Business ideas for a gym. Description and analysis of the market. Total opening costs

With a growing interest in exercise and a healthy lifestyle in particular, many people are spending more and more time and money on getting in shape and staying healthy and healthy. physical condition. Therefore, in Lately More and more entrepreneurs are appearing who want to make money on people’s desire to be beautiful.

One of the attractive ideas for starting your own business is opening a gym.

For many people, going to the fitness center is inextricably associated with maintaining the correct regime. Moreover, it is this type of establishment that allows you to play sports that has the widest target audience - from young people and girls to older people.

The relevance of the discovery is due to the fact that often only there people can get advice from a qualified trainer not only on how to structure their workouts, but also nutrition, etc.

The disadvantages include:

There are a lot of advantages:

  • High profit level.
  • Quite low operating costs.
  • Lack of seasonality.
  • High demand for services regardless of the economic situation.
  • Few space requirements.
  • Simple organization of work.
  • Customers who buy subscriptions most often buy them for a long time to save money and become regular visitors.
  • Opportunity to sell related products and expand the range of services.
  • Relatively low payback period.
  • Enough high level profitability.

Required documentation for registration

To legally carry out a business, you must register an enterprise. Either or is acceptable. It would be best to choose . When registering, you will also need to select .

LLC is suitable for those entrepreneurs who plan to expand the list of services provided. In addition to registration with the tax authorities, you will need to complete a number of documents:

  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Contract for maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Housing office service agreement.
  • Passport of a sports institution.
  • Lamp recycling agreement.
  • PPK is a document that establishes the procedure for production control.
  • Medical records for all employees.
  • Permission from the fire department.
  • Permission from the sanitary-epidemiological service.
  • Permission from the territorial property management service.

All these documents can be completed in 2-3 months. A huge advantage is that there is no need to obtain a license.

Types of establishments and their pricing policy

Most often, there are three main types of gym clubs: male, female and universal. Thus, the first type is characterized by the presence of a large number of strength training equipment of various types. The second type is characterized by a functional division of space into a cardio zone, a strength training zone, as well as space for group classes (yoga, Pilates, stretching, etc.).

As for universal halls, there is a division into 2 categories. First, men's and women's activities can be separated by time of day or day of the week. However, this option not very convenient for clients and for this reason not profitable. Secondly, the hall can be divided into different zones so that clients can study without disturbing each other. Finally, the third option is to have two rooms: men's and women's. However, it will require much larger investments.

In addition to dividing the halls according to client affiliation, they provide various pricing policy. Thus, there are three main groups of similar establishments in terms of cost:

  • Economy class.
  • Middle price segment.
  • Elite business class lounges.

Most often, the pricing policy differs due to the location and the list of services offered. The average price segment is characterized by the cost of an annual subscription in the amount of 20-30 thousand rubles. However, there are usually various options subscriptions: day, evening, night or one that allows you to visit the hall at any time of the day.

Selecting a room, its renovation and decoration

To organize work, it is advisable to find a room with an area of from 150 square meters . Of this area, part of the space should be allocated to the following zones:

  • 2 locker rooms - men's and women's.
  • Administrative premises.
  • Utility premises.
  • Toilets.
  • Showers.
  • Reception desk and small waiting area.

The selected premises must have the possibility of subsequent expansion. In this case, the location should be well accessible from the entrance point of view. The remaining factors are not so important and depend on the price category chosen for the work.

Before purchasing and placing equipment, it is necessary to renovate the premises, make zoning and select an interior design. Most often, it should be chosen based on the chosen symbols of the club, the colors used in the logo design, as well as personal preferences.

For a hall operating in the middle price segment, having its own design style is welcome: this factor becomes especially important if there are plans to open a whole network of clubs.

When designing, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • It is best to line the gym floor directly with carpet. A lint-free carpet is an ideal floor covering.
  • For other rooms, you should use tiles with a special coating that prevents slipping.
  • The hall should have air conditioners and air purifiers. Control is possible both from a general remote control and manually.
  • The walls can be covered with standard relief plaster. It looks beautiful and is inexpensive.
  • For the locker room, you should purchase sectional cabinets that can be locked with a key.
  • Showers and toilets should be located in locker rooms. It is advisable that the additional bathroom be located directly next to the hall.

Required equipment and inventory

In order to organize the work of an institution, it is necessary to have a large amount of equipment. Since the universal version of the gym (which can be visited by both men and women) is the most profitable, it will require not only the availability of various strength and cardio equipment, but also equipment.

