Biography of Irina Rozanova: unsuccessful marriages, reasons for the absence of children. Irina Rozanova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Biography of actress Rozanova

Irina Rozanova - Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Among the most famous roles of Irina Rozanova is “Anchor, more anchor!” ", " Intergirl", series "Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine".

Biography of Irina Rozanova

Irina Rozanova was born on July 22, 1961 in Penza, but spent her childhood in Ryazan, where her parents were actors Yuri Rozanov And Zoya Belova served at the Ryazan Drama Theater. The parents of the future actress were so devoted to their work that her mother appeared on stage until the eighth month of pregnancy. When the girl was born, she was named after her maternal grandmother.

Irina's childhood was spent behind the scenes of the theater, her parents took her on tour with them, she knew all the performances by heart. Irina Rozanova first appeared on stage with her mother at the age of five.

Mom dissuaded her daughter from an acting career and suggested graduating from a music school. But Irina did not see any other way for herself. Immediately after school, she went to Moscow to enter GITIS. The first attempt was unsuccessful, and she had to return to Ryazan, where she prepared for new exams, working as a costume designer in the theater. At the age of 19, on her second attempt, she became a student at GITIS, taking the course of Oscar Yakovlevich Remez.

The creative path of Irina Rozanova

During her studies, Irina played with Kama Ginkas in “Blonde”. Thanks to this role, she was invited to the Mayakovsky Theater, where she worked until 1988.

“My career began at the Theater. Mayakovsky. Every domestic citizen had a favorite artist. Despite my short service life, I managed to acquire fans. When they brought homemade pickles and preserves as gifts, it was touching and very useful in everyday life,” says Irina Rozanova.

Then the then aspiring director Sergey Zhenovach invited her to the “Man” Theater Studio for a role in “Little Lady”. In 1991, they moved together to the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Irina Rozanova played there until 1998. After that, she performed at Lenkom for a year, and then left the repertory theater and now takes part only in enterprise performances.

Irina Rozanova made her film debut in 1985 in the directorial debut of the famous actor Alexander Kalyagin “ My girlfriend" After a small role in the detective story " End of operation"Resident"she appeared in the comedy" Where is nophelet?", as well as in the psychological drama by Vladimir Bortko " Having lied once..." In 1989 she played in the comedy Anatoly Eyramdzhan “For beautiful ladies!”.

But the main event of 1989 was the release of Pyotr Todorovsky’s scandalous drama “ Intergirl", in which Rozanova played one of the prostitutes nicknamed Sima Gulliver.

In 1990 Irina Rozanova took part in the tragicomedy Nikolay Dostal “Cloud-Paradise”, and in 1992 she again received an invitation from Pyotr Todorovsky, who approved her for the main role in the drama “Anchor, more anchor!” "

In 1992, Rozanova starred in the directorial debut of her friend, the famous actress Elena Tsyplakova. In this psychological drama " I trust in you“She got the negative role of an orphanage teacher who raised her hand to the children.

Despite the cinematic crisis in the 90s, Irina Rozanova regularly starred in TV series: one of her first television works was the role of Baroness von Doering in the acclaimed TV series “St. Petersburg Secrets” (1998). Since 2002, Rozanova has appeared in the role of investigator Tomilina in the popular detective story “Kamenskaya”. She also starred in the ironic detective series "". She has roles in "Salome", "Russian Amazons", "Plot", two seasons " Lord officers», "Mistress", "Katerina".

Pyotr Todorovsky: “Beautiful actress, you don’t just play the role given to you. You play it with pleasure and sculpt it yourself, creating the image that you have to embody. You are a high-class professional, without suffering from star fever, you are tireless. In short, it’s a pleasure to work with you.”

Irina Rozanova appeared in small but memorable roles in the melodrama “ Gloss", the musical film "Hipsters", the film "The Irony of Love". In 2011, she played in her friend Dunya Smirnova’s film “Two Days”. Rozanova also played the wife of Peter the Great, Catherine, in the historical melodrama “Peter the Great. Testament." One of Irina Rozanova’s most high-profile recent works is the role of USSR Minister of Culture Ekaterina Furtseva in the series “Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine". In the TV series “Zhukov”, released in 2012, she played a friend of the marshal’s family, People’s Artist Lydia Ruslanova.

In 1991, Irina Rozanova received the Stars of Tomorrow prize at the festival of young actors in Geneva for her role in Cloud Paradise. Role in the film “Anchor, more anchor!” brought her awards from the Constellation 92 and Golden Aries 92 film festivals. In 1995, the actress received the Chaika theater award. In 1998, she won the “Vivat, Cinema of Russia!” festival award. for his role in Monday's Children. In 2006, Rozanova received the Nika Award, and in 2010 she was awarded at the Golden Knight International Film Forum for her role in the film Terror with Love. In 2007, Irina Rozanova received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Irina Rozanova has always been and remains a sought-after actress. In 2013, she took part in the filming of the series “ Ash», « Shores of my dreams», « Katerina 4: Another Life", and the following year she starred in the TV series " Get to know me if you can», « Teachers», « Gyulchatay. For love" In 2015, the premieres of the military drama “72 Hours” and the melodrama “ In the name of love"with the participation of the actress.

In 2016, Irina Rozanova starred as Rita in the series “Garden Ring” directed by Alexey Smirnov, and in 2017 with partners on the set Fedor Dobronravov and Roman Madyanov she played in the film " Once upon a time", in the same year the series " Native people"with Irina Rozanova in one of the main roles.

In 2018, the actress worked on filming in such series as “Badaber Fortress”, “In a Foreign Land”, “Mothers of Champions”, “ Weddings and divorces", "Secretary".

