Very chocolate cupcake. Chocolate cake in the oven. Chocolate cupcake with glaze

Chocolate cupcakes occupy a well-deserved place among the huge variety of chocolate pastries. They can be large or small in shape and size. Chocolate muffins are easy to prepare and can be stored for a long time, and they are also aromatic and delicious.

If you are looking for an easy chocolate cake recipe for tea, then this is the place for you. This cupcake requires affordable ingredients that everyone has. Bake this chocolate cake recipe and you'll see that it's worthy of making more often than not.

To make a simple delicious chocolate cupcake with cocoa, let's prepare the ingredients.

You can add raisins or nuts to the cake if you wish, but even without them it turns out very tasty. The finished cake can be glazed or sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Pour milk into melted butter and add sugar. Mix.

Pour cocoa into the mixture, stir, and put on fire. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Let cool until warm. Pour a few spoons of this mixture into a cup for glaze.

Place eggs, vanillin and soda into the cooled mass (do not extinguish). Beat with a mixer.

Gradually add flour. Mix with a mixer. Less flour may be needed. The dough turns out like pancakes.

Grease the ring mold with butter and sprinkle with flour (shake off excess flour). Pour the dough into the mold. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the cake, bake for 40-60 minutes, until a toothpick is dry.

Let the cake cool slightly and turn it out onto a plate. The cooled chocolate cake can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or topped with icing (which was poured at the beginning).

Chocolate cake with margarine has a rather unusual preparation technology and at the same time very simple! But once you try to bake it, you will no longer be able to deny yourself this pleasure! Delicious and simple at the same time! Thanks to our recipe, you will delight your family with delicious homemade cakes!


  • margarine (can be replaced with butter) - 250 gr.;
  • cocoa - 4 tbsp;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp;
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.

Chocolate cupcake recipe

  1. Take an aluminum saucepan or ladle and melt the margarine there.
  2. Add cocoa, sugar and milk to boiling margarine, stir and bring to a boil again. Refrigerate.
  3. Add eggs, soda and flour to the cooled mixture. If you think the dough is too runny, add a little more flour. Stir, you can beat with a mixer.
  4. Pour the dough into a greased mold and bake at 180°C for 35-40 minutes. Check the cake for doneness with a match; when it’s dry, it’s ready. It all depends on the oven.

You can serve the chocolate cake right on the table like this, it’s already delicious, you can use it as a base for the cake, after preparing the frosting. We used the glaze that we told how to cook in

Today I offer you a chocolate cake recipe for dessert, the recipe for which is not particularly complicated.

But thanks to different combinations of cocoa powder and dark chocolate, you can get completely different results.

The recipes also use nuts, mainly walnuts, and dried fruits (preference is given to raisins). However, you can choose them according to your taste and preferences.

So let's make some chocolate cake. A step-by-step recipe with photos will be a good help for novice housewives.

Traditional chocolate cupcake

In order to bake a simple chocolate cake, take the following products: flour - 2.5 tbsp; milk – 0.2 l; drain oil –150 g; cocoa powder – 5 tablespoons; granulated sugar – 1.5 tbsp; eggs – 5 pcs.; baking powder.

This simple classic recipe will appeal to even experienced cooks, because it is precisely due to the absence of any additives that the taste of cocoa is revealed most fully.

Thanks to the high content of cocoa beans, the cake will have an incredible aroma and taste.

Cooking process:

  1. I'll start making the glaze. It will also represent one of the components of the test. To do this, add cocoa and granulated sugar to the melted butter and mix. I reserve one third for glaze.
  2. I cool the rest of the mixture. I slowly pour out the milk and break the eggs.
  3. I sift the flour, mix it with baking powder and add it to the resulting mass. I knead. I pour it into the mold.
  4. I put the chocolate simple muffins in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 25 minutes.
  5. I cover delicious finished cupcakes with frosting. You can start tasting. Bon appetit!

As you can see, traditional recipes for making chocolate cake allow you to make a real chocolate treat at home in a short time with a minimum set of ingredients.

