Words with a connecting vowel. Connecting vowels o and e in compound words

In this lesson we will look at concepts such as compound words, connecting vowels; Let's answer the question when the connecting vowel O is written, and when - E.

Complex words are those that were created as a result of combining two (less often three) words into one word:

alone, fly - airplane

steam, walk - steamboat

porridge, cook - cook

poultry, factory - poultry farm

Compound words are formed using the connecting vowels O and E. These vowels are added to the end of the first stem that is part of the compound word.

Please note a number of words below:

Based on these examples, we will formulate a rule for writing the connecting vowels O and E in difficult words.

The connecting vowel E is written after:

1) hissing: w, w, shch, h;

2) letters C;

3) soft consonants.

And the connecting vowel O is written after the stems on a hard consonant (except zh, sh and ts): fabulist, trapper.

How to determine which connecting vowel should be written in a word?

To do this, you must first select the first root. If the final consonant of the root is sibilant, the letter C or a soft consonant, then the letter E should be written to connect the roots.

In other cases, the connecting O is written.

For example:

In other cases, the connecting letter O is written in complex words, for example:

It is important to learn how to correctly identify roots in complex words, remember the rule for writing connecting vowels O and E and apply it.

List of used literature:

  1. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Shansky N.M., Vlasenkova A.I. Work programs and calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language for the textbook “Russian Language” for grade 6, edited by Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Trostentsova L.A., Grigoryan L.T.
  2. Sokolova G.P. Russian language lessons in 6th grade: A book for teachers: From work experience. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1986. - 80 pages.
  3. Calendar and thematic planning “Russian language grade 6” according to the textbook: “Russian language grade 6”. Tutorial for educational institutions. Authors and compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Trostentsova L. and others - M.: Education, 2012. Federal State Educational Standard.
  4. Gromov S.A. Russian language. Practical literacy course. Textbook for general education institutions. – M.: Moscow Lyceum, 2006. -55 pages.
  5. Blinov G.I., Antokhina V.A. Collection of dictations on spelling and punctuation. Teacher's manual. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1986.
  6. Yarovikova O.V. Remembering through an image. Toolkit for teachers and students. - Yoshkar-Ola: “String”, 2008. – 84 pages.

Connecting vowels O And e

  1. In complex words, after the stem, a connecting vowel is written on the hard consonant O , after the base to a soft consonant, to a sibilant and ts – connecting vowel e . For example: homebody, skin eater, bird catcher, False Dmitry I.

  2. In some cases the final soft consonant v, n, r, t the first stem is pronounced firmly and after it a connecting vowel is written O (in parallel with these words, those in which, according to the rule, it is written e ). For example: long-range - long-range, quarry - stone crusher, horse thief - horse breeder, bone-carver - bone-crushing, bloodthirsty - blood-bearing, chant - song-making. Wed. various educations after foundation on ts : trapezoid – trapezoidal – trapezoidal – trapezohedron(not all of these formations distinguish two bases in the Russian language).

Compound words without a connecting vowel

  1. It is necessary to distinguish between compound words with connecting vowels and compound words without a connecting vowel. Wed: psychotherapy(psycho + therapy) – psychasthenia(psych + asthenia).

  2. In some compound words, the first part is the word in its initial form, for example: time calculation, pastime; cotyledon, seed stalk, ovule(cf.: seed production, seed storage– with a connecting vowel).

  3. Without a connecting vowel, terms like nitrogen-fixing, forward-looking, oxygen-containing and so on.

  4. The letter is saved A at the end of the element air (short for aviation), forming the first part of compound words like airbase, airborne troops, airmail, air unit and so on.

  5. With a case ending in the first part, words arising from phrases are formed crazy, insane and so on.

  6. In the shape of genitive case without a connecting vowel, numerals are included in compound words, for example: three-meter, five-time, seven-year. Exceptions are numerals one, ninety, one hundred And thousand, For example: one-year, ninetieth, hundredfold, thousandth. Numeral fourty as part of compound words it is used in two forms: without a connecting vowel ( forty days) and with a connecting vowel ( magpie, centipede- not in the literal meaning of the account).

  7. It is necessary to distinguish between complex words and words in which two stems are not distinguished in the Russian language. Wed: gas pipeline - gasification, electrician - electrification.
Note 1. On common ground foreign language prefixes are written together anti-, arch-, hyper-, inter-, infra-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, ultra-, extra- etc., for example: anti-people(But: Anti-Duhring– in function own name), archiplut, hypersound, international, infrared, counterproposal(But: rear admiral, where the first part has a different meaning), post-impressionism(preserving the initial root And ), post-romanticism(cf. the continuous spelling of the same prefix in words of foreign language origin indivisible into morphemes: postscript, after the fact and so on.), dust jacket, subtropics, Trans-Siberian, ultrasound, trendy, extraordinary(But: extra mail, extra class– before a noun).

Note 2. The initial components are written together quasi-, pseudo-, pan- , For example: quasi-scientific, pseudo-classical, pan-German(But: quasi-Pushkin, pan-Europe etc. - before proper names).

Spelling compound nouns

Continuous writing

  1. They write together complex names nouns with elements auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, bicycle-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, iso-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro-, mono-, motor-, neo- , paleo-, radio-, stereo-, television-, photo-, electro- etc., regardless of the number of named elements or other words in the base. For example: auto business, automotocycle racing, agricultural technology, snowmobiles, biostation, cycling, heliotherapy, geobotany, hydromechanics, hydropower resources, veterinary center, zoohygiene, isophoto report, film script, macrocosm, weather report, microradio waves, monoculture, motor parts, neopositivism, paleo-Asians, radio show, stereo movie, combined heat and power plant, thermohydrodynamics, photographic art, electrical wire, electric light and water therapy.
Note 1. When hesitating between the hyphenated and continuous spelling of words of foreign language origin, the second is preferred, if in Russian the component parts with their inherent meaning are not distinguished in the word, for example: water machine - water machine, water polo - water polo, gum arabic - gum arabic, maitre d'hotel - head waiter, price chime - price list, table d'ot - table d'hotel. Wed. Also: crepe de chine, faide chine, fildecos, fildepers(two components with a French preposition between them are not distinguished in words) – crepe georgette, crepe cashmere, crepe marroquin, crepe satin, crepe chiffon.

