Ovechkin's number. Mikhail Ovechkin: biography, achievements and interesting facts. Behind the scenes of glory

Famous young Russian hockey player Alexander Ovechkin was born in the capital of Russia, the hero city of Moscow. This significant event occurred in the year of the beginning of perestroika, or more precisely, in 1985, on September 17. Now Alexander Ovechkin plays as a left forward for the NHL (National Hockey League) hockey club Washington Capitals. Previously, Ovechkin played for the Dynamo hockey club in the Super League. Alexander Ovechkin is the captain of the American hockey team and has spent five seasons with it. Ovechkin was drafted in 2004. At the beginning of 2008, hockey player Alexander Ovechkin signed a 13-year contract worth $124 million with the Washington Capitals. He became the first hockey player to receive a contract worth more than $100 million.
Alexander Ovechkin began playing in the National Hockey League (NHL) in the 2005-2006 season. Ovechkin, based on the results of the first season, received the Calder Trophy, beating Sidney Crosby himself. Alexander Ovechkin won the Art Ross Trophy in 2008. And 3 times “Ted Lindsay Award”, “Maurice Richard Trophy” and “Hart Trophy”. 4 times Alexander Ovechkin played in the all-star game. In 2009, hockey player Alexander Ovechkin was included among the ten best hockey players in the NHL (National Hockey League) of the last decade.
Member of the Russian national hockey team Alexander Ovechkin He began playing at the age of seventeen. He became the youngest player in the history of the Russian national ice hockey team. Together with the hockey team, Alexander Ovechkin participated in 5 world championships and 2 Olympic Games (Turin and Vancouver).
Alexander Ovechkin became the third son in his family; his brothers were already thirteen and fifteen years old. Alexander Ovechkin’s mother is a member of the USSR national basketball team, Tatyana Ovechkina, also a famous athlete. Ovechkin's father Mikhail played for the Moscow football club Dynamo. The sporting fate for Alexander Ovechkin was predetermined from the very beginning. He was destined to become an athlete.
As Alexander Ovechkin’s mother says, his interest in playing hockey appeared in early childhood. Once, when Sasha Ovechkin was only 2 years old, he was walking down the street with his mother and saw a hockey uniform in a store window and did not go home until his mother agreed to buy him this uniform. He started playing hockey at the age of eight, joining the sports section. Alexander Ovechkin’s older brother Sergei invited him to study there. Mom and dad did not really approve of Sasha’s passion for hockey; they believed that hockey was a very traumatic sport. In addition, they themselves were very busy people and often simply physically could not take their son to classes in the hockey section. Sasha Ovechkin was forced to quit classes. But Sergei and the coaches saw Alexander Ovechkin’s hockey talent and his love for sports, and they persuaded Sasha’s parents to return him to classes.
Alexander's favorite hockey teams were the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Moscow Dynamo team. Alexander Ovechkin's favorite hockey players are: Mario Lemieux and Alexander Maltsev. When Sasha was 10 years old, his brother Sergei, who brought Alexander Ovechkin into the sport, died in a car accident. Sergei was only 25 years old. The death of his older brother, with whom he was very close, shocked Sasha Ovechkin and he still does not want to return to the memories of his death. Sasha was invited to train at the hockey school of the Dynamo club. In all the Dynamo young hockey teams, Alexander Ovechkin was often the youngest, but always the most talented and best hockey player. At the age of 12, he scored 59 goals in the Moscow championship, thereby breaking the record of Pavel Bure himself. Alexander Ovechkin joined the adult hockey team in 2000.
When Alexander Ovechkin was 16 years old, he was already playing in the Russian Super League. Results of Alexander Ovechkin's first season: played twenty-two matches, scored two goals, gave two assists and participated in three playoff matches. At the Junior World Championships, which took place in 2002 in Slovakia, Alexander Ovechkin scored 18 points and thus became the most productive player.
Already at the age of seventeen, Alexander Ovechkin began playing in the adult Russian national hockey team. He made his debut at the Ceska Pojistovna Cup, scored one goal there and became the youngest member of the country's national hockey team and the youngest goal scorer.
Alexander Ovechkin spent the full season of 2002-2003 for the Dynamo hockey team. Alexander Ovechkin's results this season: scored fifteen points, scored eight goals, made seven assists to teammates, Dynamo again reached the playoffs, but lost in the 1st round. The American hockey club Florida Panthers tried to draft young player Alexander Ovechkin, but he was only seventeen years old and therefore the deal did not take place.
In the next playing season, Alexander Ovechkin became one of the most important players of the Dynamo hockey team. He took part in fifty-three of sixty matches and overcame the twenty-point mark. This season he was recognized as the best left forward hockey player. Dynamo again (!) lost to Avangard in the 1st round of the playoffs.