Among the necessary equipment are:

  • Mats for yoga and Pilates.
  • Bodybars.
  • Dumbbell row (from 0.5 to 40-50 kg).
  • Fitballs.
  • Jump ropes.
  • Weights.
  • Pancakes for barbells (weights from 0.25 to 50 kg).
  • Various vultures.
  • Step platforms.
  • Balls for functional training.
  • Sandbags.
  • Training ropes.
  • Elastic bands.
  • Yoga blocks.
  • TRX loops.

In addition, you will need to purchase whole line simulators:

  • Several treadmills.
  • Exercise bikes.
  • Ellipsoids.
  • Benches for working all muscles.
  • Power frames.
  • Benches for bench press (horizontal and inclined).
  • Crossovers.
  • Multistations.
  • Butterfly.
  • Biceps machines.
  • Triceps machines.
  • Top pull.
  • Various hummers for the back.
  • Leg exercisers, etc.

In the future, the most a good option is to develop the gym to a level by adding group training services (and, as a result, the appearance of a separate room), children's programs or martial arts (there should also be a separate room for them) and a swimming pool (if the premises allow). In this case, the establishment will have a large number of new customers, which will significantly increase profitability.

At the same time, it often makes sense (especially when creating a gym operating in a low price segment) to buy used exercise equipment - this will reduce the level of initial investment several times.

You can see how to properly equip your establishment in the following video:

Search and employment of personnel

A gym club will not be able to function normally without qualified personnel:

  • First of all you will need managers and administrators, who will deal with registration of subscriptions, communication with potential clients, consultation of visitors on any issues and control over the work of the hall.
  • Secondly, there should always be a person on duty in the gym trainer. A separate advantage of having this position is that he can conduct personal training (as a rule, during free time from duty), which in the middle price segment is paid in the amount of 700-1000 rubles per lesson per person. This will allow the hall to receive additional profit. The trainers should include both men and women, and depending on the work schedule, it is advisable to hire at least 3-4 specialists in order to provide clients with a choice of trainer.

The staff must be sociable and be able to competently sell services. It is desirable that each coach has a sporty and attractive appearance, as well as various certificates of advanced training.

As the establishment develops, it is advisable to think about the availability marketing specialist. Finally, you will need cleaning woman, website development specialist(he can be hired one-time) and accountant(who can work part-time).

Search for clients

In order to attract clients, managers will have to make cold calls. For example, a venue might focus on attracting corporate clients by making them a certain discount with a one-time purchase of several subscriptions.

It is advisable to promote the establishment in in social networks and by creating your own website. In this case, it will be possible to attract The main target audience is young people aged 16 to 30 years. If the first clients are satisfied with the work of the hall, they will recommend it to their friends and acquaintances.

It is important to make a beautiful and attractive sign and signs showing the route to the hall.

This will let potential customers know about its existence and give them a reason to call and find out more. detailed information. At the same time, such signs should attract attention: be unexpected, bright and memorable.

Finally, an entrepreneur should think about the need to carry out various types of promotions. It is advisable to initially, when drawing up a business plan, set a minimum cost threshold for annual, six-month, three-month and monthly subscriptions, and then launch various promotions (one after another) that will stimulate customers. The best option is to spur people on by telling them that the special offer is about to expire.

Among the attractive offers we can also highlight:

  • Providing a month of work with a personal trainer for free when purchasing a ready-made subscription: in the long term, this option is the most successful, since in this case the client is likely to continue paying for personal training services.
  • Providing several months as a gift.
  • Providing a free service of freezing or re-registration to another person, etc.

Costs, profitability and payback of the project

As for costs, they seriously depend on the size of the establishment, specialization and equipment. So, the entrepreneur expects the following expenses:

  • Purchase of furniture and equipment - about 400 thousand rubles when purchasing used equipment and from a million rubles when purchasing new equipment.
  • Payment of rent for several months – from 60 thousand per month.
  • Buying a computer, installing the Internet and telephone line- about 50 thousand rubles.
  • Buying an MFP costs about 5 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment for locker rooms, showers and toilets - about 150 thousand.
  • Carrying out repairs and decoration of premises - from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Buying an audio system and TV costs about 20 thousand rubles.

Among the costs of operating the hall are employee salaries, taxes, rent, utilities and advertising. The profitability of such a business is very high and amounts to about 60-70%. Therefore, the payback period (even when purchasing new equipment) is quite low and amounts to from 6 to 12 months. The annual profit after a year of establishment can reach 1.8-2 million rubles.

