Are onions good for you? The benefits and harms of onions for the human body, contraindications

Scientists have found that red onion is most suitable for normalizing heart function. Therefore, a person no longer has any questions: “ Are onions good for the heart??. There is no special secret in this product, all thanks to its positive qualities. It helps a person remove cholesterol from the body, which can affect the development of a heart attack or stroke. Red onions remove only cholesterol that is bad for the body, while good cholesterol remains at its normal level.
Red onions are a real boon for the body.
It turns out that it helps not only the good and proper functioning of the heart muscle, but also cleanses the body. Onions can also prevent the development of cancer or common colds. It is included in most dishes in India and the Mediterranean. Due to their high content of vitamins, especially C, onions can help strengthen the immune system and kill some bacteria in the human body.
Scientists have also discovered magnesium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, iron and sulfur in red onions. As well as vitamins such as PP, B and A. Thanks to them, kidney function improves and the likelihood of atherosclerosis decreases. Therefore, onions help not only to ensure normal heart function, but also to normalize the amount of salt in the body, relieve inflammation from the gums, and cope with frequent headaches. Some scientists claim that constant consumption of red onions will help cope with insomnia. They recommend replacing white onions with red ones. Since the latter still contains more useful substances. Doctors generally do not recommend that people consume more than one head per day, as excessive consumption can affect other organs. And so that this does not lead to one organ recovering and the other starting to hurt, it is better to limit the consumption of red onions to 1 head.

All plants growing on planet Earth undoubtedly play a big role in people's lives. But there are those that are a permanent attribute in the kitchen of any housewife. These are vegetables. Among them is a representative of the Amaryllidaceae family, so familiar and unfamiliar, the onion.

Familiar because we make our first impressions of onions from childhood, when we see how, in contact with this plant, our mother sheds bitter tears. And we are at a loss as to what could have offended her so much.

And it’s unfamiliar because, apart from the fact that onions are bitter and it’s good to eat them to avoid catching colds, we know little about them.

A little history about onions

A very long time ago, back in the Stone Age, people began to breed those plants that they considered useful. So, the first information about onions dates back to the fourth millennium, of course, BC.

Central Asia is considered the birthplace of onions. Different types of wild onions are found, one might say, all over the globe. Therefore, it is difficult to say for sure where it was first cultivated.

Some researchers believe that this is Afghanistan. From there, onions spread to other Asian countries. From Asia the plant comes to Greece and Egypt. Then to the Roman Empire. From there to other European countries. And from the 12th century it began to be cultivated in Ancient Rus'.

There are sources that indicate that onions were first cultivated in China. There, in the Tien Shan mountains, there are so many wild onions that there is even a mountain called Dzunglin. Translated, this means Onion Mountains. From China, the cultivation of the plant spread to India and Egypt. The Egyptians even considered onions a sacred plant. And the ancient Romans and ancient Germans considered this plant capable of raising military spirit, giving courage and bravery, giving energy and strength.

Types of onions

This is a genus of biennial and perennial plants, with about 900 species. This does not mean that they are all edible. Among the bows there are also decorative ones. There are also those that can be grown in the garden, so to speak, for beauty and in the garden, for the benefit of your body.

Among the decorative ones, a handsome onion of the “Everest” variety may attract attention. Long green arrows, which reach 120 cm with a cap of snow-white, star-shaped flowers, up to 20 cm in diameter, are used to make bouquets.

The “Sensation” variety is not inferior to it in beauty. On a long (70 cm) ribbed stem there are dark purple cupped flowers. They can decorate any flower bed.

There are many varieties of decorative onions and they bring aesthetic benefits. But there are other types of this wonderful plant that people use in cooking and for medicinal purposes.

The benefits of onions

Onions are perhaps the most common and most sought after type, at least in our area. Its healing properties have been known for a long time.

If we consider the composition of the onion from the point of view of a chemist, then the bulk of this product, as in most vegetables, is water. In 100 g of onion there are approximately 86 grams of it. Next come the quantitative composition of carbohydrates - 8.2 g. The dietary fiber in onions is 3 g. Proteins account for 1.4 g. 1 g is ash substances. 0.2 g is fat.

Onions contain 12 essential amino acids. In percentage terms, the largest amount is occupied by tryptophan - 5%. The smallest one is histidine. There is 0.01 g (1%) of it in onions. There are eight nonessential amino acids in onions.

