Tatyana Volosozhar, figure skater biography. Tatyana Volosozhar - biography, information, personal life Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov personal life

Parents brought four-year-old Tanya to the skating rink with her sister. My sister quickly got tired of skating, but Tanya liked it. But at first they didn’t want to take the girl into the sports section because she was plump. As a result, they only accepted me into the subscription group - with the condition that in a month, if something works out, they will enroll in the section. Tatyana began taking figure skating seriously at the age of five with Lyudmila Viktorovna Petrovskaya. Figure skating lessons took place in Dnepropetrovsk in a specially organized special school in parallel with training in primary school. At the age of seven she won her first competition in single skating.

Performances for Ukraine

At the age of 14 she switched to pair skating. Together with her first partner Peter Kharchenko, she trained with Vyacheslav Tkachenko, and later with Galina Kukhar. Tatyana and Peter became champions of Ukraine in 2004 and were prize-winners at the junior stages of the Grand Prix. At the adult level, the couple did not achieve much success and broke up.

In 2004, Tatyana teamed up with Stanislav Morozov. With him, they became champions of Ukraine three times, participated in the Olympics in Turin (where they finished 12th). The couple trained in Kyiv with Galina Kukhar, the program director was Nikolai Morozov.

In the summer of 2008, it was announced that Volosozhar/Morozov were moving to Germany to work with coach Ingo Steuer.

In the 2008-2009 season, the couple, having become third at the Cup of Russia and second at the Cup of China, for the first time in their career won the right to participate in the Grand Prix final, where they became fourth. After returning from Korea to the training base in Chemnitz, Germany, the couple considered it inappropriate to make another flight to Ukraine to participate in the national championship and performed “out of competition” at the German championship. At the European Championships they again finished fourth. At the 2009 World Championships they took 6th place and provided Ukraine with two tickets to the 2010 Winter Olympics in pair skating.

In the Olympic season, the couple became champions of Ukraine for the fourth time, and took fourth place at the European Championships for the third time in a row. At the Olympic Games we were 8th and this was the last start in Stanislav’s career.

Best of the day

Performances for Russia

After completing her partner’s sports career, Tatyana teamed up with Maxim Trankov. The couple decided to perform under the Russian flag. The duo's coach was Nina Moser, who is assisted in her work by Stanislav Morozov, and Nikolai Morozov, who returned from the USA, helped in staging new programs. Both Tatyana and Maxim had to relearn the technique of performing many elements and adapt to each other.

The couple's official debut in Russian competitions took place in October 2010 at the third stage of the Russian Cup in Perm, which they won. In conditions of serious competition, the couple won the 2011 Russian Championship, leading in both programs.

According to the rules of the International Skating Union, athletes who transfer to the national team of another country must serve a one-year “quarantine”. Since Tatyana’s last start for Ukraine was the 2010 Olympics, the new couple could not enter the international arena until February 16, 2011 and they missed the European Championship (January 24-30, 2011).

To participate in the 2011 World Championships, Tatyana and Maxim, as a new couple, had to score a minimum technical result (in pairs it is 17 points in the short program and 30 points in the free program). To achieve this goal, the couple took part in the Mont Blanc Trophy tournament in February 2011 (held in Courmayeur, Italy), immediately after the end of the “quarantine”. Tatyana and Maxim not only easily scored the required amount of points, but also became the undisputed leaders of the tournament, winning both types of programs.

The 2011 World Figure Skating Championships were initially scheduled to take place in Tokyo. Tatiana and Maxim flew to Japan in advance to acclimatize and conduct several training sessions. The couple arrived in Tokyo hours before the March 11, 2011 earthquake. Contact with the skaters was lost. A little later it turned out that, fortunately, they were not injured. The skaters and coaches spent some time at a training camp in Fukuoka, quite far from the epicenter of the earthquake, but due to the increasing danger and the unclear fate of the championship, it was decided to evacuate the entire team home to Russia. As a result, the 2011 World Championships took place in Moscow. It became the first major joint international competition for Tatyana and Maxim, but they were immediately able to climb to the podium, taking 2nd place.