Thus, opening a gym involves certain difficulties, but this business will always be in demand and also generate a stable income. It is important to correctly calculate the occupancy of the hall and not to chase profit due to an increase in the number of clients: in this case, there is a high risk of them leaving for competitors. To increase profits, the establishment must gradually expand the list of services provided.

Two ways to open a gym

You don't know how to open a gym? We will help you understand the issue and step by step analyze the most important aspects of this business, what to pay close attention to and without which a fitness club will not be able to function normally, much less make a profit.

Let's assume that you have thought for a long time and finally decided to open a fitness club. What's next, how to open a gym? There are two ways: open it yourself or by (consider Gold’s Gym). Each method has advantages and disadvantages. We will tell you about them in detail so that you can choose best option, avoid unnecessary waste of time, effort and money.

Let's consider the main stages preceding the opening of a gym. Of course, we will not be able to cover everything, but we will pay attention to the critical points.


Before you open a gym, you need to develop a business plan - this is what distinguishes a successful gym from an unsuccessful one. Many people advise outsourcing its preparation to a third-party organization or specialist. You can do this, but you need to be critical of their results and double-check everything yourself. They may help you with advice or recommendations, but you must do the processing yourself.

Why ourselves? This will allow you to better understand how business processes operate in the company and increase your level of competence in many areas (marketing, management, sales, etc.). As a result, you will be able to provide better services, have the opportunity to increase your income level, and will know more in advance how to open a decent gym.

Choosing a room

External environment greatly influences the choice of fitness sizes. How to determine which club to open - 1,500 or 5,000 sq. m? To find out which gym to open, you need to understand whether the market is ready for this and whether there will be such a number of visitors with the subscription price you expect.

When choosing real estate, it is worth considering the main factor - how much income you will receive per square meter. There are many circumstances that can change the amount of earnings per 1 sq. m., but we will highlight special ones - the number of clients and their solvency. To determine these values, it is enough to calculate how many people can get to the gym in 20-30 minutes. According to practice in Russia, 2-5% of them can become permanent members of the club. Solvency is determined different ways. The ideal ratio of the number of fitness guests per 1 square meter is 1 visitor per year (the condition is met with the correct layout and depends on the chosen development model. For rough calculations, in Russia in the premium segment it is 1 person per 1 square meter). For example, you want to open a gym with an area of ​​1,000 square meters, which means that for a comfortable location in the club, you can assume that there will be at least 1,000 club cards per year.

Specifications the premises depend on the configuration of the gym's offerings, but the optimal ceiling height starts from 4.5 m. With such a ceiling height in the fitness club, you can achieve a feeling of lightness and spaciousness, which will create a mood that motivates clients to exercise.

Correct zoning of the room

A point that cannot be overestimated is the proper distribution of space in the gym. This determines profitability, the number of personnel, the amount of utility bills, and the list of services provided. Many entrepreneurs overlook this issue, considering it a trifle, although it is not. If you zone the room correctly, then each zone works and complements each other. Try to open a gym with open plan. Potentially, it has greater profitability than the corridor layout. Also, it is perceived more comfortably by visitors.

It is important to know how to open a gym where all the rooms interact with each other. For example, it is not advisable to place a sauna next to the pool, kids club near the stairs, and the cardio zone should not rest against the wall. From a psychological point of view, a running person should see free space. You can’t just “cut” a room without meaningful understanding big picture club.

This work You can only trust a professional who can develop a high-quality product. Thanks to this, you will receive competitive advantages: significant savings in time resources, increased income and no rework in the future. Better to spend money on initial stage, to lay a good foundation rather than incur costs in the future.

List of services for the hall

The most popular are exercise machines, group classes and a swimming pool. The cost of gym membership depends on the set of club options, so it is important to know your client, his habits and preferences. Thanks to pre-made marketing research, you will find out what concept and area of ​​the hall are optimal, who your competitors are, the optimal cost of the services you offer, which will allow you to plan a development strategy. For example, in a city or district there are problems with kindergartens, which means that when opening a gym, the layout must include a corner for children and a program for them. You need to find out the popular sports in this particular place. For example, the opening of a playground will have a positive impact on the outreach of corporate club members.

To achieve greater profitability, you need to try to reach the maximum segments of the population. How to open a gym for as many people as possible with different interests: housewives, athletes, students, managers, etc.? Open a universal gym.

With an ideal price for a club card and competent architecture of the space, the occupancy of the hall is 1 visitor per square meter for 12 months. You need to find the perfect balance between the price of a subscription and the number of people who want to purchase a subscription. You can always regulate the number of club members by price - the lower the price, the more willing there can be and vice versa. Knowing this equilibrium price is the skill and experience of the franchisor.

