Letter about holding a presentation at the enterprise. Business letter. Writing business letters How to correctly compose a business letter from a psychological point of view, so that it is not thrown away without reading it - presentation

Presentations of companiesPresentations for rent in shopping centers in PreziFor performancesMarketing kitProduct presentationsFor investorsConstructionServicesLogistics

  • Presentation of a company selling building materials
  • Delicious presentation of gift-impressions for Yohoho
  • Presentation by customs representative
  • Presentation of the training center
  • Presentation online systems calculation of housing and communal services
  • Brand presentation outerwear(jackets, down jackets)
  • Solid presentation of a large construction company
  • Construction company presentation
  • Presentation of a famous shoe store
  • Fast food restaurant presentation
  • Presentation of spa products for a shopping center
  • Presentation of the jewelry chain
  • Marketing kit of a ventilation equipment manufacturer (well-known in Russia)
  • Jewelry company.

Presentation letters and backgrounds

Simply put, you need to confirm that your company is real and worthy of trust, and not just another “caricature-montage” around the corner in a beautiful package. Tell a story about the company, confirm competence with facts, for example, the number of orders completed or production capacity. Use photographs of the office, workshops, warehouses and employees.
How can this be implemented? different ways I already talked about it in this article. As a result, the client should have an image in his head that he has come to visit you several times already, knows the names of all the leading specialists and knows his way around the office perfectly. 3. Solving the problem It doesn’t matter whether you are creating a product for mass consumption, or you have a service for a very narrow market segment in a specific area - you must solve certain problems for the client.

List the processes that the client may not worry about when working with you.

Presentation letter sample

When we launched the development of turnkey presentations and marketing kits at the agency, we had this “trick” - a free audit. In general, we received 5-10 presentations a week in our inbox, which we mercilessly criticized, giving specific advice on how to improve them. The #1 problem with most presentations is structure. There is not enough information about the company itself, which sows mistrust.


On the contrary, complete satisfaction of one’s ego and a minimum of information about the product. Some people want to write down all the details and create a work of 80 pages, while others, on the contrary, compress everything into 4 slides. Of course, the structure of the presentation depends on the goals set, current tasks and target audience.

The ideal structure of a company presentation: 10 mandatory components

Samples of written presentations Legend-presentation of an innovative company. specializing in contract manufacturing electronic technology and accessories latest generation. View a sample presentation-legend about the company Text of the presentation letter for the supply. compiled for a company supplier of special equipment and construction equipment. View an example of a presentation letter A letter with a presentation and proposal from a ticket agent company to entertainment venues, theaters and organizers of public events.

View the text of the proposal-presentation The text of the presentation of the printing company. specializing in the production of photo books. Image background, written presentation of the company for various purposes. View written presentation Presentation letter for a regional design and construction company.

Portfolio for presentations and marketing to whales

Intelligence map (mind-map) - effective method organizing information. It is created as follows. Take a sheet of paper and indicate the topic of the presentation in the center. From the center to different sides“branches grow” - the main categories that you need to tell your investors about.
For example, “Revenue”, “Expenses”, “Risks” and “Documents”. The branches themselves are divided into small branches. This gives your presentation a non-linear structure. You can highlight key points narratives, create linear texts based on mind maps, or distribute the “intelligence tree” itself to your partners.
Steve Jobs- one of greatest masters carrying out business presentations in the world. He managed to create real business performances. However, behind the apparent ease and ease, months of hard work were hidden. The script for the presentations themselves took weeks to create.

Samples of presentation letters and texts, powerpoint presentations

For example, no errors in tax reporting, stable traffic to the site or collection of debts by debt collectors. Your task is to resonate and create in the client a desire to get rid of these problems with your help. 4. Benefits of cooperation Important rule of this block - write “you” 3 times more often than the word “we”.


That is, your benefits should be focused on the client, and not on how cool you are. Please indicate more facts, more numbers explaining each benefit. For example, “with us you get the fastest feedback, because 2 personal managers work with you at once and remain in touch around the clock.”

Think through every benefit. There should not be more than 7 of them for a given block. At the same time, they should be really valuable and set you apart from your competitors. If another company has the exact same benefit, just don't write about it.

Presentation. how to create a presentation letter?