  1. Compound nouns with a verbal first part are written together. -And , For example: whirligig, adonis, derzhimorda, hoarder, daredevil.
Exception: Tumbleweed.

  1. Complex abbreviated words of all types are written together, for example: State Committee, Metrostroy, Tulaugol, Central Bank.


  1. As a rule, complex nouns without a connecting vowel are written with a hyphen, denoting the names of mechanisms, scientific, technical, socio-political terms, for example: vacuum device (vacuum pump, vacuum dryer, vacuum shield and so on.), diesel electric ship, dynamo, cable crane, beam crane, motor generator, stop valve, filter press, syringe machine; submachine gun; chair-bed, raincoat-tent; sawfish; Prime Minister, Lieutenant General, Captain Engineer, Lord Chancellor.
Note 1. Complex words are written together:

a) with the first part board- : flight engineer, flight mechanic;

b) with the second part -meter : vacuum gauge, dynamometer, millivoltmeter.

Note 2. Words with the first part are written with a hyphen block- And press- : block device, block diagram, block mechanism, block signal, block system(But: checkpoint); press attache, press bureau, press conference, press center; press cliché, press conveyor, paperweight.

  1. Complex units of measurement are written with a hyphen, for example: gram-atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule and so on.), kilogram-hour, ton-kilometer, man-day, man-bed.

  2. The compound names of political parties and movements, as well as their supporters, are written with a hyphen, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries.

  3. The names of intermediate countries of the world are written with a hyphen, for example: southeast, northwest, south-southeast.

  4. Words with foreign language elements are written with a hyphen vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned-, staff-, ex- in the first part, for example: vice admiral, life guard, chief prosecutor, non-commissioned officer, staff doctor, ex-champion, ex-deputy prime minister(with two hyphens).

  5. Complex plant names that contain a personal verb or conjunction are written with a hyphen, for example: love-don't-love, don't-touch-me, Ivan-da-Marya, coltsfoot.

  6. Complex words are written with a hyphen, in which a word with an evaluative meaning is added to the main word, for example: boy-woman, gop-company, would-be leader, good boy, miracle fish, cheers-patriotism.

  7. Scientific and technical terms are written with a hyphen, which include the names of letters or letters (most often of the Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: x-rays (x-rays), k-particle, pi-meson.

  8. There are fluctuations in spellings like Alma-Ata residents - Alma-Ata residents. Such nouns correlate with compound adjectives, which existing rule written with a hyphen ( Alma-Ata), i.e., the sequence of word formation is obtained: Alma-ata – Alma-Ata – Alma-Ata. However, if in words formed from Russian geographical names, the constituent parts are easily distinguished ( Orekhovo-Zuevo – Orekhovo-Zuevo – Orekhovo-Zuevo), then in similar foreign language formations such division is perceived less clearly. Therefore, along with traditional hyphenated spellings ( New York - New York - New Yorkers, Los Angeles - Los Angeles - Los Angeles people) occur in ( Costa Rica - Costa Rican - Costa Rican, Puerto Rico - Puerto Rican - Puerto Rican). Currently, the following spellings are accepted: adjectives are written in accordance with the rule with a hyphen ( Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican etc.), and the corresponding nouns - together ( Almaty resident, Orekhovozu resident, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican and so on.). Wed: Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klansman - Ku Klux Klansman.

  9. When combined using a conjunction And two or more compound nouns with the same second part, this part can only be given when last word, and with preceding words, a so-called hanging hyphen is written instead. For example: gas and electric welding(cf. gas welding and electric welding), radio and television programs; auto, motorcycle and bicycle racing(but in the absence of a union And – continuous spelling)

Spelling compound adjectives

Continuous writing

  1. Integrated complex adjectives are written, formed from combinations of words, subordinate in meaning to one another or in the method of agreement ( railway, Wed Railway ), or by control method ( car repair, Wed wagon repair), or by the method of connection ( slightly wounded, Wed easy to injure). For example: mountain rescue station(mountain rescue), woodworking plant(wood lining), natural scientific views(natural Sciences), left bank lowland(left Coast), machine-building enterprises(construction of machines), typing bureau(writing by machines), machine counting station(counting with machines) petty bourgeois ideology(petty bourgeoisie), national economic plan(National economy), protective plantings(field protection), rail mill(rail rental), crops(Agriculture), complex sentence(complex in the way of subordination), average daily production(average per day), working population(capable of work).
The rule applies to writing complex adjectives formed from a combination of an adjective and a noun, acting as a geographical name, for example: Velikiye Luki(Velikie Luki), Vyshnevolotsky(Vyshny Volochyok). Also: Carlsbad(Karlovy Vary).

