Small wooden boxes. Creative project using the "wood box" technology

Kaplunov Viktor, student of class 9 B, MBOU Secondary School No. 6, Amursk

The project consists of a presentation-speech and a design folder.



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Completed by: Viktor Kaplunov, 9th grade student at MBOU Secondary School No. 6 Project leader: S.V. Nepochatov Creative project on the topic: "Box" Amur district, Amursk

Formulation of the problem Every home has a housewife who sews, knits or embroiders. Many skeins and balls of thread different color and the material from which they are made. All this needs to be put away somewhere, folded so as not to be lost, and hidden from prying eyes. You can use simple plastic or carton boxes, but better, more beautiful and pleasant, in boxes. The hostess will be pleased to take a box made with her own hands. And it will fit well into the interior. And this could become a good gift for Mom. Goal: Making a wooden box with carvings. Tasks: 1. Make a drawing of a rectangular box. 2. Develop manufacturing technology. 3. Get the job done. 4. Decorate the work with carvings

Historical reference. What is a box? Dictionary Russian language Ushakov SHKATU"LKA, and, zh. [Polish. szkatulka from Latin]. A small box for small, usually valuable things. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language by Vladimir Dahl BOX f. French -lochka, distorted. casket, casket, small bag , packing, handy drawer of various types, money, with a writing instrument, etc.

Design requirements My box Compliance with the interior design of the room Availability of equipment Availability of materials Economic costs Manufacturing time Personal preference Strength, durability

Search for alternative options Purpose: to store sewing supplies. Dimensions: 165 mm x 75 mm x 90 mm, rectangular shape. Box Name of material Ease of processing Availability Appearance Strength Sum of “+” and “-” Cedar + + + + 4 Fiberboard + + - - 0 Metal - + + + 3 Glass - - + - -1 Plastics - - + - -1

Box options

Choosing the most rational project I chose a rectangular box because it will fit into any interior and is easy to make. But to make it beautiful, I decided to decorate it with geometric carvings. The box will be made of cedar wood, as is available in the workshop. To add shine, I will coat it with varnish.

Required material and tools Materials: wood (cedar), varnish, wire. Tools: hacksaw, drill, cutter, brush, pencil, ruler, compass, emery cloth. Equipment: circular saw, lathe, grinding machine.

Securely secure the workpiece in a vice. Work smoothly, without jerking. The handle of the hacksaw must be in good working order and fit tightly onto the shank. When finishing the work, you need to ease the pressure on the hacksaw and support part of the workpiece. Do not sweep away shavings by hand. You need to use a special brush. Do not turn on the machine without the teacher's permission. Securely fasten the tailstock of the machine. Wear safety glasses before starting the machine. Do not stop the workpiece with your hands. Safety precautions

Manufacturing technology

Manufacturing technology

Economic calculations of direct costs Material Volume/costs Amount Wood 0.1m. X 1m 100 RUR Varnish 100 g 20 RUR Glue 20 g 10 RUR Time 6 hours 300 RUR Total: 430 RUR

Environmental justification The box is made of cedar wood - it is an environmentally friendly, natural construction material. There was no harm to the environment, since the wood was taken from already used structures. When recycling wood, no special problems will arise and no harm will be caused. environment. Therefore, I think that the box is an environmentally friendly product.

Product Rating I designed and made a wooden box as a gift for my mother. My product fully meets the established criteria. I was pleased with my work and the fact that my mother liked my box. I gained new knowledge about working with wood and the types of products made from this material. I liked working with cedar, as it is quite soft, easy to process and beautiful material. The box turned out quite beautiful in my opinion. And the geometric carving really decorates it. In such a box it will be convenient to store threads, jewelry and various trinkets. Conclusion: I believe that I completed the task.


Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 6 Amursk

Amur municipal district of Khabarovsk Territory


Project name:
"Wooden box"


Kaplunov Victor,

Student of class 9B


Nepochatov S.V.,

Technology teacher

year 2013

  1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….3
  2. Research to achieve the goal……………………………………...4
  3. Choosing an idea…………………………………………………………………………………5
  4. Materials and tools………………………………………………………………..6
  5. Technological map…………………………………………………….7
  6. Environmental assessment of the product……………………………………...8
  7. Aesthetic assessment of the product……………………………………………..9
  8. Economic assessment of the product…………………………………….....10


Almost every home has a housewife who sews, knits or embroiders. Many skeins and balls of thread of different colors and materials. All this needs to be put away somewhere, folded so as not to be lost, and hidden from prying eyes. You can use simple plastic or cardboard boxes, but it is better, more beautiful and pleasant, in boxes. The hostess will be pleased to take a box made with her own hands.And it will fit well into the interior. And this could be a good gift for the mother.

Target: Making a wooden box with carvings.


1. Make a drawing of a rectangular box.

2. Develop manufacturing technology.

3. Get the job done.
4. Decorate the work with carvings.

Research to achieve a goal. Searching of decisions.

1. A set of initial ideas for choosing a project:

Idea #1

Simple box

Idea No. 2

Box with handle

Idea No. 3

Wooden box with lid

Idea selection

Idea No. 3 was chosen because it is very convenient and practical. Moreover, it has a lifting lid, which is very convenient.

Materials and tools

Name of material

Ease of processing





"+" and "-"






Conclusion: I chose cedar because, in my opinion, it is more affordable, easier to process and stronger than other materials.







Sawing and grinding

side walls




Sawing and grinding

front and back walls


Pencil, ruler, circular saw.



Sawing and grinding

Lids and bottoms.


Pencil, ruler, circular saw.



Pencil, ruler, compass

geometric carving decoration

Assembly (gluing all parts, attaching the cover to nails).


Wood carving cutter

Glue, drill, nails, varnish

Environmental assessment

The box is made of cedar wood - it is an environmentally friendly, natural construction material. There was no harm to the environment, since the wood was taken from already used structures.

When recycling wood, no special problems will arise and there will be no harm to the environment.

Therefore, I think that the box is an environmentally friendly product.

Aesthetic assessment of the product

I designed and made a wooden box as a gift for my mother. My product fully meets the established criteria.

I was pleased with my work and that they liked my box
to my mom. I gained new knowledge about working with wood and the types of products made from this material. I liked working with cedar, as it is quite soft, easy to work with and a beautiful material.
The box turned out, in my opinion, very beautiful. And geometric carvings decorate it.

In such a box it will be convenient to store threads, jewelry and various trinkets.

Thus, I believe that I have completed the assigned tasks.

Your cutters should work, not gather dust on a shelf. With their help, you can make beautiful boxes using unique technology.

Small boxes that can be used to store jewelry, photographs, keys or mementos provide a great opportunity to get creative with your materials. If you have a couple of unusual boards or scraps from a previous job, then they can be put to good use.

The two boxes shown here use different combinations of species - ash and mahogany for the fillet box, Douglas fir and maple for the double heel box. Instead of detailing the dimensions of the parts of these boxes, we will show all the stages of their manufacture. Basic dimensions and proportions will certainly be given when required, but it is better for you to do the design and manufacture yourself, taking into account your own preferences, tools and materials. You can use any cutter you have in your arsenal to create different profiles.

A little about working with figurine cutters

Choose bits with a 12mm shank to reduce vibration and produce a cleaner finish than 8mm ones.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to operate the router by hand, but only use a router table with a motor of at least 1800 W and a speed controller.

When working with figurine cutters, the optimal spindle speed is about 10,000-1,2000 rpm.

Before you start milling, fix either the position of the stop (we prefer this method) or the maximum overhang of the cutter, and do not change them during work, and to gradually increase the depth of the profile, use the offset of another element (if the stop is fixed, raise the cutter, and after fixing the height of the cutter , move the stop).

Always machine the end of the workpiece first (if necessary), then move around the perimeter, sequentially milling the ends and edges.

If your router bit has extra blades, like in the photo, remove them along with the nut and washer before you start routing the profile. (These additional blades form a ridge of uniform thickness on the edges of the panel, which is inserted into the tongues of the door posts and crossbars, but this is not required when making boxes).