Personal life of Irina Rozanova

While a student at GITIS, Irina Rozanova married the future director Evgeniy Kamenkovich. The student marriage lasted two years. On the set of the film " Gambrinus“In 1989, she began dating director Dmitry Meskhiev, but she also broke up with him a few years later. Irina Rozanova’s second official marriage was registered with a producer named Timur Weinstein, but the couple eventually separated.

Rozanova's next official husband was a cameraman Grigory Belenky, who directed her in Monday's Children. While working on Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Old Nags,” he proposed to the actress. The wedding was celebrated at Ryazanov's dacha. This marriage ended in divorce; the spouses were unable to maintain the romance of the relationship in the banality of everyday life.

In 2006, on the set of “ Tanker« Tango“Irina Rozanova began an affair with director Bakhtiyar Khudoynazarov. They lived in a civil marriage for several years, but separated in 2011. After some time, the relationship between Bakhtiyar and Irina resumed, but was more of a friendly nature, since it was already known that the director was seriously ill. Bakhtiyar died in 2015, and since then Irina has been a “free” woman who, according to her words, enjoys solitude.

“I always try to spend time usefully. On a day off, I would prefer to go to an exhibition, visit a museum, rather than wipe my pants while having small talk. If I stay at home, I pick up a book or a brush. Drawing is wonderfully calming and relaxing,” says the actress.

Irina Rozanova has no children. All love is passed on to her nephews (the children of her older brother Pavel), with whom she often spends her free time.

Filmography of Irina Rozanova

Adventures of the Nutty Professor (2018)
Odessa (2018)
Secretary (TV series 2018)
Weddings and divorces (TV series 2018)
Moms of Champions (TV series, 2018-…)
Crimean Bridge. Made with love! (2018)
In a foreign land (TV series 2018)
Badaber Fortress (mini-series, 2018 – ...)
Beauty standards. New Love (mini-series, 2017)
Beauty Standards (TV series 2017)
From the Bottom of the Top (2017)
Native people (TV series 2017)
Poor Girl (mini-series, 2017)
Myths (2017)
Once upon a time (2017)
Garden Ring (TV series 2016)
Police saga (TV series, 2016 – ...)
Faith (2016)
The Forgotten Woman (mini-series, 2016)
Shuttlewomen (TV series 2016)
72 hours (2015)
Incorruptible (TV series 2015)
In the name of love (2015)
Teachers (TV series 2014)
Gyulchatay. For love (TV series 2014)
Get to know me if you can (TV series 2014)
Katerina 4: Another Life (TV series, 2013)
Vasilisa (2013)
Shores (TV, 2013)
Shores of My Dreams (TV series 2013)
The Invisibles (2013)
Vasilisa Kozhina (mini-series) (2012)
Without a Trace (TV series) (2012)
To the ends of the world (2011)
Gyulchatay (2011)
Zhukov (2011)
Katerina 3: Family (2011)
Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine (2011)
Dowry (2011)
Lines of Fate (2003)
Plot (2003)
Dasha Vasilyeva. Private Investigation Lover (2003)
Kamikaze Diary (2003)
Russian Amazons (2002)
Kamenskaya (2002-2011)
Life is full of fun (2002)
Spartak and Kalashnikov (2002)
Savage (2002)
Ice Age (2002)
Fatalists (2001)
Guardians of Vice (2001)
Mechanical Suite (2001)
Salome (2001)
Two Comrades (2001)
The denouement of St. Petersburg mysteries (1999)
Voroshilovsky shooter (1999)
Kill the Actor (1998)
Diva Mary (1998)
Hello from Charlie the Trumpeter (1998)
Shouldn't we send... a messenger? (1998)
When everyone is yours (1998)
On Knives (1998)
Monday's Children (1997)
Kings of Russian detective (1996)
Black Veil (1995)
Little Devil (1995)
Prokhindiada 2 (1994)
The Ghost of My House (1994)
Petersburg Mysteries (1994)
Lube Zone (1994)
The Queen's Private Life (1993)
Alphonse (1993)
Do you remember the smell of lilacs (1992)
June 22, at exactly 4 o'clock (1992)
I Trust in You (1992)
Anchor, more anchor! (1992)
Little Giant of Big Sex (1992)
Cynics (1992)
Shroud of Alexander Nevsky (1992)
The Flying Dutchman (1991)
Cloud-Paradise (1991), role: Valya
Death at the Movies (1990)
Nipple system (1990)
Hearse (1990)
Gambrinus (1990)
The Binder and the King (1990)
Sofya Petrovna (1989)
Here's to the beautiful ladies! (1989)
Intergirl (1989)
Servant (1989)
Seven Days of Hope (1988)
Earthly Joys (1988)
I propose marriage (1988)
Fathers (1988)
Riders (1987)
Lying Once (1987)
Where is nophelet? (1987)
Lucky (1987)
With Open Doors (1986)
End of Operation Resident (1986)
The Life of Klim Samgin (1986)
Scarlet Stone (1986)
My girlfriend (1985)

She is a hereditary actress and a beautiful woman. She is constantly invited to shoot a variety of films. She approaches her work professionally. This article will focus on Irina Rozanova: biography, personal life, and the main roles of our heroine will be the theme of the story.

According to numerous directors and screenwriters who have had the opportunity to work with the amazing actress, projects with her participation are becoming even more successful. It should be noted that during her career, Irina had the opportunity to play a lot of roles, for which she received various awards and prizes.

But the biography of Irina Rozanova could have been completely different. When she entered drama school, she was told that she would not make an actress. However, Irina decided not to give up and achieved her goal. For which her many fans are grateful.