  1. Many complex adjectives used as scientific and technical terms or expressions in book language are written together, for example: nitrate, perpetual release, evergreen, air-dry, geological exploration, biconcave, wild-growing, long-fiber, viviparous, hindfemoral, infectious, drought-resistant, coelenterates, equestrian, control seed, hydrofluorosilicic, round-belt, pseudo-dead, lactic acid, dairy canned food, ny, insectivorous, neurotrophic, nasopharyngeal, double-edged, obverse-conical, obcordate, arable, primitive communal, prosobranchial, fruit-vegetable, gently falling, striated, medulla oblong, firmly lumpy, seedling, reactive, sharply crossed, freshly milked, freshly mowed, mixed-layer, spinal, closely fingered, peat-humus, ny, conditioned reflex, formal logical, baking, grain-producing, cotton weaving, cotton, cotton, chromovoine, chromolithographic, chromicelmolibden, colorful, Church Slavonic, private -owned, private -capitalist, tile, arthropod, woolly, and energy -based, linguistic, linguistic, linguistic, linguistic, linguistic, linguistic, linguistic, linguistic , egg -preparatory.
Note 1. For many complex adjectives of this group, the first part is formed by the words:

high- : high-vitamin, high-paying;

low- : low-flying, low-humus;

deep- : deeply respected, highly respected;

fine- : small-scale, fine-grained;

hard- : heavily laden, seriously wounded;

difficult- : difficult to reach, difficult to pass;

wide- : widely available, widely available;

narrowly- : highly departmental, highly specialized;

a lot of- : multi-branch, multi-layer;

few- : insignificant, little visited;

strongly- : potent, highly alkaline;

weak- : slightly acidic, slightly peaty;

thick- : thick-legged, thick-walled;

thick- : densely doubled, densely populated;

large- : large-block, large-panel;

Cool- : steeply curved, steeply turned;

acute : acute purulent, acutely deficient;

flat- : plane-parallel, plane-cup-shaped;

purely- : pure silver, pure wool;

higher- : above average, above;

below- : the following, the undersigned.

Note 2. In the presence of explanatory words, a free phrase (adverb and adjective or participle) is usually formed, rather than a terminological compound word. Wed: densely populated areas - slums densely populated by blacks; little-studied problems - areas of medicine little studied by science. Type cases economically underdeveloped countries(continuous writing, despite the presence of explanatory words) are isolated. Word order also plays a role: a compound adjective usually precedes the noun it modifies, and a phrase usually follows it; compare: perishable foods – products that quickly spoil in the summer. In complex words there is one stress (sometimes with a side stress on the first base), and in phrases there are two independent stresses; compare: fast-growing ornamental shrubs – fast-growing young cadres.

  1. The continuous spelling of a complex adjective is mandatory if one of its parts is not used as an independent word, for example: universally understood(the first part is not used independently), narrow-chested(the second part does not exist in the language as a separate word). Wed. continuous spelling of words in which the first part is the elements upper, lower, ancient, middle, early, late, general , For example: Upper Laryngeal, Low Saxon, Old Church Slavic, Old High German, Central Asian, Middle Carbon, Early Flowering, Late Flowering, National.


  1. Compound adjectives formed from compound nouns with hyphenated spelling, For example: anarcho-syndicalist, northeast, south-southwest, north-east, life guards, Ivanovo-Voznesensky, New York.
Note. If there is a prefix, such adjectives are written together, for example: anti-social democratic, Priamudarya.

  1. Compound adjectives formed from a combination of first and last names, first names and patronymics, or two last names are written with a hyphen, for example: Walter Scott novels, Jules Verne fantasy, Robin Hood adventures, Jack London works, Leo Tolstoy style, Erofey Pavlovichsky(from geographical name), Boyle-Marriott's law, Ilfo-Petrovsky satire; Also: Ivan-Ivanychev jacket, Anna-Mikhailovnina jacket.
Note 1. IN in some cases there is a continuous spelling, for example: Veropavlovsk workshops(from the name and patronymic of the heroine of the novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”), Kozmakryuchkovsky prowess, Tarasobulbovsky strength.

Note 2. When forming an adjective from foreign-language surname, preceded by a function word, the latter is written together, for example: de Broglie hypothesis(cf. de Broglie).

Note 3. Adjectives derived from Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and other Eastern compounds of proper names of persons are written together, for example: Chiang Kai-shek clique(cf. Chiang Kai-shek).

  1. Compound adjectives formed from two or more words denoting equal concepts are written with a hyphen; between the parts of such adjectives in their initial form a coordinating conjunction can be inserted And or But : commercial and industrial capital(commercial and industrial), interest-free loan(interest-free, but winning). For example: propaganda and propaganda, question and answer, convex-concave, gastrointestinal, magazine and newspaper, leather and shoe, red-white-green(flag), reporting and election, fruit and vegetable(But: fruit-bearing from – fruits and vegetables), worker-peasant, Russian-German-French(dictionary), piecework-premium, cardiovascular, Slavic-Greek-Latin(academy), steel-wire-rope(shop), solemn and sentimental, economic and organizational, pulp and paper, chess and checkers(competitions), expressive-emotional.
Note. The first part of compound adjectives of this type can be the stem of a noun or adjective, cf.: alcoholic beverages(from liqueur and vodka) – liquor industry(liquor and vodka); acceptance point(reception and delivery) – admission and transfer exams(admissions and transfers).

  1. Many complex adjectives are written with a hyphen, parts of which indicate heterogeneous characteristics, for example: Military-medical Academy(cf.: Military Medical Academy), voluntary sports societies(voluntary sports), people's liberation movement(people's liberation), formal business style(official business) design calculations(design engineering), comparative historical method(comparative historical), counting devices(counting solvers), feudal-serf system(feudal serfdom), electron-optical amplifier(electronic optical), etc.
Note 1. Adjectives of this type often begin with the following stems:

military : military-revolutionary, military-surgical, military-legal(words conscript, prisoner of war, military man belong to a different type of word formation);

massively : mass-political, mass-flow, mass-physical culture;

folk- : people's state, people's democratic, people's poetic, people's revolutionary(adjective national economic derived from a subordinating phrase National economy);

scientific : scientific research, popular science, scientific and practical, scientific and educational, scientific and technical;

educational : educational and auxiliary, educational and consulting, educational and methodological, educational and demonstration, training and production.

Note 2. Some complex adjectives, parts of which indicate heterogeneous characteristics, are written together, for example: modern Greek language(new Greek), early slave system(early slaveholding), Gray Ukrainian breed(gray Ukrainian), Old Russian rites(old Russians), etc.

