Essay “Is it possible to justify the action of Vladimir Dubrovsky? (based on the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”). Vladimir Dubrovsky - a noble robber? Can Dubrovsky be considered a noble person?

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Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" immerses us in the historical events taking place in the post-war years, the end of the Napoleonic invasion of Russia. The author of the work accurately describes the way of life in Russian villages of that time, ordinary people and the fun of landowners.

The work bears the name of its main character Dubrovsky. The plot of the novel is based on the story of a young landowner, his fate and worldview changing throughout the work. Vladimir Dubrovsky is a typical representative of the nobility. His life was measured and leisurely. The only heir to the estate, the future master, after training in the cadet corps, served in an infantry regiment in the glorious city of St. Petersburg, did not think for a moment about the hardships of life as serfs. Dubrovsky led a simple lifestyle, did not bother himself with thoughts about the future and lost his father’s money, which was regularly sent to him in the required quantity, at cards.

Like a bolt from the blue there was a letter informing about the illness of the protagonist’s father. After this news, troubles fell on Vladimir one after another, this was the death of his father, whom the main character undoubtedly loved, and the loss of his estate, not without the help of the betrayal of Kirill Troekurov, his father’s friend. This left an imprint on the future life of the young man. The events that took place forced Vladimir to look at life in a new way; he was no longer an irresponsible young man, but a man in whose hands lay the fate of those under his command - the peasants.

The desire to take revenge, not only for himself, but also for the forced people, leads Dubrovsky to the robber path. He becomes a robber, but a noble robber. Vladimir strikes fear into people throughout the province. No one could feel calm either in the villages or outside them. Having robbed the landowner's house, he simply burned it down. The main character took money, like the famous robber Robinhood, only from the rich, without resorting to murder.

But like many heroes of Pushkin A.S. The image of Vladimir is quite contradictory. Is it noble to be a robber, taking property by force? Robbery and violence are mortal sins. Could the main character have chosen a different path? He could serve in the army, earning a comfortable living. But Dubrovsky did not pay attention to all this and acted according to the dictates of his heart.

To implement the revenge plan, the main character, like a teacher from France, enters Troekurov’s house. But the love boiling in Vladimir’s heart for Masha calms his “thirst for blood.” Dubrovsky no longer wants to take revenge on his sworn enemy.

The author first describes the appearance of the “villain” in Troekurov’s house. Pushkin goes into detail, describing his features: average height, brown eyes, light brown hair and age twenty-three. But the author paid more attention to the composure and courage of the main character, who was not afraid of the hungry bear.
Pushkin presented the hero of the novel as an adventurous knight who finds himself in unusual situations and gets out of them in an unconventional way. Like a romantic young man using a hollow oak tree as a mailbox to send notes to his beloved. This image makes the character unrealistic, but very interesting and unusual.

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Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky" tells us about an honest, noble man, a young nobleman Vladimir Dubrovsky. Throughout the entire work, we see his life path, and the question inevitably arises: why did an officer of the guards regiment suddenly become a robber?

Vladimir’s father, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, stupidly quarreled with his neighbor Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. Both friends loved to hunt. But Andrei Petrovich could not afford to maintain such a beautiful kennel as his neighbor had. And somehow Dubrovsky enviously dropped: “... it’s a wonderful kennel, it’s unlikely that your people will live as well as your dogs.” Troekurov's huntsman was offended by this phrase. He replied that there were nobles who might envy the life of his master’s dogs. Because of this, a serious quarrel arose. After that, the trial began. Because of this litigation, Andrei Gavrilovich became seriously ill. It was decided to inform his son Vladimir, who at that moment was serving in a guards regiment in St. Petersburg, about this.

Vladimir can be called a spoiled young man; his father did not deny him anything, he supplied him with all possible means as best he could. The young man was not used to denying himself anything; he led a riotous lifestyle, caroused and dreamed of a rich bride. His life flowed easily and cheerfully until news arrived about his father’s poor health and the deplorable state of the entire estate, which was about to pass into the hands of a neighbor. We must pay tribute to Vladimir, despite the fact that at first he resembles a simple rake, a reveler, in fact he turned out to be a kind, sympathetic person. He immediately leaves for his native Kistenevka.

When Vladimir arrived in Kistenevka, he saw that his father was getting worse and worse. After one of the meetings with Kirila Petrovich, Dubrovsky Sr. cannot stand it, he has a stroke and dies.