Onions are rich in vitamins. It contains vitamins E and C. A large number of B vitamins. These include thiamine and riboflavin. Pyridoxine accounts for as much as 6%, and pantothenic acid accounts for 2%. Large selection of macro and micro elements in onions.

  • This plant is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in the form of cheese mainly. It can be used either whole or in the form of gruel or onion juice. It all depends on what needs to be treated.
  • For example, juice is very useful for intestinal diseases. Especially during inflammatory processes. To do this, it is recommended to drink one teaspoon of onion juice, only fresh, before eating. This should be done several times a day (3 - 4).
  • The juice also has a beneficial effect on the liver. It is used as a mild diuretic. It is also beneficial in the treatment of atherosclerosis, reducing the content of so-called bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • The use of onion juice mixed with honey is indicated.
  • This juice is also an excellent remedy for fighting helminths. For example, to get rid of worms you need to drink fresh onion infusion (1/2 cup) for several days in a row (3 - 4), on an empty stomach.

Using the healing properties of onions, several drugs have been created that help in the treatment of diseases. For example, the drug “Allylglycer” is prescribed to patients with Trichomonas colpitis. Another drug “Allilchep” is effective in the sclerotic form of hypertension, in the treatment of intestinal atony, colitis, and atherosclerosis.

  • Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of onions reduces the risk of malignant tumors. It even slows down the growth of existing ones.

Onions can retain their beneficial healing properties when peeled and chopped for only 15 minutes. Therefore, if you want not only to improve the taste of cooked dishes, but also to benefit from this storehouse of vitamins, then take this information as a guide, so to speak, to action.

Benefits of green onions

Green onions are mainly grown from different varieties of onions. But no less useful are shallots or onions. First of all, the beneficial properties of green onions are that juicy green sprouts are full of substances such as phytoncides. They are able to protect the human body from viral diseases. So if you add fresh green onions to your dishes, you will not only increase your appetite and promote better absorption of food, but also protect yourself from acute respiratory infections and even the flu.

  1. Among the beneficial substances contained in green onions is chlorophyll. This element helps improve the process of hematopoiesis. And zinc, which is also found in green onions, will help you. This element is also responsible for the production of testosterone in men. In general, men are recommended to eat a bunch of green onions a day. This has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, preventing its hypertrophy.
  2. A lack of zinc in the female body not only leads to hair loss and brittle nails. This circumstance also negatively affects the reproductive system.
  3. Green onions contain elements that strengthen the heart muscle. Thanks to the constant consumption of onions, the walls of blood vessels can also be strengthened.

Benefits of leeks

Another type of onion, which has been famous for its beneficial properties since ancient times, is “pearl onion” or leek. We can say that in its popularity this species is second only to onions. The not so rich, sharp flavor of onions makes leeks a very popular component when preparing various dishes. They do not refuse it for medicinal purposes either. It is rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements. It is used in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. This wonderful plant removes salts from the joints and also prevents their deposition.

Leek significantly reduces the amount of lipids. If you have 200 grams of this product in your diet every day, your cholesterol levels will return to normal. This onion is an excellent remedy for the formation of blood clots - thrombi. The substances it is rich in make the blood more fluid. It does not accumulate as much in the pockets of worn-out veins and in their bulges. It is believed that there is no other vegetable that would act so effectively against age-related changes in blood vessels.

The healing properties attributed to leeks are unique. In addition to the diseases mentioned above, this onion is indicated for prevention. It easily eliminates constipation and flatulence. This vegetable is considered almost an ideal health remedy for the intestines of older people.

Sometimes, replacing expensive medications, medications. Which, moreover, are not entirely and not always harmless.

It also has bactericidal properties. Which is also very useful for the stomach and intestines. The components found in leeks promote the formation of connective tissue.

The benefits of chives

Using the Bow

The use of such a wonderful and healing product as onion is available to almost everyone. After all, for this you do not need to have, in principle, any special culinary abilities.

After all, this vegetable is easy enough to cut and add to any dish. Whether it's potatoes, meat or fish. You don’t have to cut it, just bite off parts that are acceptable to you and fill your body with vitamins and other useful components.

If you have the time and desire to cook, then you can try other more complex dishes and recipes.

For example, "Onion Pie".

To prepare it you will need six large onions, a glass of flour, 50 grams of butter and 8 tablespoons of sour cream. More salt, three chicken eggs, and 200 g of hard cheese.