Make a fillet profile and glue a box from it

For a box with fillets and a hinged lid, we used a cutter with a 38 mm radius to form the profile of the box walls and the lid panel.

Start with two 19mm pieces, at least 100mm wide and about 600mm long, to make four fillets. Lock the fence flush with the bit bearing and raise the bit no more than 3mm before each pass to reduce stress on the motor and avoid chipping the wood. Finish the operation when the width of the narrow edge is about 10 mm.

Separate the profiles from the workpiece using a saw. A profile with a flat edge width of about 1/4-1/3 of the fillet width has good proportions.

Glue the two profiles together, adding a strip of wood of a contrasting color no more than 13 mm wide between them, so that there is no wide flat area in the middle. Make sure that all three parts of the glue rest on the clamp bars. Once the glue has dried, sand the pieces smooth.

Attach a high pad to the rip fence of the sawing machine. Then file a 15° bevel on the inside along the top edge of the pieces to make the walls of the box look less massive. Leave the wall about 10mm thick for strength.

Using several cuts, form a tongue 6 mm deep, checking its width with a piece of plywood from which the bottom of the box will be made (we used 6 mm plywood).

Install a cross-cut blade (60-80 teeth) into the saw, tilt it at an angle of 45° and file the bevels on the ends of both workpieces. Attach a piece of bevel to the miter gauge trim and saw off long walls of the same length from the workpieces. Move the trim to cut out the short sides.

Cut the bottom out of the plywood and dry assemble the box to check the tightness of all joints. Finish sanding internal surfaces. Apply glue liberally to the bevels (end grains absorb a lot of liquid), connect the parts and tighten the walls with a tape clamp.

The cut will help avoid chipping

Some species, especially those with patterned wood, are prone to chipping even when routed along the grain. For example, the Douglas fir blanks we took for one of the boxes split at the edges when we milled the profiles for the walls and lids with optimal engine speed, slow feed and minimal layer thickness (left photo). To combat this problem, make a shallow cut along the workpiece, limiting the width of the narrow edge of the profile (average And right photo).

Then continue milling, removing layers of material of minimal thickness (no more than 1.5 mm) until the cut disappears.

Now make the paneled lid

In addition to the figurine cutter used to shape the sides of the box, you will need a 19mm straight or 12mm spiral cutter, as well as a 3mm radius round cutter to make a lid consisting of a frame with miter joints and enclosed within it. panels.

From the same wood that was chosen for the slats in the middle of the profile walls, cut two blanks measuring 10x32x610 mm for the lid frame. Make a cut in the center of one edge of each of them, 3 mm wide and 6 mm deep, into which the panel will be inserted. Mill 3mm fillets on all edges.

Rotate the miter gauge 45°, position the workpiece with the cut facing forward and make bevels on both ends. Then, using a stopper (bevel cut), cut two pairs of pieces of the same length.

Cut out the panel to the size of the frame's tongues and mill out the fillets with a figurine cutter. Then, using a 19mm straight router bit, create a rabbet on the back side, leaving a ridge that fits into the rabbet of the frame.

Finish sand all the parts of the lid, then glue them and secure them. Apply glue only to the frame bevels, without gluing the panel into the tongues. To easily align the 10mm frame in the band clamp, place a piece of board underneath.

Add legs, hinges and start finishing

To make the legs match the box and lid, we joined the short sections on a miter, hiding the end surfaces. You will need a 5mm radius fillet bit or a 10mm round cutter to form the profile. We then attached the lid using a narrow piano hinge.

Cut a 13x25x460 mm strip from wood of a contrasting color and mill a fillet with a radius of 5 mm along one edge. Make a bevel on one end of the piece using a bench saw, and then, using a miter saw and a miter box (or bench), saw off one half of the leg. Bevel the piece again and repeat to get eight halves. Apply glue to adjacent bevels, then, placing the halves on wax paper, rub them together, aligning them at the same time, until the glue begins to set.

