Draw a frog princess like Ivan Tsarevich period. Drawing the heroes of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. How to draw a frog princess - designing the lower limbs

Funny stories about Ivana Prince and Vasilisa the Beautiful.

A collection of the funniest jokes about Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful.

How to draw a frog princess

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Once upon a time there lived Ivan Prince. And he had a wife - the Frog Princess. In the evening she was a beautiful beauty, and during the day she again transformed into a greenish ugly thing. And there was no miracle here: Ivan Prince just got so drunk in the evening!

And Ivan Tsarevich kissed the frog, and reincarnated himself into a frog. No, well, the toad actually had stronger DNA...

The fairy was very angry with Ivan Tsarevich. Therefore, she turned him not just into a toad, but made him a frog princess. Now he is waiting with fear for young, gullible princes to start kissing him...

Why does Zmey Gorynych have eight heads?

Ivan Prince slashed several heads, and his head grew even more.

Why does he have an udder?

This is not an udder. The prince slashed him a couple of times there too.

Ivan Tsarevich kissed the frog and she was reincarnated as a princess. Ivan Tsarevich kissed the princess and she reincarnated as a frog. Again Ivan Tsarevich kissed the frog and again she was reincarnated as princess. And Ivan Tsarevich kissed the princess again and she turned back into a frog.

Hallucinogenic toad! - Ivan Tsarevich understood.

The skin of many frogs secretes hallucinogens. It is not surprising that Ivan Tsarevich, having kissed the frog, saw how it turned into Vasilisa the Beautiful, released swans from her sleeves, and other good things.

Came Ivan Tsarevich to the swamp for an arrow, he saw a frog, took her in his arms and kissed her - once, twice she didn’t turn into a woman, he did her again, and she spread her legs and said:

I am very much Vanya enchanted...

Ivan Tsarevich comes to Baba Yaga and says:

Kashchei stole Vasilisa the Beautiful from me. Show me the way how to get there?

Baba Yaga says:

Here's a magic bull, you go out onto the road and throw it on the sidewalk. Wherever the janitor sends you, go there!

Ivan Tsarevich arrives at the stone at the crossroads, and there is an inscription: “If you go to the left, I will kill you! Your Vasilisa.”

Ivan Tsarevich hit his head on a tree while running, pulled the horse by the tail, and, having received a hoof, laughed joyfully. One servant asks another:

What happened to Ivan Tsarevich?

Yes, he is a prince recently. And before that he was Ivan the Fool, until he caught the eye of Princess Nesmeyane.

Ivan Tsarevich cut off one head of the Serpent-Gorynych, and in its place three new ones grew. I cut off the second one and five new ones grew. And Baba Yaga ran around and shouted:

Vanyusha, Vanyusha! Come on, smack his pussy!

One thing Ivan Tsarevich did not take into account was that Koschey the Immortal would spread Blendamed on the egg.

Ivan Tsarevich drove up to the stone, read the inscription on it and cried bitterly. Since it was written there: “Here lies the Serpent Gorynych. He was born for high flight, had a fiery heart and spoke three languages.”

As the barrel of mash emptied, in the eyes of Ivan Tsarevich the frog gradually turned into a beautiful princess...

And Ivan Tsarevich sees the Golden Cockerel on the porch. Ivan Tsarevich took the cockerel, put it in his saddle bag, took it to Sberbank and cashed it...

All jokes are fictitious. Matches with real people or events are random.


How to draw Ivan Tsarevich and the Frog Princess? To draw Ivan Tsarevich and the princess frog, we need to choose the right angle. How to draw the Frog Princess step by step easy. Learn how to draw the Frog Princess with an arrow in her mouth using a pencil step by step from a fairy tale. How draw Ivan Tsarevich in pencil. Find out how draw Ivan Tsarevich from MF " Ivan Tsarevich And Gray wolf"with a pencil. How to draw Ivan Tsarevich step by step. In today's lesson you will learn how to draw Ivan Tsarevich step by step with a pencil. How to draw the Princess frog step by step | Lessdraw. How to Draw the Frog Princess with a Pencil and a Child Easily draw Princess. How to Draw Ivan Tsarevich I Princess-A frog? How draw Ivan Tsarevich and the Frog Princess? How to draw the fairy tale "The Frog Princess. How to simply draw Ivan Tsarevich. Now you will learn how to simply draw Ivan Tsarevich from the cartoon Ivan Tsarevich. How to draw Ivana How to draw a prince step by step. How to draw Ivan Now draw the body of Ivan Tsarevich, the frog princess; How. How to draw "The Frog Princess" step by step. And here is a lesson on how to draw a frog princess: Then you need to detail the frog and apply it. How to Draw Princess Vasilisa From M/F Ivan Tsarevich. How to draw Ivan Tsarevich and the Frog Princess? How to draw this fairy tale?