While the finely chopped onion is frying, prepare the dough. To do this, soften the butter and add four tablespoons of sour cream prepared in advance and flour. When we knead the dough and make a “bun” out of it, we begin preparing the so-called filling. To do this, you need to beat eggs, sour cream (4 tbsp), grated cheese. Leave a little cheese for sprinkling the pie.

The finished dough must be placed in the prepared form. Lubricate it with some kind of fat in advance. And the mold should be deep enough so that you can make “sides” in the dough. Pour the browned onion onto the dough and fill it with the whipped mixture. Sprinkle everything with the remaining grated cheese on top. Place the pie in the already preheated oven. In half an hour, your culinary masterpiece can be served to your guests. Or eat with pleasure yourself, enjoy and benefit from the body.

Using onion for hair growth

Masks for hair growth are also used from onion juice:

Onions are a huge benefit for the body!


What is an onion?

In the plant growing hierarchy, onions are far from an aristocrat. In former times, onions were certainly included in the peasant menu, perhaps because of this there was such a disdainful attitude towards this vegetable. However, for some reason, many people forget that onions are an indispensable component of many gourmet dishes.

What do we know about onions? The fact that it is absolutely indispensable in cooking is probably known to everyone, literally from infancy, but not everyone knows that this vegetable can be used in cosmetics and medicine, and its use in cooking can also be far from traditional.

How is it that onions are such a familiar and everyday product, but we don’t know even a hundredth part about its beneficial properties and methods of use, why did this happen?

What is an onion, the benefits and harms of onions, are of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment. So we will try to answer questions that interest this category of people.

We are probably too accustomed to this unpretentious vegetable, thanks to which we have the opportunity not only to taste savory dishes that would lose most of their taste charm if it weren’t for onions, but we don’t even think about the fact that when using onions in cooking, we don’t Not only do we get the most excellent taste sensations, but we also fortify our body to the limit, especially in winter, when there is no wide access to a variety of fortified foods, and when our savior is the most common onion - a permanent inhabitant of our gardens.

Uninformed people believe that onions come in only two varieties: green onions and onions.

In fact, there are many types of onions and even more varieties that differ from each other in taste, habitat, ripening time, etc.

In addition to the onions already known to us, there are onions, leeks, shallots, chives and others.

Onions contain a whole complex of vitamins, essential oils, flavonoids, sulfur, fluorine, iron, magnesium and calcium. All these substances make onions a biologically active product that can be beneficial in some cases and harmful in others.

What are the benefits of onions?

Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins in onions (A, B, C, PP), it is useful for vitamin deficiency.

Onions are able to satisfy the human body’s need for vitamin C, and this vitamin also helps improve immunity.

Onion essential oils help with viral diseases (colds, flu) - for treatment, you can sniff chopped onions several times a day.

The antibacterial properties of onions are caused by the phytoncides (healing volatile substances) they contain. Thanks to phytoncides, onions destroy a large number of microbes:

  • streptococci,
  • causative agents of dysentery,
  • causative agents of diphtheria,
  • pathogens of tuberculosis, etc.

Onions are very rich in iron. You can get this important element from both raw and fried, baked and stewed onions.

Onions activate metabolism and help cleanse the blood.

Onions stimulate digestive processes and eliminate long-term constipation.

Due to the stimulating effect of onions, it is used for hypertension, general weakness and to increase potency.

Onions have a beneficial effect on sleep disorders (acts as a sleeping pill).

According to some studies, onions help prevent cancer and inhibit tumor growth.

What are the benefits of green onions?

Green onions are mainly grown from different varieties of onions. But onions - shallots or onions - batun are no less useful. First of all, the beneficial properties of green onions are that juicy green sprouts are full of substances such as phytoncides. They are able to protect the human body from viral diseases. So if you add fresh green onions to your dishes, you will not only increase your appetite and promote better absorption of food, but also protect yourself from acute respiratory infections and even the flu.

Among the beneficial substances contained in green onions is chlorophyll. This element helps improve the process of hematopoiesis. And zinc, which is also found in green onions, will help you strengthen your immune system. This element is also responsible for the production of testosterone in men. In general, men are recommended to eat a bunch of green onions a day. This has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland and prevents its hypertrophy.

A lack of zinc in the female body not only leads to hair loss and brittle nails. This circumstance also negatively affects the reproductive system.

Green onions contain elements that strengthen the heart muscle. Thanks to the constant consumption of onions, the walls of blood vessels can also be strengthened.

