Where to get funds to open a small business. Other forms of government support for small businesses. Money from the Employment Center

Today, not all people are satisfied with hired work - a small income that cannot be regulated independently. To get maximum profit, many decide to open their own business. It can be controlled, take an active part in any transformations, develop and expand. But any business, even a small one, requires initial capital. For those who do not have enough funds to create an enterprise, the state is ready to provide financial and organizational assistance.

What kind of government assistance can small businesses expect?

Russia has adopted a program according to which everyone who decides to become an entrepreneur has a chance to receive a financial state. assistance to small businesses, completely free of charge. The amount of monetary compensation has certain limits, which differ depending on the different regions. Many people have the right to receive such a subsidy, but due to objective circumstances and subjective reasons, not everyone can secure such support. In addition to financial assistance, funds for which come from the state budget, aspiring entrepreneurs are offered property assistance. This means the state’s willingness to lease certain property to small businesses at low rates or even free of charge: real estate, technical equipment, land use facilities, etc.

Limitations of the government assistance program

Not every entrepreneur can count on assistance from the state in developing a small business. For example, if a person has been registered as an entrepreneur for more than one year, he is no longer subject to this program. Great importance has the field of activity of small businesses, because specially created commissions necessarily consider each application and do not respond positively to everyone. It is also necessary for the entrepreneur to have his own money necessary to start a business. The state will be able to compensate from 40 to 60% of the costs, and often this amount does not exceed 300,000 rubles; the rest will have to be paid from your own wallet. Of course, these are to purchase equipment and create a competitive enterprise, but it is not profitable for the state to fully sponsor businessmen. This is only partial assistance from the state to small businesses, which gives it the opportunity to control the small business system.

Articles for receiving subsidies under government programs

The small business assistance program in Russia includes several articles that involve receiving a subsidy:

  • opening an enterprise;
  • opening a business;
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of equipment and computer equipment;
  • obtaining a license;
  • training of specialists;
  • participation in promotions and exhibitions.

Consultation on these issues can be obtained at employment centers and specialized centers. The regional administration must provide residents with the addresses of these branches.

How to get financial support

If you have already thought about starting your own business, but do not have the necessary amount of money, then you can get help from the state for small businesses. First you need to draw up a business plan and submit it to the employment center for consideration. The amount of the subsidy issued by this organization is 58,800 rubles. (4900 rubles - monthly multiplied by 12 months). The procedure for reviewing a business plan and allocating money can take up to 6 months.

What is needed to receive start-up capital from the state

Firstly, that is, have unemployed status. To do this, you will need the following documents:

  • passport,
  • employment history,
  • educational documents, certificates and diplomas,
  • pension insurance certificate,
  • a completed form confirming the average salary for 3 months at the last place of work.

Note that the following are not unemployed:

  • citizens under 16 years of age;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • full-time students;
  • old age pensioners;
  • citizens working employment contract or registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • disabled people from non-working groups.

Next, at the employment center you need to write an application to receive a subsidy from the state for the development of small businesses. Think through in detail and draw up detailed business plan, containing many calculations, graphs and tables. Having received approval, you should register as a legal entity (organize an LLC or individual entrepreneur). The tax office will give you a list of documents, copies of which you need to provide. After this, the agreed funds will be credited to your bank account, which can be withdrawn and purchased. necessary equipment specified in the business plan.

A very important point: you will need to provide a financial report to the employment center, which should reflect all costs for equipment, wages employees, contributions to the tax and pension fund. If you received financial assistance small businesses from the state must be responsible for every penny spent from this amount.

Other government assistance options

Possible assistance from the state to small businesses consists not only of issuing money for the creation of an enterprise, it can be repayment of interest on an already taken loan or the bank issuing a new loan with a reduced interest rate. Today, many banks issue loans to entrepreneurs, and they, in turn, prefer to contact the bank. After all, in this case, they will not have to report where they spent the funds received; they just need to pay a certain amount on time.