To make a loop recess on the top edge, insert a 19mm straight bit into the collet and adjust its offset to match the thickness of the folded loop. Adjust the position of the stop to select a fold, the width of which is equal to the width of the folded loop. Secure stoppers that limit the length of the passage. Press the corner of the box against the right stopper, turn it towards the cutter and move it along the stop until it touches the left stopper. Then carefully trim the rounded corners with a chisel.

Press a piece of board against the back wall of the box with a clamp and insert the loop into the recess close to the cut. Drill pilot holes and temporarily secure the hinge with two brass screws into the outermost holes (you will need to remove the hinge before applying the finish).

Insert thin spacers between the hinge halves to level it top part with the edge of the box. Apply strips of double-sided tape to the top of the hinge, press the lid down, and carefully open it. Then drill all the pilot holes and secure the cover with only two screws.

Finally, apply glue to the bottom edges of the box and glue the legs in place. Make sure they are all neatly aligned. Once the glue is dry, sand any areas that need it further, remove the hinge, and apply a finish coat. After thorough drying, finally secure the hinge with brass screws.

Double profile for symmetry

To make such a box, simply rout identical profiles along both edges of the wall blanks, leaving a flat strip in the middle. One advantage of this method is that you can make the box and lid at the same time with the same router table settings. We used a cutter with a wavy profile (the so-called “heel”), formed by two radii of 38 mm each. You will also need a 19mm straight bit.

On three pieces measuring 19x89x610 mm, mill the profile along both edges in several shallow passes. Using double-sided tape, attach a 15° beveled rail to the router table to support the workpieces so that they do not wobble. Before each pass, move the staff closer to the stop.

Saw the tongue at the bottom edge of the two pieces on inside to insert the bottom. Then, tilting the saw blade 45°, place a stopper with a bevel on the other end of the cross-cut (angle) stop and saw off two pairs of walls. Cut out the bottom to the required dimensions, sand all internal surfaces and glue the box.

From the third blank, cut out the flat middle part to get two profile blanks for the lid frame. On each of them, make a tongue and groove 6 mm deep along the wide edge with a 3 mm indentation at the top. Saw off the frame pieces with bevels at the ends to match the length and width of the box. Cut out the panel to the required size. (We used embossed plywood.) Sand all the pieces and glue the paneled lid together.

After thoroughly drying the lid, sand off any irregularities at the joints of the parts. Then, with a straight bit installed, rout the folds on the underside, gradually increasing their width so that the lip of the lid fits into the box.

Cut out a handle of any shape, sand it smooth and glue it to the lid panel. Then glue on simple square legs from 6mm scraps (in this box we didn't hide the end surfaces with a bevel). Give the box and lid a final sanding before finishing.

Master's advice. Look for ways to make your work unique

When making small boxes like this with a flat bottom and lid, it is convenient to use 6mm or thinner sheet materials.

Walk through the sheet materials and panels section at a hardware store. For one of these boxes, we made the lid panel from ordinary plywood with decorative embossing, back side which was lined with bird's eye maple veneer. Great find for a meager price!

Buy 3mm hardboard and glue the veneer yourself. In this way, you can give your products any look at minimal cost, guided by your own taste. To avoid warping, glue veneer on both sides of the base.

A do-it-yourself plywood box is made quite quickly and without much expense. For those who are passionate about crafts, instructions on how to choose the right material, what tools you will need, and in general, how to make a plywood box with your own hands.

Instructions for choosing material

  1. When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to its quality. To make the box, only first-grade/second-grade plywood is used. Other varieties are not suitable. All layers of the sheet must be well glued.
  2. To avoid breaking the saw blades when cutting the material, you need to dry the plywood.
  3. Next you need to decide on the color. If you are going to varnish or paint the box, then the color of the plywood can be any color.
  4. In order to avoid difficulties with processing the edges, you should choose plywood with a thickness of at least 4-6 mm.

What you need for work

To make a box with your own hands you will need:

  • plywood sheet (base material);
  • jigsaw and files;
  • screwdriver;
  • files, sandpaper and hammer;
  • roller, brush and cloth;
  • PVA glue.