Childhood years

Irina was born in 1961. This happened in Penza. Later the family lived in Ryazan. Irina received her love for creative life from her parents. Once upon a time, her mother Zoya Belova refused to work in the capital's theater, going to work on the periphery, where she met the father of the future actress. He was also an artist.

From a very early age, Irina Rozanova, whose biography is interesting to many film fans, showed independence. Already at the age of 6, she decided that she was ready to perform on stage, learned the role of Vesta from the play “Jenny Gerhard” and turned to the director with a corresponding proposal. This is how the popular actress got her first role on the theater stage. At first, the parents tried to dissuade their daughter from such an idea. But then they realized that all their efforts were in vain.


At first, the parents wanted to instill in their daughter a love of music. And perhaps the biography of Irina Rozanova would be connected precisely with this direction. However, the love for the stage turned out to be stronger. As a result, she fled to Moscow to enter drama school. The first attempt was a failure. Returning home, Irina did not abandon her idea. She began working in the drama theater as a costume designer and make-up artist. Periodically acted as an extra.

The second attempt to enter GITIS was successful. Irina began studying under the guidance of Oscar Remez. Irina’s birth as an actor is closely connected with “Blonde”, made by Kamu Ginkas. This production brought Irina to Mayakovka.

Stage life

The theatrical biography of Irina Rozanova is closely connected with the Mayakovsky Theater. It was there that she played her first roles. Then there was the “Man” studio, which she came to at the invitation of Sergei Zhenovach. She received her first role in this theater in the play “Pannochka”. Then, together with Sergei, they went to the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Their team followed. Rozanova later admitted more than once that “King Lear” was a real discovery for her.

Film career

Irina Rozanova began her career during the difficult times of perestroika. She received her debut role in the social film “My Girlfriend,” playing the limit worker Lucy. This was back in 1985. The director of the film was

Then there was the role of Natasha in Isakov’s film “The Scarlet Stone”. Then she got roles in such films as “With Open Doors”, “The End of Operation Resident”. Her work in the film “Where is Nophelet?”, which was released in 1987, became successful for her. Irina got the role of Valentina, the wife of the main character Gena. Although she appeared in the frame for only a few minutes, her image managed to be remembered not only by the directors, but also by the audience. Subsequently, Irina was quite often invited to similar roles.

In the late 80s, Irina received quite a lot of invitations. She starred in the drama “I Lied Once...”. The director of the film, Bortko, invited her to play the role of the main character’s mistress. The image of Margarita in the film “Servant” became successful for Irina. She also took part in the filming of the tragicomedy “The Bandit and the King.”

In 1989, director Eyramdzhan’s debut film “For Beautiful Ladies!” was released on the country’s screens. The film starred such actors as Pankratov-Cherny, Abdulov, Tsyplakova. Irina was also invited to the shooting. It was the cast that made the comedy successful with numerous viewers. In the same year, the popular actress took part in the filming of the famous film “Intergirl”. They invited her to play the role of the vulgar Sima Gulliver. Irina worked out the image so well that the audience saw not the personification of vice, but a weaver tired of life.

Together with Irina, Elena Yakovleva, Anastasia Nemolyaeva, Valery Khromushkin, Lyubov Polishchuk starred in this film.

Participation in the cult comedy

Irina Rozanova, whose biography is interesting to many, loved communicating with interesting people and working with them. And she was lucky to have wonderful directors. And the cast has always been great. Or maybe it’s not all about luck, but about the great talent of a wonderful artist.

In 1990, she was invited to star in a film that later became a cult classic. We are talking about the tragic comedy “Cloud-Paradise”. On the set, Irina was lucky enough to work with Sergei Batalov, with whom they were able to create an incomparable duet. Also starring in the film with them were Andrei Zhigalov, Lev Borisov, and Anna Ovsyannikova.

After 15 years, they reunited with the same cast and began working on a sequel. Soon the film “Kolya Tumbleweed” was released. And this film is a wonderful ending to an amazing story.

No less iconic works

In 1992, she again worked with Todorovsky on the filming of the film “Anchor, More Anchor!” She got the role of nurse Lyuba. Once again the cast is excellent. For her work in this film, Irina received the prize “For Best Actress”.

In the same year, she starred in the drama “In You I Trust,” which talks about the unfortunate fate of a young girl. This film became the debut work of director Tsyplakova. However, the film was not successful, but Irina Rozanova again played her role perfectly. She appeared before the audience in the guise of a teacher.

In the 90s, Irina Rozanova continued to actively act in film. Such films with her participation as “The Personal Life of the Queen”, “When Everyone is Yours” were released. But these films were not as successful as “Monday’s Children” (Irina again receives the prize for best actress), “St. Petersburg Mysteries”, “Kings of Russian Detective”.

New works

Irina Rozanova liked to constantly act in different films. She believed that it was better to be tired of work than to sit without it at all. That's why they invite her to filming all the time. Powerful energy helps the actress create strong images with a strong personality.

She starred in the drama “Savage”, receiving the role of Marya Petrovna - an unhappy woman who suffers from indifference on the part of her loved one. For this role, Irina again receives an award. No less successful were his roles in the films “Spartak and Kalashnikov” and “Kamikaze Diary”.

Irina also took part in the filming of serial films. She appeared in the TV series “Salome”, “Kamenskaya-2”, “Russian Amazons”, “Lines of Fate”, “Plot”, “Gentlemen Officers” and “Mistress”. For an actress, working in such films is a reality. She does not deny that they occupy a large part of the film industry. In addition, even in TV series you can open up and convey to the audience the character of a particular image.

Life outside the cameras

In the biography of Irina Rozanova, personal life should be especially highlighted. The actress is very amorous, she often got married. All her partners were strong and strong-willed. My first love was Sergei Pantyushin. They met back in their school years. However, after completing his studies, he left for the Far East, and the long-distance relationship ended quite quickly.

