One of the founders of KVN and “Good night, kids!” has died. Andrey Menshikov. The founder of KVN Andrey Menshikov died, biography One of the founders of KVN Andrey Menshikov died

Alexander Maslyakov died in Moscow
KVN President Alexander Maslyakov has died
Alexander Maslyakov, father of KVN, died
KVN founder Alexander Maslyakoy died of a stroke

As it became known from a report by RTR Russia, the founder of KVN, Alexander Maslyakov, died yesterday from his second stroke in recent months.
Recently, the identity of the famous TV presenter has begun to be discussed more and more often, in connection with his serious illness, reports. And then it became known that Maslyakov died of a stroke.
This summer he made a trip to Sochu, where a meeting of KVH graduates took place. Then the first blow happened.
Most recently, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambaev signed a decree according to which the President of the International KVN Union, presenter and director television program KVN Alexander Maslyakov was awarded the Order of Dostuk for his great contribution to strengthening friendship between the peoples of Kyrgyzstan and Russia, long-term and fruitful creative activity.
But Alexander Maslyakov failed to collect his award; the day before the award, the TV presenter suffered a second stroke, which became fatal.

Biography from the site:
Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov (born November 24, 1941, Sverdlovsk) - Soviet and Russian TV presenter, Honored Artist Russian Federation(1994), full member (academician) of the Academy of Russian Television Foundation. Founder and owner of the television creative association “AMiK” (“Alexander Maslyakov and Company”), the organizer and producer of the popular TV show “KVN”.
Father Vasily Vasilyevich Maslyakov (1904-1996), originally from the Novgorod region, military pilot, navigator, participant in the Great Patriotic War, after the war he served at the Air Force General Staff. Mother Zinaida Alekseevna Maslyakova (1911-1999), a housewife, in November 1941, on the way to Chelyabinsk for evacuation, her son was born.
Alexander Maslyakov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (1964), Higher courses television workers (1968).
In 1964, while still a fourth-year student at MIIT, he began working on television. He explains his arrival on television as follows:
One day Pasha Kantor, the team captain, ran into me in one of the classrooms and said: “Listen, let’s be one of the five!” And he explained that the employees of the youth editorial office of Central Television were going to film a funny program. And the presenters should be five students from the institute that won the last game KVN. That is, ours. “You will be one of the five,” Pasha repeated, and I obediently agreed.
He was the host of the programs: “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” (in the beginning - co-host), “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Sprint for everyone”, “Virage”, “ Cheerful guys", "12th floor"; reported from World festivals youth and students in Sofia, Berlin, Havana, Moscow, Pyongyang; was a permanent presenter for several years international festivals songs in Sochi, also hosted the programs “Song of the Year” (1976-1979, 1981), “Alexander Show” and many others. As a KVN host, together with Svetlana Zhiltsova, he appeared in the film “The Mechanical Adventures of Tarapunka and Shtepsel” (episode, 1970).
The first presenter of the program “What? Where? When?" (1976, hosted the second release of the game - there was no presenter in the first release).
The book “The Beatles of Perestroika” states that Alexander Vasilyevich was once the host of the “Vzglyad” program; he broadcast this program on April 1, 1988.
Maslyakov is a permanent presenter, director and director of the popular KVN program, president of the International KVN Union and the television creative association AMiK, which produces the program. Despite the fact that in games Major League KVN Maslyakov plays the role of presenter; he was also a member of the jury twice: at the 1994 season finale and at the 1996 Summer Champions Cup - both games were held as part of KVN cruises.
He is the chairman of the jury of the TV show “Minute of Fame”.
In January 2012, he became a member of the “People's Headquarters” (in Moscow) of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.
In 2013, he became a member of the jury of the TV show “Sense of Humor” together with Yuli Gusman.
In August 2016 it became known that creative association"AMiK" submitted to Federal service on intellectual property of the Russian Federation, documents for registration of the trademark “Alexander Maslyakov”.

Menshikov was the captain of the team of the first champion of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful - the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. In 1971, the program was closed, and 15 years later, with the participation of Andrei Menshikov, it returned to television.

Director and television presenter Yuliy Gusman condolences on the death of one of the founders of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club (KVN), Andrei Menshikov.

Relatively recently it became known about the death of Andrei Menshikov.

Andrei Menshikov died in the capital at the age of 72.

In 1986 he organized and led the revival of KVN.

The date and place of Andrei Menshikov's funeral will be announced additionally.

Andrey Menshikov was born in 1945. In Moscow, he studied at an engineering university, and after graduation, in 1975, he began working in Youth edition television. At one time, Menshikov was the most talented and successful young man. He was at the origins of the founding of KVN.