Chocolate cherry cupcake

The slight sourness of cherry berries goes well with the bitter aftertaste of dark chocolate. I offer you a simple recipe on how to make this fluffy chocolate cupcake step by step.

To make a chocolate cake with a slight sour note, take the following products:

flour – 0.2 kg; milk – 0.2 ml; cocoa – 4 tbsp; drain butter – 0.1 kg; granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.; berries – 1 tbsp.; eggs – 4 pcs.; baking powder.

Prepare chocolate cupcakes as follows:

  1. I wash the cherries under running water and remove the seeds. This can be done either using a special machine or by cutting the berries in half. You can also use a large paper clip or hairpin. I leave the cherries in a colander to drain the excess juice, otherwise the cake will be soggy. By the way, you can either simply drink the juice later, or use it in preparing compotes, fruit drinks, etc.
  2. Using a blender, beat the eggs until fluffy foam forms.
  3. Pour the melted butter into the flour mixture, add beaten eggs and milk. I knead the dough.
  4. The final chord is cherry. I mix it with the dough and put it into the mold.
  5. I preheat the oven to 180 degrees. and put our chocolate sweet and sour cupcake in the oven until done (20 minutes).

Enjoy your tea! Don't forget that if you use small molds, you will get small chocolate cupcakes that are not at all inferior to one large one.

Don't forget to send your recipes and tips on how to make chocolate cupcakes, and post photos in the comments.

Cupcake based on cocoa and dark chocolate

This is the recipe for double chocolate flavor that I invite you to cook with me today.

Thanks to cocoa, the chocolate cake will acquire a rich color, and dark chocolate will add a special, incomparable taste to everyone’s favorite delicacy.

So, recipes for preparing such a delicacy involve using the following set of products:

drain oil – 0.150 kg; milk – 0.150 ml; flour – 2 tbsp; dark chocolate in a bar – 0.1 kg; granulated sugar – 0.1 kg; eggs – 4 pcs.; cocoa powder – 4 tbsp; baking powder.

So, step by step cupcake recipe:

  1. I sift the flour and mix it with baking powder, cocoa powder and granulated sugar.
  2. Add milk and melted butter.
  3. Using a blender, beat the eggs until fluffy foam forms. I pour it into the mixture and knead the dough.
  4. I break the chocolate bar into small pieces with my hands and add it to the dough and mix.
  5. I fill out the baking dish and send it to a pre-heated baking dish at 180 degrees. into the oven for 20 minutes.

Lush chocolate cake is ready! Don't forget to take a photo. And remember that if you use small molds, you will get small portioned chocolate muffins, which are perfect for breakfast or afternoon snack.

I'm sure you'll love this quick and amazing double chocolate treat recipe.

Low-calorie cake with vegetable oil

This one differs from the traditional butter cake in its small amount of sunflower oil.

However, the chocolate taste of the cake will not be affected at all, but on the contrary will be enhanced by the addition of dried fruits and nuts.

To make a great chocolate cupcake, use the following ingredients:

flour – 2 tbsp; sunflower oil – 0.5 tbsp.; granulated sugar – 0.150 kg; water – 0.2 l; powdered milk – 2 tbsp; eggs – 5 pcs.; cocoa powder – 4 tbsp; starch – 2 tbsp; several varieties of nuts – 150 g; dried fruits (raisins) – 50 g.

The recipe is quite simple. Let's start preparing chocolate cupcakes as follows:

  1. I'll start by making the glaze. To do this, I pour water into the pan, add cocoa, granulated sugar, and add butter. I let it heat until it boils, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and leave to cool.
  2. Beat the eggs with a blender until a good foam forms.
  3. Pour the cooled glaze into the eggs in a small stream.
  4. I sift the flour, add dry milk and starch, mix.
  5. Add to the egg mixture in small portions.
  6. Place the future chocolate cake in a preheated oven at 210-220 degrees for ten minutes. Next I lower the temperature to 160 degrees. and leave it in the oven for about twenty minutes.

Chocolate cupcake with dried fruits and mixed nuts is ready! Prepare tea and invite guests.