The 2011-2012 season started off difficult for the couple. Maxim was plagued by injuries. First, having fallen unsuccessfully in training during the summer preparation for the season, he received a shoulder injury, and in the fall his groin injury worsened. However, the couple was able to win two international tournaments of the so-called category B (Nebelhorn Trophy 2011 and Ondrej Nepela Memorial 2011) and both of their Grand Prix events (Skate Canada International 2011 and Trophée Eric Bompard 2011). Moreover, when the stages were distributed in the off-season, Tatyana and Maxim had the opportunity to take a third additional stage, but they limited themselves to two, considering that this would be enough to get to the finals. Despite the lack of optimal shape due to the constant struggle with injuries, the couple easily reached the Grand Prix Final, taking first place in the ranking after completing all stages. In the Grand Prix Final, leading after the short program, the couple made several minor mistakes in the free program and eventually took 2nd place, in total losing only 0.18 points to their main competitors Savchenko-Sholkova. As it turned out, not only Maxim competed with an injury in the Grand Prix final, but also Tatyana (thigh muscle injury). The couple decided to skip the Russian Championship in order to recover in time for the main starts of the season. At the same time, they were guaranteed a place in the Russian national team, despite missing the national championship. Both Tatyana and Maxim underwent treatment at a New York clinic, one of the few in the world specializing in the treatment of such sports injuries.

Tatyana and Maxim, leading in both programs, confidently won their first joint European Championship, although, according to them, the victory would have brought them much more pleasure if their main competitors Savchenko-Sholkov had not withdrawn from the tournament due to an injury to their partner. Tatyana and Maxim said that after the removal of the German couple, they to some extent lost motivation. In addition, Tatyana has not yet fully healed her injury. Because of these reasons, athletes did not strive to show their maximum at this tournament.

Personal life

Tatyana Volosozhar was born in Dnepropetrovsk into a Russian-speaking family. Her mother is from Kaliningrad, and her father is from Nizhny Tagil. Tatyana's father is a military man, and he was sent to serve in Ukraine.

In the fall of 2010, Tatyana began the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship. She entered the “Program to Assist the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots Living Abroad to the Russian Federation,” which can include citizens of the former Soviet Union, as well as their direct descendants who want to work and live in Russia, and in December 2010 received a Russian passport.

Former partner and one of the current coaches, Stanislav Morozov, is Tatyana’s common-law husband.

Russian-Ukrainian figure skater Tatiana Volosozhar is one of the most famous athletes in her sport in the CIS. She is also a World, European and Russian champion. And in 2014 Tatiana Volosozhar in duet with Maxim Trankov won the title of Olympic champion in team performance at the games in Sochi.

Tatiana Volosozhar was born in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk into a Russian family. When she was 4 years old, her parents took Tanya and her sister to the figure skating section. My sister very quickly made it clear to my parents that she was not interested in the skating rink, but Tanya, on the contrary, became seriously interested in skating. In her early childhood, she was not the most slender child, and this even almost became the reason for the coach’s refusal to work with the girl. But they still took Tanya into the additional, “frivolous” group, and, as it turned out later, they were not mistaken. The future star showed diligence and love for her sport from the very beginning. Already at the age of 7, Tanya won her first victory - she won the single skating competition in her native Dnepropetrovsk.

Tatyana Volosozhar / Tatyana Volosozhar and her sports career

At the age of 14, Tatyana Volosozhar began skating in pairs, which forever determined her future path in figure skating. Her first partner was Petr Kharchenko, and Tatyana skated with him until 2004. When the athlete turned 18, she realized that this partnership would no longer bring noticeable results and broke up with Peter to start training with Stanislav Morozov.

Stanislav Morozov became Volosozhar's partner for the next six years, it was with him that Tatyana won her first high-profile victories - the couple won 1st place at the Ukrainian Championship 4 times. However, neither in the Olympic Games nor in the World Championships did the duo rise above 8th and 4th places, respectively.

In 2010, Morozov left big sport and became the personal trainer of Tatyana and her new partner, Maxima Trankova together with the second coach - Ninoy Moser.

