Mobile content. Rating of zodiac signs: from best to worst life partners

When it comes to finding a life partner, it's all about your compatibility. Sure, you can meet the sweetest and smartest man, but if your core traits, habits and values ​​don't mesh, the relationship won't last. The stars will tell you who will be for you the best couple:

  1. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpios are the most loyal people you can find. They stand up for their territory and loved ones, it is this quality that makes them best friends and spouses. Scorpio will do anything for the people he loves.

  1. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancers are known as the "relationship people" among all the zodiac signs. They are warm, funny, loving and desire a home and commitment. Cancers - best husbands and wives, they want to settle down and feel secure with the family they love.

  1. Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libras are the most romantic of all the zodiac signs, but their flirtatiousness, indecisiveness, and desire for perfection can lead people to assume they won't make a long-term partner. But this opinion is true while Libra is in search of an ideal partner for themselves. Once they find him, they will be loyal to him forever.

  1. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

In addition to being everyone's favorite, Pisces also make great partners. Their gentleness and non-conflict nature prevents many scandals, and their idealistic views make them super romantic. Pisces thrive in relationships. They need security and stability. Pisces is the life partner you can always rely on and trust that he will be there no matter what.

  1. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Geminis are amazing in relationships. When they give their heart to someone, they are devoted to him forever, their love knows no boundaries, logic or reason. Of course, Geminis are known for holding on to toxic relationships, but overall they are trustworthy, interested, fun and interesting. They love their partners as much as they love themselves (and, yes, that's saying a lot).

  1. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus are known for being quick to get carried away, but they also lose interest easily. However, when they finally find their person, they can be reliable and kind partners. However, they are anxious perfectionists and sometimes their partner may not like it, but they will try their best in the relationship.

  1. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorns make great life partners because they are organized, traditional, and committed to stable, monogamous relationships. In relationships, Capricorns tend to support their partner. They will set you up strong shoulder and will encourage you when you need it. However, they easily let relationships overshadow everything else that is important to them, so they need to keep an eye on this.

  1. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgos can make wonderful partners, but the process of perfecting them is long and tedious. They are so prone to overanalyzing and obsessing over every little detail that they end up sabotaging any romantic connection. However, once they get into a relationship, they will find a way to survive the ups and downs that life sends their way. They are romantic by nature and will be happy to dedicate their life to the right person if they ever find one.

  1. Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leos make wonderful partners because they are fiercely protective of those they love. People often misperceive their aggressive self-centeredness, but in reality they treat everyone they love with the same protection and adoration that they treat themselves. Leo will do anything to protect their partners, children, friends or family, and they will protect your relationship as it is their own reputation.

  1. Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries are worthy companions; however, they are too logical and have an innate desire to explore and always be right. Undoubtedly, they are devoted friends and partners, but can sometimes hesitate. They will need to put in more effort to be able to stay in a long-term relationship.

  1. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarians are not relationship people, but can become one when the right person comes along. It's incredible how quickly they change their behavior for the sake of " the right person" as soon as he is found. Aquarians are so strange and have so many weird ideas within them that they can have a hard time forming relationships with people. Happiness in the life of an Aquarius comes not from relationships, but from the creation of some serious, fundamental change in the world. Thus, their priorities will naturally lean towards the latter.

  1. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarians are explorers, wanderers, thinkers and adventurers. They thrive when they explore. new information, meet new people and live “on the edge.” If a Sagittarius finds someone they want to spend their life with, they will quickly get along with that person. Otherwise, Sagittarius is very difficult to tame. He doesn't want to be in a long-term relationship. This doesn't mean that you CAN'T have a healthy, long-term relationship with a Sagittarius, it does mean that they are less romantic and committed than other people.

The fact is that...

The point is... BUSINESS, -ah, plural. deeds, deeds, deeds, cf.

Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what “The point is that...” in other dictionaries:

    The fact is that…- Unism. As for anything. He glorified the Odessa gardens. Everything is fine, but the fact is that the steppe is bare all around. (A. Pushkin.) The fact is that the editor ordered the poet a big... poem for his next book. (M. Bulgakov.) ...The fact is that all the time and... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    The point is (is) that... THE BUSINESS, ah, plural. affairs, affairs, affairs, cf. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar ... Wikipedia

    - (not happy). See PRECIPITY, PRIVACY, CUSTOM...

    The point is not that you are guilty, but that you don’t get caught. See HAPPINESS LUCK... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    It's not about why she ate it, but about what she didn't give to us. See HAPPINESS LUCK... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    BUSINESS, ah, pl. affairs, affairs, affairs, cf. 1. Work, occupation, activity. Busy important matter. Habitual d. Current affairs. Be idle. On business matters. 2. whom (what). Terms of reference; that which directly relates to whom is included in whose no. tasks … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    BUSINESS, affairs, plural. deeds, deeds (delov wrong), deeds, cf. 1. Work, occupation, what someone is doing. This is an impossible task. It takes just a minute to explore this town. State affairs. Sitting idle. “Who serves the cause, not individuals.” Griboyedov... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

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In the 20s, the German Eugen Herrigel went to Japan and began to study kyudo - japanese art archery.

His teacher was the legendary kyudo master Awa Kenzo, who was convinced that before starting shooting at real targets, beginners should learn the basics, and adhered to this technique to the maximum. For the first four years, Herrigel was only allowed to shoot at a haystack from 7 feet away. When he complained that the learning process was taking too long, Kenzo replied: “You shouldn’t measure the path to your goal. What is the significance of weeks, months, years?”

When he was finally allowed to shoot at a target located at the very back of the training hall, Herrigel's performance was a failure. Arrow after arrow, he became more and more confused as they missed their target. Herrigel was sure the problem was that he had poor aim. To which Kenzo replied that it was not a matter of this, but of the attitude to the process, which determined the outcome. And the puzzled Herrigel simply blurted out: “Then you should hit the target even with your eyes closed.”

After a short pause, Kenzo replied: “Come in the evening.”

Shooting with eyes closed

After sunset they returned to the courtyard where the training hall was located. Kenzo stood in his usual place for shooting, and the target was hidden somewhere in the night. The master took a pose, pulled the bowstring and fired the first arrow into the darkness. Herrigel would then write, “I knew by the sound that she had reached her goal.”

Immediately, Kenzo aimed a second arrow and sent it flying into the night. Eugen jumped up and ran across the yard to check. In his book, Zen in the Art of Archery, Herrigel wrote: “When I turned on the light at the target stand, to my surprise, I found that the first arrow hit the bull's-eye cleanly, while the second split its shank and went through its barrel before digging into the center of the target.”

It's all about aiming

Great archery masters often teach that “it’s all in the aim.” The result is determined by all the little things: how you place your feet, how you hold your bow, how you breathe at the moment you release the arrow.

In the case of Awa Kenzo, the master was so attentive to the process leading to a clear hit that he could repeat all the movements exactly without even seeing the target. This complete control of body and spirit while moving toward a goal is known as zanshin.

The term zanshin is widely used throughout the world to describe the state of relaxed alertness in Japanese martial arts. Literally translated, zanshin means “attention without reserve.” In other words, attention is completely focused on the action and fixed on the upcoming task. Zanshin means constant control of the body, mind, environment without the slightest stress - passive vigilance.

Although in practice zanshin has a deeper meaning. Essentially, this is the choice of living a conscious life and following a specific goal, rather than mindlessly going with the flow.

Enemy of progress

As the famous Japanese proverb goes: “After winning a battle, tighten your helmet straps.”

The original phrase "katte kabuto no o o shimeyo" literally translates to "tighten your kabuto straps after winning the war" (a kabuto is a helmet worn by the Japanese military).

In other words, the battle does not end after victory. The battle ends only when you become lazy, lose your sense of commitment and the necessary focus. And this is another essence of zanshin: vigilant living even after achieving the goal.

We can use this philosophy in many areas of life.