In 2004 Alexander Ovechkin played many games for the national team. He played at the World Youth Championship for the Russian youth hockey team and for the Russian senior hockey team at the World Hockey Championship and Cup. In the 2004 draft, Alexander Ovechkin could have entered the NHL (national hockey league), but due to the lockout he remained with Dynamo.
The 2004-2005 hockey season was the last for Alexander Ovechkin in the Super League, but at the same time the most successful. The Dynamo hockey club became the champion of Russia in hockey for the first time in 5 years. Played in all ten matches in the playoffs. Despite his injuries, Alexander Ovechkin scored four points more than in the last hockey season. Also in 2005, Alexander Ovechkin, as a member of the Russian national hockey team, took second place at the Youth World Championship and third place at the adult World Hockey Championship.
At the end of the season, Alexander Ovechkin's contract with the Dynamo hockey club expired. The club's management hoped to extend the contract with Ovechkin in order to receive compensation in the event of Alexander's transfer to the Washington Capitals by draft. Alexander Ovechkin was also offered a contract by the Avangard hockey club from Omsk. He was offered $1.8 million for a hockey season. Alexander Ovechkin decided to accept the offer of the Omsk hockey club Avangard and signed a preliminary contract with them. In order to keep Ovechkin playing at home, Dynamo had to repeat the contract offered by Omsk. Which is what Dynamo did, after which the situation reached a dead end. Also, in the event of Alexander Ovechkin’s transfer to Washington, the Avangard hockey club did not intend to demand any compensation, and Dynamo wanted to receive two million dollars in compensation. This made the situation even worse. Alexander Ovechkin, in addition, stated that the Dynamo hockey club did not pay all the wages due to him. A high-profile civil case had to be resolved in court. But even before the trial, Alexander Ovechkin said that he would play only for Washington and fly overseas as soon as the lockout ended. On August 9, 2005, the court recognized the rights to Alexander Ovechkin for the Dynamo hockey club. Avangard refused to pursue further litigation. Ovechkin flew to the USA and on October 5, 2005, played his first match for Washington. “Dynamo” then made claims against the “Washington Capitals” many times, but the Washington court rejected all the Muscovites’ arguments and the “Ovechkin case” was officially closed.
Before the 2004 draft Alexander Ovechkin took first place among European hockey forwards. After the lockout ended, Alexander Ovechkin signed a contract with the Washington Capitals club. The athlete was offered a record salary for a newcomer - almost $4 million. Alexander Ovechkin immediately showed with his play that the hopes placed on him by the Washington club were not in vain. He began to quickly gain points. In December 2005, hockey experts recognized Alexander Ovechkin as the rookie of the month and he became a favorite in the fight for the Calder Trophy with hockey player Sidney Crosby. In twelve December matches, Alexander Ovechkin scored nineteen points. Results of Alexander Ovechkin in the first half of the 2005-2006 hockey season: scored 49 points (scored twenty-five goals and made twenty-four assists). The puck scored by Ovechkin on January 16, 2006 against the Phoenix Coyotes hockey team was rightfully recognized by many as the most beautiful goal in the history of the NHL (National Hockey League). In January, Alexander Ovechkin was again recognized as the rookie of the month. Despite the injury received in February 2006, Alexander Ovechkin took part in the Olympics in Turin. There he scored six points (scored five goals and made one assist), was recognized as one of the best hockey players and was included in the so-called symbolic team of the competition. In the next 2 months, Alexander Ovechkin overcame the hundred-point mark in the regular season of the NHL (National Hockey League). But for the Washington club everything was not as successful as for Alexander. He finished last in his division. Alexander Ovechkin scored one hundred and six points (scored 52 goals and made 54 assists). In terms of points and goals, Alexander Ovechkin became third in the NHL (National Hockey League), and among newcomers he unconditionally took first place. As a result, he beat Sidney Crosby and received the Calder Trophy in the voting - the title of best player of the year! After this season, Alexander Ovechkin received the right to be called the face of the NHL (National Hockey League).
The 2006-2007 season turned out to be less successful for hockey player Alexander Ovechkin than the previous one. Season results: Alexander Ovechkin scored forty-six goals and gave the same number of assists to his teammates. Although last season he scored 14 points more. But Ovechkin was not embarrassed by a slight decrease in performance; Alexander continued to train hard and improve his athletic form. On the penultimate day of February, Alexander Ovechkin was appointed assistant captain. In January 2007, Alexander Ovechkin played in the all-star game. Thanks to fan voting Alexander Ovechkin finished in the top five of the Eastern Conference. Daniel Briere and the aforementioned Sidney Crosby became Alexander Ovechkin's partners in the forward trio. Alexander Ovechkin had a conflict with Brier due to an accidental injury in the game, but Ovechkin said before the match that they had made peace and the conflict had been completely settled.

