Apple juice jelly. Fruit jelly with apple juice. From blackberries with pectin

I would like to offer a recipe for amazing jelly, which is made from apple juice with the addition of gelatin. The dessert turns out incredibly tasty and beautiful, in appearance it resembles beer with foam. Preparing such a delicacy is as easy as shelling pears, and its spectacular appearance and wonderful taste will appeal to everyone without exception!


To make jelly from apple juice with gelatin you will need:

apple juice - 500 ml;

gelatin - 10 g.

Cooking steps

Prepare food.

Add gelatin to 200 ml of apple juice and mix. Leave the gelatin for 15 minutes to swell.

Place the swollen gelatin on the fire and heat, stirring, until the gelatin is completely dissolved, but do not boil. Remove from heat.

Pour the remaining 300 ml of juice into the gelatin mass and stir. Pour 50 ml from the resulting mass (this is exactly how much we will need later to prepare the foam).

Pour the remaining mixture into glasses, leaving room for foam. Place the glasses in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Beat 50 ml of gelatin mass with a mixer until white dense foam.

Carefully spread the foam over the jelly and put the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours (until it hardens completely).

Bon appetit!

Apple juice – 600 ml

Gelatin – 1 package

– 1 – 2 pieces

– 2 – 3 pieces

- 1 piece

- 1 piece

Fresh or frozen raspberries, strawberries - optional


For making fruit jelly, you can take any fruits that are available and according to your desire. Frozen fruits and berries will also work.

Soak gelatin with 3 - 4 tablespoons of apple juice.

Leave for 5 - 10 minutes so that the gelatin is saturated with liquid. Place the saucepan over low heat and heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Add the remaining apple juice to the saucepan and heat for about two minutes, stirring constantly with a spoon.

If desired, you can add powdered sugar to the juice to taste. Remove from heat and strain through a fine sieve.

Wash the fruits and remove the peels. Core the apples. Cut into small cubes.

Place the prepared fruits and berries in vases or glasses with a wide neck. Pour in juice and refrigerate.

When serving, fruit jelly can be decorated with whipped cream and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Bon appetit!

Wash the skins of 6 large oranges thoroughly with a brush. To remove the zest, leave one of the fruits, the rest are peeled. The zest is removed with a fine grater or a small knife. The cut should be thin so as not to touch the white part of the peel. After removing the zest, the citrus is cleaned.

The oranges are then passed through a juicer or crushed in a blender. The pulp is filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve with a fine mesh.

A glass of water and half a kilo of sugar are added to the resulting juice. The fruit mass is placed on the fire. Use dishes with a wide bottom so that the jelly boils faster. After 10 minutes of cooking, add a teaspoon of agar-agar to the aromatic syrup. To ensure that the powder spreads evenly without leaving lumps, it is mixed with the same amount of sugar. Cook the jelly for another 3 minutes and turn off the heat.

Jelly on agar-agar sets when cooled, even at room temperature. If you plan to make the jelly for the winter, then pour it while still hot into pre-prepared jars.

From packaged store-bought juice on agar-agar

Absolutely any juice is suitable for this recipe. The liter bag is opened and the contents are poured into a wide saucepan. A kilogram of sugar is also added to the bowl. The juice is boiled over medium heat for 10 minutes, and then agar-agar (a tablespoon) is added. To prevent the powder from clumping while dissolving in the jelly, it is mixed with sugar 1:1.

Boil the sweet mass for 3-5 minutes, no longer. The finished jelly is laid out in molds or packaged in glass jars for storage for the winter.

The SkyMan channel suggests making jelly from boxed juice and gelatin

From apricot juice on gelatin

15 grams of gelatin powder are poured with 50 milliliters of boiled water at room temperature. The granules are mixed and left to swell.

A kilogram of apricots is washed. Each fruit is cut into halves and the seeds are removed. Pieces of fruit are dipped in boiling water (500 milliliters) and blanched for 5 minutes. Then the fruits are thrown together with the broth onto a metal sieve and, stirring vigorously, they are ground through the grate.