  1. Complex adjectives are written with a hyphen, denoting quality with an additional connotation, for example: bitter salt water(i.e. salty with a bitter aftertaste), booming loud voice(i.e. loud, turning into peals), peaceful non-resistance policy, bruised laceration.
Note. Adjectives of this type are especially common in the language of fiction, for example: sinless-pure beauty, colorless-pale crowd, brilliant-red plumage of a parrot, wet-double flowers, deeply tender smile, graceful-majestic gesture, sad-lonely willow, smoky-bitter smell, bilious-irritated tone, manly-stern appearance , an involuntary hot tear, awkwardly sad and awkward sounds, an impatiently expectant mood, a transparent airy rainbow, a rickety-frail plant, a sharply dry ringing, a timidly affectionate voice, an embarrassed-happy face, a secretly happy aspiration, a solemn- gloomy appearance, anxiously incoherent thoughts, dull gray color, coldly reserved person, wonderfully elastic curls.

  1. Complex adjectives denoting shades of colors are written with a hyphen, for example: pale blue, faded pink, bottle green, bluish-violet, golden-red, blue-black, lemon yellow, milky white, cloudy green, ash-gray, light yellow, lilac-orange, dark blue, dull gray, black-brown(But: silver fox) and etc.

  2. Many complex adjectives of a terminological nature are written with a hyphen, for example: amplitude-frequency(characteristic), atomic-molecular, legume-cereals, bourgeois-democratic, fan-shaped folded, gas-dust(nebula), purulent-inflammatory, laryngopharyngeal, sternocostal, woody-shrub, iron-siliceous(steel), gastrohepatic, filling and draining(valve), moss green(swamp), cereal-legumes, infectious-allergic, integral-differential(the equation), stone-concrete, clover-timothy, complex conjugate(numbers), lanceolate-ovate, alfalfa-cereals, magnetically soft(materials), metal-dielectric(antenna), milk-meat, oblique directional(penetration method), oval-vaulted, fiery-liquid, rounded-spherical, experimental reclamation, transhumance-pasture, esophageal-intestinal, brachio-cervical, iliocostal, flow-mechanized(lines), spatiotemporal(trajectory), loose-lumpy-silty, lever-rod(mechanism), assembly-automatic, drilling-tapping, piece-progressive, metalworking and stamping, dictionary-reference, peat-swamp, elongated-lanceolate, compacted-porous-cracked, feudal-agricultural, physical education-sports, phosphorus-potassium, economic-organizational, centrifugal-blade, maxillofacial, articulated-roller, wool-meat, alkali-acid, buccal-pharyngeal, forwarding-transport, electronic computing(technique).
Note 1. Some of the compound adjectives of this type have suffixes as the first stem -at-, -ist-, -ov- , For example: dentate-lanceolate(leaves), paniculate-thyroid(inflorescences), filmy-scaly(shell), oblong-elliptical(form), loosely porous(layer), folded-furrowed(stripes), step-symmetrical(location); wavy-curved(plates), fibrous-turf(the soil), sandy-greenhouse(priming), spotted(bark), vascular-fibrous(textile); sod-podzolic(Earth), lime gray(decoction), cortico-columnar(layer), meadow-steppe(band), fruit and berry(cultures).

Note 2. Often the first part of a complex adjective is the stem vertical, horizontal, transverse, longitudinal etc., for example: vertical drilling, vertical milling, horizontal forging, horizontal drilling, cross planing, longitudinal planing.

Note 3. Complex adjectives are written through a hyphen, in which the stem of the first part, formed from words of foreign language origin, ends in -iko , For example: dialectical-materialistic, historical-archival, critical-bibliographic, medical-forensic, mechanical-thermal, political-mass, technical-economic, chemical-pharmaceutical(another type includes words written together with the first stem great , For example: great-power, great-martyr, great-society and etc.).

Note 4. The hanging hyphen is also used with complex adjectives, for example: seventeen and eighteen year old boys and girls; corn, potato, flax, cotton and silage harvesters.

  1. Written with a hyphen (with capital letters V components) compound adjectives included in complex geographical or administrative names and starting with a stem east, west, north (north), south (south) , For example: East European Plain, West Korea Gulf, North-West Pakistan, South Australian Basin).
Note. In the common noun meaning, such adjectives are written together with lowercase letter, cf.: South Ural Railway – South Ural flora and fauna.

  1. Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen, formed from a combination of an adjective and a noun, but with the rearrangement of these elements, for example: literary and artistic(cf. fiction), vocabulary-technical(cf. technical dictionaries).

  2. There are complex adjectives that form one word (with a continuous or hyphenated spelling, see above), and phrases consisting of an adverb in -o(s) and adjective or participle (with separate spelling); An appropriate question can be posed to an adverb that plays the role of a separate member of a sentence. Wed:
moral and political level – a morally stable person(in what respect is it sustainable?);

socio-historical laws – socially dangerous elements(dangerous for whom?);

industrial and transport department - industrial developed country (developed in what respect?).

An adverb can also indicate the degree of the attribute expressed by an adjective or participle, for example: maximum deadlines, imperturbably dispassionate appearance, moderately warm climate.

Note 1. Most often, the first component of a phrase is an adverb. absolutely, diametrically, vitally, truly, maximally, authentically, consistently, directly, sharply, strictly, strictly, clearly, clearly etc. For example: absolutely necessary measures, diametrically opposed proposals, a vital decision, truly friendly assistance, the most accurate data, invariably cordial hospitality, truly brotherly support, a consistently peaceful policy, directly proportional values, a sharply negative answer, a strictly logical conclusion, a purely biased verdict, clearly unacceptable conditions, clearly expressed will.

Wed. Also: impeccably decent manners, an internally meaningful person, a deeply thoughtful look, a defiantly careless hairstyle, an exhaustingly long journey, primordial Russian word, exhaustively complete answer, classy alien views, deliberately sharp refusal, imperturbably calm tone, invariably even relations, inexplicably sweet sounds, insatiably greedy for knowledge, elusively fast rocket flight, dazzling blue sky, especially refractory metals, openly mocking smile, suspiciously quick agreement, emphatically contrasting comparison, festively elegant dress , a fundamentally new project, a highly overstressed regime, a finely outlined contour, a menacingly dangerous situation, surprisingly bright colors, a hilariously funny play, an artistically complete work, purely French gallantry, urgently rushed mail and so on.