  1. Literature: The battle doesn't end when you publish a book. It ends when you decide that you are a finished product, when you lose the vigilance needed to improve your skills.
  2. Sports: The battle doesn't end when you beat your personal best. It ends when you lose concentration and skip training or, conversely, do not calculate your strength and overexert yourself.
  3. Business: The battle doesn't end after big sale. It ends when you become self-confident and cocky.

The enemy of progress is neither failure nor success. The enemy of success is boredom, fatigue and lack of concentration. The enemy of success is a lack of commitment to the process, because the process is what matters.

The art of zanshin in everyday life

“All matters and situations must be approached with the same sincerity, intensity and awareness with which you hold a bow and arrow.” - Kenneth Kushner, “One Arrow, One Life” (“One Arrow, One Life”).

We are obsessed with the result: like Herrigel, it is too important for us whether the arrow hits the target or not. However, if we were to put that tension, focus and sincerity into the process itself - where we place our feet, how we hold the arrow, how we breathe when we release the stele - then hitting the bull's eye would become secondary.

It is important not to worry whether you will hit the target or not. It is important to fall in love with the boredom of doing work and enjoy every moment of the process. It is important to capture this moment of zanshin, the moment of complete awareness and focus, and use it everywhere in life.

It's not the goal or the finish line that matters. What matters is how we achieve it. It's all about aiming. It's all about zanshin.

What advice can a physicist give and Nobel laureate, born in 1879 to modern workout athletes? They are simple:

* Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result every time.
* Everything should be simplified as much as possible, but no more.
* Imagination is more important than knowledge.

The whole point is the correct interpretation of his advice.

Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result every time.
Translation: If some exercises don't give results, don't do them.

People think in patterns, that's how they are designed. Many people train week after week using the same program, although it has long ceased to produce any results, and their favorite exercises no longer show the same impact that they showed in the past.

And yet many continue to train according to the same scheme. ENOUGH! There is no need to continue doing this or that exercise if it does not bear fruit. And it doesn’t matter that your friends recommended it to you or that cool guy, or that it was voted Exercise of the Year by Exercise of the Year magazine. If you tried it and after a couple of months it did not bring results, give it up. Dot.

And although this advice seems very simple, many people find it very difficult to put it into practice. Largely because they believe in the idea that if something has worked for others, it should work for them. This point of view is actively supported by various fitness magazines offering training schemes for professional athletes (different from issue to issue, moreover). But for them it's a business. And for you, workout is a way to get a healthy, beautiful and strong body, with minimal costs and maximum interest.

The idea of ​​workout is the active use of imagination during the training process. Come up with new exercises and combinations, analyze what you are doing and optimize your training. Freestyles allow you to use the muscles of your body to the maximum and this is their big advantage. Find what works for you. Find what gives you the maximum impact - and use it in your training!

Einstein: Everything should be simplified as much as possible, but no more.
Translation: Start with the base.

There is too much information garbage around, too many fitness clubs and gyms, too many exercise machines and too many different supplements. There are too many experts and too many opinions. Each of us constantly experiences information overload, day after day. If you try to sort through this whole heap, you can simply go crazy.

Therefore we need systems approach. It was not for nothing that Archimedes spoke about the importance of a fulcrum, which would allow the Earth to move from its place. You also need to find your footing!

And the base will become such a point for you. There are only four basic exercises in the workout: push-ups, pull-ups, dips and squats. All other exercises are essentially variations of these four.

I very often see people asking where they should start their workout journey. And my answer is always the same - from the base! First you need to fully master the technique of performing basic exercises. This will allow: firstly, to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, secondly, to gain the primary volume of strength, and thirdly, to prepare the body for more complex exercises and freestyle.

When you make a base, don't think about quantity. As Zef said, it doesn’t matter how many repetitions you do now, the main thing is to monitor the quality of each repetition. The technique must be perfect because this will not only allow you to avoid injury, but will also speed up the rate of strength gain.