Bookmark these simple recipes that will allow you to quickly create real chocolate cupcakes from the most ordinary ingredients.

Cupcake with chocolate sauce

Another simple and uncomplicated recipe with double chocolate flavor. Like previous recipes, the dough still contains cocoa and vegetable oil.

However, the second component is not hidden inside the cupcake, but is poured on top. I won’t bore you with waiting, let’s make these delicious and wonderful chocolate cupcakes together.

To prepare you will need:

flour – 2 cups; granulated sugar – 1 cup; water – a glass (or half a glass of water and milk), sunflower oil – 2.3 glasses; eggs – 5 pieces; cocoa powder – 3 tablespoons; powdered milk – 2 tablespoons; baking powder; vanilla sugar.

For the glaze you will need:

water – 1 glass; granulated sugar – 0.5 cups; margarine – 60 g; cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons; vanilla sugar.

Let's start cooking:

  1. I pour water into the pan, add cocoa powder, granulated sugar, and add butter. I heat until boiling, stirring occasionally (about five minutes). I take it off the fire.
  2. Beat the eggs with vanilla sugar in a blender until a good foam forms.
  3. Continuing to beat in a small stream, pour the cocoa mass (without cooling it) until smooth (about two minutes).
  4. I sift the flour, add dry milk and baking powder, mix.
  5. Add in small portions to the chocolate mixture. The consistency of the dough should be like homemade sour cream.
  6. I pour the dough into the mold and place it in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. oven.
  7. After 10-15 minutes, I lower the temperature to 170 degrees. and bake the cake for another half hour.
  8. There is no need to remove the cake after cooking. Let it sit for another half hour until it cools completely.
  9. At this time I'll start making the glaze. This is the recipe. I mix all the necessary ingredients in a saucepan and cook over low heat for ten minutes. Next, I remove it from the heat, let it sit for a couple more minutes and pour it over the now cooled chocolate cake.

I am sure that such recipes for delicious cupcakes should not just be read, they must be immediately implemented.

Quick chocolate cupcake

At the end of this collection, I prepared another recipe for double chocolate pleasure.

This simple chocolate version differs from previous recipes in that in addition to cocoa, dark chocolate is used, but not in pieces, but in the form of melted chocolate mass.

There are no chocolates! And if you add nuts and dried fruits – it’s not muffins, but simply delicious! Let's lift the curtain.

The recipe requires the following ingredients:

flour - one heaped glass; granulated sugar - one glass with a slide; drain butter – 0.2 kg; chocolate bar with a high content of cocoa beans – 0.3 kg; milk – 1/4 cup; eggs – 4 pieces; cocoa powder – 1 tbsp; a glass of any nuts; a third of a glass of dried fruits (raisins).

Mark the time, let's start baking cupcakes with me:

  1. I will break the chocolate with my hands. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will melt.
  2. I add chocolate and cocoa pieces to the milk. I put it on low heat and wait until all the chocolate has dissolved, stirring occasionally.
  3. I sift the flour. I add eggs, granulated sugar and vegetable oil to it. I beat the whole mass with a blender.
  4. I pour the dough into the chocolate mixture. I stir.
  5. I chop nuts. I wash the dried fruits and steam them a little in hot water.
  6. Add nuts and dried fruits to the resulting dough and mix. I pour it into the mold.
  7. In a preheated oven to 180 degrees. I place the future chocolate cupcake. I check readiness with a toothpick.

Prepare several chocolate cupcakes at once using the recipes provided, take a photo and write which cooking options you liked best.

And finally, as always, my tips on how to perfect your cupcake recipes.

Don't forget to also post photos in the comments and your proven recipes. You're always welcome, Ivan.

  • In accordance with culinary rules, the finished baked goods should stand in the refrigerator for at least several hours, and it is advisable to leave it overnight. I agree that this is very difficult to do, but for comparison, leave a small piece of baked goods the next day and check the accuracy of this statement.
  • Many recipes suggest using starch instead of baking powder. Give preference to corn. But it’s better not to put soda in cupcakes.
  • To enhance the flavor, add a little vanilla to the cupcakes.
  • The color and taste of the products can vary depending on the amount of cocoa used. A couple of spoons will add a delicate hint of milk chocolate, and four will bring the cupcakes closer to the taste of dark chocolate.