In addition, he created many TV programs, such as: “ Good night kids”, “Come on girls”, “Turn”, “Alarm Clock”, “Festival” and many others. Afterwards he wrote many works and poems.

Menshikov was the creator of such programs as “Come on, girls!”, “Virage”, “Sprint for everyone”, “Salute, festival!”, “Jolly guys”, “Our biography”. In 1986, he initiated the revival of KVN after a 15-year break.

Since 1987, Andrei Menshikov moved to the children's editorial office of Central Television and created the first Soviet-American television bridge, “We Can Be One Family.” In 1988, this program received an Emmy Award from the American Television Academy.

In 1991 on a new Russian television Menshikov created a studio for children and youth “Rost”. In those days, such programs as “Miracle Fairy Tale”, “Lukomorye”, “There-There News”, “Holiday Every Day”, “Tower” and many others appeared on television screens.

Andrey Menshikov KVN, died: Menshikov died at the age of 72

While studying in his last year at the Theater School, he was invited by Mikhail Kozakov to play the role of Kostya in the film “Pokrovsky Gate”. This television film was released in 1982, and it was this role that brought the actor popularity and love from the audience.

After the role of Kostya, a number of diverse roles followed, including in the films “Captain Fracass” (1984), “Big Volodya, Little Volodya” (1985), “My Favorite Clown” (1986), “Moonzund” (1987). The role in the latter brought the actor the Silver Medal named after A.P. Dovzhenko.

After graduating from theater school in 1981, he entered the Maly Theater. A year later he was drafted into the Soviet army and served in the Central academic theater Soviet army. One of the most striking roles he played in this theater was the role of Ganechka in the play based on the novel “The Idiot” by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

In 1985, Menshikov joined the troupe of the Ermolova Theater, where he worked until 1989, where his most notable roles were his roles in the plays “Sports Scenes of 1981” and “The Second Year of Freedom” (dir. Valery Fokin).

For the role of the Roman Emperor Caligula in the play of the same name by Pyotr Fomenko, staged in 1990, he received an award and diploma from the Moscow Seasons Festival.

Having become a free actor, in 1991 he played the role of Sergei Yesenin in the play “When She Danced” at London's Globe Theatre, with Vanessa Redgrave as Isadora Duncan.

In 1992, he was awarded the Laurence Olivier Prize by the British Academy of Arts for this role. Then, there, the actor took part in a play based on N.V., reports Gogol "Players" in the role of Ikharev.

Menshikov was the captain of the team of the first champion of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful - the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. In 1971, the program was closed, and 15 years later, with the participation of Andrei Menshikov, it returned to television.

Director and television presenter Yuliy Gusman condolences on the death of one of the founders of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club (KVN), Andrei Menshikov.

Relatively recently it became known about the death of Andrei Menshikov.

Andrei Menshikov died in the capital at the age of 72.

In 1986 he organized and led the revival of KVN.

The date and place of Andrei Menshikov's funeral will be announced additionally.

Andrey Menshikov was born in 1945. In Moscow, he studied at an engineering university, and after graduation, in 1975, he began working at the Youth Television Editorial Office. At one time, Menshikov was the most talented and successful young man. He was at the origins of the founding of KVN.

In addition, he created many TV programs, such as: “Good night kids”, “Come on girls”, “Virage”, “Alarm clock”, “Festival” and many others. Afterwards he wrote many works and poems.

Menshikov was the creator of such programs as “Come on, girls!”, “Virage”, “Sprint for everyone”, “Salute, festival!”, “Jolly guys”, “Our biography”. In 1986, he initiated the revival of KVN after a 15-year break.

Since 1987, Andrei Menshikov moved to the children's editorial office of Central Television and created the first Soviet-American television bridge, “We Can Be One Family.” In 1988, this program received an Emmy Award from the American Television Academy.

In 1991, on the new Russian television, Menshikov created a studio for children and youth “Rost”. In those days, such programs as “Miracle Fairy Tale”, “Lukomorye”, “There-There News”, “Holiday Every Day”, “Tower” and many others appeared on television screens.

While studying in his last year at the Theater School, he was invited by Mikhail Kozakov to play the role of Kostya in the film “Pokrovsky Gate”. This television film was released in 1982, and it was this role that brought the actor popularity and love from the audience.

After the role of Kostya, a number of diverse roles followed, including in the films “Captain Fracass” (1984), “Big Volodya, Little Volodya” (1985), “My Favorite Clown” (1986), “Moonzund” (1987). The role in the latter brought the actor the Silver Medal named after A.P. Dovzhenko.

After graduating from theater school in 1981, he entered the Maly Theater. A year later he was drafted into the Soviet Army and served in the Central Academic Theater of the Soviet Army. One of the most striking roles he played in this theater was the role of Ganechka in the play based on the novel “The Idiot” by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

In 1985, Menshikov joined the troupe of the Ermolova Theater, where he worked until 1989, where his most notable roles were his roles in the plays “Sports Scenes of 1981” and “The Second Year of Freedom” (dir. Valery Fokin).