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen; he had three sons - all young, single, such daredevils that neither could be said in a fairy tale, nor written with a pen; the youngest was called Ivan Tsarevich. The king says this to them: “My dear children, take an arrow for yourself, pull tight bows and let them different sides; In whose yard the arrow will fall, make your match there.” The elder brother shot an arrow - it fell on the boyar's yard, right opposite the maiden's mansion; the middle brother let it fly - the arrow flew to the merchant's courtyard and stopped at the red porch, and on that porch stood the soul-maiden, the merchant's daughter; The younger brother fired - the arrow landed in a dirty swamp, and was picked up by a frog frog. Tsarevich Ivan says: “How can I take the frog for myself? The frog is no match for me! - “Take it!” - the king answers him. “You know, this is your fate.”

So the princes got married: the eldest to a hawthorn tree, the middle to a merchant’s daughter, and Ivan Tsarevich to a frog. The king calls them and orders: “So that your wives bake me soft white bread by tomorrow.” Ivan Tsarevich returned to his chambers sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders. “Kwa-kwa, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you become so twisted? - the frog asks him. “Did Al hear an unpleasant word from his father?” - “How can I not spin? My lord, my father, ordered you to make a soft White bread" - “Don’t worry, prince! Go to bed and rest; The morning is wiser than the evening!" She put the prince to bed and threw off her frog skin - and turned into a maiden soul, Vasilisa the Wise; went out onto the red porch and shouted in a loud voice: “Nannies! Get ready, get ready, prepare soft white bread, the kind I ate, ate at my dear father’s.”

The next morning, Tsarevich Ivan woke up, the frog’s bread had been ready for a long time - and so glorious that you couldn’t even think of it, couldn’t imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale! The bread is decorated with various tricks, on the sides you can see royal cities and outposts.

The king thanked Ivan Tsarevich on that bread and immediately gave an order to his three sons: “So that your wives weave me a carpet in one night.” Ivan Tsarevich returned sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders. “Kwa-kwa, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you become so twisted? Did Al hear a harsh, unpleasant word from his father?” - “How can I not spin? My sovereign father ordered that a silk carpet be woven for him in one night.” - “Don’t worry, prince! Go to bed and rest; The morning is wiser than the evening!" She put him to bed, and she shed her frog skin - and turned into a maiden soul, Vasilisa the Wise; went out onto the red porch and shouted in a loud voice: “Nannies! Get ready, get ready to weave a silk carpet - so that it’s like the one I sat on with my dear father!”

As said, so done. The next morning, Tsarevich Ivan woke up, the wah’s carpet had been ready for a long time - and it was so wonderful that you couldn’t even think of it, couldn’t imagine it, except in a fairy tale. The carpet is decorated with gold and silver and intricate patterns. The tsar thanked Tsarevich Ivan on that carpet and immediately gave a new order for all three princes to come to his inspection together with their wives. Again Tsarevich Ivan returned sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders. “Kwa-kwa, Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you freaking out? Did Ali hear an unfriendly word from his father? - “How can I not spin? My sovereign father ordered me to come with you to the inspection; how I will show you to people! - “Don’t worry, prince! Go alone to visit the king, and I will follow you; when you hear knocking and thunder, say: it’s my little frog coming in the box.”

So the older brothers came to the review with their wives, dressed up and dressed up; They stand and laugh at Ivan Tsarevich: “Why, brother, did you come without a wife? At least he brought it in a handkerchief! And where did you find such a beauty? Tea, all the swamps came out?” Suddenly there was a great knock and thunder - the whole palace shook; the guests were greatly frightened, jumped up from their seats and did not know what to do; and Ivan Tsarevich says: “Do not be afraid, gentlemen! This is my little frog in a box that has arrived.” A gilded carriage, harnessed to six horses, flew up to the royal porch, and Vasilisa the Wise came out - such a beauty that you couldn’t even imagine it, couldn’t imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale! She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand and led him to the oak tables and the stained tablecloths.