My video recipe

The main thing is hidden in the cut of the two-color cupcake. The slices show intricate patterns, a smooth transition from dark to light (or vice versa) and even careless handling of the dough guarantees a contrasting crumb pattern. An additional taste bonus will be confectionery flavoring or a drop or two of rum, cognac, or brandy.

I consider the cocoa cake recipe to be one that has been tested many times, is basic, and is forever written down on the pages of a culinary notebook. It is worth removing the cocoa powder, adding nuts, raisins, dried apricots, zest, while maintaining the list and norm of other products, the product will still come out no worse!

Cooking time: 60 minutes / Number of servings: 10 / Shape 31x15x7 cm


  • wheat flour 300 g
  • butter 200 g
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • sugar 200 g
  • baking powder 7 g
  • salt a pinch
  • cocoa powder 30 g
  • Rum flavoring 1-2 capsules
  • glaze, decor (or powder) as desired


    To reduce the cost of baking, butter is often replaced with margarine - the crumb will also grow, be porous, have a good structure, but the important and surprisingly tasty creamy aroma will be absent. What can I say, high-quality butter is the key to the best result for many and not only sweet dishes. Heat the block over low heat (or in the microwave), cool to room temperature.

    Separate the egg whites from the yolks (put them in different bowls) - combine the latter with granulated sugar and a portion of baking powder. Right now we introduce baking powder (or ammonium), as prescribed in the recipe for the “Capital Cupcake”, let’s repeat. Although, many bakers will notice that it is common to mix baking powder with flour. So, beat the yolks, sugar and baking powder with a mixer - increase the mass in volume, partially dissolve the grains. At the same time (in another container and with clean attachments), beat the whites with a pinch of salt until airy and stable foam.

    Pour the cooled dissolved butter into the yolk substance, flavor it (the smells of rum, vanilla, almonds, coffee, citrus fruits are appropriate with chocolate) - continue beating at maximum speed for a couple more minutes.

    Sift the required amount of wheat flour (strictly according to the recipe - 300 g) into bowl number 1 (with yolks + butter). Add in four to five additions and stir each time until all dry lumps are removed.

    Having kneaded the sticky and homogeneous dough, transfer the protein foam in small slides - move it in a circle with a spatula or whisk, saturate it with airiness and additional moisture. We do the same as with flour - we achieve homogeneity after each addition of proteins.

    Then we act at our personal discretion. Set the proportions of white and chocolate dough yourself. Here in the recipe, for example, cocoa powder is added to a third of the entire dough. You can take it in half and increase the presence of the dark. Be sure to sift the cocoa so that no dense balls remain, and knead until the color is even.

    In random order, but alternating, fill a rectangular or other shape with light and chocolate dough. Mix lightly with a torch, creating streaks. Place the two-color cake in a preheated oven and bake until dry for about 30-40 minutes at 170 degrees. We do not open the door for about 15-20 minutes, allowing the top layer to swell and crack.

    Cool the cocoa cake without removing it from the dish. Then use a spatula to run it along the walls, turn it over, and take it out. To decorate, sprinkle with sifted powdered sugar, cover with colored or, as in this recipe, chocolate glaze, and decorative “stars.”

    For about half an hour after applying the glaze, keep the two-color cake on the refrigerator shelf - then cut into slices and serve. Enjoy your tea!

Choose the best recipe for chocolate muffins: with filling, banana addition, cognac and the most delicious chocolate. Very tasty, tender, delicious chocolate muffins!

I decided to bake chocolate cupcakes for the first time - and they turned out very tasty. Try these chocolate muffins, you will love them too! Recipe makes about 12 cupcakes (depending on the size of the molds).

  • butter 100 g
  • All recipes with "butter"
  • flour 230 g
  • sugar 200 g
  • milk 150 ml
  • cocoa (if you take Nesquik, you need 9 tbsp., and sugar - 150 g) 6 tbsp.
  • salt a pinch
  • milk chocolate 50 g
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • baking powder 1 tbsp

Melt the butter in the microwave or in a water bath.