At GITIS she met Evgeny Kamenkov. And already in the 3rd year, the personal life in the biography of Irina Rozanova undergoes serious changes. She's getting married. At first we lived in a communal apartment. However, due to sleepless romantic nights, my studies began to suffer. Conflicts began to arise, and within a year the relationship fell apart.

Another wedding

Many are interested in the biography of Irina Rozanova. Personal life also arouses considerable curiosity on the part of fans. It is worth noting that the amorous actress was constantly surrounded by fans. For a long time she did not even think about a serious relationship. And she wasn't particularly interested in gossip. But many journalists wondered whether Irina Rozanova would have children and a husband. The biography of the actress, like her personal life, left no one indifferent.

Before the appearance of her third husband in Irina’s life, she had an affair with director Dmitry Meskhiev. But it stopped quite quickly. After this, I met Timur Vanshtein. The gallant businessman quickly found an approach to the talented actress. They got married in Israel. In addition, the actress quickly became pregnant. The fans were already happy, here was her husband, children... In her personal life, the biography of Irina Rozanova, however, there was no place for stability.

Even proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and strict adherence to doctors’ recommendations did not save the actress from a miscarriage. It was after this event that the divorce took place. Irina herself became the initiator, realizing that she lived not with her husband, but with his money.

“Golden” man

What changes occurred after the tragic events in the biography of Irina Rozanova? Husband, children, personal life - all this worried numerous fans. They were waiting for the actress to meet a good man and start a family. Soon she met Grigory Belenky. This happened during the filming of the film “Monday’s Children”. He proposed in 1999.

Over the next 10 years, the couple were happy. Irina continued to work, Grigory periodically spoiled her with dinners. Vacations were spent mainly at sea. Everything was fine. And that is why the news of the divorce shocked everyone. According to Irina, the relationship fell apart due to everyday life.

The actress still does not have a husband or children. Personal life in the biography of Irina Rozanova continues to be an interesting topic for fans and journalists.


As the biography says, Irina Rozanova has no children. But she has nieces whom she loves very much. In addition, she continues to act in films. Directors constantly invite her, she participates in television programs, and leads an active lifestyle. In 2017, viewers saw new films with her - “Once upon a time” and “Poor Girl”. The actress has no doubt that only happiness awaits her ahead, as well as interesting and memorable roles.

Childhood of Irina Rozanova

Irina was born into a family of actors. Both mother and father played on stage. The mother was so devoted to her favorite work that she played even when she was already eight months pregnant. Rozanova was named after her maternal grandmother. The parents were constantly at the theater or on tour, and they always took their daughter with them.

Ira grew up as an independent child; from childhood she was accustomed to doing many things herself. As Irina Yuryevna says, she grew up literally behind the scenes. Often in the theater, the future actress knew many roles by heart and, as a five-year-old girl, she first performed in a scene with her mother in a play where she was given a role.

It is quite natural that in Irina’s dreams she saw herself as an actress, but her parents were not happy about this, they dissuaded their daughter, hoping that she could be attracted to music. Mom suggested that Ira become a musician, but she didn’t want to think about it.

The first admission to GITIS was unsuccessful, Rozanova returned to her hometown. The girl tirelessly prepared for admission for a whole year, while simultaneously working as a costume designer in the theater. A year later, she finally enrolled; Remez took her to the course, believing in his student’s talent.

The beginning of Irina Rozanova’s career, filmography

While still studying, Irina played in the production of “Blonde” by Ginkas. Largely thanks to her role in this play, she was invited to the Mayakovsky Theater, which remained Rozanova’s place of work until 1988.

Then Rozanova played at the “Man” Studio Theater. Zhenovich, then a beginning director, invited her there and immediately gave her a role in “Little Lady.” Since 1991, they worked together at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Irina delighted the audience with her talented acting in this theater until 1998. “King Lear” became a discovery for her; while participating in this production, Rozanova clearly felt that she was a Russian person. The work at Lenkom lasted only a year. The actress, having left there, decided that she would only play in enterprise performances.

Alexander Kalyagin, who acted in 1985 for the first time as a director in the film “My Girlfriend,” invited Rozanova to act in the film. This was her film debut.

Rozanova - I didn’t listen to my mother before (Mityaev’s songs)

This was followed by small and large roles for many famous directors: Todorovsky, Tsyplakova, Bortko. She played a very bright, albeit small role in the film “Where is Nophelet?” She became even more popular, appearing in the film Intergirl, which was sensational at that time. The actress played a rude and vulgar woman, a weaver who had once stumbled. The topic that the Director touched on in this film was new for that time, which is why there was increased attention to it. The image of a rough, strong woman was often used by directors when they filmed Irina Yuryevna.

Since the nineties, she has constantly appeared in TV series. The actress herself believes that you can act talentedly in TV series, which she herself proves by playing bright roles and creating strong characters.

The most memorable and striking was the film “St. Petersburg Secrets”; it was loved by many. She later starred in the sequel. “Cloud Paradise” by Dostal, a film that later became a cult, gave the actress the opportunity to play in a wonderful team of outstanding actors. Fifteen years later, a sequel was filmed with the same actors.

After working with Todorovsky in Intergirl, Irina again starred in his drama Anchor, More Anchor! with a whole galaxy of talented actors: Yakovleva, Gaft, Ilyin, Mironov.

Irina Rozanova today

Unfortunately, the actress also had roles in unsuccessful, weak films in which she played in the nineties, when actors were left with virtually no work. However, there were more good pictures. “Monday’s Children” should be especially noted; Irina Yuryevna played brilliantly in this film together with Sklyar.