Personnel and equipment

Types of exercise equipment, availability of a swimming pool, sauna, playgrounds etc. depends on the four previous stages. One of best views The equipment is sold in the USA and is not worth saving on. At first glance, it may seem that opening a gym with cheaper equipment at the start will save money, but in the long run, the costs of replacement and repairs will outweigh the “benefits.”

In addition, cheap exercise equipment will not be appreciated by gym guests. High-quality simulators have carefully thought out biomechanics to avoid injuries and overload of joints, which will make visitors satisfied and they will achieve results.

Some “experts” argue that the quality of the equipment is not important, however, in our experience we can say that this affects the sales of memberships and they can have a significant marketing effect, especially on clients who are not new to fitness.


You can start selling subscriptions when the gym is almost completely ready to receive guests. Approximately, this happens 2 months before the grand opening. To do this, you will need a sales department of 3-5 people. Be sure to accurately calculate the opening date. If you don't open on the scheduled day, your customers will be unhappy and you will lose their trust, which can cost you dearly in the future.

Pre-sales are required for two things:

  1. receiving money that is very necessary to pay the builders, as a rule, immediately after the premises are put into operation;
  2. filling the hall with clients.

When the hall opens and comes new client, then he will see that the club is working and people are engaged, thanks to which there will be an excellent working atmosphere in the hall, which will influence a positive decision to purchase a subscription.

Gym opening dates

Based on experience, it is possible to open a gym with a size of about 2,000 sq. m in 3-4 months, it all depends on the coordination of actions, experience and knowledge. During this time, you will have time to prepare everything you need: project documentation, business plan, service configuration, hire staff, purchase equipment, etc. We do not consider building premises from scratch, but only renting and preparing premises.

Advantages and disadvantages

You manage your club yourself and make your own decisions. Any successes or failures will be yours alone.

The downside is the presence of a huge number of pitfalls: the architecture of the hall, the laying of communications, not knowing what equipment is best and where to buy it, low efficiency, lack of support and training, etc. In the case of a franchise, these difficulties will not bother you.

You alone have to open a gym, and this means “reinventing the wheel” compared to a franchise, where everything is verified, calculated and it is enough to follow a proven algorithm.

The club needs to be planned in such a way that there are minimal operating costs and there is an optimal number of staff so that the hall works for you, and not you for it. For example, by increasing the cost of repairs, you are forced to transfer the cost of expensive finishing to the cost of the subscription. What you really can’t save on is things that the client comes into contact with (exercise machines, sports surface, ventilation, room temperature, cleanliness in the club, etc.). It is necessary that every square decimeter works for the client.

The most important thing for the guests of the hall is to see the result of their efforts. If today I have become better than yesterday, then it makes sense to continue training in this particular gym and only for this. The cost of repairs that do not affect the operation of the gym should not be overestimated.

First of all, people come here for a measurable result, and only then for everything else. Focus on efficiency. People need to understand that it is with you that they can become better. They come to the gym to change their lives! If the client gets the result he wanted, then he will undoubtedly become your regular client.

The second way to open a gym is through a franchise. The procedure is the same, but you have qualified assistance from representatives of the franchisor. Of course, we offer our franchise. What does it give and what is the difference?


Architectural solutions

Our architects have experience designing over 700 clubs around the world, ensuring that every square meter is used effectively. The internal structure of the fitness has been brought to perfect condition, taken into account the smallest details. With our architectural solutions you can save up to 10% on all operating costs. We know how to open a gym and make it successful.

For example, the location of the reception should be chosen in such a way that it is the intersection point for all guests wherever they go: the visitor enters the hall, leaves the locker room, goes to the exercise equipment or to get equipment. Correct layouts predetermine the psychology of people's behavior in the club. For example, in the first 30 seconds a person can form an idea of ​​​​a gym, so it is important to create a point of sale from which he can see most the entire hall. Thanks to this approach, a positive impression of the club is formed, which has a positive effect on sales.


Thanks to unique conditions, you have the opportunity to open a gym and save significantly on the purchase of equipment. In addition, you are purchasing the best time-tested exercise equipment and you do not have to choose from a large assortment of suppliers. We know what equipment is optimal, so when planning a club, the selection and placement of equipment is part of the club's overall design.

Note that suppliers try to sell inventory that is beneficial to them, but when working under a franchise, the franchisor controls this process, helping to select exactly the necessary and sufficient equipment, inventory and materials.