Add cocoa and sugar to the butter.

Mix well and leave to cool (the mass should be warm, but not hot).

Add eggs, flour, salt and baking powder and chocolate pieces to the cooled cocoa mass (they are not visible in the photo, but they are there!).

Mix everything well.

Place the cupcakes in the tins in the oven. Muffins are baked for 15-25 minutes, check readiness with a toothpick.

Chocolate muffins are ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: Banana and Chocolate Chunk Muffins

Chocolate muffins recipe with chocolate. The muffin dough is made with yogurt and milk, with the addition of cocoa powder, bananas and chocolate pieces.

  • Large banana - 1 pc.
  • Cocoa powder - 0.25 cups
  • Chocolate chips or chocolate (broken) - 0.5 cups
  • Natural yogurt - 0.75 cups
  • Whole wheat flour - 2 cups
  • Baking powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Brown sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Large egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 4 tbsp. l.

Turn on the oven to preheat to 200 degrees. Line 12 muffin cups with paper cups.

Sift flour into a large bowl, add baking powder, cocoa, sugar and chocolate chips.

In another bowl, combine yogurt, milk and egg, beat lightly. Mash the banana into a puree using a fork.

Melt butter in a saucepan, add banana puree, stir. Pour this mixture into the milk mixture.

Mix the dry ingredients with the banana milk mixture and stir until smooth. Pour the dough into the prepared molds and place in the preheated oven. Bake the chocolate chip muffins for about 20 minutes until a wooden stick comes out clean when pierced.

Remove the finished muffins from the oven and let cool in the tins. Then remove and serve the chocolate chip muffins immediately.

Recipe 3: tender chocolate muffins (step by step)

Delicious muffins that melt in your mouth! With a bright chocolate flavor and a loose, moist texture. A very simple and affordable recipe that a novice housewife can handle.

  • Butter (margarine) - 150 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Cocoa powder - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs
  • Baking powder (1 tsp slaked soda) - 2 tsp.
  • Wheat flour - 200-250 g

Mix butter, cocoa, sugar, milk in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring, remove from heat.

Cool. Add eggs to the cooled mixture and mix.

Add baking powder and flour, knead a not very thick dough.

Grease the molds a little with oil (I have silicone ones, I spray them with water), fill 2/3 full with dough. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Cooled muffins can be coated with cream or chocolate glaze. But they are already amazingly delicious!

Recipe 4: Chocolate muffins with liquid filling

  • dark chocolate - 80 g
  • butter - 80 g
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 100 g
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. l.

We will prepare all the necessary products for the muffins - classic dark chocolate (78%), butter (fat content 67.7%), sugar, homemade eggs, flour and cognac. Combine the pieces of chocolate and butter in a heatproof saucepan.

Using a microwave oven, melt the chocolate and butter, turning it on at maximum power three times for twenty seconds, without any breaks. Stir the butter-chocolate mixture until smooth.

Break pre-washed and dried fresh chicken eggs into a container suitable for kneading muffin dough and add sugar.

Beat the sugar and eggs a little.

Add flour to sugar-egg mixture. The dough needs to be lightly beaten again.

Stir the butter-chocolate mixture into the dough.

Knead the dough thoroughly, beating it, and add the final touch of taste and aroma - good cognac, in a small amount.

Turn on the oven (“top – bottom”) at 200 degrees. It will have time to warm up while we work on baking molds for chocolate muffins with liquid filling. Grease each ceramic (silicone) fondant baking pan with butter. Sprinkle the molds with flour.

Divide the dough evenly into five pans and place them in the oven.

After raising the dough, keep the baked goods in the oven for another 3-5 minutes so that the dessert has time to bake, but the center remains liquid. Remove from the oven and immediately serve the chocolate muffins with liquid filling to the table. Have a pleasant gastronomic experience!

Recipe 5, step by step: muffins with chocolate filling

Very tasty magical chocolate cupcakes with liquid filling, recommended to be eaten with ice cream.