Note 2. Usually adverbs are written separately -ski , in combination with an adjective, characterizing a feature by likening, highlighting, emphasizing it in some respect, for example: angelically meek attitude, childishly naive statements, practically unnecessary innovation, slavishly submissive readiness, theoretically important problem, comradely sensitive attention, fanatically blind devotion, chemically pure composition, eniclopedically versatile knowledge, legally complex case.

Option 1

Read the text carefully. Prove that this passage refers to artistic style speech. What figurative language means are highlighted? For what purpose are they used in the text?

Levinson did not know how long his (semi)conscious state lasted, but when he woke up, he felt that he was (still) asleep. In front of him rushed the (black..)-maned head of his horse with a rounded...loose ear. Suddenly he abruptly stopped his horse, turned around and (in) the first completely meaningful... looked at the people with his big, deep, blue eyes.

So they left the forest - all nine...thirteen.

The forest opened up before them completely unexpectedly...- the expanse of a high blue sky and a bright (red) field. On the other side the (full..) watery speech was blue. Over the river, supporting the sky, rising with spurs into the (yellow..)curly sides, chenille ridges, and through their sharp ridges the transparent foam of (white..)pink clouds, salty from the sea, poured into the length. , bubbly and effervescent, like fresh milk.

(A. Fadeev)

Option 2

Rewrite the text below, inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Determine what style of speech it belongs to. Prove it. Answer orally using which linguistic means the image of Levinson is created - a decisive commander.

While the platoon was gathering and forming up, the shooting began in a (semi) circle all the way to the river, and (bombs..)throwers began to buzz.

The platoon began to fire back, retreating obliquely to the right corner [of the village], maneuvering along the alleys. Suddenly, an enemy cat rushed from the main road with a terrible screech, a thunderous (much) head of people and horses.

The detachment was already at the very bottom, and (from) the top the enemy cavalry was rushing (to) cut it off.

Baklanov with Dubov's platoon again remained to cover the retreat, and the rest rushed (into) the depths of the forest. But everywhere, blocking the road, there was a viscous, dark, impenetrable swamp.

People were overcome...by despair and anger. They were looking for the originator of their misfortune - of course, it was Levinson!

And suddenly he appeared among them, holding up a lit torch in his hand, illuminating his (deadly) pale face.

Be silent! - he suddenly squealed, snapping his teeth like a wolf. “Listen to my command!” We will clear the swamp.

And so on, the quiet, pressed mass of people suddenly began to move (inhumanly) fast. Borisov's platoon ran into the darkness; the first armfuls of wet vines were already being dragged towards him. The roar of a falling tree was heard, and the shining colossus splashed into something soft, and the (dark) green surface of the swamp swelled with elastic waves.

(A. Fadeev)
Rewrite, inserting the missing connecting vowels where appropriate. Check your spelling using a spelling dictionary.

Bakhch...growing, power...love, mountain...education, long...driver, far...easterner, far...sightedness, ninety...year, life...understanding, beast. ..similarity, quarry, stone...crusher, tie...tie, horse...factory, bone...processor, bone...food, blood...greed, lying...sides, floor. ..city, cutter...holder, willfulness, hundred...fold, forty...leg, thousand...years, chemical...therapy, cha...trade, wool...spinning, wool. ..harvesting, wool...beater, eggs...wear.

Replace the given phrases with compound words.

Sample: elk harvesting-logging (after firm agreement). The one who crushes stones is a stone crusher (after soft agreement).

One who grinds stones; one who cuts stones; stone processing; straw cutting machine; a bug that eats bark; emission of rays; dust suction machine; the one who cooks porridge; one who tans leather; fire throwing tool; rain measuring installation; one who catches birds; device for washing wool; storage for vegetables; accumulation of shares; love of power; one who writes fables; one who sets bones (joints); by the type of snake; with a long neck; breaking stones; iron with concrete.

Rewrite, opening the brackets and inserting missing letters and a hyphen where appropriate. Check your spelling using a spelling dictionary. Explain the spellings orally.

1. (Auto) base, (agro) biology, (agro) (forest) reclamation, (aer...) navigation, (world) sensation, (aer...) (photo) shooting, (avi...) passenger, (auto) and (motor) mileage, (air...) line, (hydro) mechanics, (hydro) (energy) resources, (zoo) psychology, (air...) port, (cinema) (photo ) atelier, (meteo) (air...bulletin), (world) view, (micro) (radio) waves, (counter) propaganda, (neo) Darwinism, (radio) (air...) navigation, (light ) and (vet) hospital, (tumbleweed) field, (twirl) tail, (state) fear, (children) nursery.

2. Block (apparatus), (vacuum) pump, (diesel) engine, (volt) ampere, (board) engineer, (anti) icer, (helio) installation, (over) quartermaster, (cable) crane, (press) papier, (press) center, (gram) molecule, (ton) kilometer, (bed...) day, (labor...) hour.

3. (Anarch...) syndicalism, (social) reformism, (chief) conductor, (rear) admiral, (lord) chancellor, (prime) minister, (staff) officer, (buff) opera, (rock) music, (gop) company, (miracle) fish, (hurray) patriotism, (express) bulletin, (electric...) fication, (electric...) station, (north) west, (center...) fugue, ( extra) class, (pseudo) Darwinism, (ex) champion, (Ulan) Ude, (quasi) Aivazovsky, (pan) Mexico, (sex) apple, (sex) Akmolinsk, (crepe) satin, (saw) fish.

Rewrite, opening the brackets and inserting missing letters and a hyphen where appropriate. Orally explain the spelling of each word.