Instructions for making a box

Making a box from plywood with your own hands, master class for beginning craftsmen:

  • Four parts measuring 100x80 mm are cut out of plywood.
  • The cut rectangles (sidewalls) are installed at an angle of 45 degrees. This is necessary in order to make the future box more attractive. To do this, you need to make a trim mark inside the part.
  • Using a knife, make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees. The edges are treated with sandpaper.

Important! When connecting the sidewalls, the angle between them should be 90 degrees. Otherwise, the craft will turn out oblique.

  • The walls are connected using glue. The result is a frame.
  • The bottom is glued to the resulting quadrangle. Then attach the top, similar to the bottom.

  • Then you should wait 24 hours. This is necessary to ensure that all parts are securely glued to each other. The next day, if there is glue left somewhere, it is removed and the corners are rounded.
  • A straight line must be drawn on the front side of the sidewall. In this case, you should retreat two centimeters from the edges. On each side, along the drawn line, cuts are made using a jigsaw/circular saw (a regular saw will do). The result is a base and a lid.
  • All parts are sanded. Then chamfer the hinges. You can either purchase ready-made loops or make your own, for example, from a tin can:
  1. four small rectangles are cut out of the can with metal scissors;
  2. wire is used to make an axle;
  3. the axis is placed in the center of the rectangle;
  4. Use pliers to clamp the workpiece.

  • Small holes are made in the middle of the front wall and the lid (also in the middle). This is necessary so that the lid does not move in the future. Then a dowel is inserted into the hole made (into the walls) and the lid is attached using self-tapping screws.


There are several ways to design a product. For example, you can design it using decoupage technology, or you can make carvings. The finishing depends on the style the master wants to see it in.

The most in a simple way The decoration of the box is artificial aging. A product designed using this technology looks very interesting and elegant.


In order to finish a box using this technology, you will need a stain.


  1. The box is covered with a layer of stain.
  2. Then the product is sanded with sandpaper.
  3. Next, you need to repeat the first and second points three more times.
  4. Paint the box in the chosen color. The paint must be applied in several layers, and each layer must be allowed to dry.
  5. All edges are treated with a coarse sanding sponge. The result of the work should be a product that looks like it has been used for more than twenty years.
  6. The cover can be decorated. For example, you can apply a carving or it can be finished using decoupage technology.

It is also possible to design “gilded plates” using modern technology.


  1. The sign is made from a small piece of wood, the thickness of which is about three millimeters. The size of the block should be approximately 10x40 millimeters.
  2. A layer of bronze paint is applied to a piece of wood.
  3. Then a layer of gold paint is applied.
  4. Externally, the sign should look like it is made of a piece of metal. The inscription is scratched with an awl. The result will be a craft that can be given as a gift. On a sign, for example, you can scratch the name of the birthday person with an awl.
  5. A sign with the inscription is glued to the lid or side.

If the box does not have hinges, the lid can be equipped with a handle for easy opening. Most often, a handle is attached if the product is large in size. For such boxes, both a regular plastic handle and a wooden handle are suitable. It all depends on the design of the product itself.

If you use a plastic handle, then it is pre-painted with model paint. The result is an elegant, eye-catching handle that will serve as a decorative element.

As for the interior decoration of the box, it can be trimmed with velvet, suede or some other pleasant material.

If the box is intended for a teenage girl, then the product can be decorated with beads/beads. In addition, you can attach a small lock. The box can also be decorated with acrylic paints.

Interior models are most often painted to match the color of the furniture/walls. If you are going to store medicines in such a craft, then you can depict a doctor, a syringe or a red cross on the lid.

If you are going to use the box for sewing accessories, then in this case it is better to divide the inside into several sections. You can use old postcards or photographs as partitions.

If the box will be used for cosmetics, then it would be important to place a small mirror on its lid. You can also use a jigsaw to write poems, quotes, or any other meaningful inscriptions.

If visual aids If you like it more, you can watch how a plywood box is made with your own hands in the video below

To make the inside of the box smell nice, drop a couple of drops of essential oil inside.