  • dark chocolate 70-80% – 200 gr
  • butter - 100 g
  • sugar - 50 gr
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • flour - 60 gr
  • salt - ¼ tsp.

Cut the butter into pieces, break the chocolate and place them in a bowl or shallow plate.

Melt the butter and chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave (do not overheat the mixture, otherwise the chocolate may curdle. If melting in the microwave, do not immediately put it in for a long time, take out the bowl with the butter and chocolate and stir every 10-20 seconds). Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained; if it turns out to be very hot, then cool it.

Beat eggs with sugar until thick foam is obtained.

Pour the cooled chocolate mixture into the egg foam and stir. Be sure to make sure that the chocolate-butter mixture is not very hot, otherwise the eggs may curdle.

Mix flour and salt and sift them into the chocolate-egg mixture. Stir until smooth, but do not stir for very long, because... Gluten may be released from the flour and the dough will be dense, the muffins will not rise well.

Grease the muffin tins with oil and pour the resulting dough into them, you get 9 pieces. Place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. Leave for 7-10 minutes (remove when they rise and begin to crack on top).

Serve dessert hot. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6, classic: delicious chocolate muffins

  • Chocolate – 200 gr
  • Butter/margarine – 100 g
  • Granulated sugar – 80 gr
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs
  • Wheat flour – 150 gr
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk – 50 ml
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp. or vanilla essence - 2 drops
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp. or soda + vinegar - ½ tsp.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add granulated sugar, cocoa and 150 grams of chocolate and heat, stirring constantly, until the ingredients are completely dissolved.

Add butter, dissolve, mix. Cool the resulting mass slightly.

Add chicken eggs, mix quickly.

Add flour with baking powder, mix.

The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream; it should slowly flow from the spoon, forming a slide.

Fill muffin cups halfway with batter.

You can bake muffins in silicone or paper molds.

You can use any molds: disposable paper molds, Teflon and silicone ones do not need to be lubricated, metal ones need to be lubricated with vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the muffins on medium level for 20 minutes.

Pour the remaining (50 g) melted chocolate over the finished muffins.

Recipe 7, simple: muffins - chocolate cupcakes

Use a very accessible recipe to bake chocolate muffins (step by step recipe with photos). For them, take good quality chocolate, black, with a high cocoa content (at least 60%). For chocoholics, I advise you to add chocolate drops to the dough - it’s very chocolatey and delicious!

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance. If you didn’t do this for some reason, then simply cut the cold block into pieces, combining it with a broken chocolate bar.

Then take a larger bowl and pour hot water into it.

Place the bowl of chocolate and butter in the water, stirring the ingredients occasionally.

As a result, the hot water will melt the chocolate and butter.

Remove the bowl from the water, pour sugar into the resulting butter-chocolate mixture. Mix everything.

Add eggs to the mixture one at a time, stirring each time.

All that remains is to add the sifted flour and baking powder. Stir until smooth, but not for long. Add the chocolate chips at this point.

Take special molds. It is better if they are silicone, then there is no need to lubricate them. If you take others (metal, for example), then be sure to lubricate them with oil. Divide the dough into the pans, but remember that it will rise somewhat in height during baking, so do not fill the container to the brim.

Preheat the oven to 140 degrees and bake the muffins somewhere 40 Min. After the specified time they are completely ready. Of course, when serving these delicious muffins, don’t forget to brew some coffee or tea. Bon appetit!

Recipe 8: chocolate muffins with yogurt (with photo)

Those who love a crispy crust on their baked goods will definitely love this muffin recipe. Chocolate treats are prepared using wheat flour and any yogurt.

  • flour – 250 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 180 g;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • yogurt – 200 ml;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • dark chocolate - bar weighing 200 g.

First, the chocolate bar is broken and heated together with chopped butter in a water bath. Add sugar to the mixture, mix and keep on the stove for another 3 minutes. Then pour the eggs into the mass and mix again, add yogurt and once again thoroughly knead the entire composition.

