Games to learn Russian. Intellectual game in the Russian language (grade 5)

Entertaining Russian

Slides: 22 Words: 926 Sounds: 0 Effects: 73

Entertaining Russian. Universal learning activities. Motivational stage. Knowledge. Tomato. Country of dictionary words. Funny rhymes. It was raining. Memos. Enormous cucumber. Who said that. Painting. Apartment. Potato. Techniques for memorizing vocabulary words. Botanical Garden. Moscow. Third wheel. Village. Vocabulary tales. - Entertaining Russian.pptx

Games in Russian

Slides: 8 Words: 317 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

Game in Russian language and literature lessons. F. Schiller. Game functions. Cognitive interest, increased activity. VM development, logical thinking, creativity. Communicative. Socialization, tolerance. Interethnic communication. Increased self-esteem. Terms of use of games in lessons: Possibility of use gaming technologies: - Games in Russian.ppt

Game in Russian language lesson

Slides: 14 Words: 375 Sounds: 0 Effects: 55

A game " Lucky case" Greetings. Find the second half of the proverb. Guess the riddles. A dark horse. Solve the puzzles. Puzzles. Meanings of phraseological units. Fill in the cells with synonyms. Prepare two questions. Answer the questions. Race for the leader. - Game in Russian language lesson.pptx

Russian language game at school

Slides: 47 Words: 455 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Participles. Active participles. Active present participles. Participial turnover. Particle. Participle. Adverb. Adverbs vary by category. In a sentence, an adverb is an adverb. Verb. Perfective verbs. Transitive verbs. How to write correctly. Who is the author of the picture? I.Popov. S. Grigoriev. How many voiced consonants? Name the work. Graphic arts. Oral folk art. Define the genre of CNT. Sunny, show yourself. Guess a riddle. - Russian language game at school.ppt

“Own game” in Russian

Slides: 29 Words: 1025 Sounds: 0 Effects: 46

My own game. Teams. Phonetics. Graphic arts. Spelling. Write to old spelling words. Insert the missing letters. Try reading sounds. Water. Words with the same prefixes. Morphemics. Word formation. Pocket. Vocabulary. Phraseology. The word "thank you". Ruble. Step. Morphology. Syntax. Forms singular. Offer. Predicate. Additional tasks. Let's define it. Life bent me into an arc. Synonyms. Feminine noun. - “Own game” in Russian.pptx

Russian language competition game

Slides: 35 Words: 1356 Sounds: 0 Effects: 58

Dictionary. Received knowledge. Grade. Words-images. Sparks of feeling. Let's go back to the roots. Words. Grona. Envelopes. Anabiosis. Contest. Titles. Surnames. Joke. Accents. Antonyms. Who is faster. Top. Synonyms. Oppression. Winged words. Meaning. Delirium. Russian language. Pastoral. Soviet linguist. Assistants. Awards. Material. Head of the library. - Game-competition in the Russian language.ppt

Educational games in Russian

Slides: 10 Words: 518 Sounds: 0 Effects: 25

Intellectual game in Russian language

Slides: 68 Words: 539 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

The word is the basis of speech. Questions. Return. Russian month book. Russian proverb. Ancient names winter months. The month of June. Dark alleys. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. I. A. Bunin. Literary page. Proverbs. Every day is not Sunday. The goose is no friend to the pig. Appetite comes with eating. Name the authors of the Russian alphabet. What does it mean to “walk with ferrets?” Day Slavic writing and culture. Novel "War and Peace". October. Traven. Cold. June. Theme of love. Nobleman. Lent. A horse on foot is not a traveling companion. Thirst goes away while drinking. Cyril and Methodius. Expression. - Intellectual game on the Russian language.ppt

Russian language lesson game

Slides: 26 Words: 1593 Sounds: 0 Effects: 239

Didactic games in Russian language lessons in primary school. Collect the words. Say the word. The fourth one is extra. Magic transformations. Unscramble the nouns. The missing. Words in words. Check out Dunno. Write down the words. Word female. Comic questions. Find the definition. Who is faster. Collocations. The third is unnecessary. Restore justice. Puzzles. Replace the phrases with verbs. Tasks for smart people and smart girls. Determine the tense of verbs. Finish the proverb. Guess the word. Herd. Mom came home from work. Best wishes. - Lesson-game on the Russian language.ppt

