and for great leadership.
      • Payroll calculation based on load. In this case, the teacher’s monthly tariff is calculated in accordance with the document Distribution of the load, taking into account allowances and increasing factors
    • Internal affairs bodies, other federal executive authorities
      • Accounting for military and special ranks
      • Enrollment in the lists of the unit and exclusion from the lists of the unit.
      • Transfer from conscription to contract
      • Calculation of military allowances. In this case, the following accruals are automatically created: Salary for military position; Salary according to military rank; Bonus for length of service in military service; Allowance for special conditions of military service; Bonus for working with information constituting a state secret; Allowance for performing tasks associated with risks to life and health in peacetime; Award for conscientious performance of official duties.
      • Calculation of salaries for law enforcement officers. In this case, the following accruals are automatically created: Salary by position; Salary according to special rank; Allowance for length of service; Bonus for qualifying title; Bonus for working with information constituting a state secret; Allowance for special conditions of service; Allowance for performing tasks associated with risks to life and health in peacetime; Award for conscientious performance of official duties.
      • Possibility to choose the method of payment for vacations and business trips: based on the retained salary or based on average earnings.

    “1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8” supports NSOT in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 583 “On the introduction of new remuneration systems ....”:

    • official salary (salary according to PKG/PKU);
    • official salary (salary according to PKG/PKU) + qualification bonus for the position held (according to the staffing table);
    • official salary (salary according to PKG/PKU) + qualification bonus for professionalism (individual for the employee);
    • salary according to professional qualification group (official salary).

    The amounts of salaries (official salaries), wage rates are established by the head of a state institution based on the requirements for professional training and the level of qualifications necessary to carry out activities in the corresponding professional qualification group.

    In the program “1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8” you can take into account several scales of bonuses for the presence of a qualification category (for example, for middle and senior categories of personnel) and indicate the category assigned to the employee. A position (position) may require an employee to possess a number of specialties, and for each specialty the employee may have its own qualification category. In the program, you can specify all the employee’s specialties and categories.

    “1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8” provides for accounting of wages by funding sources.

    The program keeps end-to-end accounting of all amounts of accruals and deductions in the context of funding sources directly during calculations, and provides the opportunity to configure the procedure for reflecting each accrual or deduction in budget accounting. All analytical reports on wages (pay slips, statements, reports, etc.) are generated by sources of financing.

    Delivery options

    Taking into account the differences in the needs of companies at different levels, 1C offers three software products with different functionality and complexity:

    1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8 - solution for personnel and labor accounting, payroll calculation and reporting in various government agencies.

    1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8 CORP– a comprehensive solution for automating all HR management tasks in various government agencies. The product allows you to solve the problems of implementing an enterprise’s personnel policy and comprehensive assessment of personnel at a modern level, correctly and quickly process information about the state of the enterprise’s personnel and, based on it, give high-quality and meaningful conclusions about the abilities of employees, plan training, development and careers, and make informed management decisions.