For the role of the Roman Emperor Caligula in the play of the same name by Pyotr Fomenko, staged in 1990, he received an award and diploma from the Moscow Seasons Festival.

Having become a free actor, in 1991 he played the role of Sergei Yesenin in the play “When She Danced” at London's Globe Theatre, with Vanessa Redgrave as Isadora Duncan.

In 1992, he was awarded the Laurence Olivier Prize by the British Academy of Arts for this role. Then, there, the actor took part in the play “The Players” based on N.V. Gogol in the role of Ikharev.

The next theatrical role, which also had great success, became the role of the great Russian dancer Vaslav Nijinsky in the play “Nijinsky” (1993, enterprise “Bogis”), where he also acted as a director. A year later, he again played Yesenin in the play “When She Danced,” but this time staged by the Parisian Comedy Française on the Champs-Elysees.

One of the initiators of the revival of the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” in the television format died in Moscow at the age of 73 on Saturday, September 30. His relatives told the press about the producer’s death.

Information about Menshikov’s death was confirmed by the chairman of the Public Union of Television Workers and Veterans, Viktor Shulenin.

“Yes, Andrei’s friend, with whom he worked on television, called me and told me this sad news,” Shulenin said. “It’s a pity, of course,” he added in a conversation with.

For the President of the International KVN Union, Menshikov’s death was a complete surprise. “This piece of my life somehow moved away and disappeared, because Andrei played in KVN in his youth, then we met in the Youth Editorial Office and worked together,” says Maslyakov.

According to him, Andrei Menshikov was one of the initiators of the revival of KVN in 1986.

“You can’t forget all this. And this is in my memory, and in the memory of the colleagues with whom we worked. Andrey is my colleague and friend, and this is forever,” Maslyakov mourns.

"Incredible sad story. We didn’t communicate for many years, but I remember him all my life. Today is an incredibly sad day for me,” Salibov said. He remembered that he helped Menshikov revive legendary KVN in 1986.

“I wrote the song “We are starting KVN.” He really wanted to do it (revive KVN). But there was a thought whether this should be done. There was a legend. It's always scary to revive a legend. I helped him,” said the composer.

According to him, together they made many programs, and he was amazed by Menshikov’s attitude to work.

“We worked together every day for 10 years. We made a lot of passes. He amazed me with his attitude towards what he did. He never considered himself a genius, unlike many. He was very calm about what he did. We all had normal, comradely grounds,” added Salibov.

Andrey Menshikov was born on April 1, 1945, graduated from the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute with a degree in engineering. Since the late 1960s, he worked on Soviet television and was captain of the KVN MISS team. In 1975 he began working in the Youth Editorial Office Central television, headed the department of mass broadcasts and competitions.

Menshikov was involved in the creation of such a program as “Come on, girls!”, which was a competition between participants for the title of the best in their profession. The program was positioned as a “sports and intellectual competition of the most beautiful girls Soviet Union".

He also created the TV show “Salute, Festival!”, the satirical sketch show “Jolly Guys,” and the legendary children’s program “Good Night, Kids!” and the morning children's television program Alarm Clock.

Menshikov is known as the director of the first children's television bridge between the USSR and the USA, “We Can Be One Family,” for this program he was awarded the American television equivalent of an Oscar, the Emmy Award.

From 1981 to 1985, Menshikov worked with him as a screenwriter for the animated mini-series for adults “The Magnificent Gosha.”

In 1986, Menshikov became one of the initiators of the return of the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” to television screens. As one of the ideas he proposed on the wave scientific and technological progress make two computers host KVN - “Sasha” and “Masha”. But after the discussion, Alexander Maslyakov was appointed host.

Menshikov is also known as the “savior” of the piglet Khryusha in the program “Good night, kids.” In 1987, they wanted to remove the famous pig from the program so as not to offend Muslim viewers, but Menshikov defended the character.

In 1991, Menshikov created the ROST studio and came up with the television programs “Tam-Tam News”, “Holiday Every Day”, “Miracle Fairy Tale”, “Lukomorye”, “Tower”. For “There-There News” in 1995 he received the prestigious TEFI award.

Menshikov was elected several times as a member of the Eurovision program committee for children's television.

As a songwriter he collaborated with and other composers.

He wrote almost all the lyrics for the musical “Warriors of the Spirit”, dedicated to the feat of the 6th company of the Pskov Airborne Division in Chechnya in 2000.

Andrey Menshikov is a member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Professional Writers of Russia. He also has the title of labor veteran and is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The place and date of the funeral have not yet been announced.