Russian language quiz

Slides: 21 Words: 435 Sounds: 0 Effects: 84

Russian language quiz. "Who want to be a millionaire?". 1st level. 1. According to the Russian proverb, who is fed by the feet? 2.Who must whistle on the mountain for something impossible to happen? 3.Who is smooth because he ate on his side? 4. What berry is compared to a very good one? free life. 2nd level. 1. What plant exists? 2. What kind of banks do milk rivers usually have? 3. Which bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree? 4. What breed of shepherd does not exist? 3rd level. 1. Which predatory fish became the Russian heroine folk tale? 2. What kind of milk has no one drank? 3. Who is called Toptygin in fairy tales? - Russian language quiz.ppt

Quiz for 1st grade

Slides: 31 Words: 732 Sounds: 0 Effects: 15

Russian language quiz. Make words from letters. Game "Echo". Name the cubs and their parents. Name it full name, for example, Natasha - Natalya. Use the first letters to form a word. Isographers. Guess the riddles. Not for a walk - for a hunt, and he, children, knows a lot about it. It knocks all the time, it hits trees. A ball is rolling through the forest. Gray little animal, cross-eyed, long-eared. Berries in sour cream for Vanya and Manya. In summer he walks through the forest, in winter he rests in a den. There are quite a few staghorns in the zoo and in the forest. I don’t walk or fly, but try and catch up. This animal is almost like a cat, but it is dangerous to play with it; it lives in nature. - Quiz for 1st grade.pptx

Quiz for 5th grade

Slides: 22 Words: 555 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

"Syntax" quiz. Sasha arrived in an unfamiliar city. Make up any narrative sentence based on the picture. Which concept is redundant? Declarative Interrogative Exclamatory Impulsive. What questions does the subject answer? The guys take part in a quiz. White clouds are high. The wolf is a predatory animal. Write out the predicates from the sentence. Secondary members of the sentence. Addition. Definition. Yesterday a Difficult Task. Put the words into sentences. In which statement was there an error? Forests and fields were covered with snow. Petya dived, but didn’t reach the bottom. Boys and girls sang and danced merrily. - Quiz for 5th grade.ppt

Russian language competition

Slides: 72 Words: 1520 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10

Know and love the Russian language. The fourth one is extra. The emphasis is on the last syllable. The stress falls on the first syllable. What adjective goes with the word research institute? What a feminine word. How to say it correctly. Which of the following words is masculine? Logic puzzles. Six-cell logicon. Color. Elephant. Tree. Wasp. Choose a synonym. Discussion. Arrogance. Conservatism. Establishing certain connections. Song - composer. Mountains - heights. Heat is vital activity. North South. A poem is poetry. Agreement more expensive than money. Every man to his own taste. - Russian language competition.pptx

KVN in Russian

Slides: 15 Words: 490 Sounds: 1 Effects: 92

"KVN" in Russian. My true friend. One is many. Primer. Homonyms. Crosswords on vocabulary words. Pick a pair. Be careful. Blitz survey. Finish the proverb. Puzzles. Restore justice. From male to female. Decipher the words. - KVN in Russian.pptx

KVN in Russian language

Slides: 10 Words: 473 Sounds: 10 Effects: 59

KVN Fun grammar. Greetings from the teams. We are cheerful guys, and we don’t like to be bored. We will be happy to play in KVN. Address to the jury: Glory and honor to you! We all love accurate counting! Warm up - who will answer faster. How does day and night end? How does summer end and autumn begin? Which word has 40 vowels? (Magpie). What word has 100 consonants? (Stack, groan, table). In which verb is no heard 100 times? (Moans). What note is put in the soup? What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron? (Salt). Erudite competition. Grammatical arithmetic. ditch + pose =? Kind of transport. - KVN in Russian.ppt