But in the end, Ovechkin’s play did not live up to the hopes placed on him. Before the match, Superskills competitions were held. Hockey player Alexander Ovechkin finished the speed competition with the worst result. Then, in the shootout competition, Alexander Ovechkin failed to throw the puck at Roberto Luongo twice. During the match, Ovechkin scored one goal, but his team still lost with a score of 9-12.

Alexander Ovechkin (Alexander the Great, Ovi or the Great Eight, as fans call him) is one of the best forwards in modern hockey history. He is technical, fast and incredibly accurate, his tough contact game, which has been criticized more than once, brings his teams victories, and his signature “toothless” smile has made more than one girl become interested in hockey.

Today, probably everyone knows what kind of player Alexander Ovechkin is. But what kind of person is this talented hockey player? How was his life outside the playing field, and how did he come to professional sports? Read a detailed story about the life and fate of one of the best strikers on the planet below.

Early years, childhood and family of Alexander Ovechkin

Sasha Ovechkin was born on September 17, 1985 in a non-hockey family, but a sports one. His mother Tatyana Ovechkina was a famous basketball player in the USSR. Her track record includes many matches for the Soviet Union national team and the title of two-time Olympic Games winner.

Alexander’s father, Mikhail Ovechkin, can boast of no less success. Throughout almost his entire professional career, he played as a member of the Dynamo Moscow football team, with which he managed to achieve many glorious victories. Recalling his childhood, Alexander Ovechkin has repeatedly admitted that it was the sports careers of his parents that became an example for him and ultimately led him to professional sports.

As the hockey player’s father recalled, Alexander’s first passion was fishing. While relaxing in the village with Tatyana’s parents, the independent 5-year-old kid put on a hat, picked up a fishing rod and went fishing with his grandmother’s shepherd dog. And at the age of 8, Sasha suddenly developed a love for hockey. It happened like this: Mikhail watched on TV a match between HC Dynamo and a little-known team. The game was sluggish, and the man switched to another channel, which caused Alexander to throw a tantrum. We had to return hockey to the screen, and until the end of the match the boy, who didn’t even know the rules of the game, watched the players’ actions in fascination.

After this incident, Mikhail took his son to his friend Dynamo coach Alexander Filippov. He refused: Alexander’s peers had been training for several years, and Ovechkin didn’t even know how to skate! As a result, Sasha went to the group with coach Vyacheslav Kirillov. And although he had to learn basic skills from scratch, within a year he became the leader of the youth team.