The guests began to eat, drink, and have fun; Vasilisa the Wise drank from the glass and poured the last of it down her left sleeve; She bit the swan and hid the bones behind her right sleeve. The wives of the older princes saw her tricks, let’s do the same for ourselves. After Vasilisa the Wise went to dance with Ivan Tsarevich, she waved her left hand - a lake became, waved her right - and white swans swam across the water; the king and guests were amazed.

And the older daughters-in-law went to dance, waved their left hands - they splashed, waved their right hands - the bone hit the king right in the eye! The king became angry and dishonestly drove them away.

Meanwhile, Ivan Tsarevich took a moment, ran home, found a frog skin and burned it over a high fire. Vasilisa the Wise arrives, she missed it - there is no frog skin, she became depressed, sad and said to the prince: “Oh, Ivan Tsarevich! What have you done? If you had waited a little, I would have been yours forever; and now goodbye! Look for me far away, in the thirtieth kingdom - near Koshchei the Immortal.” She turned into a white swan and flew out the window.

Ivan Tsarevich wept bitterly, prayed to God in all four directions and went wherever his eyes led him. Whether he walked close, or far, for a long time, or for a short time, an old old man came across him: “Hello,” he says, “ good fellow! What are you looking for, where are you going?”

The prince told him his misfortune. “Oh, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you burn the frog's skin? You didn’t put it on, it wasn’t yours to take it off! Vasilisa the Wise was born more cunning and wiser than her father; For this he became angry with her and ordered her to be a frog for three years. Here's a ball for you; wherever he goes, follow him boldly.”

Ivan Tsarevich thanked the old man and went to get the ball. Going clear field, he comes across a bear. “Let me,” he says, “let me kill the beast!” And the bear warned him: “Don’t hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I’ll be useful to you someday.” He goes further, lo and behold, and a drake flies above him; The prince took aim with his gun and was about to shoot the bird, when suddenly it proclaimed in a human voice: “Don’t hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I’ll be useful to you myself.” He regretted it and moved on. A sideways hare runs; The prince again grabbed his gun, began to aim, and the hare announced to him in a human voice: “Don’t hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I’ll be of use to you myself.” Ivan Tsarevich took pity and went further - to the blue sea, he saw a pike fish lying on the sand, dying.

“Ah, Ivan Tsarevich,” proclaimed the pike, “take pity on me, let me into the sea.” He threw her into the sea and walked along the shore.

Whether long or short, the ball rolled towards the hut; The hut stands on chicken legs, turning around. Tsarevich Ivan says: “Hut, hut! Stand in the old way, as your mother did, with your front to me and your back to the sea.” The hut turned its back to the sea, and its front to it. The prince entered it and saw: on the stove, on the ninth brick, Baba Yaga’s bone leg was lying, her nose had grown into the ceiling, snot was hanging over the threshold, her tits were wrapped on a hook, she herself was sharpening her teeth. “Hey you, good fellow! Why did you come to me?” - Baba Yaga asks Ivan Tsarevich. “Oh, you old bastard! You should have fed me, a good fellow, and given me something to drink, steamed me in a bathhouse, and then you would have asked.”

Baba Yaga fed him, gave him something to drink, and steamed him in a bathhouse; and the prince told her that he was looking for his wife Vasilisa the Wise. “Oh, I know! - said Baba Yaga. - She is now with Koshchei the Immortal; it’s hard to get it, it’s not easy to deal with Koshchei: his death is at the end of a needle, that needle is in an egg, that egg is in a duck, that duck is in a hare, that hare is in a chest, and the chest stands on a tall oak tree, and Koschei protects that tree like his own eye "

The yaga pointed out where this oak grows; Ivan Tsarevich came there and didn’t know what to do, how to get the chest? Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear came running and uprooted the tree; the chest fell and broke into pieces, a hare ran out of the chest and took off at full speed; lo and behold, another hare was chasing him, caught up, grabbed him and tore him to shreds. The duck flew out of the hare and rose high, high; flies, and the drake rushed after her, when he hit her, the duck immediately dropped the egg, and that egg fell into the sea. Ivan Tsarevich, seeing the inevitable misfortune, burst into tears; suddenly a pike swims up to the shore and holds an egg in its teeth; he took that egg, broke it, took out a needle and broke off the tip: no matter how much Koschey fought, no matter how much he rushed in all directions, he had to die! Ivan Tsarevich went to Koshchei’s house, took Vasilisa the Wise and returned home. After that they lived together happily ever after.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen; they had three sons, such daring men that neither a fairy tale nor a pen could describe them. The youngest was called Ivan Tsarevich. As the sons grew in age, the king gathered them and said:
- That's it, sons, it's time for you to get married, take an arrow each, go out into an open field, draw tight bows and shoot in different directions. Where whose arrow falls, look for a wife there.