The state also organizes so-called business incubators, where you can get qualified assistance both in drawing up a business plan and in training employees in new skills in organizing and running their own business. In addition, in these centers you can rent a room inexpensively and place all your employees there, so they can always turn to experienced professionals for help.

Each of us has the opportunity to receive help and support from the state to create and develop own business, all that remains is to decide on the direction of activity.

Large resources need to be spent on running even small businesses in our country. It is very important to comply with all legal requirements, and for this you need to work hard. Controlling authorities put forward many requirements and obligations for running a business. However, the state's own business is under more than just pressure. Currently, there are several options for how to receive money for a business from the state. Let's look at the main ones.

In 2018, any entrepreneur can receive money from the state to open their own business. All businessmen can count on the authorities to provide them with assistance to develop their type of activity. Money from the authorities for starting your own business is called subsidies. Since many people want to receive money for the development of small businesses, it is necessary to take this issue very seriously.

The Budget Code of the Russian Federation mentions such a concept as subsidies. If we talk in simple language, then subsidies are money issued from the state legal entities. The issuance basis is gratuitous and irrevocable. These funds will be used to reimburse costs or to recoup lost income in the course of business activities. Money for starting a business is the most effective way to support entrepreneurship.

To make it easier and more profitable to receive subsidies for starting a small business, special programs have been developed at the regional and federal levels.

Who do they give it to?

Many entrepreneurs, when starting their own business, do not even hope to receive a subsidy to start a business. After all, they don’t know who they give it to and who they don’t, or how much they can take. So, today there is a program to support small businesses. According to it, any entrepreneur can count on government assistance, regardless of the type of business. This includes free subsidies. Everyone can apply for such financial assistance.

Cash can be spent on:

The easiest ways to get help are in the following areas:

No assistance is provided for activities related to alcohol or tobacco.

What amounts?

Subsidies for starting a small business are calculated in strict amounts. However, in each individual region of the country this figure is different. There are examples of amounts that you can use as a guide, they depend on what exactly the money is given for:

  1. Investments in an already opened business are estimated at 25 thousand rubles.
  2. Creating a business where it is possible to increase money for new things provided workplace– 60 thousand rubles.
  3. Creating a new business where the entrepreneur has some degree of disability or if he is not employed or is raising his own minor child. It is possible to receive 300 thousand rubles.

Methods of obtaining

A business plan for receiving a subsidy plays a key role. The following must be included in this project:

  • Kind of activity;
  • production technologies;
  • equipment used;
  • deliveries and more.

First you need to come to the employment center and register. You need to prove with a certificate that you are not employed anywhere. At the same time, the business management project should be in your hands. Ready project can be provided in one of two forms: printed and electronic. It's up to you. He is sent to the department for promoting the employment of citizens. When a plan for receiving a subsidy has been agreed upon, you need to contact tax service with a request for registration.

When you go through all the stages of registration, with the certificate you receive, you must contact the employment center again and provide certain documents:

  • your ID;
  • statement;
  • finished project.

After this, the final agreement is concluded.

Types of assistance

Within the programs there are the following types help for starting your own business:

  1. Consulting and information support.
  2. Infrastructure investments.
  3. Supporting innovation.
  4. Organizational assistance.
  5. Financial investments, such as compensation and benefits.

All funds allocated as part of the subsidy for starting a business do not go to the entrepreneur, but directly to the business.

The implementation of any business project requires financial costs. It’s good when an entrepreneur has the necessary amount available. If own funds no, the businessman is wondering where to get the money to open a business favorable conditions. There are several ways to receive funds, each of which has pros and cons. The entrepreneur receives funds free of charge, returns them in full or gives a percentage of the company's profits. It depends on the chosen method of receiving money, the direction of the business, the capabilities of the founder, etc.

Governmental support

Today there are government support programs for business. Competently drawing up a business plan, putting together a package necessary documents and by clearly answering the commission’s questions, almost any owner of a young company has the opportunity to receive money for the development of small business from the state. An entrepreneur receives about 60,000 rubles for opening a business and the same for each employed person. You can receive a free subsidy by contacting the Employment Center.