Lesson-KVN in Russian language

Slides: 17 Words: 726 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

KVN lesson in Russian language. Lesson objectives. Find dangerous places. Consonants in weak position. Helper rule. You have to remember the rules. Return a runaway consonant, find treacherous word. Rule. Test word. Complete the missing syllables. After the hissing Zh, Ch, Sh, Shch you need to write the vowels I, U, A, A, not Y, Yu, Ya. Captain competition “Insidious b and b”. Captains competition. The separating b is written after the prefix. Spelling relay race. Assistants. - Lesson-KVN in the Russian language.pptx


Slides: 6 Words: 274 Sounds: 0 Effects: 40

Lesson-travel through the country of Terra Ligua. Subject: Russian language. Create a dialogue environment that initiates the need and motive to engage in the proposed activity. Stimulate students' cognitive activity. Learn to work with dictionaries. Systematize students’ knowledge acquired in 5th grade. Types of activities in the lesson. - Lesson-travel.ppt

Journey to the land of knowledge

Slides: 9 Words: 167 Sounds: 0 Effects: 25

Journey to the land of knowledge. How good it is to be able to read. Read it station. Delicious words. You are rude, I b lo z shi ki sli ar. Grammar station. Count it up station. Station "erudite". Music station. - Journey to the land of knowledge.ppt

Lesson-trip through the Russian language

Slides: 39 Words: 1267 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

Linguistic journey. Travel route. Outpost of spelling. How to speak correctly. Chicken. Place emphasis. Let's look in the dictionary. City of morphology. How many parts of speech are there in the Russian language? Let's look at the textbook. Spelling castle. Insert letters. Let's check it in the dictionary. Posad syntax and punctuation. The stone fell into a deep river. Place punctuation marks. Crossword. Bastion of phonetics. How many vowels and sounds are there in the Russian language. 10 vowels, 6 sounds. Strength of morphemics. A repeated base word or root is indicated by ~. World. Dialogue in the store. -

It is known that children's interest in educational activities increases sharply if they are included in a gaming situation. In play, the child acts not under compulsion, but according to internal motivation.

The purpose of the game is to help make serious, hard work entertaining and interesting for students.
In Russian language lessons, you can use word games. The peculiarities of their use are that the game is introduced into a certain part of the lesson in accordance with its objectives. IN educational activities an element of competition is introduced, and the success of completing the task is associated with the game result. In this case, only verbal props are used.


Task: Who will quickly replace all the words in a sentence (except for service words) with synonyms?

  • The doctor prescribed injections for the patient.
  • An angry blizzard covered the paths.
  • The driver again began to peer carefully into the darkness.
  • The guard hid from the rain under the roof of the building.

Task: Who will find foreign words and replace them with Russian ones?

  • During the inspection, many defects were revealed.
  • He is writing memoirs.
  • Your arguments are convincing.
  • Everyone worked with enthusiasm.
  • We are proud of our goalkeeper.
  • The newspaper published information about a football match.
  • A tiny amount of copper was found in the alloy.

Assignment: Who can find Old Slavonic (by origin) words and replace them with Russian ones:

  • Fresh cheeks glow with a blush.
  • The old man frowned.
  • A great city was built over the Neva.

Game “The investigation is conducted by experts”

Assignment: Students are asked to guess what profession we're talking about and prove the validity of your point of view.

  1. He showed me his watercolors and still lifes. The impression from still lifes is a bright, motley carpet of colors, shimmering and sparkling with all the colors of the palette.
  2. He (Rimsky - Korsakov) came up with two leitmotifs for the goblin. One instructed string instruments. The second is played by four horns and cymbals. The leitmotif of Santa Claus sounds stern and sad. The timbre of woodwind instruments conveys the feeling of the winter stiffness of nature.
  3. - Surname? Istomin Valery Sergeevich.
    - What about him?
    – Infiltration in the left lung under the collarbone.
    – How many grams of streptomycin have you already injected into this young man?
    – Fifty-two, Roman Borisovich.
    – Appoint him for a consultation with Zatsepina.

Game "Auction"

Conditions: Just like during a real auction, the winner of the competition is the one who named the last word. If, for example, the task consisted of selecting synonyms for the word hot (tea), then the winner is the one who finishes the list of synonyms and names the last one.

The game can be played when studying synonyms; for example, tasks are offered to find synonyms for the words: move, said, big (house), courage, argument, laugh, melancholy, bad (man), etc.