Tatyana Volosozhar: “Stanislav Morozov did not become a new coach for me. We skated with him together, and he trained me a little earlier. And Nina Moser is a very good woman, I feel comfortable working with her. She is our main coach, and Stas is considered the second mentor in the group, however, we learn most of the doubles elements from him.”

Performances with a new partner raised Tatiana to a new level. The new duo began to win one major award after another. The couple already has 3 gold medals at the European Championships, 2 at the Russian Championships and 1 at the World Championships.

2014 was a particularly successful year for Tatyana - paired with Maxim Trankov she won her first Olympic medal in the team event at the Sochi Games. The duo's performance was noted as flawless, for which the Russian pair received a record number of points in the entire history of figure skating.

“Our step patterns have really become more like dance steps, but this is because the rules have become stricter. Now we need to show more complex steps. But in general, the dancing is moving in our direction. Sometimes it seems that just a little more - and they will have emissions with twists. And support like this is already being done... not all greenhouses will be able to replicate it.”

Interesting facts about Tatyana Volosozhar / Tatyana Volosozhar

In 2010, Tatyana finally decided that she wanted to obtain Russian citizenship and submitted documents to obtain it. She was issued a Russian passport the same year.

Tatiana Volosozhar: “In clothes I adhere to a sporty and classic style. I don’t have fashionable pants with hanging clothes. If I go out somewhere, I put on heels, ankle boots, and some kind of dress. And in everyday life I wear sportswear. I don't chase brands. I can go to H&M and buy a T-shirt for a hundred rubles, but I can also buy something worthwhile at Burberry. The main thing is that it goes on. Sportswear is usually provided. We wear mostly Bosco and Nike.”

Throughout her entire sports career, Tatyana had only 3 partners.

Russian and previously Ukrainian figure skater, performing in pairs figure skating. With her partner Stanislav Morozov, she is a four-time champion of Ukraine. Since the 2010/2011 season he has been playing for Russia with Maxim Trankov. Together with him, she is the champion of Russia (2011), the champion of Europe (2012) and the silver medalist of the World Championship (2011). Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2011) and International Master of Sports of Ukraine. As of January 2012, the couple ranks 2nd in the International Skating Union (ISU) rankings.

Start of figure skating lessons

Parents brought four-year-old Tanya to the skating rink with her sister. My sister quickly got tired of skating, but Tanya liked it. But at first they didn’t want to take the girl into the sports section because she was plump. As a result, they only accepted me into the subscription group - with the condition that in a month, if something works out, they will enroll in the section. Tatyana began taking figure skating seriously at the age of five with Lyudmila Viktorovna Petrovskaya. Figure skating lessons took place in Dnepropetrovsk in a specially organized special school in parallel with training in primary school. At the age of seven she won her first competition in single skating.

Performances for Ukraine

At the age of 14 she switched to pair skating. Together with her first partner Peter Kharchenko, she trained with Vyacheslav Tkachenko, and later with Galina Kukhar. Tatyana and Peter became champions of Ukraine in 2004 and were prize-winners at the junior stages of the Grand Prix. At the adult level, the couple did not achieve much success and broke up.

In 2004, Tatyana teamed up with Stanislav Morozov. With him, they became champions of Ukraine three times, participated in the Olympics in Turin (where they finished 12th). The couple trained in Kyiv with Galina Kukhar, the program director was Nikolai Morozov.

In the summer of 2008, it was announced that Volosozhar/Morozov were moving to Germany to work with coach Ingo Steuer.

In the 2008-2009 season, the couple, having become third at the Cup of Russia and second at the Cup of China, for the first time in their career won the right to participate in the Grand Prix final, where they became fourth. After returning from Korea to the training base in Chemnitz, Germany, the couple considered it inappropriate to make another flight to Ukraine to participate in the national championship and performed “out of competition” at the German championship. At the European Championships they again finished fourth. At the 2009 World Championships they took 6th place and provided Ukraine with two tickets to the 2010 Winter Olympics in pair skating.

In the Olympic season, the couple became champions of Ukraine for the fourth time, and took fourth place at the European Championships for the third time in a row. At the Olympic Games we were 8th and this was the last start in Stanislav’s career.