  • Presentation for a transport company
  • Seasoning manufacturer presentation
  • Presentation of POS lending
  • Presentation of the School of Foreign Languages
  • Developer presentation
  • Presentation of the largest lingerie brand
  • Presentation of a clothing brand (high fashion)
  • Dry cleaning presentation design for a shopping center
  • Logo and presentation of a nail bar for rent in a shopping center
  • Presentation of a social project
  • Presentation of spare parts store
  • Chain of men's shirt stores
  • Presentation of a jewelry company for a shopping center
  • Presentation of a jewelry store for rent
  • Presentation of a nail bar for a shopping center
  • Presentation of a construction company for a tender
  • Presentation of the school of sports journalism
  • Presentation for investors.

How to write a company presentation letter

For the Industrial Design Conference. View the text of the image presentation Text of the video presentation for audio documentary film about the supply of cement. Watch the text of the video presentation The text of the image presentation for a large metropolitan logistics company with elements of a commercial proposal. View the text of the presentation The text of an informational presentation for a holding company producing abrasive tools. View the text of the info-presentation. Presentation letters and backgrounds The text presentations section presents some samples of completed work - texts of presentation letters, company backgrounds, as well as image presentations for demonstration to potential and current business partners. The work was accepted by the customer - presentation letters were developed taking into account current market positions and designed in the appropriate corporate style.

How to write a company presentation letter

Examples of PowerPoint presentations for various purposes, samples of presentation texts and letters for various information media, including PPT. The sample texts show fragments of presentation texts; the examples show the main slides of presentation templates in Power Point. Individual characteristics Each presentation or presentation letter requires the development of a structure, unique texts in a given style.

ONLYES specialists are ready to advise customers on presentation texts for free. We hope that the following sample presentation letters will help you in independent work. Text of the presentation of a transport and logistics company for the supply of food products to retail chains.

View presentation text An advertising presentation for a chain of luxury shoe stores, developed in PowerPoint to present a new project to the landlord.
It’s not for nothing that it was said - be simpler, and people, milk rivers, jelly banks, and also success in presentation will be drawn to you. Thus, a presentation letter consists of three parts: introduction, body and conclusion. The main part is also divided into two subsections: description of the proposal and description of analogues.

If your pitch letter successfully argues that your proposal is the best of its kind, then you will achieve your goal. That is, you will find a new client, partner, sponsor. If your presentation letter is in the form of an advertising brochure, make sure that the cover design matches the purpose of the presentation.

Black, blue and gold will look strange when offering teddy bears for children, and colors that are too bright, air balloons, bubble, clowns and a kaleidoscope are not suitable for the presentation of elite group products.

How to write a company presentation letter example

Even what seems obvious to you may be new and unknown to your client.

  • If you are creating a presentation for a partner or investor, then focus on making his profit and development.

And so, you have decided on a goal. Now it’s time to form a skeletal structure, on which you will later stretch the muscles from headlines, beautiful slogans and selling text. 1. USP on the cover When clients ask me what a USP (unique selling proposition) is, I don’t go into demagoguery, as some marketers like to do.

My answer is simple - this is a short and clear definition of why the client should contact you or at least read the presentation to the end. Write about creation of USP I think it’s a thankless task when so much good material has been released. Just search the site. 2. Information about the company Now prove that you are not a camel.

Successful examples of presentation text construction company and companies from other areas, see “Portfolio”. In the meantime, let's look in detail at the rules for preparing such material. We have prepared a number of tips for you, following which you can compose a presentation text that will help solve any task assigned to you.

We tried to take into account all the necessary parameters that matter. Therefore, if you think that some element is not needed and should be thrown away, think again - big picture It's made up of little things. In preparation, we took into account successful solutions and examples of presentation text for a construction company, but all our recommendations are relevant for companies from other fields of activity.

Step 1. Where to start

First you need to decide who the presentation is being created for. No, you don't need to make up long list characteristics such as: gender, age, social status and so on. This is, of course, important, but not now. The group of future listeners/viewers/readers should be defined more generally:

  • Employees.
  • Investors (real or potential).
  • Clients.

Depending on the audience, the emphasis will need to be on different things:

  • for employees - on stability of development (regular salary payments, no risk of layoffs, etc.) and corporate culture;
  • for investors - on profit;
  • for clients - on services and goods (their benefits, prices, quality, and so on);
  • for the media - on the company’s role in the market.

At the same time, remember that your presentation should in any case solve the following tasks:

  • talk about your products and services;
  • demonstrate how products solve consumer problems (that is, why are you releasing a product or offering a service at all, the answer is “to make money more money" - incorrect);
  • inform about ways to contact you (telephone, website, address) and motivate you to take this step;
  • make an impression and be remembered.

