Dmitry Malikov published a tender photo with his little son. Dmitry Malikov published a tender photo with his little son. Malikov is the producer of which group

In light of recent events, namely, due to the fact that Dmitry Malikov and his wife Elena had a long-awaited son, I wanted to find as many photographs of this family as possible. With Dmitry Malikov, everything is clear - every citizen of our and neighboring countries knows what he looks like, but not everyone knows who his wife is and what she is like, because she is not a public person and prefers to remain in the shadow of her husband. I haven’t followed Dmitry Malikov’s work before, although he has plenty of good songs. And what is my superficial knowledge about this singer? My associations? What did I know about Dmitry Malikov before writing this article? Summarize.

  1. Dmitry Malikov is quite handsome, charming, a smile never leaves his face, in his early youth he was incomparable, many fans of him are not so much because of his voice and repertoire, but because of his appearance, many fans still dream of giving birth to him children. At the moment, Dmitry Malikov looks great, despite the fact that at the time of writing this article he is already 48 years old.
  2. Dmitry Malikov is from an intelligent family, his father is Yuri Malikov, the founder of the Gems ensemble. Mother - Lyudmila Vyunkova - is a former dancer.
  3. Dmitry Malikov plays the piano much better than he sings his own songs; he composes good music and prefers classical music.
  4. He is the father of his daughter Stefania, whom he affectionately calls Stesha. Stesha Malikova is very popular on the Internet, news about her periodically appears on the Internet: what handbag she bought, what city in Europe she did her shopping in, where she enrolled, how she studies, how she celebrated her next birthday, who she is dating - all this interests young people. If I were younger, I myself would subscribe to the Instagram of some similar girl in order to follow what is trending now. When you are from Tundra, it is very interesting to find out what it is like - a real, bright, rich life in abundance!
  5. The Malikov family has many not only fans, but also ill-wishers who are either jealous or simply don’t believe that this family is happy, in any case, they throw tomatoes at Dima and Elena regularly and in large quantities. But Dmitry Malikov himself, in fact, does not give any obvious reasons. There is no information about his novels anywhere; this guy is famous for his excellent, impeccable reputation.
  6. Before he started living with Elena, his current wife, Dmitry Malikov dated singer Natalya Vetlitskaya for several years, but she left him because she had other plans for life.

Well, now what I learned from watching all sorts of interviews and reading forums.

  1. Dmitry Malikov began dating his Elena when he was 22 years old; according to Wikipedia, she is 7 years older than him, and according to some, 11. Elena herself claims that she is only five. Elena’s maiden name is Izakson, but there is other information (they are so timid and pop up on forums from time to time), and according to other sources, this is the name of her first husband. Elena has a daughter from her first marriage, born in 1985, her name is Olga, she works as a photographer, lives abroad, is married, and gave birth to a daughter, Anna, in 2016. So Elena Malikova is already a grandmother, and Dmitry is a grandfather. Olga Izakson is a very good, kind, sympathetic person. Many people write about this, there is not a single bad word about this girl on the Internet. Selfless, well-mannered, never a major, talented, positive.
  2. In January 2018, Dmitry Malikov became a father for the second time; a certain mother gave birth to his son.
  3. Dmitry Malikov does not help his wife with housework at all, while in interviews with other artists I read that husbands can fry eggs, hammer a nail into a wall, dig a hole, plant a tree, but Dmitry Malikov is completely removed from everyday problems by his wife. The maximum that he can do is to carry the garbage placed on the street to the garbage collection machine - and then very rarely, as an exception. Dmitry Malikov also feeds pets; his family has two dogs and a turtle. Although Dmitry Malikov was once present in the “Smak” program with his daughter, they cooked chicken thigh fillets in some kind of sauce. Most likely, Elena taught them this trick, because Dima stood timidly and gave practical advice, but, naturally, he did not skillfully wield a knife, perhaps he was afraid of damaging his fingers as a virtuoso pianist. But all the same, Dmitry Malikov is always infinitely sweet in his interviews, and even if you don’t listen to his music, you can fall under his charm in no time, because he purrs soothingly.
  4. Elena Malikova is a woman commander, she keeps everything in her hands, tries with all her might to be wise, because with a husband like Dmitry it is simply impossible to do otherwise, he is a creative person, which means he experiences despondency, mental anguish, and doubts. Dmitry Malikov does not accept criticism, however, his wife, if she does not like his new composition, boldly informs her husband about it. And he does so most likely in vain, because screams and scandals begin. In general, Elena tries her best to please her husband, and judging by the fact that the couple are still together, she succeeds quite well.
  5. Another fact about Dmitry Malikov is that he records some compositions with popular rappers. The creativity is questionable, Dima is trying to keep up with new trends, but all this, in my opinion, looks ridiculous. At such moments, I feel sorry for Dmitry Malikov, it all looks as if he is running after a locomotive leaving him, and now he seems to have already caught up and grabbed the handrails, but the conductor closes the door in front of his nose, having previously pushed the singer away with his unclean boot.