The resulting juice is mixed with sugar (1.2 kilograms) and placed on the stove for 25 minutes. The entire cooking process is carefully controlled: the mass is periodically stirred and foam formations are removed.

At the very end of cooking, the swollen gelatin paste is introduced. The jelly is quickly stirred until the grains are completely dissolved and the heat is immediately turned off, not allowing the fruit mass to boil.

Hot gelatin jelly is poured into jars, screwed on with sterile lids, and after cooling, put away in a cool place.

This jelly should not be kept warm for a long time before use. It holds its shape perfectly only when chilled.

Watch a video from the “Cooking at Home” channel about preparing two-color jelly based on sour cream and cherry juice

From frozen sea buckthorn juice with gelatin

Add 3.5 cups of sugar to the strained mass, which is dissolved by boiling the berry juice for 10 minutes. At the final stage, add 20 grams of gelatin, diluted in a 1:2 ratio with cool boiled water. The gelatin is soaked about 30 minutes in advance.

The jelly is heated without bringing to a boil, and then poured into jars or into shaped molds.

In addition to frozen berries, jelly can also be made from fresh fruits. Details.

From blackberries with pectin

Finding pectin powder in stores today is not difficult. You don't need much of it to make jelly. A bag (10 grams) is enough for you to prepare a dessert from 1 kilogram of blackberries.

Ripe berries are rinsed under running water. There is no need to dry them on a wire rack. The prepared fruits are transferred to a saucepan and filled with water (200 milliliters). Close the lid and simmer the blackberries over low heat for 10 minutes.

Steamed berries are punched with a blender and filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth. Sugar is added to the dark aromatic juice. Its quantity is calculated based on the amount of juice obtained. For every liter you will need 1 kilogram of sand.

It takes approximately 15-20 minutes to boil the syrup. At this time, a bag of pectin is combined with a teaspoon of sugar and mixed until smooth.

Pectin powder and sugar are poured into the thickened berry mass in a thin stream. Constantly stirring the jelly, keep it on the fire for another 5 minutes, no more.

The blackberry transparent dessert is packaged in jars until it has cooled down.

Lingonberries with apple skins

Lingonberries themselves are rich in pectin, but even more of this substance is contained in the skins of sour apple varieties.

Pour 2 cups of water into the pressure cooker. Bring the water to a boil without using the pan lid. The skins of 5 apples and a kilogram of lingonberries are placed in the seething liquid. After this, the lid is immediately closed and screwed on. A steam release valve is installed on top.

Set the fire to maximum power and wait until the liquid inside boils. This will be signaled by the pressure of steam coming out of the valve. At this moment, the fire is reduced to a minimum value. Boil berries with apple skins in this mode for 10 minutes.

Then the boiled fruits along with the liquid are poured through a sieve into a wide container. To make the juice more transparent, the grate is first covered with gauze.

Sugar is added to the resulting juice at the rate of kilogram per liter. The syrup is placed on the fire and boiled until the mass is reduced in volume by at least 1/3.

Check the readiness of the dish by dipping a spoon in the jelly. If the berry mass flows from the spoon in a thin, continuous stream, then the jelly is ready. It is poured straight from the fire into jars and sealed with clean lids.

We also suggest making jelly from the juice and peel of apples according to the recipe from the Black Chef channel.

"Raw" viburnum jelly

Place 1 kilogram of fully ripened viburnum berries in a colander (you can directly with twigs) and scald with boiling water. Then the sieve is immediately moved to the cooking pan and they begin to press the viburnum through the grate. This is done with a spoon or a wooden potato masher. Be careful, viburnum juice can splash the entire kitchen!

The collected juice is mixed with 800 grams of sugar. It is necessary to ensure that the crystals are completely dissolved before putting the jelly into jars. This dessert retains all the vitamins without cooking, but, unfortunately, it does not last long.

You can store the winter preparation of viburnum juice for a longer time by boiling the dessert over a fire. Detailed instructions are presented in ours.