The state also issues grants of up to 300,000 rubles, which can be much more difficult to obtain due to high competition. Grants are issued to enterprises engaged in socially significant activities or offering innovative projects. Several competitions are held every year, such as state level, and at the subject level. Many refuse state support because of paperwork and large quantity requirements for the company and the founder. Another significant disadvantage is the need to report to the state for the funds spent.

Investors and business partners

Many successful entrepreneurs are looking for ways to increase their income, and one of them is investing in a business. An investor can be a private person, the whole company or even a foundation. In return for the invested funds, the investor receives the opportunity to participate in the life of the project, a percentage of the profits or a share in the business. Entrepreneurs who are faced with the question of how to get money to develop a small business understand that finding an investor is not so easy. No experienced businessman will invest his own money in dubious and unpromising projects.

Business partners who can help with funds can be found among friends or in entrepreneurs’ unions. A business partner can provide not only financial assistance, but also support with advice or his connections. But it is important to understand that when a company is owned by a group of people, you will have to take into account everyone’s opinion, which is not easy for everyone.

Some choose extreme methods, such as selling their own property or leaving it as collateral to private lenders with dubious reputations. Sometimes an entrepreneur receives money from private individuals for his business, so if he does not pay the funds on time, he risks losing the company. Typically, such measures are taken by founders who, for some reason, are not able to provide the necessary documents and certificates to the bank, state or investor.

In this case, it is better not to risk your property, but to turn to friends or relatives for help. But in order not to lose a friend, you must be sure that you will be able to return at least part of the funds within the prescribed period. In case of large sums It's better to document the deal, to avoid unnecessary problems and questions.

Loan from financial institutions

Getting money for a business from the state is not so easy, but a bank loan is one of the most available ways. Many banks offer clients more than one lending program for medium and small businesses. Having received a loan, the entrepreneur will only need to make regular and conscientious payments. This method The good thing is that the entrepreneur has no additional obligations to the organization and is not required to account for the funds spent. But few people want to risk their own property, and even higher interest rate(at least 20-25%) scares many entrepreneurs.

Banks take risks when issuing finance for opening and developing a business, so they impose serious requirements on borrowers.

  • Russian citizenship, no criminal record and good credit history.
  • A well-written and justified business plan.
  • The borrower's previous activities must be related to the area in which he intends to develop the business, or to the functions of a manager, organizer, etc.
  • The borrower has property that will act as collateral. It could be an apartment land plot, commercial premises, car. Often it is the cost of the collateral that limits the loan amount.

Owners of an existing business may well provide their company as collateral. Usually main value have the company's assets: office rooms, production sites, transport, special machinery, equipment. The main thing is that the collateral is liquid for the bank. Get money on bail successful business It’s much easier for an entrepreneur than for a beginner who has not yet proven himself.

If we're talking about For small amounts, many people benefit from consumer loans and microloans, which are easier to obtain than a business loan. To do this, you don’t need to draw up a business plan and collect a huge amount of documents. True, the interest rate will be much higher. The loan option should be considered only if the entrepreneur is 100% confident in the profitability of his business.

Not everyone can “put together” start-up capital. This takes years, ability and luck. Lending as an alternative is a rather risky process, which is associated with the risk of getting bogged down in a debt hole.

Of course, there are many other ways. However, many of them are aimed at obtaining financing for existing enterprises (their expansion or reformatting). Find funds for new project more difficult, because the risks regarding its successful implementation and prospects are many times greater.

And everyone, as you know, loves guarantees. Meanwhile, it is still possible to find an investor for your own project. Let's figure out where to get money for a business from scratch, and what ideas are worth implementing.

What ideas are worth attention?

Since childhood, most of us have dreamed of doing something we love.

However, life makes its own adjustments, so about 15% of people make money from a hobby.

It’s never too late to create your own business, which will allow you not to depend on the opinions of your superiors, will bring satisfaction and good money. The issue often comes down to capital.