When Alexander turned 10, a tragedy occurred in the family. His 25-year-old brother Sergei had an accident and died due to a detached blood clot. He always supported Alexander in his passion for hockey, and then the young man vowed to himself that he would perform on the ice for both of them.

At the age of 12, Alexander’s team took to the ice against Vympel. Before this, one of the coaches told the boy that Pavel Bure at that age scored 56 goals at the Moscow Championship. Ovechkin had a little less at that time - 53. Sasha went into a frenzy and scored 6 goals in that significant match, breaking Bure's children's record.

Hockey career of Alexander Ovechkin

After that there were many more exciting matches and gaming achievements. Seeing the progress of the young player, the bosses of Dynamo Moscow included the promising forward in the main team. In 2000, Alexander was included in the lineup for the Russian Super League match for the first time. A year later he became the main player of HC Dynamo Moscow.

Ovechkin's amazing goal at the World Junior Championships (2003)

In the same year, 17-year-old Ovechkin, who had recently won the world youth championship, made his debut in the Russian national team under the guidance of coach Viktor Tikhonov (Ceska Pojishtovna Cup). He managed to score a goal against the opponent and thereby become both the youngest player ever to take to the ice as part of the main Russian national team, and the youngest hockey player to score a goal as part of the main team. By that time, his fame as a rising hockey star had spread beyond Russia.

In 2003, representatives of the NHL club Florida Panthers contacted the player’s agent. That time, the deal to move to the strongest league on the planet fell through. However, already during this period it became clear that the talented young player would not stay in the Russian Super League for long. Ultimately this is what happened.

Alexander Ovechkin – 10 best goals in the NHL

In 2004, he was drafted number 1 by the Washington Capitals. The young hockey player planned to play for the American club that fall, but his plans were disrupted by the lockout. Thus, he played for Dynamo for another year, as did Andrei Markov, Pavel Datsyuk and Maxim Afinogenov. By the way, that year became incredibly successful for the club - for the first time in 5 years it became the Champion of Russia. Ovechkin appeared in ten playoff games and broke his own scoring record despite a shoulder injury.

At the end of the lockout, Ovechkin signed a contract with the Washington team. He was offered a record salary for a rookie in the NHL - he earned $3.85 million in one season. On October 5, 2005, he played his first NHL game, meeting with the Columbus Blue Jackets at the rink. During the match, he managed to make a double and bring the team victory.

The hopes of the club management placed on the Russian player were justified from the very first matches. Three months after his debut, he was recognized as the rookie of the month, they began to talk about him as a favorite for the Calder Trophy, along with Cindy Crosby (at the end of the season, he still became the leader, ahead of Crosby). In the first half of the 05/06 season, he earned 49 points. Of the Russians, only Ilya Kovalchuk earned more than him that season.

Ovechkin's first NHL goal

In February 2006, Ovechkin suffered a groin injury, but still went to the Olympics in Turin. Following the results of the Winter Games, he became one of the best players (6 points) and was included in the symbolic team, but the team was left without a prize.

In May 2008, Ovechkin was called up to the Russian national team. This year was a triumph for the team: for the first time in 15 years, it took gold, beating the host of the tournament, Canada. Ovechin missed the next World Championship due to his participation in the Stanley Cup.

In December 2008, Ovechkin signed a new contract with the Washington Capitals. He agreed to play for 13 seasons, for which he was promised to pay $124 million (the first 6 for 9 million, the next 7 for 10). Before this, the NHL had never signed a contract worth more than $100 million.

At the beginning of 2010, Ovechkin became the team captain instead of Chris Clark, who had left for Columbus.

Ovechkin's 500th NHL goal

In January 2017, he earned his 1,000th NHL point with his 546th goal.

Ovechkin: 1000 points in the NHL

Personal life of Alexander Ovechkin

The name of the famous hockey player constantly flashed in the headlines of the overseas press in connection with various high-profile novels. So, over the years, journalists attributed to the Russian love relationships with such famous beauties as In the photo: Alexander Ovechkin and Maria Kirilenko

In 2015, the hockey player began dating 21-year-old model Anastasia Shubskaya, daughter of actress Vera Glagoleva and millionaire Kirill Shubsky. They met at the Beijing Olympics (2008), but did not maintain a relationship for a long time. In 2015, a girl almost drowned in Dubai and told her Instagram followers about the incident. Ovechkin was among them. Concerned about Nastya’s condition, he decided to support her personally. And so their whirlwind romance began, ending in a magnificent wedding. The celebration took place in July 2017.