An excellent help would be to open a store in the club, which will sell goods with the symbols of the club (photo). T-shirts with the Gold's Gym logo are among the most popular in the world of fitness.

Club management system

You will have clear system financial management and statistics throughout the room. Specialized software, online training and testing of employees, the opportunity to train staff at Gold’s Gym University, obtaining programs feedback from club clients automatically, etc.

"Personal coach"

When you open a gym under the Gold’s Gym franchise, you have a kind of “personal trainer” who you can always turn to for help. We will advise you in absolutely any situation, answer all questions and let's go all the way way with you.

Expensive franchise like an expensive personal trainer - he doesn’t let you down, carefully monitors your actions, shows you how to do better, and that’s the only way you achieve excellent results.

How to open a gym

When opening a hall under our franchise, you will save not only on the services of architects, the purchase of equipment, but also on launch time. Thanks to our expertise, you will learn how to open a gym in a short time.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many advantages of opening a gym under a Gold’s Gym franchise, but we will highlight the main ones:

  • the opportunity for clients to visit gyms all over the world - 35 countries and 700 clubs;/li>
  • ready-made solutions, proven over the years, allow you not to experiment, but to get a predictable result;
  • a strong brand trusted by millions;
  • constant support in all areas of work;
  • the ability to quickly open a gym without extra costs.

However, this will only work if there is constant monitoring of the club’s work by the franchisor, who will definitely prompt the Franchisee and direct his work in accordance with the successful system that has been developed over the years.

Determining criteria when selecting a franchise: brand, well-functioning mechanisms, support:

  • customer trust, formed over the years;
  • low level recognition means that many objections will have to be overcome in a new way (unfamiliar place, are the trainers there competent, etc.);
  • the absence of an approved action plan indicates significant errors in the automation of all processes in the organization;
  • limited support or its complete absence indicates that the franchise has little fullness. You need to be prepared to pay extra for additional consultations.

We hope we have answered some questions about how to open a gym on your own or as a franchise. Whatever option you choose, we recommend opening a place where people will receive professional trainers, tangible results and excellent service.

Today, gyms, fitness centers and other health facilities are more popular than ever. People have finally had enough of jewelry, cars, apartments and other benefits of civilization and decided to take care of their health. So in the near future, the popularity of gyms will not decrease, but will even increase. So, you have decided to realize yourself in this direction, but how to open a gym is a murky matter.

By swing magic wand wishes come true only in a fairy tale, but in reality a huge number of questions arise, such as: how much does it cost to open a gym, how quickly will it pay for itself, how to attract clients. In other words, to create a successful and profitable enterprise, you first need to draw up a business plan for a gym. There are many factors that determine whether your project will be profitable or whether you will, as they say, “go down the drain.” But first things first

Studying the services market

First, research the area in which you plan to open your gym. Find out which halls already exist and how long they have been operating, in what price range they operate, what services they offer, what bonuses and privileges they give to their regular visitors. You need to try to find a free niche in the sports services market and create your own gym business. For example, if there is a large fitness center designed for a business audience, there are probably a lot of people who are left “overboard.” They also want to be in good sports uniform, but for less money. So this is exactly what you should offer them. And if there are such halls, then think about how yours will be different.

How can you attract clients? Who needs it?

So we smoothly approached another important question: who will visit the hall? Men or women, young people or middle-aged people, businessmen or middle-income people? Please note that in the modern world people live in a shortage of free time, which means that it is close to their home that they will look for a service, namely a place to train. And the question is what can you offer them: what will they be interested in, how can you fuel this interest so that the occupancy of the hall is constant.

From target audience a lot will depend: room design, equipment, music for classes, training programs. Therefore, it is important to clearly understand who the potential client of your gym business is. If morning hours are in demand among young mothers, it would be logical to create a children's playroom. This could become your “trick”. Women will be very grateful to you for the time that they can spend only on themselves.

Making a name for ourselves

Now you need to be remembered and associated with something good. Therefore, when setting up your gym, think not how to quickly “recoup” the money, but how to create for visitors comfortable conditions. When drawing up a business plan for opening a gym, include in the cost estimate large mirrors, several hair dryers, maybe even toiletries. You can't do without this in the women's locker room. Consider little things like drinking water or drink machines. If space allows, you can even set up a small cafe, which will include green tea, fresh, sports cocktails. Why not offer them to visitors, albeit for a fee?