After this moment, Vladimir begins to consider Troekurov his blood enemy. Kirila Petrovich was not stopped by the death of his neighbor (and once his friend), and he continues his legal battle. In addition, Troekurov has a bad attitude towards the son of Dubrovsky Sr. As a result, Kistenevka and all the people are given into the possession of Troyekurov.

Dubrovsky spends his last evening on what was once his estate. He is very sad. He is sad and lonely from the death of his parent, from the loss of his family estate. The author often says that young Dubrovsky lacked home warmth and comfort. On the last evening at home, he began to sort through his father's papers. This is how letters from his late mother fell into his hands. Vladimir reads them, it’s as if he is immersed in that atmosphere of tenderness and warmth that he has so lacked for many years. He is so carried away by these letters, by his feelings, that he forgets about everything in the world.

Vladimir becomes unbearable at the thought that the house of his ancestors could fall to his enemy. He decides to burn the house so that Troekurov does not get anything. Vladimir is not an evil person, so he does not want victims. He wants to leave all the doors open so that people have a chance to escape from the burning building. But the serf Arkhip violates the will of the master, and the clerks burn in the fire.

As a result, Dubrovsky takes the faithful serfs and goes with them into the forest. It is important to note that the young man has a fatherly attitude towards his people, he feels responsible for them.

Finding no protection from the law, Dubrovsky becomes a cruel but noble robber. It is interesting that he never attacked the estate of his enemy Troekurov. Then it turns out that already at that time he was in love with his daughter Masha.

Despite the fact that Dubrovsky lived according to the cruel rules of force, he still remained precisely a “noble” robber. One could even say that his moral character was much higher than that of those guardians of the law who allowed such injustice to happen as the transfer of property into someone else's possession.

As a result, feeling the inevitability of his sad fate, Vladimir disbands the people loyal to him. He wants them to live a new life, more peaceful and righteous. The hero himself disappears.

It is a pity that the life of a kind, sympathetic, decent person turned out this way. After all, now, in order to survive, he will be forced to hide all his life, most likely, he will never see his beloved girl again. I think that Dubrovsky’s path is not the answer. He decided to administer justice on his own, without having any rights to do so. Robbery, no matter how noble it may seem, is not a solution. It seems to me that Vladimir forgot about the Supreme Court, which really does not make mistakes, and which will reward everyone for their actions.


World literature is well known for the image of a noble robber with a romantic soul. Most often, these were nobles who experienced betrayal by close friends or who felt the full injustice of the law.

One of these knights who appears under the cover of darkness is the hero of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Vladimir Dubrovsky. True, he did not immediately become a robber.

At the beginning of the work, we see Vladimir undergoing military service in a guards regiment after training in the Cadet Corps. He leads an easy life, not burdened by problems and worries - he plays cards, gets into debt, dreams of marrying a rich bride. Vladimir does not experience any shortage of funds; his father will send as much as is needed.

Only behind this outer shell is hidden a soul, deprived of maternal affection and warm, confidential communication with the father. The young man respected and revered his parent, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, and with sadness and longing remembered his native village and the houses where he spent his carefree childhood years.

The elder Dubrovsky dies, unable to survive the loss of the family estate, which was untruthfully taken away by Kiril's former friend and colleague Petrovich Troekurov. Having learned about what happened, Vladimir burns the estate in which the whole Dubrovsky family lived, and together with his devoted servants he sets off to rob. It is easy to find an explanation for this seemingly monstrous act: under no circumstances should you leave the memory of your closest people or letters to your beloved mother for ridicule by the enemy.

Vladimir Dubrovsky, who suddenly lost his father and home, understood what future lay ahead for him. Hopelessness and poverty push him onto the wrong path, the path of robbery and robbery. A gang of people loyal to him burns rich estates, robs people on the roads, only Troekurov’s estate is not attacked, because his beloved Masha lives there. It was precisely the feelings for this kind girl that extinguished the anger in Vladimir’s soul and forced him to abandon his long-nurtured revenge. It’s just that there’s no way to end the robbery.

Attacks are becoming more frequent. And although, continuing to show nobility, Vladimir does not take revenge on Troekurov, does not kill Prince Vereisky, who has become the unloved husband of Masha, dear and dear to the heart, but he continues to follow this path, continues to hunt, and more and more boldly and cruelly.

But everything comes to an end. The nobility of the robber also ends. From the category of defender of the poor and innocent, he turns into a murderer. The officer's death can no longer be justified. Vladimir understands this perfectly and disbands the gang. Robberies and robberies stop. The epic of the noble avenger Dubrovsky ends.