But even if you manage to find money, what is the likelihood that the result is worth the investment? Half of the founded companies turn out to be unprofitable and close in the first year or two of operation. At the same time, entire structural units big companies. So did it really arise in my head? common man Is a “picture” or a dream cherished from childhood capable of being successful? The answer is yes.

The stories of the following “lucky ones” confirm this:

  1. Brad Hughes was working in real estate when he came up with the idea of ​​installing automatic storage lockers along highways. The creation of such a business has already brought former employee Property Research syndicate $5.3 billion
  2. Jeff Bizos earned his $4.4 billion by creating a virtual bookstore, Amazon.com. It is noteworthy that the entrepreneur’s office was located in a small garage.
  3. Dmitrich Mateschitz and Kaleo Yudviha created profitable business on a passion for nightclubs and parties. They created an energy drink based on caffeine and sugar, which gives strength to a tired body. As a result, the popular drink Red Bull brought the brand's co-owners a total of $6.1 billion.
  4. Ty Warner, being the son of an ordinary salesman, dropped out of college in order to implement an idea that had been simmering in his head since childhood. He started releasing teddy bears. The trick was to produce toys in small batches. Buyers really enjoyed collecting bear cubs in different clothes, poses and special expressions on their faces. The idea brought its inventor $4.5 billion.

Do you have a win-win idea, but don't have the funds to implement it? Then you should look for an investor to start a business. Here we’ll talk about the strategy for attracting investors to your project.

Signs of a successful idea

Experts and business sharks advise selecting ideas based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance. The unprofitability of an enterprise may be caused by the uselessness of the goods/services it produces. Determine if there is the target audience, which the project is aimed at.
  • Novelty/originality. Consumers do not always accept certain new products, but if they like it, you will become the first in the niche.
  • Understanding the project. Only an expert in his field can give investors confidence that the project makes sense and will be carried out competently.
  • Simplicity. A business that is too complex to organize may be rejected by investors due to unjustified financial and time costs. A minimum of steps until you receive your first profit is the key to success!
  • Demand. A product is popular due to a combination of characteristics and circumstances. By maintaining the “quality = price” ratio, you will be able to realize the fruits of your labor.

After the idea has passed the “selection”, an analysis of the pros and cons of the project should be carried out. Professionals do this through SWOT/PEST analyzes or brainstorming.

Having identified the strengths/ weak sides, you will understand the viability of the project and, accordingly, the feasibility of investing money in it.

A prerequisite when looking for funds to start a business is to have a business plan. This issue should be approached as responsibly as possible. A well-prepared document (that is, consciously, in detail and as calculated as possible) will ensure half the success of your project in the eyes of a potential investor.

Sometimes, based on the results of a business plan, the entrepreneur himself decides to abandon the implementation of the project.

The reasons for this are the presence of negative indicators in the financial part of the document or the impossibility of implementing the idea in the required scale or format. Having in hand a detailed description of the project and the stages of its implementation, you can begin to search for funds. Let's consider best ways

investing and find out where to get money for a business from scratch.

Business angels

These are people (mostly millionaires) who want to provide start-up capital to “newcomers” in business in exchange for a share in a future project or interest from its activities.

Business angels constantly monitor markets to identify potentially profitable ideas. You can find such an investor in business angel associations . Most of them are concentrated in the USA and Europe. Why not attract a foreign partner? One of the most successful "angel" investments was made in Apple company

. Starting 91 thousand dollars. returned the investor $154 million. Perseverance and even sometimes audacity will help attract the interest of business angels.

Sale of property

There are often cases when, in order to implement their idea, businessmen sell their existing real estate (for example, a car or a country cottage).

And relatively quickly, which is convenient if the project is seasonal.

However, it’s still not worth risking your only apartment. Living in rented premises or even losing a roof over your head if your business goes under is an unjustified risk. Gambling “everything” is stupid. It’s better to look for another way to raise finance.