The elder brother's arrow fell on the boyar's courtyard, the boyar's daughter picked it up and gave it to the prince. The middle brother's arrow flew into the wide merchant's courtyard; the merchant's young daughter gave him the arrow. The younger brother shot his arrow - no one knows where the arrow flew away. So he walked and walked, reached a dirty swamp and saw a frog-croak sitting on a hummock and holding his arrow.

Ivan Tsarevich returned to his father and said to him:
- What should I do? I can’t take the frog for myself! To live a century is not to cross a field. The frog is no match for me.
- Take it! - the king answers him. - You know, this is your fate.

So the princes got married: the eldest to a hawthorn, the middle to a merchant’s daughter, and Ivan Tsarevich to a frog. How long or how little time passes, the king calls them and orders:
- Come on, which of the daughters-in-law is the best housekeeper? So that your wives bake me soft white bread by tomorrow.
Ivan Tsarevich returned sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders.
- Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! What's wrong? - the frog asks him. “Did Al hear an unfriendly word from his father?”
- How can I not get upset? My lord, my father, ordered you to make soft white bread by tomorrow.
- Don’t grieve, prince, don’t worry! Go to bed and rest, the morning is wiser than the evening!

She put the prince to bed and threw off her frog skin and turned into a beautiful maiden, Vasilisa the Wise, went out onto the red porch, clapped her hands and shouted in a loud voice:
- Mothers, nannies! Get ready, get ready, bake me soft white bread by morning, the kind I used to eat at my dear father’s house on holidays.
The next morning Ivan Tsarevich woke up, the frog’s bread had long been ready - lush, ruddy and of such beauty that you couldn’t even think of it, couldn’t imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale! The bread is decorated with various tricks, cities and outposts are displayed on top. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, wrapped the bread in a towel and took it to his father. The other sons also brought their loaves.

The king first accepted the bread from his eldest son, looked and looked, and sent it to the kitchen. He accepted it from his middle son and sent him there. Ivan Tsarevich handed over his bread, and the Tsar said:

- This is bread, this is bread, you only eat it on holidays! - and ordered it to be brought to the royal table.

After this, the king said to his sons:
“Now I want to see which of the daughters-in-law is the best at needlework.” So that your wives will weave a carpet for me in one night.
Ivan Tsarevich returned home sadly, again hanging his head below his shoulders.
- Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! What's wrong? Did the Tsar Father not like my bread, or did I hear a harsh, unfriendly word from him?
- How can I not feel sad, how can I not be sad? My lord, my father, told me to thank him for the bread, and he also ordered you to weave him a silk carpet in just one night.
- Don’t grieve, prince, don’t worry! Go to bed, you will see for yourself that the morning is wiser than the evening!

She put him to bed, and she shed her frog skin and turned into a beautiful maiden, Vasilisa the Wise, went out onto the red porch, clapped her hands and shouted in a loud voice:
- Mothers, nannies! Get ready, get ready to weave a silk carpet - so that it’s like the one I sat on with my dear father!
The next morning Tsarevich Ivan woke up, a frog was jumping on the floor, and her carpet had been ready for a long time - and so wonderful that you couldn’t even think of it, couldn’t imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale! The carpet is decorated with gold and silver, the entire kingdom is embroidered on it, with cities and villages, with mountains and forests, with rivers and lakes. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, took the carpet and took it to his father. At this time, other sons also brought carpets.

The eldest prince held out his carpet, the king ordered him to accept it, looked and said:
- Thank you, it will be useful to lay a bed at the threshold!
Here the middle prince presented his carpet. The king ordered it to be accepted, touched it and said:
- This carpet is good for wiping your feet on!
As Ivan Tsarevich unrolled his carpet, everyone gasped. The king himself received him, looked at him, and then gave the order:
- Lay this carpet in front of my royal throne!

And the king ordered his sons to come to him at the feast tomorrow along with their wives. Again Tsarevich Ivan returned sadly, hanging his head below his shoulders.
- Kva-kva, Ivan Tsarevich! What's wrong? Did Ali hear an unfriendly word from his father?
- How can I not get upset? My sovereign father ordered me to come to his feast with you. How I will show you to people!
- Don’t worry, prince! Go alone to the king, and I will follow you; when you hear knocking and thunder, say: “This is my little frog coming in a box!”
So the older brothers came to the Tsar with their wives, dressed up, all dressed up, standing and laughing at Ivan Tsarevich:
- Why did you come without your wife? At least he brought it in a handkerchief! And where did you find such a beauty? Did the tea come from all the swamps?
Suddenly there was a great knock and thunder - the whole palace shook. The guests got scared, jumped up from their seats, and Ivan Tsarevich said:
- Don't be afraid, honest guests! This is my little frog in a box that has arrived.

