Etiquette rules: eating. Rules for children's behavior at the table. Lessons on etiquette and good manners

If recently there are no strict requirements for a business suit, then table manners, on the contrary, are becoming more and more important. Little changes over time: knowledge of good manners is extremely important for any businessman if he wants to impress his business partners. Everyone needs to know the rules of table manners, as this shows the general level of culture and ethics.

At the same time, it is necessary to be aware of the significance of the rules of etiquette at the table: chewing with an open mouth is a gross violation of etiquette, while using the “wrong” fork may not even be noticed.

In any case, it is better not to forget the rules of behavior at the table.

1. Napkin.

  • Place the napkin on your lap some time after everyone is seated at the table. In addition, you must wait for the owner to do this first. In this case, you do not need to shake the napkin to unfold it; it is better to do this without unnecessary noise and calmly. In elite restaurants, the waiter unrolls the napkin and places it on his lap.
  • Do not tuck the napkin into your collar, belt, or between the buttons of your shirt or blouse.
  • Before sipping a drink from a glass, wipe your lips with a napkin so as not to leave greasy marks on the glass.
  • If you need to take a break and leave the table, leave the napkin on the back of the chair after folding it.
  • After finishing your meal, place your napkin to the left of your plate.
  • If a napkin falls on the floor, ask for another one rather than placing the dirty one on your lap.
2. Bread.

  • Place the bread taken from the common basket on your designated plate. There is no need to break off a piece of bread for yourself and put the rest back in the basket: if you took the bread, this is your food.
  • Do not cut the bread on your plate with a knife, break off pieces from it.
3. Devices.

  • If you are not left-handed, hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left hand.
  • During pauses between servings of food or during breaks for conversation, put your knife and fork on your plate. They should be placed entirely on the plate; do not place them so that one edge rests on the plate and the other on the table.
  • Do not lift cutlery high above the plate or gesture with it.
  • Do not point at your interlocutor with cutlery, especially a knife.
4. First courses.

  • Do not tilt the plate towards or away from you, as splashes may splash onto either the tablecloth or your clothes.
  • After you have finished your first course, leave the spoon in the plate in which it was served. If the dish was served in a soup cup, place a spoon on the dish below it.
5. Seasonings and sauces.

  • Don't add salt or pepper to your food before you try it. In this way, you will compliment the restaurant chef, as you will demonstrate respect for the food prepared (and therefore according to the recipe and with the correct proportions of seasonings).
  • If you are asked to pass a salt shaker, pass it holding it by the base, paired with the pepper shaker if it is next to the salt shaker. These items are always served together, even if only one of them is requested.
  • If you use a shared open salt shaker, salt should only be removed from it with a clean spoon or knife.
  • If the sauce is served in a shared bowl, scoop it up with a serving spoon and place it on the edge of your plate. Never soak your food directly in a shared saucepan.
6. Handling utensils and dishes.

  • Always pass the dish from left to right - counterclockwise.
  • If you take a plate with cut-out pieces of food (for example, bread), first pass it to your neighbors at the table, wait for it to return to you, and only then take it yourself.
  • Eat everything that is served on a plate using cutlery, even if at home you are used to eating it with your hands.
  • There is no need to help the waiter by lifting a glass, cup or plate so that he can fill it. Only do this if he asks you to.
  • Place empty sugar bags and plastic milk or cream containers on the edge of your plate.
7. Seafood.

  • Seafood (shrimp, crabs) is often eaten with your hands. This approach is suitable for a friendly dinner or lunch.
  • If you need to squeeze lemon onto a seafood dish, cover it with your hand to prevent it from splashing on others or in your eyes.
  • After eating with your hands, do not forget to rinse your hands in the dishes you brought for this purpose.
  • Properly rinse your hands after eating seafood: dip your fingers in water, each hand separately, and wipe with your napkin.
8. Maintaining a conversation.

  • Do not speak until you have chewed and swallowed a piece of food.
  • Always look who is contacting you.
  • Don't interrupt the speaker.
  • Avoid ambiguous conversations about politics, religion or money.
9. Coffee and tea.

  • Do not hold a cup of coffee or tea with both hands, hold it by the ear.
  • Do not blow on tea or coffee if it is hot, wait until the temperature becomes acceptable for you.
  • If you spill tea or coffee on a saucer, do not wipe it with a napkin, ask them to bring you another one.
  • Do not dip cookies, cakes, etc. into the cup.

10. General rules.

  • It is strictly forbidden to splash, slurp, put large portions on a plate, prick large pieces onto a fork, or eat too quickly.
  • You need to sit calmly and straight at the table.
  • Hands should always be kept on the table, not under it.
  • You cannot lean your elbows on the table.
  • You cannot tap your fingers on the edge of the table.
  • You cannot cross your legs under the table; both feet should be firmly on the floor.
  • You cannot take off your shoes under the table.
Knowing these rules, you will be able to show tact and respect both to the owner of the home table, and to show the level of culture in a restaurant of the highest class. Don't forget that proper behavior while eating indicates your attitude towards your partners.