Step 2. Let's start working with content

When you have decided who you will contact and have taken into account the objectives of the future material, it’s time to start direct work with content. First of all, you need to collect information: company history, product characteristics, certificates, diplomas, photographs, analytics, statistics, and so on. And, based on the available material, make a plan.

The latter must contain the following important points (not all of them - follow the logic of presentation, take into account the audience and try to make the presentation as informative as possible and at the same time concise):

  • positioning;
  • description of goods/services;
  • mission/goal/task;
  • proof;
  • achievements;
  • facts with figures;
  • a short tour of the company (via text or photographs with captions);
  • organization of the work process (how we work);
  • principles/philosophy;
  • cases;
  • documentation;
  • employees;
  • future plans;
  • call to action.

Once the plan is drawn up, spread it across the pages, adhering to the principle of “one slide - one thought.” The overall structure should be clearly visible, logical and understandable, and the presentation itself should be convincing and competent. After this, you can write the text itself, supplementing it in the right places with photographs, infographics, diagrams, and so on.

Step 3. Determine the effectiveness of the presentation

Before presenting your presentation to listeners/viewers/readers, try to independently determine its effectiveness. Successful material will be:

  • easy to read (readable and understandable) and easy to remember;
  • combine graphics and text in the correct proportions;
  • make a strong impression.

For comparison, you can look at examples of the text of a construction company’s presentation in the “Portfolio”. If you doubt that you can prepare the same effective material yourself, order the creation of a presentation from an experienced copywriter.

Advertising and information(presentation, commercial) the letter belongs to the category newsletters. Such letters are intended for the presentation of any product, organization, person (in the form of self-promotion) - for example, a political figure or public significant event like a city festival.

The advertising and information letter is open in nature, that is, it is addressed to the public, the general public, and therefore does not imply a personal appeal to the addressee. For this reason, it is not customary to respond to presentation letters with reply messages.

The standard beginning of a presentation letter presenting any product is the wording “ We take this opportunity to draw your attention to..." In addition to this, the following formulations are also possible:

  • You are being addressed (are being addressed)...
  • We would like to draw your attention to...
  • The reason for this letter is...
  • Please consider this letter as...
  • You have a rare chance to take direct part in...
  • You will, of course, answer our call...
  • We will only be glad if...
  • This event represents great importance For...
  • The upcoming event should undoubtedly attract your attention to...
  • This event is intended as a public holiday...
  • This is an extraordinary event...
  • The main advantages...
  • Undeniable advantages...
  • An important additional advantage...
  • The exclusivity of the action is also given by the fact that...
  • Your participation is essential...
  • Your support would be highly appreciated...
  • Your choice can make a difference in the outcome...
  • Your activity will serve not only as evidence of civic responsibility, but also...
  • I will be filled with deep satisfaction if...
  • Your arrival at the holiday will be received with enthusiasm...
  • We will be pleased to bring you a little joy... etc.

When presenting relevant information, you should draw the recipient's attention to the most important benefits described in the message.

In conclusion, it is necessary to induce the addressee to action - for example, to receive additional information or to directly participate in something. Typically, a presentation letter has an appendix - in the form of reference information materials, photographs, illustrations, etc. The author of the letter carrying out “self-presentation” can attach a resume or biography to the message.

An article written with particular cynicism. It's a simple but very powerful technique for creating a sales presentation in a beautiful package. And all this disgrace is illustrated by 10 magic slides. Conditionally, of course. However, this technique has never let me down...

In the life of every entrepreneur, sooner or later there comes a time when you need to step out of your comfort zone and speak publicly. It doesn’t matter in front of employees, at a closed training, conference or in front of the board of directors of a large company. As a last resort, you just need to make a hot commercial offer a la a sales presentation (for example, to find partners or investors). And send it by mail. So to speak, with a minimum of words, maximum meaning and impact.

In all these situations there is one simple but powerful one, universal template. To tell the truth, I am not a supporter of template solutions, but the approach that I want to tell you about today has never let me down. Ready? Make yourself comfortable, we're starting!

Now let's continue. In this article, I will clearly show you how to create a sales presentation of 10-15 slides and translate it into an effective design with costs ranging from $0 (free) to $15 (900 rubles), without the involvement of designers, layout designers or any other performers.

System-adjusted sales presentation

The first thing to take into account is how you plan to use the presentation. This has almost no effect on the general algorithm and structure. But in terms of the number of slides, text and presentation - very much so. For example, if you are preparing a presentation for a speech, then you will have more slides (to make the speech dynamic), less text and more graphics. The text on the slides themselves complements what you say, but is not the main source of information.