Combine flour with salt, baking powder, cocoa powder and soda. Stir the dry mass thoroughly.

The chocolate oily composition is poured into the flour and mixed from top to bottom. As soon as the flour turns into dough, the action is stopped.

Now they are working on the oven. The unit is heated to 200°C. Place paper utensils on a muffin tray. Spoon the mixture into them. To get a neat top, fill the molds a little more than halfway. To obtain lush products, the mixture is added in excess.

Place a baking sheet in a hot oven and bake for 20 minutes. The readiness of the baked goods is checked with a stick or match. Its dryness indicates that the muffins can be tasted.

It is better to eat the product the next day. After standing overnight, they will become more tender and soft from the inside. The recipe provided makes 12 servings. Try it yourself and treat your loved ones. Enjoy your tea!

Recipe 9: Simple Chocolate Chunk Muffins

  • Oil – 150 g
  • 1 and ½ tbsp. flour (about 200 g)
  • 75 g sugar
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa
  • Baking powder – 2 tsp.
  • Dark chocolate pieces

Chocolate muffins require the following ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, sugar, cocoa and chocolate.

Let's start preparing the dough. The full amount of butter must be melted to a liquid state in any convenient way (on the stove, in the microwave). Pour the melted butter into a bowl and add granulated sugar there. If desired, you can add a little vanilla sugar or vanillin.

Add two raw chicken eggs to the butter and sugar and beat everything a little using a whisk or mixer.

Before using to prepare the dough, flour must be mixed with baking powder and sifted all together (to saturate with air and avoid debris or lumps getting into the dessert). Gradually add flour to the remaining ingredients and begin to gently knead.

Pour cocoa powder into a bowl.

The last stage of dough preparation is the final mixing. Here you need to ensure the disappearance of any lumps and the formation of a homogeneous thick mass of a pleasant chocolate color. The finished mass should be spooned into molds (paper, silicone or metal) to fill approximately two-thirds of the volume and stick a small piece of chocolate on top. For baking, heat the oven to 180 degrees. Cooking time is about 25 minutes.

Dessert is ready! You can decorate them with a sprig of mint and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 10: delicious chocolate muffins with banana

There is time to please your loved ones with delicious, homemade baked goods, then be sure to prepare banana chocolate muffins. Their unique taste, delicate banana dough combined with attractive chocolate, will be appreciated not only by those with a sweet tooth, but also by those who are indifferent to sweets. At the same time, any housewife can prepare them and it will take very little time.

  • Flour 225 grams
  • Cocoa 3 tablespoons
  • Bananas 3 pieces
  • Chicken eggs 2 pieces
  • Sugar 100 grams or to taste
  • Vegetable oil 125 milliliters
  • Soda 1 teaspoon

Peel the bananas and place them on a plate.

We arm ourselves with a fork or potato masher and mash the banana pulp into a puree.

Wash the eggs under hot running water and break them into a separate plate. Pour in sugar and vegetable oil and beat with a whisk until smooth. Then pour it into the banana puree and mix everything thoroughly with a tablespoon.

Next, pour the required amount of flour, cocoa and soda into a sieve. Sift into a wide, convenient bowl and mix. You need to sift in order to get rid of lumps, and also to enrich everything with oxygen, because this way the baked goods will turn out even more airy and tender.

So, pour the sweet banana mass into the flour and whisk everything thoroughly with a whisk or using a mixer. The batter should be uniform in color and without lumps.

Carefully coat the baking dish with butter or vegetable oil or, as in our case, lay out paper molds. Then spread the prepared dough with a tablespoon, filling the molds about 2/3, because our dough will rise a little. And you can move on to baking.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius and only after that, place the mold in the oven. Bake the muffins until fully cooked for 15 - 20 minutes. During this time they should rise and become covered with a beautiful crust. And you can check readiness with a toothpick, skewer or fork. If, when sticking a skewer, there remains a trace of raw dough on it, then the baking is not ready yet, and if it is dry, then feel free to turn off the oven and take out the mold, helping yourself with oven mitts.,,

All recipes are carefully selected by the culinary club of the website website