Studies have shown that eating 70 g of green onions per day can completely supply the body with ascorbic acid. After all, it is this element that helps to survive and not get sick during epidemics of colds, it is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates the action of the endocrine glands, and helps normalize the functions of the nervous system.


The negative impact of this vegetable on the body is quite large. And, first of all, this is the ability of onions to irritate the gastric mucosa, thereby increasing acidity. In this regard, systematic excessive consumption of vegetables can lead to serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, people with gastritis or ulcers are contraindicated to eat onions.

In case of excessive consumption of onions:

  • provokes chronic liver diseases;
  • negatively affects kidney function (in particular, promotes the growth of calcifications);
  • causes flatulence;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • may cause exacerbation of chronic asthma (due to irritation of the nervous system);
  • causes blockage of blood vessels;
  • worsens heart function.

Are onions good for men?

The benefits of onions have been known since antiquity. The menu of the soldiers of the ancient Roman army included onions every day, perhaps it was its presence that made the men strong and fearless.

Since onions are considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, its presence in recipes for prolonging sexual life and improving its quality is understandable. However, the beneficial properties of this fruit are preserved as much as possible without heat treatment, so many recipes are not designed for an immediate effect, but for long-term use in small doses. Typically, the duration of the course of using onions is several weeks, but there are recipes for a month - in them the daily amount of the main product is reduced to a minimum. To preserve maximum nutrients, onions are usually allowed to ripen, but green young shoots are also useful.

In addition to increasing sexual energy, onions are also used for a very specific disease of the male genital area - prostate adenoma. Treatment with onions cannot be considered a priority; it is impossible to get rid of the disease without medications, but to speed up the healing process, it is recommended to use onions both in pure form and in combination with herbs, honey or nuts.

There are dozens of options for folk remedies for the treatment of this disease, but you should start using them only after consulting a doctor; some substances in onions reduce the absorption of medications!

Can you eat onions if you have diabetes?

For diabetes mellitus, onions can not only be eaten, but also necessary.

  • The composition includes vitamins PP, A, group B, C, malic acid, acetic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. Minimal calorie content, almost complete absence of fats and proteins is another significant plus for all people who monitor their weight and count the amount of carbohydrates they eat.
  • The specific property of lowering blood sugar was noticed by ancient healers; they prescribed diabetic patients to follow a diet with a high content of healthy products in the diet. This effect is explained by the presence of allicin. This substance reduces the need for insulin and improves cell perception of the hormone.
  • Vegetables (especially red varieties) contain copper and iron, which are easily absorbed by the body without putting a strain on the exhausted pancreas. At the same time, sulfur and nickel help restore the insulin-derived function of the organ.
  • The presence of adenosine, which is a powerful vasodilator, is especially valuable. Thus, regularly eating onions helps prevent vascular complications of diabetes.
  • It is an excellent means of preventing colds, thanks to active phytancides that destroy putrefactive and pathogenic microorganisms. It activates the body's defenses well and prolongs youth, being a powerful natural antioxidant.

Is it possible to eat onions if you have pancreatitis?

Inflammation of the pancreas requires not only drug treatment, but also adherence to a strict diet.

Green onions, onions, and leeks have a direct effect on the pancreas and should be consumed with great caution.

Boiled or stewed onions contain much less foodborne pathogens, but even this amount will be enough to harm the inflamed gland. To prevent the pancreas from becoming even more inflamed, in case of acute pancreatitis it is necessary to stop eating any type of onion, as well as various dishes using it. This requirement must be observed until all symptoms of inflammation disappear completely.

How to treat a cough with onions?

At the first symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection or flu, a person seeks to get rid of a cough. All means at hand are used: from medications to folk remedies. Onions are especially popular - recipes that include them are simple and effective.

Many doctors recommend using onions as a medicinal drug in the early stages of the disease to avoid serious complications in the future. As a powerful antiviral agent, it helps to liquefy sputum and further remove it. In addition to antitussive properties, onions have the following beneficial qualities:

  • rich in vitamins C, B, minerals;
  • rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus;
  • contains fructose, sucrose, maltose, malic, citric acids, phytoncides;
  • is an antiseptic.

Traditional recipe for making onion syrup.

  • One peeled medium-sized onion needs to be washed, chopped, and transferred to a glass or enamel container.
  • Sprinkle with a tablespoon of sugar.
  • Stir, place in a dark place and do not touch for several hours.