Well, now there are many photos of the venerable Malikov family!

In the photo are the wife and daughter of Dmitry Malikov.

In this photo, Dmitry Malikov and his son.

And in this photo is the eldest daughter of Elena Malikova. The girl's name is Olga Izakson.

In this photo, Dmitry Malikov with his sister Inna and his wife Elena.

This is approximately what Dmitry Malikov’s wife looks like when she hears her husband’s next, new track. "This is a masterpiece!" - she exclaims.

The Malikovs with their newborn daughter Stefania.

Little Stefania Malikova.

Elena Malikova is a beautiful woman.

In her youth, Malikov’s wife was like this.

Please note that Elena Malikova loves these earrings very much, she wears them very often.

This is what Elena Malikova was like as a child and, by the way, Stesha is very similar to her.

And in this photo Elena Malikova is with her first daughter Olga. This is approximately what Lena was like when Dima first saw her.

In this photo, little Olga Izakson is the eldest daughter of Elena Malikova.

And this is a childhood photo of Elena Malikova.

Dmitry Malikov was still that fashionista in his youth!

In this photo, Dmitry Malikov with his wife and father.

Dmitry Malikov with his mother Lyudmila Vyunkova.

Dmitry Malikov with his parents and sister Inna.

In this photo, Elena Malikova with her daughters: Stesha and Olga.

Stesha Malikova with her older sister Olga.

Little Dima with his grandfather.

In this photo, Dmitry Malikov with his parents and sister.

Yuri Malikov with his parents.

And this is Dmitry’s nephew. The guy’s name is also Dmitry, he is the son of Inna Malikova.

Childhood photo of Dmitry Malikov.

And again a childhood photo of Dmitry Malikov.

With father Yuri.

With sister Inna Malikova.

In the photo, Dmitry Malikov’s father is Yuri Malikov.

Yuri Malikov with his daughter Inna.

Elena Valevskaya - this woman became widely known in social circles after she was seen with singer and composer Dmitry Malikov. During her bright and eventful life, she built a career as an actress and glorified her name as a producer, fashion designer and director. The future wife of Dmitry Malikov was born in Kazan in 1963 on February 14.

The biography of Dmitry Malikov's wife is full of complex ups and downs and life collisions: after graduating from art school, Elena left for the capital in search of a happy personal life and successful implementation of her professional activities. This dream quickly became a reality. Already in her youth, the girl was able to achieve certain positive results in her professional field: she successfully graduated from the Moscow Institute of Culture, then entered the directing department of VGIK and soon received an invitation to roles in films such as “Kill a Scorpio”, “Punishment”. She acted as a director and artist in the films “The Abyss” and “Angothea”.

However, Elena Malikova achieved her greatest success in the field of fashion. An enterprising and active woman created her own business: she began producing beachwear in Russia and Italy.

Dmitry Malikov's wife - photo

The personal life of Malikov’s future wife was very difficult. She first got married at a fairly young age - 18 years old. Her chosen one was a very successful businessman, whose last name was Izakson. From him the woman gave birth to a daughter, Olga. Despite a successful marriage, a beautiful, prosperous life that millions of women dream of, Elena realized that a family is not a golden cage bordered with diamonds, not an endless stream of expensive gifts and jewelry, but something more complex and serious. The creative nature of a woman required a spiritual relationship with her loved one, which, however, was absent. Therefore, she decided to divorce her husband.