Add to your expenses money for the purchase of comfortable furniture and lockers. On cold period provide a wardrobe. On the one hand, volumetric outerwear and shoes will not fit in an ordinary locker and will disturb visitors; on the other hand, you prevent street dirt from entering your premises and simplify cleaning. In addition, do not try to fill the room with expensive exercise equipment - this will not surprise anyone now; it is more important to arrange them ergonomically so that people do not interfere with each other during classes.

The main value of a good gym is professional trainers who are able to develop an effective program of individual and group lessons. Therefore, approach the selection of personnel responsibly. This way, you can gradually gain the trust and respect of your customers. The main thing is not to forget that once you set a certain bar for yourself, you will be forced to constantly maintain it, otherwise your clients will one day run away.

How it works?

A good gym business plan assumes that your enterprise will be profitable, and this is possible if the load on the gym is uniform and constant. Start with a work schedule: divide all work time into 3 shifts. In the morning the workload is minimal (most people go to work), so you can rely on housewives. Arrange group classes in the morning - Pilates, fitness, yoga, step aerobics.

You can reduce the cost of morning classes. This way you will attract more people. After lunch there will be an average load for the hall, and the peak will be in the evening.

Make sure there is enough space for everyone, as evening passes tend to be the most expensive. Think over a subscription system for customers: their cost, reward system. For example:

  • how more activities the person pays, the more discount he receives.
  • You can encourage the attraction of new clients: if you bring a friend to classes, you get a discount.
  • You can create family memberships, which will also attract people to your gym.

Order high-quality personalized season tickets - they will look respectable, especially with the VIP mark.

Gyms are very seasonal. In the summer, you will naturally have fewer visitors, because many will leave for vacation. This means that it is at this time that it is advisable for you to send your employees on vacation. And in the fall, as they say, with renewed vigor.

How much does it cost?

In general, gyms are among those projects that quickly pay off (usually this period takes about 6-8 months), then they begin to make a profit. But, nevertheless, you will still have to calculate the initial capital. What to consider? First, you will need money to rent the necessary premises and equip it. You will have to fork out money not only for exercise equipment and sports equipment. It will be necessary to create all the conditions for comfortable training for clients. Let's give approximate costs for opening a small hall with an area of ​​about 150 m2. It is also necessary to equip showers and toilets, provide a comfortable foyer for waiting and relaxing, a reception desk, office offices and premises, and provide them with the necessary furniture and office equipment.

  • furniture at the reception - $1000
  • office equipment - $1,500
  • carpet (150 m2) - $450
  • exercise machines and dumbbells - from $20,000
  • vending machine with drinks - $1,000
  • stereo system - from $500
  • plasma panels in the hall (3 pcs) - $2,000
  • lockers in the wardrobe - from $1,500
  • shower and toilet equipment (2) - from $3,000
  • washing vacuum cleaner - from $400

In total, excluding registration and rent costs, the total costs will be at least $40,000.

Even at the initial stage, you will need money for advertising campaign, otherwise, how will your potential clients know about your existence? Here, as they say, all means are good. You can order advertising leaflets, and it is better if their bearers are promised some kind of discount or gift. Such promotions work very well. You can hang an advertising banner or a colorful banner near the hall, arrange Grand opening with gifts and a small buffet. Advertising in popular print publications and videos work well. This option is, of course, the most expensive, but also the most effective, because the television audience is the largest.

What can you expect? We will try to determine the production program based on the capacity of the hall. Let's take as a basis the cost of an hour of classes in the gym in the amount of $1. It is assumed that the gym will be open seven days a week (except for holidays) - 350-351 days a year. Our hall is designed for 20 visitors at a time, therefore:

351 * 20 people * 11 hours * $1 = $77,000

But as practice has shown, it is almost impossible to achieve maximum occupancy of the hall throughout the whole day - in the morning attendance tends to reach 70%, and in the evening the hall is, on the contrary, overcrowded. Let's take the average figure of 85%

$77,000 * 0.85 = $65,400 annual revenue of the hall

Less expenses for wages, mandatory and utility payments, depreciation charges, net profit per year is approximately $26,000, which gives more than 40% of the project’s profitability and allows the investment to recoup within 1.5 years.

Now we have an idea of ​​how to open a gym and what it will entail. We take a piece of paper in the box and count. If you keep up with the times, paper can easily be replaced by a spreadsheet in Excel. So, we write or print: name, quantity, cost, sum up. Have you changed your mind yet?

opening a gym is an excellent option for starting a business. Healthy image lifestyle is now in fashion, and more and more people are taking care of their bodies.

Before starting the project, it is worth marking the gyms in the city or region. This will help you work with the concept of your project. You need to find out the number of halls in the region, their level, prices, opening hours, etc. Any information may be important.