(Mud...) hospital, (blood...) creation, (hydr...) (turb...) structure, (fat...) sediment, (gypsum...) (slag...) concrete, (dis) qualification, (sem...) leg, (Anti) Dühring, (de) compensation, (great...) British, (ant...) enzyme, (far...) vigilance, ( blood...) release, (needles...) therapy, (engineer) (general) colonel, (time...) transportation, (books...) storage, (center...) fugue, (air. ..) cooler, (great...)martyr, (bronchus...) pneumonia, (north) west, (block) point, (armor) tower, (smoke...) and (dirt...) catcher , (military) lawyer, (helio) and (geo) physics, (hyper) function, (hydr...) (aer...) mechanics, (burn) color, (noise) head, (chair) bed, ( bon) girl, (ex) director, (part) (prof) asset, (vice) president, (stone...) res, (fay) (de) shin, (stone...) (slag...) concrete, (sem...) container, (ultra...) (center...) fugation, (pseudo) science.

Rewrite, adding a hyphen where necessary.

He listened to stories about (grief) misfortune from lack of rain and said that he knew this matter (Lesk.). 2. I went to the (cabin) company and lay down on the sofa (Gonch.). 3. The stallion unfolded the tent with his teeth (cloak). 4. Excuse me, I’m a provincial, (the truth) I’m cutting the uterus directly... (T.). 5. After (half) an hour there was not a cloud in the sky (Are.). 6. There were colors everywhere... half purple, half yellow flowers(Ivan) (yes) Marya (G.). 7. And please tell me, the whole class consisted of robbers, of (tear off) heads... (Ch.). 8. I put... the violin and bow, threw on the violin several live flowers (mother) stepmother, which I picked from the (bridge) switch (Ast.). 9. At the (half) word the violin fell silent, fell silent, not shouting out pain, but exhaling it (Ast.). 10. (The star) the harbinger has risen (Bl.). 11. They were already looking at the (selfish) father (Ch.) with longing and annoyance. 12. With the emergence of a (water) storage facility, groundwater (O.V.) rose high in the city. 13. Standing in front of me is the (old) housewife in a new checkered robe... (T.). 14. ...the raised water came almost close... to the palace of (Dmitry) the prince... (O.B.). 15. (Burning) tails, small woodpeckers are still whistling (T.). 16. Nazar went behind the bush (tumbleweed) of the field (Pl.).

Rewrite, opening the parentheses.

1. Nikolai Alekseevich looked around the familiar (pleasantly) familiar objects in his office with bored eyes. In the same strange way, there were several paintings hanging on the walls in smooth (silver) gray frames. And yet these were paintings marked with the stamp of undoubted talent, strong, bright (unbridled), bold, although, unfortunately, too fashionable (Solo.). 2. And not excitement, but a wary silence arose in me when I saw it [the city] from afar, even before entering under the grandiose arch of the gateway with a (neatly) lush flower garden, next to a (straightforward) coal, huge, almost naked in architecture building of the famous (hydro) station. My town no longer rose on a (rapidly) steep green slope... (O.B.). 3. The river, freed from ice, quietly carried its (yellowish) muddy waters. 4. (Differently) figurative forms of Herzen’s narrative (Sem.). 5. On the tops of the trees there is a cluster of (dark) purple cones (Prishv.). 6. The (old) old Paisievsky monastery went into the water... (O.B.). 7. Two (semi) round windows with beautiful curtains looked out onto the street (Vos.). 8. Perhaps rumors about some (man-made) wonders of the world have not even reached us (Kulib.). 9. All people were for Dasha (monotonously) a motley, wide, bustling river (Humpback). 10. From the west, slowly, as if creeping, yellow clouds crawled (dirty), thunder rumbled quietly in the distance (Veres.). 11. Armory - oldest museum. Masterpieces of Russian, Eastern, (Western) are concentrated here European art, works by masters from many countries around the world. 12. Under a light breeze sultry wind it trembled and, covered with small ripples, (dazzlingly) brightly reflecting the sun, smiled blue sky thousands of silver smiles (M.G.).

The greatest spelling difficulty is caused by vowels, which are called connecting vowels. “O” and “e” in complex words are often not noticed, as a result of which mistakes are made. It is noteworthy that there are no other letters connecting the two stems.


If a word consists of two or more stems, it will be called complex. For example, agricultural (farming), meat and dairy (meat and milk), scientific and technical (science and technology), chronicler (writing chronicles).

Compound words in Russian appeared in modern stage development during a period of abundance of information, because this allows you to fit several concepts into one word.

Phenomena when more than two roots are used in the formation of a complex word are quite rare. For example, cycling.

Education and spelling variations

Complex words can be formed different ways. Their spelling will depend on this. Let's look at the most popular ones:

  • Addition complete basics: sofa book, rocking chair, left bank, reinforced concrete, instant. These words can be formed using coordinating and subordinating connections. We'll talk about the differences in spelling of such constructions later.
  • Addition of truncated foundations: special correspondent, drama club, youth nat. Both bases can be truncated (junat - young naturalist), or just one: travel agency (travel company - the first base is truncated, but the second remains unchanged).
  • You can form a compound word using connecting vowels. There are only two of them in the Russian language - “o”, “e”. The words poultry farm, Old Russian, homebody, waterfall, nuclear-powered ship are formed in exactly this way.
  • Compound words also include abbreviations; by the way, they are the youngest way to form words. For example, RAS ( Russian Academy Sciences), university (higher education institution), nuclear power plant (nuclear power plant).
  • They write complex words in Russian together or with a hyphen: haymaking, railway, evergreen, boarding school, dynamo, raincoat. The use of one method or another depends on the formation of a particular word.

    Words with connecting "o"

    Let's look at when connecting "o" and "e" are used in complex words. Examples when it is necessary to write "o" are as follows:

    • railway;
    • factory;
    • forest-steppe;
    • people's liberation;
    • reinforced concrete.