After some time, Elena met Dmitry Malikov. The artist’s first wife, Natalya Vetlitskaya, who lived with him in a civil marriage more for profitable professional purposes, was convicted of treason. Former passionate love doomed Malikov to loneliness until the singer met Elena.

The story of how Dmitry Malikov met his wife is truly romantic and beautiful. Dmitry accidentally saw a mysterious beauty in a photograph in an album of mutual friends and was immediately fascinated by her. Malikov insisted on meeting Elena as soon as possible. His friends could not refuse this request.

The singer quickly gave in under the pressure of surging feelings for his beautiful beloved. She captivated Dmitry with her beauty, self-sufficiency and independence. It is worth noting that the age of Dmitry Malikov’s wife is seven years older than the artist himself. This has become the main discussed and burning topic among journalists and envious people.

Dmitry Malikov and his wife lived in a civil marriage for 8 years. But after their daughter Stefania was born, the couple legalized their relationship. Dmitry and his wife Elena have common children - daughter Stefania and son Mark. A strong star family lives happily and amicably.

Now Malikov’s wife is actively developing her modeling business. She is irreplaceable and the main assistant for her husband. Elena is an executive producer at the production center of Dmitry Malikov. The 55-year-old woman continues to monitor her appearance and figure, striving, despite her age, to look truly stunning and luxurious: Elena’s facial plastic surgery is indicative in this regard. Her beauty and attractiveness seem to be timeless. Elena continues to bloom and shine, thanks to her loving husband, Dmitry, and the mutual understanding and harmony that reigned in the Malikov family.

Elena Malikova is the wife of the famous composer and People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Malikov. On the Internet, she is credited with a height of 163-165 cm and a weight of 63-68 kg. No one knows whether these data correspond to real data. Lena was born on February 14, 1965 in the city of Tula. She was the only child in the family, so her parents made every effort to ensure that their daughter’s childhood memories were always warm and bright. Lena's parents were creative people, and as she grew up, the girl decided to get an art education, which she successfully did first in Kazan, and then in the capital. In 1990, she became a student at the Moscow Institute of Culture, and then graduated from the directing department of VGIK.


After receiving her diploma, Elena tried herself as an actress and played in the films “Kara” and “Kill a Scorpio.” At the same time, she worked in the modeling industry, as a fashion designer and as a teacher at a children's school. At the beginning of her career, the girl tried herself in various professional fields. She even has experience working as an economist in a Russian-Austrian enterprise.

profitable business in Italy and Russia. She produces her own line of clothing for beach holidays. Elena also works at her husband’s production center and helps organize free master classes for children. On them, the singer introduces children of different ages to various musical styles and genres. Not a single important performance by Dmitry is complete without Lena’s support. She is always with her husband and inspires him to work and create with her beauty and feminine wisdom.


Elena got married for the first time at the age of 18. Her husband was a successful businessman, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Olga Isakson. In the dashing 90s, Lena lived in abundance and did not need anything, but despite this, the marriage broke up.

The appearance of Dmitry in Elena's life was very unusual. He saw her photo from mutual friends and fell in love at first sight. By this time, Lena’s eldest daughter was already 7 years old, and she was in divorce proceedings. The persistent Dmitry was not embarrassed by the age difference. Elena is 7 years older than him. Dmitry struck her with his sincerity, genuine kindness and honesty. Since 1992, they began to live together; they did not formalize their relationship. They have already lived together for 25 years and have no plans to separate.


In 2000, Lena and Dima had a joint daughter, Stefania, and only after that the couple decided to legalize their relationship. As Elena says, her husband changed a lot after the birth of her daughter: he became more responsible and serious. And just recently, as a result of surrogacy, the star couple had a little son.

Elena's eldest daughter Olga has succeeded in the profession of a photographer; she regularly receives offers of cooperation from European brands. She has also already gotten married and is raising a child. The youngest daughter Stefania is interested in professional youth fashion design and modeling. She is actively promoting her page on Instagram and claims to be a popular Internet celebrity.