Video How to open a fitness club

Even if we focus on the minimum requirements for gyms, the amount should be very large. The lion's share of expenses falls on (at least 200 square meters) the purchase of exercise equipment, weights, barbells, and benches.

You also need to rubberize the floor and install mirrors. When drawing up a project, you need to take into account design costs, because it is a creative approach to design that will attract the attention of clients to your hall.

Not superfluous in the gym will be:

  • shower cabins;
  • air conditioners;
  • bathrooms;
  • medical office.

In short, before you start planning the project, you need to be sure that opening a gym will be affordable for you.

If there are no problems with starting capital, then you can move on to planning the future. You can draw up a layout plan for the main halls, showers, toilets and other rooms yourself, but it is still recommended to use the services of an experienced designer who will help you plan the room.

Study the numerous experiences of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful business with a franchise you can in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case, according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under a franchising program is presented

The next stage is the purchase of simulators. It’s easy to guess that this is the most important part of the entire project, since it is the quality of the simulators that affects the effectiveness of visitors’ training and can make them return to you.

It would be nice to establish contacts with companies that sell simulators, but it is not so easy. Buying from an online store is also suitable.

Speaking about the necessary personnel, it is worth mentioning the need for several trainers with special education. In addition, you will need an administrator, an accountant and people at the reception.

You definitely need to register with the city authorities and. A special license is needed if, in addition to training in the gym, you will also sell sports nutrition.

And will play an important role.

There are a lot of gyms today, so you need to make sure that people pay attention to your offer.

It all depends on the funds available. You can limit yourself to flyers and leaflets, or you can rent several billboards. Remember that the business is seasonal, so discounts are a good idea during the summer months.

Premium fitness club in the USA

How to Write a Gym Business Plan

Opening a gym is quite a profitable business, since such establishments are in incredible demand, and the clientele is very diverse - from modest students to wealthy businessmen. Moreover, in order to start own business in this domain cash

It is necessary to invest one time, that is, in the future there will be practically no large expenses.

A ready-made business plan for a gym, which you can download on this page, will help you competently approach the issue of opening your own business. If you decide to open a gym, the business plan must include criteria for choosing the location of the future sports facility, fees, purchase of equipment, determination of pricing policy, number of personnel, operating hours and other important aspects.

As for the location of the gym, it is advisable to rent premises in the city center or on the main streets of remote areas, where there are the most potential clients.

It is very profitable to equip a sports facility in a large mall, because several thousand people pass through there every day who might be interested in such services.

Also important is the issue of purchasing sports equipment. Standard set equipment includes dumbbells, weights, barbells, exercise machines for the abs, arms, legs and back, a horizontal bar, as well as personal protective equipment: wristbands, gloves, belts, etc.

The equipment can be used either new or used, but it is very important that it is of high quality and durable.

When opening a gym, you cannot do without hiring workers. The staff must include a manager, a cleaner and trainers.

Of course, the most important in the team are the coaches, because they are the ones who will work with people and, accordingly, bring profit, so preference should be given to young people with an athletic build, thoroughly knowledgeable about the job each simulator and able to advise the client on any issue.


Of course, if you want to open a gym, the business plan must include all cost items, which in general will determine the amount of investment.

The main points are:

  • renting or purchasing premises of more than 100 m2 for a gym;
  • initial cost and expenses for further maintenance of sports equipment;
  • communal payments;
  • wages to employees;
  • advertising costs;
  • housekeeping and office expenses;
  • security company services, etc.

Revenue forecast

Income from of this business not exorbitant, but regular. Revenue depends directly on the number of clients. The cost of a subscription ranges from several thousand.

So, if 25 people train in your gym, then every month you can receive about half a million, respectively, in a year your profit will be more than 5 million. Thus, the profitability of this business is very high, and the investment can be repaid within 1-2 years.

First of all, you need to decide on the level of clientele that will visit your Gym. There are 3 options: elite with high incomes, middle class And a budget option. To do this, you should objectively weigh your strengths and financial capabilities, since a budget gym can be opened in a basement or large garage, but for elite clients you will need a spacious room “with all the amenities,” including a sauna, swimming pool and free parking. Depending on this, you will need to decide what room, decoration and equipment will be required. It is better to register your business after a place has been found and the market has been studied.