    In all these words, the first stem ends in a hard consonant, which is why the use of the connecting “o” is required.

    Words with connecting "e"

    Now you should parse complex words with a connecting vowel e. Examples are:

    • Old Russian;
    • a pedestrian;
    • vegetable store;
    • bird catcher;
    • leatherworker;
    • cook;
    • dormitory;
    • traveler;
    • windbreak;
    • rain gauge

    All these words are united by the fact that the first stem ends in a soft consonant (rain gauge, Old Russian), in a hissing consonant (hostel, pedestrian, cook) or in “ts” (bird catcher). Therefore, in such words you should write a connecting “e”.

    Base options

    Sometimes connecting “o” and “e” are not used in complex words: they are replaced by parts of derived stems. Let's look at similar cases.

  • The word is formed from a combination of an adverb and an adjective: little-studied, evergreen, purely negative, ominously proud. Here “o” and “e” are not connecting vowels, but suffixes.
  • The first part is the verb in imperative mood: tumbleweed, tumbleweed.
  • The word is a shade of color. Accordingly, to connect the stems, the suffix -a-/-я- is used: yellow-red, blue-black.
  • When a connecting vowel is not needed

    There are many cases in the Russian language when connecting “o” and “e” in complex words are completely unnecessary. This happens in the following cases:

  • If the first generating stem is a numeral in the form of the genitive case: dvuhspalny, pyatydnevka, dvudonka. In this case, there are suffixes that are homonymous to the endings of the genitive case form.
  • In some cases, a word is formed without these vowels simply by adding stems. For example, let’s compare the words “psychotherapy” and “psychasthenia”. In the first case, the word has a connecting “o”, and in the second, the letter “a” is the initial letter in the word “asthenia”.
  • Sometimes the first producing basis is initial form noun: seed stalk (but: seed repository), flame-spewing (but: flame bearer).
  • Also, the first productive stem can take the form of some kind of case. So, all words with the first part suma- and uma- will be written without connecting vowels: crazy, crazy.
  • Many parts are words of foreign origin: avia-, auto-, moto-, photo-, electro-, quasi- and others. Here, regardless of the hardness/softness of the preceding consonant, the original vowel remains: quasi-interesting, electric motor, aircraft modeling, motorcycle club.
  • It is necessary to distinguish complex words from simple ones. So, in the word “electrification” there is only one root, electric. Everything behind it is a suffix and an ending. The words “electronic carrier”, “electrician”, “electric motor” are another matter. They already have two bases, one of which is electrical.
  • Spelling difficult words

    Connecting “o” and “e” in complex words can be used both when written together and when written with a hyphen. Let's look at the cases of using a hyphen.

    You can create complex words using coordinating and subordinating connections. If they are formed by the first case, they will be written with a hyphen. In other words, you can easily put the conjunction “and” between the parts. Let's look at examples, for this you need to create complex words: sofa and bed - sofa bed; scientific and technical - scientific and technical; Russian and English - Russian-English; factory and plant - factory; meat and milk - meat and dairy; military medical - military and medical and others.

    Compound words (nouns and adjectives) with the meaning of cardinal directions: Western European, southeastern, northeastern.

    Words that convey shades of colors: crimson-gold, gray-brown, light green, purple-blue.

    If the word is formed from a proper name: Leo Tolstoy style, Walter Scott ideas, New York Stock Exchange. The exception is geographical names formed from the phrase noun and adjective: Velikiye Luki - Velikiye Luki, Sergiev Posad - Segrievo Posad, Staraya Rus - Starorussky.

    Words - scientific and technical terms: dynamo, vacuum dryer, diesel electrode, stop valve, filter press.

    Words - designations of political parties and movements: vice-mayor, liberal-democratic, social-democratic, national-socialist.

    A word that has a value judgment in the first part: grief-wife, shirt-guy, sweetheart-daughter, good boy-son.

    If the first producing basis is the designation of some Latin letter: alpha male, beta carotene, gamma radiation.

    It is necessary to write together complex words formed with the help of a subordinating connection: lumber processing (to process wood), staromoskovsky (old Moscow), chronicler (to write a chronicle), milk processing (to process milk), logging (logging).