Alexander Ovechkin now

In 2018, Ovechkin received two major gifts from fate: his team won the Stanley Cup, and his young wife Anastasia became pregnant. On August 18, their son was born, the first child of both Ovi and Shubskaya.

The personal life of one of the best strikers in the history of modern hockey has never been characterized by consistency - he had many affairs, and only recently did some stability appear in it - he married a beautiful, talented girl. Alexander Ovechkin's wife Anastasia Shubskaya, the daughter of businessman Kirill Shubsky and the famous, recently deceased actress and director Vera Glagoleva, became the only beloved woman in his life.

The hockey player, not hiding his happiness from meeting such a wonderful girl, once wrote a touching inscription on Instagram under Nastya’s photo with a warm confession of his feelings.

They first met at the Beijing Olympics, where fourteen-year-old Nastya came with her parents. Only a few years later, Alexander, having seen Anastasia’s photo on Instagram, decided to remind them of their old acquaintance.

In the photo - Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya

At that time, Nastya was already a graduate of VGIK, and Ovechkin was a three-time world champion. At first they simply corresponded, and when Shubskaya flew to Los Angeles to take acting courses, the young people met at a Washington Capitals match, for which Alexander plays.

The first date took place in a restaurant, and the young people found out that they had a lot of common topics of conversation. Anastasia and Alexander felt great sympathy for each other and decided not to part again.

The future husband introduced Anastasia to her parents, and in September 2015, Alexander asked Nastya’s hand in marriage from her parents. They also began to postpone the wedding for a long time and got married in one of the Moscow registry offices, after which they flew to America.

Wedding of Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya

The newlyweds postponed the wedding celebration until a later time because of the World Cup of Hockey in order to invite Alexander’s friends from the team. The luxurious wedding took place at Barvikha Luxury Village, the hall of which was strewn with tea roses and hydrangeas.

Wedding of Alexander and Anastasia

The bride and groom and guests were entertained by the stars of Russian show business - Joseph Kobzon, Nikolai Baskov, who read out a personal congratulation to Nastya and Alexander from the president of the country.

Personal life of Alexander Ovechkin

One of the most famous romances in the personal life of the Washington forward before meeting Anastasia Shubskaya was his relationship with tennis player Maria Kirilenko. They dated for three years, but this romance never ended - the young people broke up.

In the photo - Alexander and Maria Kirilenko

Shortly after breaking up with Maria, Alexander began an affair with model Karolina Sevostyanova, but it turned out to be fleeting and ended after Ovechkin left for the States for the start of the new NHL season.

Personal life of Anastasia Shubskaya

Nastya is a graduate of the production department of VGIK, a model whose photographs periodically appear in fashionable glossy publications. She starred in two films, but her cinematic career has not yet progressed beyond that. Shubskaya devoted a lot of time to dancing, honing her half-dance skills.

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya now

This spring, information appeared that Alexander Ovechkin’s wife was preparing to become a mother. This news made not only the spouses themselves very happy, but also their many friends and relatives. Unfortunately, the joy was overshadowed by a sad event - Nastya’s mother, actress Vera Glagoleva, died.

This was a real shock for all family members; Anastasia did not appear on social networks for a long time and did not post any news about how her family life was shaping up.

In these difficult moments, her husband became a reliable support and support for her, without which it would have been even more difficult for Nastya to survive such a difficult time.

Alexander Ovechkin's parents are famous people. Father Mikhail Ovechkin is a famous Soviet football player who played in the Moscow Dynamo team. Mother, Tatyana Ovechkina, is a two-time Olympic champion in basketball.

As a child, Alexander was a mischievous, curious boy and was interested in fishing. When I was visiting my grandmother, I always went to the river to catch my catch in the company of my beloved dog.