In the morning, the resulting medicine can be consumed by pouring the syrup into a spoon. You need to drink onion juice 4-5 times throughout the day, a tablespoon half an hour after meals.

In some cases, onions are mixed with honey. In this case, you should make sure that the patient is not allergic to honey. Experts recommend drinking the product for at least 3 days. But you shouldn’t get carried away with it for more than 10 days either.

Of course, before using folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.

How to treat a runny nose with onions?

Onions have long been recognized as the most effective and safe remedy for the common cold in folk medicine. It can relieve not only rhinitis, but also its complications - sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary or maxillary paranasal sinus) and sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus.)

Onion preparations have an antimicrobial effect. They eliminate viral infection and pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, the complex of useful microelements contained in onions normalizes the microflora of the nasal cavity and restores its defenses.

To prepare an oil infusion of onions, a peeled, chopped medium-sized onion is poured with several tablespoons of refined sunflower oil and allowed to brew for several hours. Once prepared, the mixture can be used for several days, and its healing properties only increase. The resulting oil infusion of onion is instilled into the nasal passages (a few drops 2-3 times a day) - this will help prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

Onion recipe for a stuffy nose:

2 tbsp. l. onion juice, 2 tbsp. l. crushed aloe leaf pulp, 2 tbsp. l. chopped cyclamen root vegetable, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. Vishnevsky ointment (sold at the pharmacy). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The ointment is stored in a dark, sealed container in the refrigerator. When used, warm up to body temperature, then soak gauze swabs in the ointment and place them in each nostril for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 5–7 days.

Onion recipe for the treatment of lingering rhinitis:

3 peeled onions, 2 tbsp. l. honey The bulbs are grated, then the pulp is wrapped in gauze and the juice is squeezed out. Add honey to it and take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 7–10 days.

Onions for a runny nose in children - how not to harm them?

Not every onion treatment recipe is suitable for children. For example, a child should definitely not use onion juice in the form of drops for a runny nose.

Inhalation using onions will have the best effect on a child’s body affected by a cold. There are several options for doing this:

  • You can grate the onion on a fine grater or chop it in a blender and then place it on a saucer. After this, the child should be seated so that he can breathe in its vapor for 10–15 minutes;
  • If it is difficult to get a child to sit still over an onion, you can hold the freshly cut half of the vegetable near his nose or place a saucer of onion pulp at his head while he sleeps;
  • Another recipe requires placing a coarsely chopped onion in a small container and pour boiling water over it. The container should be covered, leaving only a small hole for the child's nose.

How to get rid of acne using onions?

What lengths are owners of problem skin willing to go to in order to get rid of acne forever and one morning see their face truly fresh and clean.

The anti-inflammatory properties of onions help relieve skin redness and also prevent the formation of scars. In addition, onions contain a large amount of sulfur, which helps eliminate excess sebum, dirt and bacteria from the surface of the skin, as well as lighten existing scars.

Onion face masks:

Recipe No. 1.

To prepare the mask you need 1 small onion and ½ tbsp. oatmeal. From the flakes you need to cook a thick porridge, cool. Chop the onion, squeeze the juice out of it, add flakes. Mix the mixture and add 5 g of honey. The mask is applied to the face and left on the skin until completely dry.

Recipe No. 2.

This mask composition is suitable for combating pimples and blackheads. A small onion is peeled and chopped. You need to squeeze out the juice from the resulting puree, which is what we will need. We also peel one carrot, chop it and squeeze out the juice. Mix 50 ml of onion and carrot juice, add 1 yolk and 30 ml of olive oil. Apply the mass with light massaging movements, gently rubbing it in. Wash off the composition after 20 minutes.

The benefits and harms of onions were very well known to the ancient Aesculapians. They recommended that patients with pneumonia place the peeled heads of the plant next to their bed at night to destroy pathogenic microbes. The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of onions were used during the plague epidemic in 14th century Europe. In order to save themselves from a terrible disease, residents of cities affected by the disease hung cut onions around their houses.

Modern doctors advise eating it as a preventative against colds and flu. The benefit of onions in the fight against infectious diseases lies in their ability to absorb pathogenic bacteria and retain them inside themselves. Such qualities of the plant also determine the harm of onions to the body. A “magnet” for microbes, when stored in cut form, absorbs all the harmful substances that are in the room, so it must be prepared immediately and not left in a purified form for a long time.