Today it is very important to know the rules of behavior at the table. This is one of the necessary branches of knowledge that helps us behave correctly in any situation, because eating is our daily procedure.

The extent to which a person knows the rules of behavior at the table (etiquette) shows the level of his upbringing and can say a lot about him. With this knowledge we make ourselves pleasant to talk to and show ourselves to have good manners. This can be either a dinner in a close family circle, where the rules of etiquette are often not particularly observed, or a meal with colleagues or on a date.

A modern person must follow several standard rules. We are talking about ordinary technical points, observing which we show ourselves in the best light. Here are a few such rules.


An important part of etiquette is conversation. Rules of behavior at the table during a conversation also exist, and we are usually familiar with them since childhood.

  1. When someone approaches you at the table with a toast, it is correct to lift the glass from the table and hold it in the air until the person toasting has finished. This is usually followed by the clinking of glasses, and all those dining take a sip from the glasses. By the way, you need to look directly into the eyes of the person whose glass you are bringing yours to. In some countries, such as Germany, looking away is considered rude.
  2. Don't stuff your mouth when you want to address someone or when someone is talking to you. Do not chew when chewing.


It is important to know how to sit at the table, how to behave during a social event or an informal meeting. In principle, it can be noted that the rules of behavior at the table (etiquette) are no different in both cases. It’s just that some of them are not so strict to implement at informal meetings.

  1. Don't slouch at the table or rest your elbows on it. It would be correct to rest only your wrists on the table or even put your hands on your knees, while pressing your elbows towards you. However, a woman is allowed to lean on the table with one elbow for a short time. The legs should be straight; stretching them out is also considered unsightly.
  2. At events with many guests, dishes must be passed through those sitting next to them. And this is done counterclockwise. That is, you shouldn’t stand across the table to get the salad you want, for example. Just ask other guests to pass it to you.
  3. The host of the evening or dinner begins to eat first.


There are separate table manners regarding napkins.

These are simple actions that will demonstrate your knowledge of etiquette.

  1. The napkin should be on your lap. The host of the event takes his napkin first. At the same time, do not make unnecessary sudden movements - shaking or waving; calmly and silently unfold your napkin.
  2. Do not tuck the napkin into your collar or belt, or try to fit it somewhere above your knees.
  3. It is customary to wipe your lips with a napkin before drinking from a glass, as traces of lipstick or fatty foods may remain on it.
  4. If you need to leave the table, leave a napkin on your chair.
  5. When the meal is finished, it is customary to place the napkin to the left of the plate. A napkin that has fallen on the floor should be replaced with a new one by asking the waiter about it.

Cutlery and other items on the table

Of course, an important part of etiquette is table manners regarding cutlery.

  1. We hold the fork in the right hand and the knife in the left. Golden Rule. For a left-hander, it's exactly the opposite. When pausing to talk, place your cutlery on the plate so that they are completely placed on it.
  2. If you are simply interrupting your meal, fold your cutlery crosswise on your plate; if you are finished with this dish, stack the cutlery horizontally, parallel to each other, so that the handles face diagonally at 10 o'clock (when compared to a watch dial).
  3. If a lot of different cutlery is served on the table, and you don’t know whether it’s a dessert spoon or a soup spoon, for example, then there is one hint: the cutlery is always in the order in which the dishes will be served. That is, the first device from the plate is used first, and so on - until the last one.

Table manners: how to eat?

  1. Do not finish the dish completely without leaving a trace of it. Leave decorative elements on the plate.
  2. All dishes served in restaurants are eaten using cutlery. Special, exotic dishes that you may have eaten with your hands at home should also be eaten with utensils that will be served specifically for them.
  3. Before asking for a salt or pepper shaker, you need to taste the dish. Even if you know for sure that it will be undersalted. The demonstration of such “foresights” also indicates a lack of taste and an attempt to upset the hostess by doubting her skill.
  4. The bread should be broken off with your hands without biting. You should also not dip pieces of bread into a sauce or hot dish.
  5. The rules of table manners say the following: if bread and butter are served with a dish, you need to break the bread into small pieces so that you can eat it in one or two bites, and only then spread butter on each piece.
  6. It is customary to remove bones, cartilage or other inedible elements of a dish from your mouth using a fork: bring it to your mouth and help yourself with your lips and tongue, then place it on the edge of your plate. Of course, it would be better to do this as quietly as possible. It could be an olive pit or a fish pit.
  7. The sauce for the dish is usually served with a special spoon. You need to take such a spoon and place the sauce on the edge of the plate. Don't even think about dipping food directly into a common saucepan or pouring sauce all over your dish. Sometimes a gravy boat can be served with a spout and without a spoon. In this case, look at the consistency of the sauce, if it is liquid and served with meat, then pour it over the meat. If it is of normal thickness, place it on the edge of the plate.