Performances for Russia

After completing her partner’s sports career, Tatyana teamed up with Maxim Trankov. The couple decided to perform under the Russian flag. The duo's coach was Nina Moser, who is assisted in her work by Stanislav Morozov, and Nikolai Morozov, who returned from the USA, helped in staging new programs. Both Tatyana and Maxim had to relearn the technique of performing many elements and adapt to each other.

The couple's official debut in Russian competitions took place in October 2010 at the third stage of the Russian Cup in Perm, which they won. In conditions of serious competition, the couple won the 2011 Russian Championship, leading in both programs.

According to the rules of the International Skating Union, athletes who transfer to the national team of another country must serve a one-year “quarantine”. Since Tatyana’s last start for Ukraine was the 2010 Olympics, the new couple could not enter the international arena until February 16, 2011 and they missed the European Championship (January 24-30, 2011).

To participate in the 2011 World Championships, Tatyana and Maxim, as a new couple, had to score a minimum technical result (in pairs it is 17 points in the short program and 30 points in the free program). To achieve this goal, the couple took part in the Mont Blanc Trophy tournament in February 2011 (held in Courmayeur, Italy), immediately after the end of the “quarantine”. Tatyana and Maxim not only easily scored the required amount of points, but also became the undisputed leaders of the tournament, winning both types of programs.

The 2011 World Figure Skating Championships were initially scheduled to take place in Tokyo. Tatiana and Maxim flew to Japan in advance to acclimatize and conduct several training sessions. The couple arrived in Tokyo hours before the March 11, 2011 earthquake. Contact with the skaters was lost. A little later it turned out that, fortunately, they were not injured. The skaters and coaches spent some time at a training camp in Fukuoka, quite far from the epicenter of the earthquake, but due to the increasing danger and the unclear fate of the championship, it was decided to evacuate the entire team home to Russia. As a result, the 2011 World Championships took place in Moscow. It became the first major joint international competition for Tatyana and Maxim, but they were immediately able to climb to the podium, taking 2nd place.

The 2011-2012 season started off difficult for the couple. Maxim was plagued by injuries. First, having fallen unsuccessfully in training during the summer preparation for the season, he received a shoulder injury, and in the fall his groin injury worsened. However, the couple was able to win two international tournaments of the so-called category B (Nebelhorn Trophy 2011 and Ondrej Nepela Memorial 2011) and both of their Grand Prix events (Skate Canada International 2011 and Trophée Eric Bompard 2011). Moreover, when the stages were distributed in the off-season, Tatyana and Maxim had the opportunity to take a third additional stage, but they limited themselves to two, considering that this would be enough to get to the finals. Despite the lack of optimal shape due to the constant struggle with injuries, the couple easily reached the Grand Prix Final, taking first place in the ranking after completing all stages. In the Grand Prix Final, leading after the short program, the couple made several minor mistakes in the free program and eventually took 2nd place, in total losing only 0.18 points to their main competitors Savchenko-Sholkova. As it turned out, not only Maxim competed with an injury in the Grand Prix final, but also Tatyana (thigh muscle injury). The couple decided to skip the Russian Championship in order to recover in time for the main starts of the season. At the same time, they were guaranteed a place in the Russian national team, despite missing the national championship. Both Tatyana and Maxim underwent treatment at a New York clinic, one of the few in the world specializing in the treatment of such sports injuries.

Tatyana and Maxim, leading in both programs, confidently won their first joint European Championship, although, according to them, the victory would have brought them much more pleasure if their main competitors Savchenko-Sholkov had not withdrawn from the tournament due to an injury to their partner. Tatyana and Maxim said that after the removal of the German couple, they to some extent lost motivation. In addition, Tatyana has not yet fully healed her injury. Because of these reasons, athletes did not strive to show their maximum at this tournament.

Personal life

Tatyana Volosozhar was born in Dnepropetrovsk into a Russian-speaking family. Her mother is from Kaliningrad, and her father is from Nizhny Tagil. Tatyana's father is a military man, and he was sent to serve in Ukraine.