A gilded carriage, harnessed to six horses, flew up to the royal porch, and Vasilisa the Wise came out - such a beauty that you couldn’t even imagine it, couldn’t imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale. She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand and led him to the oak tables and the stained tablecloths.
The guests began to eat, drink, and have fun. Vasilisa the Wise drank from the glass and poured the remainder down her left sleeve, bit into a swan and hid the bones behind her right sleeve. The wives of the older princes saw her tricks and let’s do the same. After drinking and eating, it was time to dance. Vasilisa the Wise picked up Ivan Tsarevich and began to dance. She waved her left sleeve - a lake became, she waved her right sleeve and white swans swam across the water. The king and guests were amazed. And the older daughters-in-law went to dance, waved their left sleeves - they splashed the guests, waved their right sleeves - the bone hit the king right in the eye! The king got angry and drove them away.

Meanwhile, Ivan Tsarevich took a moment, ran home, found a frog skin and burned it over a high fire. Vasilisa the Wise arrives, she missed it - there is no frog skin, she became depressed and sad.
- Oh, Ivan Tsarevich! What have you done? If you had waited a little, I would have become yours forever, but now goodbye! Look for me far away, in the thirtieth kingdom - near Koshchei the Immortal.

She turned into a white swan and flew out the window.
Ivan Tsarevich wept bitterly, then pulled himself together, said goodbye to his father and mother, and went wherever his eyes led him. Whether he walked close, or far, for a long time, or for a short time, an old old man came across him.
“Hello,” he says, “good fellow!” What are you looking for, where are you going? The prince told him his misfortune.

Eh, Ivan Tsarevich! Why did you burn the frog's skin? You didn’t put it on, it wasn’t yours to take it off! Vasilisa the Wise was born more cunning and wiser than her father. For this reason he became angry with her and ordered her to be a frog for three years. Well, I'll help you. Here is a ball for you, where it will roll - follow it boldly.

Ivan Tsarevich thanked the old man and went to get the ball. He walks through an open field and comes across a bear. Ivan Tsarevich aimed at the beast, and the bear said in a human voice:
- Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be useful to you someday.
He goes further, and lo and behold, a drake flies above him. The prince took aim with his bow and was about to shoot him, when suddenly the drake said in a human voice:
- Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be useful to you someday.
He felt sorry for him and moved on. A sideways hare runs. The Tsarevich again grabbed his bow and began to aim; the Azayan said to him in a human voice:
- Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be of use to you myself.
The prince took pity on him and went further - to the blue sea, he saw a pike lying on the sand, dying.

“Ah, Ivan Tsarevich,” said the pike, “take pity on me, let me into the sea.” He threw her into the sea and walked along the shore.
Whether long or short, the ball rolled towards the small hut.
On the very shore there is a hut on chicken legs that turns around. Ivan Tsarevich says:
- Hut, hut! Stand in the old way, as your mother did - with your front to me and your back to the sea.
The hut turned around. The prince entered it and saw: Baba Yaga was lying on the stove, on the ninth brick.
- Why, good fellow, did you come to me?
“You should have fed and given me something to drink, steamed me in a bathhouse first, and then you would have asked.”
Baba Yaga fed him, gave him something to drink, and steamed him in a bathhouse. Then the prince told her that he was looking for his wife, Vasilisa the Wise.
- Oh, I know! - said Baba Yaga, “She is now with Koshchei the Immortal.” It’s hard to get her, it’s not easy to deal with Koshchei. Well, so be it, I’ll tell you where Koshcheev’s death is hidden. His death is at the end of a needle, that needle is in an egg, that egg is in a duck, that duck is in a hare, that hare is in a chest, and the chest stands on a tall oak tree and Koschey protects that oak tree like his own eye.

Baba Yaga pointed out where this oak grows. Ivan Tsarevich reached him and does not know what to do, how to get the chest. He tried to rock it this way and that, no, the oak didn’t work.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear came running and uprooted the tree, the chest fell and broke into pieces. A hare jumped out of the chest and began to run at full speed.
Lo and behold, another hare was chasing him, caught up, grabbed him and tore him to shreds.
Then a duck flew out of the hare and rose high, high. And the drake rushed after her, as soon as he hit her, the egg fell out of the duck straight into the blue sea. In such misfortune, Ivan Tsarevich sat down on the shore and burst into bitter tears.