It is also important to explain table manners to children from a young age, at least the basics: do not slurp, eat carefully and slowly, sit upright.


  1. Don't blow on a hot drink. It's best to wait until it cools to your desired temperature.
  2. Be sure to hold the cup by the handle. Don't grab it with both hands.
  3. If it happens that a drink spills on a saucer, there is no need to wipe it with a napkin. In this case, you just need to ask the waiter to replace the saucer. Of course, you should not dip cookies, cakes or other sweets into your cup of hot drink.

If you want to attract attention to yourself, and you are not at all worried about your reputation, then humorous table manners will help you. In this case, you can do everything exactly the opposite. Just make sure that it is absolutely safe for you and will not affect your future life in any way. This can be done in an informal setting, let’s say you went to visit friends and, in order to show how pleased you are with this visit, nobly “munch” at the table, asserting how delicious it was for you to eat the treats.


In our article, we told you the rules of table manners briefly, but there are also more extended versions. But it is important to understand that strict adherence to all these rules is not always appropriate. And if you use them all in an informal setting, it can make you look too pompous. Good things should always be in moderation.

You have been invited to dinner - there are many unfamiliar objects on the table. How to use them correctly so that others don’t think that you are poorly brought up. You can learn table etiquette rules in a short period of time. It’s also easy to learn the rules of table setting and instill good table manners in your child.


By familiarizing yourself with the rules of table etiquette, you will always feel in your place while eating, not only at a party, but also at business functions and in restaurants. The key to success will be your confidence and knowledge. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior at the table and try to immediately put into practice the material you have learned.

As soon as you find yourself at a party, a cafe or restaurant, people immediately pay attention to your behavior. How you behave at the table, whether you know how to use cutlery correctly - this will help you draw a certain conclusion and understand whether you are a cultured and educated person, or whether you still have a lot to learn.

Table etiquette culture

Let's start with the main thing - with the general rules. Have you paid attention to how you sit? The back should be straight. You need to sit not on the very edge of the chair, but so that you feel comfortable. While sitting, bend your elbows so that they are level with the instruments. When there is nowhere to put your hands, they are placed on your knees. In this position it is convenient to wait for the dish to be served. If you are visiting, you must wait until the host of the feast offers to start the meal. There is no need to wait for late guests.

Table etiquette says that when the table is large, it is impossible to reach all the dishes, so you need to take only those that can be reached with an outstretched arm. You cannot lean over your neighbor or disturb him. If you want to take a distant dish, you can ask a guest who is comfortable serving it to do so. Don't forget to politely thank the person for their help.

According to the rules of etiquette at the table, before starting a meal, the owner must make sure that the table is fully set.

How to serve food:

  1. According to the rules of table etiquette, dishes are served across the table from the left side to the right.
  2. One person can hold the dish while the other person fills the plate.
  3. If the dish is too heavy and it is inconvenient to hold it in weight, then it can be placed on the table.
  4. The tureen must be passed with the protruding part forward to the guest.
  5. When food on a platter needs to be cut, then according to the rules of table etiquette, the person holding the dish must wait until the neighbor cuts and puts the food on his plate using common cutlery.

Table setting etiquette

Regardless of the organization of the event, the table must be set according to all the rules. First, you need to try to make each guest feel free at the table. Try to seat guests so that there is a small gap between the chairs.

Now about the most important thing - how to set the table correctly. There are many ways to serve: for different times of day and individual occasions. In addition, table setting methods differ from country to country and depend on the customs and culture of the population. We will consider the classic type of serving.

The basis of the table setting is the tablecloth. Light and white colored canvas is more often chosen. According to the rules of serving, the corners of the linen should cover the legs of the table (square or rectangular). The tablecloth should not fall below the seat level, maximum 25-30 centimeters.

You need to spread the fabric sheet loosely at the table, lifting it from the ends and shaking it so that air can form between the fabric and the table - this will make it easier to distribute the tablecloth on the surface. You cannot pull or stretch the canvas by the corners.

Napkins play a role in table setting. They can be chosen to match the tablecloth or in a contrasting color.

Fabric napkins (linen or cotton) are used for special occasions, and paper ones - for every day. A folded napkin is placed on a plate for each guest. A paper napkin can be placed under the plate on the right side.

Table etiquette. Serving with cutlery

When setting the table with cutlery, you need to take into account the number of dishes and their type, and think in advance what kind of utensils you will need. For example, if there are dishes on the table that are usually eaten without cutlery, then you need to put napkins or a container of water.