    As service morphemes, connecting vowels (interfixes) o/e are distinguished only in the derived stems of complex words. This property sharply distinguishes them from suffixes and prefixes, which can be both complex and in simple words. Unlike suffixes and prefixes, which can be both word-forming and formative affixes, connecting vowels o/e are specifically word-forming morphemes. Unlike suffixes and prefixes, which always (if they are regular) have a certain lexical and grammatical meaning, connecting vowels o!e have a meaning that acts as a purely word-formative one and is reduced to expressing the idea of ​​connection. In terms of their semantics (completely independent, in contrast to the meaning of suffixes and prefixes from the forming stems), connecting vowels o/e are similar to connecting conjunctions.
    In some cases, connecting vowels o/e acquire the character of semantically empty sounds that appear in a word only
    for phonetic reasons. So, if in the words reinforced concrete, fisherman, dried fruits the connecting vowel o is a copular morpheme conditioned certain rules word formation (the addition of complete stems and words is carried out, as a rule, with the help of connecting vowels), then in the word technoruk it, from a word-formation point of view, is an illegal phenomenon (for the addition of abbreviated stems is carried out without the help of connecting vowels o/e; cf.: political instructor, military instructor, physical instructor) and has no meaning. The sound o here is only a means to avoid an unpronounceable combination of consonants (technruk - technoruk).
    Connecting vowels o/e most often act as phonetically determined variants: if the first stem of the addition ends in a paired hard consonant, then o acts as a connecting vowel (mortar mixer, water carrier, etc.); if the first stem of the addition ends in a soft consonant, a hard hissing or c, then the connecting vowel e is used (sailor, pedestrian, sheep farmer, etc.). The appearance of e after hard sibilants and c is historically justified: the hissing zh, sh and c were soft in the Old Russian language and hardened only in the 14th-15th centuries, when the noted word-formation rule for the use of o/e was already a strong tradition.
    However, in a number of complex words, the first stem of which ends in a soft consonant n, p, t or v, in place of the expected e there is an “illegal” o: hitching post, trapper, animal-like, stonecutter, quarry, ambition, lust for power, carnivore, carnivore, blood circulation, bloodsucker, bloodthirsty, chant, fabulist, etc. Next to this kind of words, there are also words where, after the same first stem, the connecting vowel e naturally appears: horse breeder, stud farm, stone processing, stone-cutting, bone-crushing, blood-bearing, songwriting, etc. . d. All these words are much later formations than their related words with the connecting vowel o.
    The undivided dominance of the word-formation model with o/e in the production of complex words is evidenced, first of all, by the large number and variety of types of additions with o/e compared to additions without a connecting vowel. Almost all new formations of a complex nature that have appeared recently (both among nouns and among adjectives; in the sphere of verbs there is no method of addition) are words with connecting vowels o/e.
    Connecting vowels o/e must be clearly distinguished from phenomena that outwardly resemble them. Thus, the words rarely used, wild-growing, following, etc., arising using the lexical-syntactic method of word formation (about it, see § 31), do not contain connecting vowels: o/e in them are adverbial suffixes (o - word-forming, e - formative). In the words car factory, bicycle race, auto regulator, weather report, o is the same integral part of the abbreviated stems (automobile, bicycle, automatic, meteorological) as the consonants f, t, r in the words trade union, party active, salary. Phonetically, connecting vowels o/e are characterized by unstress. In complex words, stress is always observed on root morphemes (vacuum cleaner, water supply, frost-resistant, mechanical engineering, etc.).
    Connecting vowels o/e as significant parts of a word can, naturally, be isolated only if the analyzed word is recognized as complex. If a word has undergone a process of simplification or re-decomposition, then it does not contain any copular morphemes. Thus, the connecting vowels in the words pandemonium (which arose by ellipsis on the basis of the phraseological phrase Babylonian pandemonium), porcupine (the addition of wild and image), horizon (the addition of circle and zor - from seeing), psychologist, library, etc. . d. There is no connecting vowel in some compound words that have undergone the process of dropping one of the syllables, for example: tabakur, standard bearer (originally tobacco smoker, standard bearer).

    From two or even three words you can form a new word. This method of forming new words is called addition, and the words themselves are called complex. To understand where the roots are in a complex word, you must first correctly determine its meaning. For example, a steamship is not one that sails in pairs, but a ship that sails in pairs. Or a mousetrap is not a dexterous mouse, but a trap for mice.

    There are words that look like complex words, but in fact they only have one root, and it emerges clearly after finding the meaning of the word. For example, yellowish is not yellow wool, but slightly yellow, the root is one (yellow), and ovat is a suffix. Or the greatest is not great tea, but simply very great.

    Let's work on determining the meaning of words with two roots

    Vacuum cleaner: A machine for removing dust by sucking it in with a stream of air.

    Rhinoceros: Large mammal southern countries with one or two horns on the front of the muzzle.

    Dump truck: Freight car with a mechanically tipping body.

    Scooter: Early 20th century: military name for a bicycle, a mechanical vehicle.

    Scooter: Now: For children: a bar for riding with a standing handle on wheels or rollers.

    Helicopter: Aircraft heavier-than-air vertical take-off and landing, with a horizontal main rotor “propeller”.

    Airplane: A heavier-than-air aircraft with a power plant and a wing that produces lift.

    (Interpretation taken from Explanatory dictionary Ozhegova)

    Otherwise, a vacuum cleaner is something that sucks dust. Roots dust, suck.
    Rhinoceros is an animal with a horn on its nose. Roots nose, horn.
    A dump truck is a machine that dumps its own cargo. The roots themselves and the shaft. The C in front of the second root is a prefix.
    A scooter is a device that rolls itself. Roots yourself, cat.
    A helicopter is a vehicle that flies vertically. Roots vert, years.
    An airplane is a device that flies itself. Root yourself, fly.

    Examples of words with two roots and connectives o, e

    Motorcade, motor rally, concrete mixer, chainsaw, water pipe, waterfall, water strider, all-terrain vehicle, helicopter, diver, trapper, starfall, digger, cook, bark beetle, icebreaker, lumberjack, centipede, mousetrap, meat grinder, oil pipeline, steamship, vacuum cleaner, machine gun, pedestrian, esophagus, bird catcher, fisherman, samovar, airplane, scooter, dump truck, steel worker, snowfall, glass cutter, diesel locomotive, camera, bread maker, electric locomotive.

    The connecting vowel -e is written after the stems on the consonant soft, hissing and c (pedestrian, heartbeat, agriculture, etc.). There is an exception: after the base, a soft consonant can also have a vowel -o. For example, a hitching post, (though a horse), a range finder, (even though there is a distance). The spelling of such words is most often determined by the dictionary.

    The connecting vowel -o is written after the stem on a hard consonant.

    Examples of compound words with a connecting vowel -e-

    kashEvar (porridge + cook)

    birdsCatch (bird + catch)

    pedestrian (walking + walking)

    rain gauge (rain + measure)

    vacuum cleaner (dust + suction)

    poultry factory (poultry + factory)

    oil pipeline (oil + conduct)

    vegetable storage (vegetable + store)

    journey (path + walk)











    Examples of compound words with a connecting vowel -o-

    samovar (yourself + cook)

    waterfall (water + fall)

    iceOkol (ice + crush)

    languageOved (language + know)

    SnowFall (snow + fall)

    helicopter (vertical + fly)

    glass cutter (glass + cut)

    concreteMixer (concrete + mix)

    ZverOlov (beast + catch)

    houseSidden (at home + sit)



    Light-emitting diode

    electric saw


    Another list of difficult words with two roots and even three