Elena Malikova is a very feminine, beautiful and self-sufficient woman with impeccable taste. Lena does not need the services of a stylist; she always looks great, thanks to her exquisite clothes and elegant style. She regularly plays sports, attends training sessions and considers a balanced diet and the ability to “close” her mouth in time to be the key to her slim, fit figure.

About twenty years of marriage bind this star couple. The singer explains this longevity by mutual understanding and the example of the elder Malikovs, who have been married together for more than 45 years.

How it all began

Twenty-two-year-old Dmitry Malikov noticed a photograph of a girl from an album of his close friends. And, of course, he began to ask to meet her.

It's hard to say what struck him then. Perhaps, it was still beauty, which the young singer, brought up in the creative arts, subtly felt and understood. It was only later that Elena became for Dmitry a model of femininity, style, beauty and nobility. In 1992, when the couple met, it was difficult to predict that they would have a long and happy future together. Moreover, the beauty already had her first marriage, a first-grader daughter, and she was older.

Who is Elena Malikova? Her biography is not enchanting

Elena is not a Muscovite. She was born in Kazan. After graduating from art school in her hometown, she went to conquer the capital. And she succeeded. First, she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Culture, then from the directing department of VGIK. She got roles in the films “Kill a Scorpio” and “Kara.”

However, in parallel with her studies and the beginning of her professional activity, the girl got married and gave birth to a daughter, Olga. And although her businessman husband could provide for the family financially, Elena did not feel a spiritual kinship with him. And for such a creative nature as she was, this is simply necessary.

Meet your person

Having learned the dating history of people like Dmitry Malikov and Elena Malikova, you involuntarily become imbued with the idea that there are couples who are destined from above to be inseparable. So Elena claimed in one of her interviews that literally during the first meeting she felt that Dima was “her man.”

After the girl agreed to meet her, without delaying the matter, Dmitry invites her to the filming of the program in which he took part. Young people meet, get to know each other and very quickly begin to understand each other perfectly.

Today Elena Malikova admits that she was immediately struck by how sincere and open a person Dmitry is in communication. In addition, he is an intellectual who has a very keen sense of music, painting, and beauty. Then she also appreciated his kindness and absolute ability not to wish or do harm to others.

Civil marriage

When people feel good together, they don’t even think about whether their relationship is formalized or not. However, it cannot be said that there was no friction at all between Elena and Dmitry. However, while they lived separately, they really did not exist. But living together imposes certain obligations on people; first of all, patience and the desire to accept the habits and characteristics of the other person living next to you are necessary, especially if this person is creative.

“My beautiful Dima sometimes got blues,” Elena Malikova now recalls in an interview, “he became wildly irritable. If something didn’t work out in my creativity, first of all all the emotions spilled out on my head.”

However, soon the young people were able to overcome these difficulties. Today, both Elena and Dmitry are convinced that they must sacrifice their selfishness, and then life together will work out. And, by the way, the age of the spouses, and in this case, the date of birth of Elena Malikova, who is several years older than Dmitry, does not play any role in this.

Daughter from first marriage

Malikov admits that Elena raised her daughter from her first marriage herself. He was like a friend or older brother for Olga. After all, theirs was not very long - 15 years. Therefore, they became friends very quickly. Together they could watch and discuss films, listen to music.

At one time, Olga studied in Paris and lived in the center of the French capital with friends of the Malikov family. By the way, it was then that Dmitry and Elena officially formalized their marriage, and their daughter was born. Contrary to Elena’s fears, Olga reacted well to her sister’s appearance and said that she would rehearse the role of her mother.

The question of family adoption never arose, perhaps because the girl always communicated well with her father, and no one stopped her from doing so.

As an adult, Elena’s eldest daughter graduated from MGIMO. I took up photography. Olga Izakson has already presented several solo exhibitions. Lives separately from his parents.