Rozanova filmed with Alexander Abdulov more than once and considered him an excellent partner. They had excellent friendships throughout their lives.

Rozanova still acts a lot today. She believes that it is better to be tired from the amount of work than from the lack of work. One of the last notable series where Irina Yuryevna appeared in the title role was the series about Furtseva and the series “Zhukov”.

Personal life of Irina Rozanova

Irina Rozanova, unfortunately, never found “her” man. She was married more than once, but not a single marriage was happy. She first got married at GITIS. Her husband was Kamenkovich, the future director. Two years later, the student marriage broke up. In 1989 she met director Meskhiev.

They lived together for some time. Irina Yuryevna hoped that she would be able to create a real family with Weinstein (businessman). The couple got married. Unfortunately, Rozanova lost her child, and after a while this marriage broke up.

Cameraman Belenky became the third official husband of the actress, but the romance in the relationship quickly disappeared and the couple divorced. Rozanova lived in a civil marriage with director Khudoynazarov for about five years; they separated in 2011.

Her personal life is often the subject of discussion in the press and on the Internet. This is not surprising, since the actress is loved by many. Irina Yuryevna does not have her own children, but she has nephews, in whose upbringing she takes an active part.

Answering the question about what diet the actress uses to maintain her figure, she said that none. Her favorite food is potatoes, which Rozanova always eats with pleasure in any form. She does not chase fashion and spends little time shopping for clothes. For her, relaxation is fishing, a walk in the forest and mushroom picking.

Irina Yurievna Rozanova. Born on July 22, 1961 in Penza. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2007).

Her parents are actors Yuri Rozanov and Zoya Belova.

She has a brother, Pavel.

When Irina was six months old, the family moved to Ryazan, where her mother and father performed on the stage of the Ryazan Drama Theater.

Therefore, the girl, who actually grew up in the theater, was going to become an actress from childhood. At the age of 6 she played her first role on the theater stage.

She studied at a music school, and then at a music school. She did not finish the latter, although, according to her, they “prophesied a good future” for her. “But I understood that I was unlikely to become a brilliant performer. This is very hard work. If we remember history, we will find that all outstanding musicians are mostly men,” the artist was critical of herself.

However, she does not regret that she spent years on music: “now I can sit down at the piano and play in any company. And not only in company. I had the play “Provincial Woman” by Turgenev, where I played music on stage. I think this the audience also liked it: in addition to the fact that a person jumps on stage and speaks words, he also knows how to do something else.”

The first attempt to enter a theater university was unsuccessful. She failed the audition, in particular, with Yuri Solomin at the Shchepkinsky School. She returned home to Ryazan and worked in a costume department for some time.

Thanks to the theatrical connections of Zoya Vasilievna’s mother, who turned to a teacher she knew in Moscow, Irina still managed to get into a theater university - GITIS, course of Oscar Remez.

From the second year she began to serve in parallel with her studies at the Mayakovsky Theater, where she performed until receiving her diploma in 1988.

After graduating from GITIS in 1998, she entered the Chelovek theater studio (she worked there until 1990).

In 1991-1998 - actress of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. In 1998-1999 - actress of the Lenkom Theater.

Currently he sometimes plays in private performances.

Since 1985 he has acted in films. Her first screen role was Lucy in the television film “My Girlfriend.”

Irina Rozanova in the film "My Girlfriend"

However, widespread success came with the release of the now cult Soviet film directed by Pyotr Todorovsky "Intergirl"(1989). In it, the actress played Sima-Gulliver.

Another successful film by the same director, in which Irina Rozanova starred, was the film “Anchor, more anchor!”. For her work in this film, the actress received the prize “For Best Performance of a Leading Actress” at the “Constellation-92” film festival, and in 1993 she was awarded the “Golden Aries” award in the “Best Actress of the Year” category.

In general, it was the films of Pyotr Todorovsky that glorified Irina Rozanova.

She herself speaks very warmly about the director: “If we talk about cinema, it was a great gift to work for a fantastic person - Pyotr Todorovsky. It seems to me that the new generation (in addition to everything else) has forgotten some beautiful words that inspire. And Pyotr Efimovich He remembers all this. He knows how to support an actor and help him. A kind word is not only pleasant for a cat.”

Irina Rozanova in the film "Intergirl"

Irina Rozanova in the film "Anchor, more anchor!"

In the 1990s, the actress began acting in TV series. At that time, her most successful work was the serial film "Petersburg secrets". In it she played Natasha (aka Baroness von Doering) - a serf who was born from a master and raised as a girl of noble blood. However, after her father's death, she was sent back to servanthood. Her heroine decided to take revenge and began to systematically destroy the life of an eminent family.

Viewers also remember Irina Rozanova from the series “Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine", in which she played the main character - Ekaterina Furtseva, the famous Minister of Culture of the USSR.

Irina Rozanova in the series "Furtseva"

Among other works, we should highlight the roles of folk singer Lydia Ruslanova in the series “Zhukov”, Catherine the First in the television series “Peter the First. Testament”, the role of Antonina in the film “Terror with Love”. For her work in “Terror with Love” in 2010, she received a diploma for Best Actress at the 19th International Film Forum “Golden Knight”.

Irina Rozanova in the series "Incorruptible"

According to Irina Rozanova, she has a lot with the heroines she played in the movies.

"If people are not fools, they will understand that my character has a lot in common with my heroines. It would be stupid to lie and claim that I am such a straight Thumbelina in life. I really am an emotional person, sometimes even too much. Therefore, I think that if you are your If you don’t connect fate to the character, if you don’t let him pass through you, then any role will not sound. I’m not saying that you need to bury your parents in order to play a tragic role, no, but it’s necessary to experience your characters to the bone, as Natasha Gundareva did. !", says the actress.