When working on obsolete words You can invite children to name outdated words on one of the proposed topics: 1) clothes, shoes, 2) weapons, 3) vehicles, 4) furniture, 5) words that “retired” after the revolution, etc.

Working on neologisms, students can compete in the selection of neologisms born 1) during the civil war, 2) during the era of space exploration, 3) reflecting the achievements of science and technology, etc.
Consolidating the topic “Professional vocabulary” the task will help you choose professional words used by people different professions(builder, librarian, linguist, historian, athlete, geologist).

Game "Proofreader"

Find the mistake in the word choice.

  • After warm precipitation, bright drops sparkled on the leaves.
  • The design has negative and positive defects.
  • He moved from the advanced brigade to the backward one.
  • A monument to the hero was built in the city center.

Who will edit notes faster and more accurately?

Guzanova Tatyana Ivanovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal budget educational institution"Average comprehensive school in Ust-Omchug"

Slide 2

Solve the charades.

  • 1. Take the preposition K, standing before the pronoun ME.
  • 2. Add the noun SON in the singular dative case.
  • 3. Complete the word so that it answers the question WHAT TO DO?


  • 1. The prefix of this word means approach.
  • 2. To it they added the stem from the adjective KOSNY.
  • 3.Then the suffix, which is written on adjectives after hissing and c under stress (reed, arctic fox).
  • 4. And a suffix with an ending like the noun LOSS.


Slide 3

An illiterate grandmother from the village sent a telegram to her relatives:

Healthy. I arrive in complete well-being.

Everyone went to the station to meet their grandmother, but she did not arrive. What's happened?

To arrive – to arrive, to arrive somewhere;

To abide - to be somewhere or in some state.

Slide 4

Find the indeclinable nouns in all sentences:

1. The blacksmith left, the fire raged for some time.

2. Finally it calmed down, and piles of coals without flames burned brightly in the darkness of the night, and the burnt residents of Kistenevka wandered around them.

3. Provincial officials trembled at his name.

time, flame, name

Slide 5

There is a proverb: “Seven do not wait for one.” What if there were not seven people, but nine? How would you say?


Slide 6

Which numeral has the ending –a in all cases?

one and a half, one and a half hundred

How many endings does the word seven hundred have?

Two endings, both zero

Slide 7

We say: increase by one and a half times. GENDER is half, but what is TORAH?

The word “one and a half” was formed from “one and a half” (half of the second unit)

Slide 8

The number 100 is represented by three digits. The name of this number - one hundred - also consists of three letters.

Find another number whose number of digits is equal to the number of letters that make up the name of this number.

1,000,000 - million (the word has seven letters and seven numbers0

Slide 9

Which categories of pronouns differ only in meaning? Give examples.

Interrogative and relative.

What time is it now?

The clock I looked at showed midnight.

Slide 10

Guess the indeclinable noun.

Linear measure unit

In conjunction with a vowel letter

He will tell you right away that in the capital

Can anyone see it right away?

Slide 11

Form common nouns from words:

  • jump out
  • get cocky
  • break
  • don't sit
  • smear
  • work
  • upstart
  • bully
  • scrap
  • fidget
  • weakling
  • hard worker
  • Slide 12

    Why is the particle NOT with the adjective SIMPLE written separately?

    The squirrel sings songs

    And he keeps nibbling on nuts.

    And nuts are not simple,

    All shells are gold.

    There is a hidden opposition.

    Slide 13

    Determine which moods the verbs in these examples have.

    1) And if it weren’t for me, you would be poring over in Tver.

    2) Hey, let's go, coachman!

    3) You should eat something, Pulcheria Ivanovna!

    1) Imperative in the meaning of conditional.

    2) Indicative in the sense of imperative.

    3) Conditional in the sense of imperative.

    Slide 14

    What parts of speech does the numeral ONE serve as in the sentences below?

    1) One fisherman said that he caught a fish weighing three pounds.

    2) Everyone left, I was the only one left.

    3) All as one.

    4) One for all, all for one.

    5) It went in one ear and came out the other.

    1) One fisherman is an indefinite pronoun.

    2) I was the only one left - a particle (only).

    3) All as one - adverb (together)

    4) One for all, all for one – noun.