In the case of hot commercial offer in the form of a presentation (which you send by mail), the text is the main source of information and it dominates. But even here it is important to know when to stop. One slide should not contain more than 40-50 words of text. Otherwise, the risk of boring the reader with all the ensuing consequences increases.

And further. It is always important to remember what your main task is. If the presentation is selling, then the task is to sell (no matter what: a project, an idea, yourself, etc.). And here you either sell or you don’t. There is no third. In other words, the criterion for assessing effectiveness is very simple: there is a result or there is no result.

Structure of a sales presentation

Now let’s move on to practice and development of selling slides with visual examples. Conventionally, the entire presentation can be divided into 10 blocks (in the minimum implementation - 10 slides). Each block has its own task.

Slide No. 1 – title

This slide contains either the title and company logo (if the presentation is sent by mail), or the title of the report and the name of the speaker (if the presentation is for a speech). In both cases, the title/subject can be subsumed under the 4U formula to enhance the effect.

As a demonstration, I will show slides about a sales presentation. My task is to sell you this equipment so that you take it into service.

Example of the first (title) slide.

Slide No. 2 – problem (pain)

At first glance, the slide may seem simple. And in theory this is true. It would seem that you have written about the problem of the target audience, and you can consider that the problem is half solved. Difficulties begin in practice, when you need not only to find the audience’s problem, but also to formulate it in a language that people understand.

I encountered a similar situation when I was preparing a presentation of Internet marketing services for the owner of a large holding company. It would seem that the pain lies on the surface: “advertising is unprofitable” - take it and use it. But this is where the trap lay. The owner in my case was concerned about other aspects in different formulations: “money was spent, but there was no result,” “No one takes responsibility,” etc. It seems that everything is in related planes, but it often depends on the wording whether you “get” into the target audience or not. That very moment when not only what you say is important, but also how you say it.

I was lucky in this regard. I had the opportunity to have a meaningful conversation with the person before sending the presentation, and this gave me the opportunity to calibrate the problem and make the slide as effective as possible. Otherwise, you would have to go through the rake and learn from mistakes and failures, which is critical, because... sometimes there may not be a second chance.

Sometimes it happens that there are several problems, so a block can take up not one, but several slides. This is especially true when you are making a presentation for public speaking.

In the example below, I'll let myself take special case“pain” so that the slide is as revealing as possible. It is unlikely to be relevant for you, but it clearly shows the technique in action. The more accurately you describe the problem and the closer it is to the reader, the more impressive your presentation will be.

An example of the second slide of a sales presentation is a description of the problem.

Slide No. 3 – amplifier

And here is the first secret component. Many limit themselves to just one problem, but you can go further: amplify the problem, show its scale, relevance and consequences. If you visualize, then in the second slide you point out the audience’s callus, and in the third you begin to put pressure on it. With special sadism. The advantage of this approach is that when you get into “pain,” they listen to you very carefully (they read every word in your CP).

The consequences of the problem, expressed in units understandable to the audience (money, time, clients, related problems), are ideal as an amplifier. For example, there is a problem: employees spend 2-3 hours a day on social networks. We translate all this disgrace into money - we get the first amplifier. And then we cultivate the effect of wasting time, getting lost profit, loss of clients, etc. This is the second amplifier.

In other words, the amplifier is the anti-benefit, or the answer to the question of what the problem turns out to be for the audience.

Important: This slide is also a kind of litmus test for assessing the problem. If there is no amplifier for the problem or it is, to put it mildly, unconvincing, then this is an alarming signal, and it is worth reviewing the content of the second slide.

Example of an amplified slide.

Slide No. 4 – solution (offer)

This slide has the maximum concentration of the audience's attention. And this is the very slide that makes your presentation selling. It's time to make an offer that people can't refuse - . On this slide, you show the audience your product or service as a solution to the problem described above.

In other words, it's time to answer the question “What do you offer and how does it help the client?”

Example of the fourth slide: an offer as a solution to an audience problem.

Slide No. 5 – technology

You presented your product and service as a solution to your target audience's problem. Now is the time to clearly show how the product or service solves this problem. Otherwise, there is a risk of receiving an unclosed objection. In other words, on this slide you answer the question “How?”

There may also be variations and several slides at this point. For example, in the presentation on Internet marketing described above, on each slide I separately showed each direction and how it contributed to solving the client’s problem. In the example below, I will show one slide to reveal the principle as much as possible.