In second grade, Alexander’s older brother brought him to the ice rink and enrolled him in the professional hockey section. From the first training, the boy demonstrated potential and a desire to be the first, the best.

However, the parents reacted negatively to their son’s hobby because they understood how dangerous this sport was.

Due to constant training and parental gatherings, Ovechkin Jr. had no one to take him to classes.

Thanks to the coach, who managed to convince the parents of the talented boy, Alexander continued to attend the section.

The future hockey star was always supported by his brother Sergei, who tragically died in a car accident. This terrible event pushed Ovechkin to achieve his goals.

In the game against Vympel, twelve-year-old Alexander scored six goals. He is the first to beat the achievement of Pavel Bure, who at the same age had 56 goals scored, and Ovechkin had 59. Such zeal and thirst for victory was appreciated not only by the audience, but also by the management of the Dynamo club.

Start in the Super League and first titles

The first step to success was enrollment in the main team of the capital's Dynamo team. Each of Ovechkin’s appearances on the ice ended with his own records and achievements. At the age of 16, he played confidently with older, experienced partners, and felt comfortable with his opponents in the Russian Super League.

After 2 years, Alexander became the champion of the World Youth Championship, received the title of “Best Sniper” of the Dynamo HC for the entire existence of the club, and also became a player in the Russian youth team.

In the 2004-2005 season, Ovechkin scored 23 goals, for which he was named “Best Left Forward.”. Even injuries of varying severity did not prevent the athlete from selflessly fighting on the ice. He never showed how hard and painful it was for him. Alexander played his last games with the capital club with a shoulder bruise. This did not affect the result of the match in any way.

The high rate of useful time spent on the ice helped Ovechkin attract the attention of American agents and coaches. In 2004, Alexander received a lucrative commercial offer from the Washington Capitals NHL team.

He was placed in the position of right winger, and from that moment to this day the athlete has played in this position. After several years spent overseas, the hockey player collected many significant awards, including bronze at the 2005 World Cup. In 2006, the Russian hockey player scored 5 goals at the Turin Olympics, was in the TOP 5 best athletes of the year, and received the nickname “Alexander the Great.”

In 2008, Ovechkin was called to his homeland to prepare for games for the national team. Thanks to the efforts of the star team and the zeal of the young and ambitious Alexander, Russia won the World Championship gold. The next world championship took place without Alexander, who played in another prestigious tournament.

Interesting notes:

In December of the same year, Ovechkin signed a contract with the Washington Capitals team, but under new conditions. The club's management pledged to pay $124 million over 13 seasons of play. This was the most expensive NHL contract in the history of its existence. After 2 years, Alexander became team captain. In 2017, the hockey player scored the 546th goal and earned an anniversary number of points - 1000.

Personal life

Ovechkin's surname did not leave the popular American tabloids for a long time, due to his numerous novels. Among the famous lovers of the hockey player were: the late Zhanna Friske, model Victoria Lopyreva, singer Fergie, tennis player Maria Kirilenko. Alexander planned to get married to the athlete, but the girl could not stand the betrayal and left her loving guy.

In 2015, rumors appeared in the media that Ovechkin was dating Anastasia Shubskaya, daughter of Russian actress Vera Glagoleva. This turned out to be true; the young couple dated for about a year. Having celebrated the first anniversary, Alexander proposed to the girl, and they signed. The official celebration of the wedding took place almost a year later in a large and noisy company of friends and relatives.

Russian professional hockey player, left winger for the NHL's Washington Capitals.

Biography of Alexander Ovechkin

Alexander Ovechkin born in 1985 in Moscow. His parents were professional athletes. Father is a football player for Dynamo Moscow, mother is Tatiana Ovechkina- two-time Olympic champion in basketball as part of the USSR national team.

Alexander about his fate as an athlete: “My father was an athlete, my mother was a great athlete. So how could I not become an athlete?