    5) It went into one ear and out of the other - adjective.

    Slide 15

    In which of the following sentences are the highlighted words numerals?

    1) About a quarter of an hour passed.

    2) The second academic quarter has passed.

    3)At exactly a quarter past eight I was woken up.

    4) It’s half past four now.

    5) Cut half of the watermelon and give it to me.

    6) The owner and his family occupied the second half of the hut.

    quarter past eight, half past four

    Slide 16


    1.O.Repina. Tests for the school textbook: Russian language. 6th grade: Reference manual.- M.: AST-PRESS, 1999.-480 p.

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    Intellectual game In Russian(5th grade)


    Lesson Objectives:

    1) consolidation of knowledge acquired in Russian language lessons;

    2) formation of positive motivation for learning the Russian language;

    3) development of logical thinking, broadening the horizons of students.

    Short description: the game is played among 5th grade students; The class is divided into 4 teams, the team composition is 6-7 people. Each group of students elects a captain and comes up with a team name.

    Equipment: tasks on cards (see Appendix); blank sheets on tables for recording answers.

    COMPETITION 1. “WARM-UP” (oral)

    You all know a lot folk proverbs and a saying. To warm up a little, we will now remember them. (The teacher reads the beginning of the proverb, and the team must continue. For the correct answer - 1 point.)

    1. What you sow, ... (that is what you reap).

    2. Without difficulty... (you can’t even take a fish out of the pond).

    3. Finished the job - ... (walk boldly).

    4. To be afraid of wolves - ... (do not go into the forest).

    5. With whom you fall in love - ... (from that you will gain).

    6. As it comes back - ... (so it will respond).

    7. If you chase two hares - ... (you won’t catch either).

    8. Difficult in learning - ... (easy in battle).

    9. Do you like to ride - ... (you also like to carry sleds).

    10. Teaching is light, ... (and ignorance is darkness).

    11. Measure seven times... (cut once).

    12. Don’t have a hundred rubles... (but have a hundred friends).


    Unravel the principle by which these “phonetic proportions” (ratios, equalities) are compiled and solve them. What is missing? (for each correct answer - 1 point).

    1) A / Z = O / ? (Yo)

    2) M / M’ = P / ? (R')

    3) V B / F P = Z’ F / ? (S'Sh)

    4) YAR / PARADISE = EAT / ? (SHAY)

    5) AX / RUMOR = ICE / ? (TOL)

    What is roofing felt? ( extra point).

    *Tol- cardboard impregnated with a waterproof composition, used as a roofing and insulating material.

    COMPETITION 3. “COLLECT WORDS” (orally, make notes on sheets of paper)

    Collect words that are hidden in other words. Listen carefully, make notes on the worksheets (for each word - 1 point).

    1) The prefix is ​​in the word RUN, and the root is in the word SNOWFLAKE, the suffix is ​​in the word FORESTRY, and the ENDING is in the word DISCIPLES ( snowdrops).

    2) The root is in the word WIPERER, the suffix is ​​in the word DINING, the ending is in the word GREEN ( yard).

    3) The prefix is ​​in the word WALL, the root is in the word CITY, the suffix is ​​in the word SIDE, the ending is in the word WINTER ( fence).

    4) The root is in the word YOUNG, the suffix is ​​in the word FINGERS, the ending is in the word GRASS ( well done).

    Well done to you for successfully completing this task!

    COMPETITION 4. “RELATED WORDS” (poems on cards)

    Here are two poems. The first belongs to the pen of V. Berestov (“Lunokhod”), the second to Leonid Martynov (“Even and Odd”).

    1. Read the first poem and say how many words there are in it that have the same root as in the word sleepwalker?


    The lunar spacecraft landed on the moon.

    In the lunar spacecraft there is a lunar rover.

    Circuses, craters and holes

    The Lunokhod is not afraid.

    He leaves drawings

    On the surface of the Moon.

    There is a lot of dust, there is no wind.

    Drawings can live for a thousand years!

    (Lunokhod, landed on the moon, lunar spacecraft, Moon; hole is not a single root word!).

    (For each word found - 1 point).

    2. Read the second poem and answer, are there any words of the same root among the words compared by the poet?

    Even and odd

    You'll try

    Compare words -

    And it’s already chilling on the skin!