How to store juice jelly

As mentioned above, jelly without heat treatment cannot be stored for long periods of time. It is best to keep jars of this product in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks. Winter preparations with preliminary boiling of the product and closed in a sterile container are stored in a dark, cool place for no more than a year.

Jelly- This is an original and distinctive dish, in the classic version it is a sweet transparent mass of uniform consistency.

Classic recipe for making jelly with juice


  • Fruit juice – 1 liter
  • Gelatin – 50 g


  1. Dissolve gelatin in water. Initially, it is necessary to soak the gelatin to create the basis for preparing the jelly mass. Relevant instructions should be written on the packaging. Typically approximately 250-300 ml is used for this. warm water into which the gelatin is placed, where else A couple of minutes swells.
  2. Prepare fruit syrup. The next step is to prepare the syrup, which will become the main flavor marker for your dessert.

The process of preparing the syrup itself is very simple:

  1. The fruit juice is poured into a suitable container, then placed over medium heat, where it is subsequently brought to a boil.
  2. Let's cook. A little turning down the heat, we move on to gelatin, which by that time should have already swollen to the required extent. We drain the water, and
    We transfer the gelatin mass into our fruit syrup.
  3. Now the mass needs to be boiled in this form. ten more minutes, remembering to stir regularly. The gelatin crystals should completely dissolve in the syrup, as a result of which the contents of the cooking container should become completely homogeneous.
  4. Having achieved this result, turn off the heat and leave the masa to brew a little and cool. Then we pour the contents of the container into the appropriate molds and move them to the refrigerator, where, depending on the power of the refrigerator, they should stand from one to three hours until the jelly completely hardens.

From apple juice


  • Apple juice - 600 Milliliters
  • Mint - 60 Gram
  • Gelatin - 15 Grams
  • Water - 350 Milliliters
  • Sugar - 250 grams
  • Small lemon - 1/2 pieces

How to cook:

  1. First we prepare the syrup. To do this, take water, sugar, lemon and mint.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil, then add mint. Bring to a boil again and remove from heat. Then let it cool.
  3. We strain everything, squeeze the mint thoroughly, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the syrup and bring to a boil again. Let's filter again. The syrup is ready.
  4. For further preparation, take the cooled mint syrup, gelatin and apple juice.
  5. Mix juice and syrup in a saucepan, add gelatin. Place on the fire, stirring and heating thoroughly (so that the gelatin dissolves), but do not bring to a boil.
  6. Pour into mold and place in refrigerator to freeze. After preparing the jelly, place the mold in hot water for 1 minute, run a knife along the edges and easily turn it over onto a plate. Bon appetit!

Recipe with gelatin from juice


  • Gelatin - 2.25 tbsp. l. (regular or fruity);
  • Juice - 3 Glasses (I used orange);
  • Cold water - 0.5 glasses;
  • Sugar - To taste;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.


  1. We dilute gelatin in water according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Heat the juice until almost boiling.
  3. Next, mix the juice and gelatin liquid well.
  4. Then add sugar to the liquid and squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  5. Mix thoroughly again.
  6. Pour the jelly into portion forms.
  7. Leave it in the refrigerator for 3 hours until completely frozen.
  8. We decorate the dessert according to your wishes. This is all…

Bon appetit!

From cherry juice


  • Cherry - 1 kg or juice - 300 ml;
  • Gelatin - 1 package;


  1. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash the cherries, every berry. We tear off a stick from each berry and carefully remove the seed over a common bowl (so that drops of juice immediately fall into the bowl). Wrap the cherry pulp in a double or triple layer of gauze and squeeze out the juice. If you have a juicer, everything is much simpler.
  2. Now we take purchased cherry juice or just squeezed one, put it on the fire and heat it to 80-90 degrees, do not let it boil. Turn off the heat, pour in all the gelatin and stir for several minutes with a spoon without stopping.
  3. Now we need a sieve or cheesecloth if you don’t want there to be a little sediment in the dessert. We pass the liquid through cheesecloth or a sieve, then put it in the refrigerator or put it on the balcony. The liquid should stand in a cool place for about 2 hours, an hour in the refrigerator is enough. The cherry juice yummy will be tasty and tender.