Suddenly a pike swims up to the shore and holds an egg in its teeth. He took that egg and went to Koshcheev’s dwelling. When Koschey saw the egg in his hands, he began to shake all over. And Ivan Tsarevich began to transfer the egg from hand to hand. He throws, but Koschey fights and rushes about. But no matter how much Koschey fought, no matter how much he rushed in all directions, and when Ivan Tsarevich broke the egg, took out a needle from it and broke off the tip, Koschey had to die. Then Ivan Tsarevich went to the Koshcheev Chambers, took Vasilisa the Wise and returned home with her to his state.

To celebrate, the king threw a feast for the whole world. After that they lived together happily ever after.

Happy New Year!)

The ability to draw a frog will definitely come in handy for both adults and children, since it is not only a frequent guest in fairy tales, but also an amphibian common throughout the world, living in fresh water bodies. In this lesson we will look at how to draw a frog step by step for more experienced artists, as well as a couple simple ways for beginners.

Realistic example

First, let's look at how to draw a frog with a pencil step by step. It may not seem the simplest, however, if you follow all the instructions step by step, a decent result will not take long to arrive.

Stage 1
Let's prepare a supporting sketch. They will become two circles different shapes- torso and head.

The smaller circle is divided into 4 parts by two perpendicular straight lines and slightly extended forward.

The larger one is pulled back and connected to the other, as shown in the picture. The position of the paws is marked.

Stage 2
Let's start clarifying the details, and start this process from the head. A fairly large eye is depicted with folds of skin above and below, reminiscent of an eyelid. On the other side of the eyes for the most part invisible and shown in the figure as a small protrusion.

Stage 3
Now it’s the turn of the front legs. First, volume is added and the fingers of the right one are drawn, then the far left one appears.

Draw the hind legs. From a sitting position, it is folded in an unusual way. It is their position that is drawn first, and then the fingers.

Stage 4
All unnecessary strokes are removed with an eraser and auxiliary lines.

All that remains is to paint over the finished image. To do this, shadows are first applied by hatching, which gives the overall volume, after which the entire image is filled.

Example of drawing for a child

A quick and simple way that explains how to draw a frog step by step for children will be useful for both the kids themselves and their parents.

First, the base of the future frog is depicted in the shape of an egg. The wider part is at the bottom.

Protruding eyes must be marked at the top. The lines separating them and the body can be removed.

Dotted eyes and a muzzle are immediately drawn. The front legs should be made simply straight, in front of the frog.

The last to be depicted are the hind legs, folded in a characteristic way: the frog is sitting, but at the same time is ready to jump.

Frog example for beginners

Let's look at how to draw a frog step by step. For beginners, the method proposed below is suitable, which does not require special artistic skills, but still gives excellent results.

You should start with an image of the head, or more precisely, the muzzle. From it the contours of the body are depicted.

When top part already there, you should proceed to the visible left paws. To do this, first their position is depicted, and then the fingers are drawn.

Now you can draw the right legs, partially hidden by the frog.

Let's add a nose and eyes. The drawing is ready.

Draw a cute frog

Below is an excellent sequence that tells you how to draw a frog with a pencil step by step. It will be quite accessible for beginners, and the result will be a very cute and funny frog that both children and adults will definitely enjoy.

First, let's draw auxiliary contours: big circle- the body, two smaller ones on top - the eyes.

Let's give the frog's body a shape and draw his mouth. Let's add characteristic spots on the face.

The hind legs are folded; we will draw them in the form of ovals on both sides of the body. The front legs should be drawn as shown in the figure below.

We outline the outline of the drawing with a thicker pencil or felt-tip pen, and remove the auxiliary lines with an eraser.

The little frog is ready for coloring.

How to draw the Frog Princess in gouache for children over 5 years old step by step with photos

Master class on drawing for children "The Frog Princess"

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova
Teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov", the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.

Description: The work can be done with children from 5 years old. The material may be useful to educators preschool institutions and additional education teachers and parents.
Purpose: interior decoration, participation in creative exhibitions, gifts.
Target: creating a landscape with a frog in limited color scheme.
-continue to introduce children to mythological and fairy-tale characters the Russian people, to introduce the image and meaning of the frog in folk ideas;
-learn to draw a frog, build a simple composition with elements natural landscape;
-practice in constructing a sketch of a drawing using auxiliary lines and geometric figures;
-improve skills in gouache technique;
- to cultivate interest in various visual techniques and materials, a sense of love and pride in the history and culture of their homeland.