It is probably possible to find words, to understand and explain the behavior of Vladimir Dubrovsky, to analyze all the circumstances that pushed him to commit robbery. But it will not be possible to justify the young man. He crossed the line between good and evil, he became a criminal. And this is a fact that cannot be canceled or forgotten.


I consider Dubrovsky a victim, he is not a robber, because he only stole from the rich, he wanted to restore justice and prove to the rich that money is not the greatest value, that it does not give power. If you have power and great powers and opportunities, you need to remain human, treat people humanely, see them as equals, and not elevate yourself above them, and not allow yourself to treat a person as a thing, as Troekurov does. For his own amusement, he sent a living person to be torn to pieces by a ferocious animal and laughed at it. Dubrovsky would never do this.

From dinner at Troekurov’s we understand that he never robbed the poor and honest; one woman says that Dubrovsky wanted to steal money from the landowner whom she sent to send money to her son. Having read the letter and learned that this money was for her son, he did not commit the theft, but the landowner took the money for himself and blamed Dubrovsky for everything, then he came to this lady, disguised as a stranger, and told the whole truth in order to restore justice. Vladimir stole money not for himself, but for his people, because he had no other choice. By his actions he shows that he does not resign himself to fate and is not going to depend on Troekurov, his decision is correct for the current situation. If he gave everything to Troekurov, it would be unfair to his people.

Dubrovsky had a hopeless situation, so he became a robber, but honest and fair. Vladimir takes the side of the people, he treats them as equals, does not look at them as servants, does not mock them, but only helps. He sees in a person, first of all, a person, and not a servant like Troekurov. He understood that Masha was the daughter of his enemy, but he did not regard her that way. He examined her inner world and realized that she is an honest and decent person, she is not at all like her father, Dubrovsky appreciates this. He values ​​positive qualities in a person, he is not interested in material wealth, he himself is ready to give his last to the people.

The basis for A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” was real events - mass uprisings of peasants who were dissatisfied with their lives after the War of 1812. The main character of the book is the young nobleman Vladimir Dubrovsky, a noble robber. The events unfolding on the pages of the work are directly related to his life and fate.

Dubrovsky is a noble robber. Summary

For a deeper understanding of the image of Vladimir, it is necessary to refer to the contents of the book.

The fathers of the protagonist and Masha Troekurova were neighbors and service comrades. They are both widowers. Once Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, while visiting Troekurov, spoke disapprovingly of the poor living conditions of his servants compared to dogs. In response to this, one of the hounds declares that “it would be nice for another master to exchange his estate for a dog kennel.”

Dubrovsky the father leaves and in a letter demands an apology from Troekurov. The tone of the letter does not suit Kirill Petrovich. At the same time, Andrei Gavrilovich finds Troekurov’s serfs in his possessions, stealing timber. He takes away their horses and orders them to be whipped. Troekurov decides to take revenge on his neighbor by illegally taking possession of his estate, the village of Kistenevka.

Due to strong experiences, Andrei Gavrilovich is weakening. A letter is sent to his son, Vladimir, and he comes to the village.

Kirill Petrovich understands that he treated his old friend badly and goes to him to make peace, but when he sees him, old Dubrovsky dies.

The house is handed over to Troekurov. The serfs do not want to move to another master. Vladimir orders the house to be burned, and the officials inside die from the fire.

Soon a gang of robbers begins to operate in the surrounding area, robbing estates. There is a rumor that the leader of the robbers is young Dubrovsky.

Vladimir, as a French teacher, ends up in Troekurov’s house. Masha and young Dubrovsky fall in love with each other.

Vladimir opens up to the girl and disappears, as it becomes clear that Dubrovsky and the teacher are one person.

Masha is proposed to by the 50-year-old Prince Vereisky. Troekurov orders his daughter to marry him. Dubrovsky asks Masha on a date and puts a ring on her. Masha hopes that she can convince her father.

However, Troekurov does not yield, and he and Vereisky decide to speed up the wedding.
Masha and the prince are getting married. On the way back they come across Dubrovsky. The noble robber offers Masha freedom. Vereisky wounds Dubrovsky. Masha is married, so she refuses to run away with Vladimir. Dubrovsky disbands the gang.

The image of Dubrovsky at the beginning of the novel

On the first pages of the book, Vladimir appears before us as a young nobleman, the only son of his father. He received a good upbringing and education, and is serving. Dubrovsky leads a cheerful life, spends his father's money, and does not think about the future.

The reason for changes in the inner world and outlook on life

The news of the illness of his father, whom he loved very much, excited the young man. His death and the loss of his estate changed Vladimir's character. After the funeral, he realizes how lonely he is. Dubrovsky thinks about the future for the first time. Now he is responsible not only for himself, but also for his peasants.