Thanks to new research, today the theory that the plant has antifungal and antiviral properties has been scientifically confirmed by experiments. When the bulb is cut (damage to its tissues), allicin begins to be released, which has a pungent odor; the substance plays an important role in eliminating infections.

Today, the benefits of onions as an anticancer agent are recognized by scientists. The product is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer. The plant enhances the production of tripeptide and glutathione in the body, which act as antioxidants, remove toxins and carcinogens, and slow down the development of metastases.

The composition contains calcium, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and the flavonoid quercetin. The benefits of onions from the content of these substances are expressed in high immunostimulating properties. The medicinal properties of the plant include the ability to stop an asthma attack and reduce allergic reactions to external irritants.

For people who have eaten the product, the harm of onions is known from their unpleasant odor, which, however, is easily eliminated if you chew parsley, toasted black bread, or after eating. There is harm to onions from its ability to increase acidity and have an irritating effect on the digestive organs. It is not recommended to eat it for ulcers, gastritis, kidney and liver diseases.

Of course, the benefits and harms of onions largely depend on the state of human health. Doctors impose restrictions on its use for patients with gastrointestinal diseases and high blood pressure. And at the same time, one cannot deny the healing qualities of the plant, as a rich source of minerals and vitamins, and an excellent remedy for combating infectious and respiratory diseases.

Everyone knows that you need to eat a lot of onions when you have a cold. But its effect on sugar levels, brain processes, pregnancy and the fight against cancer is invaluable and admirable.

Compound. Content of vitamins, micro and macroelements

Onions contain the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene). Antioxidant. Onions owe part of their smell to him. The immune system owes its existence to it. Significantly affects vision and a number of indicators of the nervous system. Participates in the production of hormones and bone formation. Affects the quality and quantity of breast milk produced in women. Thanks to it, skin cells are renewed
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). Its antioxidant properties help protect the body from harmful external influences. Takes part in the absorption of proteins and fats. Supports the immune system. In the process of hematopoiesis, it helps normalize coagulation and accelerate healing processes. Thanks to it, the retina of the eyes is formed. All systems of the body are also updated, the parts of the brain responsible for memory are updated. It affects the functioning of the gonads, its use is the prevention of infertility.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Famous antioxidant. Thanks to it, the body produces collagen (which means renewal and formation of skin, bones, blood vessels, etc.). It has a beneficial effect on the immune system and takes a significant part in the redox processes of the body.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Ensures normal metabolism. Plays a significant role in the formation and renewal of the central nervous system. Without it, normal transfer of genetic information between cells during their reproduction is impossible.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Participates in the synthesis of nerve cells of the central and peripheral nervous systems. In the process of hematopoiesis, it ensures the normal formation of red blood cells (carrying air bubbles). Without it, the adrenal glands cannot function. Takes part in protecting the eyes from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Has a beneficial effect on the formation of skin cells.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid). It is important in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, enhances female fertility, without it human DNA is not formed. Promotes protein absorption.
  • Vitamin PP (niacin, nicotinic acid). Normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels and is responsible for energy production. It is a prevention and cure for diabetes and osteoarthritis.

Water content of the product is 86%. It contains a lot of carbohydrates (10.4 g), monosaccharides and disaccharides. Much less protein, fiber, pectin, organic acids and starch (but they are there).

Microelements (arranged in descending order of concentration):

  • ash;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • fluorine;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • cobalt;

Onions owe their outstanding properties for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases to the special substances they contain, whose chemical nature has not been fully studied - phytoncides.

Calorie content. How many calories are in 100 grams? product.

In 100 gr. yellow onions contain 41 kcal.

The benefits and beneficial properties of onions for human health

Among the main useful properties are:

  • Antimicrobial action. It destroys the lion's share of harmful microorganisms.
  • Ability to infect fungi.
  • Anthelmintic action.
  • Good as a diuretic.
  • Reduced blood pressure when consuming;
  • Increase sexual desire;
  • The ability to enhance the creation of digestive juices.

Most often, onions are understood as the most common yellow onion in our country. But there are other varieties (or rather, about 400 different types). Among them are red onions, which can remove “bad” cholesterol more effectively than usual, and white onions, which have a less expressive taste and a less pungent odor.

Benefits for men

The main beneficial effect for the stronger sex with regular use is a positive effect on potency. However, for those who go to the gym, it is not recommended to eat a lot of onions. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, and when it comes to sports nutrition, carbohydrates are enemy number one.