Irina Rozanova's height: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Irina Rozanova:

She was married several times, including civil marriages. No children.

The first time I married a classmate at GITIS, a resident of Kiev, Evgeniy Kamenkovich (now a director). They got married in their third year. We lived in a tiny dorm room. However, family life did not work out and after a couple of years they separated.

Evgeny Kamenkovich - the first husband of Irina Rozanova

The actress was credited with many office romances. Her “cavaliers” included Alexander Abdulov, Yuri Belyaev, Alexander Kalyagin, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Igor Bochkin, Pyotr Todorovsky (who is 36 years older than her). How much truth there is in these rumors is not known for certain.

In the late 80s, she began an affair with director Dmitry Meskhiev, whom she met on the set of the film Gambrinus. They lived together for some time in a de facto marriage. However, this novel also turned out to be unsuccessful. As Mark Rudinshtein (producer and director, founder of the Kinotavtr festival) told the press, at that moment Irina became addicted to alcohol, she and Meskhiev had strong conflicts, it even came to fights. “Their personal life quickly fell apart due to Ira’s drunkenness,” noted Rudinshtein.

She was in a relationship with producer Timur Weinstein. Irina became pregnant, but lost the child. The miscarriage became a tragedy for them, after which the relationship went wrong.

Timur Weinstein

“And I proposed marriage to her when I was filming Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Old Nags.” Spontaneously, without preparation, we rushed to the registry office and persuaded us to sign it. And Eldar Aleksandrovich invited everyone to his dacha to celebrate this joyful event,” Belenky said.

But this marriage did not last long.

In 2011, the couple separated.

Filmography of Irina Rozanova:

1985 - My girlfriend - Lucy
1986 - Scarlet Stone - Natasha Sokolova
1986 - The Life of Klim Samgin - Tosya
1986 - The end of Operation Resident - Olga
1986 - With open doors - factory employee
1987 - Where is nophelet? - Valentina
1987 - Having lied once - Tanya
1987 - Riders - Antonina
1988 - Servant - Maria
1988 - Fathers - Larisa
1988 - I offer my hand and heart - Lyudmila
1988 - Earthly Joys - Tanya
1988 - Seven Days of Hope - Nadezhda Rodionova
1989 - The Binder and the King - Maruska
1989 - Intergirl - Sima - “Gulliver”
1989 - For beautiful ladies! - Nadezhda
1989 - Sofya Petrovna - Erna Semyonovna
1990 - Gambrinus - Katya
1990 - Hearse - Masha
1990 - Nipple System - Bamboo’s secretary
1990 - Death in Cinema - Capitolina
1991 - Cloud-paradise - Valya
1991 - The Flying Dutchman - Shura Frolova
1992 - Shroud of Alexander Nevsky - Masha
1992 - Cynics - Marfusha
1992 - Little giant of big sex - strict woman
1992 - I Trust in You - Ira
1992 - June 22, exactly at 4 o'clock - Tatyana Alekseevna Bragina
1992 - Do you remember the smell of lilacs... - Lidia Viktorovna Ryabova
1993 - Anchor, more anchor! - Lyuba Antipova
1993 - Alphonse - Alya
1993 - Personal life of the queen - Nina Koroleva
1994 - Lyube Zone - faithful friend
1994 - St. Petersburg secrets - Natasha
1994 - The Ghost of My House - Anya the Policeman
1994 - Prokhindiada 2 - Marina Olegovna Prygunova
1995 - Little Demon - Varvara
1995 - Black Veil - Ratisov Olympics
1996 - Kings of Russian detective - Nastya
1997 - Children of Monday - Lida Ovdeeva
1998 - On Knives - Alexandra
1998 - When everyone is yours - Rita
1998 - Should we send a messenger? - Lyuba
1998 - Greetings from Charlie the Trumpeter - Alena
1998 - Diva Mary - librarian Tanya
1998 - Kill the actor - Irina Leonidova
1999 - Voroshilov shooter - Katya’s mother
1999 - Denouement of the St. Petersburg Mysteries - Natasha / Baroness von Doering
2001 - Two comrades - mother
2001 - Life is full of fun - Vera Nikolaevna
2001 - Mechanical Suite - Olga
2001 - Savage - Marya Petrovna
2001 - Guardians of Vice - Diana
2001 - Salome - Lukerya Yakovlevna
2001 - Fatalists - Cleo
2002 - Ice Age - Nina Dolgacheva, prosecutor
2002 - Spartak and Kalashnikov - Snezhanna
2002 - Kamenskaya 2 - Tatyana Tomilina
2002 - Russian Amazons - Valeria Astakhova
2003 - Kamikaze Diary - Vadim’s mother
2003 - Dasha Vasilyeva. Private investigation lover - Sonya Artseulova
2003 - Kamenskaya 3 - Tatyana Tomilina
2003 - Plot - Claudia
2003 - Lines of Fate - Katerina Vershinina
2003 - Russian Amazons 2 - Valeria Astakhova
2003 - Spas under the birches - Valentina
2004 - Break Point - Natasha
2004 - Women in a game without rules - Olga Peredreeva
2004 - Gentlemen officers - Galya, wife of Aslanbekov
2005 - Big Walk - Rita
2005 - Arie - Zurabova
2005 - Kolya - tumbleweed - Valya
2005 - Mistress - Elena Yuryevna Anurova, lawyer
2006 - Nine months - Lena Ivanova
2006 - Tanker "Tango" - Raisa
2006 - Communication - Tanya
2006 - Katerina - Lidia Viktorovna Gorina
2006 - Enchanted area - Claudia
2006 - Infidelity - General Kozhemyakina
2007 - May - Galina Sergeevna
2007 - Loser - Vera Petrovna
2007 - Gloss - Alina
2007 - Detective Putilin - Elena Karlovna
2007 - Private order - Anna Belova
2008 - Provincial - Svetlana Zorina
2008 - Hipsters - Mother of Benefit
2008 - Kamenskaya 5 - Tatyana Tomilina
2008 - Katerina 2: Return of Love - Lidia Gorina
2008 - Weapons - Svetlana Tikhomirova
2008 - Seal of Loneliness - Katya
2009 - Senior wife - Baira
2009 - Insight - Anna Belova
2009 - Skeleton in the closet - Katya
2009 - Terror with love - Antonina
2009 - Palm Sunday - Evdokia Sergeevna Kochetkova
2010 - The irony of love - Ivan’s mother
2010 - Angelica - Olga
2010 - Daughter of the Yakuza - Aunt Marfa
2010 - Dostoevsky - Lizaveta Fedorovna Korvin-Krukovskaya
2010 - Stranger in the house - mom
2011 - My dear man - Aglaya Ustimenko
2011 - To the ends of the world - Vilena Shcherbakova
2011 - Peter the Great. Testament - Catherine I
2011 - 2 days - Larisa Petrovna
2011 - Without a trace - Maria Alekseevna Pozolyanskaya
2011 - Dowryless - Arina Ignatievna
2011 - Gyulchatay - Natalya Karlovna
2011 - Kamenskaya 6 - Tatiana
2011 - Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine - Ekaterina Furtseva
2012 - Zhukov - Lidia Ruslanova
2012 - Happy New Year, moms! - Vera Evgenievna
2012 - It all started in Harbin - Agrippina Ivanovna Koval
2012 - Katerina. Another life - Lidiya Gorina
2013 - Shores - Valentina Grigorievna Vershinina
2013 - Shores of my dreams - Nina Nikolaevna Krylova
2013 - Gyulchatay. For the sake of love - Natalya Karlovna
2013 - Ashes - Nadezhda Lvovna Gurova
2014 - Vasilisa - Katerina Karlovna
2014 - Recognize me if you can - Marina Ivanovna Avdeeva, Ilya’s mother
2014 - Teachers - Tamara Semenovna Lutsik, head teacher
2015 - Incorruptible - Elizaveta Maksimovna, Olga’s mother
2015 - Invisibles - Nastya’s mother
2015 - In the name of love - Inessa Vladimirovna, Muravyov’s boss
2015 - 72 Hours - Koval, investigator
2016 - Garden Ring - Rita
2016 - Little People
2016 - Shuttlewomen - Zoya Viktorovna Semenova, market owner
2017 - Poor girl - Agnesa Markovna
2017 - Once upon a time - Tatiana
2017 - The Adventures of a Crazy Professor