How to properly set the table:

  1. Look at the table and mentally divide it into separate zones, taking into account that each person should be allocated 80 centimeters of length. Place a serving plate - this shallow, large-diameter dish serves as a trivet. The next one is placed on it - with food. The puree soup is served in a soup bowl, and the broth is served in a special bowl.
  2. To the left of the serving plate is a bread plate (pie plate). Next to it is a container with water and pieces of lemon for rinsing your hands if you eat food with your hands.
  3. Basic cutlery: forks, spoons and knives are laid out on the right and left sides of the plate. The knife is on the right, and the fork is on the left. When dessert is indicated on the menu, then the spoon is placed above the plate.
  4. For ice cream, add a teaspoon.
  5. You can place four glasses for wine and water on the table at the same time.

Table setting etiquette rules:

Dinner table etiquette

Table decoration is of great importance. The mood and appetite of family members and guests will depend on how well the table is set.

Dinner table setting:

  1. The table is covered with a tablecloth and a snack plate is placed on it. To her left is a pie shop.
  2. Two forks are placed between the plates: a dinner fork and a diner fork, with the tines facing up. On the right is a knife. The blades are positioned towards the plate.
  3. One wine glass is placed behind the appetizer plate, and a napkin is placed on the plate itself. There is no need to unfold it completely.
  4. A vase of flowers is placed in the middle of the table.
  5. When the hostess serves the table, the table setting can be supplemented with cutlery.
  6. The soup is served in special bowls to the right of the person sitting. At a festive dinner, pre-heated soup is poured into a tureen and placed next to the hostess.
  7. If fruit compote with seeds is served for dessert, then you need to place a bowl on the saucer.
  8. Coffee and tea for all family members are served in a coffee pot, cups and saucers are placed on the table in advance. If the drink is immediately poured into cups, then they are served on a tray along with saucers and spoons.
  9. Sugar is served in a separate sugar bowl along with a spoon.

The day before the intended feast, review your dishes - they should be clean.

Table etiquette lessons

You need to sit at the table leaning forward a little. Sit on the entire seat of the chair.

When a person sits at a table, only hands can be placed on it, and it is better to press the elbows to the body.

Table etiquette says: You cannot chew with your mouth open. When you chew food, it is not advisable to talk, and there is no need to rush either.

Remains of food between the teeth are removed with toothpicks, but only in the restroom. If you come across cartilage, then the contents are removed, dropped onto a spoon and moved to a plate.

According to the rules of table etiquette, the napkin can be removed from the plate when food is served. She is turned around on her knees. After finishing the meal, wipe your hands and mouth with a napkin. It is not crushed - it is carefully placed on the table. The paper napkin can be crumpled and placed on a plate.

Table etiquette rules:

  • the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right;
  • when using one fork, it is held in the right hand;
  • While chewing food, cutlery is placed on the plate.

Table etiquette photo:

Table etiquette: briefly

  1. The bread must be broken off by hand.
  2. Take the oil with a fork.
  3. The fish bones are separated with a special knife, and the meat is separated with a fork.
  4. Soft cheeses can be spread on a slice of bread. Hard cheeses are placed on a plate with a fork.
  5. The broth is eaten with a spoon, the meat and croutons are caught with a spoon. The broth is eaten first, and then the pieces of meat.
  6. Porridge is eaten with a dessert spoon.
  7. A piece is cut from a piece of meat and brought to the mouth along with a side dish.
  8. Pasta is eaten with a fork. Spaghetti is placed in the middle of the plate and lifted up to separate a small portion. The spaghetti is wrapped around a fork and eaten immediately.
  9. The soup is not finished until the end, and the spoon must remain in the plate the entire time.
  10. The kebab is removed from the skewer and placed on a plate.
  11. Watermelon slices are eaten with a fork.
  12. Cherries and pitted cherries are taken by the branches. The bones are first spat into the fist and then quietly placed on a plate.
  13. If tea is poured into a glass, then you can leave the spoon, but if it is poured into a cup, you need to take it out. Do not stir the sugar pieces too much, but wait until they dissolve.

Table etiquette in pictures

Festive table etiquette:

Restaurant etiquette

Have you decided to go to a restaurant? Then you just need to familiarize yourself with the rules of etiquette in advance.

So, the man enters the establishment first. If the visitors are both women and men, then the one who will pay for dinner should enter first. In the case when a doorman meets you at the entrance to a restaurant, a woman should enter first.

If a meeting is scheduled with a woman in an establishment, then the man arrives first 5 minutes before the appointed time. He undresses and finds out where his table is. Then you can return to the hall, meet the lady and help her undress.

If a table is reserved for several people, then latecomers are allowed to wait 20 minutes. After this you can go to the table.

In the case when a man accompanies a woman, he must give her the right to choose a seat at the table, for example, facing the stage. Seats facing the hall and the entrance are considered comfortable. The man should sit opposite or to the left of the lady. If there are two men, then the woman sits between them.