Dubrovsky's Revenge

"Dubrovsky is a noble robber." An essay on this topic is offered to eighth grade students in every school. I would like to understand whether he is noble, given that he is driven by the desire for revenge? To take revenge for everyone who was wronged unfairly. He robs the rich and kills no one. His image takes on romantic features.

Obsessed with retribution, he enters the house of his enemy under the guise of the Frenchman Deforge. However, love for Marya Kirillovna disrupts his plans, and he abandons them. The nobility of nature overcomes the desire for revenge.

Why was Dubrovsky called a noble robber?

Vladimir Dubrovsky took the path of robbery because he saw no other way out of the situation in his life. He could not allow the family estate to go to Troekurov. Dubrovsky ordered the house to be set on fire, but at the same time the door was unlocked so that the officials could run out. Arkhip did not listen to the master, and the people burned. He did not count on the judges' leniency in considering this incident, since they did not spare his father in a just case. Dubrovsky and a gang of serfs took the path of robbery. This is how a completely different life began for Vladimir.

To answer the question why Dubrovsky is a noble robber, you need to remember the contents of the book. As it is written in the novel, the gang led by Vladimir robbed only rich people. Although the robbers terrified everyone, they did not kill anyone. For this they were called noble.

However, having embarked on this slippery slope, Dubrovsky, a noble robber, pursued by government troops, is nevertheless forced to abandon his principles and commit the murder of an officer.

To answer the question of why he was called that, it is also necessary to compare the life circumstances and features of the inner world of this young man. Vladimir comes from a noble family, a representative of the noble class, the son of a man who was distinguished by straightforwardness, courage, and enjoyed the respect of rich neighbors and the serfs entrusted to him. He adopted many positive qualities from his father, but, like Andrei Gavrilovich, young Dubrovsky was prone to ardor and did not tolerate injustice. After the loss of his father, he becomes the leader of a gang of people devoted to him.

For all these reasons, Dubrovsky is a noble robber.

How does the author relate to the hero?

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin certainly sympathizes with the main character of this novel. He endows him with such qualities as kindness, honesty, the ability to love and forgive. However, he debunks the myth of Vladimir’s nobility, explaining this by saying that an honest and decent person cannot abandon the people loyal to him to the mercy of fate and hide abroad. A noble person is responsible for his actions.

The image of a romantic noble robber is quite common in literature. Usually, these are people who, for some reason, become unnecessary in society. They are betrayed by friends and relatives, acquaintances turn away from them, and they cannot achieve anything legally, since the law in such cases is imperfect. Pushkin's story is about just such a person, and after reading it, everyone begins to wonder why Dubrovsky became a robber?

Did Dubrovsky want such a share for himself?

A person's fate can very often change depending on circumstances. And, for sure, the young cornet did not suspect what would happen to him. He was brought up in the famous St. Petersburg cadet corps, continued his military service and would have achieved a lot. If not for chance.
A misfortune occurs on his native estate: his old father quarrels with a friend and falls ill. Vladimir goes to him without a moment’s hesitation. On the way, he learns about all the tragic events, and after the death of his father he commits an act worthy of a romantic hero: he burns the estate and goes into the forest. He is surrounded by peasants who also do not like injustice and the power of money. Their devoted attitude towards Dubrovsky creates certain rules in the bandit gang, to which everyone obeys.
All members of the gang understand their hopelessness and what awaits them in the future. Therefore, they rob and burn estates, tightening their actions with each case. But the men do not touch Troyekurov’s Pokrovskoye estate: Masha lives there, who has become close and dear to Vladimir. He fell in love with her and refused revenge, but he was no longer able to stop the lawlessness of his comrades.

Reason for reincarnation

An officer with a bright future turns into a robber. Let him be fair, but he is a robber. And the reasons lie not only in himself. Yes, he is brave, decisive, even desperate. And around him is a thoroughly rotten society. The noble robber Vladimir Dubrovsky has lost all faith in law and justice. He begins to act by his own methods, but even in this case, he maintains moral principles. His image of a robber is much purer and higher than these high-ranking officials and tyrant landowners.
But, feeling sympathy for his hero, Pushkin reveals the real irony of such a transformation: having become a robber, Vladimir fell in love with the daughter of his enemy. He gave up revenge. It turns out that all his actions committed earlier were in vain. You can try to explain his behavior, but you can’t justify his actions in any way. He broke the law, and no matter how much of a hero Dubrovsky may be for his peasants, he is a criminal. He committed murders, leading to the bloodbath at the end of the story.