Irina Yuryevna Rozanova is a hereditary actress, a beautiful woman and a wonderful wife. She is still in demand and invited to various projects.

Directors and screenwriters consider Rozanova's participation in their projects incredibly beneficial. It is worth noting that Irina is capable of playing absolutely all roles, therefore, she is certainly awarded prizes or awards.

It’s scary to imagine that Irina Rozanova may not be an actress, since the young girl heard from the capital’s acting teacher that she was completely unsuitable for this profession.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Rozanova

In the modern world, fans of Irina Rozanova are eager to find out what the famous actress’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Irina Rozanova is also a question that is constantly asked in Internet search engines.

Irina Yuryevna Rozanova was born in July 1961, so she was fifty-five years old. According to her zodiac sign, the woman belongs to the mysterious, sincere, intuitive and slightly secretive Cancer. According to the Eastern horoscope, Irina received as a gift all the traits of the Ox sign, namely, hard work, perseverance, perseverance, and determination.

Irina is a very tall lady, her height is a full meter and eighty centimeters. Rozanova weighs only fifty-six kilograms, although this figure varies depending on the parameters and requirements for the role.

Biography of Irina Rozanova

The biography of Irina Rozanova began with her birth in 1961 in the provincial and quiet town of Penza. The girl and her family moved to Ryazan in infancy, where they lived for many years.

She grew up behind the scenes of theaters, learned to occupy herself independently and was able to watch rehearsals almost constantly. Irishka appeared on stage at the age of five and became completely enamored with theater.

The girl did well at school, studied music and was the life of the party. Little Irina constantly organized school matinees, in which students performed according to a script written by little Rozanova. She did not understand technical sciences and was a pronounced humanitarian.

The girl graduated from school with honors, she tried to enter GITIS, but failed. Not wanting to betray her dream, Irina worked in the costume department for a whole year, constantly preparing for admission. The next year, she was declared unsuitable for the acting profession, however, Remez believed in Ira’s talent and took her to his course. The girl lived in the capital with her nanny named Lisa.

Even in her second year, the girl joined the troupe of the Mayakovsky Theater, where she worked until she graduated from GITIS. Later she became an actress at the Chelovek studio and the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Irina played for a long time in the Lenin Komsomol Theater in enterprises.

Filmography: films starring Irina Rozanova

The filmography of Irina Rozanova is quite extensive. It includes such films as “My Girlfriend”, “The Scarlet Stone”, “Nine Months”, “I Trust in You”, “The Personal Life of the Queen”, “Kings of Russian Detective”, “Spartak and Kalashnikov”, “Mistress”, “Gyulchatai”, “In the name of love”.