According to the rules of table etiquette, the man chooses the menu himself. It is allowed to offer a woman a choice of several selected dishes. She should not choose very expensive and cheap dishes. The phrase: “Order what you will eat yourself” would also be inappropriate.

According to the rules of etiquette at a restaurant table, you cannot laugh or talk loudly, or lean your elbows on the table. In addition, at the table you cannot use a comb, wipe your face with napkins, look at the dishes with interest and dry them. Do not blow vigorously on hot food.

After the ordered dishes are served, you can start eating. If you don’t like something in the food, you can invite the waiter and ask him to replace the dish.

Both men and women are allowed to order alcoholic drinks. You can taste the wine and, after an approving nod, the waiter will fill the glasses. A restaurant visitor has every right to refuse an insufficiently chilled drink.

During and after the end of the meal, cutlery is placed according to non-verbal communication with the waiter:

According to the rules of etiquette, smoking is prohibited indoors.

By the end of the meal, you need to decide who will pay for the reception. The man is allowed to pay for the lady if she does not object. By the way, now you won’t surprise anyone that a woman pays herself. She should discuss this with the man in advance.

When paying, you need to look at the receipt and put the money inside a special book or on a plate. Tips are 10-15 percent of the amount.

Table etiquette for children

How to teach your child table etiquette? They start at an early age. Just when the baby turns one year old, it’s time to start. At first, it is enough to show the baby how mother behaves at the table so that he tries to imitate.

Preparing for the meal

The baby should know that the main thing in preparing for food is clean hands. When the baby is still small, his mother helps him wash his hands. Only after this is it allowed to sit down at the table. Two-year-old children no longer need to be forced to wash their hands; this should happen automatically, on a subconscious level. If a child is lazy, then parents should often remind the child about simple hygiene rules.

Boys should be taught to be a gentleman from an early age, and dad should be an example.

The baby should be seated on a special chair that is moved towards the table. It is advisable for a child to be on the same level as his parents. He should sit on the left side of the mother so that she can help the baby in any situation.
Try to teach your baby to eat together at certain hours. The child must learn that if food is placed on the table, then you cannot pounce on it, you need to wait for permission and after the magic words “bon appetit”, start eating. Also, you should not grab pieces while mom is setting the table. This should be stopped immediately, but not by shouting, but in a calm tone by telling them that this does not need to be done.

When the baby is sitting at the table, a cloth napkin is placed on his lap, and a paper napkin is placed under the plate. If the child is very small, then a protective bib is put on him, but a napkin is still placed on his feet. You can wipe your cheeks, mouth and dirty hands with a paper napkin.

How to teach your baby to use appliances

A child under three years old is given a spoon, and after three years old, the child can be taught to use a fork. You should not leave your child alone.

A five-year-old child is gradually introduced to the rules of table etiquette. Just at this age you can master a new object - a knife. To make the acquaintance successful, give your child an individual set with bright pens. He will learn to use devices faster.

About behavior at the table

Mothers often repeat: “You can’t play with your food!”, “Don’t talk with your mouth full!”, “Don’t spin!”
From an early age, you need to teach your child simple table etiquette rules:

  • they do not play, sing or shout at the table;
  • don't talk with your mouth full;
  • do not dig into the plate with your hands;
  • You can’t spit out food;
  • what is on the plate must be eaten completely;
  • wipe dirty hands and mouth with a napkin;
  • after finishing the meal they say “Thank you”;
  • no need to leave the table until all family members have finished. You can leave only if adults allow it.

Teaching your little one etiquette at the table

A good example for a child is his parents. Children quickly absorb the behavior of those around them, and if it is customary in the family to make noise at the table and take food with their hands, then the child will behave the same way. You can avoid this behavior by teaching your child table etiquette in the form of a game. You can plant your favorite toys nearby and, together with your child, “teach” them the rules of etiquette at the table.

In addition, it is advisable to serve your child food in different dishes and tell him what each device is for. An older child can be asked to help arrange the cutlery. You shouldn’t yell at your child, as this will cause him to pull away and not want to continue learning table etiquette.

Table etiquette - video

The image of a modern successful person includes many details. One of them is the ability to behave in society and observe table manners. This way you will show yourself as a well-mannered and intelligent person.

What it is?

The history of ethics is very long. Some other cave people knew how to behave beautifully and tried to teach this to others. Etiquette standards have been formed over time and improved each time. Now this science teaches us proper behavior at the table.

Small details immediately catch the eye and can spoil the first impression of a person, so it would be useful to refresh your memory of already known rules of etiquette or learn new ones. Experts recommend teaching children the ability to handle cutlery and set the table from a very early age, especially since modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of safe, bright and beautiful forks and spoons. It is believed that this skill should be practiced not only at a party or in a restaurant, but also at home.

Ethics must be present at every meal. This way you will better understand its fundamentals, norms and regulations.