Example of the fifth slide of a sales presentation: technology, or how it works.

Slide No. 6 – proof

At this stage, you have already sufficiently interested the audience, but they still do not trust your words. To call him, you need to prove that everything you said is true. Cases are ideal for this. Show how other people have already solved a problem using your product or service. Here the psychological trigger of contrast (before/after) works ideally for you.

If there are several cases, it is better to place them not on one, but on several slides. This makes them easier to perceive, and the value of each case in the eyes of the audience is higher.

An example of the sixth slide - cases as proof of the veracity of your words.

Slide No. 7 - the price of the issue

If you did all the previous six slides correctly, then now only one question is spinning in your audience’s head: “How much?” How much does it cost?". And here we, as if anticipating people’s question, name the price.

In the case of price, there is one small trick. The fact is that as soon as you name the price, people begin to decide for themselves whether to buy or not. Conventionally, this is a choice between two options, one of which is undesirable for you. To increase the likelihood of choice in your favor, experienced copywriters give not one price, but several - in the form of packages or tariff plans. There are usually three or four of them. And everyone has their own task.

  1. First package the cheapest (so that dumping can be done), but has a number of disadvantages that a person must put up with.
  2. Second or third package– optimal, it is often highlighted graphically a la “best seller”.
  3. Fourth package– the most expensive and costly, its price is noticeably higher, but in terms of actual value it is comparable to the previous package. Its main purpose is to show the contrast that the basic package is not that expensive.

Example of the seventh slide of the presentation: packages with costs.

In general, contrast is an amazing trigger. Imagine that you bought a car for, say, $20,000. You are offered to buy additional floor mats and a protective mesh for the radiator for $200. You agree because compared to the amount already spent, $200 seems meager.

Now the situation is different. You don't have floor mats, and you brought your car in for maintenance, costing $100. You are offered to buy the same rugs for $200. Most likely, you will refuse such an offer. Again, it's all about contrast of perception.

Slide No. 8 - objections

Whichever tempting offer No matter what you do, the audience always has questions or objections. And very different, starting from “Too expensive!” and ending with “Who are you?” Starting with this slide is the time to close objections, thereby creating additional trust.

The rule here is simple: we place the handler for each objection on a separate slide. An example is closing the objection “Can the author of this article be trusted?”

An example of a slide with handling objections.

Other popular blocks are the block “About the company”, “Our clients”, “Reviews”, “Certificates and awards”, etc.

Please note: the seller himself is discussed only on the eighth slide, and not on the first or second. Many people make a grave mistake when, without having yet aroused the interest of the audience, they begin to talk about themselves. Put yourself in the place of the reader or listener. Would you be interested in a story about people or companies completely unknown to you?

Slide No. 9 – summary and benefits

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you have probably noticed that in a sales presentation the approach to placing benefits is different from, for example, where benefits come immediately after the offer.

It's all about the specifics of the presentations. Here we use benefits as an amplifier of everything that has been said, summing up, in order to then “close” the person to the target action we need. Look at the example.

An example of demonstrating benefits as a result of a commercial presentation.

Slide No. 10 – call to action

The culmination of a sales presentation and one of the most important blocks - you call on a person to take the target action you need. In other words, you give him a clear instruction, answering the question: “What’s next?” On the same slide you can have an additional offer with a deadline (a key attribute for selling from the stage).

If you have a non-commercial report and you want to involve the audience in a discussion, encourage them to ask you questions. At the same time, try to avoid dead-end slides a la “Thank you for your attention!”, because they tend to reduce conversion.

Example of a final presentation slide: a call to action and clear instructions on what to do next.

Sales presentation design

You have thought through the structure, written the text and created a presentation prototype. You are great and happy with yourself. But don’t send the presentation in this form to the client or conference organizers! Unpresentable. And there are three possible solutions.

Take advantage of free templates. Perfect option when you need to do everything quickly, simply and tastefully. There are tons of free presentation templates for Google Slides, Microsoft Power Point, or Keynote. They allow you to set general style, but do nothing with the images. This point can be circumvented by using free vector images, which can also be easily found in search engines. I made the presentation for example in this article exactly along this path. Fast, simple and effective. Everything took a little over an hour.

Use the services of a designer. The other extreme and the most expensive option. It is used only for key tasks and, as a rule, only in large companies. Keeping a designer on staff is not a cheap pleasure. More or less good specialists cost $800-1200 per month. Making a presentation design on a one-time cooperation basis will cost $150-300. In conditions of a limited budget it costs a pretty penny.