Rozanova became especially famous for her participation in such cult films and TV series as “Ice Age”, “Kamenskaya”, “Intergirl”, “Anchor, more anchor!”, “St. Petersburg Secrets”, “Voroshilov Shooter”, “Plot”, “Gentlemen” officers", "Katerina", "Hipsters".

Irina Yuryevna is still in demand today. She believes that it is better to collapse from fatigue after filming than to rest while waiting for an offer.

Personal life of Irina Rozanova

The personal life of Irina Rozanova often appears in the yellow press. Not only facts are discussed, but also gossip and rumors. This beautiful and eternally young actress was credited with many affairs with partners on film sets. The fact is that the talented actress perfectly gets used to the character and does everything to make her fans believe in her feelings.

Irina claims that she is loving, however, her only love for many years is the theater stage. She always had a lot of men, but parted with them on friendly terms. Her gentlemen included Kalyagin and Dzhigarkhanyan, Abdulov and Bochkin, Todorovsky and Belyaev.

From 2006 to 2011 she had a relationship with director Bakhtiyar Khudoynazarov, but they did not lead to marriage. Before that, Ira had the same non-binding relationship with director Dmitry Meskhiev in the eighties, which quickly came to naught due to the actress’s alleged addiction to alcohol.

Irina Yuryevna loves active recreation and travel. She loves picking mushrooms and fishing, but hates shopping. Rozanova also eats any food, preferring potatoes in any form.

Family of Irina Rozanova

Irina Rozanova’s family is theatrical, acting, and creative. Because of this unusual family, Irochka early learned the spirit of the theater, the smell of the wings and the bustle before the premiere performance.

Father, Yuri Albertovich, is a sports commentator for hockey and football matches who works on the NTV and NTV Plus channels. Currently, he works closely with the TV channel "Ukraine" and the Ukrainian sports channel "Football".

For several years he was a commentator for matches on the radio stations “Sport”, “Mayak” and “Vesti FM”.

This talented announcer was awarded the prestigious TEFI award.

Mom, Zoya Belova, is a talented Soviet theater and film actress who devoted sixty years to the theater. She constantly performed at creative and poetic evenings, in hospitals in Chechnya. The woman died in 2015.

Parents never offended Ira, did not raise their voices or raise their hands at her.

The older brother, Pavel Rozanov, works and lives in Ryazan. He has two daughters Anna and Natalya, who are very friendly with their aunt. The woman often tinkers with her grandchildren Yegor and Makar. She made a children's room in her apartment for her youngest grandson. Thirteen-year-old Yegor is Irina’s godson.

Irina was named after her maternal grandmother, who was a mother of many children and simply a wonderful person.

Children of Irina Rozanova

Irina Rozanova’s children do not exist; this is the woman’s constant pain and tragedy. The great and famous actress was married several times, changed partners, trying to get pregnant, but nothing worked for her.

She played a pregnant woman in the film “Nine Months” when an unpleasant incident occurred. One famous actress pointed her finger at the false belly and said that she decided to play a pregnant woman because she could not become a mother in real life.

Irina Rozanova had a hard time with this incident; she cried for a long time, because she was given a terrible diagnosis - infertility.

The children of Irina Rozanova are her most cherished dream, which may someday come true.

Irina Rozanova's ex-husband - Evgeny Kamenkovich

Irina Rozanova’s ex-husband, Evgeny Kamenkovich, appeared in her life a long time ago, back in her student years. The couple studied together at GITIS, but native Kiev resident Evgeniy wanted to be a director.

The wedding took place in the third year of the institute, and the young people moved into a small dorm room.

Family life turned out to be difficult; the guys did not get along in character. Irina and Evgeniy often quarreled and loudly sorted things out, so the marriage lasted only two years.

The reasons for the divorce were not stated, however, Irina said that they were simply tired of each other.

Irina Rozanova's ex-husband - Timur Weinstein

Irina Rozanova’s ex-husband, Timur Weinstein, not only married her, but also got married in the Promised Land. The couple lived in love and harmony, Ira and Timur almost never fought.

However, this wonderful union also came to an end, because the husband spent all his time at work, and Irina needed understanding and love.

The last straw in the couple’s relationship was a late-term miscarriage, which Rozanova experienced very hard. It led to a later diagnosis of infertility.

Irina left her husband without things, because she believed that she had already lost the most precious thing.

Irina Rozanova's ex-husband - Grigory Belenky

Irina Rozanova’s ex-husband, Grigory Belenky, appeared in the actress’s life in 1997, when she starred in the film “Monday’s Children.” The couple's relationship was romantic, unusual, spontaneous. They got married after Grigory proposed to her on the set of the film “Old Nags.”

The wedding took place quietly at Eldar Ryazanov’s dacha. Everything was fine, the guys loved each other and lived in love. The divorce came like a bolt from the blue. The reasons for the divorce were not given, but the cameraman and actress remained friends and neighbors.

Photos of naked Irina Rozanova

Photos of naked Irina Rozanova often appear on the World Wide Web, so fans are rushing to figure out if they are real. Indeed, Irina starred in very explicit sex scenes in the movie “Intergirl” and a number of other works.

It is worth noting that all these scenes are very chaste and do not even smell of eroticism. The most that Irina Rozanova showed her fans was her slightly exposed breasts.

All other candid photographs and videos of Irina Yuryevna are outright fake and photoshopped.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Rozanova

Irina Rozanova’s Instagram and Wikipedia are most often of interest to her fans as sources of reliable information about the great actress.

It is worth noting that Irina Yuryevna does not have Instagram, since she is not ready to put her personal and family life on display. The actress does not like to show photographs and videos from the family archive, and also does not like to listen to anyone’s opinion on this matter.

The Wikipedia page is filled with only the most reliable information regarding the personal, family life, childhood and career growth of the actress.