Hello, dear friends and guests! Today is our main character- The frog is an unusual and mysterious creature that left a deep mark on the rich heritage of our ancestors!
IN Slavic mythology The frog is associated primarily with fertility, moisture, and rain. She is the keeper of rivers, lakes, wells, the mistress of water. The idea of ​​fertility, life-giving moisture also explains its connection with childbirth. It was believed that frogs pulled newborns out of the water and brought them into the house. Like snakes, in some regions the frog is considered to be a household protector and was often used in folk medicine, divination and witchcraft. Sometimes she, like a turtle, fish or some sea animal, carries the world on her back. The frog is associated with the elements of chaos - the original silt from which the world arose.

The frog is symbolically associated with the Moon. Many myths talk about a frog living on the moon. As an amphibian, she is a creature that lives in two elements. During its development, the frog undergoes a transformation: from a tadpole, which can only live in water, it turns into an adult, capable of moving both in water and on land. That is, it symbolizes mediation between these two worlds and transmutation. IN different traditions The frog is associated with water and, in particular, with rain and is present in rain-making rituals.

In many Slavic traditions The frog, like the snake, is credited with the role of a domestic patron. People believed that a frog living under the threshold of a house protected the house from misfortunes. In the Bryansk region, the house frog is considered the “mistress” of the house along with the house snake and it is forbidden to kill it, and the house frog itself can appear in the form of the Frog.

In Ukrainian Polesie, the toad is considered the mother of the snake or they believe that it “plays” with the snake. According to legend, the Frog, who has not seen the sun for seven years, turns into a flying kite. Like snakes, the Frog has its own king with a crown on his head. Frogs (and especially toads) are often considered poisonous. Their poison is stronger, but they have been prohibited from biting a person since the creation of the world.

The wife of the merman and the bannik, an inhabitant of the bathhouse, can appear in the form of a huge Frog.

But most often, Toads and Frogs are seen as converted witches, who in this guise penetrate and take milk from other people's cows, sucking it from the udder.
According to Polish legend, in the vicinity of Krakow, under a pair of linden trees, lives a Frog with human body, to which consecrated greens are thrown on Good Friday, causing cows to give a lot of milk.
The milk theme, which makes the Frog similar to many other reptiles, is also represented in methods of spoilage -
taking milk from cows with the help of a torn Frog thrown across the barn, by throwing the Frog into someone's milk.

Signs about the weather are associated with the beginning of the Frog's croaking; they say that in the spring they begin to croak before the first thunder. How many days before the Annunciation the Frogs come out of the water or croak for the first time, the same number of days after the Annunciation they will inevitably hide back, or the same number of days after the Annunciation they will remain silent, since the cold will still last.

There are ancient beliefs that in the spring old swallows that have spent the winter in a swamp under water turn into a Frog.

In folk medicine, frogs are used to treat abscesses, boils, sores on the body, swelling of the cheek, draw out snake venom and treat poisonous bites. As a cold-blooded creature, the Frog is used to treat diseases of a fiery nature: cough, sore throat, erysipelas and especially fever.

At the same time, the origin of the frog was very often traced back to humans. According to the views of Pskov residents and residents of the Vologda and Arkhangelsk provinces, all frogs are once converted people. In the Nizhny Novgorod province there was a legend that the first frog was the soul of a baby who was once cursed by his mother. According to some legends, their origin is associated with people who drowned during the global flood.
The “human” characteristics of the frog are persistently emphasized in riddles about it:
Sits with bulging eyes
speaks French
Jumps like a flea
swims like a human being.
Matryona sits on the mokryona,

She doesn’t speak - she’s still tolerant,
And when the speech begins,
It will take all the frustration.

Moreover, in traditional ideas, a frog most often correlates not with a person in general, but specifically with a woman. Due to the similarity of frog legs to human hands, Ukrainians believe that the frog was a woman in the past. The connection between the image of a frog and a woman is found in folk speech in comparison: “Baba is like a toad,” as well as in common expressive naming angry women"toad". This connection can be traced in signs. Belarusians, for example, believed that if New Year If a woman comes to the house first at Christmas, then there will be toads in the house all year. In the interpretation of dreams, the frog symbolized a girl for a guy, and a friend for a woman.