Let's consider the basic rules that relate to table setting and cultural behavior at the table.

How to behave at the table?

Eating is one of those basic processes that inevitably accompanies people throughout their lives. During business lunches, partners come to an agreement and sign important contracts. Not a single festive event is complete without a buffet or a grand feast. The family feels the strongest unity at the table, since over a plate of food you can discuss all the problems and rejoice at the successes of your household. Having lunch or dinner together brings people together and improves the quality of communication.

It is much more pleasant to deal with a person who follows the rules of etiquette, does not cause inconvenience to others, and eats quietly and carefully. It's never too late to correct mistakes in your behavior and become a more cultured person.

Behavior rules

Let's take a closer look at the features of cultural behavior during meals.

First of all, you should pay attention to the manner of sitting on a chair. A person’s posture speaks not only about the ability to behave in society, but also about habits and character. A confident person always sits with a straight back and takes up most of the seating area., his posture is casual and relaxed. This is the body position that is most appropriate at the table.

When positioned at the table, the hands are placed on the edge of the table, and the elbows are slightly pressed to the body. A slight forward lean is allowed for ease of eating.

There is a little trick to learning how to sit correctly at the table. To do this, etiquette experts recommend holding two small books to your body with your elbows. This simple exercise will help you remember the correct position of your body and arms during a meal.

When eating, you need to be quiet and careful. Cutlery should not be placed far from the face. A person should eat calmly and slowly, chewing each piece of food thoroughly with his mouth closed. Smacking, slurping, slurping or making other sounds is prohibited. And you definitely shouldn’t talk with your mouth full, as it looks extremely unsightly.

If the dish is very hot, you should wait until it cools down. There is no need to blow loudly on a dish or spoon, otherwise it may show the person’s bad manners. This is especially true for girls and schoolchildren.

There are a number of simple rules by following which you can learn the correct behavior during a meal:

  • The distance from the body to the edge of the table should be such that the person sitting does not experience discomfort.
  • Elbows and personal items, such as a wallet, keys or cosmetic bag, should not be placed on the table. This is considered bad manners.
  • Don't reach across the table for food. Just ask the person nearby to pass you the plate or salt shaker you need, and then politely thank them for their help.
  • To keep clothes clean, you can use a special textile napkin, which is placed on your knees before starting a meal. Small children are allowed to tuck a napkin into their collar.
  • Products from shared dishes should be taken using the utensils designed for this purpose. The only exceptions are sugar, cookies and fruits.

Often lunch or dinner takes place in a restaurant. For such a case, there are special etiquette recommendations:

  • The man lets his companion pass first. He must open the door for her, take her outerwear, pull up a chair. If the company consists of both women and men, then the meeting takes on a more informal character.
  • If several people gather, those delayed will wait no more than 15 minutes. Then the meal begins regardless of whether those who arrived late arrived or not. The person who was delayed apologizes to all the dinner participants and joins the meal. At the same time, it is not necessary to attract the attention of everyone sitting at the table and try to explain the reason for being late.
  • When both men and women participate in a dinner, choosing the menu and ordering dishes usually falls on the shoulders of the stronger sex. He can offer his companion certain dishes and order them if she receives consent.
  • It is considered good form to start eating only when the dishes have been brought to everyone present at the table. At the same time, those waiting can invite others to start eating even when their dishes are not yet ready.
  • You should not demonstratively look at and smell the dishes, carefully examine each ingredient and comment on the composition. It looks indecent.
  • The bones should be carefully spat out onto a fork or spoon and placed on the edge of the plate.

No one is immune from awkward situations. For example, if the cutlery fell on the floor, you can ask the waiter to bring a clean set. If an object accidentally breaks, do not panic. Typically in such cases the cost of the damaged property will be added to the invoice.

Etiquette prohibits doing the following things in a restaurant:

  • Carry out hygiene procedures while sitting at the table. It is recommended to comb your hair, correct your makeup, and wipe your face or neck with napkins in the restroom. It is also not customary to leave traces of cosmetics on dishes. It is better to blot your lips with a napkin before starting your meal to avoid lipstick marks on the glass.
  • Blow noisily on a dish or drink. It is recommended to wait until it cools down and then start eating.
  • Call the wait staff loudly, knock on the glass, or snap your fingers. This looks extremely uncivilized.
  • Take food from a shared plate using personal cutlery. Common serving forks and spoons are used for this.

Table etiquette is very important. Knowing all its basic tenets, you will be able to make a good impression on others.

Rules for children's behavior at the table

As noted earlier, children should be taught etiquette from a very early age. Children quickly learn new information, and the learning process can easily be turned into a game. First of all, the child must be taught to wash his hands before every meal. At first, the parents themselves set an example and help the child, and then this action will become automatic.