When it becomes clear what kind of visitor the gym is designed for, you need to choose a location and calculate the local market. You need to choose an area based on population density, average age and income. If this is a residential area with Stalin and Khrushchev buildings, in which pensioners mainly live, or an area of ​​warehouses and outbuildings, your business is doomed. Those who decide to open a gym should not hope to make excess profits, even with active traffic. This is an average-cost and average-income business that is entirely dependent on the availability of visitors and is seasonal. For example, during the holiday season in the summer months there is a decline in visits.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

Having decided which gym you want to open and choosing the appropriate location, you need to register with tax service. You will also need permission from the fire department and SES. During your activities in this field, you will have to keep logs and send reports to labor safety inspectorates, fire safety, sanitary service. It is also necessary to provide for the availability of a book of complaints and suggestions and to regulate the possibility of opening a gym with the BTI of the selected building. After these formalities have been resolved, you can move on to arranging the premises.

Equipment purchase

If it is not possible to purchase new modern equipment with numerous functions, you can first buy a used one from a well-known, reliable brand. Asian hardware, even brand new, usually breaks down quickly and cannot withstand constant use. To reach the widest possible audience, which will include men and women with different physical training, you will need the following set of simulators:

    Exercise bikes.


  • Block expanders.

    Traction structures.

    Pushers, supports.

    Benches for the press.


    Training clubs.

    Dumbbells of various weights.

It’s also a good idea to hang up a punching bag, buy 1-2 mats and stock up on belts, wristbands, knee pads and other personal protective equipment that you can rent or give out to clients during training as a bonus.

A gym, even the most modest one, should have showers, changing rooms and bathrooms. An account for the administrator, whose role you can play yourself, is optional. Instead, a reception desk is suitable, behind which you can arrange a rack with sports nutrition and set up a store and a bar at the same time. If there is no hot water in the room, for example in the basement, you need to install a boiler, preferably 180 liters.

For a rocking chair with exercise equipment, it is important to properly equip the floor. Since this room is classified as electrically hazardous, it is necessary to insulate and soften the floor. If there is a concrete screed, you need to remove it, carry out electrical communications (220 V), lay moisture-proof PVC, then chipboard, foam plastic on it and finish it all off with decorative slabs. The floor in the area with equipment for lifting weights must be additionally laid with mats.

The walls and ceilings will require routine cosmetic repairs. The hall needs sufficient lighting; it is better to install fluorescent lamps, especially if the gym is planned to be opened in the basement or on ground floor. You cannot install powerful ventilation in the rocking chair. At the required temperature of +15 +18 degrees Celsius, a climate control system is required. Basements usually have the desired temperature at all times. Air humidity should be 50-60%. As a rule, it is possible to refurbish a premises for 180-210 thousand rubles.


The package of documents for opening is small, but then it will be important to draw up quite a lot of documents. If it opens extra row services (trade in sports nutrition, massage, and so on), it is necessary to register each type of future activity.

The gym opens with the registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur with the type of activity according to OKVED:

    92.62 “Other activities in the field of sports.”

    96.04 “Services in the field of physical culture and recreational activities.”

    93.11.10 “Services of sports facilities”.

    93.19.12 “Services for athletes and athletes.”

Registration will take a little time and will cost about 10,000 rubles. If you or your company is already registered, you just need to add this type of activity. It is more expedient to formalize taxation as a simplified tax system with payment of a tax of 6% of revenue. This approach will allow you to avoid paying big tax with low attendance and minimize costs in the off-season. The tax election application is submitted along with the registration documents.

It will be necessary to maintain documents on sanitary conditions, fire safety, labor protection, have personnel documentation and monitor the timely passage of medical specialists by employees, since the staff must have medical records. In the future, it is advisable to transfer the reporting and bookkeeping to a consulting company or entrust it to an incoming accountant.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

Like every business, a gym has the risk of not only not making a profit, but of losing money. Everything will depend on the number of clients and prices for classes. On average, with a minimum number of services, monthly expenses will be as follows:

    Rent - 40,000 rubles.

    Utility bills - 8,000 rubles.

    Accountant services - 4,000 rubles.

    The salary of 2 instructors is 40,000 rubles.

    Cleaning fee - 5,000 rubles.

    Taxes and other expenses - 5,000 rubles.

Total: 102,000 rubles per month.

A good source of income would be payment for coaching services. Lessons with an instructor cost on average 500 rubles. If at least 3 people want to work with him a day, an additional 1.5 thousand rubles will go to the cash register. The instructor can conduct training with several visitors at once. Thus, subject to renting a premises of 100 sq. m, hiring 2 instructors working in shifts, and installing equipment for 15 training places, subject to 20 visits per day, we will receive the following monthly income.