In the fall of 2010, Tatyana began the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship. She entered the “Program to Assist the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots Living Abroad to the Russian Federation,” which can include citizens of the former Soviet Union, as well as their direct descendants who want to work and live in Russia, and in December 2010 received a Russian passport.

Former partner and one of the current coaches, Stanislav Morozov, is Tatyana’s common-law husband.

The name of the famous figure skater Tatyana Andreevna Volosozhar is known to all Russian figure skating fans. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, two-time Olympic champion in 2014, four-time European champion and three-time Russian champion - all these titles and regalia were obtained by former Ukrainian Tatyana Volosozhar through hard work.

She managed to overcome all the obstacles, and now many fans call her the mistress of the ice: the skater feels as confident on a slippery surface as a real housewife in her kitchen.

Childhood and youth

The work of overcoming began for the athlete from an early age. Tatyana Volosozhar was born in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine in May 1986. Her mom and dad are Russian. Mom was born in Kaliningrad, and father in Nizhny Tagil. Military service often took him all over the Soviet Union, but the young family settled in Dnepropetrovsk, where two children were born - daughters Olga and Tatyana.

The head of the family, accustomed to strict military discipline and a healthy lifestyle, wanted his daughters to always be in good physical shape and involved in sports. So one fine day the sisters went to the skating rink. But only the youngest, 4-year-old Tanya, wanted to stay in the figure skating section. The eldest daughter did not like moving on a slippery surface on slippery skates.

But they didn’t want to take Tanya, despite her desire. The girl was plump and did not fit the parameters required in sports. But Volosozhar wanted to stay so much that the coach’s heart trembled. Pyshechka was assigned to the subscription group and set a condition: if she tries, then in a month she will be accepted into the section.

The little girl gave her all so much that she left no choice for the mentors - they took her. This is how the sports biography of Tatyana Volosozhar began. Her first coach was Lyudmila Petrovskaya.

3 years later, Tatyana Volosozhar, a 7-year-old figure skater, won her first victory, winning the competition in single skating.

Figure skating

The success of the hardworking and talented athlete was noticed by coach Vyacheslav Tkachenko. He invited Tatyana Volosozhar to join him and take up pair skating. Moreover, the height (159 cm) and weight (45 kg) of the athletes were conducive to working in pairs. She immediately agreed.

Her first partner was Peter Kharchenko. Later, the coaching baton passed to another mentor, Galina Kukhar. Under her leadership, the couple managed to become champions of Ukraine in 2004. A little later - winners of the junior stages of the Grand Prix. But at the adult level, victories did not work out, and the Volosozhar-Kharchenko couple broke up.

Stanislav Morozov became the skater’s new partner in 2004. And success was not long in coming. Twice Tatyana Volosozhar and her new partner became winners of the Winter Universiade and three times - national champions. They visited the Olympics in Turin, where they took 12th place. Galina Kukhar trained figure skaters in Kyiv. The program was directed by Nikolai Morozov.

Soon Tatyana Volosozhar realized that there was no further development, it seemed to have frozen at some point. She decides to continue her studies under the guidance of an experienced German coach, Ingo Steuer. The mentor became famous for training a whole galaxy of athletes of different nationalities.

Since 2008, Tatyana Volosozhar and Stanislav Morozov have been living and training in Germany. Already in 2009, skaters won 2 medals at the Grand Prix. In the final they took 4th position. Everyone who closely watched the couple noted clear progress: the athletes’ movements became clear, but at the same time surprisingly flexible. Their skills have grown, although the program has become significantly more complex.

At the World Championships, Tatyana Volosozhar and her partner managed to take 6th place. And at the Olympics in Vancouver they came 8th. After the Games, Stas decided to go into coaching. But Tanya wanted to continue. The figure skater felt that her potential was not exhausted and she could achieve much better results.

Morozov offered Tatyana Volosozhar a new partner. He was just looking for a partner. Stanislav Morozov himself undertook to train the new couple. But for further training I had to leave Ukraine and move to Moscow. In 2010, Tatyana Volosozhar received Russian citizenship.