The child should be seated at a common table with all adults so that he gets used to the company. There are special high chairs that will allow the baby to sit on the same level as adults and feel like a full member of the family. During lunch, it is not recommended to turn on the TV, which will distract from the process of eating.

You can tuck a textile napkin into the collar. It will prevent pieces of food and drinks from getting on your clothes. Special plastic forks and knives have been invented for small children. They do not have sharp blades or teeth, so the child will not injure himself, and the bright colors will attract interest.

You should sit straight at the table, you should not sway in your chair and disturb others sitting at the table. Screaming and loud conversations are not allowed.

An important point in the process of teaching a child good manners at the table is the ban on playing with food. It is necessary to explain to children that such behavior is unacceptable and that food should not be smeared on the table.

After eating, you need to thank the hostess for the delicious dinner and ask permission to leave the table. One way to teach your child proper table setting is to involve him in the process of setting the table. Let your baby help arrange the plates and cutlery.

The most important thing is to be patient and not raise your voice. Perhaps the baby will not understand the rules that are unusual for him the first time, but you should not give up and be nervous. The example of other family members will help the child adapt faster and behave correctly.

Features in different countries

Rules of behavior at the table in different countries of the world are somewhat different from what we are used to. Some moments may be completely unusual and exotic for Russia. Let's find out what tourists should pay attention to in order to avoid uncomfortable situations:

  • In Japan and Korea, as you know, they eat with the help of special chopsticks. During a meal, they should be placed parallel to the edge of the table or on special stands. But sticking chopsticks into rice is strictly not recommended, as this is a symbol of a funeral.
  • On the table in Brazilian establishments In the catering area there is a special token, painted green and red on both sides. The green side indicates that the visitor wants more food to be brought to him. And it often happens that the waiter brings new dishes almost without a break. To limit the hospitality of the service staff, you should turn the token to the red side.
  • Georgia famous for its wine. It is not surprising that this drink accompanies almost every meal. Tourists should remember that during a feast it is customary to drink the wine completely after each speech given.

  • In India and England It is not recommended to eat with the left hand, as in traditional Indian religion this hand is considered unclean. This rule also applies to handshakes and handing over documents.
  • Coffee lovers should be careful in Italy, since in this country it is not customary to drink cappuccino after noon. Locals believe that this may have a bad effect on digestion. Another interesting fact: in Italy they do not add Parmesan to pizza or pasta. French etiquette is somewhat similar to Italian.
  • Tourists traveling in China, fish is often ordered in restaurants. When choosing a dish like this, you should remember that you cannot turn the portion over. This is a bad omen, which means there is a high probability of the fisherman's boat crashing. After eating the top half of the portion, it would be better to first remove the backbone from the fish and only then continue with the meal.

Before traveling to any country, you should first of all become familiar with the basic accepted rules of etiquette. You need to respect foreign culture and try to avoid uncomfortable situations that may offend local residents.

Table setting

The table should always be properly set, regardless of whether it is a business lunch or a family dinner. This accustoms people to culture and gives the meal a solemn mood. The sight of neatly arranged plates and cutlery makes it much easier to adhere to table manners guidelines.

There are a huge number of ways to set the table, which depend on the time of day, the nature of the event and many other factors.

For a classic table setting that is suitable for any occasion, you can use the following rules:

  • There must be a tablecloth on the table. This will give even the most ordinary meal a festive and solemn mood. It is better if the tablecloth is a light shade. Dishes on such a canvas will look stylish. According to the rules, the tablecloth should hang no more than 30 cm from the edge of the table.
  • Chairs should be placed with some space between them so that diners can sit comfortably and not touch their neighbors with their elbows.
  • At a distance of approximately 2-3 cm from the edge, place a serving plate, which serves as a stand for everything else. Place a deeper bowl on top. Plates for bread and pies are located on the left. Soups and broths are served in a special soup plate or bowl.
  • Cutlery is placed on napkins made of cellulose. They are selected to match the tablecloth. Cloth napkins are folded on a plate to protect clothing.

  • To the right of the plate are those utensils that are held, respectively, in the right hand. Place the tablespoon so that the convex side is on the bottom. The knife should be with the cutting side facing the plate. The tines of the fork should face up. Place a dessert spoon on top of the plate.
  • Some people prefer to drink water with their meals, so placing a glass of clean drinking water in front of the knife is a good idea. In addition to water, the glass can also contain juice, compote or other non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Plates with shared dishes are placed in the center of the table. Cutlery for common use should be placed with them.
  • Hot drinks are served in a special coffee pot, and the cups are immediately placed on the table. Place a small saucer under the cup and a teaspoon next to it.
  • Sugar is poured into a sugar bowl. A serving spoon is served with it. Currently, sugar bowls with a dispenser are often used.
  • All dishes must be perfectly clean, without chips or cracks.

Vases with fresh flowers placed in the center of the table also look very beautiful. They will become an additional decoration and give the table a festive look.