Use ready-made paid commercial templates. I resort to this method from time to time. Essentially, this is an improved option #1. You receive a template with all the necessary fonts, icons and graphics in a single style and one archive. This pleasure costs on average $7-15 (400-900 rubles). There are a lot of high-quality templates on the GraphicRiver.net website (this site is part of the giant Envato Market, which owns such sites as Themeforest, Videohive, CodeCanyon, Audiojungle and others). All presentation templates can be divided into three types: for Google Slides, for MS PowerPoint and for Keynote. As I wrote above, I prefer the first option. You can choose the one that is more convenient for you to work with.

An example of a full sales presentation

This is what the entire presentation looks like, all slides one through ten. Another advantage of Google Slides is the ability to embed presentations anywhere from the cloud.


Today we looked at a simple and quick way create a presentation to sell ideas, products or services and wrap it in a decent design at minimal cost. The only thing I remind you is that when developing slides you need to remember the number of words (there should not be more than 40 per slide). Also note that the font should be readable even from the back of the conference room, especially if people have low vision.

Finally, remember that half the success is correctly identifying and formulating the problem of the target audience. Moreover, the problem is real, not fictitious. And offer an actual solution. And everything will work out for you. The main thing is to try it!

P.P.S. Have questions? Ask in the comments!

We present to your attention step-by-step recommendations how to make a company presentation on the website and make the text “About the company” an effective tool for increasing sales, writing the text “About the company” is not boring, makes you want to read it and learn more about your business.

Unfortunately, some people believe that an “About” page is not needed at all - this is a big mistake. It's not enough to have good design, it is important to establish a trusting relationship, and to do this, talk about yourself. To do this, in addition to text, you can use a video clip. If you decide to record a video for the About page, make it intense and short, about 1.5, maximum 2 minutes.

Firstly, it is important to decide for whom you will write the text “About the company”

To write the text “About the company” in an interesting way, you need to determine who you want to tell about yourself. That is, it is advisable to start by understanding your target audience. The concept of the page and what needs to be emphasized largely depend on this.

If you want to write “About the Company” text to clients.

First of all, it is important to build trust in the company, your services or product. Customers need to be shown the benefits of working with you or the benefits of purchasing a product in order to create a desire to buy it. Avoid ambiguous expressions, dubious remarks - be on the same wavelength with your clients.

  1. Tell us why your site will be useful or interesting
  2. Tell customers how you can help and what problems you solve
  3. Tell us how you differ from your competitors

If you want to write a text “About the company” for employees.

Let's say you really need a partner or person to join your team. This is a priority in given time, so you need to tell them why they should work for you. Remember: you will be read by a person who can become an important part of your team and be useful to the company.

  1. Focus on real benefits rather than perceived ones.
  2. Give a clear vision of how it is formed wage, and what prospects you offer
  3. Describe the qualities that are most important to you

Web studio services for preparing texts and optimizing a website for promotion

  • Drawing up a semantic core of the site for promotion with texts
  • Selection of keywords to compile the semantic core of the site
  • Analysis of search query statistics when preparing texts for the site

If you want to write a text “About the company” for the media.

By preparing the text “About the company” for the media, you form your image and public opinion. If you form the right impression about the company, then impeccable reputation and publications will be provided to you.

However, you need to write about this directly and interest journalists so that they want to communicate with you, learn something important and talk about the events that are happening with you. This approach works for the future, and in this case you will get:

  1. Increased customer confidence
  2. Advantageous offers from suppliers
  3. Interest of potential partners for cooperation

If you want to write a text “About the company” for investors.

It's a completely different matter if your the main objective– attracting investments. Then the approach to writing text should be specific and businesslike. When preparing an “About” page, facts and real numbers of your achievements are very important for investors.

  1. It is important to emphasize and show that you can really earn money
  2. You need to make it clear that you will be able to receive a much higher income when receiving investments
  3. Be sure to use numbers you can back up.

In the next article, we will talk about what tools to use in order to write such an “About the Company” text that will help visitors to your site not only understand you better, but also encourage them to immediately make an order or purchase.

The purpose of your About page will be achieved if the potential client leaves his contact information for further communication with you. If you are not sure that you can write an effective “About the Company” page yourself, contact the AVANZET web studio, we will be happy to help. If you have any questions, call us for a consultation, or fill out the form to