Benefits for women

In addition to being rich in folic acid, which is beneficial for the female reproductive system and which is recommended to be taken when planning pregnancy, onions are interesting for women because of their abundance of vitamin C.

Thanks to the latter, onion hair mask is very popular. After it, the curls acquire a vibrant shine and become more silky, dandruff disappears and the growth of new hair accelerates.

Benefits for weight loss

White or lettuce onions are found in most salads and meatless dishes. This ingredient is designed to activate metabolism. Any onion contains a lot of carbohydrates. You should not get carried away with this product while on a diet. In addition to bad breath, there will be some drowsiness and the mucous membranes may become inflamed.

Benefits and harms during pregnancy

Pregnant women and breastfeeding women should use onions with caution. The advantages of its use include:

  • Fighting vitamin deficiency and strengthening the immune system. Onions well restore the body's need for vitamin C, PP, etc.
  • Protection against colds (due to the high content of phytoncides), to which pregnant women are most susceptible.
  • Beneficial effect on the formation of the fetal neural tube due to the content of folic acid.
  • Elimination of such problems of pregnant women as constipation.

The risk is that excessive consumption can lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa, causing ulcers, gastritis and heartburn. For the same reason, the use of fresh onions is not recommended for children under three years of age (heat-treated ones are possible from the eighth month of life).

Breastfeeding experts are wary of this product. It can cause changes in the taste characteristics of milk, and infants are very sensitive to such changes.

The destruction of microorganisms is a dual property of onions. On the one hand, it fights “pests” in the body. On the other hand, the microflora may be disrupted and beneficial bacteria may be destroyed. It has a mild hypnotic effect, activates metabolism, improves hematopoiesis, and helps remove excess fluid from the body.

For the liver

Onions are good for the liver. Liver cleansing is often done with this product. It is enough to consume it raw and drink plenty of liquid. Heat treatment of onions with such a diet and the addition of sugar are also acceptable. It is able to remove harmful substances from the liver and gall bladder.

For the brain

Not many people know that the benefits of onions are invaluable for the brain. With its systematic use, the effect of rejuvenation of the departments responsible for memory and emotions is observed, and the process of their aging is delayed. This is possible due to the content of active sulfur compounds that are easily absorbed by the body. Onions also have a mild hypnotic effect.

For heart

The abundance of potassium and B vitamins in onions indicates its undeniable benefits for the cardiovascular system. When consumed, the process of hematopoiesis and the formation of blood vessels improves. In particular, it is used in the treatment of hypertension.

Benefits and harms in diseases

Positive dynamics have been proven when onions are consumed by patients with breast cancer. The healing properties of this magical product are not limited to this.

Due to the presence of easily absorbable calcium, it is used to treat osteoporosis. It is also required to be included in a patient’s diet for gout and for its prevention, since it helps remove uric acid from the kidneys, and it is not deposited on the joints.

For diabetes

The healing properties of onions for diabetes of both types are difficult to overestimate. The fact is that it has an amazing effect - lowering blood sugar (due to the abundance of vitamin PP). For an insulin-dependent patient, eating onions in any form (both heat-treated and raw) daily in large quantities is an opportunity to “get off the needle.” Despite the fact that the effect of onions does not appear immediately, it has the same effect as an expensive medicine.

The main harmful effects of onions:

  • irritation of mucous organs with all the ensuing consequences (exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis, bronchial asthma);
  • some inhibition of brain processes (drowsiness);
  • negative effect on beneficial intestinal microflora and acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of onions is strictly prohibited in case of pancreatitis in the acute stage due to the essential oils that excite the mucous membrane, the abundance of acids and dietary fiber. The latter promote intestinal motor functions and cause bloating, colic, and diarrhea in the patient.

Answers to popular questions

What is the best way to eat the product?

The most ideal option is raw onions. Some people simply eat it peeled, like an apple.

Boiled onions lose the lion's share of vitamin C and other useful substances during processing, but remain a powerful weapon in the fight against diabetes, pancreatitis and other diseases.

Standards for food consumption

100 gr. onions are able to satisfy the body's needs for vitamin C. Restrictions on its use are imposed only in the case of a person's illness.

Let's summarize the benefits of onions

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of onions. Its effectiveness has been proven for many generations; it occupies an honorable first place in the treatment of folk remedies. Rich in vitamins, sharp and memorable taste and smell, confirmed status of a panacea - that’s what onions are.

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