How to use the devices?

A person who comes to a restaurant for the first time may get confused in a large number of different cutlery. The following rule will help you feel more confident: cutlery lying on the left side of the plate should be held only in the left hand. Usually these are forks of different sizes. A similar rule applies to cutlery on the right - these can be spoons and table knives.

As an exception, you can take the fork in your right hand if there is a crumbly side dish on the plate: rice, buckwheat, mashed potatoes. In other cases, a table knife can help you put food on your fork.

Sometimes serving includes the presence of several forks and knives at once. To avoid confusion, you can gradually replace cutlery while changing dishes, starting with those farthest from the plate and ending with those closest.

You can remember the following combinations of dishes and cutlery intended for them:

  • dessert is eaten with a teaspoon or a special dessert spoon;
  • tablespoons are intended for soups and broths;
  • a fork in combination with a table knife is used for hot meat dishes;
  • there is a special fish knife for fish;
  • cold appetizers are usually eaten with a fork and a dinner knife;
  • Fruits may be eaten with hands or with special cutlery.

Etiquette rules also determine how to properly hold cutlery in your hand:

  • The spoon should be placed in your hand so that your thumb is on the top of the handle. The broth should be scooped away from you to avoid the possibility of drops getting on your clothes. If there is soup with pieces of meat on the table, you should first eat the liquid broth and then cut the meat using cutlery.
  • It is recommended to hold the fork so that your fingers are further from the base. In this case, you can hold it either with the teeth down or up. It depends on the type of dish served.
  • When using a table knife, the fork is held strictly in the left hand, and the knife in the right. In this case, you can help yourself with your index fingers; they will more accurately direct the pressure of the device.
  • The knife can be used to spread butter or pate on a piece of bread. Do not pick up pieces of food from the knife or lick the blade.
  • When using a meat knife, remember not to cut the entire portion at once. You need to gradually cut off small pieces and eat them.

is a set of norms and rules that allow people to simplify the process of mutual communication and eating at the table. In addition, thanks to this, a person is able to master the simplest knowledge regarding the process of serving food and decorating the table.

History of table etiquette

People first started talking about table etiquette in the 18th century in France. At that time, certain norms and rules had already been established in some houses, which have survived to this day in a slightly modified form. This is understandable: eras changed - cultural norms and spiritual values ​​changed. Modern table settings are noticeably different from those adopted in the 19th century. Then all actions and norms of human behavior at the table were regulated by fairly strict rules and principles.

All cultured people were required to adhere to table etiquette, regardless of their political views and worldviews. At the table of the 18th and 19th centuries, aesthetics and cultural traditions dominated. Dining etiquette of the 21st century is based on expediency and on the mutual attention of all people sitting at the table and eating a meal. In addition, in the modern world, the norms at the table are constantly being supplemented and improved. Some of them are completely abolished.

Table manners

Rules for choosing a seat at the table. Table etiquette rules vary depending on the status of the room and the place where the meal takes place. For example, at a home reception, household members, as a rule, should be seated at the table in the same order; at a banquet, it is customary for all invited guests to be seated by the hero of the occasion or toastmaster, indicating each person his place. In restaurants or cafes, table etiquette, in principle, does not regulate the choice of a particular place occupied by the visitor.

Table etiquette. The rules of behavior at the table during a meal also regulate certain interactions between a person and the dishes. Firstly, all utensils must be clean. Secondly, plates and dishes must be taken from below, holding them with your thumb. Under no circumstances should you deliberately touch food with your fingers. Cutlery should only be grasped by its handles. Glasses and glasses should be taken from below, without putting your fingers into them.

Rules for serving guests at the table. The first to start eating are the guests sitting on the right hand of the owner of the house. The food is then served in a circle. If this is a home reception, then the hostess serves the food. In addition, she must ensure that the plates and guests are constantly filled with food. The hostess of the home also clears the dishes from the table. There is one interesting point in home dining etiquette: it is customary to offer all dishes served (except soups) to guests twice.

Sequence of serving dishes. Cold appetizers are served first, followed by hot ones. Next, you should serve the first course, consisting of soup or broth, and then the second course, including fish, meat, puree, etc. The last to be served is a sweet dessert or some fruit, neatly cut into slices, is offered. This order of serving dishes is classic and should be known to every person.

Rules at the table. Guests at the table are recommended to sit slightly leaning forward. At the table, while talking with a neighbor, you should not raise your voice and turn your whole body towards him. You shouldn’t pay attention only to yourself at the table – there are other people nearby. You should keep your legs close to the chair, and not stretch them under the table, touching the legs of other diners. Only the hands should be on, not the elbows. You cannot pick at the food on your plate, or criticize the quality of the prepared dishes and the culinary abilities of the person who prepared these dishes. It is not customary to sit at the table for a long time. Men should help ladies get up from the table.