Diversification of capital

The method involves reorienting funds from one industry/company to another.

Redirecting financial flows will help both in expanding an existing enterprise and in creating a business from scratch.

Income available from another business can be directed to a new, not so interesting, but more profitable project.

Over time, when the investment pays off, you can continue to develop the “sacrificed” business. By diversifying your capital, you are freed from the need to pay off debt. At the same time, the disposal of funds is not controlled by anyone.

Personal savings

The most obvious answer to the question posed: “Where can I get funds to start a business?” – sounds predictable.

Make money! Yes, it's difficult, but it's possible. It is quite possible to accumulate start-up capital.

True, only people who have a decent salary or other income (for example, renting out apartments) will be able to do this. This method has a significant advantage - it is easy to “survive” the company’s unprofitability at first if you have a high-paying job. An additional “foundation” will allow for

additional funding

project if the budget has gone beyond. But whether there is enough time to simultaneously implement the business idea is a question. Although there is always the opportunity to hire a qualified specialist.

You can save money by investing in shares of a successful enterprise or by putting it in a deposit account at a bank.

You will also be able to save money if you find a part-time job based on your own skills and abilities. At the same time, it is important to “turn on” the saving mode, refusing unnecessary expenses.

Government subsidies

Russia has a business support program, according to which entrepreneurs have the right to receive start-up capital to start their own business. The costs of registering an individual entrepreneur/LLC are paid by the state. It also trains the entrepreneur (and tests). The unemployed, in turn, must register with the Employment Center and, having declared their desire to work

You can increase your chances of funding by indicating the focus of the goods/services produced (within the established business) on socially disadvantaged segments of the population.

This will help resolve the issue in your favor if the “lie” is really close to the truth.

A worthy idea will be evaluated by a special commission (though it will have to be “defended”). As a result, the entrepreneur will receive a subsidy. Its size is 60 thousand rubles.


Lending will allow you to receive funds quickly. You can apply for money to banking institutions or credit unions. However, do not forget about percentages.

At the end of the day, the amount that was given to the bank for the loan may turn out to be twice the amount that was taken to create the business.

However, there is one “nuance” - beginning entrepreneurs are not often given credit. This is due to the high risk of losses for the bank (over 95%). Firms that have stayed on the market for at least 3 months will have better luck. For a worthwhile idea, the chances of attracting investment are high.

The main thing is to approach the search process wisely - comprehensively, competently and carefully. Demonstrating confidence in the success of your venture is a must! The “knock and it will be opened” principle in seeking project financing works very well.

Video on the topic

in accordance with the requirements for applicants in a particular region.


In general, all the features of regional subsidies should be found out in the business development agency of a particular region. Information about this and other business programs can often be found on the website of the agency itself or the economic development department (depending on the region, there may be variations in this structure, but the general idea is the same everywhere), which is the business development agency. In any case, apply for a subsidy you need to go through an agency, they will tell you all the requirements for participants, documents confirming this or that fact, they will advise you on a plan, and they will help you correct it.

Listen carefully to everything that is told to you during the initial consultation. Write down the most important points, ask the agency specialist for a list of required documents, ask for advice on where and how best to eliminate the gaps that prevent you from applying for a subsidy right now, if any (for example, where is the best place to get training in the basics of entrepreneurship if there is a requirement for candidates). Pay special attention to the recommendations on drawing up a business plan. The prospect of you receiving a subsidy directly depends, first of all, on it. If you have the opportunity to buy a manual for its preparation, do not neglect it.

Having learned everything you need, start collecting the missing documents and drawing up a business plan. When ready, show it to the agency specialist. Such consultations are usually paid, but are inexpensive, and if you successfully receive a subsidy, they pay off with interest. Use this service until the agency specialist has not the slightest comment left. Then submit ready business plan and the entire package of documents to the agency or department of economic development and trade. The procedure and deadlines for submitting applications for subsidies in a specific region will be explained to you at the agency. After submitting the documents, wait for a decision. And if it is positive - money.