In Moscow, the skaters were trained not only by Stanislav, but also by Nikolai Morozov, who returned from America. He worked on staging new skater programs.

The new pair made their debut at the 2010 Russian Cup in Perm. The boys won the cup. In 2011 - a new resounding victory: Volosozhar and Trankov, in conditions of severe competition, won both programs of the Russian Championship.

The skaters missed the European Championships, which took place in January of the same year, due to a year-long “quarantine”. Indeed, according to the rules of the International Skating Union, those athletes who transferred to the national team of another country did not have the right to represent the interests of the chosen country for a year.

But after the end of the “quarantine”, Tatyana Volosozhar and her partner had the opportunity to participate in the Mont Blanc Trophy tournament, which was held in Courmayeur, Italy. They became leaders in 2 types of programs.

The athlete’s further career developed even more rapidly. Mentor Lyudmila Velikova predicted a brilliant future for the guys, calling them an invincible couple.

Victories followed one after another, but there were also unfortunate falls that were associated with injuries. The guys had to miss the next season. They recovered their health in a New York special clinic. But Tatyana Volosozhar and her partner still won gold medals at the European Championships.

In the spring of 2013, the guys, like all fans of Russian figure skating, were in for a real triumph: they became world champions. Before this, Russian couples had not managed to win gold for 8 years.

Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar in Sochi

But the main victories were ahead. Tatyana Volosozhar and Makism Trankov were entrusted with representing the country at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. And the guys did not disappoint. The pair won the short program, breaking the world record: they scored 84.17 points.

And on February 12, the skaters skated their free program. It was a brilliant performance set to music from the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. Everyone who watched the dance is convinced that the Russian couple had no equal. With a margin of 18 points, Tatyana Volosozhar and her partner became Olympic champions.

Tatyana Volosozhar with Maxim Trankov after the Olympics

After the Olympics, the skaters took a break, which lasted a year and a half. They received treatment and took to the ice at a tournament in Nebelhorn, Germany, where they again received a well-deserved award.

At the national and continental championships, Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov won gold medals.

Personal life

Tatiana Volosozhar's first husband was her figure skating partner Stanislav Morozov. This relationship began when Tanya was a young 17-year-old girl. The couple lived in a civil marriage for several years. They had no children.

After meeting Maxim Trankov, Tatyana Volosozhar’s personal life took a new turn: the athletes not only found a common language at the skating rink, but also fell in love with each other. One day they realized that they should always stay close. Maxim proposed to Tatiana in Bali, where the athletes were vacationing in the company of friends. Together, the young people swam in the pool, and unexpectedly for Volosozhar, Trankov made a touching speech and put a ring on the girl’s finger.

In August 2015, they legalized their relationship. took place at the 02 Lounge restaurant on the roof of the Ritz-Carlton hotel. Tatyana was wearing a luxurious designer dress, which was discussed for a long time on social networks. The bridesmaids were and, and the groom was accompanied by Olympic champion and world champion Stéphane Lambiel.

In September 2016, Tatyana Volosozhar pleased her fans with good news: in her "Instagram" she announced that she was pregnant.

In February 2017, in the family of Tatiana and Maxim Angelika. Soon a photo of the newborn appeared on the parents’ microblog pages.

After the birth of her daughter, the figure skater quickly took to the ice, and her energy was enough to receive a diploma from Moscow State University. Tatyana completed her master's degree at the Department of Public Administration in the field of culture and sports.

Maxim Trankov took part in the TV show “Ice Age”, where he appeared together with. But the rumors that arose about their romance became another “duck” from the yellow media.

Now the couple is doing great. In 2016, the skaters attended the “About Love” program, the episode of which was dedicated to their relationship. A year later, Tatyana and Maxim became guests of the humorous show “Evening Urgant”, where they talked about changes in life after the end of their sports career.

Tatyana Volosozhar now

Even at the beginning of their married life, Tatyana and Maxim assumed that they would take part in the 2018 Olympic Games, after which they would end their sports career. But the birth of a daughter changed the skaters’ plans. After maternity leave in the summer of 2017, Tatyana and Maxim became participants in the ice show performances “Romeo and Juliet” and “Alice in Wonderland.”

Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov in the ice performance "Romeo and Juliet"

During their touring performances, the athletes realized that in big sports they had already said everything.

After consulting with the coaching staff of the Figure Skating Federation, mentor Nina Moser, Volosozhar and Trankov decided to leave figure skating earlier than planned. The decision was also influenced by the attitude of the International Olympic Committee towards Russian athletes.

In the fall of 2018, in three cities of Russia - Moscow, Sochi and St. Petersburg - the couple presented the book “Two Sides of the Same Coin”, in which the couple talked about their life together, everyday life in sports, and raising their daughter.

According to the skaters, they plan to send Lika to a regular kindergarten, and then to a regular school, thereby protecting the girl from the influence of golden youth.

In 2018, Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov wrote a book

Whether Angelica will follow in her parents’ footsteps will be up to her to decide. But according to Maxim’s decision, his daughter will definitely not be sent to music. As a child, the figure skater’s brother played the guitar, which Trankov remembered for a long time.

Awards and achievements

  • 2011 – silver medal at the World Championships in Moscow
  • 2012 – gold medal at the European Championships in Sheffield
  • 2013 – gold medal at the World Championships in London
  • 2013 – gold medal at the European Championships in Zagreb
  • 2014 – gold medal at the European Championships in Budapest
  • 2014 – 2 gold medals at the Olympics in Sochi
  • 2016 – gold medal at the European Championships in Bratislava

Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar are one of the most unique couples in their sport. Perfectly made for each other, they spent most of their careers performing with other partners and not achieving much success with them. At some point, both were already thinking about leaving the sport, but everything came together perfectly, and one of the best pairs in world figure skating was formed.

Maxim's story

Maxim Trankov was lucky to be born into a very athletic family. Both of his parents were professional athletes and passionately wanted their son to follow their path. In 1987, a four-year-old boy was sent to the figure skating section. Maxim worked out without much diligence, did not stand out among his peers in anything special and wanted to give up hateful training. At the age of eight, he left the section and took a break from the skating rink for a whole year.

However, Trankov’s former coach advised the boy’s parents to send him to a pair skating group, and he began to master the intricacies of a new discipline for himself. He skated alone for two years, until at the age of 11 he teamed up with Alesya Korchagina, with whom he completed his first adult category.

By 2003, Maxim Trankov managed to change five partners and move to St. Petersburg, where he trained in a group of Velikov coaches. Here he more or less settled down, reached a serious level, partnering with Maria Mukhortova. The boys were prepared by Oleg Velikov, coach of the 2006 Olympic champions.

However, the promising young couple, after outstanding performances at the junior level, experienced certain problems after the transition to adult figure skating, without achieving serious achievements. The complex personal relationship between Maxim and Maria added particular poignancy.


Tatiana Volosozhar's path in figure skating was also thorny. She was born in Dnepropetrovsk in 1986. She started figure skating at the age of four, but the coaches were not satisfied with the girl’s physical form, she was not even accepted into the sports group, and for some time she trained on a paid basis.

Nevertheless, Tanya soon proved her worth with her results. From the age of 14, she trained in a pair skating group and found her first partner, Peter Kharchenko, with whom she performed at the junior level.

Having switched to adult figure skating, Tatyana changed her partner, who became Stanislav Morozov. The newly formed pair soon took leading roles in Ukrainian pair skating and invariably won national championships.

However, at the international level, the successes of Volosozhar and Morozov were much more modest; their best results were getting into the top ten at the World Championships and Olympics.


Entering the world elite of figure skating with their partners, Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar often crossed paths with each other at major international tournaments. Back in 2006, the Russian athlete saw in the beautiful Ukrainian woman the only partner with whom he would achieve harmony.

Many experts shared the same opinion, noting that the guys are ideal for each other in height, choreography, athletic ability, and act in the same rhythm.

Trankov tried, through his federation, to initiate negotiations on starting cooperation with a Ukrainian girl, but the personal relationship of Tatyana and Stanislav, who had been in a de facto marriage for several years, played a role. Experts believed that Volosozhar would not dare to move to Russia so as not to jeopardize her personal life, and did not even try to ask her opinion.