Is it possible to justify the fact that Dubrovsky became a robber? This question was answered differently in our class. Some said that he had no other choice, that he had to take revenge on Troekurov for his ruin and the death of his father. Others did not understand his action. Why become a robber? After all, it was possible to return to St. Petersburg and continue to serve. And in general, he is not the only person who was offended and ruined. So, should everyone become robbers now?

I like Dubrovsky very much. And I want to try to understand him. Vladimir Dubrovsky grew up in a kind, good, honest family. His parents loved him very much, and he treated them with respect and love. They were poor nobles, but they did not feel humiliated. Dubrovsky's father was a man of honor, with a sense of self-worth. And he raised his son that way.

Vladimir served in St. Petersburg. Suddenly he receives a letter from which he learns that the estate was taken from them by Troekurov and his father was dying. Dubrovsky arrives home and finds his father in a coffin. He lost his dearest, closest person. And now he doesn’t have a home. The entire estate, by decision of an unjust court, belongs to Troekurov, the man who killed his father. And Dubrovsky found himself homeless and poor. The clerks who came to take away the estate treat him rudely and disdainfully. Vladimir walks around his home for the last time. He cannot bear the thought that all this will go to his enemy. The portraits of his father and mother, dear to his heart, will be removed from the wall and thrown somewhere in a closet. He finds a bunch of letters from his mother and rereads them. How much care and motherly love they have! So do they also now belong to the one who took everything from him and destroyed his father? Dubrovsky cannot come to terms with this. He decides to set the house on fire. Let Troekurov not get it. Now there is no turning back for him. After all, according to the law, he is a criminal. In addition, the blacksmith Arkhip locked the door, and all the corrupt clerks in the house burned down. Dubrovsky's serfs were very devoted to their masters. They were ready to rebel against Troekurov, recognizing only Dubrovsky as their master. Dubrovsky takes some of his people and goes into the forest. He becomes the leader of the robbers. But Dubrovsky is a noble robber. He never offended the poor, orphans, widows and robbed only the rich.

I am sorry that Dubrovsky’s fate turned out so sadly. He lost his home, his father, his beloved girlfriend, and became an exile. I don’t know if Dubrovsky can be justified in everything, but he can be understood.

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The image of a romantic noble robber is quite common in literature. Usually, these are people who, for some reason, become unnecessary in society. They are betrayed by friends and relatives, acquaintances turn away from them, and they cannot achieve anything legally, since the law in such cases is imperfect. Pushkin's story is about just such a person, and after reading it, everyone begins to wonder why Dubrovsky became a robber?

Did Dubrovsky want such a share for himself?

A person's fate can very often change depending on circumstances. And, for sure, the young cornet did not suspect what would happen to him. He was brought up in the famous St. Petersburg cadet corps, continued his military service and would have achieved a lot. If not for chance.
A misfortune occurs on his native estate: his old father quarrels with a friend and falls ill. Vladimir goes to him without a moment’s hesitation. On the way, he learns about all the tragic events, and after the death of his father he commits an act worthy of a romantic hero: he burns the estate and goes into the forest. He is surrounded by peasants who also do not like injustice and the power of money. Their devoted attitude towards Dubrovsky creates certain rules in the bandit gang, to which everyone obeys.
All members of the gang understand their hopelessness and what awaits them in the future. Therefore, they rob and burn estates, tightening their actions with each case. But the men do not touch Troyekurov’s Pokrovskoye estate: Masha lives there, who has become close and dear to Vladimir. He fell in love with her and refused revenge, but he was no longer able to stop the lawlessness of his comrades.

Reason for reincarnation

An officer with a bright future turns into a robber. Let him be fair, but he is a robber. And the reasons lie not only in himself. Yes, he is brave, decisive, even desperate. And around him is a thoroughly rotten society. The noble robber Vladimir Dubrovsky has lost all faith in law and justice. He begins to act by his own methods, but even in this case, he maintains moral principles. His image of a robber is much purer and higher than these high-ranking officials and tyrant landowners.
But, feeling sympathy for his hero, Pushkin reveals the real irony of such a transformation: having become a robber, Vladimir fell in love with the daughter of his enemy. He gave up revenge. It turns out that all his actions committed earlier were in vain. You can try to explain his behavior, but you can’t justify his actions in any way. He broke the law, and no matter how much of a hero Dubrovsky may be for his peasants, he is a criminal. He committed murders, leading to the bloodbath at the end of the story.