At the age of 8, Alexander was brought to hockey by his older brother Sergei. He recognized the makings of a future hockey player in the guy and provided him with all kinds of help at first. Soon Alexander was invited to the hockey school " Dynamo", as part of whose team he took part in various children's tournaments and was recognized as the best player almost everywhere. He even broke the record Pavel Bure, scoring 59 goals in the Moscow championship. In 2000, Alexander was transferred to the adult team. In 2001, at the age of 16, he made his debut in the Russian Super League.

Over the 5 years of playing for Dynamo, Alexander Ovechkin declared himself as the most talented young hockey player in Russia and became the captain of the team. And in the 2004–2005 season, Dynamo, for the first time in 5 years, became the champion of Russia. In 2005, Ovechkin moved to the NHL team with a scandal Washington Capitals, where he was offered the highest possible salary for a rookie of $3.85 million.

The hype associated with the transition to the NHL was dubbed the “Ovechkin case” in the press, which went on for quite a long time, but in the end all Dynamo Moscow’s claims to Alexander were recognized as unfounded.

In his first game for the new club, Alexander scored two goals, which helped his team win Columbus Blue Jackets. At the end of his first season, Ovechkin surpassed the 100-point mark and was awarded Calder Trophy as the best young hockey player in the NHL. 124 out of 129 voters supported Alexander’s candidacy.

On January 16, 2006, in a match against the Phoenix Coyotes, Ovechkin scored a goal recognized as one of the most beautiful goals in hockey history. Alexander fell in a fight with a defender, but managed to turn over and, holding his stick with one hand, rolled the puck into the goal from almost zero angle.

Team owner Ted Leonsis decides to build a team around Alexander, and in 2007 he was offered a world hockey record contract worth $124 million for 13 years. Thus, Ovechkin becomes the most expensive hockey player in history.

Ted Leonsis on Ovechkin: “Alex is the cornerstone in building our team. I believe he will be the right player to help Washington win the Stanley Cup."

On January 5, 2010, Alexander Ovechkin became team captain, and a month later he surpassed the 500-point mark in the NHL regular season.

Alexander made his debut in the adult Russian national team in 2002 at the tournament Cheska Poyishtovna, where he became the youngest scorer of a goal in the national team. Since 2004, Ovechkin has been regularly called up to the national team for the World Championships.

Became an ambassador for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Calder Trophy (2006) - prize for the best NHL rookie. Art Ross Trophy (2008) - prize for the most productive player in the NHL using the goal + pass system. Alexander is also a two-time winner of the Lester B. Pearson Award (the best player of the regular season), the Hart Memorial Trophy (the most valuable player in the League) and the Maurice “Rocket” Richard Trophy (the most productive player).

Since the beginning of 2015, Alexander has sharply increased his performance; in January he scored 12 goals and scored 15 points, scoring in 9 out of 13 matches. Ovechkin was recognized as the first star of January and took part in the all-star match. During the season, Ovechkin achieved several significant achievements in sniper statistics. For the sixth time in his career, breaking the 50-goal mark in a season, he followed Mike Bossy, Wayne Gretzky, Marcel Dionne, Guy Lafleur And Mario Lemieux became the sixth player in NHL history to score 50 goals in at least six seasons.

In September 2016, Alexander Ovechkin became the captain of the Russian team at the 2016 World Cup.

In 2018, the Washington team received the Stanley Cup. On June 24, 2018, Alexander said that he did not know the exact dates when the cup would go on tour across Russia.

Personal life of Alexander Ovechkin

The personal life of Alexander Ovechkin has always attracted media attention. The hockey player himself said that he would only marry a girl from Russia. Among those whom the press announced as Alexander's girls were TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva, singer Zhanna Friske, lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas Fergie.

Since the end of 2011, there have been reports in the media that Ovechkin is dating a tennis player Maria Kirilenko. The couple met at one of the US Open matches. In December 2012, Ovechkin and Kirilenko announced their engagement, but the wedding did not take place: in July 2014, the couple separated on Maria’s initiative.

After breaking up with Kirilenko, Alexander Ovechkin had a short affair with the gymnast Karolina Sevastyanova. Then the hockey player began dating model Anastasia Shubskaya, daughter of the actress