In the image of a frog, according to popular beliefs, the maternal principle is clearly expressed. “Motherhood” of a frog has become entrenched, in particular, in stable phrases of Russians and Ukrainians such as “frog-uterus”, “toad-uterus”. Everyone has Eastern Slavs Beliefs are noted that if you kill a frog, the mother will die. Ukrainians have a legend about a belly toad that meets a navel-cutting woman on the road, and she helps her by carrying her across the road, for which the toad gifts the woman with a magical, never-ending canvas. In another legend, the toad gives the midwife a cloth for helping her in childbirth, inside of which sits a living frog and weaves it.

The image of a frog is one of the most common in East Slavic embroidery, decorating home furnishings - towels, valances and details women's suit- shirt hems, hats.

Moreover, the peculiarity of these images is the highlighting of the “womb” of the frog using color, a combination of multi-textured embroidery with beads, beads, and cut mother-of-pearl. Thus, the frog relates specifically to the womb as a place of bearing offspring. The human womb may be perceived in the popular imagination as the birthplace of frogs. Thus, according to Ukrainian beliefs, if you drink an infusion of a dried frog, baby frogs will be born inside. In the Vyatka province there was a legend that in the old days one pregnant woman cursed her baby, who was still in the womb, and gave birth to a frog. This legend correlates with the well-known fairy-tale motif of the slander against the young queen in that she gave birth not to a child, but to a frog. This motif was used by A. S. Pushkin in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”

Many years ago in Rus' there was a totem horoscope animals. In which instead of twelve animals there were sixteen. Among them there is a place for the Bearded Toad (1917 1933 1949 1965 1981 1997 2013).

There are many different stories and tales about frogs and signs associated with them. So, the old people said about the connection between frogs and rain that in old times One young girl became a servant to a rich widow, not knowing that her mistress was a witch. The villagers angered her for some reason, and the witch decided to unleash terrible dryness on the fields and fields.

At night she stole the dew from the grass, turned it into frogs, planted it in a large, large clay pot, tied it with a rag and put it in the cellar.
And the maid was strictly forbidden to go there.

And then a terrible drought came, the clouds, offended by the witch, moved away from those places. The fields have dried up, the cattle have already begun to wither, the rivers have become shallow, but there is no rain.

Every day, when the witch left, she told the maid not to go down into the cellar under any circumstances. And the poor girl was simply dying of curiosity and finally could not stand it: she climbed in there and was very surprised to see only one pot. She took off the rag - and at the same moment frogs began to jump out of there, one after another, and jumped up the steps out of the cellar, joyfully croaking: It's going to rain! Ah, qua-coy rain!

As soon as they jumped out into the yard, the clouds began to billow in the heights, and then a downpour poured from the sky! Instantly the fields came to life, the fields turned green again, the cattle mooed joyfully and bleated, and the birds began to sing in the forests.
People danced in the rain...
Only the witch was unlucky. She was so angry when she realized that the maid had let out the rain that she rushed home, not making out the way, fell into a swamp, muddy from the rain, and drowned there.

Materials and tools:
-sheet of A3 paper
-simple pencil, eraser
-water jar
-cloth for arms and hands

Progress of the master class:

Let's start working with pencil sketch drawing. We build a frog figurine like a snowman, only we use oval shapes. Then we draw in the details of the face and paws.

Next is working with color; today we will try to work in a limited color range. We begin to draw between the trees (yellow, green and orange colors), we use the technique of “dipping” (slipper).

We create the illusion of a green forest.

Next, work with the palette, mix grass green with white - and paint the tree trunks with the resulting color.
After this, we begin to paint the water, using horizontal strokes of blue, cyan, white and emerald colors.

The main color for the frog is grass green, and the additional color is grass + white. Yellow use for the crown.

For the water lily leaf we use emerald + white (working with the palette).

Blue draw the pupils (working with the palette - blue + white). Next, decorate the work using white gouache (frog, tree trunks, hummocks with grass in the swamp). And our drawing is complete.

You can draw a frog in a more complex version.

We will also work with color in a limited color range: yellow, green, blue. We start with a yellow background - a long-range plan of work.

Next, we draw the fir trees with grassy green, and with the help of “slippers” (the “dipping” technique) the forest behind the fir trees (tree foliage).

We use the same green to paint the tree trunks (vertical strokes of different thicknesses). And we work with the palette to create a cool shade Green colour(blue+green), we use it to draw additional branches of fir trees.

We draw water in blue, with the addition of large quantity water, as if we were painting with watercolors (horizontal direction of strokes).