    “Torment” and “teach”

    They always sound so similar.

    But there is a different meaning,

    Truly inexplicable:

    Did the executioner own the treasury?

    Or did the executed person own the treasury?

    Earth and aphids. Wine - wine.

    All this will not be the same,

    But you can’t throw it away from the other!

    Birch - rod. Face and varnish

    To mutilate and perpetuate...

    Is it really just like that

    One accident -

    Even and odd?


    (correct answer - 1 point)

    1. How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? ( 33 )

    2. How many consonants are there in the Russian language? (42 sounds: 6 vowels And 36 consonants)

    3. Part of speech denoting an object ( noun).

    4. The word “white” in relation to the word “black” ( antonyms).

    5. It occurs between the root and the ending in a word ( suffix).

    6. Indefinite form verb ( infinitive).

    7. Changing the verb by persons and numbers ( conjugation).

    8. A word or combination of words that names the person to whom (what) the speech is addressed ( appeal).

    9. Part of a word without ending ( the basis).

    10. Member of the sentence answering questions Which? whose? (definition).

    11. Proposal with two grammatical basics (complex).

    12. Section of the Russian language that studies sounds and letters ( phonetics).

    COMPETITION 6. “ENTERTAINING PHRASEOLOGY” (orally; make notes on worksheets)

    Listen carefully to the miniature by Felix Davidovich Krivin from the book “Princess Grammar, or Descendants of the Ancient Verb” (the text is read 2 times). Answer the question: what proverbs, phraseological units with the word language He used? Remember other proverbs and phraseological units with the word language.

    They say our vices are a continuation of our virtues. In this case, such a virtue as language has a very magnificent continuation. At the very least, more effort is expended to silence him than to encourage him to talk. Well, let’s say someone’s tongue is pulled, someone’s tongue is untied, someone’s tongue is found mutual language... And everything else is a call to silence. Here you need to bite your tongue, hold your tongue, and swallow your tongue - in especially dangerous cases. It is recommended to keep your tongue on a leash, or, more simply put, behind your teeth. Otherwise, here is a wish for a peck on your tongue, and advice for your tongue to dry out, and regret that your tongue is without bones. The matter, however, is not limited to wishes alone. Many decisive actions are taken to prevent the tongue from speaking: they step on the tongue, and shorten the tongue, and try to prevent the tongue from speaking. Because it is believed that our language is our enemy, that it scarier than a pistol that he is long, that he is angry and generally poorly hung. For some reason, people are silent about good languages. And even the omnipotent Word is considered only silver, while silence is considered gold. Judging by these sayings, one might think that people do not need language at all, that it is a burden for them. But even the bad things that are said about language are said thanks to language... This is what the optimism of linguists is based on... (Krivin F.D. “Princess Grammar, or Descendants of the Ancient Verb”).


    Pull the tongue - force someone to say or answer something.

    Loose someone's tongue - make you talk.

    Reach an understanding - negotiate.

    Bite your tongue - shut up.

    Hold your tongue - keep quiet, talk less.

    Swallow tongue - shut up.

    Keep your mouth shut / behind your teeth - be silent, don’t chat, don’t say too much, be careful in your statements.

    Peck on your tongue - an unkind wish to someone who says the wrong thing.

    May my tongue dry out - an oath that what I said is true.

    Tongue without bones - someone is very talkative, talking all sorts of nonsense.

    Step on tongue - forced to remain silent.

    Shorten your tongue - make someone talk less, be less impudent.

    Don't give your tongue free rein - do not allow unnecessary talking.

    Long tongue - someone is very talkative, says a lot of unnecessary things.

    Evil tongue - manner, ability to speak sharply, harshly, mockingly, to judge someone or something.

    The tongue is poorly suspended - someone does not know how to freely express their thoughts.


    My tongue is my enemy: it prowls before the mind, seeks trouble.

    The word is silver, silence is gold.

    + (own examples)

    The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.

    Language will take you to Kyiv.


    Write down a couple of words: song And poem, Goal And pass, two And three. All the second words in these pairs have a property that none of the first words has. Name this property (the correct answer is 3 points).

    (The second words can be understood as verb forms).