From juice and cream in layers


  • For 3 servings:
  • 1 glass of juice of the same color (I used mango juice)
  • 1 glass of juice of a different color (I used cherry juice)
  • 1 glass of cream with fat content (10-15%)
  • 3 tbsp. gelatin
  • 3 tsp Sahara
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar or vanillin on the tip of a knife


  1. Add 1 tbsp to each container with juice and cream. without the top of the gelatin, let the gelatin in the cups swell for about 5 minutes. Stir.
  2. Heat the juice and cream in the microwave to 70-80 degrees, the juice and cream should be hot, but not boiling.
  3. Mix well.
    The gelatin will not dissolve immediately, it may stick to the spoon or float in lumps, just stir in a circle for about 5 minutes.
  4. Add 1 tsp to each cup. Sahara.
    It seems that adding sugar to already sweet juice is unnecessary, but when the jelly hardens, the sweetness of the juice is significantly dulled, and it is the sweetness combined with the sourness of the juice that makes it tasty.
  5. Mix everything well.
  6. Add additional vanilla sugar or vanillin to the cream at the tip of a knife.
    Mix. Try it, it should taste like melted ice cream.
  7. Pour the first layer of jelly into the prepared bowls; you can start with juice or cream of your choice. The first layer should be about 1 cm.
  8. Let the bowls set in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes (or even longer). The next layer of jelly can be poured only when the previous one has completely hardened.
  9. It is more convenient to pour the bowls already in the refrigerator, so that while you are transferring the molds, the cream and juice do not shake and leave a colored mark on the glass walls, otherwise it will harden and the next layer will form streaks.
  10. When the first layer has completely hardened, pour the next one. Its width is 0.5 cm. Pour juice onto the creamy layer, and cream onto the juice.
    Cool in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes (or longer).
  11. So we alternate the layers until the bowls are completely filled. And here is a wonderful result! Bon appetit!

From orange juice or fresh juice


  • oranges (4 pcs.),
  • sugar (50 g or to taste),
  • gelatin (30 g),
  • water (80 ml),
  • plums or other fruits (10 pcs.),
  • sour cream (200 ml).


  1. make fresh juice using a blender or squeeze juice using a juicer;
  2. Pour 1/3 and 2/3 of gelatin with water in different containers and leave to swell;
  3. cut the plums into pieces and place in glasses; mix half the sugar with sour cream;
  4. melt a smaller part of the gelatin in a steam bath and stir into the sour cream;
  5. pour this mixture into small molds in the shape of fruits, butterflies or others, and place in the refrigerator;
  6. add the remaining sugar to the juice and stir;
  7. melt the remaining gelatin in a steam bath and pour into the juice;
  8. Pour the resulting mixture into glasses into fruit and place in the refrigerator;
  9. Before serving, place sour cream jelly on orange jelly as a decoration.

Fromjuicesea ​​buckthorn


  • Sea buckthorn juice - 1 Liter
  • Sugar - 0.7 Kilograms

Step by step:

  1. The recipe for sea buckthorn jelly is not written for the sea buckthorn berries themselves, but for the juice from them. The proportion of the dish is as follows: per liter of juice - 0.7 kg of sugar. Juice from sea buckthorn berries is easy to prepare; you need to rub the berries through a sieve and strain through cheesecloth. Read more:
  2. Pour sea buckthorn juice into the pan and heat well, but do not bring to a boil. Add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Bring the juice and sugar to a boil. Then lower the heat and simmer for half an hour. Stir occasionally and skim off the foam. Sea buckthorn jelly will be ready when the mass has reduced by a factor of three, and a drop of jelly on the saucer will not spread and will quickly harden.
  4. Prepare your dessert jars. Sterilize them and dry them.
  5. Pour the finished hot jelly into sterilized jars.
  6. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 15 minutes.
  7. Seal the jars with sterile lids. Leave to cool at room temperature.
  8. Store cooled sea buckthorn jelly in a dark and cool place. Bon appetit!