Meanwhile, things were going worse and worse for Trankov in his tandem, his relationship with Maria Mukhortova was deteriorating, and there was no mutual understanding with the coach.


The 2010 Olympics, where Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar took part, became the peak of the crisis for their sports careers. Coach Oleg Velikov directly told Trankov that he was dragging Mukhortova down and did not correspond to his coaching ambitions. The proud athlete was not particularly inspired by such instructions, and he began to seriously think about ending his career.

Things were not much better for Tatyana Volosozhar. Stanislav Morozov, who had crossed the threshold of thirty years, was about to end his active career and take up coaching. At the age of 24, the girl was left without a partner, with whom she spent most of her sports life, and also began to think about a future where there was no place for figure skating.

However, everything worked out in the best possible way for Tatyana and Maxim. he himself proposed the cooperation of Trankov and Volosozhar and volunteered to help them in their studies. Nina Moser began training the newly formed couple with him, and soon help came from overseas. Having returned from the USA, he became responsible for staging the new duo’s programs.

Formative period

Having agreed to work together, the skaters began to think about what flag they would compete under at international tournaments. The decision was made in favor of Russia, and Tatyana began to undergo the procedure for changing citizenship. Stanislav Morozov and his former partner moved to St. Petersburg, after which they began working together on a new project.

The skaters reunited in sports terms, but the personal lives of Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar were still developing in parallel directions. The Ukrainian beauty maintained a relationship with Morozov, and Maxim continued to meet with his constant girlfriend.

There was enough work during training, the athletes had to learn new elements and adapt to each other. Nevertheless, by October 2010 they were ready to present to the public a new duet of Russian pair skating.


Maxim and Tatyana presented their first joint program to the public in October 2010, winning the third stage of the Russian Cup. Unexpectedly for many, they immediately took leading positions in Russian pair skating, unconditionally dominating at the national level.

For several years there was a real battle between the Russian couple and the German duo Savchenko/Szolkowy at the international level. At first, the more experienced figure skaters from Germany were stronger, but every year the Russians improved their technique and polished their choreography and artistry. As a result, by 2013, the advantage of the guys who, in the pre-Olympic season, won the World Championship for the first time in their careers, became obvious.

Olympics 2014

Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov were considered the main favorites at the Games in Sochi. They started by helping the Russian team win gold in the team competition, far beating their competitors in the short program.

However, the main thing for the tournament favorites was still their performance in their own individual competition. The status of the undisputed leaders of the season and the factor of their native stands put psychological pressure on the guys, but they skated their programs almost flawlessly, managing to become two-time Olympic champions in one week.


After a triumphant victory in Sochi, which became the peak of the sports career for Russian figure skaters, Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar decided to take a short break. The pause was required in order to perform several operations on Maxim, whose body was exhausted by the heaviest long-term loads. After this, a period of rehabilitation began, during which the guys had enough time to finally decide on their relationship.

The logical result of a long partnership on ice was the announcement of the upcoming marriage of members of the best figure skating sports duo. The wedding of Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar, which took place in the winter of 2015, became one of the most important social events of the season. Sochi Olympic champion Adelina Sotnikova also served as bridesmaids.

New life

After the wedding, the house of Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar became not only a place for a short rest between competitions, but a full-fledged family home. Positive emotions also helped athletes make a triumphant return to big-time sports.

They won a major tournament in Germany and then won the 2016 European Championships in Budapest in brilliant style. However, they soon had to interrupt their high-level performances again, this time the reason was pleasant - the upcoming birth of a child.

The daughter of Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov was born in February 2016, the girl was named Angelica. The young mother quickly regained her athletic shape and after a short time began training again.

However, there was no talk of returning to big-time sports yet; for some time the young couple were choosing between it and a professional career: that is, continuing to fight for medals at major tournaments and full-fledged performances in ice shows.

More recently, Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar, whose personal lives are always interesting to their fans, announced the imminent resumption of their active sports career, bringing a lot of joy to their fans.