    COMPETITION 8. “SYNTAX” (orally; make notes on worksheets)

    Compose a sentence by completing preliminary steps (a correctly constructed sentence is 3 points):

    1. From the sentence “Yellow ears of wheat stand like a wall,” take the definition.

    2. Add the subject from the sentence “The leaves are falling.”

    3. Take an addition from the sentence “Pushkin loved autumn very much.”

    4. Add a circumstance from the sentence “Autumn generously bestows color on the forests.”

    5. Add a predicate from the sentence “Spring laid out a multi-colored carpet in the meadow.”

    6. From the sentence “Where are you leading us, roads?” take a noun that is an address.

    (Autumn generously lined the roads with yellow leaves).


    1. Which day of the week has a double consonant in its name? ( Saturday)

    2. Which case of nouns is never used with a preposition? ( nominative)

    3. How are nouns similar? scissors, trousers, ink? (they are used only in the plural)

    4. What part of the word can be found in the ground? ( root)

    5. What part of the sentence is the appeal? ( appeal is not part of the proposal)

    6. Can a word have a hundred identical letters ( table, groan...)

    7. How to say correctly: fish have no teeth, fish have no teeth, fish have no teeth (fish have teeth)


    Place the sentences given to you in the correct order to create a coherent text. Teams must collect two texts. Based on the results of the competition, team captains read the texts aloud (correctly composed text is assessed at 3 points).


    Text No. 1

    1. The snake's tail argued head-on about who should go ahead.

    2. The head said: “You cannot walk in front, you have no eyes and ears.”

    3. The tail said: “But I have the strength, I can move you, if I want, I’ll wrap myself around the tree, you won’t budge.”

    4. The head said: “Let’s go our separate ways!”

    5. And the tail came off the head and crawled forward.

    6. But he just crawled away from his head, fell into a crack and fell through.

    Text No. 2

    1. One father had two sons.

    2. He said to them: “When I die, divide everything in half.”

    3. When the father died, the sons could not separate without a dispute.

    4. They went to sue their neighbor.

    5. The neighbor asked them: “How did your father tell you to share?”

    6. They said: “He ordered to divide everything in half.”

    7. Then the neighbor said: “So tear all the dresses in half, break the dishes.”

    8. The brothers listened to their neighbor, and they had nothing left.


    "Phonetic Proportions"

    1) A / Z = O / ?

    2) M / M’ = P / ?

    3) V B / F P = Z’ F / ?

    4) YAR / PARADISE = EAT / ?

    5) AX / RUMOR = ICE / ?

    "Related Words"


    The lunar spacecraft landed on the moon.

    In the lunar spacecraft there is a lunar rover.

    Circuses, craters and holes

    The Lunokhod is not afraid.

    He leaves drawings

    On the surface of the Moon.

    There is a lot of dust, there is no wind.

    Drawings can live for a thousand years!

    Even and odd

    You'll try

    Compare words -

    And it’s already chilling on the skin!

    “Torment” and “teach”

    They always sound so similar.

    But there is a different meaning,

    Truly inexplicable:

    Did the executioner own the treasury?

    Or did the executed person own the treasury?

    Earth and aphids. Wine - wine.

    April and April. Frost and gray hair...

    All this will not be the same,

    But you can’t throw it away from the other!

    Birch - rod. Face and varnish

    To mutilate and perpetuate...

    Is it really just like that

    One accident -

    Even and odd?

    Text No. 1

    And the tail came off the head and crawled forward.

    The head said: “Let’s go our separate ways!”

    But he just crawled away from his head, fell into a crack and fell through.

    The head said: “You cannot walk in front, you have no eyes and ears.”

    The snake's tail began to argue headlong about who should go ahead.

    The tail said: “But I have the strength, I can move you, if I want, I’ll wrap myself around the tree, you won’t budge.”

    Text No. 2

    Then the neighbor said: “So tear all the dresses in half, break the dishes.”

    A neighbor asked them: “How did your father tell you to share?”

    They said: “He ordered to divide everything in half.”

    He told them: “If I die, divide everything in half.”

    They went to sue their neighbor.

    One father had two sons.

    When the father died, the sons could not separate without a dispute.