I believe that every workout artist should do 25 overhand grip pull-ups, 35 dips, 50 push-ups, and 50 squats. You can start freestyling much earlier than you reach this level, but it's worth striving for.

Einstein: Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Translation: Imagination rules the roost.

Without freestyle, workout is just an advanced physical training. It is new and unique exercises and combinations that give this direction its uniqueness. Many people like the process of coming up with something completely new; they like this element of creativity, which is missing in regular training in gyms or fitness clubs.

Upgrading even the most simple exercises allows you to shift the emphasis to target muscle groups and add interest to the training process. A slight modification of the exercise can increase its effectiveness, not to mention the combo.

The most amazing thing about all this is the opportunity to better feel your body and understand how it works. It is very important to feel the muscles that are involved in the exercise, and not just do repetitions. If you don't feel a muscle, you won't be able to fully load it. This is a fact of life for 95% of workout athletes (except for genetically gifted ones and beginners).

Talk less, work more

We all started somewhere and were once beginners, we all have weaknesses and strengths, everyone is still far from ideal.

I'm sure you have this moment more than enough motivation to start your journey, and you don’t need to watch the video for the hundredth time or to recharge your batteries, so you just need to get up from your computer and go to the playground to train!

I hope this article was useful, if so, then when you return from training, send a link to it to your friends, and you’ll see that there will be even more workout enthusiasts

The whole point is that you learn to direct your attention to your chosen subject, be it food, everyday affairs, business, negative emotions or a block and the pain lurking there. When you direct your attention to the subject you have chosen and in this process there is no denial, limiting thoughts or assessments, you directly come into contact with the subject, become one with it. Then he begins to reveal his true essence to you. You and a given object meet, it gives you its knowledge of itself, and you and it have consciousness, consciousness.

Consciousness can appear in you only when you are open to the world, to a given subject, topic, problem, situation, to what worries you. Otherwise there is no consciousness in you, there is only a dream, an illusion. Because consciousness is co-knowledge, and co-knowledge requires the presence of another side.

When consciousness appears, the knower and the known merge into one. That is, there is neither you nor the other side. This has happened to every person in life - for example, when you fell in love, the first moments.

Consciousness is devoid of thoughts and evaluations. This is a kind of flow that connects you with the world or with a given object. However, I will disorient you, this is not a flow. What kind of flow can there be with merging and unity?

Let's do the following exercise. Take, for example, a pencil. If you start thinking about him that he is bad, he will begin to move away from you and become a stranger. Feel it. If you think that he is good, he will begin to approach you and become close to you. This is also easy to see and feel.

If you immediately liked the shape and appearance this pencil, you may not notice that instead of soft pencil they gave you a hard one. This is how our thoughts and assessments fool us, clouding our consciousness and hiding true knowledge about the subject.

As long as you have even the slightest thoughts and assessments, you will never come into contact with the subject that interests you and will not receive the necessary information about it. Your thoughts and assessments will stand between you and the subject. And you will actually be dealing with them, not with the subject. Now think and answer these questions:

As you go through life, encountering many things along the way, solving all kinds of problems, you have learned a lot. Do you really know what you know?

You have learned a lot from other people. Do they really know what they know? And you?

You have read a lot of smart books. Do you really know what you know?

Consciousness is neither material nor immaterial. If it were material, it would have smell, taste, color, shape. Consciousness is not immaterial. If it were immaterial, it, like thought forms, would have a transitory nature, would arise and disappear like them, would cling, would carry evaluations within itself, would have boundaries and could be reflected externally, that is, would have a material reflection, like this happens with thought forms. Since it does not relate to either the material world or the immaterial, therefore, it is between them, in the middle. The path of consciousness is the famous Middle Path.

Consciousness is devoid of contradictions in itself. It has neither external nor internal, neither top nor bottom, neither left nor right. If it had all this, it would not be consciousness. Oppositions appear when thoughts arise about the subject we are currently considering. Consequently, consciousness in this case is in the middle, in the center. Therefore, consciousness is the Golden Mean. Remember the system of equations that we presented at the beginning. Consciousness is God.