Birth of daughter Stephanie

Elena Malikova, the wife of Dmitry Malikov, was not always like that. The official marriage was concluded only after the birth of their daughter Stefania, and this happened on February 13, 2000. When the parents came to register their daughter, the registry office employee said that there would be a dash in the “father” column on the girl’s birth certificate. If desired, paternity can then be registered. This did not suit Dmitry Malikov, so the couple immediately registered their marriage.

To say that the baby brought a lot of good things to the family means to say nothing. According to Elena Malikova, Dmitry immediately became different. Responsible, collected, serious. As if he wanted to say: you are all behind me, like behind a stone wall.

Stephanie turned fourteen this year. We can already say that creative genes passed to her from her parents. Since childhood, Stefania has been drawing and dancing, playing the piano and guitar, singing well and even writing music. She also tries herself in the modeling business. The young lady has many admirers, which sometimes worries her strict dad, who, of course, wants his daughter to make the right choice over time, and to know the feeling of true love.

Impeccable Elena Malikova

Giving Elena the title of a beautiful woman, one cannot help but admit that she is a bright personality.

This woman simply does not want to shine among the secular elite. Although Elena Malikova has all the data for this. Photos often published in the media are evidence of this. After all, she finds time to devote close attention to her appearance, her beloved family, and interesting work.

Today Elena has her own business in Italy - she produces beachwear, which is successful in Europe. After all, the beautiful businesswoman has impeccable taste. Recently, these clothes began to be sold in the Russian capital.

Elena is also passionate about working as an executive producer for her husband’s music center. Not a single important show of Dmitry Malikov is complete without the professional support of his wife. She rejoices at her husband’s successes as if she were her own, and tries to be a lifesaver for him. The couple make a wonderful tandem both in work and in the family. First of all, because they are not only close people, but also true friends. They are interested together because they have many common interests, and their relationship is built on mutual understanding, love and trust.

Let's talk about the wife of the famous Russian songwriter and performer, intellectual and unusual and very gifted person Dmitry Malikov, who is Elena Malikova.

In the city of Kazan, in 1965, a girl, Lena, was born, a future screenwriter, actress and artist. She graduated from the Kazan Art School and then went to conquer Moscow. In 1987 She entered the Moscow Institute of Culture, and then in 1990 she became a student at the directing department of VGIK in the workshop of S. Solovyov.

The acquaintance of Elena and Dmitry was unusual and, one might say, in absentia. For the first time he saw not Elena herself, but her photograph in a friends album. The singer liked the girl so much that he decided to see her at all costs. It was love at first photo. Agree that such a situation would have been impossible without God’s plan, and in 1992 the young people got to know each other. By that time, Elena already had a 7-year-old daughter, and she was just divorcing her first husband.

It should be noted that this did not stop Dmitry at all, although he was 6 years younger than his chosen one. We all know D. Malikov as a person with a keen sense of beauty, an excellent understanding of all types of art, an intellectual with an excellent upbringing. Elena’s daughter did not immediately accept her mother’s new husband, but after some time, seeing how reverently and tenderly Dmitry treated her mother, Olga (Elena’s daughter), however, like any child, still found common themes with him.

At first, the couple lived in a civil marriage. I am sure that any girl would not doubt for a second the feelings of a man like Dmitry Malikov. But, a few years later, Elena, as expected, became pregnant. Dmitry, as soon as he learned about this, immediately invited his common-law wife to formalize the relationship. As for the widespread opinion about the destructive power of a stamp in a passport, it did not at all affect the relationship between Dmitry and Elena, and they have been together for 20 years.

Today Elena is a strong and successful woman. She perfectly combines the role of a businesswoman and a faithful wife. In Italy she has a personal line for making beachwear. Elena is also an executive producer at Dmitry's production center. She is a beautiful, graceful woman, her all-round development allows her to succeed in many ways. She has experience working as a fashion designer and as a teacher at an art school for children. She also tried herself as an actress, playing the main role in the films “Kill a Scorpio” and “Kara.”

Elena constantly monitors her appearance and figure. She can shut her mouth in time, she relies on her impeccable taste in clothes, this is probably her whole femininity. Regarding the latter, I will quote her expression: “Femininity is not only appearance, but also a good mood, the absence of complexes and self-confidence. Then your eyes light up and your smile is irresistible.”